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Life Stories P11

1. She who spoils her cat the most, wins

In 2000 I adopted a rescue cat who was found abandoned in a building site, Mia, I named her. A cute little tabby kitten. I was planning on getting Mia desexed, the book said to wait till she was six months old, so I waited and, in the meantime, there was a bit of a cat raucous outside on the farm, I quickly stuck my head out only to see this GINORMOUS Tom cat strut off and few weeks later my poor little young Mia was suddenly fat and expecting. So, I’m thinking maybe four or five months, not six months! But actually, this little oversight was the best thing that ever happened, I was able to keep 3 of the kittens, (Rosie, Lil and Violet) and give the other 4 away. (They weren’t all female, but a farmer neighbour came over and inspected them, and told me “They’re all girls!” - ahh, country bumpkin neighbours!!) So, I had 4 cats with me on the farm, which were great company, and it was a privilege having them around and looking after them, plus I could get roo meat for $3/kg, so affordable too. In 2006 a 5th cat came into my care, it was either death or be saved by me, so I opted to save him, and he was a small wild ferocious cat. I named him Tulip, it took some years but eventually he stopped biting and scratching me. I’m not entirely sure he makes a great companion cat, when compared to my others… but I still like having him around.

They loved my garden, and loved watching me create it. I had some fun making them a great big huge carpeted cat tower, which they all loved and would regularly use, climb up on, infact if you have cats, having a cat tower for them inside somewhere where they can sit high up, is an absolute must. I made a few other things like cat fury little houses, but they weren’t too impressed with those, they really only liked the high cat tower with large carpeted shelves, and the big ones - it’s surprising how many cat products there are that don’t have big enough shelves for the cat to fully lay out, and stretch out in a comfy relaxed manner. One of their favourite toys was a peacock feather. I had peacocks at one point, and they invariably dropped the odd feather, I would pick them up and drag them behind me, kind of waving the head around, and the cats absolutely loved this, they would follow me, chase after me, and try and get the feather head as I walked along, bobbing it around on the ground, it was their most favourite thing to do, and definitely heightened their hunting instincts. I even managed to get Violet to come out from under the bed where she lived 24/7, such a scared little runt, and I think after playing with her, she managed to catch a skink! I have to mention about the wildlife, I had heaps of skinks on the farm, literally there were 100’s of them, and I had a habitat going on for them so they could hide from the cats, hollow logs, rocks and the such. When my cats were at their young height of voracious hunting, I made a point of feeding them every morning, then unlatching the Catflap door, so they could come and go as they please, and then feeding them again in the evening before dusk, and when they’re all inside eating, I shut the latch on the catflap door, so they had to stay inside at night. But during the day they could wander around the garden and go hunting if they wished. It seemed to work really well, only sacrificing a little wildlife, plus still allowing them the use of their wild instincts. I see cats on Pinterest today, that are not allowed outside, they are indoors only. I feel so bad for these little pussycats, because I know their heart will be getting wrenched out of their bodies, by not being able to go outside into nature. Although my brother had a cat, and he lived in the city, and it was allowed outside, and it got run over and killed. He thinks his neighbour did it deliberately. So, I’m thinking if you lived in the city, it would be worth fully enclosing a backyard, so your cats can go outside into the garden, not just a cat run, but enclosing the whole garden. That’s what I would I do.

In my new location, in suburbia, if I see a cat out wondering at night, I feel sorry for it, because I know they aren’t from a ‘caring’ home.

I have to mention, I was creating a large garden, and I would frequently have to walk around, checking trees, fixing tree guards, giving them a bottle of water, especially in the summertime, and my cats would always accompany me. Actually, Violet was still a little bit too scared to wander all the way down to the bottom of the paddock, but Mia, Lil, and Rosie would go walking with me all the time, they loved it, and for that brief time when I had to stay at dads in town, with only his quarter acre block, all fenced in - I could just sense them asking me “we want to go for a walk, we want to go for a walk!”

Tulip is my last remaining cat today, 22 years later, he is blind and never hunts anymore. I miss the other 4. I would like to mention, 3 of my 5 cats died tragically, all preventable, one from the heat, another one from spot on flea/tick treatment (cancer), and another one from cancer; from eating of a hydrochloric acid  cleaned floor. The other died naturally at age 18. But with all 4 deaths that I went through, with each one, I noted that there is a process they go through, a dying process, and as a result of observing what happens, in the death process, I definitely don’t recommend euthanasia. I mean there may be some pain that you may prevent, by doing that, but I feel euthanasia is mainly more for the owners benefit, as they don’t have to care for the pet as they die, because they do require extra care and TLC in that process. And when the time has really come, they usually make an appearance to say goodbye, then they will take their leave and find a quiet spot to hide and quietly depart.

I watch a lot of YouTube cat videos, and I need to mention, on the rare occasion when one of my cats, maybe they jump off something and misjudge the landing, and crash – this is not something I would find amusing, I didn’t and still don’t laugh at my cat if maybe he does not see something and crashes into it, a rare thing. Not funny in my well sighted cats, and not funny in my blind cat.

But they do do funny things, like I have just put a ramp up to my new raised bed, and Tulip instead of walking down, he has figured a new way to get down, and he kind of slides down on his 2 front paws, and walks his back legs! Funny

Whereas, I have caught glimpses of YouTube videos with cat owners watching their cats, and when they fall, they stand there on camera and laugh hysterically at their poor cat, who sometimes, most likely would have a sore leg or something from the fall. I really can’t believe how thoughtless and careless most people really are. The pleasure they derive in somebody else’s misfortune is pathetic. I mean, is that the reason why you got cat or dog, so you can watch them hopefully fall and crash? Idiotic reason. Idiots. Also, by the way, if I see a posting on Pinterest, that exhibits any sort of cruelty, like if I see someone inflicting fear in an animal, or are making forced demands of their pet, like making them jump into a wall of unseen gladwrap, I always make some sort of comment to make my point clear about how I feel about that, sometimes I will go to the bother of blocking that person, or even reporting it (although under the list of reason to report, there is no Animal cruelty, wakey wakey Pinterest). But what I’ve noticed, is that I usually get a lot of likes for the comment, from the rest of the public, but nobody else makes such comments. I think everybody is trying to “play nice”, (not rock the boat, maybe they don’t want to get banned!) that’s how people get away this bad sometimes fully ignorant behaviour. Speak up.

2. Spot on Flea Tick Treament causes Mast Cell Tumors - Cancer

Spot on flea/tick treatment causes mast cell tumours. These are a type of skin cancer that can kill your pet like what happened to my cat Lil and Mia. My other younger cat Tulip was showing the tumour symptoms, but I stopped the application and his immune is still strong enough to fight the skin cancers. He is still alive. But today, (he is very old now) I felt one of the tumours on his back – a moment of weakness, probably from being out in the sun {when cats and dogs are old, they cannot tell when their body overheats from being in the sun, especially of they have eyesight issues; can’t see if they are lying in the sun, rather than under a bush in the shade – you physically need to keep an eye on them and move them when the sun moves.} so, Tulip recovered, and is still going strong. But, about Spot-on, it is really true and I would not risk any brand of spot-on treatment at all. I did get a vet biopsy to confirm Mast Cell Tumours.

To treat tick paralysis; mix a small (very small) amount of garlic in cats dinner. If it has tick paralysis, this will cure it, as it cured my tulip completely. If you give your cat too much garlic, he will have a heart attack and die. In NSW, ticks are not much of a problem, so it is fine, but in in Queensland, whole other story, Tics are rampant and ferocious, actually I don’t recommend you even own a cat or dog if you live in Queensland -  which is very sad and unfortunate. Queensland is just not conducive to cats or dogs, and the treatment that vets give to treat ticks, causes cancer, so it is a no-win situation for cats and dogs who are allowed to romp outside. And well, keeping a pet indoors only, for me, really falls under the cruel category. They are here to experience nature. Also, I’ve written about this before, but for some reason it has disappeared; if you see a tick on your cat, STOP, don’t do anything, because if you just grab it and pull it off -you’ll leave the head in the body, which is bad because it may become infected, and is really hard to get out. So what you do if you come across a tick, is go and get some tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is really potent and strong, and if you just dab a little bit on the tick, with a cotton tip, then the tick gets a little bit shocked, and stunned, then at that moment, you just grab it and pull it out, use tweezers. Then the whole thing will come out easily. This is what I did when I saw a tick on my cat and it worked a treat.

There is a train of thought (or just some wishful thinking chemical company girl’s opinion) that my cats in particular were targeted by bully IT Nerds from the Netherlands in Holland, because they heard me bitching one day about some stupid thieving dog, and assumed I was talking to them. They are “not right” in the head. I don’t personally know any IT nerds at all, let alone ones from the Netherlands. So, this was their revenge; to kill my cats. Can you please tell me how much more stupid and idiotic people are? Btw, ebay said they were from the Netherlands. It could have been ebay staff, there are some stupid ones on there.

3. We all need the Right Nutrition from the Womb

Now, I’m going to put up a little story here, because with all my postings of the items that have been stolen or situations that I’ve talked about on the Internet publicly, I keep going on about the bloody female dogs that harass me, I find them such a big part of my life, as they follow me about everywhere I go, and no one talks about it and a lot of people do not seem to understand what I’m talking about or do not want to know, but after years of thinking about what makes a bimbo act in a stupid non thinking way, I now know. (And I know, you know, what I am talking about) – that kind of absent-minded chitchat that a lot of girls seem to enter into. So, amongst other things, I believe this loss of focus, is caused from a lack of nutrients, and not because maybe they are hungry or they skipped dinner, I’m talking about from the very beginning, in the womb. If the mother wasn’t getting enough to eat back then, or enough of the needed essential nutrients, then that causes slight brain development problems. I’ve come to this conclusion from observing a litter of seven cats from birth to death. What I noticed is that the firstborn cat (Lil) was an outstanding hunter, fully aware, and very precise and clever in his tactics, he was also naturally confident and outgoing (and I’m pretty sure he had a sense of humor!) he was intelligent and not reflective. Then what I noticed was that each cat after that, (so, the next born, then the next…) was a little bit like that, but a little bit less so, and by the time you got down to the seventh cat, her personality was quite the opposite of the firstborn very shy, very timid, very scared, quiet reflective, especially in her older years, and not outgoing at all, infact she never ventured outside for the first 4 yrs of her life, and obviously, at first when she was born, she was very tiny. Now, I have to point out, the mother was a stray Tabby rescue cat, and as far as I was concerned, she was going off to the vets at six months old to be desexed, so at age of 5 months when she started getting a bit fat, I actually thought, in my naïveté, that she was putting on weight and I cut back her food, which turned out to be a huge mistake, as she was pregnant, so the first cat inline inside her uterus got the most food, and the poor one at the end would have been starved (Violet). (I soon discovered she was pregas and increased her food), and after the kittens were born, I fed all the cats very well, they had lean kangaroo meat twice a day, and expensive type of biccies that I’m hoping were all good (I know the cheaper types are terrible, you may as well be feeding them cardboard). Violet btw, went on to be big, and she outlived all her siblings!! I would say mainly due to her sedentary lifestyle (19yrs).


Now, I thought well, you know, maybe that’s how it is for a cat, but a human who doesn’t carry seven but instead just one at a time, maybe different, but after thinking and observing people, some more over the years I’ve decided it’s exactly the same. You may need to think about that last statement.

I have known plenty of 3rd borns who think they are smarter than their first born sibling! (they think it!!)

