I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
View this spring 2017 from kitchen window I love My Garden I Love My Grden
June 1982, Bones & Biemans at Holwood, Piallaway, near Gunnedah, NSW, Australia
Backyard flying trapeze set up to teach kids how to fly through life
This is the house at Piallaway near Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia, where I had my childhood. I absolutely loved this house and growing up on the farm (Holwood) We moved here from Tamworth, where we had our family house at Limbri, on the market, and we stayed in this Holwood house until that Limbri house sold -which was 5 years! 5 years, can you believe it - no one wanted to live on acreage at that point! And we rented this house from a wonderful family who lived next door across the paddocks at Clifton. We were often over at their place playing with their kids and swimming in their salt water pool. Occasionally the farmer would slaughter a beast and give our family plenty of cuts- can you believe that? What a landlord, - they don’t make them like that anymore!! In this photo our cousins were staying (the Bones), that’s me in the red parker standing next to dad. My room was on the very corner of the house, you can see my double doors on the veranda in the photo.
By the way, both my parents were from Sydney. I was born in Sydney, at mum‘s hospital where she worked as a nurse, Sydney Royal North Shore Hospital. When I was 2yrs old, mum decided that she wanted to raise her family in the ‘clean country air’ so we packed up and moved to Limbri. When I was seven mum had met a lot of friends who were actually from Gunnedah, the next town over from Tamworth, so she asked dad to put in a transfer to move to Gunnedah Dep of Ag, he was successful, and we packed up and moved to Gunnedah, where they stayed for the remainder of their life, living happily, ever after so to speak. They both loved Gunnedah.
5. A childhood most people would kill for (and photo of Dad’s 1970’s Morris Mini Moke!)
I didn’t know it at the time but I had a childhood that some people would kill for. Having a happy and carefree childhood, with both loving parents (yin/yang) sets you up for the rest of your life, in a positive mindset and with inner assurance, happiness and confidence. (Unfortunately, I had 3 or 4 rotten teachers along the way [home school is the way to go]) but all in all, the happy childhood shines through, to get you through life‘s trials and tribulations.
There is a slight trade-off, of having a happy childhood; there’s a certain personality type who didn’t have a happy childhood, and, or, who had a power tripping father; and who can recognise it in you, and they immediately hate you, they hate seeing anyone happy or confident. They have chips on their shoulder. (Those people also hate seeing a pet well cared for too, it is instant subconscious jealousy). Men in particular have a problem with confident women, whereas I find a lot of women hate other women who are happy, especially if they’re not married. I’ve mentioned before that one thing that is needed to keep a marriage going well, is an effort to show respect towards your partner, I feel it’s the same with children too - we all had quite a lot of respect in our family, my parents were respectful towards me, for the most part, and vice versa. I will give you an example here, I’m pretty sure I’ve already written about this but it was deleted, so I’m writing it again. My dad used to collect our mail every day after he finished work from the letterbox at the front of the house, no one else really paid any attention to the mail (no such thing as online shopping back then) But if any of us did receive a letter, on the rare occasion, then dad would seek us out and personally hand-deliver the letter to us. I just thought this was normal behaviour, but as I have since lived in various situations and locations, and have come across various people, I have realised that this is an area where there is a fundamental lack of respect within families. Often one person dominates the family and opens any mail to anyone addressed within the household. GUESS WHAT if it’s not addressed to you then you shouldn’t be opening it, regardless of who you are, and by the way, it is actually a crime to open somebody else’s mail, this includes within the family, obviously unless you’re a carer for an incapacitated person. But more to the point it is just disrespectful and unempowering. This area also crosses over to phone messages, taking phone messages, and giving phone messages. I’ve noticed there are some people who just don’t know how to do this basic courtesy, and it all comes down to a lack of respect for somebody else, because they haven’t learnt how to be respectful in their family growing up. I guess lack of empathy too.
Back to our family, Dad always cleaned up after himself too, but I don’t think I ever saw him with a vacuum, the traditional role of housewife and bread maker, prevailed, but he never left mess for her, and often cleaned the kitchen; as I wrote before (actually I think it was stolen, but, every night after mum cooked the family meal, he would do the washing up, even when I started to learn to cook, and left huge messes in the kitchen, he would still clean the kitchen up (what a dad!) – we all gave him the nickname of the dick-washer! (His name was a Richard, but everyone called him Dick! He liked doing it, as he could spend a couple of hrs every night on his own, and swoosh back half a bottle of wine.
