I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
Life Stories P9 - The House Page
Rangari House Garden, Another Grand Designs, Tulcumbah house and Mandy story
1. Can't sit still 2017 at Rangari House Garden
I am the type of person that always has to be doing something I find it quite difficult to just to sit and do nothing, even when I watch telly, I like to be knitting. In my 30’s I used to smoke ‘roll your owns’, and I really enjoyed simply just being able to sit on the Veranda and do nothing but smoke, something I was unable to do before I started smoking. I loved it actually. I wasn’t a total heavy smoker, but after about 7 years of smoking, I felt a slight change in my body, and I thought I should quit. So, I did -it was extremely difficult, one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and no wonder so many people still smoke, because it’s so hard. Part of the process of getting rid of the addiction was cravings, and thus I developed a slight overeating vice. (BTW, learning to quit smoking was a valuable lesson in mind control, if you’re a non-thinking dog, I imagine quitting smoking will help you be aware of your own thoughts – that’s if you weren’t a swimmer in your youth and was able to well hear your own inner thoughts as you stared at the black line for hrs and hrs!)
Anyway, it was a good thing I was relatively slim, but not having that overeating vice before, to suddenly having a new vice is not fun at all. (In later retrospect, that overeating also due to virus I got in 2008, trying to combat feelings of ‘giddiness’, thinking I needed to eat something, but actually that feeling was my immune fighting the virus, and not hunger (no amount of food combats that ‘giddy’ feeling, as I discovered. – its ongoing, once you get it, you’ve got it for life, no wonder it’s so hard for some people to keep the weight off too.)
I have noticed, I have dogs in my dreams, unfortunately! But some are ok, but a lot of them are just plain evil, not to mention completely stupid. And, especially this year, they have started giving me cigarettes, in my dreams! It’s true! I’m assuming, it’s to give me something to do, as I know in my dreams as well, I find it extremely difficult to sit and do nothing, my mother by the way, was just the same, always have to be doing something. (Some husbands combat this female problem with sex, all night. Rape)
I believe because of those dogs giving me cigarettes, I get really hungry in waking hrs now, and have put on a lot of weight. Rack off stupid dogs, I don’t smoke you idiots, haven’t done so for many years, stop giving me goddamn cigarettes. (I believe they send me dogs so I don’t have creepy men trying to rape me, or seduce? - unfortunatly a real night time thing, -if you can’t get within 10 feet of a woman when she’s awake, same thing at night when she’s asleep. I have noticed quite a few times over the years, I go somewhere, I might get followed home, I see the car parked out front of the house, stays there till it leaves the next morning, sometimes they yell out, but have got out of their car and are hiding. Did I invite you to follow me home? Did I invite you to park outside the front of my house all night? Did I invite you into my life at all? NO, I DID NOT YOU LITTLE PERVERT. They also do abusive power tripping things like wake me as soon as I drift into dreamworld, - all night, and for many nights, sleep torture. They also spent all night talking ‘put downs’ to me, another form of abuse. Totally passive aggressive negative nancy – they think they would never get caught and held accountable for this bullying, as I am asleep, literally, not figuratively. One time, I remember waking up, and the bed linen was exactly the way it was when I got into bed the night before, it was like I had not moved all night, and I wondered to myself, well, I must have had a really good sound night’s sleep, but then the next night, and several after that, when I awoke, same thing, but I also had a really sore chest, it was literally like someone heard my thought of good nights sleep just laying still, and so thought, well if I sit on her chest, she won’t be able to move, and will thus have another good nights sleep. Little boy thinking (better than the above-mentioned husbands solution). Actually, I know who that person was, and I will not be revealing them. Ever. Once I was being harassed by drug dealers in my dream who were trying to get me to sell their drugs (in dream world!) – the next day I noticed I had developed a mouth ulcer – stress related from my dream! – who are these idiots?? – I suspect they are from the TV industry? – I do not partake in any drug related activity, aside from morning coffee) Also I can’t believe the product placement for cigarette smoking amongst young people on Netflix, it is despicable – truly evil behaviour. Oh, and someone also sends me snakes, so I dream about snakes, or should I say nightmare about snakes – could that person specifically, fuck off. You, know, I have an EXCELLENT MEMORY, just to let you know what you have got instore for you, in the future.
Once I saw them try to get me to work at Bunnings in my dream at checkout!! – bunnings steal from me, do you want the customers to run away? Have you NOT read any of my other stuff? Bunnings Bimbos!
Since I moved from Rangari, most of that has stopped. But not quite, problems at each address since, some of my neighbours like to play copycat. Also, this issue is not understood AT ALL by most of society, and think it falls under the realm of ‘crazy’ – I can assure you there is nothing crazy about what really happens at night when your souls sleep, try to not to get confused with the way your brain processes everything that has happened to you during the day.
So, try and deal with it best you can – specifically mental health workers, I am referring to you. WAKE UP you need to evolve. I also have to mention about husbands on their wives at night while she sleeps, there seem to be specific people monitoring things like this, and it seems to have been decided within these people, that this scenario is ok, if they’re husband and wife, but if un unmarried man tries it with another woman– they will be ‘castrated’ in a manner of speak, it is not acceptable for men to take advantage of women in this way – unless they are married. GO FIGURE
2. Dead Frog, Bird and Rats in my Drinking Water on Rental House
The renters drinking water
After cleaning,
1 bird, 5 dead rats,
and 1 dead frog.
Yuk, yes this was my drinking water (I got a photo)
The person (not mentioning any names, David Heywoods dad), who put this tank in, didn’t measure it properly, and didn’t dig down for the base pad, deep enough. As a result, the roof of the tank where the inlet mesh-grate was, was higher than the point at where the gutter extends out from the roof. Therefore, to combat this error, this person cut a hole in the side of the (cement) tank and put the gutter in the side hole. And the thing is, with this hole on the side of the tank, there was no grill/ grate or mesh and so any little critter that got into the gutter, could get into the tank, and get trapped. So, I had a monumental problem of dead birds, dead frogs, dead rats, mice, all manner of things. It was totally disgusting, I develop a major infection from showering, on an existing sore - it turned feral and mutated. That’s when I discovered this problem, because I was unaware of it before – and I had been living there for about 1yr already, drinking that water. So, I went about building a kind of makeshift mesh catch from steel wool, for the hole on the side, which seemed to do the trick from then on. Plus, I fully drained the water and purchased a Water Pressure machine ($225.00), got inside the tank and fully blasted it to clean it 3 times, (the bottom had about 15cm worth of dirty silt) that I had to scoop and bucket out with a pully system. It was at least 3.5m deep.
Just yuk.
These sorts of problems come about from one reason, and one reason only, and that’s non-thinking behaviour. Time and time again I see men/ husbands/ fathers, acting in this non-thinking gung-ho way - wake up and stop drinking so much beer, you dafty patriarchs.
3. Another Awesome “Grand Designs” Piece of Perfection (see above photo)
What is especially good about this; highly angled roof, allowing no leaves or possum/rat pee to accumulate. Plus that double strip of windows, centre top, allows for perfect lighting, and ventilation- with a little bit of rotary chain ingenuity. Thick insulative walls. Massive triple height atrium feel. All that’s missing from the picy is a garage!
I have to give special mention to my favourite show, well at least one of them, “Grand Designs”; about an architecture host, who shows different grand designed homes, every week. It’s done over years, for the duration and until the house is completed. They show extraordinary homes, not just your typical mass-produced house like what is turned out here in Australia. The homes have been given a lot of thought, usually designed by architects, and most of the couples building have a significant amounts of money, but not always. The show is based in the UK, however there were ‘brother’ shows made in New Zealand and eventually in Australia, although none of them really compare to the UK Grand Designs with the special host Kevin McLeod, in my opinion. I was able to watch the show for many years without the dogs, which was quite amazing, however, the dogs eventually got him. I suspect the recent shows as of late, especially including here in Australia, have been “television show administered”, as in ‘fake homes’, ones that have been financed, as the television world would think them entertaining to showcase, possibly even wanting to try to inspire people to aim higher. Who knows their motives, although I definitely do not appreciate being lied to, but I still watch, as I know people in Australia do seem to need motivation to AIM HIGHER!
I note every single couple that builds their home; it always ends up taking twice as long as they thought, and up to twice the cost sometimes, even three times the cost. I think only one man out of the whole 24 year series, (hundreds of shows), only one man came in on budget.
{ 😁 I think, it’s the presenters duty, to tell people these facts from their experience of the show, as well as mention all the stresses that come from anything that can go wrong will go wrong!}
So this page on my blog has many stories in regards to architecture and homes, as it’s such an important part of life, and one, in my circumstances and experience, that is completely lacking.
4. Tulcumbah house and Mandy story
The farm I grew up at, “Holwood” at Currabubula, was a large farm Homestead, I just loved I loved it, I loved my bedroom, I loved the big huge veranda’s, I loved the private lifestyle of living on the farm running around the paddocks, horse-riding, swimming, it was just an awesome childhood.
