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it all comes down to food jealousy.jpg
Life Stories P4
2009 Emily Bieman with dad‘s lotto story.jpg

2009 Emily Bieman at Tulcumbah

Family Photo with Big Boob Story.jpg

1. It all comes down to pure food jealousy

This is the kind of activities that gets you kicked out of Rentals.

It all comes down to pure food jealousy

Usually, Female thieves are a result of stupid mothers who have more than 1 or 2 kids, it’s a 3rd/4th born jealousy thing - it carries through their whole life. BUT There is a phenomenon called “Gold Star Dog Problem” I will explain - I finally put this together when I realized I have little dogs who are jealous of my food/clothes/things/fabrics/whole life, and try to sabotage them, they do it on any item of good quality, sometimes they even swap item over for poorer quality and don't think that I will notice like the quality cocoa from America and premium petrol for the mower. It's a gold star dog problem, that is taught by primary school teachers (particularly in Gunnedah) who brainwash them into believing that if a person is not of a certain standard, then they are not deserving of anything good, like the gold star in 5th class - So these little girls apply the same principle in adult life, but substituting the gold stars for good quality items or lifestyle, they just love playing 'teacher'. They are completely stupid. (My home and business that I had put 10yrs backbreaking work into was ‘stolen’ from me for this reason. 2018) – do your kids a favour and home school them, and keep them out of the general community.

By the way little birdie told me when I eat really good food, I’m kind of verbal about it, as in I may sound, actually, just a bit, like I’m perhaps, on my way to climaxing! And so, it was this particular part about the whole good food situation, that they especially didn’t like!

(I outdrew them all.... misogynist 101 - Misogynist, men who hate seeing women WIN (and women))

I want to add, I have noted on my website, some foods that I definitely know have been stolen whilst I was at Rangari, a lot, actually.  I’ve done photo stories about them. But I strongly suspect that they were lots of foods taken that I didn’t really notice, I mean it’s not like I kept track of everything I picked, harvest, preserved and stored. But if there were things that I did notice, there’s bound to be many things that I didn’t notice. And you know what, the people who were stealing from me, are ‘dumb’ people,  I was surrounded by neighbours who couldn’t think to do things like grow their own good food, then they see me, someone they have no respect for, enjoying these good things, {I ought to add, I don’t drink or socialize, so I save a lot of money this way, and can spend it on extra good edible plants and flowers}, I really was on a “food” journey. I recall saving my money at one point (this was very hard when not working) so I could try some new cheeses, (cheese money!), as they were doing a cheese special on my then fav show “food lovers” on SBS, and I realised so far in my life, I hadn’t really had any good cheese, ever! So, I managed to purchase about 5 different cheeses, it was pretty good, I definitely enjoyed those few weeks of trying good cheeses. But then after they ran out, I had to go back to my budget cheese, and Oooh, yuk, so horrid I could not eat it. It took about 5 years before I could eat budget cheese again! I was also inspired by The Cook and The Chef on the ABC; I could just go out to my garden, pick what was ripe, and do a little variation of what they had shown on show! I really learnt to appreciate fresh food and flavour, they actually talked about “peasant food” how it was thought of as not very good, when in actual fact is extremely good, very healthy and fresh - gourmet.

Anyway, back to food jealousy story; because they think I am “no one” - not even married, I’m just a single woman out there on my own, the jealous dogs help themselves - they are so disgusting, but more to the point their stupidity, is what really comes across to me.  Like, they are showing me exactly how stupid they are, I’m basically getting this message of “stupidity” shoved down my throat, all the time.

By the way, one time I found myself at one of my neighbours, I actually heard my neighbour tell her daughter when I was at the door,  “who is it mummy?  it’s no one  dear”. And I just want to say about that, I mean I don’t care if that silly twit woman thinks that I’m ‘no one’, she’s obviously one of the stupid people I’m talking about, (related to Tydd), but by saying what she did, I believe, it goes into the collective consciousness, and it’s a statement that works adversely for me in the future. It’s kind of like cursing someone.

2. 2009 Emily Bieman with dad‘s lotto story

I don’t gamble: not even scratchies, I’ve always thought the pokies was just this ridiculous concept and one would have to be ‘dumb’ to hand your money over to a machine, plus everyone knows, the ‘house’ always wins. Although every Christmas I buy a million-dollar lotto ticket, for my dream house. So far, I haven’t won.


I have a scratchies story; every week my dad came home from work with scratchies for the kids (he was a bit of a lotto buff, as some yrs before, he actually won the big one! How bout that - on a scratchy! (Off to private school for me, and a new Ford Falcon for the family!!) Anyway, every week, us 3 kids would scratch our tickets, and my sister and I, we would never win, maybe once I won $5, I think, I don’t think Penny ever won. But Daniel on the other hand, not kidding, he won every single week, $5, $10, $15, $25, or even $50! Talk about lucky!! I’ve always thought Penny and I were his lucky charm! and mum was dad’s lucky charm (just our presence). That expression ‘miss lady luck’ it’s really true, I’m not sure why or how that could possibly work, but, true. I’m thinking if you want to be a lucky bastard, get married. Oh, and Daniels luck also applied to any games we played, like Monopoly – you should have seen him, it was amazing, every game he landed on Mayfair and Parklane, plus all the Utilities, he always  won, it was unbelievable. Actually, I do believe his luck when playing Monopoly was due to his thought process; he would always sit on his haunches, rubbing his hands together, waiting impatiently for his turn to come along, totally excited, with a beam in his eye at the anticipation of beating his siblings, his mindset being “I am gonna win”!!  Whereas I, on the other hand, would be like, ‘oh yeah, whatever, hurry up roll the dice’ - winning wasn’t that important to me.


I believe that’s the difference between winning and not winning. It’s like God is listening, and passion is the key.

3. Family Photo with Big Boob Story

The Bieman’s: Dick, Fran, me, Daniel, Penny and Tomas. Also, my cousin Sebastian Brandt and his mum, Diana (mum’s non biological sister).

I did have this posted on Gunnedah Facebook Group too, ‘Thumbs up Thumbs Down’ (which I thought was one of the best groups on Facebook, except the admin removed it, as she got complaints! What a discriminatory wussy little girl - have some guts admin, how are you going to make the world a better place when you don’t even want to know what’s going on) a few months after that I was ban from FB due to such honest frank speech like this one. Pathetic Australia.

It was posted as “Thumbs up to my completely dysfunctional family”

My mother was adopted when she was very young, she landed into a family of women with huge boobs. I mean giant boobs, huge. But my mother was petite, she had a small frame. One wouldn’t think this was relevant, but as an old, wise woman now, I can tell you it certainly is relevant. Women with small boobs have completely different personalities than women with big boobs. I’m no psychologist, and I’m not even sure if this phenomenon is even recognized as a factor, but I can assure you it is definitely true.)

So aside from that genetic difference, the other unfortunate circumstance that was thrusted upon her is the fact that the mostly female family that adopted her, at certain regular times, were unfortunately a bunch of bully bitches that worked akin to a pack of wolves or dogs targeting its weak prey (or akin to Cinderella and the three ugly stepsisters) The sad thing about those big boob women is the fact that they had /have no idea that they are /were bullies. It’s just something they INSTINCTIVELY do – target the smallest in the room, to create a common enemy. I have noticed in life, a lot of women do this (as a woman, I sadly have to admit, this behaviour comes from a place of female non thinking stupidity)

As a child, at holiday time with family, I witnessed this behaviour - it was disgusting, and often this little gang of boobs would bring my mother to tears, which went totally unnoticed and unacknowledged by the whole family (except it seems by me).  But there is a silver lining to this story, well for me there is, as I believe, it was because of this dogged behaviour, that my mother then went on to grow up, and create a family for herself (she was actually saved by my father, saved from her family (prince charming!!) She created a family environment where there was absolutely no bullying or dogged attacks at all in my youth. I was the first born, before three other siblings and we grew up in a wonderful loving family thanks to my mother. She also became a JP - Justice of the Peace. I feel she is mother of the year! I’m compelled to write this down because I feel like the main reason my mother inadvertently created her adult life was because she knows how rotten it is growing up in a family of passive aggressive bullies.

So, if people just knew straight away how awful it is, and how susceptibly weak ‘big girls’ are, to inadvertently victimize others, then one would not have to experience it to make sure it

doesn’t happen. And I believe it is called ‘power tripping’ (the main cause of all fights - including WW2, ( I have nicknamed it nazi behaviour) or was WW2 just about hair colour? J)

Plus, I have found with women, once something stupid has been brought to their attention,

they can do something about it, and become a savvy woman.


Apparently, this story was ban, because all the housewives on Facebook are completely blind as bats and oppressed, and oppressive, and want to keep it that way. Women, the root of all evil.

Bulga cottage on paddock with horses on Cull farm.jpg
North Sydney female crime networks, preying on young country girls.jpg

4. Change of life to include Gardening

My escape from 'dog persecution', to rural life had a hidden big bonus - GARDENING, plenty of water here - I struck gold! (Water at Rangari).

When I first moved out to the farm at “Rowan Leigh”, after moving back up to Gunnedah from Sydney, I was still paying off my car, and unemployed, so I basically had no money for food, and was forced more or less to start gardening and growing my own food. Dad said he would pay for about 15 packets of vegetable seed for me from Eden Seeds. And so I began, how I managed to survive, I’m not sure, because I wasn’t too keen on vegetables anyway, and my cooking skills back in those days weren’t doing the vegetables any favours. It was over a long gradual process, of about 10yrs, growing and picking, where I learnt how to cook fresh vegetables, and how to make them taste really good, (with a little help from MasterChef, FoodLovers, and Cook and The Chef!). So, I’m by no means a vegetarian, but learning how to eat properly, and eat vegetables, is something I had to do, and it seems I could only do it, by having limited money, so I wouldn’t be tempted to purchase all the good treats – got to eat your greens (or bad things happen). I can tell you, the first plant I purchased, after I planted it out near the garage, it died. I didn’t really have any gardening skills whatsoever, and it was a good thing Eden vegetable seeds, came with a detailed catalogue with growing advice! And I’m a fairly inquisitive person, and so I read up quite a lot of books. I remember reading the whole series of that wonderful organic magazine, “Grass Roots”, that my lovely neighbour Vera gave me, it involved a lot of stories about people who packed up and moved into the bush so they could live an organic Sustainable lifestyle. I found it really interesting, as I hadn’t come across any such people at all in my life. Unfortunately, the farm where I lived only had dam water, and the dam ran dry every summer, my vegetables soon became non-existent. Fortunately for me the owner sold, and I moved to another farm on the other side of Gunnedah called Bulga, where there was a fair amount of water, and so continued my gardening survival experiments! I took my 15 packets of seeds, and I turned them into about 40 packets by seed, by swapping with the Americans - the Americans were the only ones online at that time, the internet was still being created. There were a few Australians, like Telstra people, but, for some reason no Australians wanted to trade seed, it was only the Americans who would. (I find Australians really weird like that, what’s wrong with them?).

By the time I had established my wonderful big veggie patch there, I had encountered (in the library) coloured books about gardens, and from those, and looking at plant reference books - I discovered Australian native flowers. And talk about having my socks blown off! Absolutely amazing! And the more I got into it, the more I wanted to get into it.

As a child, I often had holidays at my aunt Di’s. One holidays, all of a sudden, she started going on and on about her recent holiday to WA, and the Western Australian flowers. Plus, she started painting them in her Folk-Art business. Now, I know why she was so excited! - maybe it’s just an artistic person thing, we notice the beauty? They are truly amazing; and any garden that doesn’t have, you know, at least 50 different varieties and species of native plants in it, well, you’re missing out on life. True beauties. I scrimped and joined the Australian plants online group. Part of the subscription fee included native seeds, if you sent them a self-stamped addressed envelope, they will send you 2 packets of native seeds. So, I was thrilled about this, I recall eagerly waiting for the mail, for my seeds to come each month. {I felt like there must’ve been a whole bunch of old men doing it, because I seem to have spent in eternity just waiting and waiting for my native seeds, COME onnn!} - when you’re on a budget, that’s what you have to do! (Actually, there was not even any online native seed retailers back then either!) So those people got me into growing natives for my backyard, thank you. I kind of reached a point there at Bulga, where I wanted to do more, and get more involved in my plants. I should point out, the farm at Bulga wasn’t just a typical Australian farm, this farm was very special and unique, in the fact that once upon a time, many many eons ago, a huge big river used to run down the Bulga farm, and so all the soil on the Bulga property is this amazing Super silt soil, that most Australian farmers could only dream about. For instance, I received a packet of free Rainbow Chard from Eden seeds, and I grew some. Typical rainbow Chard reaches 30 to 40 cm in height. But the rainbow Chard in my vegetable patch, I kid you not, it reached 140 cm high! And that’s without any fertiliser too. I kind of didn’t really have much bad luck when it came to gardening - whatever I planted it would grow. Which in itself prompted me to start gardening seriously. (I’ve since lived elsewhere and experienced other soils, particularly soils up here in Queensland; OMG, so bad! nothing grows in it, and good thing I did not start my gardening path there, or it would have started and stopped pretty quick.)