And honesty was big, there were no lies, no one had any need to lie, ever.
I’ve actually been told most women were jealous of my father. I can only suppose it was because, you know, back in his day, in the 50s, he was a swing dancer, master of the Lindy hop!! Lol, plus, you know, he never ‘hooned’ while driving, not even a little bit at the lights when they change, very responsible. You know, he took out health insurance for the whole family (only since none of us were sickly it was never used, although, even after all the kids left home, and they were no longer listed on the health plan, dad kept it for himself and mum, but when dad got sick (pancreatic cancer in his early 70’s) - do you think the health provider took care of him? After what, 50yrs of paying regular health insurance, they did NOT look after him, it was not for a couple of weeks of waiting around in pain in Sydney, when finally, one of the nurses noted he had private health insurance, so then he was taken and operated on, with an operation extending his life, giving him another 6mnths or so to live (pancreatic cancer is fatal).
Anyway, back to my father hero story, as I’m old and wise now I know a lot of men aren’t like this at all, they’re bullies who don’t know how to live and be happy and raise a child. I hate those fathers because it is their daughters that I encounter on a daily basis and that I have to take to combat because of their dysfunction. So, shape up Australian parents, you’ve got a long way to go.
All the siblings have grown up and gone their separate ways - and have been somewhat disappointing in my opinion. I’m not sure how we can be so different but perhaps it was schooling, we each went to a different secondary school. I recall my sister being given a choice when she was 10, if she wanted to go to the same boarding school as me, she said, she noted a change in me, for the worse, and so DID NOT want to go to that school!! So, she went to the local Catholic school. {I believe I did change too; I went from a happy loving environment into a bitch environment; not good for anyone let alone 11-year-old little girl}. Then after Daniel had some difficulties at Tas, he did his final 2 yrs at the local high school where he was much happier, (mum and dad installed a small punching bag and a big boxing bag for him, so he too could learn to fight – I tell you, fairytale childhoods!) so Tomas followed suit at the local high school too. We have different morals and values. Some items were stolen when they were around, if it wasn’t them, it was someone trying to make it look like them. (Never underestimates DOGS) But I know they’re certainly very disrespectful towards me, they cannot handle the fact that I’m not married -just like them (a common theme in Australia, everyone wants to be the same as everyone else). Well not me! And they certainly can’t handle the dogs that follow me around. When Daniel and Sherry got married, I was excluded from wedding cake, and Daniels, big boob wife gave me dog soap for xmas - I do not have a dog.
My sisters main aim was to play sides with everyone I encounted, and now, stupid dogs from TV, copy her, like popular American celebs who (don’t they have anything better to concern themselves with, other than my family and I). After dad died it was a bit of a case of ‘when the cats away the mice will play’. I certainly don’t want anything to do with them, it’s better for my health, not only my mental health, but physical health, you know when a sibling wants something they can be very wilful, even if they want you gone. Although mine are far more easily manipulated by other dogs who want to play sides too.
Btw, all my siblings are considered ‘fully functioning’ and are “comfortable”, so when you read my blog and you see the photo of this Mini Moke, which represents ‘fun and freedom’ from the 70s, don’t get the wrong idea about my parents; parenting without an Ironfist, is the only way to parent as far as I am concerned. It’s just I am a little different than most, and society is not yet quite fully equipped for me. At least I have fond happy childhood memories of everyone. I remember the last Christmas we were all together, quite some time ago when dad was still alive and he paid for all the food. I specifically remember it because, as per usual I was doing all the cooking, and that year would've been the hottest day that I was aware of, I checked the temperature gauge, it was 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was 44°C - in the shade. My feet had swollen up from the heat so much so, that I could no longer wear my shoes, so I had been in the kitchen cooking with no shoes, by the end of that day I was in some pain, and that was the end for me, of any more hot Christmas lunches with the hot ovens going. {Albeit, I do remember the food that year was delicious!} – I also wrote about the hottest day, in 2020, on my blog, but could not find it – gone.