I recall when I was in third class at Gunnedah Primary School, at the end of year, we had a party, it was just us few good girls left cleaning up, and all of a sudden I started choking on a lolly, I guess instinct took over (privilege being first born), I immediately turned to Mandy (I must have chosen her because she was big, not big is in fat at all, just a big built girl) and I started whacking her on the back, to try and get her to do the same to me, too loosen the lolly, at first she didn’t know what was going on, and I really started hitting her quite hard as I was getting more adrenaline desperate because I couldn’t breathe, it was a good thing my other friend Anne was there, who was standing back watching and could see what was going on, she said “she wants you to hit her on the back she’s choking”, (or something like that) and so Mandy saw, and so she did, I urged her on to hit harder and harder, as hard as she could, (we were only 9, we didn’t know about the Heimlich manoeuvre!) and finally it dislodged. Basically, she saved my life! It was a pretty amazing situation; it could’ve gone drastically wrong. (Btw, Mandy went on to become a nurse!)
I left to a different school, and didn’t see her ever again, but about 20 years later I moved into a house, and I later discovered it was built and owned by Mandy’s family, so how about that. And another 10 years after that, I heard that my younger sister’s friend had rented out “Holwood”
at Currabubula - that house that I loved. You know, I was quietly whingeing to myself, and wondering why I did not get the opportunity to rent that one, and then I realised it’s because I got to live in Mandy’s family house!! Mandy was from a very savvy family, who built that house, it
was brick and by far the most comfortable, modern, well insulated and functionally sound house that I’ve ever lived in (facing the right way too!!) - much better than an old country farm homestead! (Or my usual cheap rentals) So if it wasn’t for Anne and Mandy, I would not be here, and I would never have had the chance to live in a such a wonderful proper house, so big thank you to them. (Unfortunately, it didn’t last long, little girl landlord; that family does not deserve that house.)
Btw, at that house, there were no flies. Now I say that in just a few little words, but what that actually means, is such a relief, if you’ve ever lived in most places around Gunnedah, and then go outside in summer, you are forever swatting and flapping your arms and hands around to ward off, literally millions of little tiny flies. So, it was just beautiful to be able to leave all the doors and flyscreens open, wonder outside into the garden, and be totally relaxed. Even eat out there if I wanted! It was like listening to Michael Bublé “Feeling Good” song then was written specifically for me ! (It wasn’t). It was just a privilege living in that house, so that, plus a few other things, I think, that house had been blessed!
The only thing missing from that house, was a nice undercover shaded outdoor area, somewhere to sit and relax, enjoy a meal, have morning coffee, and simply enjoy the fresh air and the outside vibes. Around Gunnedah, a lot of farm homes have big wraparound veranda’s. Strange that this house has lost that completely.
5. Cookie Cutter Housing
Why do the people conform, and accept the cookie-cutter housing in Queensland?
Is it from Playschool; pick the odd one out and get rid of it? Or are Queenslanders just too poor to object? I don’t think so!
As a mobile seamstress I have been into people’s homes. One place I went to, was in a street of all very similar style homes, sardines, it was new housing, built with modern materials. I was speaking with the owner about the house, she said it was not cool enough in summer. She said she described her and her husband as self-builders. I quietly thought to myself, such a joke that was - I feel like she was totally brainwashed by the developers and the government into buying that land and building a home which is all predetermined, it’s like she doesn’t really have a choice in anything, but they been tricked into believing that they do. Self-builders! You know, a self-builder is someone who can take their own initiative when building their home, and not build a cookie-cutter building that is the same as everybody else’s and has the same cost-cutting features. I mean, I don’t want to have a go at these homes too badly, because they’re actually quite nice and probably when incomparable to most of the homes I’ve ever lived in as a renter all my adult life, they’re much nicer. But I strongly feel there’s major brainwashing going on here, and there’s no creativity or self-initiative allowed, by the powers that be - WHICH I CAN PLAINLY SEE.
Also, these homes haven’t been built with light. I mean there are the basic rooms with 1 or 2 windows, but that’s pretty much it, there’s no design for light, which I find extraordinary in today’s modern times; any Real Estate agent will tell you the number one factor that sells a home is light, closely followed by space; we all want room to swing a cat. We want buildings we can love. BTW, good vibes means good Feng shui. Good Feng shui means ‘architecturally designed’ - and not just bumbled along cost-cutted fashion.
I feel by law, every house built should be ‘passive’, as in air tight, and highly insulative, with heat recovery ventilation and rain tanks. We have the technology and the means to make our homes better. Let’s demand it. {Also, I find appliances need better insulation, especially in summer humid areas in QLD}
I won’t mention anything about the fact that these houses have more or less only 1m in-between each other - too close, WAY TOO CLOSE; pervert heaven. (Not to mention nosy medalling Mary’s).
A home has the inadvertent power to inspire confidence. It should create a sense of wellbeing, and make you feel happy and proud. It can boost your moral, and can provide freedom, giving a sense of liberty. Your house gives to its owner. I feel it would be quite surprising to the experts to know exactly how housing, can contribute to a child’s good mental health. Also, it will help combat a ‘class’ element if everyone’s homes are different, then they’re not so easily judged as rich or poor. Which I personally feel is important, as there are certain people, girls, who are way to hung up on class - a societal dysfunction. Also, I’m a huge fan of building big homes with a large detached granny flat - it is the number one way to care for your elderly parent.
That should be the number one priority of housing developers. More savvy architects with love, and less greedy developers, please.
Btw, in Townsville the housing is so competitive, that what they’re doing is turning those sardine houses just like the ones in the photo above, and dividing them into 2 somehow, so there are 2 addresses at the 1 house. I feel this is disgraceful - nobody wants half a house; everybody wants a complete house thanks very much.
Dear Queenslanders, I don’t know if anybody’s told you, but the traditional Queenslander house is really crap; it has exceptionally poor insulation and soundproofing, not to mention free passageway for any and every single little bug, insect and skink {and ofcourse thief). Most of the windows don’t open or close properly, and security is non-existent. And while I really feel like I’m stating the obvious, this too has to be said; in Queensland, you need a heavy terracotta tile roof, because of the humidity and rust - putting corrugated iron on a roof in Queensland, is absurd.
6. Australian Architecture
As a renter all my life, now a 47-year-old. I can clearly see the total inadequacy of most Australian architecture. Mind you, I do always have to choose the cheapest whenever I have to look for somewhere to live. Only once in my adultlife was I living in a ‘proper house’ - built in the 70s, it was double brick and by far the best house I’ve ever lived in, it was facing the right way, had a heavy terracotta tile roof, and a big garage that acted like a ‘heat trap’ on the western side of the house. So, I basically didn’t even need to bother with the Aircon or heater in summer/winter because the insulation was so good. The typical Australian Colourbond or corrugated iron roof, with yellow insulation batts - really is NOT enough -I hate to tell you budget minded developers, actually, not good enough, is a mere understatement. And, a heavy ceramic tiled roof is really the bare minimum. Flat rooves could have cement block or cement roof. But, really corrugated sheets on steep sloped roofs, are mostly to keep the water, leaves, rats and possums away, for water collection. This is common-sense thinking. One timber house I lived in at Gunnedah, the bedroom was sooo hot, lucky I was still young, as anyone over the age of 45 would have had a heart attack sleeping in it. Not to mention all the tanins from gum petals and vermin droppings in the water. So unacceptable!!
But that ‘proper brick house’ was a savvy house, built by, and owned by a Savvy farming family - just a little bit of Savvy goes a long long long way. In my opinion there needs to be rules and laws to make sure every single house built with these savvy features (at least adequate insulation and ‘green’ airtight techniques and methods, Australia is only going to get hotter) One of the biggest unknown ‘silent killers’ in Australia is heat in summer. The heat causes different problems in different people. Many people die in summer for different reasons, and no one really makes the connection that it’s from the heat. A little bit of Savvy goes along way. Plus, I felt like it wasn’t perhaps even the main aim of the builder to make that house ‘green’, as ‘green’ wasn’t a thing back then. But the builder had mere commonsense, and so it was a natural progression in his build. Shame more builders and developers do not have this commonsense thing. I mean imagine how good it could’ve been if they deliberately tried to apply themselves? I did talk to the neighbour down the road who built his own house too, a very ornamental limestone house, quaint and beautiful. I was telling him about how good this house was to live in for me, and he was quite surprised and didn’t really understand how that person, his ‘ordinary’ neighbour, as he knew him, knew him as a normal average JoBlo, seemingly without too much savvy at all I guess (typical neighbour jealousies) - how that person could have such a good house? He wanted to know what made it so good, especially since he was a self-builder and probably attributed himself to being a savvy person, yet he didn’t know these basic things of the heavy terracotta tiled roof, and the heat trap on the western side. (This by the way, kind of sums up a lot of Australians, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, just because his neighbour perhaps didn’t dress to savvy, and just looked like a typical JoBlo farmer who bumbles along -someone who might not seem very savvy in appearance, can really surprise you)
Also, in my current house, I can literally feel my head shrinking in winter because of the cold, because of the lax rules about building regulations in Australia basically anyone can build a shed even if it’s got holes in it instead of glass windows, then call it a home and rent it out. Silent killers. My aim here is to get Australians to pull their socks up, the standard and quality here is way behind the western world. Even the Africans have devised an internal wall structure involving ‘mini bricks’ that are far superior to the typical Australian stud wall (Plasterboard over pine studs). This especially is important for ‘family privacy’, but also close neighbours who have ‘nosy’ personality (as in, all neighbours in my experience).