By the by, Spot on Flea/Tick treatment causes Mast Cell Tumors (cancer) and will reduce the number of years your cat lives.

4. Cat Stories - To bath or not to bath. You will find this tedious if you are not a Rampant Cat Fan

When I first got my cat Mia, I thought she should be bathed every few months or so, and so did this in a big cement trough. After she had kittens, I continued also to bath them. One day when I had violet sitting in the large cement trough, the water came up to her neck, she was very placid, although did not enjoy a bath, suddenly I saw her whole head was covered with some thing moving, and upon looking closer, I was so appalled, she had fleas, all the fleas had climbed up to her head, there were hundreds of them, crawling over every single milimeter of her face, her nose, her mouth, her eyes. So happened that I was able to get hold of some stuff from the vet the following day and treated them all, and it so happened that I was moving that day to a farm at Bulga, so it worked out, we could leave the fleas and flea infected house behind us. (That house (yard) was infested with rabbits, that’s why there were so many fleas)

I think any bathing that I had done before, obviously didn’t make a difference to fleas, and it wasn’t long after that when I decided that they probably did not actually need to be bathed, and have never bathed any of my cats since. But I do notice now, that I get dust mites if I don’t wash the sheets every week or so, and I suspect this might be from the cat, the last remaining one, Tulip. But I’m still not going to bath him, I just don’t think he would like it, he’s very clean, anyway, he always licks himself clean. I don’t really like doing things that cats don’t like to do - they know what they want, and what they need. Forcing an animal to do something it doesn’t want to do is usually the wrong thing to do anyway. I did try a cat collar on one of my cats once, when I was in Melbourne, and gee! I don’t think so - the poor little thing, he didn’t know what to do, he started walking backwards!! Plus, my neighbour told me that she got a cat collar with a bell to protect the birds, but then she saw her cat put his paw over the bell when he was stalking the bird, so the bird won’t hear it! How about that for smarty pants!

Of course, I’ve mentioned not to use flea and tick spot on treatment on your cats because it causes tumours, so if I had of known that I’m not sure what I would’ve done back then, (it was 2000), maybe a big strong dose of garlic would’ve worked? Or maybe just 1 application of SpotOn is ok?

One day at Bulga, back in 2002, it was the middle of the day, hot, my cat Mia came inside and she was absolutely dripping water from head to foot. Saturated. I couldn’t believe it. Where had she been? What had happened? We were in the middle of a drought! So, I asked her! And she started kind of pacing, going meow! meow! Like she wanted to tell me what was going on, what happened, but she couldn’t, she was definitely worked up about it, and I can only guess what happened, a possibility of 4 things; about 50m up the paddock was a well/bore,  which was covered with a board, so possibly, maybe, she got underneath it somehow, and fell in, then manage to clamber out again, it could’ve been at least a 30 foot drop down into the water, plus it was 50m up the paddock, and when she came in the house, she came in dripping wet still, literally the floor was a puddle of water around her, so I think it was too far from the house for it  to be the well. The other possibility was the cement water tank near the porch, maybe she fell in the manhole, for some strange reason it did not have a cover on it. But how she would’ve got out of a cement tank that was half full of water, I am not sure. it would’ve been absolutely impossible, I think, and if she did get out, no wonder she was so worked up, because it would’ve been incredibly difficult for her to climb up the cement wall and then over to the opening, in fact I don’t know how that would’ve even been possible. She would’ve used up one of her nine lives if that was the case. The third possibility; there was a trough for the cattle near the well, maybe she fell in the trough, but I don’t see why she would get her whole body wet if she fell in the trough, she would’ve just got her feet wet, but maybe she slipped, and her whole body fell into the trough – but again, 50m up the paddock, she would have dried off some, plus probably stopped to lick herself. 4th possibility, someone kidnapped her and wet her. (But I don’t really think it was that?) It was a mystery then, and it still is a mystery, and often I think how on earth she got dripping wet in the middle of nowhere where there was a drought on.

The photo above was when she suddenly sat right at the gate, down the bottom of the garden one day, I looked at her and thought how typical a cat she was, that was such a cat thing to do, now she is like all the other cats. Now she is normal like all the other cats. I believe that was when she got cancer; from the hydrochloric acid cleaning chemicals on the floor, where she ate her biccys off the floor. The cancer sat there dormant in her cell till some years later later when she died from it. Poor Mia.

(not that I did, but if you smoke - you can’t smoke inside, with a cat indoors – special message).

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Arshole young

boy Wikipedia


If there were no 3rd borns the whole of the entertainment industry would probably close do
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5. Country Feral non-thinking Tight Arse’s

I want to mention here, the bad vibes that was created after the actions of a stupid country feral non-thinking tight arse idiot; One day when I was having a fine and dandy time paddling down the Namoi river on dads Kayak, I turned into a bend, and it was very eerie, I can’t quite explain it, just total bad vibes that I was picking up. I looked around to see if I could spot any problems, there over by the shore was a hessian bag. I paddled over, opened it up, and how awful and gruesome - a bag of rotting drowned kittens, no wonder I was picking up bad vibes. So, it seems I need to mention that you shouldn’t do this - bloody pay the $100 and get your cat desexed you non-thinking idiots -  (and animal nazi haters).

(actually, I personally believe council should be paying for cat/dog desexing anyway)

6. Cat Scratch with Anti Tetanus Story

This cut is near my eyebrow, the red part is the infection just under the skin. I guess back in the olden days before antibiotics, they must’ve died from cat scratches? BTW, as well as prescribing Keflex which is an antibiotic, the Dr gave me a tetanus shot. That shot was definitely not necessary. Not only is it not necessary because the antibiotics will work just fine, but I developed this intense pain in the exact spot where the puncture was, and my whole arm was really sore, I was unable to lift it up past my waist, and it lasted for about 8 months. (I want to mention too, in this time I had to re-locate, so it was very difficult) Antibiotics will also do the job of fixing a really severe infection, so there’s no need for tetanus ever! Drs just like prescribing it because they like stabbing people with needles, but mostly, they get paid from drug companies who sell tetanus.

7. Tulip, his Whiskers give me Whiskers

This is Tulip, he is 16 now, and blind. The number of times where I have thought he was going to die has been at least nine times. The reason why I have thought this, is mainly due to his diet. I’ve had to switch over from my usual fresh kangaroo meat, which I could purchase for $3.50 a kilo in Tamworth, to now having to purchase in Queensland, commercial food as there is no fresh roo mince. I can assure you there are some highly dodgy pet food companies. The worst one being ‘gourmet delight’ packed for Safcol Australia, and made in Thailand. This one is truly revolting, making my cat very sick, repeatedly, and they still sell it, even after I told them it makes cats sick.

Anyway, after this big ordeal, whiskers finally came up with a gravy meal that he likes, if I add some grated chicken breast with it, he likes it. He has this twice a day plus biscuits, plus some melted fat with chicken, and he still is a very tiny slight cat. When he was younger, going through what I call, his ‘teenage years’, he used to eat more than my other four cats combined, it was quite extraordinary how much food this little pussycat could consume, I suspect this is so, because he was near starved after he was born, and he probably came from a long line of stray cats that used to hang around the Gunnedah Tafe, who were also half starved, plus he was highly active, he used to be able to see, and he was a voracious hunter, hunting and wondering all day long.

Although a little birdy told me, he eats so much because he has a medical condition, some sort of thyroid problem, there is a treatment but it costs $140per month, so obviously not something I can afford, considerably cheaper to feed him 3 times as much as he ought to be consuming at his age.

Anyway, the main point of why I’ve done this story up, is because I’ve noticed now in winter, as he is so tiny, he comes inside to be warm. So he often comes up to me on my bed, and rubs his chin on my chin, but I’ve had to stop him from doing this because what happens, after he does this, my chin breaks out into little hairs, almost like whiskers!! And sometimes they get infected like an ingrown hair, it’s like his whiskers, give me whiskers. I just wanted to make a point of saying this is what happens, and it is not menopause. I was advised by a nurse who didn’t know, that I was NOT going through menopause. Not yet dearies!!

Also I want to say, as hard as it is for me now in this tiny unit/motel room, it is just as hard for Tulip. Poor little tulip is suffering as much as I am, he’s come from this beautiful quiet peaceful tranquil garden, where he had all his hidy ‘spots’ worked out, he knew how many steps from the bushes to the cat flap inside, there were no pesty Bush Turkeys or neighbour cars. Now he frequently whinges to me because he’s got hardly any outside spots where he can relax, curl up and sleep for a few hours, and there is no space for him inside, plus he tells me it smells. Poor little Tulip, curse all the dogs.

8. Bank staff trying to UNEMPOWER customers

Dogs at Bundaberg Commonwealth bank are trying to UNempower me, last time they did it by insisting I go into the bank to update my phone number, rather than do it over the phone or online (dogs) – then the tattooed girl in the Bundaberg bank, asked me to state my address while female thieves behind me in the cue and standing also near the counter would hear it, as soon as they heard it, they all up and left. Whether they stole anything from my house I am unsure of, but I did have 2 kitchen spatulas go missing around that time. Always problems in the bank. I strongly suspect they suffer from “GoldStarDog theory”. In fact, I know they do. But in general, there are a lot of tyrannical wannabe authorities in Bundaberg, infact, the authorities in Bundaberg are desperate for “lawbreakers”, so they have something to do, and can go on their power tripping dysfunctions.

The only good thing I have to say about Bundaberg, is that around that time I had to go to the bank, all the thousands of Murraya’s that had been planted several years ago, were now all in full flower, and the most amazing fragrance filled the entire  citytown. Absolutely beautiful fragrance, divine. Bundaberg is the best smelling citytown, by far. Here is a good a spot as any to mention, the town of Gladstone is truly the worst town that I’ve encountered in Australia thus far, worse than Gunnedah. It is a small city consisting of totally corrupt police and councils, all the women in it are complete bitches - there’s no exceptions, and they all hate each other and try to steal from one another, similar to Gunnedah, I guess.

One time in Gunnedah, I called the CBA bank, as there was an issue with sorting out a replacement credit card, and I happened to be in a shop wanting to purchase something with the credit card, so I was on the phone talking to this girl from CBA, who wasn’t really making any sense, she was definitely suffering from what I have termed the female zombie problem.  It was literally like she was part asleep, living in her own little dreamworld - actually she was being a bit of a bitch too, and so I thought, it would help, if I put her on speaker phone, because I wasn’t the only one in the shop, and as soon as I did that, it was like I was speaking to someone completely different, she was suddenly fully awake, and prepared to sort out the issue. I tell you “Walking female sleeping beauty zombies”  are in every corner, of every industry, ready and waiting to be as stupid as they can.

And waking  female sleeping beauty zombies ought to be a priority in schools and family units.

9. Often People are Described as Died Peacefully in their Sleep

Often people are described as “died peacefully in their sleep”.  Well, it’s usually the opposite of this, especially in a nursing home; they give patient sleeping tablets, (especially the dementia ones who often wake up during the night) then the patient has a nightmare, which raises their heart rate, but because they can’t wake up due to the tablets, their heart continues to beat rapidly, and they have a heart attack and die. mmm, yes peaceful.