The photo next to that one is another shot of the 6. Holwood house near Currabubula, with the car! Ford Falcon, the trusted family car.
In 1983 dad won the lottery on the scratchies, (!!) what did he do; bought a ford falcon, and sent me to private boarding school.
We rocked up to my school in that car, - not that I really was paying too much attention then, but later, so it seems, (I have the gift of seeing now what I couldn’t see back then) - then, I wasn’t into cars in anyway, nor was I into the monetary value of such things, but apparently some young 11yr old girls are (I hate to think what their family life was like, yuk and superficial). So those few year 7 girls noticed my car and assumed our family was really poor, (!) and I was there on some sort of charity case. Most of the cars that were parked in that year 7 carpark on the first day were Volvos, Mercedes, and new modern cars, none of them certainly had any dust on them from driving on muddy dirty roads like ours! (even though it was a school full of famers daughters!). Farmers had ‘town cars’.
By the way, I enrolled to go horse riding, and spent 4 years horse riding, each term, I felt I was lucky to do this, although the cost of it wasn’t that great in my opinion, if I recall, about $120 a term and there were 3 terms a year. (Owning a horse would have worked out to be far greater) And I could really do as much horse riding as I wished after school and on the weekends, - I got my bang for my buck! And anyway, I put it down to my parents being able to afford horse riding, because they didn’t waste money on expensive cars. A lot of girls with expensive cars couldn’t afford to go horse riding, and were jealous. (I’m from a family who has common sense, well at least dad did anyway, that’s where I get it from!! Mum – 4 kids, actually she wanted 5 – total nutter!! But, as a sidebar, if it were not for mums 4th born, our family house would’ve burnt down back in 1986! You see when Tomas was born, as there was such a large gap between him and everyone else, everyone just loved him, everyone thought he was the cutest little toddler ever, he used to make everyone laugh with joy! He really had ‘carte blanche’, and did whatever he pleased - for example, mum had a rule that at dinner times, everyone was to sit at the kitchen table for the whole duration of the meal until everyone had finished – ‘family time’, she was really strict about it. But Tomas, well, this rule seemed not to apply to him, he could wander around and do as he felt needed! I guess in retrospect he may have been a little brat!
So, this one night he had wandered off, and he returned back into me, and took my hand and said “come e-lily, come” (he could not yet pronounce Emily), he insisted, (as, I had not been giving the gift of ‘carte blanche’ ! ) He took me into the living room that had a fire blazing, “look” he said “pretty e-lily, pretty” - and there I saw, a HUGE burning blazing red ember log, had rolled out onto mums thick woollen handmade rug below the fireplace and was smouldering away in that wool, getting ready to burn the whole timber federation house down. Tomas new about my loud scream, thus I suspect why I was chosen – not to mention the prettiness! And soon dad was there to rescue the house and put the log back. I should mention that rug, was one of those long shag pile rugs that you make with a latch Hook and place each individual length of 12cm long wool yarn into the base rug. We would all tease mum about making it, because the rug was about 4m x 5m, and we didn't think there was any chance she would get it finished, and she used to give us each a latch Hook and ask us to help her! After about 40cm across, she realised it was too big, so she gave up and folded the unfinished rug bit under the part that was done, and put it in front of the fireplace! Lol.
Also it would've been probably a few weeks before this incident, when I was going through a ‘Can-Can’ phase, I might've been 12 or 13, I can't exactly remember my age, but I was doing the Can-Can in the kitchen, I was seeing how high I could get my leg, and I got it so high, that I fell straight down on my butt, it bloody hurt, I let out a huge scream (I think I may have written about this before), and little Tomas was in the next room, and he would have heard just exactly how loud my screen is Lol! Actually here's a good spot to mention; in our family, everyone was involved with their own situation, as in, their own individual lives, everyone was busy, and we all had friends, and a lot of ‘life’, going on outside the family unit. So, no one was really too preoccupied at any time, with what somebody else was doing. I mentioned that, because it seems that there are many people who don't know what this is like, they seem to be so far removed from themselves, that they can only concern themselves with what other people are doing. So, for those people that form obsessions with other people, (unhealthy obsessions), I blame their parents for not encouraging them to be active and involved in the community as kids.