I want to mention my rental house I lived in Gunnedah for 10 years. It was known as a ‘kit’ house, just like the one shown here - mainly just assembled on site with mass produced panelling/ house construction stuff, brought to the site. Everything is costcutted to the nth degree. Again, insulation is crap, but one of the biggest things that annoyed me about this house was the aluminium sliding windows - the standard aluminium sliding windows with fly-screens that actually most houses have. Not only do the flyscreens come easily out (by thieves), but the windows too, if they are not fully shut, so people break and enter all the time, they come and go as they please, they have no sense of privacy or ownership rights – this is common in Australia, it is a flawed nation, something goes wrong in childhood development (I know at my boarding school, the older prefects and house mistresses would go through girls dorms when they were not there, ‘dorm search’ it was called. It teaches those girls that it is absolutely fine to go through someone else’s possessions WELL ITS NOT STUPID PARENTS, STUPID TEACHERS) Anyway, about the windows, when fully shut, the wind would still go right through the windows, and would come in, come in around the edging of the window - it actually felt like it came through the glass when I was standing next to it, I’m pretty sure that’s not possible, so it would’ve been around all the edge. One time I had the fire going, I was burning the wood from the power company (Essential Energy, formerly Australian Inland Energy and Water /Country Energy, AGL), – they left a whole lot of treated logs on my property, treated with toxins to stop white ants- and it was disgusting, it stinks to high heaven, and even when burning, the fumes it gives off are just putrid. The smoke going out of my chimney was blowing back into my house through the windows, this window that was fully closed -just really awful and it was like nature was telling me, yeah, we don’t want your stinky toxins -stick to organics! (that electricity company is truly evil, run by evil women, they used to get up to all sorts of other bad thieving things, still do probably) I also want to mention one of my favourite things to do is get the My Real Estate app, and look at properties, and one thing I’ve noticed is that there is a definite style of house that has emerged particularly over the last 20 years and it would be all from the one company here in Australia, because they’re all very similar style, a cost cutted. A kind of rended halfbrick, Colourbond roof, plasterboard walls, smallish house. They actually look really nice and clean, open and bright in the apps. But there will be unseen issues like the insulation that needs to be improved, double brick instead of half brick, and heavy ceramic terracotta tiled roof is a must. I would add, for an even cooler house, put a couple of those whirlybird roof vents on to take the trapped hot air out of the roof space. Generally, standards need to be raised, a house lasts literally generations and generations, a house built today needs to stand up next to a house that will be built in 100yrs time. Each house in Australia should have much more thought, care, and money applied to it. I talk about the major disadvantage of renting and not owning in my “Poor Renters” story.
Sidebar: If you wanna quick, cheap, house selling feature, then put a window seat in. A house
with a window seat will beat any other house of similar characteristics at point of sale. Aswell as
flagstone floor, (a little pricier). And no steps – or steps that have a short
drop, as in wide and short, so a 34cm wide foot tread, and a 7.5cm drop
– (all steps should be like this by standard regulation) it is
better for healthy people, aswell as people with
knee arthritis, not to mention carting/moving
furniture in/out, wheelchairs. WE
Super Dream WIP House
Clever Privacy
7. Sure, I could have built my own home
Back in 2008, when I was 35, I decided that I was knowledgeable enough that I should actually build my own home (I “reckoned” I could have built one for $40,000 excl plumbing/electrics (and possible the roof? J). But, as I didn’t have any money or any land, and there was no hope for either, it was a squashed idea. {If only I knew what the future had instore for me}.
But I still want to write about it, because the majority of homes that get built today are built by greedy developers. They are filthy rich people, and they make cost-cutting houses for the masses. Really, the people, should be out-raged by this. You should try and build your own homes so that you can have exactly what you want in your own home, and not somebody else’s perception of what you think you want.
If you want to build your family home to settle down and live in for the rest of your life before 35, and you don’t feel you’re old and wise enough in building functionalities, then you need an architecture who’s old and has a lot of experience, because it takes many many many many years of life experience to know how to build a proper functioning home in Australia. And so, while at age 35 I thought I was at knowledgeable enough, and indeed I was, I did have a lot of time put aside for thinking about buildings and homes, (it was a passion), but really you need to take the thinking up a level, for at least four years after you’ve made the decision that you’re going to build. You need to really put a lot of research, time and effort, into understanding all the things that you’re going to need to know. And I’m now 48, and while I even have significantly more knowledge than I did at 35, ideally, I would still want to employ the help of an ‘old man architecture’ as well – that’s how detailed a process it is.
Not to mention the DOG factor who follow me around and sabotage me. And if I go to Bunnings, they steal from me too, so infact, I would not be able to do it at all due to those 2 factors. I would have to employ someone else to do all, and as I cannot afford that, there is no hope – it is the Australian dogs who have prevented me from building my own home – I take NO RESPONSIBILITY in this matter, and rightly so. This is the current climate that I am living in, and hardly anyone is doing anything about these extreme problems that oppress me, and I would say, other too.
I should touch on “sabotage” as I know most mops reading this will think, yeah right, its all-in her head, everyone has shit to deal with. But WRONG, really, I have stupid dogs who follow me and sabotage me personally;
Like when I made a couch cover for my landlord, then purchased a solar pump with the proceeds at Bulga, somebody went there, out the back, to my pond I had dug, {they went there after I left to go into town for the day}, - they would’ve lifted my pump out of the water to look at it, and broke it (deliberately or not, I’m not sure – as there are so many stupid twits in Gunnedah, they might not know, if you lift a working submersible pump out of the water, it will make a loud strange sound, and eventually break). So I cam home to see my new $200 pump broken. Fucked.
And when I built my 25m lap pool, somebody put a large rock under the liner.
And when I made a water feature on the veranda at Rangari, someone put a hole in it.
And when I dug a pond and put a plastic liner in it, somebody dropped a log in it, piercing the liner, so I had to replace the whole liner, draining it first.
All acts of deliberate sabotage. And I am only thinking about all my water features here, there has been HEAPS more, on basically ALL and ANYTHING I physically do, including this blog, and online activity – like the banning of me on facebook.
EVERYTHING I do gets sabotaged. Everything since I was 18.
I put it down to the fact that most Australians are mentally retarded stupid jealous twits due to no women in government and multiple child families being raised by bimbos.
(I can only assume the person responsible for all my water feature sabotages is female. Only a bimbo woman could be this stupidly jealous and obsessed about a water feature.)
Btw, my home would have been Straw Bale, and big. I made up a design, inspired by Grand Designs and the massive Australian famers shed, I will include it here just below and a link for enlargement. And just by the by, that show Grand Designs UK, is my fav show, ever, well, possibly tying with SYTYCD! (not the Australian version of either however, the dogs take over on those shows – so disrespectful, plus they “make up” houses, I am sure of it, I can see me and my architectural influence. I think councils do them, maybe arts councils, to try to inspire people, most Australians cannot afford a beautiful grand design home (Robert Wilson, best home of 2023 – PERFECT! J - I am not usually a jealous person, that’s how I can watch every season, but that house, mmmm, so good perhaps a liiittle jealous…….!)
{And attention all builders, for everyone tree you cut down, it’s your duty, to plant 10 in its place – 10 minimum}
The above design (not there now) is from my Native Flower Fabric Collection called “Chorizema Spectaculiar”. It is available, but who knows where from, since I was ban from the only reasonably priced one, and all the other ones in China ARE CRAP. Maybe RedBubble will do fabrics, Zazzel does a stunning Pure linen, but its $170/m
8. Dream House WIP House as shown just above; single story, hay bale and double glass window walls, raised roof light-well, open plan. For a detailed list of all my fancy Super house features, go to my Favourites page.
9. Houses need to be S-P-A-C-E-D Privacy related architecture and landscaping
Something has to be said about the total lack of soundproof privacy in most suburban homes. I’ve actually lived on a farm most of my life, so I’ve had the luxury of having that vocal freedom, but on occasions when I’ve had to live in suburban area, (and presently ☹️) it is a huge disadvantage having your neighbours so close. At one house I was living in, my neighbours could hear me when I was in the shower, they could hear me when I was in the kitchen, they could hear the TV. If I was having a conversation with another neighbour, they could hear it. I mean, they could hear everything, and this was a whole other house next door – old timber Queenslanders, no sound insulation, or insulation of any sort, at all {Australian’s, so lazy}. And with that invasion of privacy, comes all sorts of problems especially between any single men or women, there’s only so much a man will take, before he naturally becomes obsessed. And actually, it is not just men - either male or female, who have dog personalities, will become obsessed, and then absurdly territorial jealous. Like the mother across the rd at present. And I say that in one or two sentences, but that nowhere near describes the problems that comes with having neighbours who are obsessed with you - just because they can hear you. I mean if you read my blog you can start to see…., but it if bad enough if they can hear you, but 50000 times worse if they can see you too. And if you put your thinking cap on, and really think about all the problems from having someone watching you constantly, then maybe you could understand a little. I can’t stress how important privacy is. Even when you’re Miss perfect and don’t do anything wrong ever, privacy is still fundamentally important, it is essential to living in Australia amongst all the bogans. This goes same for gardening – a man (or teenage son) who can peer into his neighbours garden and watch her while she works it – a young unattached beautiful woman (or, one not so young), really, she is doomed by predatory, antagonistic, hateful behaviour from dysfunctional males. In the end, all men ever want to do, is declare war. That is their natural dysfunctional instinct, and their downfall. Their obsessions turns into forms of attack – like they are blaming me for their pathetic obsession. Women do this too, dog personalities – young girls.