In my experience, I find most nursing staff delusional about medication. Often people are there because they are in the process of dying, and there is no help that can be given, but a nurse has only the knowledge that they are there to help, so if they can’t help, then they can give them a tablet and feel then that they are helping. And this is not just true in nursing homes, they do it in hospitals and especially, mental units, where a person has been put there because they are scarring the pencil pushers, (often just for speaking the truth but in a loud ‘scary’ voice) so they are classed as someone with ‘mental health issues’, RIDICULOUS, and thus must be put on medication. In fact, that’s really the number one priority and work that those mental health ward unit staff do; subdue the patient and administer tranquilizers, have you seen those mental health called staff – all big build people, they lay in hopes everyday in their job to get some loud mouth to come along, so they can use the physical strength and medication to fight and subdue, thus feeling like they have won, and accomplished their work - they are the biggest dogs of them all. This is really a joke, and I can’t believe it has not come to light about the complete stupidity of this practice. That type of medication will do more harm than good. WAKE UP bims.

Oh, and I believe there are some nurses in hospitals, who when dealing with someone who’s had some major medical problems, and therefore have no control any more, they sometimes get anxious, argumentative and angry. So, a nurse, who should be taking the time to explain what’s happened to them properly, so they can be calmed, will often not do this, as often nurses aren’t patient people, some are there to make money, and not there because of their caring, healing, or patient characteristics. So, they just tranquilize someone, because it’s easier to do that than deal with their frustrations of being sick.

Sick nurses!

10. Morning Tea with the Old Lady Neighbours

I touch vaguely on this before, but that piece of writing is missing, at any rate I couldn’t find it.  So, I thought it probably worth making a point about it. When I first arrived at kookaburra Park (Gin Gin QLD), I had morning tea with the next-door neighbours a few times. My next-door neighbours here are all pretty much elderly people, which is great, I don’t mind living amongst elderly people at all, usually I find elderly people to have far more common sense than young people. However, I’ve decided after the third time, that it would be in my best interest if I do not have morning tea with the old ladies. What I found was that morning tea for them was a game, a kind of social piranha fish game, where you have to win with everything you say, and be perfect and ‘good’, and the smartest! And if one is forced to lie in order to ‘win’ – then they do it. I guess it’s pretty hard to explain, but old ladies have a way of ceasing the situation in order to take advantage of a younger person‘s naïveté, and given the fact that I didn’t actually know any of these ladies or weren’t friends with them I felt like I was at a major disadvantage. I felt it was also a desperado thing, like they were desperate for new intelligence, and new things to ‘sink their teeth’ into, and provide talking (medalling) subjects. Maybe it was about pecking order too. As I described in my Dorothea Mackellar Memorial Statue story, I pretty much don’t do pecking order, -  I find with most girls, that’s what they want to do, the pecking order game, and why I gladly pretty much don’t have a social network (aside from being ban and cast out) - surprising how many ‘little people’ there are, who are wanting other people to “obey my authoritae”. Even about topics in which they are completely clueless - you know, is it the way I speak? is there some strange sound in my voice which encourages people to try to tell me what to do? even in areas where they know nothing, and I’m actually quite an expert, it still happens. I blame the pathetic public education system in Australia, and nazi parents for this non-thinking authoritarian attitude (its bimbo, only bimbos do it).

Anyway, I kind of felt used, and actually had far better and more important ways to spend my time. And after these morning teas I decided it would be mentally healthier for me not to attend morning teas with my neighbours.

Here is a good spot to add this little story I heard about it back in 2016 or so whilst living at Rangari near Gunnedah. And this story is what I feel differentiates me from most other females, as I have no problem “playing on my own”.

Here it is: In about 2016, I kept coming to the realisation how truly revolting and evil women are, as I kept on encountering a lot of greedy thieving bully girls.  Actually, I was having a difficult time grasping it, since my childhood was so free of such behaviour for the most part, and I had a few good female friends, and got on well with my sister and mom, and aunts.

But, at this time, they put on, I think, it was on SBS,  or it could’ve been the ABC, a documentary about a study that some psychologists did, involving three little girls aged about 5.

They were put in an average room with 2 toys, one good toy and one not very good toy.

As the psychologists were watching, they discovered something truly remarkable in the way these little girls dealt with having / not having the good toy. What happened, is that the girl who had the good toy, was suddenly excluded by the other two girls, it was done in a very passive aggressive way – not verbal. Eventually affecting the girl who had the good toy, so badly, that she ended up dropping the good toy, so she could go and play with the other two. Leaving the good toy open for somebody else, and of course somebody else went and got the good toy. It was a plan.

So, you see, that’s how most girls operate when they’re really young, (I was tempted to say in a ‘non-thinking’ juvenile way) but, I can assure you that’s how they still think, when they’re fully grown adults, and have all the age / wisdom and intelligence that life offers them.

They are revolting and slightly evil when they are young, and remain that way until their death.

11. Sterling Silver double Open Infinity  Lobster Claw Clasp for necklace STOLEN

 They left the necklace that Grandpa made me, and just took the clasp off.I would put money on the fact that it was a girl that took it, no man is going to fumble around with a tiny clasp.  (These clasps are the best, and do  not ‘accidentally’ come undone - that’s why it was stolen, the best)

 I did not bother reporting it to the police, because the local police here do not believe anyone up here steals, I believe it was taken by a girl that was harassing me from Builyan, the same one who stole heaps of my seeds from my seed chest. - The girl who was known by certain people, certain neighbours like Suellen and Donny, as that thieving girl bought them off with free ‘empowerment’ activities for their little zombie girl daughter.


Suellen and Donny – such cowards, when I am being literally tormented by this thief with 100’s of items stolen. Shame on them.

 Also, this might be related to a musician, because quite often I have songs that just appear on my iPod shuffle as its playing, like when Dolly Parton released her new song, suddenly it started playing in my shuffle iPod. When K.D. lang released a song, back in 2015 or something, same thing - although I did try to find K.D Lang’s song again to listen, but it was gone! So, they can literally put songs “on” and take songs “off” my iPod, - this would be Apple related too (the genius of the people of Apple) So anyway there was a song that appeared on my iPod which was a slow-motion cha-cha, I’ve mentioned it on this blog before, and I think that thieving girl has heard me listen to that song, and has assumed that I have stolen that song, when I certainly did not, in fact I don’t even think those songs had been yet released (?). And so, she has stolen my goods, either out of an act of revenge, or she’s just jealous - a stupid jealous bitch, who wants new release songs to appear on her  iPod (probably Olivia Newton John – no convictions). Whoever it is does seem to have a lot of money, because she buys people off where ever she goes, SHE IS A SOURCE OF EXTREMEM TORMENT (like only a musician knows how to do), so could well be Olivia Newton John. So, I need to literally spell this out in order to stop this stupid girl thief -  fuck off all musicians -  stay out of my life, stay off my iPod, fuck off {and I have nothing to do with putting on and taking off new releases from iPod, so stop taking your jealous frustrations out on me). And no, I am still not gay. The unknown girl who took this from my bedroom, was not invited in.

That reminds me, other times they ‘mess’ around with my ipod; one day, while cleaning the house, I heard this really good song on my iPod shuffle, (magically mysterious how songs just suddenly ‘appear’ on my iPod) and note, when I was cleaning – got to be landlord dog related.

It was a type of slow-motion cha-cha sound - fast fast fast fast slow slow. I really liked it, as I had a sore foot, and could not Cha Cha any more. Anyway, I wrote it down because I knew I’d forget it, to listen later, it was a weird classical song of some sort with a weird name.

But someone stole the piece of paper with the name on it, and I suspect the person who stole  it was xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (I have no idea who) and am left pining after that song…..

So in 2023, when Wix put a limit to the size of my blog and I was rewriting everything, including this little story, one day I walked into my little sew room, which, the day before I had just put in a brand new packet of lycra needles, which were kind of special, because if you've ever sewn with Lycra you know you need exactly the right needle type, and I had had extreme difficulties up to that point because plain stretch needles just don't work, you need a specific weight needle size. So finally I received my new needles, and had taken them carefully into my sewing room after  painting the ends a colour, so I could identify them quickly. So that next morning I could see my sewing needles were strewn all over the hallway and all over the sew room floor! I thought well that's really odd because I had definitely carried the needles carefully in their packet and placed them in front of my sewing machine I was quite deliberate. Now, there weren't any needles missing, all my coloured marked needles were accounted for. Odd, because I do have problems with people stealing my stuff, sewing stuff in particular. But then, I noticed on the floor too, was a silver clasp, the same one that had been stolen all those years ago. I checked my box to see if the  replacement one I purchased was still there, and it was. So not only did someone strew my needles on the floor, but so many years after it was stolen, and at a 2nd address, they had decided to return this silver clasp! I don't know if they had a guilty conscience, or whether they were just stealing it for the point of keeping it from me, only to one day return it? Maybe that was there cockanninnie plan? But, I'm thinking guilty conscience - finally that bimbo thief is starting to realise; you have to actually pay and make up  for all the bad things you do in life. She has realized, she does not want to be in dept to me. Too late. Hehe.

Covid cash grant money Spa experience 2020  2021.jpg
The rentals with “little girl landlord problems”.jpg
Roof going on Back Deck November 2020 Cate Rogers, Winfried Hoerr and Andrew Kelly.jpg
Companies which never paid me my super.jpg

12. Covid cash grant money Spa experience 2020 / 2021

One of the best luxury purchases I’ve ever made has been an inflatable spa. And I tell you, once you have relaxed on a soft inflatable cushion of air, there’s no way you could ever purchase a hard fibreglass or metal spa tub! Plus, they cost a fraction, cheaper and more comfortable.

And furthermore, at this point when I purchased it, I had inflammation in my foot from a collapsed arch / plantar fasciitis, and I’d had that lump of inflammation {visible lump}, for at least two years. When I first filled the spa tub up, I used solar water from the roof, as well as the built-in heater, and so I wasn’t sure about the temperature, when I put my foot in it, it was way too hot to hop in, and being a somewhat impatient person, I couldn’t wait till it cooled, so I put my feet – it was just bearable, I added some Ylang Ylang essential oil, (which I knew was good for inflammation), and turned the bubbles on. I had my whole foot and up to my knee, immersed in this hot water, waiting until it cooled down so I could hop in. my whole leg under the new turned bright red!

But, and OMG, the next day, I was just sitting around, taking it easy, when my foot, or my big toe really, got an itch, I reached down kind of absent mindedly to brush or scratch it, like what often happens, I am constantly being bitten by little bugs, mozzies, nats, flies landing, there’s always an itch of some sort going on. But I noticed on the back of my knuckles, which is what I used to  scratch whatever was annoying me, suddenly, it was wet with moisture, I looked, and it was like a biggish pustule on my big toe, down near the nail, had burst, and out poured about, I don’t know, maybe, a quarter of a teaspoon full, of fluid, was like a clear liquid fluid. I just know it was the inflammation, or possibly lymph fluid, that had been stuck all that time in my foot, I had finally got rid of.  Hooray! So right, then in there, I got my money‘s worth! Plus, it worked out, because we were in the far end of a 9yr drought, and I was on tank water too, so there was definitely no spare water to waste on spas (actually it was 14 years since I had even had a bath!). So what I did, was filled spa to the minimum line, which was still ample, then after keeping water in for 2 or 3 days, having a spa on each (it remained hot for some time, especially in that mild weather we had there plus, I could heat it with the inbuilt heater and it had a lid for insulation, so two or three days maximum, and then, after that, the water started to go rank with bacteria, so I put my submersible pump in, and used that water in my washing machine. I could get five loads from one spa fill. I just waited before I did a wash for about two weeks, so I had a big accumulation of stuff to wash, then did it all in a day or two! So not only could I recycle that water from the spa, but  I would then also save the washing water (I had purchased a little kiddies pool and emptied that water into the kiddies pool). When that was full, I added some compost loo drip overflow waste water - which I’d save in plastic milk bottles under the compost loo exit pipe out back. I used my other submersible pump to water the garden with it - and I tell you, my God, the plants absolutely loved that water with the compost loo drip overflow (I use low phosphate washing powder as well -is a must.)

