I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
Life Stories P12
1. Girl Communication Issues
To fill water pod at Gin Gin council they want $76.50. At first I thought THIEVES. But in retrospect I think the girl I was speaking to on the phone, meant to say it was $76.50 for the first one, which included the actual plastic pod - because after you pay for the first one, every fill after that is only $2. So I think that’s what she meant to say, but she did not say this, I was under the impression that you had to bring your own pod to Council for the first time, and then it would cost $76.50 to fill.
So this is a typical example of Australian education system, it doesn’t teach people how to communicate properly at all.
I can’t even say it’s people from my generation, or thereabouts, because even people in their 20s and 30s, that I’ve spoken to, are also absolutely hopeless at communicating, so they STILL haven’t tackled this issue in schools, and I can’t believe it. I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE IT. Australian department of education – you women are truly hopeless, stop trying to be nazi – and start teaching, guiding and helping. Wake up.
2. The Scatterbrain Saves everyone from Dying
I want to put this little story up, it just came to me one day, so it’s not my story at all, it didn’t happen to me I didn’t witness it, but I thought it was a good way to explain how we’ve got to have all types of people with all types of brain functions and mentalities to survive as a human race – so, not just smarty pants are needed, everyone is needed – A special message for all infants, Primary and High school teachers;
There were four people out in a remote area, they were working on a science project together, three of them were very smart, academics and they were all focused around on the table, coming up with a plan for the project, while the fourth person was known to be a bit of a scatterbrain, who was off looking at the birds in the sky, and not focusing at all on the task at hand, now in this particular part of the world, there happened to be great devastating storms that would hit in a flash second, and would kill people.
And on this day, one struck, but because this person, who wasn’t focusing on the task at hand, instead, looking around at the environment, saw the big storm coming, and was able to warn the three ‘concentrators’, and they all made it to safety.
Now if that unfocused person wasn’t there, then those three highly intelligent people would’ve perished and died.
So, I, unlike the school teachers back in my day, won’t stand for anyone bullying someone, or just reprimanding, teasing, cajoling, paying out, etc, a child who doesn’t keep up with the rest of the class, and who doesn’t get the A’s – and that especially includes, making students feel inadequate through passive ways, because they don’t get A’s in maths – shove your gold stars up your arse you complete moronic public-school teachers. And those kids that are not good at maths, develop skills in other areas that are not part of the curriculum and are not tested (which is a good thing), it’s like a blind person who has exceptional hearing. ‘No use’ of a sense, means another sense can develop more so than the average. There’s a place in our world for everyone. And shame on teachers (and CBA Bank staff) for only rewarding those who are good at maths, mathematicians are not GODS public school teachers.
NOTE: If you steal from me, or do stupid twisted reflections - I WILL CALL YOU STUPID
A little birdy told me they put an emphasis on maths back in my schools days, because they wanted robots to do their housework!! Kind of worked, didn’t it? iPad, iPhone, internet……!
You know, maths for was not entirely a strong point at school for me, although I did get 97% on my HSC for maths (not the hard one). I have to add, after we had done our exam, the teacher went through each question to see if we got them right or not, and indeed I did get every single question right, but on the last question, as a part of the question, you had to show your working out, and apparently, in my working out, I didn’t work it out exactly the right way, and so was deducted the 3%. I felt that was worth mentioning because, you know as long as you get the questions right what does it matter how you got there? It’s a bit of a scam in my opinion! I recall my maths teacher writing a report card at the end of one year stating how, I use my creative thinking abilities, to aid my maths workings!
I really embraced computers as they hit our generation, unlike a lot of people before me, and my age, some have been very slow to take up computers. Thank goodness for Julia Gillard; I think it was around 2013 who gave us the nbn-fast Internet. If it wasn’t for her, we would still be on dial up! Don’t know what those previous liberals were thinking, they were extremely slow to take up the Internet, I guess they knew, it was a threat for them, because ’power to the people’. lol
I recall when I was in year 10 at school, computers were just being introduced; suddenly the maths teacher was now the computer teacher. The teacher was trying to attempt to teach us how to write a program- gotu1! I definitely didn’t grasp how computers worked, but I thought it was bloody brilliant how we could now just type up whatever we wanted to say.
I later (30yrs later) found a letter that I had written then to mum back then in class (!), it was in their huge filing cabinet that I had inherited, by the way that filing cabinet had every piece of paper, in regards to our family, and anything you could think of - dad saved each piece of paper. It came in handy at the garage sale after they died, so we could look up receipts. For some reason that big file with all of those receipts was taken out of the cabinet by one of my siblings (stolen). I just wonder what on earth they did with it and why would they take it – I think it was Daniel. They specifically didn’t want me to have it.
Anyway, back to my story, that letter was the first thing I wrote on a computer, I read this letter when I found it, and I just laughed my head off. It was hilarious! I had a short paragraph with what was going on, then I just started talking about how good the computers were and putting a whole series of letters across the line Woo Hoo !!!!!!!!!!!! ! I can just imagine me leaning back in the chair on 2 feet with 1 finger on the keyboard woo-hoo Lol
3. Neighbourhood Problems specific to me, today at Stellas House.
You know I just watched a wonderful series on Prime Video, called “Ladies of Letters” and it is, I guess, based on a true story, about these two old ladies who write to each other throughout the course of their older lives. Their paths do cross every now and again, one of them stole the others boyfriend, and both ended up in prison for supposedly unwarranted situations, but generally it was not really about much except for the ordinary things that happen to one, in one’s life. Anyway I really enjoyed it, worth mentioning, and there were no dogs there, that’s always a nice relief. It’s inspired me to write this story- as I don’t actually have anyone to write to, I’m just going to write it here and put it on my blog.
So Stella and her adult son John who own the house next door; they’re been there all month - you see that house is usually vacant, only for one or two nights a year, when Stella uses that house. But at the moment, they are there with a lot of guests coming and going, they seem to be having parties, playing loud music, and doing some sort of weird renovation that doesn’t need to be done, (I mean money much better spent on putting in a second Raintank, (if you ask me) but not any of my business. I talked to Stella, and she advised me she’s going to sell it, she has no choice, she says. But later I found out she had no intentions of selling, but she was talking to me that day, as a zombie, controlled by her son!! Can you believe that! Is there any point talking to her at all anymore? I don’t think so. Anyway, those people have been following me, every time I leave kookaburra Park, mainly follow me up to the post office. I can’t imagine why that would be so much fun for them, I mean how interesting following someone, more or less a complete stranger at that, and going to the post office? (are they simpletons? - I know I would never follow someone around, not even someone I knew, let alone a stranger. I mean don’t they have anything else better to do? Lol, you know it’s this kind of thing that keeps me awake at night laughing my head off - such absurdities.) Well that’s what they do, aswell as carry on, talk at me like I can hear them and we are having a conversation (we are not), you might be able to hear me, but I am NOT talking to you, so stop doing twisted reflections. Dodgy as hell. They kind of act obsessed with what I am doing at my place.
One day, I had a buyer at my place, who was picking up an item they won on eBay. And a guy from no 6, never seen him before, started coming over to the fence (where my chooks were) and started talking really loudly in nonsensical manner -not really sure what that was about it, but that’s what he did. Pervert (fuck off)
I have noticed that, if anyone comes to my place (like the appliance service guy) the neighbours and the whole place goes very quiet, not even those big terrible loud trucks that go by, go by.
So I told Cate, my landlord, about Stella selling, and guess what -they all packed up and left, and that was the end of that torment (really?) – who should I tell about the noisy trucks?
I find it extraordinary how society in general can’t handle unmarried women. It’s an area which seems to be totally backwards, like a huge part of Australia is living in an 11th century mentality.
No more problems from them after I wrote this.
4. I have two biblical food stories
I have two biblical food stories. I say biblical because the flavour was so extraordinary, and out of the usual. The first one: I was away at school and visiting a friend in her dorm, she had a carrot, and she took a bite and she didn’t want it, she asked me if I wanted this carrot and I said sure, and I left back to my dorm eating this carrot; and it was the best carrot I’ve ever tasted, ever, infact, it was unbelievable – the centre core of the carrot seem to have the special unique sweet flavour that I have never tasted before or since. I could not get enough of it. SO GOOD (I secretly believe it tasted so good, because God was so impressed that someone had given me something ‘free of charge so to speak‘ and a kind gesture, for once in my life, (usually people just take), that He made the taste extraordinary for me!! J) (The girl who did not like the carrot, btw, was Alica White, Jessica Whites older sister – if you are following my Dental story).
The other time was some orange juice. I lived on a farm and there was an abundance of oranges on the existing orange tree. I must’ve picked them just at the right time (because there is a key time when oranges are ripe, and I was still young, and wasn’t aware of such things, it was really lucky, I thought later…) I made some juice from these oranges, and it was unbelievable, I have never tasted anything like it before or since either. I could honestly say it tasted like ’nectar of the gods’, it was so amazing, it was beyond juice and had turned into a syrupy kind of nectar, just so sweet and delicious. (tree grown from seed)
“Are you inspired about life yet dear?”
I must mention, that orange tree was growing right next to the septic tank, so there could have been a little more nitrogen in the soil than usual!
5. For Every Action, There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction re Coward of the County
I've mentioned how there's a reaction from all the stealing, so for a while, if I just misplaced something or couldn't remember where it was, my first instinct and thought was “it’s probably been stolen”. I reached a point, after so many thefts, where I didn't even bother looking for anything lost, because I just assumed it was stolen too. But obviously that's not always going to be the case, in any normal person’s life, things invariable get lost. There’s going to be the odd time, when I just can't find something because I left it in a weird spot in a non-thinking manner. So, I have to deal with that, and be more mindful. But the same thing has happened on my blog; there has been a few things disappearing (hacked and stolen) as I've mentioned. At least 5 pieces of writing that I know has significant meaning, have been deleted, so I'll write about these here again; one was the bit on my About page, where I described ebay staff who track my IP address, so I'm not able to create an eBay account, as they delete it straight away (actually they did that on Facebook too, nazi IT nerds, Little birdie told me it was the aboriginal police girl from my local area who was tracking me and deleting my accounts, the tracker) -you know, they are full on ‘hounding’ me like dogs. Another piece was also on my About page, where I gave a description about my business that I created when I was living at Rangari. I created a business called Farm Plants and Seeds, I grew literally hundreds of plants, and was able to collect the seed from them and sell them on eBay, it was a nice little profit for me, whilst not going over the tax-free threshold. I also did a bit of plant propagation. But all that work was really all in preparation for the future - it takes a while for plants to grow and establishing themselves so then they can produce in abundance, and be propagated, my plants had only just started maturing, and I had collected only a few of what I would soon be able to harvest. So, my plan involved me still being there, obviously, and, if I was still there, I'd be quite wealthy by now, because of all my hard work finally paying off. So, not only was my garden stolen, and all my hard work wasted, but that story was stolen off my blog. What are they so afraid of?