Even for a more modern house which has better insulation, houses these days are pretty much on top of each other, often there’s only 1 or 2m between each, down the street - this is unacceptable in my opinion, population needs to be curbed. Houses need to be spaced. Save the single women, space those houses.
I can’t begin to tell you how many backyards in Australia, look into their neighbour’s backyard. HEAPS.
The fact that I even have to mention this, THIS is what’s so deeply concerning, because the powers that be, who build and design neighbourhoods DO NOT understand this basic concept.
Yesterday I found a photo of a side, of a house in suburban area, that was architecturally designed, and is genius. GENIUS. The water features down the side will block out sounds from neighbours – see, clever huh! Plus, the water will aide with cooling the house in the hot summers, if the windows along there are left open, (ofcourse they must have proper security fly screens), and being all in the shade, there will be little water evaporation too. Unfortunatly the website was all in Spanish – a Spanish magazine, so I cannot ‘name and glorify’ whoever is responsible – but I am sure they will not mind if you copy their concept in your narrow passage way between homes.
Mandatory Tanks Clever surburban housing Builders with Brains story Quadrangle House Ideas
10. Mandatory - under every new house build in Australia
I’ve been renting all my adult life. I’ve gone from house-to-house, from unit to unit, plus spend hrs on the realestate apps from 2020 onwards, and I have to say, nearing age 50 now, I can see the quality and standard of housing in Australia leaves a lot to be desired. Most owners have no creativity, no thoughts of how to live well, or how to feel good in their living space. Actually the more I think about it, the more abhorrent most buildings are. Especially if I look online via one of my favourites apps, Pinterest and I see a lot of overseas homes, buildings, gardens. Also, in comparison to many other countries, it’s like Australians have merely had thoughtless after thoughts, about the need for weather protection.
When I stumbled across a stylish advertised kit-house for $50,000, I thought, OMG, maybe there’s hope for me yet, as I could find a cheap plot, just maybe….. So, I looked into it some more, and then some more, and then some more, and along the way I realised that it the kit house definitely couldn’t be done for $50,000. It seems to be a bit of a trick to snare customers. Oh what a surprise, another scammer.
Now, I am not saying that you could NOT build a house for $50,000 (because if you had your own builder, I’m pretty sure you could - just the basics – I bet that is probably how much my last landlord spent on her house that I rented, which was ideal for a single person, albeit, a double floor space would be more pleasant).
So, I gave it some more thought as to what I would consider the basics. And the basics would definitely include 3 huge cement underground tanks for rainwater, 1 poly one for 'soft water' showers, as well as another large above ground one for a swim pond, especially if I lived in a locality where there was no swimming, which is where the cheaper lots of land are). I got quotes, some people are helpful, some are not. And then I realised, I could still do it on quite a small budget. Nowhere near as small as $50,000. But an average cheaper end of the market new house, according to the experts, is about $300000. But, provided I had a decent builder, I could do it for less than that by a third. I could have the dream!
Too bad, then the banks refused to give me a mortgage. Even though repayments would be less than my current rent payments – go figure. Plus, I found a perfectly good patch of land in a great remote area especially for me. Talk about a disappointment.
Anyway, I realised, after living there for a bit, in my dreamy new place, I again would have the same problems as I had at Rangari, with all the dogs and my neighbours, being completely jealous, particularly, of my green garden with all those water tanks. So I just really wonder why most people bumble along and don’t think about these things - in order not to be jealous of somebody else. For Gods sake, put in 4 huge big cement water tanks. Count them as essential to the house, like putting in a house without a floor; tanks are essential. Essential. Compromise somewhere else and get the tanks.
You can’t bumble in life you have to give the important things like homes, grave forethought when you are a teenager. The fact that people don’t, I blame school teachers and the school curriculum for, not to mention lazy parenting.
11. Last weekend and privacy, security, and a total escape from the Rat Race.
I’ve just watched a fabulous series on Netflix called The Watcher. I believe it was inspired by a story I have not written yet! When I was 18, I stayed with a friend from school, and I was intrigued with their wonderful new unusual brick farm house. I thought it was fantastic. When I wrote a ‘thank you for having me’ letter to them, it kind of turned into an Ode to house letter!
I just couldn’t help myself! Total enchantment with good home design. And actually, I have a ‘thing’ for architraves! If I see an unusual one in a house, I dream about it. I find details like that fascinating on a deep level. I’m not sure where it comes from, it’s certainly wouldn’t be my parents; as I looked at our family photo albums (all 20 big thick ones), there are hundreds of photos of the whole family, extended family and friends, yet in none of them, are there any photos of the family home, nor any of the first home my parents lived in, where I was born. It’s as if the house was unimportant to them. Possibly it all just came too easy to them to appreciate the building that homes and protects them, they took their house for granted, or had no pride.
I got some feedback, apparently her parents were amused by the letter!
As someone who does not live in a house, and who has to reside in the teeny tiniest unit (x hotel) you have ever seen, I certainly wouldn’t take any house for granted, nor have I. My 2 next-door neighbours either side, have nothing to do but smoke. It stinks, it’s disgusting, it comes straight into my unit. I have an inspection next week.
Re the photo above (the second one along) - that is a home, well, sanctuary, created by South Korean Architects, Iroje KHM. If I suddenly came into owning a little block of land, this is what I would do - brilliant architecture, making the most of the garden whilst incorporating privacy, security, and a total escape from the rat race.
12. You know what they say, good fences make for good neighbours
I find it strange how some housing developers (especially diy people) give thought to the house. But often the plot itself is not thought about, nor Boundary lines. And how the garden is going to interact with the house. And how the driveway is going to interact - how functional the carport/ garage is going to be.
It’s a total area that is lacking in my opinion. Of course, this opinion has come about due to practically every house I have lived in, not having a sufficient Boundary, and most having last minute way-too-small garage add ons. For example, the current house I live in now (2021) is a bush block, and I have neighbours who just waltz through and around my garden, and not just kids. Plus, they litter! And they steal. Disgusting people. There really does need to be a fence, and preferably it needs to be an 8 footer, to block all temptations, so when neighbours go for their daily walk around the park, they simply cannot walk around my house and garden, and be tempted to be sneaky and bad. I’m getting a little sick and tired of picking up other people‘s rubbish around my garden. The tend to wander at night, and in the bird twit hours.
I have found, no matter what neighbourhood I live in, no matter what socio-economic factors either, this Boundary is a necessity. I say bring back gorgeous stone walls again, or stone gabions, tall hay bale walls, timber battens…… cheap stick fences, shade cloth walls…….so many possibilities for every budget. {I did have a collage showing 6 wonderful private Boundry lines, but again size issues, so it is here, plus you can see them in my Pinterest Board called “Boundry fences” https://www.pinterest.com.au/EmilyCBieman/boundry-fences/
13. Builders with Brains
This apartment shown above (3rd one) is absolutely tiny, yet, they’ve managed to make living here not a totally unpleasant experience. The open plan means that you can fit the maximum amount of furniture in without walls getting in the way.
It’s clean, light filled, and easy to maintain. With the added bonus of a pool, sauna and spa downstairs for everyone {when I briefly lived here by the way, I was the only person that would use those facilities. It was wonderful!}. I see and have lived in other unit complex’s, that have been bigger, probably more expensive to build, and yet just wasn’t half as ‘user friendly – functionally good’ as this unit complex.
Not only do you have to have brains to be an architect and builder, but you have to have empathy, to be abele to put yourself in the person shoes, of who’s going to be living there. I would further add, you need to ask a woman. This is such a male dominated area. It is only a woman that truly can understand what it feels like to work and live in a kitchen space and all the other things that involves “nesting” inside a home.
14. Quadrangle House Ideas to Combat Privacy and COOKIECUTTER HOUSES
Typical suburban block built with large garden and privacy ideas.
After having to move in to town, I fully realized the monumental problems I have regarding privacy and close proximity to neighbours. So when I saw these ideas and houses on Pinterest, I just though GENIUS way to make the most of your block without having to be a spectacle for the neighbours.
Btw, when building or renovating, putting in a kitchen without putting in an overhead Rangehood, is the equivalent of leaving out half the floor!!
Vital when cooking to have the smoke and oily fumes taken outdoors. {Not only for air quality, but for the person who has to clean the kitchen!}
There are some very clever architects alive today. And just some who are still not thinking - don’t those builders know about” toilet pervert‘s”. I hate to tell you this, but “toilet pervert‘s” are real. Such an element of dysfunctional; a person who likes to spy on women whilst they’re using the toilet. So not just perhaps a naughty curious child of 6 or 7 do this, but fully grown men do it- they perve on women whilst they go to the toilet. IT’S DISGUSTING. They also do not make all toilets soundproof, which too causes problems.
I personally have had monumental problems with toilets harassment, and it’s high time I speak up about those selfish clueless builders, who may not know about such toilet problems.
15. Housing Concerns in Australia
The image (not here, but in storage) above shows a typical house in any given street in any town across Australia, side by side to a beautiful house across the ocean, in Berlin. Now, I do not know if all the housing across Berlin have this high standard, but mmm, Australia, sometimes can be so embarrassing.
I was wondering whether I should put this up or not. I didn’t want to sound snobby, but I feel like Australians in general, don’t place an importance on housing, and it often doesn’t really stem from lack of money. I know plenty of well-to-do people who live in a house just like this one, and give no thought to the general aesthetics or functionality. They could well spend more in those areas. Plus, Australia is a fairly wealthy country, but it spends all its money on council roadworks, in the pretence of ‘maintain roads’, but really in the ‘aid and abetment’ of unemployment young husbands, to keep the wives happy. Seriously. So wasteful. That money could be well better spent on buildings.