So, but, actually purchasing this spa was pretty much the most difficult thing I’ve ever purchased in my life. Talk about a nightmare. This was the time with COVID-19, and the government had issued out cash grants to everyone. Usually if you receive job seeker payment, you miss out on any cash grants from the government, but the government decided to include unemployed people this time, although not the full amount, the full amount was thousands and thousands of dollars, at least $8000+, but I ended up with about $3000 total, I think. And 2mnths prior I had seen an inflatable spa at big W for $500, and I was so tempted to buy on my Credit card, but I thought inflatable, I’ve actually been the victim of people pricking anything inflatable just out of spite -it seems to be the stupid Australian Bogan way, so I decided I wouldn’t, because I could only put it outside anyway and it may fall victim to pricks, (btw, those so called pricks are usually always of the female variety, the jealous female variety). But then I kept thinking about it, it was in the back of my mind, niggling away, when we were kids, we used to go to the squash club with dad and hang out in the spa while he played Squash - I remember it with such joy! And so, came January, with the cash grants, I decided, I was definitely going to spend $500 and get the spa. Of course, with everyone going on a shopping spree, they were sold out, but I found one on a different website, for $550, so I got that, but annoyed with myself that I didn’t get it before and I would’ve saved 50 bucks! And so, I’m waiting and waiting and waiting, and my spa never turned up! I was so disappointed. On my original photostory here, I went in to GREAT DETAIL about what happened; purchasing another one, that broke, so then purchasing yet another one, a 3rd one. But it didn’t work because it had an American plug, so then there was all the drama of converters, and then more powerful converters, none which worked! Plus, hopeless couriers who refused to communicate, retailers who refused to communicate – nothing arrived and anything that did, did not work. And ALL my covid cash grant money was gone. And still no spa.

Then my original spa that I had purchased finally arrived, 4mnths later. So meanwhile the whole time, my neighbours {what, with their antics of playing spa noises to try and trick me}, the couriers, Ebay, everyone it seemed, was just messing me about deliberately sabotaging me and stealing my spa from me. So that’s exactly how my cash grant was stolen and wasted. Sluen.

Anyway, eventually, my spa was fantastic! It was so lovely, finally I could have my spa. There were just bubbles everywhere, so warm, and it was really worth the cost, although not the drama and other costs…. For someone who lives in “normal world” where everything works out, and you get what you paid for – it is worth it.

One day I was in my spa thinking about things. {As a single, I spend a lot of time thinking}. This day, I thought well, this is totally what I need, some total ‘me time’ and pampering time, because I haven’t really had much pampering since I lived in Sydney, and when I was in Sydney, I did a bit of nanny work which involved cleaning, and I got quite a lot of aches and pains, and so then I spent most of my money that I made, on massage - which was lovely, but didn’t really make working, worthwhile. One of the massages that I had, was an Indian head massage, at neutral Bay, and it was so fantastic! I couldn’t believe it, it was such a luxury, and such pampering, and I thought you know, my mother, she never had anything like this in her life, she was basically a “slave” to her family. I mean, I had this realisation at that moment in my mid 20’s -she totally has missed out in life because she did not have massage and pamper time to herself (not than I am complaining about her mothering skills, she was a fantastic mum!) But massage is truly a wonderful thing, I strongly feel like, it’s something that gives you vitality and lengthens your life, it’s really, that good, and a healthy “must do”. You are allowed to ‘feel good’. No need to feel guilty about self-indulgent. I think actually, because she didn’t have any ‘me time’ in her life, any ‘self-body worshipping’ time, so to speak, this is part of the reason why she got sick so young (also aside from dad who was only half present in the marriage/family and in protecting her throughout life - not that I want to have a go at Dad, because as far as fathers go, he was pretty good, he just didn’t know about some of the ‘bad’ things he should have known about. He did understand, however, the sacrifice that it takes to raise a family by committing to working every day, rain hail or shine, to provide for the family. (He understood that, as his dad died when he was 13, so he knew the difficulties from not having a dad around) I’ve come across some dads who have been absolute vermin, and I count my lucky stars a lot.)

Anyway, just my personal opinion, and I’m pretty old and wise, I can tell you -  I talk to a lot of smart people!!


The above photo shows the spa I ended up with from Catch on the veranda. The oval spa from America was relegated to the garden for plant water too, and the other oval spa from America, I was able to return (for $700 that paypal paid for) and the converters, I had to throw out. But oval bath type spa – BRILLIANT! I have not seen any  available in Australia – Intertek Group ought to do

13. Character Reference from Lizzie Blake

Note; I asked Lizzie for a reference at some point in my 20’s. { I think I should explain who Lizzie Blake is (was); She and her husband Tony were family friends of my parents. My parents had a lot of friends, but in particular they had a circle of good friends and the Blakes were one of them. They socialised a lot. All their circle of friends had kids, we often had picnics on the weekends together. I remember Lizzie often popping in to our house for coffee on a regular basis, she was a very social person. Mum really liked Lizzie, and admired her taste and values. Tony had a successful agri business in the community. I felt Lizzie had quite definitive social rules and norms, which mum was happy to go along with, Mum seem to be pleased that she was friends with someone who was so prominent in the community. I recall Lizzie and mum getting involved with the art group and doing a play in the town hall “Oklahoma”. I recall them doing the weird and strange phenomenon of country car bashing  which seemed to be some sort of competition with multiple cars racing around the countryside going on some sort of treasure hunt. They played tennis too,  and golf. Basically they were good friends.

So when I got the reference back from her, I read it, and I was totally unimpressed. I thought you know; this woman does not  know how to write a reference at all, she doesn’t know what an employer is looking to hear from in a reference. First of all, she started off by saying “I don’t really know Emily, I only know her parents” !  -  I thought that was extremely rich, because, we had spent pretty much, parts of every weekend together for the last six years in Gunnedah, having picnics and social gatherings and whatnot. So, I just kept the reference and didn’t bother giving it to any potential employer.

However, in 2018, when I had to start looking for new rentals, the rental girls, (these young girls in their 20s, where asking me for references) {brainwashed by primary school teachers – btw, if you want to know anything about me, you ought to ask me. As if you can possibly rely on somebody else’s reference – does nobody not understand the true nature of most people. The true nature of females and their bias.


So, to rely on a reference is a ridiculous concept. But, so, anyway, no rental without one, so I went and found all my references, and I re-read, Lizzie Blake’s references, I have attached it below, and as you can see below, there is no mention of what I just mentioned above! This reference has been totally changed, and NOT BY ME. I know her daughter Fiona was an old NEGS girl too, in a year or two ahead of me, so I’m not sure whether again this is a tactic of the ‘dog network’; maybe possibly those girls saw that I was not in full-time work, and were like ‘well how come she doesn’t have to work? - Maybe no-one has written her a good reference!’ LOL! LOL! Such irony (“how come she’s so happy, how come her life is so good?” LOL!! ; and so they have changed it?? Or, possibly someone else, maybe one of my Centrelink jobs provider has changed it to a more appropriate wording?? I don’t know. But it was definitely changed from the original - slightly. (I still laugh about it every time I read it) – I am one of the good ones – and you all miss out!!, and ha! – serves you right from stealing from me).

But so, typical of a woman – so intent on being ‘tough bitch’ or playing STUPID dog sides - they cannot see the big picture.


I don’t believe any other of my refs have been changed. Although I do recall when I was 18, I did work experience at the local Gunnedah chemist. When the ‘chemist’ gave me a reference at the end of the week, it was so pathetic, that I threw it out immediately. It wasn’t like he said anything mean, but it was brief, 1 sentence long, and pointless. And, as I had just spent the whole week doing his stock-take, because it was at the time when they had just invented shop coding, so every product in the store had to get a sticker with a code on it, then scanned, so they can use their digital device to know the price and keep track of all the stock. So, there were actually 3 of us, 3 work experience girls, all NOT getting paid, at all, and we did a huge monumental task for him, he had 1000’s and 1000’s of products. But he was so ungrateful and pathetic, that I was disgusted by it.

I want to add this too, because I know my sister was deeply upset at the time when it happened.  And there is a little bit of a life lesson in it;

When mum got sick at such a young age, {it was a very slow progression}, and eventually she got to the point where she really relied on the people around her to just sort of guide her along the way, just a little bit of help was needed at that point. It was a very slow progression. And when it came to mum's regular Tuesday golf with Lizzie, Lizzie pretty much refused to be that supportive person for mum, and did not allow mum to continue golfing with her. 

The life lesson being, choose your friends wisely and don't be caught up on people who you think prominent and respectable.



18 Goodwin RD

P0 Box 589

Gunnedah, NSW,

Australia, 2380



7th July 2005




I have known Emily Bieman for most of her life through a long association with her

parents Fran and Dick, who are long-standing and respected residents of Gunnedah.

Emily is well educated. She has a strong, independent personality and is extremely artistic and creative, attributes that have served her well in establishing a career in the tough and competitive women's fashion industry in Sydney.

Several years ago, she returned to Gunnedah to be close by her mother who had tragically been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

During her time back home Emily developed a small business enterprise to allow her to stay in Gunnedah and utilize some of the skills that enabled her to succeed in her fledgling fashion career in Sydney.

I believe Emily has the communication skills, ability and adaptability to succeed in whatever career she undertakes.


Lizzie Blake

14. Thoughtful Sign in Bundaberg

I took a photo out driving around Bundaberg of a street sign, it says:

“You are passing through a residential area



First time I have seen such a sign.

I like it!

I and feel they need to be more of them. Could truck drivers and TRAIN drivers, especially, take note; all areas are residential, as your horns are so loud. Show some EMPATHY (look it up if you have to).

15. The rentals with “little girl landlord problems”

The above photo, 2nd along, shows the rental house in Builyan, where I lived for 5 months. This house was at Builyan, QLD, in the Boyne Valley. I also had such problems at kookaburra Park Gin Gin. So, I guess 2 out of (16 rentals) isn’t too bad. Oh, there was another at Tulcumbah, so the 3, “little girl landlord” problems that I had, were extreme problems, it is surprisingly how weird and evil little girls can be. (All of them were adults from 23 to 53 yrs of age)

If you are having landlord little girl problems, note; nobody likes to be around someone who is hostile. So, if you want to get rid of someone who’s coming around, without seemingly being hostile, you have to do it in a clever, sneaky passive way. I would say the number one way to do it, would be to invite at least 5 ‘hoodlum’ looking young men around, so when she comes through, they are all leering and perving on her – this will work easy on a young rental girl. Maybe an old man might have the same effect! But as I don’t have any such people on my Bec an Call list, I would have to come up with something else. If there was a fireplace, try smoking them out, maybe try insanely strong aromas of incense. Or borrow a neighbours dogs that sniffs their crotch the whole time. Or get council men to make the trip out there really long and tedious, with road blocks. Or laugh at them – this always works, no one likes being laughed at if they did not make a joke. Ofcourse, making sure there is no ‘fuel’ for them to winge about, like make sure the place is clean and tidy. you’ll see they won’t come back. (Although one of my landlords made a point of going there when I was not home – I have cameras now. – they do sneaky things if I am not watching as they go through the house, like, totally nosy stuff, go through my wardrobe, filing cabinet, use my spinning wheel, take things…. You must know what women are like – how dare there be laws in place to allow a landlord to enter the premises when I am not home HOW DARE THERE BE. Wake up government, and change that form18a standard lease, Terms and Conditions.