So, initially I just wanted to take some photos of my plants, as the internet was just taking off (If I recall, I had to purchase a Botanica reference book because at that point there was no information on plants at all, on the Internet - can you believe that! and that reference book was extremely expensive, I would have sacrificed at least a week or twos’ worth of dinners, just for that book!!) So, I wanted to create a website with plants. I wasn’t quite sure at that point what I wanted to do. But I didn’t have a camera even, it all seemed like I would have to pack up and do something to get some money so I could buy a camera. Unfortunately, I did, (partly due to some manipulations by outside people forces, which I was too young to see) But after a huge negative ordeal in Melbourne, I did get my camera (I mean I probably should’ve just asked dad for a camera on my birthday - would’ve saved me a whole lot of bother). But in the end I moved back and out onto another farm, which had even more water, so it was kind of a good thing, maybe, probably not actually?…. I spent the next 10 years growing all my food, herbs, ornamentals and natives, there were literally thousands of plants in that garden, and a huge vegetable patch and orchard with about 35 fruit and nut trees...... I had plenty of water which was the biggest blessing of them all. So, in 2018 when I was told I have to leave the farm because the owner retired and had sold it, I was devastated to say the least, I felt like my whole world had been snatched away from me, it had been. I would have to leave my babies behind. Indeed, I couldn’t find anywhere else to live in Gunnedah, shame on all of those people involved. (See, I should have stayed at Bulga, they have not sold…plus, I don't recall I had any thefts while I lived there in those 4 yrs. WOW.) And btw, I recall, at Bulga, the back flyscreen door never closed properly, it was always slightly ajar, so even though the back door was literally open - I still had nothing taken at this address!! Can you believe that? That reminds me about a little tragic story; one day walking around the little paddock there, I came upon a little bird, all in a terrible agitated and exhausted state, tangled up in the wire and hey bale string that Robert Cull had left (big mess down the back fence line, typical bloody farmers). And this bird must have been so grateful that I saved it, so after I put him down in a tree branch to rest, unbeknownst to me, he must have followed me up to the house. And the next morning; my morning ritual consists of getting up and going straight out to the back door and opening the heavy wooden door (which did have bolt on). On this particular morning when I opened it, my cat lil happened to be by at my feet, and when I opened the door, there, standing right outside was that little birdy, - I think he knew my morning ritual too. And in that split second before I could say “birdy!”, of course, Lil darted out and got him, then gone 2 seconds later. Just like that. Plus, I do recall; One time I purchased a steak (a rare treat). It probably would’ve been the only steak I had in the whole 4 years I lived at Bulga, I was completely broke the whole time. This steak was soo good, I am a beef girl. I looked at the label from the steak packaging, it said ‘porterhouse steak’, I’d never had porterhouse steak before, it was a new thing, there was no such thing as ‘porterhouse steak’ before then. I was so impressed with it, I cut the label part off and stuck it on my fridge with a fridge magnet, to remind me to save and spend money on steak - that’s how good it was. One day I went into town, I came back home, looked at that label, but it certainly wasn’t the porterhouse steak label that I had put there. In its place, was a label that said ‘broccoli’. NOT IMPRESSED - this is the kind of disrespect that I have to put up with, as a single woman renting, people just coming into my house, when I’m not there, and doing things like that. DISGUSTING. And while there was nothing taken at that place, at my next place, as you know, from the blog, I had hundreds of items taken, and it would’ve been in exactly the same manner, with David Heywood copying Robert Cull, but upping the game). Landlord related problems. Oh, wait, I just remembered my solar pump fountain for the duck pond (story below) -but someone broke it while I was intown. So I consider that a theft.

There is a page full of photos of my Super Wonderful Garden at Rangari, here

I will also put the link to my shared Album on Google with same photos: (Its called: PROOF!! I actually did it! Garden Photos of Rangari, near Gunnedah, NSW Australia)

Had I known I would have to leave, I would’ve got heaps more photos, especially that last spring, it was really just starting to look quite beautiful. I also would’ve collected a whole heap more seed. I also would’ve left quite a lot of plants and equipment behind, because when I moved, I packed up basically everything, thinking I would start over on the Kesby farm, but unbeknownst to me, I would have to move 5 more times that year, as well as change state, and move up to Queensland into a teeny tiny 5x7m² unit! But I guess none of us have the beauty of foresight, do we? I am now 'spent' and permanently pissed off with everyone, not just centerlink cunts.

Since I’ve left my garden, (5yrs now) which I’m still sad about, occasionally I come across new spectacular native cultivars, on Pinterest, and I practically go berserk with angst, I truly miss my garden, and feel like it was such a shame that I had to leave, and the people responsible for forcing me to leave were so foolish, as, if the garden was left to thrive, at least by this point, it would be so stunning, it would actually be a great asset to the landowner. I feel they lost, just as much as I did, in the end, unbeknownst to them (probably more). Plus, I would be making money at this point, with so many species – why, they would have called me up to speak at “Business Woman of the Year” ! J

{btw, stage 2 of my garden, was to construct the Horse and Carriage Garden J}

......and hey, what’s your legacy (and no, your kids don't count - although important to get that part right if you do).


By the way, if you’re an Australian Gardener, experienced in growing a lot of plants, specifically natives, plus you’re familiar with the land, nature, so to speak; then when you see a lawn of kikuyu, you can really see that it just stands out like a sore thumb. It isn’t a grass that really belongs in Australia. I say, stick to Couch! (NSW couch, it does not get as high as the QLD couch).

5. Bulga cottage on paddock with horses on Cull farm

Another thing I have thoroughly enjoyed in my life, and is one of my favourite things, was horse-riding.

In 2000 I rented a farm house, and the landlord leased the paddock adjacent to my house, to a racehorse owner, who put 12 horses in the paddock. I was told if I wanted to go for a ride, I was more than welcome to, so I observed them and picked out one, and off we went. We had some  good rides, galloping through the paddocks. I was later told by the horse owner that the horse that I had picked out was only two years old and hadn’t been broken in! - such a good-natured horse, and it was like, he was so excited to be picked out of the bunch, and wanted to please me as best as he could! I felt like he was bragging when he got back to all his horse family, about how lucky he was, that he could take me for a ride! So much so in fact that some of the other horses got a bit antsy, and started to bite him on the rump! They are just like third graders!!

Btw, I have been saved by a horse on more than one occasion, (I have many horse stories) bless them.

The house photo, is the one I rented for 4yrs, not sure I should have left this place, it was good, it worked for the most part. You can easily look back on things, and see why you made decisions, and I believe I was manipulated into moving out of this house, and purely because there was somebody else who wanted to move in, never mind. They can’t do it any more, now they just target my naive neighbours and landlord.

The paddock next to it, the landlord told me, I was free to do what I wanted with it (I mean I guess I could have got a couple of sheep and breed them for market, but as I did not know anything about markets, I opted to plant it full of trees! (Btw, I had just gone through 18 years of schooling in my local country areas, and was not at ANY point, taught about the local markets, - the way they work, or anything for that matter about market, cattle yards, and making money. Is it just me, or does this seem absolutely ABSURD? Wake up school curriculum.)

The trees you can see in the centre are drought hardy carobs, I planned to make a big circle to act as a coral, as in a horse coral. Such ambitions I had. Actually, carobs are perfect for paddocks with livestock, as they provide a good symbiosis for the grass to grow underneath and around it, plus provide shade, and even food if you wish. I may have left that place too early for it to come to fruition… (Kurrajongs do the same)

When I was at this farm, I dug out a pond (no camera then, sorry no photo, it was excellent pond!) I purchased a solar powered pump, made a pretty little waterfall with some containers from the tip shop (my favourite place to shop in Gunnedah! -  little strange that they don’t have something like the Tender Centre in Gunnedah. They have one in Bundaberg, it’s brilliant, a space where you can take your unwanted stuff and leave it there in their big shed and then on the weekends they have hordes of the public come in and place a bid on anything and they can bid any amount like, even below reserve, as there is a chance the person will accept their bid, which is done via email the following week, or so even if your product doesn’t reach the price that you want you still have the option of selling it for a lower the next weekend, and you’re allowed to keep your stuff for 3 weekends. Brilliant concept, especially if you have been ban from Facebook market place. Plus, they have an app on the way for bidding online - which I can’t wait for, because they have some amazing stuff by the way my $500 netting sold for $81, so people are getting bargains.

Anyway, I stray, because one day when I went into town, and my solar powered pond was working beautifully, but I came back from town, and it wasn’t working. I feel (I know) someone had gone to my garden while I wasn’t there, and lifted the pump out of the water to have a look at it, because solar was still a bit of a talking point back then (2001/2) So they broke it, I was very disappointed, I saved and sacrificed lunches to purchase it, food; thus, I hold this theft, inparticular, with extra fury and contempt. In the end I gave it to my brother Daniel, who was doing engineering at uni, actually he incorporated into his end of year project. Well, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Daniel that would’ve gone out there and broken it for an evil plan of later obtaining, but who knows. More likely to be Culls son, such is stupid country hic behaviour. And do you see what I mean about being a “poor renter”, how I mentioned, how people think that they have the right to come and snoop around my home when I’m not there. And I don’t think it’s just the landlord or the landlord‘s kids who do this. I suspect it’s also people in town who have just seen me around and are curious, or you know, there are countless number of people that it could be, as there are so many meddling Marys and nosy pervert‘s. I think, every single house I’ve lived in has been the same, maybe except the one at Pendle Hill, I do recall that landlord was very respectable. And I don’t think the landlord at Rowan Leigh would have come and snooped around, but problems with other members of the community at that house. The only word for it is PERVERT, so it’s not the creepy guy in the trench coat who does it, it is someone seemingly normal people, who is NOT.

I have had it up to hear and beyond with people prying in to my life. RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF RACK OFF

6. Batman (writing backwards - before Bulga)

In 1999 or thereabouts, I had moved out to Rowan Leigh, a farm 30km out of Gunnedah (my little spot of quietude and harmony), and a biggish old farmhouse all to myself. Hallelujah!! By the way that rental came about through a Real Estate agent, but when I spoke to the agent and told her the state of the place, she gave me the landlord farmers phone number, said to speak to him directly. So, they were asking for XX amount, and after the farmer and I had our friendly chat, he said he would accept X instead of XX (which was $70/week for 3-bedroom old farmhouse) which was basically half what the agent was asking, so it does pay to speak directly to the landlord rather than a (try to get as much as possible real estate agent) although, its usually better to deal with a real estate rather than a female landlord – they are clueless and dishonest, as all hell (dog network).

The previous renter, turned out to be an acquaintance of dad‘s, a young mother, had left all her rubbish piled sky high in the kitchen (which had carpet!), including her babies dirty nappies. I assume there might have been a fox who got into the rubbish, but it was literally like someone had stood on the veranda and thrown all her dirty babies nappies off the Veranda, because they were scattered all over the yard. Disgusting.

 Anyway, after clean up, that place was perfect for me. I could not have written the script any better myself!

And much to my delight, the farm came with a horse, not just any horse, but a beautiful appaloosa.

Since I did not know the horse’s name, I named him Batman; he had a companion, his ‘chum’, which was a sheep escapee, from one of the neighbours, and so as they were always together, (heard animals) I named the sheep, Robyn! (How lucky was I?)

He was a stocktrained horse, the farmer/owner, left him there for the occasional time when he would visit to take his cows to market (ah – such an easy life is the cattle farmer’s!) So, one day I was helping out my old Italian neighbours - best neighbours I’ve ever had; those Italians know how to live!! (it’s all about food and gardening!), so, their cows had broken the fence and got into my paddock. Now, normally when I ride Batman, {he is was an older gelding, a good easy ride, nice and slow, experienced and not easily set off or spooked}. But, chasing cows on Batman, was quite different, an entirely different experience, he was what I would describe as, completely “wild” around cows, something in them triggered his ‘flight response’ and when he was off chasing them, he wasn’t so easily stoppable, it was full gallop all the way, and he was fast, - strong burst of energy. Not that I wanted to stop him or rein him in, because I loved going like a bat out of hell too! So, we were racing up this huge paddock 100miles an hour. I’d never been up that far before, because it was so far away from the house, (probably 3km) and I wasn’t familiar with it, but all over the farm property there were contour banks, that a grader had put in, to stop soil erosion from water runoff. There’s a few on the other side that I was familiar with, and they weren’t that big, only 50cm high on one side, but as we were coming up to this contour bank slowly but surely it was revealing itself to me, and it wasn’t a 50cm contour bank, it was more like a 2m contour bank, and it’s 2m high on one side, then a 2m drop, and another 2-3m across onto the next side, so it was a HUGE contour bank, and I realised, I was doomed (well, I was wondering: what is Batman going to do). I’m not really a fearful person -but this was very dangerous, as he was going very fast, I would not be able to stop him in time, and if he attempted to run down it, it would just be like that movie Man From Snowy River, where they all jumped down the cliff and half the horses tumble and fall, it would’ve been like that, not that I doubt his skill, but it was too steep, and Batman would’ve fallen over, and it would’ve been disastrous, for him, and me -but if you ever have doubted God’s existence, here is proof for you. As we’re getting closer and closer, suddenly I saw directly ahead of us on our path, a big pile of thistles, I was thrilled, because Batman had this aversion to thistles, even if we were walking along sleepily and slowly, and he comes upon some thistles, he immediately jumps straight up into the air as high as he can! (One really has to be paying attention all the time when riding batman!) and an Appaloosa is a very muscular and strong horse (well Batman was, more so than the typical, you should’ve seen the size of his neck, huge) he’s got a big jump for a stock trained horse. I knew when he saw those thistles, he would jump with all his might, which is what was needed, so we got to the point, I gave him a big go-ahead to jump, and boy did he, as high as he could, and he did it! It was extraordinary, biggest jump I have ever done, if I was at the Oylmpics, I would’ve won a gold medal! I came down pretty hard in the saddle and that stopped Batman in his tracks, pretty much. I think he was concerned I may have suffered a break in my back, but if I did, I certainly didn’t feel it. It was quite an extraordinary experience I’ll never forget it.

I did lose my brown wool jumper when we jumped, it was around my waist or neck I think, anyway Antonio, the lovely neighbour, who was at the other end in his Ute, must’ve seen it fall, and he picked it up for me and gave it back to me when we got back to the gate.

I was heartbroken when the landlord told me he was going to sell his horse, and farm. The landlord told me he sold him to someone in Maitland, but I’m pretty sure a few months later I saw him in a paddock at Gunnedah near the tip. I suspect he probably would’ve thrown any other female rider! (He did once that I know of, a neighbours friend). That house, btw, burnt to the ground after the new owner had just moved in. Bad electrics apparently.

This is my version of “Do not try this at home” -  Do not try this at home, especially if you’re a third born, in fact I suggest third borns not trying any extreme sports, you don’t have the natural born instinct to survive. Or take up religion and ask Gods help!! J

Lucky again, I found another farm house on the other side of town, over at Bulga, one with water.

Too bad I didn’t get a photo of Batman, no camera back then; he was a grey / white / black Appaloosa. Such a joy.

7. Another example of persecution of single ladies - years and years of harassment via car horns

Car beeping on a daily basis outside my house by bored stupid dogs who want to do signs. This week it is someone parked by no 1 Kookaburra Park, trying to eaves drop on our conversation. They also (’they’ since I don‘t know who, as ‘they’ are, cowards) when I am talking to someone and say something wrong or make a mistake in my language, they beep madly (Petersham too) PERSECUTION - those coward people in cars need to be severely fined, the world would be a better place without you, you oppressive spoilt shitheads.

A little birdy told me that the person who follows me around harassing me with beeps, is this idiot who, 25yrs ago, was driving on the back roads up to Gosford, and I was travelling up there and saw his car on the rd – it was a moving white smoking mess, it obviously had not had its oil changed ever. All this toxic smoke was pouring out from its muffler, it was stinky and disgusting, I was outraged. I overtook it, it was only putting along, I beeped my horn at the young male redhead driver as I was so irritated by this toxic pollution. And yeah, so, little birdie tells me that, this is the person who saw me beeping at him, and so now follows me around and beeps at me, I mean what a moron? Get a life. Do you not have a brain at all, redhead? Can’t you think of something to do with your life? following around strangers that you don’t know just because they beeped at you once, for years and years in absurd. The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. And I believe it is illegal to have that kind of pollution coming out of your car.