Another: I wrote a story about my little sister choking on a piece of Frankfurt. It was life or death situation, she turned blue, then black, and red and purple, then black again, and fully white. I witnessed it, it was horrendous, she was so close to dying. Mum eventually managed to save her with her long hard finger nails, she speared it, and pulled it out – I have a clear image of her long slender finger and long hard calcareous fingernail, with a red piece of Frankfurt skin, a small bit of meat, impaled on it. Mum never purchased anymore Frankfurt’s after that.
And there was another one, unfortunately I can’t quite remember if I wrote this as a part of my life stories, or if I did a separate photo story. But I had mentioned a movie that I had watched, unfortunatly, I can’t remember which one either, but it touched on the subject about social women back in 1882 or something, knowing people and setting them up, - arranging friendships and or partnerships to form. And then that particular person, then expected money, and later approached one of them at least and demanded it, and used extortion techniques. I was writing about how wrong this is, and how greedy that person was to use her friendship in such a way. As, beforehand, there was certainly no verbal agreement, it was a mere social introduction. In fact, I was quite outraged by the fact that she later expected money. And if she didn’t get it when she asked, then she would retaliate with some sort of nasty revenge. In my opinion she was undeserving of money or life. It’s not like she actually did anything, I mean, this is how social groups work, someone knows someone, someone is related to someone, and someone’s good friends with someone…… this is not a business, it’s just the way social structures work. So, unless that person, sells herself in such a manner, with a business card… etc, and clearly states beforehand that she wishes for money if the introduction is profitable, (which that person most certainly did not - she was posing as a friend) then it would of course be acceptable to negotiate money. And I feel the reason why this made me so angry, was because I have encountered people like this today – always women – the daft type.
Another one that was removed, was when I wrote about an excellent movie, I saw about the guy who came up with the idea for electric windscreen wipers; a big car company, stole his idea, after he brought it to them. So, this was not just a mere conversation out in a social gathering that was overheard, the guy literally went to the place of business to sell his product, and they saw how it worked, and they stole it. Such audacity. Later the guy took them to court, and years later, painstakingly, for him, eventually won, he received millions, as every car since 1956 or something, had used his idea. So, this is different than if someone hears or overhears (eavesdrop) on your conversation and takes that idea you had, and turns around and makes a profit. But, as someone who has had extensive experience in this area, (I am full of ideas) I still do not consider I am entitled to money in a such a situation, it was their ‘get up and go’ that turned the idea into a business. If someone is savvy enough to take what they hear on board, and come up with a way of money it is all the best to them, kudos to them for listening and paying attention. No one else is certainly entitled to any profits from the business that somebody else has created. This is a common-sense thing. I do know what it feels like to see someone use “my idea” I see it ALL the time, and a lot of those people are greedy non-thinking dogs who deliberately stalk and steal, because they know they could never think of anything themselves, and because they can. (They are tooo stupid, but have business connections) I know there would be plenty of people, (no women, however) that would actually want to reward or payback the idea maker in some way, I have seen this happen (sometimes, condescending-ley so). But if you steal from someone, there is long term ramifications, and a savvy business person will know this, if you take from someone, you will have to repay them somehow, otherwise bad things will befall you. – now see, stupid dogs, don’t understand this concept, those people will be in trouble later. So, if someone steals your idea, there is no need to worry, nature has a way of balancing things out in the end, so unless you have legal grounds so you can actually win, just don’t worry about it. And be flattered, mimicry is the greatest form of flattery, so they say!!
Oh, and I have experienced many stupid women wanting to apply the ‘bad opposite’ for every ‘good reaction’; so, if someone says or does something nice to me or for me, then that stupid girl sees the good deed, and thinks it undeserved – thinks I am undeserving of anything nice, so she will say something horrid to me, or do something passive aggressive nasty, like replace the carwindow cleaner at the service station with a broken one. Ugly on the inside girls – girls who have grown up in a family without LOVE. Poor little girls.
I overheard someone say “if you poke someone with a stick for long enough, eventually they are going to snap it”.
Also I wrote a little didi about that wonderful Kenny Rogers song “Coward of the County”, about someone the whole town perceived as a weakling who does not fight back. And one day a group of them did something despicable, and he turned and killed them all. I know this was deleted, because this was how I was perceived in Gunnedah and why they continually stole from me – and one day I would have turned and ‘got’ them all. So they cast me out before I was fully pissed off and ready.
6. Vitamin and Mineral PRE-I told you so
I don’t see this enough, but vitamins and minerals really shouldn’t be taken, they do more harm than good. I’ve seen bad cases where people have lost the use of parts of their bodies, due to vitamin supplements. I personally believe my father died of pancreatic cancer which was brought on by a supplement which acted like plant fertiliser.
We are not designed to eat vitamins and minerals; our bodies work by taking nutrients from foods. For instance, when you eat an orange, you get a dose of vitamin C. Oranges are really healthy and vital for any growing person, but when you take a vitamin C capsules there is something like 3000 times the dosage of vitamin C to what you would find naturally occurring in an orange, so you can see it’s kind of a little out of balance, the body isn’t designed to take that much vitamin C on all at once.
Those people selling these items really just want to screw you out of as much money as they can, they don’t care if you die or lose a body part, or more often suffer from some long-term side-effect, which isn’t apparent at the time of taking the vitamins - they are blinded by their greed. And I know just reading some information on the Internet there is so much BS out there about these supplements.
But, even I know how tempting it is to read something that implies “if you take this tablet you will be cured of that ailment”. IT IS SO TEMPTING TO PURCHASE after reading something like that.
All the pharmaceutical companies and supermarkets, have marketing down to a tea. They really know how to trick people. Even, as I know this fact, yet sometimes when I see a pop up add I can’t but help just to stop and read it, thinking maybe this one is different, this is the one I really need!
Luckily I usually remember, marketing bullshit. So, this is a little public warning here, don’t waste your money and risk your health by taking vitamin/mineral supplements. Eat good food, it’s not that hard. Especially when your young. I have encountered a few people who have no idea on how to eat healthy, so strange in today’s world, and I hear “I don’t like vegetables, so I just don’t eat them” - which I have to laugh at, because, I mean, you have to eat vegetables to be healthy, there’s no choice in the matter!
Incorporate herbs in your diet too. There are specific foods you can eat to overcome any imbalance you may be suffering from – we just don’t know about them all yet.
And I am talking about vitamin and mineral supplements found in a chemist shop, I am not even referring to the tactics that I heard these pharmaceutical companies use, to get young people hooked on “recreational drugs”, especially back in the 80’s and 90’s. IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY.
Also, another warning, it’s not normal for your kids to need any kind of medication. NONE. It’s not normal for them to be sick, it’s not normal for them to have a headache. They certainly don’t need sedation medication of any sort (if you do this, you are BLATENTLY abusing your child). I would say a big fat NO, to any medication that’s marketed at kids. If you kid is not well, it would be your fault for not feeding him/her properly, most likely not enough protein; to be strong enough to handle life.
COMMON SENCE HAS TO BE APPLIED IN ALL SITUATIONS. Suden ‘pop up’ ailments and tragedies can occur, and need to be treated. But one must not forget the possibility of a child becoming sick for the purposes of attention. If you give your child enough attention, in the first place, it won’t have to get up to such devious antics like that, real or not real. So, the only cure then, is love and attention.
{I have encountered numerous people who realised after the 3rd child, they should’ve stopped after 2. This is what this blog is for, to enlighten bumblers who bumble along and don’t realise all the things that they need to know and do, to thrive in life.}
BTW, whenever I’m right or somebody didn’t believe me when I told them the truth, I am NOT the type of person who later says “I told you so”, - goodness if I did that, I’d sound like a broken record! 😁 I told you so, I told you so, I told you so…...
AND BTW, if I was PM, instead of working 5 days a week, I would make the working week 4. {someone told me, they think if there was only 4 working days, then there would be too much fighting by bored people – could be true?}.
And, instead of conscription (I know we don’t have that here in Australia – and only mothers that don’t actually care if their son lives or dies, sends them off to join the army), but I would make conscription 12mnths compulsory cookery school, where everyone is learnt fundamentals of good diet and healthy cooking. – this would save the health budget billions in the long run! Afterall everyone knows war is for little boys who don’t want to work. And who, fits the very worst category of people that you would give a gun to? I mean the most irresponsible, the most inexperienced, the most gung-ho of them all - of course that category is young men, the very type in the past that they want to enlist! Honestly, they were so clueless in the past.
Everyone knows little boys, just want to fight, they have no common-sense. Fighting first, asking questions later. Useless.
I would also ensure (as PM) any adult who doesn’t have any kids; would receive a bonus from the government of $50, every 6 months! Male and female. {Also thus introducing compulsory genetics testing and recording, at birth}.
Plus, I would abolish land tax. Land tax is a disgraceful tax. The government has implemented this so it can have control over all land, no one is truly safe in their own home. The government can already find ways to control if someone works or doesn’t work (so has money or doesn’t) – they have means and tactics. So, if a person owns the land and has no work to pay the land tax, then it means the Gov can have control to take the land from the owner. It’s a disgraceful tax, and all Australians should be outraged by it, and they should be telling the government to stick this tax up its $%^^. BTW, I’m not a landowner, so in reality, it makes no difference to me if there is land tax or not, yet I am still outraged by it. This is just an observation of how the government oversteps its boundaries.
{If you pay your taxes, and the government wants your land, I hear now, in the UK, that the owner can set an absurdly high asking amount to sell, which may put off the government, and indeed did with the abolished construction of their high-speed train through the country!!}
I would also insist, (as PM) everybody else have the same holiday time, as what school teachers have. They have at least 3 ½ times as much holiday as everyone else! (12 ½ weeks) what a scam! {Although yesterday (22nd June 2023) I ventured out and when I went through town, at 3pm, all the shops were closed, I have absolutely no idea why. The pubs were open, I suspect there may have been a football match on?}
I guess also, there would be compulsory free monthly massage…..
(I am not a “talking social” person – like what you have to be, to be a poly! )
Vitamins below from LIVESCIENCE.COM
7. Food Bullying Through Obesity Encouragements
The latest thing the goddamned dogs are doing is trying to manipulate food intake; set off triggers to make me hungry, at the moment they’re doing comfort food, as in there doing things to make me feel uncomfortable so that I get hungry.
They also have other tactics, which I will not be disclosing - Fat jealous dogs are doing food bullying through intimidation.
They MAYBE COPYING MY STORY FROM The Big Jelly Baby scam, where I mentioned, dogs who wanted to try to get me to put on weight. Copycats. OR, another little birdy told me, that
Well actually, I’ve observed, that when you put on weight, such as I have done, it triggers your hormones, and you intern, get bigger breasts. That’s why you see a lot of petite young girls with hardly any boobs, and it’s the little fatties, that grow up with big giant boobs. In my forties when I started to gain some excess fat, my boobs started to grow! Anyway, so the birdie reckons, there’s ‘boys’ out there (probably from Netflix) who want all girls to have big boobs, and so are trying to trick me into over eating, which wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Now, it was my neighbours yelling out, but it was difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the yelling, so it was either Bob and Helen Elder, or David Hooker and Sharon Millet, or their kids, or their friends – they have a lot of people coming and going. Or, it could have been the house behind on Elseardway. In my opinion all guilty, but none have been convicted for manipulating obesity.