(I am not addressing anyone on low income that obviously can’t afford a triple glazed windowfront on their home). In fact, that’s why I feel like I can say something about substandard homes, its my duty, as I’m not some hoity-toity rich architecture, or architecture’s clients, who is making these demands. Although I have noticed most homes in any typical suburb across Australia, has not 1 or 2 cars parked at their address, but more, some, {by some I mean a lot more}, have 5 cars parked at their address, 5! So the proverbial house and garage, no longer exists- we need a ‘5 car garage’ at each address!!
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but; homes ‘stand’ for generations. Generation after generation. You don’t want to be building slum houses of the future, you want to make sure that the house you build today, stands strong against the houses built in tomorrow’s future.
16. Australian Houses Need Sloped Roofs
No leaf problem, nor possum pee problem with steep slope roof.
As photo shows, the water in those tanks would be putrid brown from the leaf tannins, mould, mouse, frog, lizard and possum droppings.
Please start thinking Ozies.
At kookaburra Park, where I lived for 3 years. All the houses there were bush blocks, owned and designed by a German couple with the stipulation being; there are no cats or dogs allowed, so the native wildlife can be left in peace. And as a result of this stipulation, and possibly the location as well (it wasn’t an ideal spot, although the bush was quite pretty), but the blocks did not sell very well and had been on the market for at least 15 years before I had moved in, there were still heaps of vacant blocks, at least half, probably more. When I was there, there were probably, close to 100 dwellings built, mostly self builders, and all them on tank water. I think the idea being to attract only, kind and caring, environmentally conscious people, however because the blocks didn’t sell very well, they were cheap and so has attracted, unfortunately a lot of low income people who steal, and possibly not even low income, just people who steal. People who have questionable morals.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing about it here, is because when I drove around Kookaburra Park one Sunday afternoon, of all of those 100 dwellings, one of them, (actually 2), stood out to me, because they had built a house with a really sloped roof, I thought, well well well, there are only TWO thinking people, in this whole park, who has built a house, where the wildlife (which was in abundance), wouldn’t be able to venture on their roof, and eucalyptus stamens, and leaves won’t collect in their gutter; so they wouldn’t have to spend every day sweeping, cleaning or hosing the roof off, or drinking putrid water. I think I need to add here. I mean if you want to create the situation for yourself and don’t mind drinking putrid water, that’s fine, go ahead. But if you rent the house out, then the situation is suddenly unacceptable; you’re not providing clean drinking water for your tenant.
17. Nuisance Neighbours (Plus a list of every single place I rented since I left home at age 18)
At the moment my neighbours, up the hill are very quiet, I haven’t heard a peep out of them for at least two days, which is unusual, and then I realised that I haven’t really written about this in detail. I did mention it briefly in my photo story “Sound harassment when I exit my house” on page 5, at Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin. But I’ve noticed that every time I’ve had neighbours within close proximity, it’s been a problem, it first started when I lived at Petersham (Sydney) with that stupid psycho blonde bimbo that I have mentioned numerous times, who was following me and harassing me majorly, and has continued to do so in the many years since I’ve left Petersham. {WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE.} I also did kind of talk about it in my photo story “Typical neighbourhood scenario, 2 girls eavesdropping on family and friends“ on page A, with neighbours in Leichhardt eaves dropping on my conversation with my Aunt.
When I was living at Hornsby, if I made a very loud noise, I noticed the neighbour, downstairs in turn would make a loud noise – such odd animalistic behaviour. I mean why can’t you just hear the neighbour, realise it’s a neighbour making a loud noise, and then just get back to what you were doing; why would you stop what you’re doing, and mimic them?? TOTALLY BIZARRER BEHAVIOUR- like juvenile delinquent. Infact I strongly feel, only a slightly retarded person would do that. (I mean, maybe if there were loud unusual noises happening all the time, and it was really annoying you, you might want to take some sort of action to do something about it, but mimicking them in the long run is not actually going to do something about it; if you have an issue, you have to complain to them or some one, and confront, making a loud noise from afar is not going to resolve anything, and maybe those slightly retarded people just need to know what the noise is, when they find out what the noise is, suddenly everything is ok for them. (Control issues – little people issues). BTW, this is an issue also for housing developers – people need sound proof housing. So important for that sense of peace, privacy and home comfort.
I have come to the conclusion, because, it’s not every neighbour that harasses me, it is a certain type of person who harasses me, and basically, as far as I am concerned, they fall into ‘dog category’, as in, not fully evolved or smart, and you know, I pretty much have gone my whole life not really making these distinctions, pretty much treating everybody equally, and not biasing anyone based on their mental capacity, I mean who cares if you are not an academic!! But really and truly, I cannot ignore this factor any more, because the type of person that harasses me and steals from me, just falls in to the complete non-thinking LAZY stupid category, and as I definitely believe in the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, in regards to raising awareness of problems in order to overcome them, I am writing about this phenomenon.
Also, I need to add, pretty much I haven’t had too many problems with kids, related ‘dog problems’, I’ve had problems from young people at the time, my peers or thereabouts in my 20’s, it wasn’t really until I moved to Builyan Queensland, when I discovered I had neighbourhood problems from the kids. Also at kookaburra Park, I mainly had problems with adult neighbours, but occasionally there were some kids down the road who decided they wanted to cause some mimicry problems too. And then of course at my new address here, there seems to be a huge problem with the child who lives next door up the hill, I can’t actually see them, as there is bush in-between my unit complex and their house, and they are up on a steep hill.
I have not had too many probs from the neighbours in my complex, (just the usual stuff).
So, I think it’s a little boy who lives up the hill, I am not entirely sure whether it’s a little boy or a little girl, or the mother posing as a little boy - somewhere along the lines of Bart Simpson, I have noticed there are some women who do this; they put on a voice when they harass, as in, they’re trying to indicate, that they’re not being themselves – giving themselves away. Actually, I think it’s pretty much the whole family that causes the problems, there appears to be two kids and mum and dad, plus a new baby crying. I later realized, the person who I thought must be the nuisance child’s, brother, is actually the dad. But mainly it is the child and the mother who both harass me. Although I saw the mother once just before baby screaming sounds, (as she also stalks me down the street) and she was not pregnant, so not sure what is going on there? Baby noises from an app? or maybe she is one of those ‘small’ women, that you can hardly tell is pregnant? Nutrition problems. (Long brown curly hair, looks like an islander). She and her child also followed me up to the farmers up the road who sell manure, I believe they stole a bag, then they yelled out, so I would know it was them – FUCKING IDIOTS – FUCK OFF OUT OF MY LIFE. These are the people who are nuts, you idiot police.
At my new address I decided to keep a list of every time they harassed me, just like when council advised me to do that for a barking dog problem at previous address. I’d write it down, and I’m not just talking about people/kids making noises. I’m literally talking about kids yelling out my name, or mimicking sounds that I made. It is very obvious that they were harassing me, as opposed to when I can hear them just playing their childish games with one another – they seem to play a game that consists of a lot of yelling, well, screaming really, unusually so.)
And so, as I have been reading over the list, and is quite significant. When my harassment list, reached two pages long, I thought, I definitely have grounds to put in some sort of complaint, but I can’t complain to the police because, well, if you’ve read my blog, you know about my experience with the naive police, so I thought, as I’ve had experience with neighbour’s dogs, as in, the canine variety, and it is Council that one complains to about dogs. I thought this is exactly the same kind of complaint! People; when the constantly hear dogs barking, it annoys them, and complaints are made. Well, next door, is like family of dogs who seem to be clueless about the fact that they’re harassing me and causing stress, well, not clueless about the fact that they’re harassing me, (they do that quite deliberately in order to try to manipulate and control, but mainly boredom in my opinion); but they seem to be clueless about the fact that they’re causing problems for me, number one being, they are a NUISANCE, causing stress. (Again, that stupid factor coming into play).
But then I thought, I probably need to be more direct, and so have written a photo story called “The Bimbo Dominatrix”, where I describe this problem, {in Gunnedah, I had women who would follow me when I went into town for the day, and stayed at my dad’s. The female dogs would follow me, and go across to the abandoned house at the car mechanics next door, and yell out when they saw fit. Verbal and Sound Harassment. This is the same manner that the woman up the hill follows/harasses me now.}. I thought, if I have any more problems from any neighbours, I’ll print this photo story out, and put it in their letterbox! I think, actually that’s the reason why I haven’t heard a peep from my neighbours, since I put that story online, but I have noticed they tend to harass me in phases, so maybe two days of constant harassing me, and then the following 5-6 days, all quiet. Then it’ll repeat – not restricted to the weekends, I always think it is odd how the child is not in school, or the husband is home and not working, and why the wife would have time to follow me when I went into town? It’s very odd. Someone signed me, that it’s my landlord harassing me, although I do find that a little strange, since I was told my landlord lives in Brisbane, and the Real Estate agent lives on the other side of town. So, I don’t see how it could be my landlord? Maybe it’s someone pretending to be my landlord, as in, the dogs who plays sides - I’ve written about that phenomena before too? (Re-creations” on p3, or in my Dr stories on Life Stories page, I mention the dogs used to follow me onto Groups in Facebook and “play sides”, or my Life Stories I mention females in positions of power that are completely obsessed with me – DOGS WHO PLAY SIDES). And people are sooo easily manipulated. Stoopid.