Anyway, the same kind of thing happened to me when I was at Gin Gin/ Bruce Hwy, there was a car waiting to go in front of me, and I thought that they weren’t looking or where asleep, as they could have gone, so I beeped once, but actually there was a car, and he was waiting for that, they were a van, probably with not much pick up, so waited. So, after that incident at the same lights next time I went in to Gin Gin, all these people suddenly appeared, all beeping me, it’s like they copied what I did before, and then do it back to me 50 times more, it’s like are they stupid monkeys. Who the fuck did they think they are? Harassing me like that, why would you bother repeating a petty situation, not even anywhere near crime of nature, and recreating it like that? Only a fucking stupid moron twit would do that. 3rd born idiots. So, shame on all those people involved because there’s quite a few of them, and I will ‘will’ them all to get cancer and die. DIE. I believe it may be radio related, there are some stupid monkees on radios. I never listen to radio stations. Or it could be Sharon Morgan related, the Gin Gin police woman chief (little girl chief).

Whilst I have mentioned on my blog, often when I write about these things that torment me, they stop, but these particular traffic incidences, with people following me around in cars, hasn’t stopped at all. Still it happens every single time I go out, the last time I went over to MpB, I had people following me around, although one of them did a very helpful sign about the pushbike that I need to sell - thank you very much.

“Car horns are intended for pedestrian/car warning only, of oncoming vehicle”, care of

The image above on the far right shows where I lived in North Sydney while I was studying at Hornsby:

8. North Sydney female crime networks, preying on young country girls

When I was 18, I moved down to Sydney and ended up in a flat with a friend from school. We would sometimes go out to nightclubs dancing. I was studying my Fashion Diploma, and Nicole worked. We happened to meet 3 guys, actually it wasn’t at a night club, they were at Neutral Bay walking along the shops one morning, in fact I can’t remember how we met, I suspect they must’ve followed us to some location and introduced themselves, but they all seemed nice and we got along, we met up a few times, one of them hooked up with my flatmates friend Susan (part time callgirl/parttime David Jones makeup girl (and no, not the call centre variety of call girl) At one point, one of them, Kevin, introduced us to his older brother in a cafe in King’s Cross. About a month later my flatmate and I had had a falling out, and I was away living at my aunts, but I moved back into the flat because I had exams, and there’s a knock at the door and these three guys came in they said they were Nicole‘s boyfriend and friends, can they come in and wait for her, I said sure, as she had told me just the day before, that she had a boyfriend by the same name (can’t remember what it was now) But, one of the guys, I didn’t recognise him then, but I am sure it was Kevin’s brother, I’m pretty sure it was him - my face recognition has never been very good, but I’m certain it was him in retrospect. The next day our flat was “cleaned out” it had been broken into and everything was taken. It was most definitely those three guys, that I had met the previous evening who claimed to be Nicole’s boyfriend, turned out he wasn’t, but for some reason he had the same name, strange (Telstra?). Btw, one of the guys was albino, I saw him 20yrs later at Bunnings Tamworth, he operates out of bunnings - there’s a big female petty crime network, and apparently later the police got him and he is incarcerated. Anyway I wanted to put this on here because those first three guys we met, were all smartly dressed, clean cut, tall and good-looking handsome guys, and you know, they’re the ones  who have ties to criminal networks - it is the rich who steal in Australia (rich and good looking) and they target young girls from country areas who are on their own.

Btw, my flatmate worked at Duty-free, and was either given or had taken heaps of free samples, I mean heaps, she had literally $1000’s worth of designer makeup/beauty products. I personally believe she was targeted because of this, by the criminal powers that be, in Sydney, maybe they thought I was ‘egging’ her on to steal? (And, I am not really sure you could call it stealing, they were free samples after all - I would say female jealousy was more the issue in this case, having said they were free, I would not have taken them, they are meant for potential customers – But, I know as a shopper, I never receive free samples, so, I would assume, all samples are taken by sales girls). But, as most of the stuff that was stolen in our flat was MINE, except for all the beauty product that was taken, which was HERS, - they took ALL the samples. There was no ‘egging’ on, on my part (I don’t wear makeup btw). I should mention Nicole gave me one of her nail polishes. It was this lovely deep hot pink, I did not ask her for it, nor did I just take it, she gave it to me of her own volition, I guessed she was feeling guilty, for she had so much expensive product, and I had none. But, after we have been “cleaned out”, my whole shelf was empty, but there smack bang in the middle of the shelf, and facing out, was this bottle of deep pink nail polish. It wasn’t in that spot before, I felt it was done deliberately by the criminals. So, I didn’t  steal that deep pink nail polish. And by the way, after she had no make-up left, she took that deep pink nail polish back from my room, and said it was hers again!

Hell, hath no fury you stupid criminals. {Stupid stupid female bimbo dogs (mind your own goddam business)}.

I feel this is reminiscent of how I was thrown out of my home at Rangari, with my big beautiful garden that I had- it all comes down to female jealousy. It’s like silly twit female vigilantes, where there was actually no stealing to be vigilante about, but they were simply pure jealous, so decided to be vigilante about that – idiots -  possibly they work at Telstra, as Telstra were the only ones at that point, who knew Nicole‘s boyfriends name, as we had discussed it on the phone, only that one time, I guess aside from Susan and her new boyfriend??

Years later after I lived at Gin Gin, and had a landlord who, I am pretty sure, was, infact my other school friends older sister, going now by a different name, then it was Wainberg, now Rogers; I think she and other older NEGS girls, may have had something to do with it, plus all the other thefts that occurred at Bunnings and from my house – those STUPID bimbo GIRLS. I hope they get cancer, and are tortured.

9. People who are Designed and Built to Work

Ewing’s boys, 2 big broad men from Gunnedah, who had cushy desk jobs in the local Real Estate agency, family owned. Don’t you feel guilty? Clearly, you’ve got bodies that are designed for actual work, labour! One thing that really annoys me, and I guess I am, not really thinking about the Ewing’s boys here, but it is men trying to get out of work – try having a female body! (Possibly thinking of crap musicians or young male actors, especially  the ones with big bodies….)

The 2 people shown in the photo (that were shown on previous Blog, not here anymore, so I will describe them; 2 muscly men, and 1 skinni girl), were free images from the Internet, models.  Although lately there has been a ‘thing’ with images on the Internet, images that were free are no longer free, or they want your email address, by the way, if they want anything from you, then the image is not free, don’t be fooled by these people, there are greedy thieves online. There are whole companies being created at the moment for images; who want money, it’s a bit like there is a monopoly being formed right now, with what, was once free, people seeing an opportunity to now charge. I encourage everyone, when they upload their images, particularly to sites like Flickr, they make a point of selecting public domain. I know I do. And for all those master manipulators, who try to entice people by saying it’s free, and then actually years later wanting money, you can go bugger off.

Anyway, I have another story which is not really related to the above, aside from; it is typical for a man to go to work, and a woman to run the household.

I came about some information which I have to write about, as the irony is “perfect”, and so typical.

In most of the times when I have been disrespected, it is by other women, not men. But I always claim, despite calling many woman, ‘zombie bimbo dogs’, that I am a feminists, I want sleeping beauties to wake up, so I do not have those related problems that I have in life. Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade, and acknowledge the female weakness, so it can be rectified. But even after hearing me, call them ‘zombie bimbo dogs’, they still just continue to be ‘zombie bimbo dogs’ and they keep coming back for more name calling - it just doesn’t deter them at all, such is the nature of ‘zombie bimbo dogs’.

When Aretha Franklin (famous singer with that song RESPECT, and more) was alive, she was married briefly to a bully. But he was a music producer, and came up with that song.

Aretha Franklin heard it and liked it, and she, plus a group of other genius people {all the key people had descended in the one spot, by chance or through Gods hand; pick whatever you prefer, to create that amazing song RESPECT}, they basically created a cover version of his song. BUT, they put a twist on it;

Now, this song, as everyone knows turned out to be a BIG success, and still is played a lot. The irony is, because Otis Redding, her husband, a male, wrote that song, and I think he paints a fairly clear picture; of you know, possibly a man (himself, the writer) and a wife fighting, the man coming home from work, bringing home the bacon, wanting some respect from his wife. So, but Aretha and her posse, changed the words so the demand was coming from the wife, suggesting the husband was disrespectful in the first place. (Many women can relate to being disrespected by men, so I hear).

Aretha sang this song in 1968, when women were really kind of on the verge of waking up from domestic docile roles, should they wish, and everybody loves this song because of the words of the women singing “I want respect”.

The irony to me, was, probably this man was thinking about his wife, when he wrote it, about this nagging bitchy wife, when he would come home after work. And you know, it was a woman, who came along and basically stole his song, reversed the situation, waived her magic wand, and made a whole heap of money from it.

I found it very amusing when I realised the real situation about this song.

{upon further research, it turns out Redding’s estate still makes money off Franklin’s recording, according to The Boston Globe, because the royalties went to the writer, not the performer.} – and infact I should say the facts about this story are all hearsay of what I have heard, but you get the general gist of who should be demanding respect – everyone wants respect! Men can be bullies, but right back, so can, and are, women. (My experience, women are far worse than men, spiteful, vindictive, thieving, often their lack of common-sense is what makes them so dangerous, and vulnerable to thievery, including in the workplace. Not only has this opinion been formed from all the theft and the verbal harassment that I experienced, but also from encountering so many ‘little girls’ who work in the health industry OMG, what a disaster area. – such thievery going on - this industry is constantly looking for victims, they want your money (male Doctors do it too).).

10. Look alikes or doubles from TV Movie Agents in Australia

Warning on this one; it’s not really going to make sense to anyone, except if they’ve experienced ‘the dogs’ or they’re involved in, what I’m talking about. A young 18yr old for instance, or a housewife – you will be left clueless.

Cathy Goldman, a house mistress from school who “stalks” me. She has ties to the TV/Movie industry; apparently, they have vast casting books, with lookalikes of everyone, plus the same

car, as everyone’s, for total deception - they are dogs, and they play “dog games”.

I’ve had countless number of lookalikes in my life copying people who have crossed my path, they send “doubles” so to speak, (even you Sherry’s mum). Those doubles usually are just presented infront of me, and don’t speak, but sometimes they accost me in the street and want to ‘engage’ with me, or sometimes, just stand infront of me, so I see them, often they are placed in receptions.

You should be offended by these agents and managers they are ripping you off. I was advised that this is what they do, those dog games, and that piece of information has been very helpful in figuring out what the hell they were doing. So, thank you whoever mentioned that, and I believe intern I’ve helped other people by writing about it here, as apparently, I am not the only person they target. Actually, I suspect Cathy works or is friends with such TV industry people and arranges them to harass me and steal from me, she was obsessed with me at school as house mistress, and now still “hounds” me. At one point, I recall in my mid 20’s, and still to this day, after someone in the community has done the wrong thing by me, like steals from me, or goes on some ranting power trip, trying to ‘lord’ over me, or other countless things they get up to be disrespectful; I see them in a film (especially if it’s a young girl) it’s truly like someone sees what happens to me, like someone is watching through my eyes or my dreams… and then goes and finds this particular person and entices them to be a part of a movie or Tv show (which I am sure would not be that hard), at one point I thought they were sending me these dogs deliberately as they wanted to star in a movie, like they were product placing themselves and using me to do so. I am sure they did this while I worked at Grave Attire in Enmore.

Whoever is going and getting these people, know that I will watch the show, and their point is to kind of like ‘rub it in your face’ that this person totally robbed you, taken advantage of you or pussy whipped you ! ha ha! – but not always, sometimes they just incorporate someone I have known, to let me know a bit of gossip about them, like such and such has died, so and so has cancer – stuff like that! That industry is wide and vast. Also, when they do that, other people watching, (not every one is blind as bats), copy them, so these stupid copycats think oh, well if that person stole from you, I want to too, or if they scolded you for no reason other than power tripping, then, me too me too – STUPID AND ABSURD bimbos really do this.

(I am 100% sure it is her, Cathy Goldman; I have seen her 9 times since school ended) -she has non-thinking female psychological dog problems. She belongs in jail. Fuck off you stupid fucking dog. (I think she has since found a man who has a Harley Davidson bike, and I am pretty sure they often hoon outside my house on the HWY (least she has a male supervisa now, she was the kind of person that needed one.)

Could the person copying the head teacher of Gunnedah Tafe in the white Mercedes, please bugger off. (2005)

And do you ever wonder why sometimes they don’t have the writers name listed in the credits at the end of the movie? I am thinking stolen stories? but after posting this, I now see the writers name practically every time, hopefully real names are given, anything less is just plain deceit. I suspect there are fake names, Stephen king, just exactly how old is he? According to movie credits he is still working at age 95! And, btw Barb at the Civic, I suspect it may be Emily Alker plaguing you, aside from Eileen, (good looking rich cocky women are out of control)- old NEGS girl  One thing I notice about rich cocky young women, is that they love feeling superior . They like to know to think that the person standing next to them, has less money than them, and therefore is inferior to them, and so they feel like this is permission to treat them disrespectfully.

This is how stupid women think! I kid you not, this is what goes through their little stupid heads. Obviously, only some women.

Famous dog actresses

Cate Winslet, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Judy Dench, Reece Witherspoon…. Heaps more, some are quite despicable in what they do, plain evil pimps. But these are the bitches who are disrespectful to people on screen, they use their positions to ridicule and bully. There are heaps of others that fall into this category, but who aren’t disrespectful to people on screen, like they used to hurtle abuse at me out in the street, but that does not happen so much anymore up here at Gin Gin, except for a few times where those actresses I mentioned are used for such purpose onscreen. But really DO NOT USE YOUR JOB AS A MEANS TO BULLY, honestly.

And, I guess what needs to be said here is FUCK OFF - although, I am not your mother or your father, it is not up to me to have to ‘reign’ you in. Grow the fuck up. (Some would have no idea they do this, as they are used by directors/produces, or just dogs standing nearby. I recently saw Marilyn Munroe’s biography, her husband/director used to do it to her, he wrote into the current script after she fell one day, so the script said something along the lines “the reason you fell is because your clumsy and stupid” so it was not actually referring to her, but she knew it was about her as she had fallen the day before with husband and company – it is passive aggressive abuse). {and shame on that president, was that Kennedy? My God, he should be shot}.

Since I posted this, I know there are people doing something about it, thank you. Although the bimbo dog mother who lives next door up the hill, has stated to yellow out harassments at me, she seems to have taken over from her young son, since I put in a dog complaint  to council about him.

And do you see why this industry has close ties to mental health wards – they do not like their victim kicking up a complaint about their beloved stars. I state again, they picked the wrong small framed woman, I am not like all the others. I know what you are like.

And I think I need to talk about “mirrors” and people who do “reflections” some more, like they just deliberatley want to be annoying, they mimic you, mimic what you doing. And those ‘mirrors’  aren’t kids, it is fully grown adults who do this highly annoying and absurd behaviour. They seem to think it’s funny and a little bit naughty. When really, they’re just thoughtless and aggravating, and need to be kicked in the head. I bet all those people who do it are 3rd borns who had stupid nazi parents and school teachers.