8. Unwanted ‘Infringement’, Big and Small perceptions
Unwanted ‘Infringement’, Big and Small perceptions
Fuck off you stupid little leech at no 9 Kooka. Everywhere I go, problems with neighbours. Why do they think my life is any of their business? Why did they feel they need to inflict themselves upon me with passive aggressive attempts at communication?? Again, same problem at next address too.
I know for a lot of people they tend to trick themselves into believing that they’re in a relationship with someone, like an employer/employee and landlord/tenant, father/son, when in actual fact, they’re confusing the relationship, with a belief of the relationship to be more than ‘just what it is’, due to the power inbalance. It is the power that they like, and the control they have over them, and not the actual person, is what triggers the trick.
But because this is actually not something that’s really talked about in society, (and basically the average person is too stupid to see) and realise, that it’s not the person they like, it’s the power and control they have over them. And when suddenly the tenant or the employee, child, spouse… doesn’t react to them in the way that a friend or lover would, they take a lot of offence, and can’t seem to see the reality of the situation.
I find this happens to me in particular, a lot. I spend a lot of time thinking and saying; fuck off.
I suspect my neighbour may suffer from this problem, who wants to assume some sort of territorial possession over me, just for merely being neighbours. So sick. So unhealthy.
I said it at the top, and I’ll say it again now at the bottom, {and I have said many times on this website} fuck off you stupid little leech at number 9.
Here is a good spot to mention, when I was 19, at Hornsby Tafe studying Fashion Production. I was curious about psychology, mainly stemming from the fact that I felt I was pretty much different from most people, just not quite the same as the other girls at my school or at Tafe. (and no, I am still not gay, and nor do I have a mental illness!) I thought maybe I could find some answers as to why I was different. I did not think there was anything wrong with me, I just wanted some answers to life questions – things actually, that I have talked about in my blog now, as an old wise woman. {Also, possible from my ‘eavesdropping’ phase re mums Counselling people through the church – a curiosity had formed}.
There was a library at Hornsby, I went there looking for psyche books -there was not that much there, there was nothing actually in that genre (pathetic). But some years later I did end up reading a fascinating book by Carl Jung, that belonged to my aunt. Very complicated and slow reading, hard to understand, but he did touch on images in the form of icons. And stated something along the line of them going into the collective consciousness, and thus familiar to everyone. So, not just icons you may think of like Nike or marketing logos, but he was talking about many different “language” type images. There were heaps shown in the book – actually I found it a little odd, and certainly did not recognise any of them. So, I figure this was his understanding of image transfer like I talk about in my Dream Watchers photo story. A little different, and somewhat primitive!
I have never seen any popular icons in my dreams, or as a passing flash!! But, actually I was told by one so called professional that the reason I could not see, was because my father was a heavy drinker even before I was born, and this has affected a small part of things that happen on the Metaphysical brain wave length!! J Not sure if this is true – it could well be! lol Although I have always thought not seeing “icons” or images was quite healthy! No illusions or hallucinations here! { A deliberate plan of dads to raise undelusional kids! Ha ah!}.
What I was intrigued about Carl Jung’s book was his mention of the phrase “collective consciousness” things that whole groups of people understand, and live a certain way as a result of a state of mind. Like how now we find it unacceptable to treat other people as slaves, or scalp their heads – but before, this was perfectly normal. I do believe people work hard at changing the collective consciousness for good. (through conscious media, like movies).
When I mentioned to Carl Jung to one of my older friends from fashion school, she turned to me (we were in my car), and said, she was raped by Carl Jung. She said it point-blank, I couldn't quite believe it, because I thought Carl Jung was really old, and possibly dead before her time - but maybe not? He was popular in the 1920s. I looked him up later, he died in 1961. She was probable born in the 50’s, could have been 60’s? I am really not sure; she was a housewife with 2 just turned teenage kids in 1992. She may have meant raped in the metaphysical world, I'm not entirely sure, I should have probed her about it, but I was a little bit shocked, and dumbfounded at the time; I grew up in happy barbie bimbo world where in public, everyone smiled and was happy. I was only 19 back then, and here was someone talking about RAPE!! Maybe she was just scared about the mention of being psychoanalysed! She was the type who was ‘open minded’ - by that, I do not mean I could read her mind! Lol! But she embraced new things, and weird things like colour light therapy.
Some people are open minded in the literally sense, some people can read others minds. It happens a lot, its called mental telepathy. (der fred). I mentioned on my blog there are certain women (many women) who if I'm upset -she screams. It happens to me all the time, and I have learnt over the years to be very controlled. Because its kind of annoying if your pissed off about something, and you have some little annoying bimbo dog outside screaming. But what I find weird about this whole thing is the un-acknowledgement that it happens – especially by the Australian Police. It's like one of their number one priorities, is pretty much to pretend that this kind of thing just doesn't happen. Like it's not real. It seems to be an area of dysfunction in their adamant mission to deny it. Just weird. I mean why would you want to that - it's a part of life, why would you want to deny life? What’s wrong with them? This is why the refuse to do anything about all the thefts at my place and or from my car / body in town. To take me seriously they would have to acknowledge just exactly how these dogs are stealing from me.
My cross to bear.
I want to mention sleep walking here too, and no I do not mean walking around the streets half asleep in zombie frame of mind. I am talking about getting out of bed in the middle of the night doing some weird thing, then getting back in and going to sleep again; then having NO recollection of doing it, the next morning. This is not something I am in the habit of doing, but dad told me, when I was 8 or so, I did sleep walk once. In fact, I have written about it before on this blog but I couldn't find it today in my search results, so I will put it in again; one night I got up around 11:30pm, and walked all the way down the large hallway into the living room where dad was watching television still. Mum had already gone to bed, and he said I just hopped up on his knee and started watching television! He said to me ‘are you alright, do you want to drink of water? And he said I said ‘no’, and so I sat there for about 30 seconds, then I just got up again and went off to bed! That's what he said happen - so that's very odd. I suspect it had something to do with going to bed at 630pm – I was getting too much sleep. I imagine that would be something that I would in that scenario.
I don't believe there's been any other incidences of sleep walking, but I mean who knows - if you can't remember, maybe I've been sleepwalking every night! No one mentioned it at school.
There was one other incident, not sure if it was sleeping walking, I have mentioned that too on my blog, but will do again; when I was living in Petersham, the old house has been divided into four units, so it was kind of odd and pokey, and small. It was bloody awful in fact {I just wonder how I ended up living there in pretty much probably one of the worst places in Sydney you could rent! Especially since I was most definatly not one of the worst people!}. Plus, I was working.
Anyway, the next-door neighbour woman had a cat, and the smell from her kitty litter would come out their open window and into my front door, even when it was closed, it would come under the crack at the bottom, plus around the sides. it was really disgusting - very strong smell, she never cleaned out her kitty litter so it seemed. DISGUSTING. So, I came up with a plan, I blocked the door with one of those sand snakes, and put up a thick velvet curtain all around the door to stop any leakages coming in around the edge of the door. It worked, but, as it was the front door, I could no longer use it, I had to come and go from the back door, which actually caused a whole heap of problems because the door kept changing positions depending on the weather; one minute it would lock the next minute it wouldn't (my bag was stolen one night). Anyway, so this curtain was kind of always closed and pushed against the door. Plus, the door was bolted, so that it could not be opened from the outside. One morning I got up, and the whole curtain had been pushed inwards, as if the door had been opened - so somebody has opened the door, and I don't know how this happened, because as far as I was I knew, it could NOT be open from the outside, it could only be open from the inside, and I have no recollection of opening it. So, maybe I slept walked, and did it in my sleep?? Now, I should add, this was the time when I was harassed at night by numerous people outside on the street, -not just some people, there were literally hundreds of people outside my house on the street on any given night. So, I suspect strongly, that had something to do with it.
And another reason I've mentioned it, is because other times I have awoken to discover very strange things; like recently my sewing needles were all scattered on the floor and the figure 8 clasp had been returned to the floor too. There's no way that just magically appeared, it definitely was stolen 4 yrs prior at an address from 2 address’s ago. It was not in my possession in that time. So, someone has returned it, but I mean how did they get inside at night while I was asleep and the door was locked. I mean did they kind of speak to me when I was asleep, gain my trust, took advantage - then asked me to open the door, and I just got up nonthinkingly so, and did it?? I just don't see how there could be any other explanation?
And if this is the case, I'm mean talk about taking advantage of someone, it's quite disgusting behaviour, SCUM behaviour. That little dog has no morals whatsoever - I mean if I caught them in my unit, that person would most likely end up dead. They have a death wish. The walls here are not sound proof- same as at Petersham. My new neighbour is probably from {Petersham – Sydney SCUM.
How am I meant to report that to the police when they are so adamant that this kind of thing is not possible? They stupid.
9. Cocky Real Estates Stoop to a New Arrogant Low Re Pete Long
Some nerve Elders real estate has, not only do they want landlords name and number for reference, but they want their email so they can send them a FORM to fill out!! Can you believe that? – oohh, I’m sure Pete my X landlord (a lawyer), has nothing better to do with his time, than be pestered by young airhead nazi rental girls).
Could someone please do something about those intrusive, disrespectful, invasive (none of their business anyway) tryhard estate wenches.
And, not to undermine people who aren’t lawyers – their time is just as important aswell. But case in point (a lawyer chargers $300/hour for his time)
Below is the email from Elders, then the response email from Pete (I did not attach the form that Elders wanted them to fill out - but it was there!
Dianne Obst <dianne.obst@eldersrealestate.com.au>
Date: 9 June 2018 at 1:03:01 pm AEST
To: sarah@ngiyaani.com.au
Subject: Rental Reference for Emily Bieman
Good Afternoon Peter and Sarah
Emily Bieman has applied for a rental property with our agency, and we require a rental reference from her previous landlords. I've attached the rental reference form, if you could please fill out and send back at your earliest convenience that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Elders Gladstone
3/19 Tank Street, Po Box 5014 GLADSTONE QLD 4680
p: 07 4972 5700
f: 07 4972 1280
e: dianne.obst@eldersrealestate.com.au
Peter Long <peter@ngiyaani.com.au>
Sent: Monday, 11 June 2018 8:43 AM
To: dianne.obst@eldersrealestate.com.au
Cc: 'Sarah Ferguson' <sarah@ngiyaani.com.au>
Subject: FW: Rental Reference for Emily Bieman
Dear Dianne,
I am not in my office this week so I cannot print off and complete your attached form but I can advise that Emily rented a cottage on our farm from January 2018.