2yrs later, I still have problems from the child mainly. While I did only want to talk about those neighbours up the hill, as they seem to be the worst, I have still, harassment by people coming and going; making sure I see them, and they beep their car horns, sometimes they are accompanied by overhead planes that I have talked about before. Rack off bimbos. I believe those “comings and goings” harassments, are directly related to not having my own home. I am certain infact that most problems of harassment I have are related to renting and not being the home owner. I am sure of it. It’s not just a case of the ‘well the grass is always greener on the other side’. I can’t stress enough how ROTTEN it is to be a renter in Australia, with so many stupid bogans who harass single ladies, and stupid dog women who steal from single ladies. (An issue not talked about – no forewarning given at any point). There is no “quite enjoyment” ever.
Every single place I rented since I left school/home at age 18
Shark and Ellie’s house at Chatswood, (no dogs! Only the real killer canine’s!) 1992
North Sydney unit next to Wenona junior school, 1993
Pendle Hill unit above Charcoal Chicken Shop, 1994
Dulwich Hill house with bad flat mate, little boy 1995
Petersham crap house with psychodog short blonde stalker thief, major dogs in that neighbourhood 1996
Grandmas at Pretty Beach and Kilcare! half little girl landlord 1997
Michael and Janice’s house -room, 1998
Hornsby Unit (soundproof walls, indoor heated Swimming pool, sauna and now spa!) 1998
Rowan Leigh farm, Dietrich Rd, heavenly, 1999
Cull farm with extreme fertile soil, 2000
Melbourne - Preston house with bad flatmate who is friends with psychodog short blonde stalker thief, 2004
Tulcumbah farm with little girl landlord, (and box room – room just for empty boxes!), 2006
Rangari farm with excellent garden but possible thieving landlord little boy, 2008
Long cottage at bloodthirsty lawyers place, 2018
Builyan house, next door to bad man, and half little girl landlord 2018
Colosseum farm with evil folklore fairy scoundrel landlords, 2018
Kookaburra Park house with evil little girl landlord, 2019
current unit with non-sound proof walls, 2022
‘Little girl’ landlords are the worst, so I guess only 4 out of 18 is not too bad!
Here is a good spot to quickly mention, I have been learning about history lately, and in particular the development of New York, how New York was built on immigrants - mass immigration (rumour had it, that America was the land of the free !), and so arose the phenomenon of high density living, with buildings known as The Tenements. Basically, they became slums, with greedy landlords trying to fit as many people in each building as possible, encouraged by the government so rich people could get richer. They were all sorts of problems, one being that of suicide - believed to be the result of one of the worst lifestyles you could have in life, being that of high-density living conditions. Suicide! (And stop bloody breeding! – all you need in life, is a good home to live in, and water, kids, not necessary, think about it). Eventually they did something about the Tenements, although it was a process that only began 100 years after it started, and was only fully acknowledged as a problem with and laws being laid down to housing developers pretty much 200 years after it first became a problem, no government likes to look after poor people, they only like to steal as much as they can from them – exactly like the Commonwealth Bank today; who likes to not only reward the rich, but punish the poor {fully sic}. So, you can see, it takes humans pretty much a long time before problems is addressed, and change only comes around when people stand up and FIGHT for better conditions. Of course, back then they didn’t have social media, and all the clever and wonderful ways of communication that we have now, plus all the “committees” and council infrastructures we have now. So, I expect any problems of today, to be fixed within a much shorter period of time, in today’s modern times - without riots, mutinies or revolts having to occur. Ofcourse I was ban from social media due to communication oppression and truth telling, so I can see riots, mutinies or revolts will still need to happen in order for the greed to stop.
18. Landlord Providing Air-Pollution Houses
This is another thing renters have to put up with; old fashioned fireplaces that no longer work properly. No one (the landlord and myself) really knew what the problem was because the flue appeared to be clear. But part of the smoke came out the front, instead of up the flu, plus when I opened the door to add a log, smoke poured out then aswell, so it got worse till it reached the above photo Smokey state. About 12 months later, I had some money so I purchased a split system for the house – I had asked my landlord David Heywood to do something about the fireplace, and he refused. In fact, I’m pretty sure I recalled I asked him for a split system, but like everything I asked for, he refused. He was totally determined not to spend a single penny on the house, (although he did have to replace the hot water system as it was really old and broke, aswell as the shower recess, as it had a big crack in it {he actually accused me of jumping up and down in the shower so it would crack – wishful thinking idiot}. Do you see what landlords are like.
Over the 10 years, that’s all that landlord had to do, I can count on my hands the number of times I ever contacted them (at one point I suggested that I oil the veranda to get another 10years out of it, as it looked fairly old, but he refused even to pay for the oil. So, the number of times I ever even spoke with the David and Brenda’s would’ve been less than 10 times over 10 years so, so they both got a pretty good rental tenant.
(I was prepared to pay for the split system, because this fireplace was unacceptable) but after I had purchased it the landlord said that they would not charge me rent until the sum of money had accumulated for it, so they in fact would pay for it. I mean, that’s how tight my landlord was -would not outlay for it. My landlord was rich, he retired age 50, a millionaire then some. Landlords are “fat cat greedy”, who have barely any rules they have to adhere to Due to bimbos who work at the RTA or NSW Tenancy Board. I believe at some point in that time SBS put out a show called “killer homes - is your house killing you” - I’m pretty sure that television show was inspired by my fireplace.
Social media wasn’t quite so big back then, but if I had of put this video up on YouTube, I’m pretty sure I could’ve got it fixed there and then. Thank God for the Internet and social media, albeit, ban from a lot of it.
And don’t you just love how the tenancy board have no problem sending around those young bimbo rental girls from the real estate‘s to do an inspection every 3 months (a total invasion into my life, and my privacy) and those stupid little girls just love playing Nazi; “could you please move your plant 3” to the left, in case it becomes a problem for the next-door neighbour“, and “you need to obtain permission, if you want to keep a fish tank”…….
Yet when it comes to inspections that involve life or death situations within a house, such as a smoke problem or the mould problem; do they actually do anything about that? About protecting tenants EVERY 3 MONTHS? No!, they don’t! They do fuck all - they are greedy little paper pushing clueless, bitchy bimbos.
My neighbours are still stealing from me.
19. and 20. Australian streets are starting to look much better, finally. And Some councils are getting it right, some still are not
Since I love streets that have no powerlines, I did 2 photo stories in regards to Australian councils placing powerlines underground – SO MUCH BETTER
In the first one I took a screenshot of a street in Apple Maps, with no powerlines – a sweet little street, and I said “ I love streets without powerlines, finally they are burying them, well some councils are”
But then the next day, I saw another brand-new street, and it had NOT buried its powerlines, so I angrily said something along the lines of “ Think you little council Mongrels” the photos are here.
21. Septic Solutions - Typical cement septic tank with the drip overflow diverted into a dug-out
At Rangari, that house had a typical cement septic underground tank. It worked brilliantly, there was an overflow, and I channelled the overflow into a kind of dug-out pond out the back paddock – about 10m away, it took a week or two to dig out, but I did it after rain, so the soil was nice and soft, easy to dig, I don’t remember it being tooo hard, but I know digging is very strenuous, and you have to ‘bend ze knees’ – or I guess you could hire a bob cat or something. It was actually wheel-barrowing the dirt away, to around the other side of the garden, that was WAY too hard.
Even though the overflow dripped out clear water, it was still ‘dirty’ water (called “black” water) - perfect for that pond. The plants I put in and around, absolutely thrived, it was very ornamental, and had no smell at all, infact it was one of the most lush, beautiful and tranquil parts of the garden, I highly recommend doing if you have an existing cement septic. I would say even, better do to this on your plot rather than have councils pipes take it away – waste nothing.
Also, it only works because I did not use any harsh chemicals. It took water from the loo, kitchen (including dish-draw), and laundry. I just had to slightly change, to ‘reduced phosphates’ laundry powder (Biozet), and my cleaning products consist of vinegar and Tea Tree oil. It seemed to be able to handle the Dishwasher powder, I could not find any “green” washing powder for the dishwasher, but the cheaper one was fine, thankgoodness, as it is quite expensive. {The cheaper washing machine powders DO NOT WORK, they have huge amounts of bleach and will kill all the good bacteria, no more top brand labels} but it is really easy to go “green” you don’t have to sacrifice anything or ‘work’ harder to be cleaner. I recommend too, only using tank water, and not town water, as that has chlorine in it. Tank water is by far superior anyway to town water. Tanks are essential on every house.
I found in our hot summers, the water would get really low, especially as the Tortured Willow grew, and it would be good if 2 people inhabited the house for that extra water run-off. But on the other hand, in winter it was always full, I think I recall I hooked up the pump once or twice and hosed the water out onto my orange trees, who absolutely loved it and took off.
Plants in the septic water:
Louisiana Iris – ‘Jeri’ (I planted 1, it only took a few years for them to take off)
Zantedeschia aethiopica - Arum Lilly (not a weed threat in Gunnedah or many parts of Australia)
Vallisneria gigantean – Eel Grass (I started off with that, but don’t ask me about it, I kind of forgot about it as the beautiful Iris took over, it may have still been there or may not have by the time I was forced to leave).