11. De'lish, Farmers fresh Fruit and Veges Gin Gin, Donna Marie

This business closedown, and did not pay me for my seeds which were in there on consignment, nor did they return my folk-art box. I did have my email on the invoice, so Donna Marie, from Facebook, could have easily emailed me, but she did not, so I consider this theft. And by the way, I can’t talk to the police about this matter, because the local Gin Gin police think that I am crazy, and don’t think anyone is stealing from me (idiots) -well some, others just don’t want to do the paperwork for multiple petty little items, and don’t think this petty theft is theft or a police matter. Plus, since they took me by force and locked me up for seven days at the Bundaberg mental health ward, to ‘teach me a lesson’, I cannot possibly talk to the police ever again. Total violation, - they actually (absurdly so) have the power to do just that, for no valid proven reason, and no one can do anything about it, of course, except if you are Maxamillion! {$50000 for a lawyer to drop everything and get down there for immediate release – that’s what they advised me later} read my Bullies in Bundaberg story. I kicked up a huge stink about this, as discrediting someone with  “mental health” problems when they don’t, is the biggest narcissistic undermining thing you can do to anyone. That policewoman responsible deserves a bullet to the ear. Well, certainly is not fit to be in the workplace.

Anyway, I want to mention when Donna Marie was away on holidays at Christmas, someone else was in her shop and that person was Cathy Goldman. Unfortunatly, I did not get her on camera, in fact upon seeing her that day, was what prompted me to where a bodycam everywhere I went from then on (which has served me very well). But she had a ‘side kick’, who was still there the next time; I got her on camera. I have mentioned Cathy Goldman before on my blog, because she has been stalking me since school -she has formed an obsession with me, and this is what she does, she wiggles her way into my life somehow, like by working at this fruit shop which I visited on a regular basis. (I recall in Gunnedah now, she was at the local newspaper printers when I went there) At the time I didn’t know it was her, I didn’t instantly recognise her, but after I left the shop, I realised it was her. I am not sure what she wanted? I did have things stolen around that time, so it might have been her and her young female companions she seems to be always around multiple young girls? (I suspect, no convictions). I think she was also at the Gunnedah Subway, and wanted me to ‘smile’ at the sales girl, also the sheep yards… heaps of other places. And she was not even from Gunnedah.

Since this fruit shop closedown, I haven’t seen Cathy Goldman. I put this down to my Blog. I have spoken about her on my blog, I have not mentioned Cathy Goldman prior, as it has taken me a few years to realize it has been her stalking and persecuting me. I did not really know her or give her any thought prior.

I love this online Blog; I should have started writing about my life years ago. I did mention the problem of Cathy Goldman to the Police, but that police woman (Gin Gin chief Sharon Morgan, who has her head shoved so far up her own arse, she cannot see the relevance, ignored it – “she’s crazy”. Idiot.). So, one of Cathy’s ‘girls’ stole my eggs when I went into that fruit shop that Christmas, when the owner was away, I mean, obviously she couldn’t just steal it out right, and this is what dogs do, they’re so passive aggressive; these eggs that I usually purchase, they are from a farmer, so they’re not supermarket caged eggs, they’re organic, they’re delicious, you can really taste the difference. They come from a variety of chook breeds too. This particular farmer had 2 breeds, one was a brown spotted egg, and one a white porcelain egg. So, there was always a mix, with the brown spotty eggs being a special treat, as they seemed to be extra delicious. And so that girl stole all  the dotted brown eggs and swapped them with all white. Such a typical female dishonest thing to do. They’re constantly swapping my good items over for ones of less good quality, I’ve mentioned them all before on my blog - remember the shop girl at Ubobo Boyne Valley who used to open the shop cream jars and give some to her cat, then put the jar back on the shelf to sell, complete with drips down the side! I can’t buy designer brands; those items just get stolen. I also mentioned I’ve had problems with a girl from school (the bad school in question was New England Girls School in Armidale), Tasha Burn’s little sister, Gina Burn. She was 1 of the 2 dental assistants at the Dentist in Gunnedah, one Christmas, deliberatley causing extreme pain on my tooth, that was perfectly fine. Go and read my dental story. (You can check what page on my INDEX). Anyway, that girl in the photo above  looks like Tasha Burn, that’s what she looked like at school. I saw a photo of her in 2017, she pretty much still looked the same, just a little more mature (better actually, no acne now! I think she mentioned on her page, she was a model now). Only I am not 100% sure that girl I got on camera is Tasha burn – due to the lookalike phenomenon that Cathy Goldman is involved in (read my “look alikes or doubles from TV Movie Agents in Australia” photo story on P1). Although, extreme likeness. Back at the dentist, it was most definitely Gina Burn. So not a coincidence that AGAIN I see Cathy Goldman, and possible a girl from my past, the same school I went to, with items stolen. (Cathy Goldman worked at that school while I was there. She was obsessed with me at school too; mildly so, I did not feel it a problem at the time.)

Cathy Goldman is totally preoccupied with me, she is a stalker, she is a pest and she should be shot. Oh, I want to mention, she would also be friends with Wainberg girl who looks like my landlord at Gin Gin, if you have read that saga yet. A most definite problem emanating from that school (NEGS), you would have to be a totally hopeless mother to send your child to a boarding school. (Or extremely manipulated one, manipulated by rich teachers who want paying customers).

Sometimes when I write about situations in my life, other people tell me about their situations, which may have been similar, or way worse. I always welcome other people stories, but I’ve never actually heard anyone telling me about any obsessions they’ve had by school teachers/house mistress’s, nor any constant theft, like my situation.

In 2024, since I rejoined Facebook with a slightly different name (after being banned for five years), there is someone stalking me on Facebook calling herself Donna Marie from Sarina. So I know it is not the same Donna Marie, it's just some stupid dog pretending to be Donna Marie - she must have read my blog and my story about Donna Marie the thief, so she's in turn stalking me, she tries to undermine any comments I make. She's trying to discredit me intern, I think. (which is a little bit hard, SINCE I DON'T FUCKING STEAL YOU STUPID MORON DOGS). Dogs playing sides. I do find it a little bit bizarre that somebody out there is trying to be Donna Marie, and trying to ‘get me’ in this manner; so, don't they have their own life? don't they have anything better to do then sidleup to some retail thief? The whole concept is just really strange to me, and no wonder I can sometimes appear so doe-eyed on my blog when talking about all the dogs in my life; you know, you're meant to be human, you're meant to have a brain, your own brain, you're not meant to function like a dog. I'm not even ensure that it's a female pretending to be Donna Maria, it could be a male. So I would just would like to say ha ha you fucking idiot with no life, if you want to continue to stalk me on Facebook, go ahead, you have my permission!

De'lish, Farmers fresh Fruit and Veges Gin Gin, Donna Marie.jpg
If you don’t know your ancestors, no one else will..jpg
My mum in the early 80's
with her mom.
This was a little of the old carpet wool I was able to collect from David’s old farm shed,
Either the real thing, or a LookAlike!

This was a little of the old carpet wool I was able to collect from David’s old farm shed, and do my experimental dyeing with

I love full and overgrown gardens - My garden at Rangari captures the spirit of nature.jpg
I love full and overgrown gardens - My garden at Rangari captures the spirit of nature
My Wall Hanging done at age 16, first place at Gunnedah Show.jpg
My Wall Hanging done
at age 16, first place at
Gunnedah Show

12. Teach me a lesson - mindset

I need to write a whole paragraph on the next topic, as it has been a HUGE persistent problem for me. And that is about little people. Actually, not only little women, but little boys too, who take it upon themselves to “teach me a lesson” – they take a great deal of time and thought, into coming up with ways to carry out their plan. And 9 out of 10 times, no in fact I would say 10 out of 10 times, this person hasn’t really needed  to teach me a lesson, as there was no injustice or spate, nor was it ‘their place’ to do so, but they can see an opportunity to go on a power trip, to make themselves feel better about their miserable lives (which would be miserable in the first place due to this exact issue). I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve had it up to here, and beyond with these imbeciles. Oh, there’s that song stuck in my head again, it goes, “fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off…”. Get your own goddamn life, and stay the fuck out of me and my hair.

I mean are you the type of person that has other people constantly trying to “teach you a lesson”?? I’m thinking most of you would say no, what weird and bizarre world are you living in! -  well guess what, I am that type of person, I think it’s because I am always on my own, and also, guess what, I never do anything wrong, I’m always respectful, I certainly never break any laws. I don’t lie, cheat, or steal. YET, I have these nazi monkey types constantly on my back, this happens so much to me my life that I have to write about it here in the hopes that the stupid nazi twits, can be enlightened to stop.

I also feel the main reason why they get it in their little heads, that they have to “teach me a lesson”, often in a most vindictive and spiteful way, (but not always, I saw one girl boasting that she can teach me a lesson  without being cruel, – the fact that she was ‘teaching me a lesson’  did not entered into her stupid little head as a dysfunction.} Is because I’m the type of person who never yells and gets angry, and so they think they can get away with being disrespectful, time and time again I see this behaviour from people (hey, it’s not up to me to rein you in – CONTROL YOURSELVES). Also, I’ve noticed this behaviour, is mainly from people of a certain mentality i.e., not too smart and not had too much privilege in their upbringing. Often, they have had bad power tripping teachers and parents too. But there have indeed been many people who have taken such action, who well know better like, school teachers and certain men lauding over women. And ofcourse the woman who is married to a tyrant, who seeks out younger people to take her frustrations out on. “My turn my turn” – stupid women.)

There was a show on television the other day, in the story, one of the main characters was teaching a younger girl a lesson, well, he was trying to anyway, as the girl was not having a bar of it, because she was confident, assured in what she was doing, possibly a little arrogant, but not intimidated by this man at all. But the man, he wouldn’t let up, he just kept on and on at this girl, with her indifference and cockiness, really pissing him off, and I guess her silence with him, spurring him on ‘untethered’. Until his colleague saw him, he could see what was going on, and he literally had to pull a gun on him, to get him to stop chastising this girl.

This scene, just resonated with me, I have experienced the same thing, with women, only you know, there’s no one ready to pull out a gun, let alone stand up to bullies (well not usually, as usually no one can actually see what’s going on, in my experience.)

Also, I’m not in a partnership, so I have no one in my corner backing me up, ever, this is mainly due to the dogs who play sides, {this is one of those areas, where no one, I should say, hardly anyone, can see the passive aggressive bitches working, I have talked about it several times on blog, how people naturally ‘side’ with people in any situation, but there are ‘entities’, human ones, out there, women, who manipulate people, all the time, so as to ‘play sides’ against me. Even after exposing them on my blog, they still do it. I said mainly, because, actually I am not the type of person to easily befriend someone, I am happiest on my own.

So, friends are definitely few and far in between, (I won’t tell you what one of my friends did to me after we just left school …., such betrayal!) Really, I believe, you cannot have female friends after school anyway, life is different from when you were at school).

So, ‘they’ think no one is watching, or they work in a gang, usually a pack of women, who have found a common enemy, and they use it to bond together, it becomes about that - it is fully sick and most people, fully disgust me in their dysfunction. Most people are naive.

It reminds me of a game we used to play when infants “Goodie vs Baddies”  - this was the evolved version, as before it was “Cowboys vs Indians”, by then (late 1970’s there was a collective consciousness about racism!! – and side bar, see how the collective consciousness works, you just have to bring to light something bad, and it slowly sinks in to peoples psych, until it is no longer a problem – hence my Blog). And see, the world can and does change. Just very slowly.

So, those dogs trying to create the common enemy, are wanting to create a “Baddie”. They really are sick in the head. When I moved to my new location, I tried to join the local Landcare, but the girl running it, said I had to be “approved” first. She wanted to check that I was not a “Baddie” ! now Landcare is a volunteer organization, so actually, what was she afraid of? Did she think I may be an ax murder?  - someone with a criminal record? Maybe she thought I was a drunk who wanted to join Landcare? BLOODY STUPID WOMAN. This is nothing but discrimination by “the common man”. So, I will be glad not to join a discriminatory organization – thanks very much. She later stole 10c from me, I guess a ’punishment’? STUPID

It also comes right back to my little philosophy; if you give them enough rope, there’s not one person who won’t hang themselves. They seem to think power tripping is a type of luxury – so bizarre.

Someone told me once, that if you can remember back to your childhood, any incident where you were chastised for being naughty, then the chastisement was probably too harsh for the trivial nature of the naughty matter. In my life, in my adult life especially, I am referring too, as I did not have this problem as a child, mostly, (bar 3 or 4 rotten teachers), but I remember everything, every reprimand. I can assure you, I know and remember well, who each and every single stupid monkey who has been on my back, and what you have done, and I have cursed you.

You know I guess it just goes to show the key to popularity is pretty much NOT being a narcissist.

And I find most people probably will refuse to understand the word narcissist, I mean let's face it, sounds ‘nasty’ and possibly ‘nazi’.

A narcissist is someone who tries to control the situation all the time, and undermines your opinion, and tries to put you down (in direct, or passive aggressive ways). The dictionary meaning of the word is:

“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.” (As soon as I read this, I immediately thought of several politicians who fit this bill to a tea. And also, a lot of ‘snobs’ like from private schools. And Telstra call centre staff).

So, if you're ever feeling lonely ask yourself do you do those things because I can assure you heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of people do, there's major dysfunction going on in this country. I personally believe it is such an issue, because of the scary word factor, ‘nasty’ and ‘nazi’! seriously I was ban from spnfl for using the word nazi in an email I sent to another member. People are stupid. Scared of the word narcissism, without understanding what it really means.

13. Sleeping women, minimum wage and the reverse of feminism

I am now 47 and over the last 25 years, I have unfortunately formed a really low opinion of women. I do want to mention I went to an all-girls school and I don’t have any memories of being surrounded by stupid women at school, I felt like everyone was pretty much normal, it was only after I left school and entered the workplace when I encountered a whole heap of stupid women. {Actually, it was later determined, that public transport in and to Sydney was a major factor in this opinion}. Back when I was young, when I thought about the women’s movement and feminism, I just thought it made sense, women must be oppressed (women are oppressed) that’s why they are not paid as much as men, and I could see why hopping on the bandwagon for equal pay was a good and virtuous thing for a woman. And indeed, I have come across many women who have been very smart, and not only should be paid equally, but should be paid way more than the typical man, what they bring to the workplace is invaluable, however, this is the minority, and most women, do not contribute anything aside from bitchiness/bullying/pettiness and theft – in my experience. And I have known prominent feminists doing a total 180°C in their mature years, changing their mind, because they have seen so many puppet women. It those little puppets, that give all women a bad name, so if you see a sleeping beauty, wake her up, like I do “fuck off you stupid bloody dogs”.