She was the sole occupant and remains in the cottage at the present time.
She gave us notice last week that she wished to relocate and would vacate the cottage. At the time she gave notice, she had made payments on account of rent through to 3 July 2018 and we have asked her to vacate the cottage by that date.
Emily has two cats which have caused no issues. We received no complaints from anyone about Emily during her tenancy. We did an inspection of the cottage two weekends ago and found it to be clean and tidy with no damage. As Emily’s occupation was under a commercial lease because she operated her own business out of the cottage and its surrounds, no bond was deposited with the Rental Bond Board.
Peter Long & Sarah Ferguson
10. Squeaky Wind Story
I lived on a large farm in Gunnedah, at Rangari, owned by David and Brenda Heywood. Way before I moved in, my landlord used to live on the farm next door (about 2 km away). Then he bought the farm I lived on, as well as a house in town, and they moved in to town to live, and he would just come out occasionally to work the farm (he also owned another large farm on the other side of town – btw, farms in Gunnedah average on the 1500-acre size, that’s a typical farm size around town. The farm where I had been living previously, at Bulga was 2200 acres, {and that size is really too big for 1 man, one in his 40’s at any rate, so he used to lease out a couple of paddocks to his neighbours, and if I recall, he used to sow crops that were sold before he had even sown them, he was one lucky farmer}. The farmer who later bought David’s farm (when I had to leave), would own, at least 8000acres+, and that’s just what I knew about – that farmer is going to hell for sure).
So, I was able to live in the farmhouse on the other farm. And David’s house that he had been living in next door, he let go to rack and ruin, it was pretty old anyway, so it didn’t take long for it to get into an unliveable state. (Typical farmer who would prefer to let his house go to rack and ruin, rather than have any dramas with the bother of renting it out. I saw on Google maps the new owner had bulldozed the house – total non thinker).
There was also a Woolshed and a few other buildings over there, one day I went over and had a little exploration. Not only was there a small fenced off paddock full of Couch grass, and nothing else, which I was very impressed about - at the time I was going through a lawn phase, and had decided that Couch was my very favourite lawn! - I thought David should mow that little paddock and he would get an almighty harvest of Couch seed, which at the time was quite expensive and mostly unavailable!) But I discovered in the Woolshed, several old bales of wool still there, and even though this wool was not the kind of wool that you spin - the sheep bred in Gunnedah are for meat only, there are two main breeds, and their fleece is poor quality, a farmer might be lucky to get some money for it from the carpet industry. But I still thought it was Christmas, because I was in the middle of experimenting with plant dyes, and I could use all of this poor-quality burr filled wool, to dye with (I was planning on writing a book; Dyeing with Eucalypts.) So, after checking with the landlord that I could use it, I went back over there. And this day that I went, it was windy, I parked the car between the old house and the Woolshed, and the wind was blowing all around, and all around there were big old gum trees - and that feeling you get when you’re in an area that hasn’t really been inhabited by people, I don’t mind it at all, some people find eerie. The wind was also blowing the roof of the Woolshed up, it too, was in a dilapidated state, and I could see the wind lifting the iron up and I could hear the creaky noise every time it flew up, then back down. I was looking at it directly, when all of a sudden, the creaky noise that I could hear suddenly shifted, and whilst it was still a creaky noise coming from the roof, it kind of sounded like words, it was bizarre, 3 words. The words that I heard, as I was watching the iron lift up and back down again, was, “well hello there”. For me, it literally felt like the wind was talking to me, but it wasn’t just a normal sentence; If you were ever a fan of that show “friends”, and you remember that character Joey, and he was a bit of a flirt with all the women, and he had his pick-up-line of “how you doing”! That was the kind of tone, underlying the creaking, that I could hear!! It was most bizarre! I thought maybe there must be some sort of sound recording or sound device that Heath Barwick bloody installed, as he was the other neighbour adjoining, and he most likely knew that I would be venturing over there that day. But really, I don’t think so, I think it actually was the wind; you know, if you talk to the wind, it will talk back to you! (I spent a lot time on my own, so that’s a lot of time just talking to myself, in my mind! The wind thought I was talking to it!!).
Actually, I just remembered something else; I was over nearby collecting some wire fence that David had told me I could use for of my Gumtree strip, (the roos were getting in to my trees, eating them), and I heard what sounded like a timber saw, it was very loud and had a kind of ring after it, it was echoing through all the trees out there. I thought that David must be up at the old shed tinkering away. I mentioned it to David a few weeks later and he said there’s been no electricity connected to that house in years. But there was a timber saw mill up there too, because they used to mill the timber all around there. I did later have a look at the timber mill and indeed it would’ve sounded just like what I heard. Weird huh? Maybe it was David‘s antics. But, again, I don’t think so. Oh! I just remembered something else too! The first time I went up there, there were five sheep; and it was literally like they were being herded by something I couldn’t see, just a feeling I got, like a Shepherd spirit. I thought maybe there’s generations of farmers haunting the place - wouldn’t surprise me if there were generations of Heath Barwick‘s family haunting the place!
I want to mention, since this happened, I know there have been people who have put devices around my house that one can speak into and be heard, or play a recording of some sort - to try and trick me. Perhaps copycats?
Omg, I just remembered something else; one night I looked across to David’s old farm from my veranda, and I could see what looked like an old timber building burning. I alerted David, but he was totally nonchalant about it. And later, as I was wondering why he did not care if there was a building burning on his farm, I worked out, it was because it was those people who do lights and affects on buildings, they indeed were trying to trick me, and David knew about it.
You see what I have to put up with out there, as a single lady. And one thing leads to another – with all trickery leading to thievery. 500 items stolen from me while I lived on that farm. Curse them.
Good Vibes in Roof Space
12. Moving Ferns
16. Neighbours Cat
18. Tool room at Rangari
13. Verander at Rangari
This was a little of the old carpet wool I was able to collect from David’s old farm shed, and do my experimental dyeing with. I had so much, that when I moved I had to throw a whole heap out, just no room in my future rentals for old wool storage. Curse everyone.
11. Good vibes in roof space conversion
I’ve written a little bit about this before, but it’s another one that has gone missing, so here it is again with more details. I was going to add it to my “Meddling Marys in Victorian Street - none of your business” photo story, but it was getting a bit too long. The reason why, was because my aunt in Leichhardt, wanted to do a renovation in her attic, and her neighbours caused problems for her.
She wanted to convert empty roof space into a room, a studio actually, she painted and taught. She also wanted a little deck out the back where she could sand her crafts, and provide good air and light. The roof would stay as was, and some windows would be added on the north city side. A very simple renovation actually. So, she told me this story later, I was not there through the whole process. Now, for some reason she had to put in a request to neighbours, to seek permission, to do the renovation. Something along those lines, I’m not overly clear of each council’s rules. But why on earth Council would come up with this cockanninnie rule of seeking neighbours’ permission is beyond me, they obviously do not know the nature of most people, especially women. So, her neighbour did protest, she had monumental problems from them, and, btw, they were her good friends infact, they used to eat out in Leichhardt together regularly. But that was the end of that. The neighbour stated if somebody went outside onto the little deck, they could see into their yard, thus privacy would be gone. So, you know if you have read my blog, how important that I know, privacy is. But in this instance, - as in all home renovations, for me, I would say this would be the future problem of the neighbour, and they should have to deal with it by putting a tree or trellis, or something. That’s just my personal opinion, as most homes I have lived in, have been in DIRE need of renovations, and it is hard enough coming up with the cash and a reputable builder, so having additional neighbour and council problems is nightmarish.
So, eventually, after several long months, it was decided my aunt could go ahead with it, but she had to put a barrier at the end of the little deck, kind of like blinkers on a horse! But after it was finished, you could stand on the side and look directly into the yard anyway, so it didn’t really make any difference. And the whole process was a bothersome and a nuisance, and completely unnecessary.
But anyway, the room turned out beautiful, and she had managed to find 4 secondhand stained-glass windows, all the same size, and placed all on the north wall where the sun shines through when it rises. I found a room that was similar on public domain Flickr, I just added the windows, see above. When I went down there at school holidays, I got to sleep in the new studio, she had a daybed up there in next to her large 4x4m work bench, and when I woke up in the morning, the sun pouring in through those beautiful stained-glass windows, it was just gorgeous, beautiful timber room, with the sun, the colours, the new timber scent – it created such a wonderful atmosphere, very memorable.
14. Harassment for Money from Employment Provider in Gin Gin for Road Works and Street Beautification SH SH it’s a secret
My neighbours, incahoots with female employment girls, harass me deliberately for
money - they harass me continuously, and steal from me, they are so bad, I have to put in a complaint to local council and or polys (as they know I will do, anyone of sound mind would) - then council comes up with a ‘distraction’ plan for usually husbands - they pay them to do unnecessary roadworks. This has been an ongoing ‘thing’ that bitch wives in each community I live in, do. They are beyond a nuisance - they make my life HARASMENTHELL; they are stealing from me. -Don’t give in to them, don’t give them any money - it just makes them worse next time. Big network of these people.
In Gunnedah they used use me for arts money aswell, as all the roads there, were all fixed – I was there 20yrs before having to move to QLD.
In Colosseum, they had ‘lollipop girls’ stopping traffic on my rd. (This quite little rural rd, that hardly anyone used; to dig up a section, then replace it – for no reason. Same with the Blackman Gap Rd to Miriam Vale, dirt rd, suddenly lollipop women stopping traffic, for work that just does not need to be done. (Lollipop women – the main guilty harassing greedy culprits, those woman get paid $90hr for sitting on their ass).
And on the Bundaberg Gin Gin rd, they got young men to ‘sweep’ the rd, not kidding, I took a photo – they were stopping traffic to sweep it clean, all day, no road works going on at all. I have probably created more jobs than anyone could possibly know, yet the stupid female bully twits at Bundaberg locked me up for 7 days to ‘see’ if I was crazy – unbelievable what goes on in Australia – I recommend not having kids, as this community is fucked. (Since I seem to have so much influence in this area, I contacted council and told them to start putting powerlines underground instead of pointless roadworks; I think they like roadworks, as they have all the infrastructure and are incahoots with lollipop people). I often have wives drive by house in shiny new
cars, beeping showing off what they got by ‘dogging’ with me - stupid little bimbos, can’t make money anyway but by stealing and bullying.
BTW, at my new location there does not appear to have been any roadworks or street beautification in the area AT ALL for the whole 12mnths I have been here!! Wow, first time in 30yrs!! Well, I definitely know the harassment as somewhat ceased compared to back then. But today actually, there seems to be some idiot across the rd at no 155 or either side of them, beeping at me, and ofcourse there is some guy constantly going woohoo all day long, and his stupid dog who seems to harass me now instead of her child, whenever I do a load of washing – FUCK OFF YOU STUPID DOG. Seriously don’t those people have anything else better to do all day than concern themselves with what I am doing – get a fucking life. {council; DOG COMPLAINT} I also think they have been doing fake baby noises, as the sound of baby crying goes off everytime I go into my bedroom. Stop harassing me, I have the right to live in in “quite enjoyment”.