This is where all the leeches were!
7. The Leech Story - the above photo shows where the leeches were! Cockburn River at Limbri - such happy memories of picnicking, well barbecuing, by the river, as a young family. The house was about 500m up the road from that spot.
I want to share a little story, as recently I was trapped by certain bullies of society and this story is for them.
When I was a little girl I was fortunate enough to live on a farm that had a river running alongside it. One weekend we were down there as a family swimming -the thing with this river, is there were giant leeches all along the shoreline, and you had to swim out to where it was flowing quite fast if you didn’t want to get eaten by leeches. And me, being a little girl, wasn’t too pleased with this arrangement and one time when everyone was out the middle of the river swimming and I was still on the shoreline, I saw 2 of these huge big fat leeches (there about 12cm long) and so I kind of trapped them by building a little circle out of rocks and dirt, they couldn’t get out, they were just swimming round and round.
So we left and that was the end of that, it was a distant memory, only some years later at school, on an outward bound excursion, we had been walking quite a lot, and we found ourselves sitting down in the forest resting, and all of a sudden this huge giant leach jumped onto the crotch of my jeans and was wriggling about in a very menacing manner - all the girls screamed, including me. Lucky one levelheaded girl emerged and removed it for me.
So I believe this leach ‘leached’ onto me purely as a result of trapping those two leeches many years before. Such is life and the way it works.
Watch out SM.
The photo next to that is our Bieman family from 1988, we were in Sydney on holidays staying with Grandma Bieman; 8. Bieman Family 1988 with Story to try and Tackle ‘Quality Inhibited’ parenting in Australia
The older I get, the more I figure how naive my family, and most families are, about certain fundamentals. (As savvy as my parents were).
Countless times I’ve seen parents (actually not thinking of mine here) berating their child to me, because they might be embarrassed about them in front of someone else, and by berating, I mean, putting down, implying that their child is stupid or inadequate, and hopeless, behind the child’s back. They do it in the hopes that the other person (me) doesn’t think this, before the say so. It comes from a place of fear, basically their own personal fear, which inevitably will be projected onto their child. This is really wrong, not that I am one of those people that tells other people what to do, but it’s just so really obviously wrong, and I can’t believe so many Australian parents do it. Have some family pride, learn pride, teach pride to your kids. You have to try and raise kids that aren’t hopeless, that’s your aim as a parent. It’s your job to do so.
Also, the importance of discussions (and I am thinking of my family here), discussions with your kids about ‘bad’ things that happen in life, is important – if it happened to you, chances are, it will happen to 1 of your kids, that’s how it works. Encourage discussions. If you get an opportunity to tell your child an ’honest-truth’, take it, relish it. Lying does not protect your child, get gritty and grimy. Also discuss money, how much money the family is earning, talk about the family budget, really teach kids about money from an early age, and personal finances, private family money matters, and why they can’t spend money on toys all the time, or talk about the finances to their friends.
One more family thing: just a thought, parents who raise their kids to be sent away out of their childhood community, are LOST, there is more of a chance that launching their career within the community where they were raised, will result in happier souls with a sense of place and community. AND my parents sent 2 of my siblings off for 12 months on exchange in high school, one went to Finland the other went to Canada, and well, neither of them had anything negative to say about the experience, but I personally believe it’s not a good idea to send your child away anywhere - a child needs its family for various reasons one of those reasons is protection against unseen forces. Those ‘forces’ can see someone that doesn’t have their family support around them, and will go on the passive aggressive attack, just because they can.
And, having now witnessed many different family situations. I can’t tell you how fortunate it was as a child, to not have a broken family, to have stability and not have people coming and going all the time, knowing that when I got home from school, mum would be there getting dinner underway, and dad would be home later. That kind of security I had growing up, enables a strong sense of self, and inner assurance.