Plants outside on the edge:
Salix matsudana ‘tortuosa’ - Tortured Willow
Chorisia speciosa – Kapok Tree
Rosa floribunda ‘Shocking Blue’
Rosa floribunda ‘Fiona’s Wish’
And mowing the grass around there made it look really good
I saw some animals / birds / insects, come and go from time to time, they were always disappointed, because on closer inspection, they could see the water was septic and not fresh for them. But I put a large birdbath in for them near the house.
I think Queenslanders need to read this, as doing this, is 50million times better than having the overflow, flow into the creeks – which I have observed, happens on mass, up here, and is truly disgusting – I am from well-established NSW, and newsflash, “we don’t do that anymore” it’s bad for the environment, and ends up in the oceans.
I personally can’t believe they’re still, not only allowed to do it, but it hasn’t already been monitored, regulated, and cleaned up - with fines being involved, for anyone who doesn’t get their arse into gear about this issue. It has been well documented the diseases that can occur if septic is in human contact. You know, kids swim in the creeks that have septic overflow just upstream - I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Not to mention people also swim at the beach where it ends up - I myself have some sort of lymph infection pain under my arms and I personally believe it’s from swimming down at Moorpark Beach near Bundaberg where there was a stormwater drain, 500m up the beach from where I was, and I bet there would be septic overflows, that would go into the street run off as well.
Why more people don’t utilise their toilet, laundry and kitchen waste water, is just weird to me, water is precious, every drop counts. And if you do this, it’s like you’ve got an abundance of free water for the garden.
So, I sit here and hope someone might read this and contribute to making their bit of the world a little better, although as I hear one of my neighbours who seem to do nothing all day but harass me and have no morals, its those kinds of personalities that are destroying this planet with their carelessness and thoughtlessness. So I really wonder if anyone else gives a dam about the environment at all?
22. Worm Toilet and Compost Septic System
This was another photo story I had up on Facebook before I was ban. (mmm, what a terrorists story – Australian Tv industry – you are stupid.)
This was a popular click, because I said that this method was one of the best methods if you don’t have much water, and you live on a farm or in an area where you can do this; so, you can reuse your waste water, whilst at the same time, obtaining valuable nutrients, as well as composting your waste food, and lawn clippings! BRILLIANT
As a renter, I have lived in quite a few different places with different set ups, and while I lived on a farm that had this particular set up – I observed, it was “really good”. What made it so good, especially in comparison to a waterless compost loo, was the fact that it was clean and ‘normal’ – like it works exactly the same as a typical flushing loo.
It’s quite amazing how the water kind of bursts from the tank below, up onto the ground with no pump, I’d further like to see if that could be taken further up into a high tank up at roof height, so then you could put a tap on it and control that compost water better, - I’m not sure if that would work? That compost water is basically liquid gold for your garden and vege patch, fruit trees, but it needs to be used pretty much straight away, because if it’s left sitting around, it forms a yucky stench, and it’s definatly not to be used directly on any leafy vegetables that would cut the same day, and eaten. So, you need to be aware of these things, a lot of people just bumble along.
I live on a place now where I have a waterless compost loo, that doesn’t use any water at all (except I have a bidet set up, which works brilliantly, not too much moisture). So, this loo needs to be physically emptied and cleaned every 2-3 months or so. (Which is quite disgusting). But also, and it can get fairly “live”, with rambunctious bugs and insects, that spill over from your bathroom to the kitchen - some health hazard issues. I am pretty sure I developed Thread worms, as a result of this loo. Maybe, I feel like that system just needs to be further developed, because the compost obtained is brilliant, and I can keep a bucket under the overflow outside to catch the drips, which is the liquid gold bit, makes any plant that gets some, grow like wildfire. Maybe a bigger drop is needed, like a bigger barrel at the bottom on ground level, with a 2m shute up to the loo, which could only be on a raised house or 2nd story? But then there still would need to be an easy way to remove the compost after 6mnths, so that you also did not have to clean, as in hose out anything like the filter (flyscreen gauze) that stops larger particles falling into the overflow pipe.
I did live on a farm once where there was a normal cement septic tank, which worked brilliantly there was an overflow, and I channelled the overflow into a kind of dug out pond out the back paddock, which had lots of water plants around it and in it (you should have seen the Louisiana Iris) even though the overflow came out clear, it was still ‘dirty’ water - perfect for that pond, it was very ornamental, and had no smell, infact it was one of the most lush and tranquil parts of the garden, I highly recommend if you have an existing cement septic.
There was another place I lived where the overflow from the cement septic tank was underground, they had dug out, perhaps cricket sized pitch area, and then backfilled it with rocks, so 60cm deep, and covered with soil on top of rocks, so you could not see it. After, I’d say maybe 12 months of living there, I could faintly see a green patch emerge. It was along that patch that I put all 8 fruit trees, 4 either side placed alternate.
So, you would have to be silly not to reuse your waste water in my opinion - it’s a valuable source of water, and most plants love it. Of course, you have to be healthy, and only eats healthy food, no processed garbage, try to stick to organics. No chemicals. No condoms in the loo!
23. DIY worm waste aerobic compost septic system - turning all household waste into liquid gold
I knew some girl couldn’t resist! I find it when there is a chance of competition, suddenly people (male and female alike) come out of the woodwork, and try to show me how bloody good they are!! (I love it); So, yesterday I was attempting to draw my own diagram of a Worm Waste Aerobic Compost Septic System, and well, it was a good attempt, but in the middle of the night I awoke to realize, there were some issues, like the water has to flow through and under before exiting. Then low and behold, this morning, I find this diagram – and its brilliant, much better than my first attempt. This ones shows everything in good detail, I would think it perfect. The only thing I am curious about, is, it does not show a gravity up flow option.
I have lived on a property that’s had this/similar system installed, and the waste water would rise out of the ground, in a pipe, it was gravity fed – it was like magic! So, I could attach a hose to the pipe, (it was just at soil level), then I could water the whole backyard – at least a 200m radius - which was wonderful. It was like a leave and let soak option. Especially good for an orchid. The plants absolutely loved this liquid, my vegetables were so prolific on this water, the water was full of composted nutrients – worm casts. It is a little time consuming doing it this way, as it is a constant flow.
I determined (as I have lived on quite a few farms all with varying septic systems), that this septic is by far, the superior way to do it – especially if you live in areas where there are droughts, and water may be limited. Like pretty much all of Australia. There is basically zero waste on this system, zero waste water and zero waste nutrients/organic matter. Ofcourse, you have to use bio friendly cleaning products (easy to do). This system is really that good, I think this system ought to be mandatory for every new build – especially in QLD, a lot of QLD homes have their septic overflows going into creeks, that go into the nearby ocean. It is a little backwards up here in this regard, its like they never got the memo “we don’t do that anymore”. Forget about farmers over fertilizing their sugarcane, what about all those septics!
The image above is from Zen Plumbing - www.zenplumb.com/onzite, unfortunatly based in America, and unfortunatly, they don’t operate in Australia. I did find 2 in Australia, one does not install in QLD, and the other wanted $26,400, when I winged they said they could do it for $9,900. Both of them have the gravity fed option.
So, I was wondering just how high that gravity pipe could rise, maybe I could put it into a holding tank, then use a pump (or gravity, if high enough) to irrigate - that way I could have much better control on how that precious water is managed. A better ‘time management’ thing too.
So, this diagram doesn’t seem to show any information about a gravity fed system. I mean possibly if you blocked the pipe where it says ‘y junction’, so water rises there (where it says line washout), though I don’t see how it would choose to go up there by itself? Why would it not rise up the wind turbine pipe?
So that’s the only thing, I am unclear about, I will see if I can find out.
24. Odd Request
Dear Cooktown Council, my name is Emily Bieman, I once resided in Gunnedah, but now reside in GinGin Queensland, but I’m looking to live in the tropics, I’m looking for somewhere to rent: my current rent is $180. Now, why am I emailing you, you ask, why do you care and how impossible would it be to find somewhere for $180 a week? What has it got to do with you Cooktown council? I can tell you, whereever I go, whereever I live, the local council in the area, suddenly gets an abundance of Government money to do all of their local roads, their budget basically triple quadruple‘s. And I know if I move to Cooktown, exactly the same thing would happen. There’s no written proof, don’t bother looking into it, except, if you want to have a look at Gin Gin‘s new main street, that’s pretty much proof, as well as Gunnedah‘s new streets and roundabouts.
You might be someone in the know, if so, if you could find me somewhere to live that was suitable for me at $180 a week.
Soon as my lease expires, after the summer, in May, I’ll be up there in a flash (so no rush) 😁
Kind regards, Emily Bieman
No joke 0423 268 008
I never heard back from them!!