As soon as I upload this story, beep beep from a hoon going by. Not sure if those things are road works related though – most likely trying, copycats. So, I think those road works before were “Miss” Wainberg’s oka Cate Rogers, doing, her manipulating councils, along with her school friends from Gunnedah.
15. Cockatoo Story
So, I mentioned before on my blog at certain times people take it upon themselves to do signs, really annoying signs, mostly disrespectful signs, meaning, not with the message itself is rude or anything, but just the way they do it is disrespectful, like, if you have something to say to me, then you say it to my face, you look into the persons eye and say it. Doing it by signs is disrespectful, annoying and antagonistically cowardly. It is not CLEVER.
So, I think, by waking me up at 330am or thereabouts every morning they have been trying to tell me another one of my stories is missing (stolen), the one about the cockatoos waking me up every morning at Bird-Twit. I’d come into the house every morning for brekkie, as a young nine-year-old or so, grumpy, because the birds had woken me up. If you are familiar with the cockatoos, then you know how extraordinarily loud they are, they kind of SCREEEECH. Plus, they seem to travel in groups, making them extra loud. There was a huge ironbark right outside my bedroom window (a lean-to on the side of our house) where they would hang out and screech. One morning, I heard the birds start, then the next thing I hear, quick as a flash, I heard the back door open, and I hear dad trying to scare off these cockatoos, he was making all sorts of ruckus sounds, I bet he wish he hadn’t sold his gun; a shotgun would have worked well. Anyway, after his antics of hissing and making cracking noises, whatever, they all left. It did the trick, and in fact I didn’t have any more problems from any more cockatoos ever again! And in my adult years now (back in Gunnedah, they’re kind of comical now, because whenever they see me coming, they all quickly take off!! Plus, they never used to tear apart my trees after I planted them either, (sometimes they’re known to do that out of sheer boredom, just tear off branches and leave them scattered on the ground). And well, so if this is the long-term effect from dad scaring them off years before, then I reckon, dad should’ve tried scaring off the dogs - I bet I would it would’ve had the same affect. Bird brains. (I am not sure if dad ever saw the dogs – but they were so prevalent, he must have)
So that story was missing, I’m not sure what is going on with all my missing stories, who on earth is stealing my stories? I’m getting a little annoyed of having to rewrite it. And fuck you, in case it had any swearing in it, and that’s why they removed it. - I have taken upon to use swear words because I know how much the powers that be, dislike them. And until they stop stealing from me, I’m going to continue swearing. And, by the way, I don’t actually swear, really, it was not till I started writing this blog, and decided to incorporate swear words into my writing to show my annoyance, and piss off the people who can actually do something about the thefts. Lol, more irony.
16. 4 people that are, or, look like Karen Cull (high school biology teacher from Gunnedah High, NSW, Australia)
2000-2004 Karen Cull herself at Bulga (she has since remarried and is no longer is a Cull)
2005 the photography teacher at RMIT in Melbourne
2019 the independent patient rights advisor in the Bundaberg hospital
2021 I saw her walking around kookaburra park when I had to leave
(2018 I possibly heard her at Builyan from the neighbours “What’s up bitch” (!)?)
Now, whether it actually be Karen Cull in each of the 3 other circumstances, I am not sure, as they could have been ‘lookalikes’? (If you have read my blog, especially my “look alikes or doubles from TV Movie Agents in Australia” photo story, this phenomena is a common game that dogs play).
But it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, if they actually went and got Karen and asked her to play this role. As she would be paid by them, and thus they could ‘control’ the situation.
{And this is how wealthy women in the know, and who are connected, keep winning money, by faking and cheating to get paid positions. I have seen many fakers in my life many – infact my advice to young people is always ask for ID if you are paying a so called ‘proffesional’}
I have mentioned previously on my blog, how sometimes I feel in situations when I am out, that it has been set up, and people have been ‘placed in’, and told what to say to me by someone else, who is trying to control the situation. If you ever noticed, watching the ABC TV, and some other television shows, everything is pre-rehearsed, and everyone knows what to say, and what their cue is. I feel these types of people who are doing that, also try to do it to me in my life - because they want control over me, it is a game.
I think it is older woman, who don’t like the way, in a situation, I can take the focus, and put it on whatever I choose. That’s the big issue for them. They are jealous.
So, then there’s a big network of these women, they call themselves the Agony Aunts (a TV show apparently, I never watched) – they have been around for many years. And there are other women who see them and copy them, so then try to inflict domineering tactics over a younger person – me. It used to happen all the time in Gunnedah, but still they try now.
There is something majorly wrong with them, they’re like, not quite fully thinking and evolved women, acting like little monkeys on my back – out of pure jealousy, and stupidity. (I have had a lot of experience with them now, stupidity is the underlying character type, incapable of respect.)
Get lost you stupid bimbos, and get your own life.
I should mention Karen Cull had a big white cat at Bulga, Mardi. He used to venture down to my house from where he lived, about ½ kilometre away, apparently, he used to live in my then house, briefly before they moved up to the big house.
He used to chase my 4 cats, and he chased them inside, barging through the front door, I had to make it Mardi proof. I saw him early one morning, and he was the most pissed off cat you have ever seen, he kept looking up at me where I was in the window, and he could also see my 4 cats perched on the sill, so he looked at us then sprayed the bush, then, he would look back again, and go over to another bush, and spray it, (male cat), he would do that at least 5 times, before I got bored of looking at him. But he wouldn’t just walk or trot over to a bush, he would stomp and march over with this most disgusting scowl on his face that you’ve ever seen, looking at us the whole time he stomped! He hated us being there in his house.
Anyway, one time I had to go over to the Tamworth airport and pick my parents up, and I was waiting in the busy airport, when suddenly there in the middle of the reception area, was Mardi. Don’t ask me how he got there, or who picked him up? But I certainly didn’t see Karen at the airport?
The cat above, this is my now neighbours cats, it says “Jasper” on his collar, he visits me some mornings, and tries to come inside the unit, this one seems quite happy though!
BTW, Karen was not my high school teacher - I did not have a secret crush on my high school teacher!! lol
17. Food and Flower jealousy
I wanted to mention something about my cut flowers. I had so many flowers at Rangari, I was able to (eventually - it took some years), but pick excess ones, and put them in a vase on my desk. So pretty and lovely!
I could not find my photo of my cut pale pink roses in my black and white jug, a specific one I was looking for, and I’ve checked my whole file system for it, it’s gone! Don’t ask me what happened to it - it wasn’t that good! I ought to have taken more phots of my flowers in vases. I remember one lot I picked, I sat it on my huge then, tv cabinet, it was a big vase full of multiple tall gum branches full of E. leucoxylon. It was a huge 1mx1m pink and yellow explosion of flower colour. Much more bold and substantial than my image above! I recall when I collected those flowers, they also sat in front of my yellow and pink curtain, it was masses of yellow and pink; and it reminded me of that wonderful designer Lacroix. I remember as an 18-year-old reading studio magazines, and every time I saw an outfit that I just loved, I would turn the magazine on it’s side, so I could read the name of the designer, 9 out of 10 times, it was always the same one Lacroix! 😀
I mention on my “It all comes down to food jealousy” on page 1, about the reason why I was cast out, and I should have also mentioned flowers, it’s food and flowers! There is an element of females out there, who are extremely jealous of flowers, and having that ability to be able to cut flowers (without forking out cash at the time) and putting them in your home; an element of extreme jealousy from daft bimbos.
Its lucky I now do not live near a florist; I would end up wasting all my money on cut flowers. Actually, I googled the nearest florist to me and it was 400km away!! I noticed actually, everywhere in Australia, (bar the major cities, well Sydney and Melbourne at least), there are no florists, well no flower shops, I see there are now Florists, which are really “gift shops” and they do not sell fresh cut flowers, they have fake flowers and cards and bad chocolates and Kitschy gifts. There are delivery ones online, but the average price for a bouquet is $200! Ridiculous! I remember buying a bunch of Iris’s for $3 in Sydney.
Also, I have a sad Rose story. L It was one of those situations when you’re young, and you do stupid things, because you don’t know any better; I had moved into this house that had an orange flowered rose bush, it came into flower with one rose and I thought it was the ugliest rose I had ever seen. (!) For some reason I wasn’t keen on the colour orange at that particular time, and this rose was bright and deep orange – it does not get any more orange than that rose (I have never since seen an orange rose before). But, since I did not like it, I thought, I’m going to dig it up and replace it with a pink rose. So, I did, and before I started hacking into it, I cut the one rose off, and placed it in the single stem vase that I happen to have {which I thought I would never have any use for ever, so was glad to use it even for an ugly orange rose). Then went about digging it up, when I came in at the end of the day, I walked inside, and the whole house was just this amazing scent of rose - you have never smelt such strong rose fragrance in your life!! It was amazing, every single room in that 3 bedroom brick house smelt like roses. I couldn’t believe that I had just dug up this incredible fragrant rose, and replaced it with a pink one, because I’m pretty sure it would not have a scent as amazing as that ugly orange one!!
Oh life, sometimes just full of regrets!
19. Night Sweats - Direct result from a Lack of Privacy
Forget about menstruation, menopause, medications, hormone problems, low blood sugar, etc- Night sweats, or sometimes excessive sweating, can usually be put down to stress, brought about by a lack of privacy in this full-on overpopulated world.
Yet another reason to stop breeding like rabbits.
(There have been girls in my neighbourhood that know about this phenomenon and deliberately ‘stare’ in through windows or harass from the street – sick) many times its happened; at Petersham and at Builyan, and a few other times in Sydney. I am talking saturated sheets. FUCK OFF
Yet also another reason to introduce stricter policy for developers to making sure housing is private / sound proof; out of sight, out of mind.
20. BENDING the truth, photos from Realtors
This is a low-income house in a tiny outback community in Queensland. This house is a trap, its pray is low-income tenants. This house has a whole heap of problems which cost the tenant money in upkeep - due to drainage problems, water shortage, and thieving tight knit community. The Real Estate; Elders, of Gladstone, will try to steal the whole bond upon exiting as well. I had to take them to court to get it back which wasted two whole days of my time, not to mention paperwork, stress and effort. I got most of it back, and only lost a little due to the way they set up the total scam court procedure. (The whole Gladstone court system is a big scam, it’s specifically designed for people with money, even if you’re completely right, and prove your case, they then call time out and change the rules, they set it up so that the person who has the least status in society loses- it is not a ‘just’ system at all - The judges and the real estate industry work together, it is a game for them. (And if you do win, the police who work alongside the court there, will follow you home and try to give you a ticket, which is what happened to me ($400), I strongly suspect the police at Builyan, Lisa Lynch had something to do with that – she is another naïve police woman) The ‘little girl’ realtor at Elders, Tamara Smitz, should’ve talked the owner, Lacie Bimrose, into seeing common sense- that’s her job, it is NOT her job to ‘egg’ her on, to see how much money they can screw out of the tenant. (Manipulated by Kaye Pownall too) The 2 judges, Athol Kennedy and Judge Kinsella should be ashamed of themselves. The case should have been thrown out when Elders did not even bother showing up. Actually, the full story that I had written about what happened in court, was stolen, so I will add it again. Because Elders didn’t bother showing, judge Kinsella, said we will have to set another day, instead of doing what he should have done, and that is throw the case out. They have very clear rules, and if I hadn’t of turned up, the case would’ve been thrown out - its most unfair that the case wasn’t thrown out when Elders didn’t show up. And Elders didn’t show up because this is a part of their plan; Elders are just down the road from the courthouse in Gladstone, whereas I have to travel two hours all the way up to Gladstone. So not only does it waste valuable petrol money ($95), but more or less a whole day is taken up and set aside for the case. So, I had to wait around all morning for this information and new date to be set, 2mnths later.