Having said that, when I was 20 and got my first job, I was so underpaid it was unbelievable; compared to the same aged men employed at the same company ($200 difference in weekly pay packets, 1994 – how am I meant to save for a house deposit on that kind of money?) And while I put a 20-year-old girl automatically into the ‘sleeping beauty’ category, - they are really naive at that age, raised to be so, at any rate they were back then, times might be different now, but I don’t think so, and they are very unaware of the fact that there are “walking retail victims”, women in their 20’s that is. (Last year I ventured onto Facebook and the oppression that goes on there, the unwillingness to know the truth about life, about the nitty-gritty and ugliness that goes on, is huge - still, this country is run by oppressive people.) Anyway, I consider my time important, way more important than minimum wage. I feel the government/Centrelink/Human Services/CENTERLINK, fail to acknowledge the importance of one’s own personal time, regardless of their thinking abilities. Actually, I think the whole ‘five day working week’ needs to be re-thought in my opinion, re-thought into 4 days! So, people can have a chance to live rather than consume themselves with work. Someone told me once, that the government suspect people would fight too much if the working week was reduced, that’s why they have 5 days. Perhaps this is true, I’ve encountered many people who all they want to do is fight, fighting is the only way they know to communicate, and alcohol influenced, back in the day all men  were drunks, creating an antagonistic Australia. They just don’t know how to live, knowing how to live is something that is learnt and often not encouraged due to shame put on anyone who is not thoroughly invested in work or raising a family, or just shame in general, it is big in Australia - guilt. And a lot of people see fun and enjoyment in life as only achieved if one is tormenting someone else. (Really weird), but I can see the world is slowly but surely evolving (have you seen the longest glass water slide ever built on a huge mountain in China? Fantastic fun for hard workers!).

All you oldies out there may have noticed that there also has been a movement in the health sector to target children. When I was a child there was no children’s health care where I lived, and definitely, none of the kids I ever encounted in my school were sickly in any way. I think when I was 10, they introduced dental care for kids. (whole other story bout how they mucked up my teeth (female dentist - you wouldn’t believe the amount of stories I have, that involve ‘fake’ female professionals or dentists for that matter, male alike)) However, the other day I noticed a whole Practice up here in North Queensland, for children, the field of expertise was chiropractic. There were 2 female chiropractors targeting kids - can you believe that? This is pure prey/hunt/pounce. And I think this hidden form of “cat and mouse game”, has come about due to the increase of women in the work place, who are not needed, and thus have devised a way to make money by finding victim parents and telling them they need to spend money on completely unnecessary adjustments in order for their child to thrive and be healthy, and to insinuate for them to be good parents. I am outraged by those women and that Practice. Wake up Sleeping Beauties, your child does not need a chiropractic adjustment! I tried to tell the common people on FaceBook what is going on - but they ban me, they want Sleeping Beauties to remain Sleeping Beauties, so they can make money. (Also, old men want Sleeping Beauties to remain Sleeping Beauties, as old men are perverts – its related to the sleeping beauty factor).

Here is a good spot to mention, whilst I was online, looking on ‘Indeed’ available – btw, which is actually a good way to keep up-to-date with the world, see what’s going on in the real world, who’s hiring the most, what sectors are booming, who are the new innovators, who are the bad companies with a high staff turnover…. etc. Anyway I glanced at one job, it said “nanny required:  $40 an hour”. Can you believe that? $40 an hour! I mean maybe too much time has gone by since I was a nanny, when it was like $6 - $13 an hour. But I’m guessing there’s a shortage of decent honest respectful caring women now - and that’s why $40 is on offer!

14.   5 kid’s Story

At one point in my life, I was doing a lot of temp babysitting, and nanny work on the wealthy Upper Northshore of Sydney. One time I looked after this family who had five kids, 5, really and truly, I’ve never come across a more absurd and stupid situation in my life. You’ve got to be absolutely nuts, but mostly stupid, to have five kids - both mother and father would fit into this category. What’s more, at the end of the night when it was time for me to get paid, and go home, they were reluctant to pay me, and when the father actually did, he came out with a whole lot of 1c and 5c coins, about $20 worth - how disgusting, the hourly rate was so low anyway. I mean his attitude was like “do we really have to pay her, how could she ask for money” he did not say this, but that was what he implied with his wife, as they were getting the coins out. It was like he felt, because he had five kids, (“I have 5 kids”) he was entitled to free childcare from me! FUCK OFF. I couldn’t believe it. I mean how does he expect the person who is looking after his child, to eat? How does he expect that person to afford to buy a house? Does he not think a childcare worker needs her own home??

Any childcare worker needs to be paid a proper wage thanks very much.

And, I  ‘reckon’,  the supermarkets, as in Coles and Woollies, ought to be rewarding people who do not have children, in the form of discounts for meat, especially beef steaks. We  care about the planet – they DO NOT. We care about proper housing for every one – THEY DO NOT. We care about enough love and attention per child to foster proper mental health – they DO NOT.

{Possibly only 1 other experience I have had, surpasses the absurdness of 5 kids, and that is the ridiculous experience at RMIT college Chiro clinic back in 2005. (I bet all those fake girls were 3rd borns).

Oh, later at Sarina I saw a woman with 12 kids, I think it was 12. Not sure if there were all hers, but she implied they were. SICKENING. Infact I will put that story;

A few months ago, last summer actually, I went over near Sarina beach for a swim. This was the first time I had ventured out to the beach, and as there were people there, I wanted to talk to them and hear their opinion on crocodiles and stingers. They were a family, a mother and a father with, I think, it would’ve been about 12 little kids, they were Islanders. They appeared to be the only 1 family. So, I started talking to them (putting in my personal opinion of large families, on the side. If you read my blog, you’ll be quite familiar with it - it’s not good.) Anyway, the mother said that they’re always there swimming, she brings the kids down every day. And that they don’t have any stinger suits, and they’ve never been stung. And they aren’t concerned about crocs, but they just stay close to the shore, in that little area. After we finished chatting, I thought, well that’s good to know, and left to get my goggles. But as I was walking off up the beach, two of the littler kids started following me, unbeknownst to me, but when they had nearly caught up to me, because I had stopped up the top to collect some driftwood, and I saw them, the father finally realised that the two of his kids were following me, and he called them back down, the raced off the 200m or so back!! Btw, later when I was soaking that driftwood, later there in my tub, were about 20 little baby irukandji stingers! Yikes.

Anyway, the following week, while I was in the shower, washing my 94cm long hair – which gives me a lot of time to think about things as a I detangle! I was thinking about YouTube, and what a good platform it is, if you’ve got something to say or even not!

It seems like of late, I always have something to say, and so I’m thinking YouTube would be a good place to talk about that issue. And that real scenario of those two little kids that were following me. Like their (and I know this word may appear harsh) but their ‘stupidity’ would be beyond most people‘s comprehension – the fact they can’t think for themselves and that’s why they simply started following me. Those two kids will need supervision like their dad, for the rest of their lives, it’s not just a ‘young child’ thing. It’s really strange to me that people don’t comprehend that multiple kids leads to total health problems, including mental problems of this nature.

As I personally have this particular problem from non-thinkers - all the time (and it’s not just little kids, little 3rd borns, 4th borns, or 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th , 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th…..), but I have adults, grown adults, who do the same thing, young women in particular, in their 20s are the worst. But it’s all zombie 3rd born related. I suspect some of those zombies who follow me, must kind of  ‘come to’  and think “what am I doing here at this bloody girls place”, and start to get pissed off – not knowing really why, and so then just steal from me in retaliation at their own stupidity?

I just can’t believe that it’s not ‘a thing’, and why is it up to me to spell this out to people. It’s 2023, humans have been around for yonks. This factor should be a well-known talked about issue.


ON A DIFFERENT SIDE NOTE, when I was working back then with many families, I noticed the ‘girly’ type of women always had girls. And the ‘nazi/yelly’ type of women, had boys. With a mixed personality, having both male and female offspring!! It was always the case, out of dozens of families I encounted. I was seriously thinking my situation was some sort of set up; surely it can’t be such a coincidence! But I think it is definitely true, personality types dictating offspring sex?

I also have a personal theory that a pregnant woman who have a ”huge” belly when due; they will be having a very healthy child. The smaller, the weaker. Sorry to say.

15. Ridiculous - Australian Tax Office – they really are thieves, they have hopped on the thieving dog bandwagon

Dam and Blast, there are some stupid little thistles that work at the Australian tax office. I have a business. I’m a registered GST Business owner. I pay tax on any sale I make, and if I have not in the past, it’s because, that income has been under the taxable income threshold (which at the moment is $22,000) So I do not owe the tax department anything. I never have. I’m not the sort of person that would let myself get into debt with anyone, let alone the Australian tax office - yet I’m fairly certain they may have had something to do with the fact (actually I can’t say for certain) but I have been banned from eBay, and since eBay was the main source of my income, I’ve more or less lost a big slice of my business. But when I phoned the tax department one day, because of a linking issue with My Gov, the person I spoke to was very odd and sly, he was asking me odd questions, it was from these questions, that I suspect, he suspected, I was stealing from him, and that little shithead, is the reason why I can’t continue my business! what an idiot!  This is what they do in Australia; instead of encouraging small business they destroy people who have small businesses, I hope he gets cancer and dies. (I suspect the Coact jobs provider at Gin Gin, Carol Watson may also have something to do with it, due to her question one day) fake name.


Someone told me one day, that the tax office can’t get to the big guns like big businesses to pay tax, like bunnings {and I’m sure they’ll be numerous more} and so they pick on little people that are powerless and have no status in society, like me, - it’s their nature to be arseholes. That’s what makes them stupid – everyone is accountable for their actions in the end.

By the way, I’m a firm believer; you’ve gotta pay your taxes! We have roads, we have hospitals, we have schools; because people pay their taxes. If you drive a car, get sick, you’re going to need those resources just like everybody else, so just pay it and be happy that you can.

And, also when lodging a tax return every year, if you earn under the taxable income threshold, then you do not have to lodge a return – this is clearly stated on their website, but it stated you have to lodge a form that states “non lodgement”, I guess, so they know why your not lodging. – so about about 10 years ago, before they were online, I did not know about this form, I only knew about the taxable income threshold, as that is what was stated in the tax return – there was no mention in the tax return to lodge a separate form (their mistake), so I did not do anything for that 3 years. So I suspect those stupid tax people saw that I did not lodge and suspected I was stealing from them in those 3 years, as in earing and not declaring. And as a result have been apart of the stupid little boy network who have been stealing from me. Once again YOUR MISTAKE. And btw, last year I paid tax on several large sold items on etsy, and the only way to claim that money back (several hundred dollars, as I was entitled as I had not reached the taxable income threshold – but had many business related expenses that I could claim as) - was to lodge a tax return. So, even though I was STILL under the taxable income threshold {I personally believe those purchases were made by the tax dep so they could steal from me in this manner – a calculated plan to steal from me}, I put in a return to get that money back, as tax had already been paid on those items. They were NOT entitled to tax on those items. I know the laws. So, after going to all the bother of lodging my tax return, the tax department didn’t give me my tax refund - they just refused. (They lost, they lost their calculated plan, and refused to belief they were wrong). (Reminds me of the Bunnings Bimbos). Thieving arsholes – although I am guessing it were female behind it – women are the biggest thieves. And the biggest liars. Although they don’t have the biggest egos, so could be the boys. Who knows. The bottom line is the Australian Tax department stole from me too – guess they wanted to hop on the band wagon -  the thieving dog bandwagon that is so prevalent in Australia.

16. Emily the Greeny

I don’t have any chemicals in the house (aside from the rare occasion when I need bleach) that’s the only one. But of course, I need washing powder and dishwashing powder - but I choose the green brands, which means I can use the grey water on the garden, so I recycle all my water and I make sure no water goes to waste, ever. (I have since moved in to town, a unit in QLD, and it is much more difficult to recycle the water – infact I cannot, and all the overflow, including septic, runs out into a little creek that runs through the property (yikes – I can’t believe they are allowed to get away with doing that, especially as this creek joins the bigger one across the road, and kids swim in it) This is what happens when there are NO greenies in power. Stupidity happens. Blonde stupidity, like my neighbour. Perhaps they need to introduce ‘environmentalists’ to inspect properties that have creeks, to make sure there is no polluting. I heard the manufacturer down the road, also pollutes into the same creek. This is not something that only happened in the 50’s and 60’s when people knew no better. That’s one of the reasons why I said on my blog moving up to QLD, is like stepping back in time by 40 years.
I only use pure cotton tampons, so they can be composted.
I clean the windows with vinegar.
I mop the floors with tea tree oil and vinegar. And do the kitchen benches with water and orange essential oil.
I only buy the real paper towels, and not the fancy branded one that has silicon, polyester and plastic in their paper towelling (disgraceful; is not biodegradable). By the way, I don’t use toilet paper; I have a bidet with cotton washes for drying, saving millions of trees.
I always buy those wooden cotton tips for ear cleaning, even though I dispose of them properly anyway, unlike some bad people who live by the coast. (Wooden tips are biodegradable).
I don’t buy tuna, in order to save the dolphins, and I try to grow my own vegetables, again after moving into a rental unit, this is near impossible.
On those rare occasions when I purchased bacon, I only purchase sour stall free bacon (coles has it). And I certainly only ever by RSPCA approved cage free eggs, and chicken, which are still a very good price. And I never eat anything made from goats milk due to the slaughter of all the poor male goats.
I use fans mostly, with misters. I certainly would never put in a fireplace – only bimbos would do that, not only do they pollute everyone’s air, but they take heaps of valuable time to prepare with kindling and firewood. Plus, they are stinky and messy and need constant attention and cleaning out. (I don’t think some people think things all the way through….they are not romantic, they are dirty!)
I only drive anywhere, when I have a point and a purpose - I don’t hoon around pointlessly like the local hoons, trucks and council workers do, or follow someone because they are bored -  polluting the airways. Btw – how can you all put with those nuisance drivers?
And at my house (2021), I don’t even mow the lawns either, I have a ‘wild’ garden! again saving the air from pollution (I’m not sure people realise how much petrol engines, pollute the air, they are TOXIC. There are health warnings on cigarette boxes, why are there none on petrol caps? The smoke from your car is 50,000 times more toxic than cigarette smoke). I don’t think most motorists realise every time they start that ignition, and idle away, for every second they’re burning fuel, they are polluting the environment. They are polluting their own airways. Sidebar time: at one point in my life I got it into my head I should have an electric car (2012). But I couldn’t get an electric car, they were way over budget back then, so I opted for a secondhand Ute which was diesel. The reason why I was so adamant I wanted an electric car was because the smell from my car then, petrol, I found absolutely repulsive. I almost developed an allergic reaction to the smell of cars. I really believe they are DEADLY. So when I got my diesel it was heavenly, there’s practically no smell from it compared to my old petrol car. When combustion engine burns petrol, it leaves behind oil in the car (sump oil), that is basically toxic putrid -it’s so disgusting. Lawnmowers produce it too; if you get some of that used oil, and put it on your lawn, you will see it kills absolutely everything that it touches. It’s so toxic. Really, it should be a high priority of getting rid of all petrol engines.
I use wooden pegs on my clothesline, (unbelievable how many backyards I’ve seen riddled with pieces of plastic broken pegs, yuk, yuk, yuk)
I buy 2nd hand goods when I can (new location, 2022, there are no 2nd hand furniture shops! Can you believe that, not even a tip shop, and only thieves on gumtree who only buy my goods when their stupid offspring steal from me. What is wrong with people?)
I did spend $14000 on a 5kw solar system, but that turned out to be a scam, my bill went up, yes after spending $14000, my bill went up. Do be careful of greedy business people wanting to take advantage of caring people who have good intentions.
Make sure you ‘carbo offset’ your own life. I have also planted thousands of trees.