Also, if someone is attacking you (not a family member) but a bully (every second person in Australia is a bully, due to careful emigration tactics- read later my story about British Emigration Tactics – and actually it turns out, not only the Brits did, and are still doing this.) So, if they’re slandering you, telling you you’re crazy and or stupid, whatever, - not only are they having a go at you, but they are having a go at your whole family, as you’re all related with the same DNA, you think similarly. My family and many families I’ve met, don’t get the whole concept of ‘you’re from the same place, therefore you’re on the same side, and you have to stick together, have one another’s back so to speak, in order to win FAIRLY in life. (Same with a childless couple - you’re on the same side) I put FAIRLY in capital letters, as unfortunatly I have seen many people try to win unfairly. Anyway, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you don’t get this, you’re UNWISE, and you need to rethink your whole thought process in order to pull your socks up.
Note in the photo in the bottom right corner, there, lying on the grass is a listerine bottle, I had to laugh when I saw it – Dad used to rinse his mouth every day with listerine, he never had to go to the dentist ever!! So much a part of daily life, it somehow got caught in the shot!!!
The last photo across that row shows a 'roof' shot of my much loved front yard at Rangari, in 2017, with my HUGE vege patch and Fruit Tree strips; 9. Stolen Garden
So, the farm where I had been living for 10 years, was tragically sold by my landlord, David and Brenda Heywood, to my neighbour Steve and Sophie Carter, who already owned a large station at Rangari, near Gunnedah, NSW. And I was asked to leave, as Sophie (formerly Sophie Powell – starting to see yet? - Well actually, no you probably can’t see - I’ve only just remembered that Sophie‘s maiden name is Powell (2021), she, and Charlotte Powell, and Amy Powell, would all be related. And Amy Powell was in my year, and if you read my “school bully” story, Amy has a starring role. I’m not going to repeat what I wrote, but to cut a long story short, the bullying had nothing to do with me. I didn’t know anything about the bullying that was going on. But Amy must have, I’m thinking, has gone and whinged to her older relatives Sophie and Charlotte, about me, and they possibly have been responsible for a lot of harassment, that I have encountered. I mean, I have no idea actually what Charlotte Powell looks like, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t of even known what Sophie Powell looked like had not seen her on that day when she came by and told me that she could fit a family in my house, (not that she had a family lined up) so there’s probably a whole heap of other revolting situations that this family has inflicted, that I do not know about - looks to me they are a whole bullying family. And I guess the only thing I have to say here is; get screwed, get a life, leave me the hell alone, you little dogs. (It was only a letter get a grip wussies, written by a little girl in yr 7, and involved mere name-calling, who cares, why would you follow someone around and hate on them for thinking they did it? You are ALL nuts)
Anyway, back to the story; so, Sophie, said they wanted to put family in the house, (what a naive attitude, she is a blonde, a fake blonde) and Steve said he wanted a farmhand to live there. (The real reason was pure Shameful Australian Gardening Jealousy - There is a phenomenon called “Gold Star Dog Problem” I will explain - I finally put this together when I realized I had little dogs who are jealous of my clothes, my weight, even the way I speak. And they try to sabotage, (women are jealous of everything - they are disgusting) They also try to sabotage my fabric designs, and any other item of good quality, sometimes they even swap item over for poorer quality and don't think that I will notice like the quality cocoa from America and premium petrol for the mower. It's a “Gold Star Dog” problem, that is taught by primary school teachers who brainwash them into believing that if a person is not of a certain standard, then they are not deserving of anything good, like the gold star in 5th class - So these little girls apply the same principle in adult life, but substituting the gold stars for good quality items or lifestyle, they just love playing 'teacher'. They are completely STUPID. (My home and business that I had put 10yrs backbreaking work into was ‘stolen’ from me for this reason. 2018) - Related: This is what happens in my life: every time I walk in front of a crowded open street café, I would have some girl yell out in an abusive aggressive insulting manner at me, this happens every single time I walk past a café, every time, no matter what part of Australia – even in the café at Bunnings – just minding my own business shopping, walking past the café - DOGS !!