So, 2 mnths later, the young Elders rental girl turns up, alongside about 15 other little Real Estate girls - it was all a big tag game, how can I explain what happened? They’re all playing this game and sucking up to this judge, who was a new judge now, judge Ethel Kennedy, and the young rental girl Tamara Smitz was indeed playing ‘footsies’ with the judge. I believe judge Kennedy had a thing for feet! A little hard to explain exactly what happened, but it was definatly a game of footsies.
Suffice to say, asking for the full amount of bond was so ridiculous that even with their game that they were playing, the judge could not award the whole bond to Tamara Smitz and Lacie Bimrose. At one point the rental girl asked for compensation for a tree stump that I cut down – a tree stump! Compensation! - this is not worth taking someone to court over. Court is not a place for bitchy females to take out their frustrations.
But, as they caught me off-guard - as they had a whole 2mnths to prepare after they saw my evidence including photos – I was very thorough, I thought. But as I didn’t have time to think about what I should’ve said after their rebuff, as I forgot to mention or show photos of the fact that there was a big cut off tank up the back of the garden, so I couldn’t mow that part, so the judge saw that tank area, but not the tank, and said I should’ve mowed that area and fined me $100! Can you believe that. If anyone would have told my last landlord that I was fined $100 for not mowing, he would’ve thought that was such a joke – like, I took mowing very seriously, my last lawn was at least 50m² I have two lawnmowers. Such is the ridiculous Queensland Rental and Court system, and the prejudice against people they do not know and are from NSW.
(I did find it quite extraordinary how both judges couldn’t handle anyone who speaks with a raised voice! It’s actually kind of dysfunctional how they really can’t handle it - it must remind them of their mother, and being chastised by their mother in a loud angry voice when they were a child! So, if anyone speaks with an angry tone, they bang their mallet down and get all ‘antsy’. But I mean the very nature of why you would be at court in the first place is because you’re pissed off, there’s been an injustice. So why the court would have such a low tolerance for angry people is a little peculiar.
Anyway, so I walked out of that court room knowing that I was totally screwed, and I didn’t owe that stupid woman any money, I now feel she is now in debt to me, and she will be in karmic debt to me too.
And the reason I suspect Builyan police officer Lisa Lynch was involved in stopping me after I left Gladstone court, in a total dodgy highway area where they reduce the speed limit to catch people out (another deliberate money making scam, I have done separate photo/story about the 70/90/80/70/80 km/h speed limit on the highway just outside Gladstone) - is because I spoke a lot with Lisa Lynch, the new police officer in Builyan, (I don’t think they even had police there before I moved in) because my neighbours were definitely stealing from me and Lisa Lynch intervened and the stealing stopped - but she would prefer to believe that it wasn’t her influence that put an end to it, but in fact they weren’t stealing from me at all - which was completely wishful thinking on her behalf. I find a lot of police aswell as people, think like this, and I really don’t know how they can be so stupid. And the young men involved in stealing from me at Builyan, continued to steal from me at my new address at Colosseum, after I moved, as it turned out they were friends with the work farmhand at my new address – young male thieves (although I did hear girls in the times of thefts too). Anyway, so that’s what happen there.
BTW, now if I try to lodge a rental form application, via the online app (Tenancy1form) on My Real-estate, my name is flagged as having taken a landlord to court, and this stops the form altogether, you can no longer apply to the rental. CAN YOU BELIEV THAT? JUST SO WRONG - DISCRIMINATION – I believe that rental app has been ‘sidebar’d’ now because of that prejudice. So, you can also apply via the local real estate website, and most honest realtors will put their contact details next to the listing, (if there is no real estate associated with the listing – it is most likely a fake or dodgy listing. BUT SOME NERVE. Least there are some people that can see what is going on THANKGOODNESS.
I did not attach the original photo here, showing the Builyan house from one angle – a nice seemingly normal house shot, along with a shot that I took from a different angle, showing a complete different look, and if the shot I took was on the rental listing – no one would apply for it, it was that bad.
21. Naughty Kangaroo Solutions
Some girl noted that whenever I was out in the garden or paddock at Rangari, and there were kangaroos about, as soon as they heard me, they would skedaddle out of my way quick smart. This girl, said she knows women who when they walk near the kangaroos, they would start to fight the woman (kangaroos are known to have a boxing nature).
I have put this down to the fact, that I kind of walk, reminiscent to the Giant, from Jack in the Beanstalk! (Even when I was young and skinny!).
And so, if any woman out there, gets beaten up by kangaroos, you should just site this:
Fee Fi Fo Fum I Smell The Blood Of An Englishman!
Say that to yourself a few times, and get a feel of what it would be like to be a giant - you have to say it in a kind of jilted and fierce way. Soon enough those kangaroos will skedaddle for you too!
22. The Bimbo Dominatrix along with The Sand Man Story
The screenshot above shows our family house in Gunnedah, on the left, with the green roof, and on the far right behind that pink shrub was Ivan Williamson’s Car Mechanic place, you can see all his cars in the spare lot. A few months before this Google shot was taken, there was a little house in that fenced off yard, it was vacant and rundown, not liveable. But, as I would have girls (adults) who would follow me wherever I went; when I went and spent that day at dads, those girls who harass me, would stay in that house, they would occasionally yell out it at me and make comments about what I was doing at that particular point, they would like to “commentate” so if I did something well, they would beep – once, and if I was doing something where I made a mistake, then they would yell out, and ‘bang’ make loud noises. I term them “nasty nazi comments”. They are seriously mentally retarded. Btw, I declare, if you still wish to play this game, then for each “nasty nazi comment” – you have to accompany it with $50 - $50 paid directly into my PayPal account via my email {which you can find at the bottom of this page}. Think of it like a swear jar. That includes you too little boy, $50, you will have to go and ask you mom.
It has never been made clear to me what they were doing there, and why they would have so much time to spare, and concern themselves with what I was doing. Talk about desperate. Actually, I assume it’s jealousy, jealous of the fact that I could just go and hang out at dad‘s house any time I wanted, and he had a pretty nice house. I can see now why he won the lottery all those years ago, he would’ve had the same problem, but probably worse! The powers that be, thinking the best solution being more and more with a lottery win!!, I think it worked! Lol! I never noticed dogs persecuting dad, not like how I have dogs persecute me. * Except once, when I was young, maybe 4 or 5, dad drove Daniel and I over to the local quarry to get some sand, for a sandpit that he was building for us (we were relatively new in town). After that, I noticed one or maybe two or three times when we were driving through Tamworth, there was a car in front of us for ages, and the car was a van type with artwork all over it, it was easily memorable, and, it had “The Sand Man” written on it in big letters. I was sitting directly behind dad, in the passenger seat, so I could see what dad could see, it wouldn’t surprise me if, dad had dogs like I do who follow me around (they drive in front of me too, used to) AND, who pays these idiots, because that artwork would’ve been very expensive? Also, I have written about this before, but it was stolen, (least it is not showing in my PC search results), so this is the second time I have a have to write about “The Sand Man”.
So, back to my story; abandoned house neighbour, stupid female dog story. Their main aim far as I was concerned, was to manipulate, harass, invade my privacy, powertrip (helping themselves), be disrespectful, steal from me, and not just steal items, but ideas and opportunities, aswell as to try and inflict fear by means of stalking, like a predator stalks its prey. Not to mention, be a total nuisance. They certainly were not there, in any “helpful” beneficiary way to me. Infact mostly those are the girls that wanted me to get fat and speak badly, I have written about it before. Jealous bitches hung up on class.
After the house was bulldozed, sometimes these girls would go into my neighbours behind dad‘s house. One time I distinctly heard a girl that I had gone to TAFE with - a young aboriginal girl. Plus, they frequently would go to the other neighbours on the other side too – a new block of units had been built there. They would always yell out from afar, so I could never really see exactly who it was, I could only recognize their voices, which sometimes I did. There were literally 100’s of girls in this time, doing it. The dog network. This is why I wonder how women actually got the vote?
I never went round there and confronted them, I didn’t want to do, as I don’t want dogs in my life, you are revolting and unwanted. {One time, I remember I did tell some stupid dog to fuck off, and she goes “oh well you win” and then continued to carry on like a dog anyway. So actually, telling them to fuck off, doesn’t make any difference anyway. Stupid bloody dogs.
This is been such a widespread problem with women, not only older, mostly older, but also younger girls, try to come, and I guess it is “dominate me”! What I’ve noticed about these women, is that they are kind of stupid, and don’t realise that this behaviour is not appropriate (Cassandra Dunstan, Sharon Morgan, Cate Rogers (Wainberg girl), Karen Cull, possible Danielle Wheatly and Penny Awgayer, just to name a few - a whole heap more that stay invisibly cowardly). It is not right or healthy, it’s like, little girls; you have to go and find a man - there’s plenty of men who are into this kind of thing, and you have to dominate him (if he says they are not into this kind of thing, think again, they are) - You can’t dominate other women, especially ones that you don’t know - it’s completely “bimbo”, that’s really the best word to describe such women. Bimbo dominatrix! It’s a bit like my chooks, I have to explain to them, that they are all female.
Who knew I would have such a problem with such people, they don’t warn you about this in school! I can just imagine Mrs Ford, “Be careful ladies of the bimbo dominatrix”. lol The only way I can think to combat this, is writing about it, and bringing this phenomena into consciousness, albeit 30 years too late, but really make these women aware of their disrespectful behaviour, and that their behaviour really is stupid, not to mention cowardly, and against the law. AND, they are making a fool of themselves – I now have NO RESPECT for you, due to this very bimbo behaviour. After 30 yrs, nothing you do, will change this. Btw, following me around online, and banning me from whatever community I join, is bimbo dominatrix. BIMBO There was a woman down on the Central Coast friends, of my aunt who wanted me to open my curtains; fuck off you stupid bimbo.