The photo above on the far right shows a wall hanging I did as a young 16yr old, experimenting with weaving techniques - got first place in the Gunnedah Show! 😁:

17. Take Photos and Videos of Everything

I am getting a little annoyed of seeing ‘unable to right click due to international copyright laws’.

I think most people are a little confused about what you can take photos of and what you can’t; Basically, you can take photos of everything and anything you see, and upload it to social media or the Internet, providing it’s not of a private nature like sex/bathroom. ANYTHING

If you take a photo of some stranger that you see down the street and then upload it, this is NOT illegal, nor does it violate any privacy laws. And it doesn’t matter what age the person is either, nor if it’s a video of them.

It’s also the same with artwork, if you go into a gallery, and take a photo of the wall that has a painting on it, that is NOT illegal. So, if some curator dog comes up to you and chastises you for taking a photo in a gallery - you can tell her where to shove it. I would possibly even slap them on the cheek as well (that later action may be illegal, but, possibly worth it).

2nd photo above is my mother, Fran, and her adopted mum, Gwyneth Flood around 1987:

18. If you don’t know your ancestors, no one else will

My mother was adopted at age 18mnths approx. According to our grandmother, she was adopted from her uncle, whose wife died, and he decided he could not look after a little girl.

My Grandmother was a liar. We determined this, as over the years, her story slightly changed, until finally she said, she would never tell.

When my mother (Frances Lesley, formally, Flood, now Bieman, was in her late 40s, she decided she wanted to find out her lineage. I recall she paid a couple of different organisations a few hundred dollars, to look into it for her.

They were total bogus scams. They came up with a whole ‘tall tale” for her, made up a complicated story about how she was part Asian! If you know my mother, well, if you just took one look at her, you would most certainly know that this was not true. As I was reading the information given by the Researchers some years later after she had died, it was quite obvious to me, that it was total bullshit, but – I bet my mum reading it, would have been taken in by it, hook line and sinker.

So, this story is just a word of warning; if you don’t know your ancestors nobody else will. And it pays to keep your firstborn‘s around; they’re likely to be able to see things, that the previous generation can’t.

19. I would hate to born in Ethiopia

Do you know when I was a young girl, there were starving Ethiopians. It was a big thing with famine relief packages being organized. It’s now 30-40 years later and they’re still starving. Look it up on wiki – they have famine there ALL the time.

I have a message you may not wish to hear:

Stop breeding you fucking idiots, why are you making life difficult for yourself? What woman in her right mind would want to inflict her childhood starvation pain, on to another child? Or should we just call you rape nation?

I hear stories of women who are tortured as kids, they have shitty lives, yet they grow up, get a partner and have kids of their own, just so they can expose them to the shitty world too. Break the cycle. (Btw, this is the epitome of stupidity) Are they sadists?


My meal today, consisting of fresh picked cabbage, purslane, beef mince, onions and sober noodles (plus a few herbs and spices). The mince was the cheapest bulk pack, it was the “Torana” of mince, but the noodles were so good, they were like the “Mercedes” of noodles. I know how to budget. Least I am not starving.

You know, maybe if I put this up on Facebook, I may understand why I may have been banned (not agreed to it at all) - people don’t like to hear these ugly truths. Even though I believe putting up a message like this, would do more to help those people, than anything that has been done in the past 30 or 40 years in so called charity. BTW, a little birdie told me the real reason I was banned from Facebook was because I called some blonde a stupid blonde (it turned out she did have blonde hair, and I guess must have been stupid) as she was so offended, in her childish way, she went about brainwashing all the admin to ban me, and they totally complied with her manipulations. Poor little girl, offended because someone called her a stupid blonde, could someone please show her the starving Ethiopians. Oooh, if only I had a name and a photo.

20. Reference from Anna Abbott (I have included several references on my Blog, as it seems to be a silly reoccurring thing, especially as a renter, and someone continuously NEW, having to continuously move between rentals and locations. They want references, plus, people in the community, who have no business wanting any kind of reference, seemingly wanting some sort of validation, that they can ‘converse and ‘absorb’ me into their lives. And that I am not a common POOR slut or axe murder – this seems to be their biggest fear. I am not sure how people cannot see the correlation between school teachers and references. But if you want to know something about me, it is best you speak to me.


TELEPHONE (02) 6774 8700

 FAX +61 2 6774 8741


MRS ANNA ABBOTT    B.A. ,V~p.Teadt., T.e. ,B.Leg.S. ,M. Utt. ,J.P. ,M . A .C.E . ,C.C. E.A.



7th November,1991



To whom it may concern,

Emily Bieman has been a student at the New England girls school for all her secondary education.

During that time Emily has shown herself to be a quiet, co-operative student who is conduct has been impeccable. She has participated willingly in a wide range of school activities; Emily has been a member of the Independent Girls School Sporting Association, and Combined High School Swimming Team, and represented the school in the Hannah Shield competition.

During the past year she has served as a Table Captain a Fire Drill captain, and has been a popular and valued member of her form.

However it has it is her creativity in the arts that has really brought Emily to the fore. She has considerable talents in design and has in fact, won the Dressmaker of  the Year Encouragement Award, and Award for Originality, at the Northwest Fashion and Design competition. Emily was also a finalist in the 1990 and 1991 Armidale Wool Expo competitions.

Emily is an original thinker who is blessed with considerable breath of vision and creativity. She is cooperative in school activities, and is a well respected member of the school family. I have no hesitation in recommending this talented girl to a future employer, and wishing her well in her endeavours.



School Principal

ANNA ABBOTT    B.A. ,V~p.Teadt., T.e. ,B.Leg.S. ,M. Utt. ,J.P. ,M . A .C.E . ,C.C. E.A.

In my original Blog I had next an image of a Job Add from Indeed, it was for a Gardening position, I noticed with all Gardening adds, they all wanted Police Checks;

21. Gardeners Discriminated Against

It’s always the gardener jobs that requires a police check - gardeners are completely discriminated against. What do you think, all Gardeners are a bunch of criminals?


Actually, later I realized, they most probably do this, as Indeed IT staff probably read about my experience with the pervy gardeners at NEGS!

22. Things I wish I was told when I was 18

Every activity you do with your body takes its toll, be very careful in the activities and work you choose; is it worth your while? are you being paid properly? are you been paid at all? if you don’t adhere to this warning, by the time your 40s come around (which happens in a blink of an eye) you will be aching, there’s no Medicare rebates for physio and massage which basically are the only 2 things that really help with these aches and pains (aside from pepper essential oil) Your employer will want to use your body as much as they can get away with, they are greedy, old and have no morals on the inside  - be strong and stand up to them. NO CHAINSAWING


Embrace being on your own, don’t rely on other people, you know best, you have inner instinct, (of course your own inner voice and not somebody else’s inner voice/images), which btw, nobody talks about, but is this very real ‘planet earth connection thing’ that happens - not that this has been a problem for me, but it is a problem for other people around me; Reflections, how some women do reflections; that is, mirror what you’re thinking and reflect it back to you word verbatim or (some clever ones twist it to manipulate). So, if you ask them how they are, and you think to yourself angry, they will say “angry”, it is really like you’re having a conversation with yourself, but some will say the opposite, like “I am not angry at all”, in a slight rebellious way. You should avoid these creatures because they are thieving leeches designed specifically for men who want bimbos (they are rife in television and radio world – Oprah talks about them in a non-direct way, as it is a delicate issue to explain, bugger off Ellen). “Obviously, one doesn’t speak every single thought one has in one’s head - things could get a little confusing and offensive; when one speaks, one always applies common courtesies, along with common-sense.” This is something I have no troubles with. However, I know for a lot of female tv / radio bims out there, this is something that they struggle with. And people take advantage of their sleepy nature.


Most people are thoughtless, try and remember that, Emily. If you tell people, you never get sick, then you have people trying to make you sick - it’s part of their senseless nature, you don’t understand it when you’re 18 but they do the opposite, due to bad nazi parenting/schooling in Australia, thus rebellion. You’re like an ‘open book’ people see/hear you coming, they will try and steal as much money and ideas out of you as possible, trust no one (you run rings around most people) Women are the enemy, way more so than men. A pusscat is better company than anyone. Don‘t listen to radio or go to music festivals. Get them to pay Superannuation, don’t work for a woman. I suspect now, it was old men who handicap my foot, so I shall never be working for an old man.


Start saving for a house at 15, coax parents into giving you a deposit. (If you haven’t coaxed them into buying a house on your 18th! (Which they should, no more beer for you!) Live at home to save, but living in the community you grew up in is a good thing, people are nasty if they don’t know you, especially when your young, single and still vulnerable. For you, really having own home to nest in, feel safe in, is the most important thing. A place where you can invest money / effort into making things the way you want. Settle in Darwin or Cooktown area where it’s warm, there are less viruses, (flu virus is not caused from cold, but highly contagious, it will kill you). They hardly know anything about virus except the more times you get flue, the overall weaker your body becomes, I personally believe it to be handed out deliberately amongst the population. Plant heaps of trees everywhere you go, & flowers.


For all Dr appointments, take a friend. I know this is a huge inconvenience but Drs cannot be trusted, as well as receptionist, dentists, nurses and assistants. None of them can be trusted to do the right thing/make right decision always. At any rate take a camera around your neck and record each visit. (I found alternative medicine people, nicer people, except that one pervert, can’t remember him now) Also, try to see the same GP always, that’s another reason why it is not good to move around, you will need a Dr to vouch for you later on. NEVER go to dentist unless in extreme pain, (clove essential oil will kill any bacteria) just keep brushing every day lightly. Sensodyne, floss if you have to. Dentists are hopeless crooks that can’t handle your petite mouth.

There is an Art of looking after your teeth.


The point of life is finding your own personal happiness and things to care about, talk to your parents about their life, why they made certain decisions, they’ve had all the experience, you share the same DNA, use their experience (keep in mind they are pretty clueless about finances and how the world works, especially mum). And btw, all your friends and family will betray you in the end. It’s about money and power for most people. And when you’re 18 life is pretty good, if you think you have problems or are angry, forget about it, when you older, you’ll look back and think, not really bad compared to how things look when your wiser - you see the world with greater clarity, and all is not well in the country at all, there are a lot of big problems that people, particularly parents and school teachers (and news people for that matter) don’t really talk about, and the country is run by a lot of bad rich people or scared fearful people who don’t like change, and don’t like to rock the boat - reality can be so scary for them. Stand up to people who will try to oppress you (everyone).


Don’t take out insurance. Especially car. Insurance is a total scam, if you put in a claim for insurance then you’ll have people following you around stealing from you, and they do it in sneaky ways where they can’t get caught. Organised crime is huge, and businesses are involved, so stealing is often done by not taking possessions, but by creating business for certain businesses. Australia is run by dogs – the good guys lost. After SouthPacifc, throw fashion out the window, become a speech pathologist.


People will be relatively respectful to you whilst your parents are alive, once they’re dead, if you’re not married, forget about it, you’re scum of society and treated as such. You’re going to be constantly hounded by bullies, the whole of Australia is made up of non thinking bullies, they are every-where. I think the best advice I can give you to get them off your back is they respond only to loud strong language and intimidation, confidence is key. Get EVERYONE’S name, including coworkers, especially receptionists at councils, DEFINITELY CENTERLINK (record any interaction). You will need to know names for when they invent the internet! Don’t worry, internet is coming! Don’t spend money/effort on rentals, don’t purchase anything that can’t be packed in Ute – you will be renting all  your life, frequently moving. They steal everything anyway, try to buy 2ndhand. {house prices skyrocket}


Tell Daniel to stay away from Heath Barwick, he is a thieving druggy idiot child with a bimbo mother. Don’t go to the cinema with that John guy. Tell Cathy Goldman to go fuck herself – actually report her to police – you don’t know it but she is stalking you, actually report both of them, Heath is stalking you too. Then never ever call the police again-they are completely naive and have no idea what’s going on.)

23. Oh, how much “natural charm” does a street have, without powerlines?  A LOT!

I think those trees are Eucalyptus leucoxylon’s.

A tree lined street makes such a difference to the whole atmospheric feeling of a place, especially when there are no bloody powerlines.

I always wondered why Council spent so much money on fixing roads that don’t really need to be fixed, when they can be putting powerlines underground, that would be a far more logical and better way to spend money, plus create jobs. However I have since learned that the power companies are private companies, and Councils are run by government. So this is a bit of a dilemma, and the government really should not have sold out the electricity companies, until they did the all to important underground works.


24. Lord of the Flies Admin

OMG, this is exactly what I mean. Look what they have done on this article re great shot of amazing Architecture; Nazi Admin have gone out of control, deleting posts left right and centre. Plus they’ve totally got the wrong end of the stick; Hey! you’re allowed to use words like ‘Nazi’ and ‘porn’ without being offensive. Grow the hell up little people Admin.

And by the way, I have encountered a few IT companies that have also been run in “Lord of the Flies manner. If you have not read the book “Lord of the Flies”, I highly recommend you do. I’ve mentioned it numerous times on my blog. If you have not read this book, you won’t thoroughly know what I’m talking about. It is the negative part of certain human personalities, especially amongst young boys, young men who are on a gung-ho tirade.  Call the Guard!!

Although this world today, which is becoming more and more matriarchy, rather than patriarchy, the same can be applied to young women, I myself have had to “call the guard” on many many many many, occasions when dealing with a lot of retailers.


Did you know there is no emoji for ‘yelling’ or ‘blowing the trumpet’ – oppressed IT, COOEE! I did find this one though 🤐 figures.


25. Why privacy is important

I have talked about this before, particular in the garden - if you read my “Houses need to be S-P-A-C-E-D” photo story on page 5 or my “Night sweats” photo story on page 10, possibly my Stalking Dogs in Melbourne story on p4. I go into detail about why it’s important, like a woman’s privacy, and predatory men, or theft, stalking female bimbos, as a result of no privacy, but, really most people don’t really care about those issues, even though those things that plague me terribly and make my life extremely difficult AND SHOULD BE DEALT WITH.