If anyone has got any other unseemly hostile ways to stop people from pestering – please let me know!


In the photo above, it shows a tyre out front, I had planted a tree in it, and the tyre stops the rabbits from eating it, and council from mowing it. But shortly after, it was yanked out and tossed back in to my yard, by the idiot neighbour, (single father in his 30’s) who then got his simple clueless bimbo of a mother to come round and yell at me for planting a trees ‘so close’ to her sons side of the verge – country stupid mongrels. Her son was a despicable person who belongs in jail.

16. Bad Wikipedia admin -ban from wikipedia for no reason, other than personal IT admin bully attack

I grew up and lived in Gunnedah, NSW, Australia, for most of my life.

I looked up Gunnedah in 2020, on Wikipedia, and there was a brief little blurb about it. I felt it quite inadequate, and lacking in realness and guts.


I wished to add information about the drought, the annual rainfall, the big coal mining boom and the impossibility of finding somewhere to rent at all, let alone at an affordable price, (albeit plenty of brand-new vacant houses around and up for sale). Not to mention the crime, the petty theft, and the general bad will, that had built-up in the last 20 years in Gunnedah and neighbouring Tamworth. Not such a friendly country town anymore. Infact, people pretty much hate each other now. I was advised by little birdie that “there is a war going on out there” (so was better to hang out at my place!).

So, I did add my info, citing my name as well, but it was swiftly removed within half an hour -  more oppressive nazis on wiki too. And see how I am tracked, tracked for years now since 2020 or maybe before. {Later when I was sent a wiki ‘ban’ notification, the admin’s name was stated, I looked them up, and that to the right, that was the person. A red head – possibly someone trying to save the stupid blonde bimbo? To me, that guy looks slightly retarded, possibly someone that ought not be allow to be an admin, so typical modern times, some people trying to “empower” people who ought not to be.}

While I am at it, aside from that ‘lack of guts and honest truths’ page listing, I often go on wiki to find out stuff, and it has been very helpful, and usually the facts I have read have been accurate. But yesterday (July 2022) I saw a good movie on Australian iView about Australian politics and the introduction of legalized abortions. After it was over, I wanted to check some facts, so I looked it up on wiki, and, low and behold, I was reading incorrect information, with dates that were completely wrong. Plus, names (politicians were added), obviously for the point of making the wiki interesting, or some other such reason, lord if I know. Maybe they just guessed? Not saying the good movie was inaccurate, as they never mention dates or real names in it – so typical {btw that’s why there is corruption; cowards who don’t name names}. But the ones on Wiki – definatly inaccurate. False.  Liars. I’m really annoyed to see this about Wiki, because I’ve been using Wiki for a while and it’s always been quite truthful, so as of now, 2022 one has to be more careful as there’s ‘bullshit galore’ on there. And isn’t it curious how they won’t let me write up about Gunnedah - the truth about the town, yet they let people bullshit like this. They don’t ban them or remove their content.

So, what is wrong with the Internet world? There’s something majorly wrong with it. The good guys lost and the bad guys won.

If you didn’t know; anyone is supposedly allowed to write up anything on wiki, you do have to provide your name and reference details etc to encourage truthfulness. And btw, I have written up information on wiki before without any problems; way back when I was doing my horticulture course and there were still big gaps in the Internet, when it came to plant species, I thought I would contribute with a created listing for, and photos of the beautiful ironbark: Eucalyptus melonophloia - Silver IronBark. I note, my images are still there; back then I had a different email, it was, so it says!

I was ban purly from being tracked by stupid obsessed IT nerds, who have ban me from pretty much all social medias (except YouTube! – account deleted later in 2024) stupid.

17. My arms used to look like this, and now they’re spent

The photo used to show; showing a woman flexing her muscles.

I’m doing a photo story about this because when I was building up my business and planting many trees, shrubs and creating a garden, I used all my strength, and thought nothing of it - doing tasks that, in retrospect, weren’t really necessary, given the amount of energy I had to expend for it. I didn’t realise in my 20s and 30s that the work I did then, I would later have to pay for with my body. Well, I guess what I mean by that, is we have XXX amount of energy over a lifetime, and if you use it all in your 20s and 30s, then you’ll have nothing left for your 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s.

And nobody tells you these things. I mean if I had of known I would’ve taken it more steadily, not pushed myself like I did. I thought, back then, after I done a whole lot of hard constant work, like chain sawing until everything was finished without stopping for a break, that I had accomplished a lot, and I was pleased with myself, but in reality I had just set up my arms to be weak in the future. So while at the time, my arms looked in top condition, like the above, really it was just a disguise.

BTW, it’s the same with fat -  we can eat xxx amount of fat before the heart chucks a hissy fit, so pace yourselves.

18. Councils Hogging all the Men

According to Google Maps, there are only 5 reflexologist in the whole of Queensland, well, 5 today, yesterday there were only 4. I have been on all of their websites, and they are all female. I am noticing this more and more, with women dominating the health sector, but I personally would prefer to see a male reflexologist, as reflexology is hands on so to speak, with strength in hands and arms required  - something that women don’t naturally have. I mean, I did see a naturopath once who was able to massage too, and she was brilliant, I don’t think I’ve had anyone come close to how good she was, ever, making her unusual, but she was actually a tall and big woman with strength. So, what’s happened to all the men? Are they at home sitting on the couch taking drugs? Oh, wait a minute, I know where they are, they are doing the government’s local council schemes, of putting all the men in lollipop suits and getting them to do councils fake roadworks - It’s really true! They’re out there on the roads by the thousands, if not doing real roadworks, then they’re just standing out there making it look like they’re working, so they can take home that pay packet to keep their wives happy. I think this is a new phenomenon of men, not been able to think for themselves, and only being able to do work that women tell them to do. It’s really bizarre, they seem to have lost their initiative. I’m not an expert in men, but I do know council admin have big loud pushy personalities types, who no doubt can muster up all the men, so I blame Council for hogging all the men. Men should be divided up into other areas, where they’re more suited, especially the slim wiry type of man, those type of men, who may perceive themselves as weaklings, compared to other ‘muscleman’ really are not weaklings at all, they’re very strong when compared to a woman, they have far more strength than a woman, even if they are slimmer. Those men are perfectly suited to the health sector.


However, I’ll quietly just mention, the highway between Mackay and Rockhampton is quite atrocious, (worst tar Road I have ever travelled on), not that I’ll ever be travelling that way again, but I’ve seen so many roads that don’t need road work, and are receiving it, due to councils ‘winning money’ and wanting to have something for their local men to do, so, here is perfectly good example of a real area, that really needs to be done. Beautify that you NEGS BORDER THIEVES.


Also, I was prompted to write this after seeing a YouTube video by a reflexologist who was demonstrating how to do a lymphatic drainage. Talk about BRILLIANT. I tried it, and it worked. Practically instant relief. And now, a few months ago I paid a physio in Bundaberg, female (at Friendlies) for a lymphoedema massage – and she was absolutely clueless as to the whereabouts of my lymph nodes CLUELESS, total waste of money (plus I was on a gov care plan so should not have been charged at all anyway – thief too) but it amazes me how the medical society in Australia- universities, can produce and allow these total incompetents to practice. Thankgod for YouTube and that reflexologist. Don’t get me started on all the female incompetent medical people I have encounted in my life – AN EXTREME AMOUNT.

19. Non thinking people from the past wasting space

I am talking about Waverley cemetery on the sea in Sydney. But, well, really, ALL cemetery’s
I mean talk about a BIG HEAD, if you think YOU ought to be taking up space after your dead!
Choose cremation!
What a waste of space, and they should be bulldozed and turned into a park. I saw a girl jogging daily in the cemetery, and so I guess SHE was determined not to let the space go to waste!
I saw one country (I think it was Ethiopia?) they had a collection of obelisks representing tombstones of great leaders in the past. I really got annoyed when I saw. It it's like egotistical mania! If I was p.m. there, I would have them all removed and the whole area replaced with a beautiful landscaped park, and I would call it “Leadership Memorial Park” to remember the great leaders of the past, maybe with a simple plaque with names? So, people would go to this park if they needed inspiration in good leadership!
This was another photo story that was stolen, not only stolen from my computer, but stolen off my photos in my Google account and in my Pinterest account and off my wix website. So how about that! I’m not entirely sure of the exact problem or issue, but obviously I was touching some sort of nerve. Btw, this photo is a free non-commercial photo.
Update below, I saw this cemetery on a Korean Television show – now, those Korean movie makers, run rings around Hollywood when it comes to cliché Cemetery scenes. Just look at this one; Koreans are going environmentally friendly; family trees are being planted with ashes scattered. SO CLEVER. Hollywood is still stuck in the last century.




20. More detailed list of the things I wish I was told when I was 18

Look after your feet! Check them every few months, check your shoes every few months, throw out tatty shoes throw out work boots every 6mnths. Get into Reflexology to handle work place body deteriorations. (Always remember “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix”), and don’t listen to house wives when it comes to medical issues, (or any issues).

Some people have a mentality where they like to piss people off, just to watch the reaction. Total arseholes do it, and the tend to pick on young women. They exist, you have to deal with them. They particularly exist at airports, in the luggage arena. They will target someone, usually a young pretty woman who’s on her own, and send her luggage off to some other destination. So, then the woman has got to deal with this nuisance situation - and they’re all waiting to see what you do. You as a woman, are constantly being watched.

There are a few things that I wish I was told before I left school about the work place, and that includes stuff about all the workers’ rights, minimum wage, salaries, holidays, sick pay, unions - all of that should be taught in school, so a school leaver is very familiar with all those details before even commencing working for someone. So important to know to guard yourself against dodgy bosses – and they are ALL DODGY. This wasn’t ever discussed in my 12 years of schooling, which I find extraordinary since, after school, work life, is the whole point of school; to prepare you for the future. And BTW, obtaining that first mortgage as soon as you start working is more important than purchasing your first car! I know that might be hard for a young person to hear. Aswell as; music is targeted specifically for young people, it really is a type of brainwashing, plus if you got an older person liking similar music that an 18-year-old loves, that adult hasn’t quite grown into a mature adult yet! Music is targeted at young people.