Anyway, I was devastated, (still am several yrs later) as I had planted 1000’s of trees, shrubs, herbs, veges and fruit trees, possibly 10’s of 1000’s, I found a real passion for nature, especially the native flowers. I had planted so many native plants, that I was able to collect the seed and sell it online as a business “Farm Plants and Seeds” (today, if I were still there, I would be rich! all my hard work brought to fruition, there is a huge demand, especially for edible plants, covid19 times, everyone has cash to spend on gardening. I also put solar panels on the roof and built an above ground lap pool to sort out my 3 slipped discs in my back (not to mention exercise) And, not to mention the chook yard, sheds, fences, fruit fly tunnels, shade house, landscaping, etc., etc. I mean, I buried 3 of my cats under 3 orange trees. Just many hrs of hard work that was only possible for a genuine love of the land. (Btw, after I was asked to leave by David and Brenda, David told me, that he had tried to give me ‘hints’ that I would have to leave, as obviously if I had of known, I would not have spent $38000 on a pool and solar panels – David was still yet 15yrs away from retirement age, I did not know he was going to sell to Carters in 2018, and I did not know that he knew the Carters would want my house vacant. –I’m thinking to myself “what bloody hints?” what an idiot giving me “hints” YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY SAY IT. YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY SAY IT. I truly can’t believe how unthinking people are!
So, my garden, my livelihood and most importantly, my food /good health has been stolen out of pure jealousy. So, in this little story, I am trying portray how angry I was back then, about being thrown out, and still somewhat are. All those people involved in my ‘casting out’ of Gunnedah ought to be truly ashamed of yourselves, and bad things will happen to you, you’d better be prepared. BTW, I watched Steve Carter, as he suddenly kept coming around to my house, this was before he purchased the farm, before I knew he was going to purchase it (but he knew) - and he knew deep down (somewhere in that brain of his), he could not just kick someone out of their home, so I watched him come up with all sorts of reasons why he should, picking fights with me over nothing. I listened to jealous dogs manipulate him, assuming the worst…...Olivia Newton-John, Maggie Bear and Bette Midler had something to do with the brainwashing too. Aswell as the show ‘Insight’ – For some reason I had dogs on SBS, they got all the farmers wives in Gunnedah to hurtle abuse at me, not really sure what the point was. I’m guessing jealousy, (that is the typical underlying issue that concerns other women when it comes to me); about where I was living, I struck gold. That women who hosts, is quite nice, a female with commonsense, but easily manipulated same as everyone else. I do feel there was a most deliberate push to get me kicked out of my home there at Rangari. Dogs brain washing Steve Carter. Stupid fucking dogs, how dare they not even ask me what I wanted. Stupid fucking women, so fucking hopeless I can’t believe it.
I have come to the realization that it was Jessica White, responsible for that SBS thing, she is friends with some of the girls I saw on that show. Jessica is the one who helped turn my tooth black, along with Gina Burn - trying to convince people I was on drugs – Major bullying going on in Gunnedah. Btw, I do not really know Jessica White, I don’t believe we spoke ever at school, nor Gina Burn? Both their sisters were in my year, neither were enemies in any way. Stupid dogs.
But I do feel there was a most deliberate push to get me kicked out of my home there at Rangari. Stupid dogs, how dare they not even ask me what I wanted. Stupid women, so fucking evil, I can’t believe it. So, Steve Carter reckons he was making all the decisions! Ha! The only positive part of my eviction was that I would not have the Carters as my landlord, as Steve Carter is a typical power tripping bully misogynist (that whole family is, and I have a NO BULLIES rule in my life, even though after I received the 3mnths notice letter from Heywood’s, I phoned Steve Carter to see if I could stay; all that work I had done, I was not about to give it up – I told him I was an excellent tenant who always paid my rent on due date, but he said no)
I guess living somewhere slightly warmer is better too, because of my virus situation. Plus, I could leave the petty thievers behind -or so I thought, they are still stealing from me up here in QLD too (retailers follow me home). There was a mass thieving problem in Gunnedah, all retailers stealing from me, especially Bunnings (major petty theft criminal network working out of their stores, but goes back to Harvey Norman 15yrs ago who ripped me off $2200 on a Chair, I am pretty sure the sales girl was incahoots with my little sister Penny Bieman, - my family is fucked too) whenever there is a girl at the shop, I get ripped off by that shop. (Guess what, you cannot use me for your personal power tripping, having a bad day? DON’T TAKE IT OUT ON ME) I should mention – that ‘girl’ factor, that still happens now in 2021 at Gin Gin, if the ‘girl’ is there then they will not fix my sewing machine (had to throw it out ($1000 worth) will not treat me at the Dr’s (literally have to go elsewhere), heaps, 100’s now, of other examples I could mention. I do not know this evil girl – I do not know how those bimbo shop owners/receptionists could allow some evil girl in, to dictate what customers they can or cannot have? That girl needs to be severely fined. I think that girl must be from TV industry – those people are worshipped.