I mean, I’m all for transparency; being honest and truthful in business and private lives, not making up lies in order to save face, or save somebody else’s face, or manipulate the situation, or to try and protect someone, kids. However, privacy is extremely important particularly if you’re a single lady, but really the number one reason why privacy is important, the reason anyway that would win a debate in the public sector; is business competition. I have found as a business owner, and because my privacy is somewhat compromised, I have dogs who can steal my customers in very sneaky ways. I have mentioned before on his blog that they steal ideas left right and center, which they still do, but my main business of seed selling, this doesn’t require too many new ideas, just requires customers. And, if the competition can see a customer sniffing around, well I’m not going to tell you some of the ideas that they come up with to steal them, because there are so many bloody copycats, and I don’t want to put any more ideas into their thieving heads, but they do it, and it’s because I don’t have privacy.

Now I say this will win the debate, because I have noticed, for some reason that if you say its for business purposes you will immediately get the approval of everyone. Actually this “business purposes” is so significant that it would be a form of discrimination for those not in business and wish to make a point or complaint, etc. Have you ventured into town in the middle of the day? Do you notice how many people there are about, all on the street, all on the roads? There are literally 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s of people not at work. So that’s 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s of people who would be discriminated against.

26. Product Placement

I remember watching this movie once called The Truman show, with Jim Carrey. I really liked it.  About a man held captive unbeknownst to him, in a world where everything was produced by a producer, and everything was fake, so they were hidden cameras everywhere, and actors pretending to be his fake friends and fake family, fake wife, fake buildings fake workplace, even fake weather. I guess I liked it because I could relate to it in a way (dogs). There was a scene in it, where he notices that his wife was talking to him, but it was like she was talking to somebody else (she was obviously sending messages to the producer) and so he was left feeling slightly bewildered “am I going nuts?“ so, he exclaims in manic out-raged way “who are you talking to!”

I think there are people who have seen this movie, and seen the way people can be manipulated, and who then like to try for themselves (I have found in life, when it comes to movies, particularly a good movie like that one, they copy everything in it). So, what those people do, is the product placement bits - they did it in that movie. In fact, I think that movie was the turning point, it was like was so obvious, and people so obviously saw how product placement works in movies, it was like product placement was brought into consciousness with the common people!  So, they intern want to try it as well. Sometimes when I talk to certain people, I feel their product placement is so bad, I want to yell at them WHO ARE YOU TALKING TOO!

And then I wonder, what possesses them to product place somebody else’s product. I think about any products that I think would be good enough to product place without receiving any money for it. And actually, I can think of only 2! One thing I loved when I had it, back when I was 20, on a fresh strawberry tart, was King Island Cream - it was the most amazing desert experience I had ever had! Best cream ever. So worth tasting. The other thing was Benjamin Moore self-levelling paint! 15 years ago, I bought this by chance, not even seeing the self-levelling part about it. I painted some craft wood shelves with it. As I was painting, of course when you paint, you get streaks from the brush lines, but after about five minutes, I noted, it literally did self-level and was beautifully smooth, no bubbles, it dried almost like a hard solid coating finish. Now 15 years later, I’ve still got those shelves and there’s not a scratch or a chip on it (and I have relocated 8 times) The craft wood is completely protected in this hard tough self-levelled coating. It is an outstanding product. I have since looked for it online, and I don’t think they make it any more, but they do have their own website, and for ‘almost’ a 4L tin of bathroom paint, it costs $150! so that is extraordinarily expensive, but their quality is unmatched in my opinion.

So, I would have no problems product placing those two amazing products!

Yesterday I saw a good movie about gambling. So, I have no doubt they were product placing gambling! But actually, I felt they were a little bit sneaky, whilst product placing gambling, they seemed to be subliminally saying, we are so good at this product placement now, that we are product placing to certain personality types; who we know are good at maths, but are lacking in areas like common sense, and also have big egos, so, don’t want to lose; These people make perfect gambling suckers and we want them by the bucket loads. And we are getting them.

I have no doubt that it worked. I don’t gamble – waste of money. I’ve always thought anyone who gambles is just bloody stupid. I tell you, those businesses have got it covered; all the favourite Hollywood stars have had gambling scenes of some sort, and Hollywood people are very persuasive, so I feel like I definitely have to say something here, because people need help against persuasive Hollywood people! Don't be a victim so don't gamble. Money better off spent on good food and plants. And online gambling especially is for victims; you are never going to win.                                            Isn't my Maidenhair Fern fabric print above, just beautiful!

27. Sun Dried Apricots

I will include this method because my dried apricots were so amazing, they were unlike any other dried apricots I’ve ever tasted. There were two factors culminating in this, one was the variety of apricots, it was a new variety called ‘Story’ from Heemskirts Tamworth Nursery (Flemmings) - so deliciously big, sweet, fragrant and juicy, they were delicious at their optimum ripeness. The other factor, was in Gunnedah that year, it happened to coincide with the ripening of my apricots, was a four day extreme heat wave. This was an unbelievable hot heatwave, it was like hotter than I’d say any other year on record at that time of year (November), for four consecutive days. Hot hot hot!. I put out my apricots out each morning, bring them into the verander each evening before the due set in. After four days I had the most perfect sun dried apricots you can imagine. They hadn’t even discoloured, and I didn’t even use any vitamin C powder, which usually prevents the brown oxidisation on apricots.

The flavour was extraordinary, so intense. It was really so good that it will be worth purchasing your own apricot tree so you can try this (and hope for a heat wave one year)

Actually, the flavour was so good I’m thinking it’s probably worth fruit growers to take their almost ripe stone fruit out into Australia’s hot desert, so they can dry all their fruit by this method -unbelievable flavour. Come on Australia, wake up.

I did them in my usual frames which consist of midge proof flyscreen, fully enclosed frames

28. Quote that resonated with me, about corrupt police and government in Iraq, using fear tactics to control

Here is a quote from an Iraqi detainee who was falsely imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay for 14 years. This was his opening statement in his trial:

“Where I am from, we know not to trust the police, we know the law is corrupt, and we know the government uses fear to control us.”

This man is talking about his country of Iraq, however when he said this, it resonated with me. I am Australian, and as far as I’m concerned, he was talking about the police I know in Gin Gin and Bundaberg QLD, and the government that I know, - Centrelink, they are corrupt and they do use fear to manipulate - just as overcontrolling as the Iraqi government.

It was only yesterday, I received yet another nuisance call from the new governments contractor who won the employment provider role – she claimed she was from them, (although her voice was familiar – and I have noted recently there have been a number of people calling me or who have taken my phone calls, that have distinctive voices; as in the same person who spoke to me when I phoned PayPal was the same person I spoke to when I phoned Telstra and Ebay – and not just recently but over the last 10 years, it has been the same person. Plus there is at least 4 “same people” people that I have recognised now, they claim to be a different person each time, but infact not – as I have finally got really familiar with their voice, and I now also record all phone conversations too, for comparison. I don’t know who is behind that, I would say, actually Telstra, since they do phones? Anyway, this woman, said they had not updated my details, placing me in financial harms ways. In the past I have had such monsters from Jobs providers, cut off payments on numerous occasions for no reason other than to strike fear – it is a game they relish – powertripping and fear mongering. They are fucked people.

Btw, if you have to move, and you’re on employment, you’ve gotta come up with new bond costs as well as removal costs – and even the cheapest way of doing it yourself with hire truck, is still really expensive, ($2000 for my last move), so this is really difficult, there’s really not much left to save each week if your on unemployment, but Centrelink has recognized the fact that emergency payments will crop up, and thus have come up with a solution, and that is they will loan you $500  interest free, and you have to pay back $40 over the next several months until it’s paid in full. This is a good deal, when I had to move in 2000 and was looking after mum on Carer payment, I took advantage of that loan. {There will be some people that won’t know about the loan, its not advertised, that’s partly why I’m writing this}. Although in 2022 once again I had to move, and had to take advantage of the loan, and I noted, 22 years later IT’S STILL THE SAME AMOUNT of $500!! Even though we’ve had exorbitant inflation since 2000. I did send a message to Centrelink and told them about this thing called “inflation”, but noted it still remains $500 today. I will have to add, if they put the loan up to say $800 (more realistic Bond amount) then that would increase loan payback to “too long a period”, so they would have to increase the fortnightly payment as acknowledgement of inflation. So, get to it Mr Budget man!


In my photo story “Bims at Fashion Houses in Sydney EMPOWERING stupid stalking leeches to harass young women”, I mention the dog who stalked me to my job interview, I assume she was from Centrelink, (by the way I had only been unemployed for 2 weeks, and I did get that job that day – yet still I had stupid dogs from Centrelink following me. That was 20 odd years ago. Yet I mention in my latest photo story “Hopeless Sadistic Doctors and Centrelink staff”  that I was followed into Mitre 10 and the person who ‘incorrectly‘ served me, 3 times, for the point of hurting my foot, was the call centre boy from Centrelink who I had recently spoken with over the phone of late re Disability. So, it seems to me the staff at Centrelink have a stalking and “mind your own bloody business” problem. I believe those activities would be not only against their gov policy, but against the law – yet they are still stalking and harassing me. Do I need to contact a politician?


The Mug shown above is my latest design called “Nouveau Stripes 2020 Gradient Pascals 101 goldlight ahx4”, although perhaps I should change the name to “Perfect Pastels” available at RedBubble.

Maybe it is because I have an artistic mind that I notice these things. Or maybe it is the fact that I am an artist, as to why I have dog type people on my back? I definitely think it’s related, it’s like certain sectors of the police and Centrelink don’t know how to deal with everyone, they only know how to deal with specific personality types, like those who are good at maths. I can assure you, there is a whole artistic world going, made up of some extremely talented and very very clever people -  maybe it is that mysterious world that the dogs are trying to spy on, as they can’t see it. Blinded by maths.




29. Dyeing Story and the “female misodge”  Collage of Naturally Died Wool with plants from my garden – ALL YOU NEED ARE MULBERRIES!! Plans to Write a Book

So, one thing I’ve done pretty much all my life, since I was a teenager, is dying. I dye my clothes and fabrics for sewing and designing. I remember being given a Bonds singlet when I was at fashion school, and were told to go away, come back in a few weeks, with a complete outfit, ready for the end of year catwalk parade, which of course must ‘star’ the Bonds singlet. I was in my element! I came up with this amazing design which had been hand dyed too, my design ‘starred’ the singlet, but you could no longer tell it had been a singlet, it was hidden below layers of same coloured dyed cotton poplin and tulle. It included a big over the top  hat, and the bottom dress/skirt part, was detachable! Perfect for the catwalk.

As I was in to spinning and knitting, plus gardening, I started sourcing seeds for dye plants, and over the years had grown a good collection of dye plants, and did a fair amount of experimenting. The more I got into it, the more I realised how many possibilities there are of obtaining dye from our Australian natives, and realised there was a need for a book written about this subject. So, I made plans to write that book in my old age, after I’d grown all my garden, and had a huge selection of plants to experiment with. So unfortunately, I had to leave my garden, and I was only halfway through planting all the plants that I wanted to plant, if that, and so there goes a good book idea, and no doubt, royalties for future Bieman kids or my favourite charity. Somebody else will attempt to do it, but I know that writing such a book, is a lifetimes work, so if someone does, it won’t be very good, unless they put the time and dedication into growing many many many native plants and trees, and tried all the many different ways and combinations there are of making it colourfast. Plus had lots of spare fibre to “play” with, and a lot of water to dye with - which I know, I would say, no other woman would do. Infact the only person that I know, who would do that, is me. Most women are preoccupied, and are too lazy. Anyway, the little dyeing that I did, turned out well, and that collage above shows some of the dyeing I did with dye obtained from nature in my garden, those ones were wash fast too. I did plenty of dyeing with the chemicals from craft shops too.

Over the years, of doing all that dyeing, this one day at Rangari, I was looking at something I’d finished, and was thinking how well it turned out, better than I even had imagined it, I was in my early 40s at this point, and I realised that all the dyeing that I’ve done over years, had always worked out, and that I was pretty dam good at dyeing! I was basically self-boasting to myself.

A few months later, I decided that I wanted to do some more dyeing, and I had run out of dye. I had to purchase more, I got a big batch from Rit, Procion and Cushing’s. But the next lot of mixed dyeing that I did, just didn’t work out at all, it was completely the wrong colour, very different from what I had imagined, and I just couldn’t work it out. I wrote it off thinking I must be slipping in my old age. A few months later I did some more, then, I realised the problem, it was NOT at my end, the problem had been with the packets of dye, the blue dye that I purchased indeed was not blue, it was green, and so no wonder it wasn’t working out. I realised at this point that those girls at Lincraft had swapped the pkts within each box. I bought 15 boxes, worth over $100, it was lucky that I only used 1 portion of one, and so I was able to return all of them except for that one (so ha ha to them) Also, I tested the Cushing’s; same thing, meant to be burgundy, but was actually purple - I couldn’t return that one, that company doesn’t exist anymore. And, same with Rit, my brown black was blue black, completely different tone. Years later when I was at Gin Gin, again I attempted to purchase more dye from a different place, I ordered blue, but they sent me turquoise, mislabelled. I guess that means no more dying. See “female misodge”, read below.

Shame on all those craft girls, not just 1, several dye companies and at least 2 retailers. I do believe they thought they were being funny, but basically you are thieves, and not funny at all. I think those woman is so stupid, that they may have even been carrying out the ‘will’ of some arsehole man, perhaps watched her dad treat her mum in this passive aggressive way as a child? And she  wants to be just like her dad.

And the reason they target me, specifically is because I am not married. She thinks because I’m single, she gets to fuck things up for me. A reoccurring theme other stupid women do (it always the stupid ones).

This stupid blonde is the reason why women don’t get paid as much as men- they are an absolute abomination, and hence why I said carrying out the will of a man.

I found this to be a recurring thing with silly bimbo women, they muck about and play jokes, but the jokes that they come up with, are not jokes at all, they’re just basically bitch girl crimes. There have been countless others things that I could mention here, like when I checked my water tank and measured it, then came home that day and 4 inches was missing, someone saw me measure, then thought, ooohhh, look at her measuring, steal some steal some steal some – idiots, (in our time of drought, which seems to be persistent, stealing water is no joke, every drop counts)

Boys are just as guilty as girls, I do recall writing about the mechanic, who broke my lights, thought it would be funny if I drove home in the dark,  and the other mechanic who cut my fuel line, thought it would be funny if he inverted the petrol fumes inside my car. I mean just idiotic juvenile behaviour, carried out by adults, not funny at all, infact pretty sick. I really hope you get your comeuppance.

I strongly believe that women who sabotage other women like this, is a ‘female misogynists’, (I call them a “female misodge” because they don’t want to see other women be happy, or win in life, they are just as bad as a typical stereotype misogynist male, who feels threatened by women. You know, I am outraged by all the dysfunction in society. MOTHERS COULD YOU PLEASE DO BETTER TO PRODUCE KIDS WITH NO ISSUES LIKE THIS.