Another one was dealing with people in the work place who you’re just not going to like. I mean, I don’t think I really had too much of a problem with this issue, as I’m a fairly respectable person, but still it would’ve been a helpful issue to be familiar with, because, it’s a huge issue in the workplace, not just something that might come up, it’s GINORMOUS! I’m mentioning it because there’s a lot of people, young people, who don’t think before they speak, and this will be helpful advice for them; when you start working in the workplace, you’re going to get to know people in a way that you haven’t previously known people before, and sometimes you are not only, not going to agree with them,  but you will dislike them, and some are going to absolutely infuriate you. So, instead of saying maybe directly what’s on your mind in these situations,  like “don’t be such a fucking idiot”,  you can’t do that, you’ve gotta be respectful, and try to work around the issue, because people have big egos, (another topic not discussed in schools), particularly older ones when dealing with younger ones, and sometimes a young person can’t see the big picture, like an oldy can. So, you just need to bear that in mind. But, the hardest thing, is being able to handle disrespect from a boss. A bad boss, and there are a lot of them, especially if you unfortunate enough to have a female one, a cockanninnie one, will feel superior to her employees, and will do little things to show her disrespect, little passive aggressive things that really piss off someone who is not in a position of power, because you can't do anything about it, except quit. And that is the number 1 reason why there are so many men in the prison system, they do not want to have to put up with a boss's disrespect, they would infact prefer to be in prison than work for an arse, or work around people who are disrespectful. So, respect is a big issue, and this was an issue not even discussed in the Private school sector where it is notable, that students have a certain level of respectfulness, so what the local high schools produce in this area is worrying. Why this issue is not dealt with in all schools, is an area of great concern - stupid little girls in department of education.-- Good thing my workplace is in seclusion!! J

Everyone you encounter from age 18 onwards will try to steal from you in one form or another – EVERYONE, not only strangers, but also including long term friends and family. A lot of the women that you went to high school with including younger ones in other forms; most of them will steal from you. You really can’t trust any women after you leave school. NONE. So far there has been no exceptions, you need to know this when you are 18. Jealousy is an EXTREME PROBLEM in Australia (with all the 3rd born, 4th, 5th…morons), and you need to keep your “wins”, a secret. Actually, and this is a bit of a secret, but working for you, Emily, is actually not worth it, because people can read you like an open book, especially as your not married. I would go so far to say, it is not worth working unless your married! Because people suck, (also another secret when you're at school), they steal from you  - they steal everything, any money that you earn, any money that you receive in anyway, they will figure out how to steal it. (And get away with it). Best way you can spend your money is on food, because you eat it,  and so they can't get it, once you've eaten it!! J (They do steal your food later when you move to Queensland, you have to throw out your second freezer, as they just steal food from it. They steal food every time you leave the house infact, and they have major connections with big conglomerates, who can switch the power off, switch cameras off, copy keys, they can do whatever they please, money is no object when it comes to stealing; from me stealing is the main thing, even if it cost them more to do it. It is some sort of rebellious lifestyle encouraged by musicians who hate sweet pleasant ‘sweet talkers’. { ♫ Got to pic a pocket or 2…)

Another is most people will “sell out”, by that I mean after they have kids and are settled into their life, they will do ‘amoral’ things inorder to keep their family in money; like sell cigarettes (known killers) and push pokie machines onto the poor and addicted. Or use people for personal gain at their detriment.

21 Exactly just WHO am, I talking too

I think today, after eating lunch, Telstra called me, stating they were from Centrelink complaints – Government Services. And wanted to address the complaint that I put in 2 mnths prior, concerning how Centrelink address complaints; will they get back to me by email or phone, - so I choose email, but they actually are not allowed to correspond via email, for identity purposes – but they still have the email option there! And if I choose it – well quite frankly I expect to be contacted by email with a proper response, (I require a response in writing, as I know what they are like). So that was my complaint. But this woman wanted to address the original real complaint I had made before that minor email/phone complaint, which, I believe involved discrimination. She wanted me to state on the phone that I was discriminated against, because they thought I had money, and so they refused me a Centrelink benefit. This is what she wanted me to state on the phone, but I did not state this, because, for them, it is not a valid legal discrimination. Even if it’s true, (which it is). But, so, I know, there’s no point in complaining about it. However, as I know it is a valid complaint that’s why I mentioned it in my reasons which may have involved discrimination. I have also written about it extensively on my blog. I hope you can understand what was going on here, because all is not what it seemed.

Now the reason why I say I think it was Telstra that called me, saying they were from Centrelink complaints, is because whenever anyone calls me along such lines - as wanting me to talk about something specific, something perhaps of a derogatory nature….there are girls in the background giggling. I have mentioned it before on my blog – they used to call me regularly about a wide and varied array of topics, and in the background are girls giggling – like NOT a proper workplace environment, infact it kind of sounds like a brothel, (or what I would perceive a brothel may sound like if there’s a lot of waiting around). And usually, those calls are accompanied with theft of some sort. I am pretty sure it’s the dogs, and I’m pretty sure they’re from Telstra. For some reason there are dogs who work at Telstra and they have been harassing me in this manner for as long as I can remember in my adult life - they are stupid dogs and will be going to hell. NOT FUNNY.

{I do happen to have a brothel story, somewhere along the lines of Alice in Wonderland, - it was related to clothing needs by such courtesans. As much as the dogs would like me to share that story, I will not be sharing that story. Even though it was not of a derogatory nature. I also had other clothing customers from the ‘trade’, as a dressmaker in Enmore, who would visit the shop. Suffice to say the girls in that brothel had more dignity and class than the dogs who work at Telstra and Centrelink}.

22. Example of people who should mind their own business (and rack off) Fighting medalling Mary nazi bimbo types

Example of people who should mind their own business (and rack off) Fighting medalling Mary nazi blonde bimbo types

Over the years with my experience, and with other people‘s experience, I have come to the conclusion, that it is not just me, that gets ‘Pounced on’ by the “hall monitor” type of person.

Here are some examples where those nonthinkers (or as I like to nickname them, “retarded dogs”), should mind their own business and rack off.


  • One time, many years ago, I was at a petrol station and I was there with my brother, and he left to pay, so it was just me and we both had a cigarette, we both smoked (young and foolish days…) so after Daniel left, some guy came up to me (he waited till Daniel was gone) and then absolutely started chastise me for smoking at the petrol station, I mean he was really having a go, like a rabid dog. FUCK OFF YOU STUPID POWER TRIPPING COWARD pick on someone your own size you fucking dick head - And in case you’re not aware, no PUBLIC petrol station in the history of time has ever been blown up due to someone smoking. STUPID1993 blue FORD convertible CAPRI driver. Small.


  • Another time that resonates a lot, also, many years ago, because I was so worked up about it; I was forced to take my cats to a cattery, because my sister‘s flatmate suddenly announced she had an allergy, and I couldn’t stay there, she was a bitch, but anyway, so I had to take them to the cattery and this cattery insisted, that they won’t take them because they weren’t vaccinated against cat flue, and I was furious about this because I do not believe in the virus cat flu vaccination at all, it’s a total moneymaking scam, but I had no choice, and I had to go to the vet which was a huge ordeal, scratched by one of my cats, and pay, you know a huge amount of money to get all four vaccinated, then take them back to the cattery. And at the cattery, there was NO other cats there, mine were the only ones, and they had so insisted that they get them vaccinated so not to be contagious to the other cats - THERE’S NO OTHER CATS! I mean, this is a perfect example of stupid bimbo nonthinking Nazis. You know, take these rules and shove them up your arse. If you can’t apply common sense to good people‘s good intentions, of when they make up these rules, and you’re just plain stupid. Such as the people who owned that cattery.


  • The confusion amongst the public about potential weeds; for instance, the beautiful Arum Lily is a weed in a specific small tiny area in Western Australia, it’s not a significant problem, but it’s recognised to be a known weed. So, then the whole rest of Australia (women in particular) have deemed Arum lilies to be a weed everywhere, and should be banned, and if you have an Arum Lily, they’ll chastise you for it “that’s a weed, that’s weed that’s weed” – pleased that they can tell someone, that they are doing something wrong, and want to shout it. (Again, power tripping idiots) In fact, it’s not just the beautiful Arum Lily, I’ve had countless women tell me about different plants and what I should grow/not grow, like Cerinthe, which is by far, not a weed threat, at all, it’s just an exotic, and the kind of people telling me about these things, vary from stupid nonthinking non-gardeners, to even gardeners, and industry people, who know better. One person, who also recognised this stupid nazi factor about what people do (bandwagon mentality), they were so annoyed about it, (it was about Pampas grass), back in the day, there was a big issue about Pampas grass, about how you shouldn’t grow Pampas grass in Australia because it be a weed. So, this particular person, bought a whole vacant block in Gunnedah, and planted the whole block out with Pampas grass! So, being a Nazi Hall monitor type, and trying to boss other people around, will backfire. People will eventually say enough is enough and they will act in a rebellious manner like this person did.


  • If neighbour starts a fire BBQ or incinerator in their backyard – I had one neighbour in Melbourne spying on me, (NO high temperature summer fire ban), and when he saw I was preparing the incinerator, he literally yelled out from behind an 8ft fence “don’t you dare start that fire” FUCK OFF YOU PERVERT


  • If you knit during a show (one famous knitting lady was chastised during an opera performance, for knitting, by a man in his 40’s who was sitting nearby) OBVIOUS POWER TRIPPER who just wanted to yell at a victim.


  • Also, there is a hall monitor here at kookaburra Park who monitors the rubbish bin area, and the mail locker area. From my perspective, it is quite extraordinary, exactly how ‘dog like’ this person is. It is a total territorial instinct, that comes from a dog, it’s like they haven’t quite evolved out of ‘animal phase’ fully, into being a human. Their main job so it seems, is to monitor who is leaving rubbish in the rubbish bins, (I don’t believe there’s been any rubbish related problems?) And, also to monitor who is collecting their mail, plus also to write annoying disrespectful messages on the blackboard, and remove other people’s notices from the noticeboard. I suspect they also throw out people‘s donations, as in, if someone has got something they don’t want, and it still is valuable, they will leave it at the mail locker area for someone else to take (good idea, and people do not leave their rubbish there), I suspect the hall monitor doesn’t want anything left down there, they want it all neat and clean, (again the territorial issue) and so if something is not taken after a day, they throw it out - obviously, it is a woman doing this hall monitoring. Actually, I think it’s Sharyn Kahukiwa. Or some girl named Teagan? Although anyone who contacts me in a coward manner like she did, later, usually give themselves fake names. That stupid short blonde woman - I think she’s part albino, she came up to me one time at the mail lockers, and just started yelling at me. She was unbelievably stupid – and absolutely retarded when it comes to knowing boundaries with people, and knowing whether you’re wanted in the situation or not. (This tells me she grew up in a situation all her life, where she was not wanted. Stupid parents too obviously). Absolutely clueless woman. I later believe that woman tried to defend herself saying she had mental health problems. Well, I don’t think it is a mental health problem, I think it’s just plain STUPIDITY. And also, I’m pretty sure that was the stupid short blonde woman following me at the removalist place. She was there video recording me at the counter as I was paying them for the rental truck (they were stealing from me in the form of overcharging) - fucked if I know what she was doing there, and why she was recording me, but obvious; another STALKING BIMBO again AGAIN. Now where is that sign on my forehead that says ‘please follow me around, and act like a stupid bitch’, or even, ‘why don’t you come up to me and start yelling at me?’ {She could have been the short woman at the Dr’s who started bitching about my foot too?} I know about the little birdy network, so incase no one has told that stupid short blonde bimbo; YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY WANTED , SO GO HOME AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. By the way, I’m pretty sure this is not the short blonde from Gunnedah who was stalking me and stealing from me too. This one was a different weight, much bigger frame. But I think there may be a general theme going on here with short blondes; STUPID. RACK OFF


There are heaps more….

As I’ve been writing my blog, more and more I come to the realisation, that this is a big theme in Australia, fighting off the stupid nazi non-thinking hall monitor types. And how that personality type tends to pick on people they perceive as ‘mouse type’ people, or really by mouse type, I mean people who are not outspoken, or in positions of power, or are young, or on their own…. But those kinds of people are often pretty smart, much smarter than the non-thinking hall monitor type.

I have witnessed a lot of people in positions of power coming up with rules, just because they can, and not because there is any merit to those rules. Often the rules are stupid.

One always has to apply common-sense, in any situation. (Someone from the police later told me, most people who work there do not have any common sense, that’s why they have their “rules”).

I know I might be asking lot here, for the hall monitor type to apply common sense, TRY. Do yourself a favour.