I have given some thought as to why this is such a problem for me, and I think it all comes back to “rebellion”. I have mentioned quite a few times now on my blog, that girls, women, in particular, “do the opposite” of what I would like. So, when I think to myself, don’t come into the toilet, they try and break the door down to get into the toilet (!) It’s the same thing here, like maybe I have a distinct aura of “get away from me, don’t try to tell me what to do and don’t try to control me (Don’t fence me in!!)” So those same stupid minded dogs, do exactly the opposite. It is stupidity, even if those girls are good at maths, and aced the HSC – it still is a stupid mentality, that was instilled in them, by their hopeless parents and teachers.
It’s like I have to spend my whole adult hood telling stupid women to fuck off.
Oh, and there is the element of woman who wants to be worshipped, so not just respected, but literally adored and praised (there are a lot like this. And men too, (especially if they do something good!) but I am thinking of 1 stupid blonde in particular) I have discovered with some blondes if they are not adulated, then think they are being discriminated against because of their hair colour (stupid). And so, because I am NOT a woman worshipper, I am healthy. This woman is trying – for many years now, to instil fear, thinking, in her bimbo way, that she will get respected in the form of worship if she can get people to be nervous around her. STUPID, and case in point.
23. Australia Women are way too Jealous by Nature
This jealousy problem is huge in Australia, I would say any country where more than 2 kids is the norm, as this is where jealousy starts, amongst 3rd borns especially.
As a single lady, I am frequently the target of married women who think I am going to try to steal their husband!! Such bimbo nature have so many wives!
One stupid bitch phoned me up and abused and yelled at me for at least 10 minutes. She thought I was going to steal her husband - her husband was a potential landlord, and so far from Prince charming you wouldn’t believe it! ha ha ha ha. (Although at that point I had not even met him) I was so amused by her rantings, it was extraordinary, you should’ve heard her. I was truly fascinated by how stupid and jealous so many women are. Actually, no woman usually has the guts to confront me, they just are typically usually passive aggressive in any situation as it presents. But this one was so outright in her blatant hostility, it was ridiculous. I told her I was not interested in her husband, only the house rental, I needed somewhere to live, and preferably a farmhouse. And yelled back at her, she seemed to be satisfied with my answer, and apologised and hung up - stupid fucking woman. I ended up moving into that house, and I had heaps of items stolen. I suspect it was her; one of the items was a fly screen window wheel -that is why I suspect her, she would’ve seen me doing it, and wanted to do it for herself on her windows – those kinds of women – a specific personality type (I sometimes term them DOGS) are typically the same when it comes to things like that, “I want what she’s got, I want to do what she’s doing” - stupid bloody third borns) You know, this is something a three-year-old experiences, one who has older siblings, and they want what they’re the older kids have, or want to do what the older kids are doing - very common amongst 3rd/4th borns. And it’s an issue that most of them carry with them all their life, it’s so dysfunctional, mothers creating delinquent personalities by ‘popping them out’. And I’m outraged by these dysfunctional thieving adults, they are the bane of my life, and I am doing something about it. It’s like either stop fucking having more than two kids or start fucking dealing with these issues. (Due to overpopulation, water shortages, land shortages anyway, women should not be breeding more than 2, and women ought not have kids before the age of 30, possibly now even 40 – YOU ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH YET to have kids) And my clarity of mind and willingness to speak the truth has got me banned from all social media, this country is run by cowards. COWARDS
Plus, btw, I could see my landlords wife had been with the ‘dogs’ who follow me around, torment and persecute me. I could see, because they get “stylised”. She said her name was Julie Ward, married to Alistair Darcy Ward. Get your bloody marriage together and don’t involve me in your backwards hillbilly shenanigans. Oh, by the way that “stylised” thing that goes on, has happened a lot in my life actually. I haven’t mentioned it before on my blog, but it happened a lot in Gunnedah, there was a lot of hairdressing involved, and new clothes, plus I saw the one of the dogs at a nearby neighbour Glen Blackburn. I think they are old NEGS girls, who were older than me, who now have ties withing the entertainment industry?
BTW, the grass is greener on the other side, and he has missed out! (idiots who marry dogs lol - someone contacted me (a self-declared dog) and said the reason her husband doesn’t cheat on her, is because she behaves like a jealous dog!!)
I would never enter into any kind of relationship with a married man (or woman), a marriage is between the husband, the wife and God. And you will have God to deal with if you ‘woo’ one away from the other. But you know, simply talking to one of them while the other is not present, is NOT grounds to be jealous. GET A GRIP SPOUSES
This jealousy is such a huge problem around the world - this is why back in the day countries like Cambodia went communistic, to try and get rid of that fighting thieving nature that those jealous third borns have, they tried to make everything equal and the same, of course it didn’t work because people‘s greed takes over, and the good and or meek miss out, plus everyone is slightly different, which is a really a good thing, not like how we were brainwashed as kids with children’s shows like “Play School” who teach spot the odd one out and get rid of it. Sleepy Australians.
Do you know there’s a sure-fire way to cure the third born jealousy, and that’s to stop having more than two kids! Plain and Simple.
24. Massage Please for all hard working Australians
Why is the government wasting money on mental health industry? (cause that’s where the money goes, into the people’s pockets who work within the industry). When Gov can be curing all Australians of all (well many) typical health problems; Massage works on the Immune system - massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced, thus improving the immune system. This is scientific fact, not some weird hippy philosophy. {It said living in ‘light’ also does this, so dark dingy homes are bad for your health}. There are many other health aspects to massage like:
Reduced muscle tension
Improved circulation
Stimulation of the lymphatic system
Increased joint mobility and flexibility
Improved skin tone
Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
Heightened mental alertness
Reduced anxiety and depression.
Healment of injuries. Ofcourse.
There needs to be something along the lines of a SUBSIDY OR A REBATE for massage; at least 2 for each person per 6 mnths. And while you’re at it Gov, boost the number of Massage therapists too, after all, it’s not Rocket Science, all you really need for it, is a “Feel for It”. I would expect at least 2 Massage clinics on every city block! That is how beneficial they are to health and longevity. If the government does not know the health benefits of Massage and Physio by this point in time, then there is no hope for you. (I strongly suspect the QLD gov has no idea).
When I was working in Enmore, I remember seeing a naturopath to treat whiplash, from a minor car accident, and she decided to treat it with massage, she must’ve been a masseuse as well as a naturopathic clinician, but I remember those massages - they were so wonderful! - that woman totally knew what to do, she had a real feel for it, and then I remember driving home almost ‘ecstatic like’, I was put in such a good mood from her massage, and the next day I actually felt a little bit stiff and sore, like you would if you’d been to the gym for a workout, I mean that’s how good she was. No need to exhaust yourself at a gym, just get a massage!
Unfortunately, I don’t remember her name, or her technique / massage style. The naturopaths up here don’t do massage, nor do does the physio, podiatrist, or chiro...actually in QLD, it’s like I have stepped back in time by 40years!
Although, I presume it is quite hard to find a masseuse who does have a ‘feel’ for it, one woman I saw when I was trying to heal my foot, kind of just did the text book techniques. Although I found out I have lymph problems and have done so since I started working as a nanny – due to an injury that happen there in 1998 on my left breast, an area were lymph nodes are found, and so I require a specific masseuse who knows how to move lymphatic fluid. But I think all massage therapists should know about lymph’s and incorporate that into their skill repertoire.
Also, as I have learnt in my wise old age, there are some older cocky women who do not have rich husbands, but they want massage, they know the benefits of it. So, they have devised a way to steal money in order to have massage, and that is by faking breast cancer, and raising money for “breast cancer wellness treatments”.
I know; this world is not what it seems is it.
When I was working at Bonds, occasionally I had fill in for the ‘marker maker paper roller’ on the factory floor, and that involved standing all day on my feet, on cement. And often I did not know that, that was what I was going to be doing that day, and I would not be prepared with good shoes, I always wore my good Italian semi heals. I mean, also, not that Occupational Health and Safety was a thing back then. But after a couple of years, I really noticed some problems with my feet, and I believe it was directly from those days on the factory floor. At the time I purchased a foot massage, one that you put water in, and it bubbles! – I felt it worked brilliantly, often if they were sore, after a foot treatment, no more soreness. I still have it, and still use it if I get sore feet, I noted it helped with my plantar fasciitis too. So, note, pain caused from those ‘cement’ days, still lasts 20 years later, the rest of my life; now if I stand on my feet, especially in summer, my feet swell up quite a bit so I can no longer fit my shoes.
Some people are on their feet all the time, and I truly don’t know how they manage. I have really given that quite some thought, as to why I would have such feet problems from doing that little amount of ‘stand up’ work, and just maybe it is related to what you are meant to be doing in life, and not meant to be doing? Your ‘destined’ path so to speak? I suspect it is true. The management, no infact, ALL the staff at Bonds were bullies. Western Suburbs Bullies. I definatly should not have been there. Mismatch.
When I turn 67 and retire, I plan on taking my pension and myself over to Thailand, permanently, and spending it all, on daily massage. Finally.
And here is a good spot; multiple child mothers; why are you torturing yourself? No massage for you! Another good reason not to have multiple kids.
25. It’s a renters life – putrid drinking water
This is the vile and putrid water that drips out of my downpipe from the roof, due to gum leaves on the roof and gutter, (photo shows bucket full of BLACK water), when you look at the roof there’s hardly any leaves at all, but there (was) a huge big gum right next to the house, and mainly petals and stamens cause the problem, as there are literally millions of them that drop when the tree is in flower, but also leaves and twigs fall down every day. In order for the water to be clear, it would require getting up onto the roof and sweeping the whole roof (which doesn’t have much of a slant, (non-thinkers)) on a daily basis, possibly every other day if it’s not windy. Too much! And unacceptable for anyone who is not 14yrs of age and is full of energy and flexibility.
So usually, there’s not a bucket catching the drips, it’s connected to the tank, so any water that drips down from the overnight condensation/ due like that, goes straight into my tank/drinking water. Yuk – non thinkers designing water situations.
So, my landlord must expect her tenant, even one who is elderly and has arthritis, to get up on the roof daily and sweep!
As far as I can see, there are 2 solutions, well 3 actually, the first one being, build a roof that has an extreme slope – that should have been done, anywhere where there are gums, needs that steep slope. But in Australia, builders just do not think of something like that – its really STUPID. The other solution is installing a gutter protection, a proper one, not just cheap wire or plastic roll in gauze – this does not work. A proper one is needed, which is still not that expensive when compared to cleaning the roof on a daily basis. The other is chopping the over-head gum down - I mean the fact that, this simple solution to the problem, causes mass problems for my landlord, is insane, especially considering that there’s dozens of others gums in the yard. Not to mention the 50 or so, that I myself planted. Non-thinking landlords. Non-thinking builders. Non-thinking developers. BTW, I asked my landlord if I could remove that particular tree, she reluctantly agreed eventually that it had to go – but none else. So, I chain sawed it down with the help of her boyfriend, but we only got ¾ down, it was huge. Later I removed the last remaining bit, and she turns up the following week and has a go at me (chastising) for cutting her tree down! I mean did she forget that she had agreed for it to be removed? Or was she just using that tree as means to take her frustrations out on me. What a stupid dog, either way. Oh sure, that's perfectly ok, why don't you use me as your personal punching bag too? Does she think there are no repercussions for anything? Female landlords – just say no – they really all are drunk bimbos.