Misogyny - Wikipedia (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women. It is a form of sexism that keeps women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the societal roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practiced for thousands of years.


I’ve noted now, since that dye sabotage has happened, instead of having usual dreams about dying my fibres, now whenever I apply my colour, like duck blue for instance, in my dream, it comes out electric purple. It’s like those stupid blonde bitches who work at the craft shop have changed my dreams into Negative Nancy dreams. Fuck them. I hope they get cancer and die.

Btw, I heard that same stupid short blonde bimbo did the same to my glass paints, that I had purchased to do a door,- but never did as I had to move. She must have messed the paint colours somehow, and ha ha, I never used them. And also, ha ha to that bimbo, as I sold those paints to some other girl, and so that stupid blonde has fucked it up for another girl too. And I know that the bimbo only targets me, but now she is inadvertently targeted some other woman. ha ha! That’s what happens when bimbo women try to fuck things up. Not the Butterfly affect, but the Bimbo affect.

There was a movie on last night about a young girl who killed her parents and then committed suicide. I’m really hoping it was based on at least one of those stupid bimbos from the craft shops/ dye companies. The world will be much better place without a single female  sabotager. And btw, I will no longer be purchasing anymore dyes – sabotaged themselves too – stupid.

So, this brings me to my next observation. You know, if you’ve read my whole blog, you will detect a definite theme, about how I describe the nature of women, and what problems for me in particular, they cause. I suspect this is partly due because I’ve mostly only being around women, I went to an all-girls school  and then worked in the fashion trade, which is basically full of women.

From time to time, I have encountered men, who definitely fit the wiki misogyny  definition above, like certain landlords I’ve had, and TAFE teachers, and sometimes the irony is so bizarre, because one man in particular; I would basically just describe him as pretty slow, yet his innate feelings of superiority over women were so obvious, that anyone could see his nature and his attitude just from a little bit of observation. And just from being old and wise now, and still observing what goes on. I can see more and more how men have been making the rules in the past, (the bible: “oh yea of the village, you all should not wear elbow patches on your coat, for I shall provide if you follow my faith” – yes, that is taken from the Bible, and see, it is all about control. Nothing wrong with being thrifty!

But what really annoys me the most, is how men try to ‘trick’ women, and what they know about the world, like they kind of keep things a secret, from women if they choose, and so if a woman can’t figure everything out, that’s going on around her, - as there is a lot not taught in schools, especially in regards to social interaction, and the capabilities of people who manipulate others. (This is because teachers and parents don’t want kids to know the secret about issues of control – they want to control everything). Women tend to base their whole life on what they learnt in school. So, then she’s left in the dark, and that’s why men think women naïve. They also think a woman not employed or married, very stupid (women think that too) “Hey arsehole I know you can hear me” - this little sentence is a tactic a young guy suggest I use, when I was forced to deal with certain cocky evil older man. I am not sure this man thought I was personally inferior to him, but the fact that I was not rich, was what automatically made him think me naïve, and himself superior (brain washed by money). And because I was not partnered, he thinks this is permission to “play games” and be disrespectful, because I must obviously be a ‘party type’ girl, and there was no man around to take revenge anyway. Such a fucking coward. And, I’m not btw, which he sooner found out. {Like to add, mostly it is the single factor and not the money factor that motivates men into “playing games” and being disrespectful.} I would describe him as a revolting man, and I find it strange that any woman would tolerate a man like that, yet, he is partnered up. But see how every now and again, there are people who cross my path, who can see what is going on, can see that everything is not what it seems, and that there is unseen vulgar stuff (not to do with sex, but to do with power), happening. Like a whale tossing a seal. Just sometimes those people cross my path. And even on more rare occasions, they can actually help out, with a suggestion like this little sentence. They know about the evil plots and schemes used, to try and trick usually, women.

But, as I have been around a lot of women in my life, I have witnessed mostly the opposite, with women trying to ‘trick’ men, and ofcourse women trying to put other women “back in their place” – this is huge. Plus try to play God at shopping places with microphones! And I am fairly certain that the whole of the ABC TV and Radio is run by women, and has been for decades. Full of “female misodge”, playing ‘class’.

And I have to note, the unit complex, where, unfortunately I have to live now,  - all the female misodge who witnessed me at Rangari, are highly ecstatic now, as I have finally “been put in my place”. (Actually, as long as there is no stealing, I would be greatly relieved to live anywhere, and this place is kind of hidden from the road and is in a very beautiful rainforesty area, but I’ve heard, they’re trying to get me kicked out of it again, as it’s ‘too pretty for me, and I do not deserve it’. I can hear you arshole, and actually, I deserve way better. Deserve and Deserved.) But it is an interesting mix of single people, male and female. At first, I had the old men playing their typical games of manipulation, their favourite thing to do, including fear mongering, and playing sides, (hey arsehole, I can hear you, and not my first walk in the park.) {That expression must have come from a woman, walking through a public park and noticing that there were a lot of men, pervert arseholes, around, staring and watching her. Lol. What I mean  by it, I am used to bored people who don’t think I can see what they are doing, trying to manipulate my thoughts with signs, and fear mongering. I have had nearly 30 years of experience of people trying to do this, all though it gets worse the older you get. Bizarre.}

So, the women in this complex, well, I don’t know if they are watching me see what’s going on, or if they can actually see what’s going on, - I pretty much doubt that they can see what’s going on, but they have decided, that they want to play to, playing sides is the biggest thing, they also involve the handyman, old man. And it maybe landlord related, I’m not sure, but playing games is what they do in order to manipulate; just like that, when in actual fact it has nothing to do with the landlord. (At past places too, as a renter and single woman - I just love having pervert power tripper handyman and body corporate caretakers sniffing around my unit. That was sarcasm in case you can’t tell.) I cannot do anything about that. Those people are acting on their own volition, without any provocation from me. It seems being single makes me irresistible to those ‘stupid’ personality types. I recall one time at Bulga, dad was out visiting me, and he had brought out a trailer load of firewood for me (cool dad), and was doing some chain sawing too. When the chainsaw started up, I immediately saw the landlord Robert, drive down from his house to mine, but when he turned in the drive and saw dads car, he reversed out and went back home – this is exactly what happens all the time, if there is someone around, the dogs back off - FUCKING BULLY COWARDS. {I know I have mentioned this chainsaw story before, but it’s just a perfect example to explain what happens to me regularly, as a single woman, often regarding small matters.}

30. Stolen - Nat Killer, along with Popular Culture Teaching Young People how to Live - TV brain washing

SINCE 3mnths prior before I left, I asked my landlord if she would like me to leave a bathroom “diy wall” I had put up in the form of a purple blanket, as there really needed to be something there to stop the smell from the compost loo. She got back to me in a most revolting and bitchy manner and said no, I was to remove it, and she also went into a long spiel about how I had better  clean the bathroom when I left – stupid drunk IDIOT. (Little tip, stupid people, should really not drink, but being drunk is never an excuse for bad behaviour.) Someone else, suggested to me that my landlord Cate thought I was gay, – see my beautiful rainbow ribbon wind catcher!  ($100 on Etsy) so strange if you use bright colours how people think you’re gay!! Again, more stupidity. I love bright colours, yet still not gay, try and get this through your thick heads.

Anyway, so she thinks I was gay, so she discriminated against me, like being gay is an excuse for her to be disrespectful, she felt, if I was gay then this would make her feel superior to me. She’s totally, I would say “not right” in the head, but this kind of thing really comes down to stupidity and not being aware. She and along with pretty much a lot of other people.

One of my favourite American sitcoms was Will and Grace, (still not gay) as I was watching reruns 10yrs later I realised why there’s so much discrimination against single people; the characters were downright discriminatory towards each other, if there was no boyfriend on the scene, they blatantly called each other losers. In my experience, people copy what they see on TV. I’m pretty sure that’s why there’s a whole lot of hopeless mothers, because they want to be, and so, copy the drugged up rich drunk housewife Karen Walker!

Apparently, I was told; TV producers/directors, used to do this on shows with black people in the 80s, they would use subtle brainwashing tactics to discriminate against black people, and not just  the easy ones, like putting black people as the “help” all  the time, but other evil means and ways. Like use statements like “good-natured simpleton”, suggesting that anyone who is good-natured is stupid -although that’s not a black discrimination – they were having a go at anyone who is not a bitch. But that’s how they do it, use popular tv shows to impose social norms. And like how on that show called “Mad About You” in the early 90’s, about the popular good-looking couple who decided to get married and have a child in their city apartment, when before this, was like a general thing, that you would get married and settle down in the ‘burbs’, with a house and star pickets - they wanted people breeding in units, as there’s not enough room for everybody to live in a house. It’s really disgusting, and people should stop fucking breeding.

Those brain washing tactics are very real and deliberate, you might think “oh it’s just a script for popular culture, for amusement purposes”, but think again. And they weren’t just being accidentally racist! Unbelievable.

Same with how the police think that I am unemployed, so that would be a reason to be disrespectful towards me, and act superior towards me, and to automatically side with anyone and everybody else, such stupidity in society, I can’t believe it.

So, I suspect my landlord took it, or the future tenant, who was to be living in that house.

They saw how it worked, and saw that it was a good idea, and so just help themselves, ($40 Mosquito Bits for the compost loo from amazon). I also believe there was a thing in the past with my landlord rousing on someone who provided her sand, stating that the sand was full of biting flies. I think she may have been confused, because with any compost, it attracts nats. So, she would’ve put out her compost loo, which coincided with a delivery of sand, she saw the nats, and thought they must have come with the sand. So, the sand guy copped a beating from her. {This is why breeding is not for everyone, if you’re not wealthy and educated, really you shouldn’t have kids, you know, face the facts of reality}. They also took the carpet strip that I used on a ramp for my cat, and they took a large glass jar of small screws and a long Rio rod. {I also forgot to get a heavy-duty extra-large hanging basket off the back veranda when I moved, and I know I forgot that due to those thieving dogs doing distractions, that hanger was the only thing I forgot} My landlords name is Cate Rogers, I have no idea who is living in that house now, the address is Lot 7, 4528 Bundaberg Gin Gin Road, Gin Gin, QLD, 4671 (no 7 in Village Lane, as house is not listed on Google Maps) I like to set the dogs and all the thieves, gives them a real guilty target and something to do; you really shouldn’t steal from me. Zero tolerance.

By the way, I had quite a few items stolen in the 3yr period when I lived there, and I wasn’t sure whether it was the landlord, in fact, I was pretty certain it wasn’t her stealing, but then one day,  I received a new water tank on behalf of Cate, who couldn’t be there as she was on holidays, and the tank had a separate filter, which I put inside on the shelf. And a couple of weeks later, I noticed that filter had been stolen, and I’m pretty certain the only person that would’ve wanted that stolen, would be Cate, because she thought maybe I might throw it out or something. So, if Cate stole that filter, this means, she stole everything - all the items I’ve listed here on my blog that have been stolen. Shame on her, she’s going to hell for sure, and I hope she gets cancer (and, what a stupid dog).

And while I am on the subject of popular culture teaching young people how to live, I just watched a movie showing the lead ‘cool’ guy stealing from a women that he  perceived as rich, (so not actually rich, just he perceived her as rich, but mainly she was not returning his flirtations with him). So, what that does it say to all young vulnerable boys watching that that behaviour? It shouts, is not only normal, but accepted – I was DISGUSTED, so much so, that I waited till the end credits and wrote down every name who produced and directed that movie, shame on them (note there are no woman listed – this could be the problem, - real woman haters): Ruben Fleischer, Rafe Lee Judkins, Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Jon Hanley Rosenberg, Mark D Walker, Naughty Dog video game, Charles Roven, Alex Gartner, Avi. Arad, Robert J Dohrmann, David Bernad, Tom Holland, Carter Swan, Neil Druckmann, Evan Wells, and Asad Qizilbash.

Calling all lady femme fatales ; this boys need a good whipping.

31. Why is it some People Think Certain Men are Gay when they're Not

I was thinking one day, why it is, that some people think certain men are gay, when they're not.

Well, I have worked out why; it is it's because those particular men have a common learnt trait, and that trait is “bitch”. I find it happens to men particularly if they're close to their mothers, been raised by their mothers, or have many sisters and are close to women. They simply learn how to be bitch!


For instance, if you think of those 2 famous characters on TV; Jerry Seinfeld and Chandler Bing from Friends; both of those gentlemen sometimes received comments  from women about how they thought they were gay. And it's specifically because those characters make bitchy often sarcastic comments. It could not be any more obvious!


Only just this morning someone online from an Adobe forum (who had an icon of an old man, and said his name was Larry), but he implied to me that I was lucky to be using the program that I am using, and I should be lucky and grateful.

I thought well you know, that is a bitchy thing to say, as it implies for starters, that I am ungrateful in the first place.

So, I told him, I was, then asked him if he was actually a girl? He said he wasn't. So, this is another perfect example. I bet he gets confused by other people too if they didn't know that he was happily married.


I think I should make, it my personal mission too, to rid the world of “bitch” character in men. It’s bad enough we all have to endure women. But “bitch” in a man, well, it’s disgusting, and certainly a turn off! It is definatly a dysfunction.

Raised by bitch mother; you could not wish that upon your worst enemy!

I would go so far as to say it’s a mental health issue!


Actually, I also thought of another factor, and that is sport. I am thinking men who didn't play sports as a child, in particular team sports, don't learn how to have that kind of "tough macho competitive - I'm going to eat you alive" attitude, that some sports instil. I know when I was a child I didn't really play any team sports, I did horse riding and swimming, solo sports. And I think that is why I'm a little different from a lot of other girls, and had such difficulties at my first job at Bonds, with all the other “tough macho bitch type” women there, basically all of the women who worked at Bonds were that type? Actually, looking at the big picture of that whole scenario, that is a little odd, and most definite a dysfunction going on in that company.


I remember my Aunt too, in fact I've mentioned this before, but she must've realised at some point that her only son was a sweet and gentle boy, and that this was going to lead to some problems, so she took him down to Saturday morning sports in Balmain, as much as she would not like to do that as a single mother; going down with all the other parents every Saturday, she would've hated it actually (just the same as I would hate doing something like that), but she felt sport would have been that important. She probably noticed the difference too with mum's (her sister) 4 kids, as we all played multiple sports of some sort.


Image above is me in my car port at new location in the subtropics – taken just before I chopped off all my hair – too hot for long hair here.

Life Stories P4

About P1     About P2,         Life Stories P!

LSP2,    LSP3,    LSP4(this),    LSP5,    LSP6,    LSP7,    LSP8,    LSP9.    LSP10,    LSP11,    LSP12,    LSP13,    LSP14,    LSP15,    LSP16,    LSP17,    LSP18,    LSP19,    LSP20,     LSP21,      LSP22,

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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