Artwork for this story is my Umbrella Woman

23. Bundaberg / Gin Gin Truck driver stealing petrol money from Taxpayers

This truck driver hoons up the road, turns around at Bullyard and hoons back.

Sometimes they compression break, usually at about 4am. But they continue going back and forth, usually till about 9am, then they leave, ending with beep beep beep,- boasting about stealing tax payers money. Girls organize it. (sometimes this happens)

POLLUTERS - all petrol engines emit a toxic fume that causes lung cancer - YOU WAKE UP

This truck has a specific loud noise and a kind of swooshing noise.

This truck driver is disturbing the peace in the whole neighbourhood. And is a nuisance.


Bugga off Australian polluting noise makers. (Truck shown is not truck that is the problem one - free google image)

Perhaps Bundaberg Council should introduce “Adopt a Highway” like they do in Alaska! Try to encourage nuisance truckdrivers to instead of racing up and down stupidly on this Bundaberg gin Gin Rd, he/she can perhaps stop his truck there for the morning, and collect all the rubbish along side of the road, make sure the signs are in good order, or mow the sides of the road - just do something actually worthwhile.

I recall in Gunnedah they decided to make up a little new department in Council for creative girls with nothing else better to do, and of course, who were unemployed and looking for work. In the new department, they named their project “The Beautification Project”. And the most beautiful and obvious thing they did, was one of the large main roundabouts was planted with hundreds of ornamental flowers, like colourful poppies, so a hidden 5-6am automatic sprinkler system was also installed.  It was absolutely gorgeous, and a joy to drive past. It makes such a difference to people‘s attitudes when they see something so public, and so beautiful, that’s obviously had care and a little bit of money put into it. It gives people a sense of pride which intern makes them act more responsibility and respectfully. {I don’t believe any of those flowers were stolen - I did seem to enjoy them for quite some time before they faded}

I’ve noticed since posting this, trucks disappear at set times, but they’re still always around constantly annoying the whole community. I’m pretty sure there’s copycat trucks, who copy previous trucks, ones that I have talked about, and now there are trucks trying to compression brake, because maybe there’s some truckdrivers who have never compression braked, and don’t even know what it is, so they drive by my house and try to do it!

I found in life, everyone copies absolutely everything, it’s weird.

Someone once suggested to me that I shouldn’t write down all of these bad things that people do because then there’s just going to be a whole heap of copycats. She kind of does make a fair point, but in my opinion, these problems are so big and continuous, it’s not until I write them down and acknowledge them that they disappear. I’m guessing they’ll will copy the stealing, as I know they have done, now, it seems all retailers are stealing from me. But, well, at least over the last 3 mnths or so, I have only had 3 items stolen (pen on string, green rod and birth certificate) maybe they have changed from weekly to monthly, as a result of this blog??

I suggest, if you have any problems like this, write it down put it on a blog or put it somewhere.

24. Not Gay, he’s just a Bitch

Why is it some People Think Certain Men are Gay when they're Not


I was thinking one day, why it is, that some people think certain men are gay, when they're not.

Well, I have worked out why; it is it's because those particular men have a common learnt trait, and that trait is “bitch”. I find it happens to men particularly if they're close to their mothers, been raised by their mothers, or have many sisters and are close to women. They simply learn how to be bitch!


For instance, if you think of those 2 famous characters on TV; Jerry Seinfeld and Chandler Bing from Friends; both of those gentlemen sometimes received comments  from women about how they thought they were gay. And it's specifically because those characters make bitchy often sarcastic comments. It could not be any more obvious!


Only just this morning someone online from an Adobe forum (who had an icon of an old man, and said his name was Larry), but he implied to me that I was lucky to be using the program that I am using, and I should be lucky and grateful.

I thought well you know, that is a bitchy thing to say, as it implies for starters, that I am ungrateful in the first place.

So, I told him, I was, then asked him if he was actually a girl? He said he wasn't. So, this is another perfect example. I bet he gets confused by other people too if they didn't know that he was happily married.


I think I should make, it my personal mission too, to rid the world of “bitch” character in men. It’s bad enough we all have to endure women. But “bitch” in a man, well, it’s disgusting, and certainly a turn off! It is definatly a dysfunction.

Raised by bitch mother; you could not wish that upon your worst enemy!

I would go so far as to say it’s a mental health issue!


Actually, I also thought of another factor, and that is sport. I am thinking men who didn't play sports as a child, in particular team sports, don't learn how to have that kind of "tough macho competitive - I'm going to eat you alive" attitude, that some sports instil. I know when I was a child I didn't really play any team sports, I did horse riding and swimming, solo sports. And I think that is why I'm a little different from a lot of other girls, and had such difficulties at my first job at Bonds, with all the other “tough macho bitch type” women there, basically all of the women who worked at Bonds were that type? Actually, looking at the big picture of that whole scenario, that is a little odd, and most definite a dysfunction going on in that company.


I remember my Aunt too, in fact I've mentioned this before, but she must've realised at some point that her only son was a sweet and gentle boy, and that this was going to lead to some problems, so she took him down to Saturday morning sports in Balmain, as much as she would not like to do that as a single mother; going down with all the other parents every Saturday, she would've hated it actually (just the same as I would hate doing something like that), but she felt sport would have been that important. She probably noticed the difference too with mum’s (her sister) 4 kids, as we all played multiple sports of some sort.


Image above is me in my car port at new location in the subtropics – taken just before I chopped of all my hair – too hot for long hair here.

25. Roof going on Back Deck November 2020 Cate Rogers, Winfried Hoerr and Andrew Kelly

3rd photo above shows my landlord put a roof on my deck for Christmas! Much better now. See Cate Rogers in the stripes, that’s my landlord, her ex of 7yrs in the green, Winfried Hoerr, who lives just across the Park, who helped build this house together with the builder across the Rd - David Hooker.

And on the roof, Cates current Andrew Kelly, they live together with Cates adopted son Raj, in town, in Gin Gin, but purchased a house in Bargara, so prob live there now.

So, this is the back of the house. I’m taking the photo and standing in bushland here at kookaburra Park. The deck roof has 2 big skylights in it too, so I now have a beautiful fern collection underneath the Veranda. Ferns love the weather here, just as long as they don’t dry out.

Juicy gossip; whilst Cate was having a relationship with Win, he said that they should wait before they have kids, and after seven years, the truth came out he didn’t actually want kids, and never did! So, she broke up with him, and out of spite travelled to India, and adopted an Indian son, and called him Rajesh.

I have to mention something, not  about the fact that her reasons for having a child were absolutely disgusting, but  the name Rajesh; there are heaps of women (mainly Indian ones) who are naming their Indian sons Rajesh, because the Indians are (like the English) so hung up on the class system still, and Rajesh translates to Lord of all kings, as in, the top of the class system.

I just feel somebody has to come along and point this out, and their absurdity; why don’t you just call your son Rajesh the magnificent!

26. These are the Kinds of People that Email me, contact me – ‘yuk’ people

(Photo showed screenshot of my Arum Lilly gumtree add, with a comment from someone named Bob “Seriously is there something wrong in your brain.”)

It’s like there are no normal people left, and all I am surrounded by are bully-ars-bitches like this.

Pretty much on every listing I get some moron make similar comments, or sometimes they text me or leave crap voice message. Mostly they call and hang up. Sometimes they call and instead of leaving a voice message, they play music on the voice message. IDIOTS – rack off you nuisance clueless 3rd borns.

On the next photo story I originally had here, it showed a couple cleaning, with mops and brushes and the like. I said on it "If anyone thinks I need help, please send a cleaner over as soon as possible, otherwise bugger off."

I mean it! What with so many bloody women meddling, and thinking they are helping- AS IF, get real, and stop power tripping.

27. If there were no 3rd borns the whole of the entertainment industry would probably close down

The Show Offs

For many years now, I have noticed this phenomena of people wanting to impress me, and show off their skills. It mainly is women who do it, because apparently, women have been oppressed for so long, and have been out of the workplace, and don’t have any skills, so now that there are many women in the work place, who have learnt some very clever skills indeed, I am finding, they want to tell people about it, and show off! “Look how clever I am”. J I have seen amazing things from people in a vast array of industries. And quite frankly, I love seeing people show off their skills to me, I never feel jealous or threatened. I just am usually in awe {unfortunately unlike a lot of other women, I have noticed they are to threaten to handle show offs}. Maybe I should start keeping a list of all the talented skilled people I encounter!

I also have noticed, that some people I encounter, seem to be showing off in front of me, and they don’t appear to be showing off to me, but they’re showing off to somebody else! I’m not entirely certain who? Is there someone standing behind me? I can only imagine they’re showing off to the ‘powers that be’. Maybe the media, radio people? Maybe they are showing off to God? Who knows. It is as if they are showing off to the whole world.

Afterwards, I notice, someone always drives past and beeps, as if to say, they did show off, and they ‘out showed’ you!! I find people very weird to imply such a thing.

I often feel like some of those show offs, are seeking love and attention, and don’t realise their dysfunction. There “need to please”, stemming from their slightly dysfunctional parent’s parenting skills. Their personality formed as a young’n and carrying through into their adult life.

Glad I don’t have that need to please. But it is kind of fun seeing people who want to impress you.

I also think it comes from having a big brother or big sister, and wanting to impress them. I do believe it’s a privilege being a 1st born. Although, if there were no 3rd borns, the whole of the entertainment industry would probably close down! (Another little story I wrote years ago, but is missing).

28. Public Movie Scenario Creators

There is an element of total copycat retardation  that is going on; what

happens is certain people recreate scenarios from films and try and implement same situations into reality, for instance, there was a new release; Back to The Future 3, I think, not really a fan, and suddenly I had people appearing in cars (that car above – same car as ‘starred’ in that movie) as if out of nowhere, out on those quite country roads, out back of Gunnedah. Not sure if this is a good example, and if you can grasp what I mean, but they do it and have done it to me, multiple times over many years now. Those people are ruthless, they appear to be marketing women, and have no respect for me, their greed makes them blind.

I also noticed news readers on channel 7 or 9, copy movie stories that are being made at the time, and invent a fake news story that mimic’s the movie story. (As in the opposite of what usually happens).

Now, every one loves a good movie - but movie makers  are not GODS.

29. Companies which never paid me my super

  • Image clothing, closed now

  • Jodie Boffa Designs, closed now

  • Discovery clothing – still ripping young girls off, I bet.

  • Gazal, also still ripping young girls off, I bet.

  • Grave Attire (Lisa Fry), closed now

  • None of the domestic nanny/housekeeping positions paid, except one. (This is a disgraceful area to work in, do NOT work for some housewife, ever.)

  • Landlords (in exchange for “‘reduced” ‘rent, Peter Long, Darcy Alexander Ward (do not ever accept an arrangement that includes working for your landlord, they are dodgy thieves. Work requires proper hourly rate plus some…)

  • That Fish and Chip shop in Gunnedah, closed now

  • Gunnedah Abattoirs, closed now (if you don’t give a girl her privacy, the whole world is going to go to chaos. ha ha)

  • The Pool Kiosk, Straun! New owners now

  • The Emergency Button, Mitzy Skyring Alterations in Double Bay

  • South Pacific Fabrics, King!