25. Bruises from Moving on my OWN
I took a photo of my old lady legs covered in bruises
26. Inadvertent Government Granted Permissions for Real Estates to obtain Private Information
This is a dodgy property management business, posing as a rental business; so, they can get all your financial information, they are called “Renting Here”, it’s a pop-up shop. They also post listings on realestate.com using the form one and form two rental applications. It is a total scam business. And in my opinion, a legit Real Estate agent, should also not be allowed to ask these financial questions, in order to protect people from businesses just like this one. And let’s face, it it’s none of a Real Estate agents business, what someone’s income is. It’s like it’s the excepted ‘norm’ and no one has stood back, and said “oh wait a minute, this is a total invasion of privacy, they ACTUALLY don’t need to know this information, and it’s none of their business.” You know, I just can’t believe the absurdity of these rules, that those self-declared self-important Real Estates agents, have come up with. It’s reminiscent of that guy who back in the day, the last century, horse and cart times, he put a toll on the road, he was like the first guy ever to do it, and he just said that it was a government toll, and they had to pay, or they could not pass. And people didn’t even question him, they just paid the toll and went on their way - it’s exactly the same kind of thing, it’s like data, invasion of privacy, and over controlling, is the made-up toll. They just want to be tyrannical. No one has done anything about it. Well, for all those people who want to be Hero’s, go and become a politician, because, polies can actually do something about this. A real estate should not have the right to ask about any financial details at all. NOR do they need to know previous address’s. There needs to be significant rule changes when it comes to protecting renters especially.
27. Warning about Body Corporates - Powertripper Take Overs
So I’m having a personal outrage crisis here this morning; after discovering what some rich person has done;
Prompted to go onto realestate.com after my landlord hiked up my rent by $40 per fortnight, (which I was not too impressed about, considering a mortgage would be half the price of this rent), but the banks refuse to give me a mortgage (discriminators who want poor ‘victims’ to have to pay rents to rich people, so they can get richer – BLATENT DISCRIMMINATION on behalf of the banks in Australia. BLATENT)
So, I just happened to catch this particular listing, as this was one of the cheapest in the state; so, some rich person has purchased the above land and have divided it up into allotments, and are selling a smallish bush block. If you do not mind a remote area, then you might initially think this is a pretty good deal, like I did, however there are at least 2 factors about the area, that makes it not such a good deal. The first one is; the person who owns it, has decided to call themselves a body corporate, {they must have purchased it from the government a few years back or at any rate purchased more land around their initial purchase since, once they had figured out how to make money from it, even after its been sold on}. Such a scam;
So, a Body Corporate has a lot of power and say over the people who live there, tangible and not so tangible. Plus, they charge money annually. {personally, I’m really not sure how they can get away with doing that – as far as I am concerned, it is blatant money-making theft.} And this is mainly what I’m so outraged by this morning, I mean owners have to pay rates to Council, same as anyone who buys a house and land, and as you can see above, I attached the rates and body corporate annual fees that were included on the listing of this property {Realtors sneakily normally DO NOT include the annual rates for that area in a listing – they should as I have noted Google and councils are trying to overcharge ‘new’ people}. As you can see, the body corporate fees are just as much as council fees – so a buyer of this lot, would be paying twice the amount they should be.
I know there are some complexes in Australia, that have extensive gardens etc that demand body corporate fees, but for a bush block as above, that has NO UPKEEP OR MAINTENANCE - it’s up to the person who purchases it to maintain it, so the body corporate here is a moneymaking scam {I have read before, that this rich person purchased the land some years ago and built a resort – the resort failed, and it was turned into units for sale (along with body corporate fees for that resort area -there is cleared land and dams that are mown). I believe a few of them at any rate have sold, as they were available to rent short term last year – I guess holiday makers purchased them, to rent out in the off season? But in the rental crisis they have doubled in price, plus there are no pets allowed, and there is no water. Which brings me to my number 2 reason, THERE’S NO WATER - water being of utmost importance to me at any rate. It’s very dry in this area, but particularly when there’s a drought on.
It seems to me this is just some rich person wanting to go on a power trip to ‘Lord over’ low-income people who could afford these bush blocks, in this remote area. It reminds me of the women who banned me from Facebook, they want to feel superior to me; the same as this owner of this land, is trying to feel superior to the people who purchased those blocks by being able to charge them all that money and make up rules for them. An entitled hoitytoity going on a powertrip, trying to lord over other people. It’s quite disgraceful. It also reminds me of my past landlord, when she had tired her boyfriends of all her antics, I noted she now is using her 12yr old son to ‘lord’ over, and do her work around her rental. No one talks about it, so there is blatent power tripping going on. (Her son will grow to resent her in the future, and in turn take out his frustrations on someone else, someone just like me). I have seen it, experienced it.
Even if the CBA bank changes their mind, and gives me a home loan, (or I find a different lender – one that does not discriminate and can CLEARLY SEE), I most definitely wouldn’t purchase any land or house, that had a body corporate.
In my near 50years, I’ve had experience with body corporate, even as even as a renter, they make an impact, and not only with the expense side. It’s the impact they make on your life from day to day with their powertripping rules – it’s huge and unwanted. They can be extremely antagonistic, and anyone they don’t like, they can sabotage. They are truly a disgrace; they are the ones who should be banned.
They negate the whole reason why some one would want to purchase THEIR OWN place.
28. You Really Need to get this Right re Roof Insulation
This simple layer of insulation on the new veranda roof, in top photo {but used on whole house roof}, makes the difference between needing the fan on at night only 2 or 3 nights on the hottest in summer, as opposed to near every night in January and February with no insulation or poor old fashioned bats.
That insulation is not that expensive when compared to the amount of electricity you save on cooling, plus the mere simple “pleasant” atmosphere is creates is pricelsss, so don’t skimp you little cost cutters. Actually that house above may have had insulated roofing panels aswell as the silver layer of insulation – should have asked at the time…
29. Way too many Design Companies and Hardly any Construction Companies - Due to a Lack of Organisation
Again, prompted to look at my options when it comes to new homeownership, I have discovered yet another big area of inadequacy in Australia, and that are the numerous companies that sell these kit homes, but the catch being, they don’t do any of the construction. There are so many companies selling these plans and kit homes with materials, literally hundreds of thousands of designs to choose from - yet none of them offer a build. And in Australia, that’s what we need. We need someone to literally build them. I did a Google search for builders, and compared to the dozens if not 100’s of kit home companies, I didn’t get any builders coming up in my area. I had a couple of carpenters, a chippy, someone who claimed he did ‘construction’ but when pressed, he said he doesn’t do kit homes, and then further when pressed, he said he doesn’t know anybody that would do a kit home. The only builder in the area he knows, does houses from scratch. I did give that guy a call, no response back so far.
Well, it is obvious there is a shortage in this area. It seems to me, these kit home companies are lazy, and I just doing the easy part. I myself have designed an affordable home design, check my blog. It’s the actual construction where businesses are needed. We need someone to be organised enough that they can build these supposedly easy to construct self-build kit homes, that’s what most of them advertise, “easy to understand and build yourself”
I suspect the reason why this industry is completely unorganised with this inbalance of design versus construction, is because there are not enough women involved in the overall big picture. After all, it is women who are the most organised. When it comes to men, they can be pretty hopeless in this area. You have to get organised and establish construction businesses, and not so many design businesses.
You have to look where the demand is, and not where you would prefer to work.
Of course, having said that design is of at most importance, but there are so many good designs, we have a better understanding of functionality now than ever before.
30. Just Look at what this Person at Mackay is Doing, to CASH IN on the QLD rental crisis
So, as my realtor has just put my rent up by $40 per fortnight {yeeeaaaah like I can afford that – not!} I looked on RealEstate.com for a cheaper rental, and this is the cheapest one close by, for the same rent price as my current rent now. JUST LOOK AT IT. It is somebody’s pool cabana that they are trying to pass off as a rental!! When you read the description, it doesn’t even have a kitchen! Can you believe this disgraceful situation - brought about by rebellious Australian politics. Who is in power at the moment, Anthony Albanese. – Anthony, you may wish to actually start building some NRAS housing all up North QLD A1 areas – as in 30,000 at least is needed.
And by the way, last week, when my realtor emailed me announcing another inspection, the email was deleted shortly after I opened it. Deleted from my outlook - and I believe Apple have devised a new feature where they can do this, that is delete emails that have already been sent. So, I assume that must’ve happened, - and as their previous inspection was within the same three months period, (which is not allowed), I assume they realised they had made a mistake, and so deleted it. But when this latest rent increase email came through 9:30 last night, the same thing happened, the email was deleted so I thought, they’ve made another mistake, and deleted it again. But this morning, it was back in my email outlook!! Absurd. - I can assure you, they have still made a mistake! Although this realtor out of my 30years of renting, has been the only one that has been cool with pets, so I don’t want to dish them too much! J But there was a black-out here yesterday around 345pm, I suspect they were responsible. Renters have a rotten deal in life.
As I’ve mentioned before on my blog, (I think I mentioned it in my “solar panels not contributing to Electricity Bill by Essential Energy” photo story). But I had a huge problem with the power being switched off (blackouts), when I lived at Rangari, over those 10 years. And every time the power went out, something would be stolen. (The point of turning the power out, was because I had 8 CCTV cameras, and so if the power goes out, so did the cameras, and the thieves had carte blanche, particularly if I’m not home. So eventually, it was like a queue for me; whenever the power went out, or I had arrived at home and saw the clocks flashing to indicate the power had been out, then I would know, that something had been taken. (One thing happens, followed by another; always, over 10 years; dozens and dozens and dozens of blackouts).
But they did it twice when I was living at Gin Gin too (1500km north of Rangari). And now they’ve done it twice here. Although I no longer have cameras attached to the power. But the first time it went out here, I had a Petunia stolen from the car port area. I believe ‘they’ were doing signs, acknowledging my “learnt que”. So, it went out yesterday too, and, I suspect it was because, it’s the rent increase; stealing from me via rent. Which they definitely are. It is outrageous the rent prices in Queensland, it is total theft, and pure greed from all the landlords in Queensland.