Here is a good spot to mention about gutters on the typical house in Australia, and the typical standard gutter that is sold in gutter shops. What they sell, the standard gutter, is most in-adequate, especially in Queensland where we have seasonal downpours. For those houses that rely on tank water, when we have a downpour with a standard gutter, over half the water is wasted because the gutter over-fills, it’s not wide enough to handle a huge downpour. I begin to tell you the feelings I have when I watch all that water being wasted after going through a 9-year drought with little to no water. Typical Australian mediocrity; pull your bloody socks up you useless twits.
26. Supermarket female rebel frenzy
I decided I should write about what happened when I used to go to the supermarket, of course now, I always do online shopping. But one time when I was living in Sydney, at Hornsby, I stopped off on the way home at Roseville Woollies, or was it Chatswood? Somewhere in that area on the highway between work and Hornsby. Shopping this day was absolutely impossible. Talk about 'dogs doing the opposite! I've always been the kind of person that likes peace and quiet, and not to have lots of people around me, it's just my nature, I'm not an 'attention seeking' type of person (I put this down to the fact that I had a lot of love from my parents and family growing up). And also I have a little ability, if someone is in my space, I can push them away, without actually physically pushing (a gentle little coax to the left or right!) So, if I'm in an isle and suddenly I encounter someone in my way, or veering onto my personal space, I can promptly get them out of my way! This does come in handy quite a lot. Anyway, I think maybe some of the girls instore that day had cottoned onto my little 'means and ways', and they decided to go into rebel mode, so instead of getting out of my way, I was suddenly bombarded by, I'm not kidding, there would've been at least 65+ women squashed in the aisle blocking my way! I couldn't move at all, there were just girls and trolleys everywhere. Dozens and dozens. I couldn’t move, it was pointless staying, and actually gave up in the end and left my trolley and squeezed my way out.
Thank God for online shopping now!
Image from sky News Australia (I didn't think to get a photo of it at the time, ofcourse we didn't have phones with cameras back then.
It has come to my attention that there is an element of stupid girl (STUPID WOMAN) reading this, and sees the suburb Roseville, and gets all sorts of bizarre ideas in her head. You know, that whole North side of Sydney, is a very well populated area, it consists of many different types of people from all walks of life. I suggest you take your head out from under the sand and deal with it.
There may have been a tall blonde girl involved in this, by the name of Christina. I am not certain, I did not see her, we only met briefly when I was 18, possibly she did not work, and had nothing else better do to than arrange mass dogs in supermarket?? This bit about her was signed to me, so it may be true or may not be true, who knows.
But since then, practically every time I have gone shopping, I have had ‘dog’ problems when I go shopping. I had to change my shopping times to 7 in the morning when they opened, to avoid dogs on mass. But even then, I still had monumental problems with dogs. One of their favourite things was to try and dictate what I should purchase, and they try and do it by not communicating. Makes for interesting situation doesn’t it. One time a girl came up to my trolley as I was pushing it down the aisle, and literally took 1 or 2 items out, and ran off. Major control issues. How she could not understand that it is not up to her (a complete stranger) to decide what I purchase in my monthly shop, is beyond comprehension. Stupid little girl. I pay, I decide. Maybe that girl should go and find a docile husband, so she can make all the decisions for him.
There are heaps of other antics. Just thank God for online shopping now. Although as I have mention, I did still have items disappear from my cart at checkout, by IT staff, since I write about it, it has mainly stopped. Sometimes they later stole food from my pantry too. There is a girl at Woollies atm, who is deleting products that I frequently buy - keeping them online but putting a label on them stating INSTORE ONLY. And not just 1 or 2, but a whole lot, I could not rely on Woollies alone now, I have to shop at Coles too, as at least they do not do that, although heaps of things I order from them never actually make it to me. My neighbours tell me they steal my items before they get picked, deliberately. They sign it. Idiots. I know this is related to the same dogs who used to harass me at Gunnedah.
27. Mothers showing girls good housekeeping
I’ve noticed about women, housewives, they don’t like to take advice from other women when it comes to housekeeping, each woman thinks she knows the best way to do it. I can attest, they don’t! I did realise, I was never shown how to properly change your doona cover, and one day when I was 19 living with a flatmate, she was watching me change my doona cover, and she asked me if I needed it any help! I seemed to be just stuffing it in the best way I saw fit, without any rhyme or reason! It wasn’t till later when I was working as a nanny, when the mother showed me how she does it, and oh my goodness talk about timesaving tactics - there can be no other way to do it! and I next time I was up at mum’s, I wanted to show her how to do it, but she wouldn’t have a bar of it, she says she knows how to do it! It was the same when I worked for a couple of other families, the mothers all think they know the best way to do it!
I want to quickly describe to you how to change your doona cover because it is life changing! it will be better demonstrated as a video, but I can’t be bothered to do that, so hopefully you might have the patience to understand it from these words. (I did actually see a video on YouTube how to do it if you can’t work it out from my words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fzNuhgY_9A)
Get your doona cover, you put your hands in it until you find the very end corners, so you put your hands all the way up into it, you grab the corners in each hand, and then with one manoeuvre, you turn it inside out, (so that you’ve got 2 corners basically looking at you) then you put your hands in again, so your hands are holding the right side of the fabric which happens to be on the inside now, then whilst holding the corner with each hand you pick up a corner of the doona -so it’s best to get your doona before you begin, and make sure it’s facing the right way, so you know which is bottom and which is the top. So, holding onto the corners of the doona through the corners of the doona cover, and then you kind of just flip it, turning the doona cover inside out whilst capturing the doona at the same time, you do it all at once, it’s quite a good trick, then just shake it so it goes on down, lay it down on the bed, poke the other end of the doona corners into the cover corners, shake it in, do the buttons up, and voila!
(Doona in photo is my design, embroidered stripes in silk rayon on 1000thread cotton fabric, Queen size $350, contact me for orders)
28. The Lush Green Water Myth in Queensland Wrongfully Perpetuated by Realtors
I noticed when I moved to Queensland, that there are a lot of people who are delusional about the climate/weather here. The fact is, it is extremely dry, it hardly ever rains except, for when it floods which is not on a regular yearly basis. Yet people want to buy all these topical lush plants for their garden, (because the local nurseries sell them) but there’s just no water.
In my immediate vicinity, there is a dry Sclerophyll Forest, and you know this is just basically one step up from desert - that’s how dry it is, no lush plants anywhere around. In fact, it’s dryer here in Gin Gin, than it is in Gunnedah, New South Wales, where they do dry land farming.
The people who perpetuate this myth of lush green and ample water is mostly real estate agents - they shamefully advertise properties showing water on the property, dams full, creeks flowing, when in reality they’re empty always except for when it floods maybe as infrequent as 9yrs. And on top of that, no one really has enough rain tanks, or decent sized tanks attached to their homes, so no one has enough water, and everyone’s bitching about water, plus the jealousy that goes along with the few smart thinkers who have invested in multiple tanks - it creates a bad thieving atmosphere. I think the Queensland government hasn’t really woken up to this psychology and they should. At the very least punish realtors who sell property under false water pretence, aswell as give rebates for LARGE rain tanks. LARGE.
Oh, and I noticed home owners who have been tricked by realtors, waterwise, will still continue to perpetuate the ample water myth, for fear their house price will drop.
Plus, several of my landlords (plus neighbours in cahoots) decided that they too, will lie to tenants! Telling me there’s plenty of water available for gardening, only when I moved in, discovered not only has there not been plenty of water, but there hasn’t actually been any water at all. 0%
What is the world coming to? BRING BACK THE HONESTY
I should mention, I wrote this when in year 9, of a 9-year drought. The drought did break, shortly after. And 3 years later, further north too at yet another location, we are still having ok annual rains in QLD. But the little creek behind my unit has stopped flowing.
I have another real estate story involving my younger brother; I recall when my brother was looking for a house in Gunnedah to purchase, he came across one, which from the outset looked fantastic; large brick house in a nice street. He wisely paid someone to do a structural inspection before putting in an offer, and it was just as well he did, because it was determined that the house was in exceptionally bad structural state, and would require an additional $100,000 minimum to fix. So, he said no and kept looking.
I don't know what possessed him to do the inspection, he was only 24, he certainly wouldn't have enough savvy and experience to choose this option, so someone must've advised him to do it (lucky Tomas is well liked in town, saving him 1000's).
Btw, there was certainly no mention from the Real Estate about the damage; they were prepared to sell something with hidden huge additional costs. They are completely dishonest. It is a form of theft. Mind you, it may have been someone at the real estates who inadvertently, was the one who “hinted” get a structural inspection…. But apparently this type of deception goes on all the time.
Note, my landlord and realtor have just listed my current units up for sale, and I know it will not sell at listed price, EVEN if the buyer does not know about all the structural problems here. There was certainly no mention on the listing about any type of damage. Slightly more than $100,000 worth too, I estimate $2.6 million worth of renovations are due, which is $900,000 more than the asking price. Such wishful thinking going on in this world, by greedy landlords.
Btw, last week, rain started leaking in my bedroom ceiling, from the roof. I let the realtor know about it; if it is fixed straight away, it will probably save the next proposed owner thousands of dollars in roof repairs. So far, not fixed.
29. INTENTION to INSURE me without the physical Punch - This is PHYSICAL ABUSE in a most SINISTER Way
Aside from the more obvious workboot example, there have been other countless examples of people inflicting pain on me without being physically present, like placing thorns and prickles at the base of my step, so I would tread on them, or nurses messing up needles/ healthcare workers giving incorrect medication to cause long term negative side effects. The hardwood keeling at school causing arthritis. Heaps of other examples too that are not so tangible, I can’t explain them, you would not understand. Oh, at one point I seemed to have a whole heap of insects attacking me; this one was a little weird, it was so weird infact, with ability for these insects to come up with diabolic plans to sting me, that I thought there must be sneaky human interference. Who knows?
Since I wrote about this pain phenomenon, it has ceased, pretty much.
Image from https://safespaceworkplace.com/constitute-physical-abuse/
30. Secret fantasies these days
My fantasies these days involves being able to afford a large enough estate that I could have a live-in on-call masseuse! 😁 (and a properly trained one, in several different techniques J) so, when the movie finishes at night, they can be called upon to give me a smoothing muscle massage before I go to sleep - heaven.
I have another that involves having a ‘bed on wheels’ so it could be easily moved. Along with a massive door leading out onto a private courtyard, so that I could somehow, without any effort, roll the bed out (perhaps a bed on traintracks!?) and soak up the sun in the early hours of the morning!
Oh my aching muscles and joints….Bed seen at stylepark.com