  • Quite a few catering companies I worked for back in my early twenties (omg I was so underpaid when I was working)


Could be more? Basically, NONE of my employers paid my super, except 2; Bonds (now defunct in Australia, moved to China), and one Financial Planner I worked for as a Nanny, not a good job, but he, btw, was the only employer that paid me a proper wage, not just the minimum or less, PLUS, not only did he pay my super, but he actually tracked me down after I left to find out my Super account details, he got the white pages and looked up my family name, and found me this way. I can see he’s going straight to heaven on judgment day, unlike anyone else I have ever met (except mum! And possibly the families I grew up around in Gunnedah, except the Whites).

You know, it’s like I have had no actual incentive to work, ever. Extraordinary, life is a bitch, I recommend NOT having kids. Do you know, if I had of stayed at Bonds, I guarantee you, that the company would still be in operation today. It’s just something about me that I’ve noticed in my life, and by the way, I’m a natural born bonds designer, because I design with functionality in mind – cool, stretchy and comfy! I can make clothes today that I know would just absolutely walk off the rack, instead what has happened, Bond’s closedown and I have Chinese girls stealing my ideas and doing them at costed prices. Australia you have no idea how to look after your young and ensure the future of this country, instead you have allowed Chinese manufactures to take over the world. The Chinese have pipped you at the post, and the way Chinese parents raise their young is where it starts – single child families. This country is rubbish! (Oh, same as all those companies that did not pay their workers Super – if they had of, I bet  all those companies would still be in business. NO STEALING ALLOWED).

AND, I have noticed, you have much better chance of getting paid properly, if you work for a male boss. Female employers can’t be trusted at all, they will try and steal from you and rip you off any way they can, especially if they think no one is looking. There are no exceptions to that rule, in my experience. 10 out of 10 women will steal from me in some form, it’s like their bimbo nature makes them vulnerable to stealing. Often, I notice people’s thinking is very short-term; they see an opportunity and think, “oh no one is looking, I could get away with doing that” But they don’t think into the future, that someone will look back into the past, which I can assure you, will, and does happen - there are people born with such destiny, watch out! (Unfortunately, in Australia, in most cases those people have friends who then proceed to protect them, and lie to cover for them. But I know, I, will persist) also, the “myGov lost superannuation” women, will lie and say no there is no super put aside for you, as to whom is lying may be questionable.

Best advice, pay attention to these details when your young; why they do not teach about these issues in Secondary education is beyond comprehension! Minimum wages, wages vs salaries, industry sector wages, average wage, holiday pay, super – that ought to be just the basics. They don’t even teach about money investments, like why you have to start saving as soon as you start working, and secure a home mortgage as soon as you can, encourage discussions with parents about paying for home deposits. It’s truly ridiculous. In fact I don't recall ever in my whole childhood, in my home family, or within the school education system, where money was ever talked about, ever! There was not one single class that mentioned money, although in year 10, I recall my Asian studies teacher, a lovely Indian woman, very smart; went around the class and asked each of us what we were going to do when we left school (the only person to have asked me this question), some kids had an idea of what they were going to do, and stated their career, and she would make comments sometimes “ah good, good money in that industry”. So that was the only time money was ever mentioned before age 20. Can you believe that? Even though the whole world only revolves around money, it was just not talked about.

These issues ought to be made into an ongoing whole class subject every fortnight for Year 12 (possible even year 10) “Careers”. The whole point of school! They also ought to include financial hardships that people will face, they need to give real examples, like; when I was doing my horticulture course at tafe, one of the girls there, said she was in class because she was “fired”, in a polite kind of way, more like ‘made redundant’, when she turned 21, from her child daycare job, because 21-year-olds requires more pay, than an 18-20 year-olds. So while this behaviour is  highly inappropriate, and I’m not sure, even legal, this kind of thing happens – so not legal, not fair, but still happens in life. (The child minding business was then called ABC childcare, in Gunnedah. I’m not sure if they’re still operating.)

The school curriculum is pathetic, and it is run by pathetic non thinking women who know nothing about life, and are only concerned about control over those kids. It’s a disgusting situation. If I had kids, I would never send my child to school, ever.

Btw, if you do have kids, and (if for some reason, can’t send them off to school like usual), if, in those times, you can’t stand having your kids hang around during the day, then you shouldn’t have had kids! It’s not just Dep of Education that’s needs to wake up, wake up little mother bimbos. Life guidance is also required when parenting.

Notice on the pie chart above, that of all the Government spending, welfare, and unemployment is the SMALLEST section.

30. The Brutal World of Money

I've mentioned this before somewhere on my blog I couldn't find it so I thought it was probably worth talking about again, growing up in my family, four kids, mum and dad; we never talked about money. I don't ever remember having any conversations about money, I mean talking about money as it is in the world, like the way the world works, how people go to work for money, different incomes, lifestyles. Pretty much anything really money related just wasn't talked about in our family - for some weird bizarre reason. I mean, I had an understanding, I guess, I remember going on holidays and you know mum would be deciding what we do, and the kids would be going ‘let's do this let's do that’, and then she goes ‘oh no, we don't have enough money for that, we'll do this’. I can still hear her say “no mon no fun”. So I guess along the way I kind of learnt that money is a good thing. But you know we didn't really go on too many family holidays anyway, and quite frankly I had more fun staying with grandma so I could go to the beach! Which looking back, didn't cost any money!
Also we weren't really given pocket money when we were young either, except, we could do chores like vacuuming or cleaning the cars, and mum would give us money like $1 or $.50. She was incredibly tight looking back. I can't really remember ever having any money, except for once I had saved up $7 from vacuuming my room. And so I needed a wallet to put my $7 in. So when we were in town one trip, I got my wallet, and it guess how much it cost; $7!  So then I had a wallet but of course I had no more money! So I thought, that whole thing was pointless.
(Sound familiar? Reading that out loud to myself now; working in the workplace as an adult on minimum wage).
But I don't remember having any money in my childhood, just that empty wallet sitting on the shelf in the playroom for the rest of my childhood!
It wasn't till I went away to boarding school, and in the little pamphlet that mum read it says 'they recommend giving the girls $30 a term for spending money', and my mother, she's like WHAT! why on earth do I have to give more money after we are paying all this money for school fees! Like she just didn't understand why she would have to give me spending money!
YOU know, maybe, just maybe, this might have something to do with the fact that now, I don’t have any money! Lol (actually, its not, that fact is way more complicated – but, teach your kids about money, and I guess, some liberties as to what they can purchase with their money; see them make ‘mistake purchases’, like a child would, and then talk about it? I’m not the expert in this area). I imagine, if someone hears this story, who doesn't know me or my mother, they might think that my mother was this tyrannical Nazi Olga of a mother! - but she wasn't really at all, we had a lot of free rain as kids, and we seldom went without. I find a lot of kids, girls in particular, they often have mothers who try to tell them what to do in every situation, and control everything about their life. I feel I'm fortunate that I did not have a mother like that, because that really damages those kids in my opinion, and it lasts their whole lifetime.
The other issue I am aware that I had limited understanding of, was the value of items, like just because it looks old doesn't mean that you should throw it out - a child doesn't really understand sometimes the value of items. I wasn't the only child that didn't have these things explained and now there's a whole culture just chucking things out and buying new ‘plastic’ from China. I really think more of an attempt to explain the value of items ought to made. Oh wait, I believe its too late; the world is chocked with rubbish and plastic.

More money issues:
I’ve had retailers trying to rip me off on practically every purchase I make, but the reason I am not angry about it, is because there are laws in place to protect the consumer, which I can use to my advantage to get my money back. All I have to do is contact the Department of fair trading  - they investigate the case, and if I have been ripped off, they can tell the trader to give me my money back/ or exchange; or the consumer (me) can take them to tribunal, where possibly, more charges might be applied to them (which I’ve had to do 4 times btw). So, in New South Wales, at any rate, 10 out of 10 times, I got my money back (I should mention just over 100 cases was put in to the Department of fair trading, by me, against retailers trying to steal from me over as 10yr period -that’s a lot, it says a lot about the times we live in. I’m thinking they should get ‘people’ into schools, from kindy up, and do a whole new class called Ethics and Morals) Anyway, Queensland Department of fair trading, however, is still in ‘naive fairy world’ where, all business’s are honest and all consumers are the enemy - and so far, they haven’t been able to do anything about any of the retail thieves that have ripped me off - so, actually, I am a little angry about those incidence’s,  (totalling at least $2000 by now) and I have done separate name and shame photos/stories for them. (There’s a whole “he/she who has the most friends wins” in QLD; still living in mates rates times.)
But for the most part of my spending life, I was able to recoup any money that was lost through dodgy retailers.
Also, I know people lose money from dodgy investment brokers. I know my grandmother lost $45,000 from AMP Super back in the 1970’s, which back then, Super was a scam.
I’ve had family trying to convince us to purchase their products, to advance their wealth (and not mine).
Also, when I was young, I had $1000 in cash, and I moved into my grandmothers basement, I didn’t have anywhere safe to put it, she said she will look after it. When I asked for it back, there was only $900! She said she didn’t take the $100, but since she’s the only other person who lived there, I’m not entirely sure whether that’s true, at any rate, she did reimburse me the additional $100.- the dogs had started hanging outside the house at night at this address, so could be them. The ones from triple j - thieving perverts.
(Unfortunately, and disappointingly so, I’ve also had adult siblings steal from me)
So, white collar theft is big. And that’s why I wanted to write this; you really can’t trust anyone with your money at all. The safest bet is Real Estate, was back in the 70s, still is today. Of course, you have to do your research, and don’t buy anything over market value, like a sucker (don’t bid at auctions, that especially means you, my family, because the dogs hound me, as you can see from this blog, but that means, they also know everything about my family; they know you, they know what your income is. I believe it might be too late for you Sebastian…inflated auctions?).
I want to mention other ways retailers steal now (I’ve only noticed this recently, as in 2015 onwards -this hasn’t been a problem before then, so much, at least with me, at any rate) As retailers are learning more and more about the consumer rules, they can see loop holes and ways where they can overcharge a customer, and not be held accountable as a thief; what they do is put the shelf price as XX (inflated) dollars. The consumer sees the shelf tag as XX dollars and pays XX dollars, unaware that they have been overcharged, by sometimes up to 300%.  So, this is not considered theft by the Department of fair trading it is considered a ‘buyer beware’ situation.
But, you are not entirely powerless to do anything about this, if this happens to you; what you can do is confront the retailer and yell at them - because nobody likes to be yelled at (especially shop sales girls/boys who have big egos, and think they’re superior to every other single person on the planet) and perhaps this will persuade them not to do it in the future, and in fact when I did this to Harvey Norman - who did exactly that, charged me $100 for an item that I discovered later was only worth $2, they gave me a full refund! So, it does pay to get angry if you have been overcharged.
There are other things retailers and financial instituters do aswell, especially since there is a lot of online shopping and they can track you and know your income and spending habits. Any strangely named unknown Internet companies that just ‘pop up’ - are run by thieving dogs. One such thing eBay do, is create fake accounts so that they can bid on their item to inflate the price, particularly clever ones that know long-term account holder’s spending habits, they could easily place a price on an item at auction. And those ebay staff know about young men who don’t like to lose, and so after being suckered in to start bidding; they will just keep bidding until they win, even if the price goes way above and beyond the value of the item in question.


Life Stories P11

About P1,      About P2,         Life Stories P!
LSP2,    LSP3,    LSP4,    LSP5,    LSP6,    LSP7,    LSP8,    LSP9,    LSP10,     LSP11(this),    LSP12,    LSP13,    LSP14,    LSP15,    LSP16,    LSP17,    LSP18,    LSP19,    LSP20,    LSP21,      LSP22,

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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