10 Years of gardening in my Garden at Rangari, near Gunnedah, NSW
11. I spent a lot of time horseriding in my youth, I loved it.
This is a photo of me on a horse at a riding school (if you could call it that) in Tamworth near Kootingal. It was more like ‘grab a horse and let’s go for a ride in the mountains’ !! it was great fun- that riding school knew how to live life. I miss riding.
12. Travelled twice in 30yrs - Travel sickness
So basically, in the past 30 years I’ve only travelled twice, once to Port Douglas for my brother’s wedding, and once to Sydney, and both those times I got sick, and both of those times I believe it was a deliberate attack on me. In Cairns it was a girl outside my Thala hotel room where the air con was – pacing up and down for hrs, very suspicious {such stupidity outside?}. The other was in Sydney at Mount Annan gardens, those BOYS in black hanging around my car, again highly suspicious (read my Persecution at Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan photo story). I feel it worth mentioning - there is truly an element of evil out there who know about the weakening affect that a virus has on a person’s immune, and it’s a big handicap if you have a virus in your body - it has to fight it, constantly weakening you. (Or stupid dogs who spit in peoples food do not know about the contamination factor (spitting in food is a problem in this country, after hearing many chef stories in my time, you would never eat out again, ever, if you knew). Other people are disgusting.
I did travel to Melbourne in 2006 - I moved there for a very brief time for 3 months, and in that time, I did not get sick, so that’s something. It seems I have the stupid bimbos who are hung up on class, follow me around, if I travel for a holiday - I have them on my back, as they do not consider me worthy of having a holiday, and so follow me around and persecute me and try to make me sick, give me a virus – they can do it – BUT STILL STUPID, STUPID MENTALITY. Why I get picked on when I travel is an issue those perps will have to take up with God (seriously, take it up with God, it’s no good trying to exact revenge on someone when they don’t even know what you stupid issue is). Get a brain and start praying.
Also, I have noted there are certain sectors of society who know what’s going on with me, and if those people are ever present whenever I go anywhere the dogs who hound me, skedaddle. I’m not entirely sure who those people are, maybe they’re just people of importance, in the right spot at the right time, because most dogs are revolting if they think no one is watching (they steal mainly). Newsflash, someone is always watching.
BTW, one of the reasons I never go anywhere is because I have dogs that follow me around, and harass me, when I travel, again I think Cathy Goldman is behind it - rack off you stupid psycho dog (I think she rounds up anyone who has crossed my path, ever, and brings them along with herself to follow me on my trip, I am certain I saw her with at least 50 young girls when I was in Port Douglas, for my brother’s wedding). What is wrong with her? She belongs in jail. Thieving dogs. Go on your own goddam holiday.
I’ve also noticed, if I go out for a day trip or a morning trip somewhere, like across to the nearest big city, or as I’ve moved to Queensland, I can drive over to the beach; I’m pretty sure I have seen my neighbours follow me, it’s very odd, they don’t actually approach or interact with me. They just follow me. When I visited Moore Park Beach once, instead of the typical empty beach, there were at least 20 people there, all just staring at me, one tried to steal a necklace from my bag, and one hissed at me. (!) The last outing, to the local beach up here, I had at least 12 people follow me to this really remote and quiet alcove (on a Wednesday morning); it’s really unbearable to have people follow me like this wherever I go. Don’t they have anything better to do? Why would they think I would want their company - or at any rate, want someone watching me from afar? As they don’t usually bother interacting. Total perverts. I mean what’s wrong with them? Don’t they have any common sense in this area, or are they just so arrogant, that they think it’s fine, following some woman around? Someone told me it was politicians following me around, someone else told me it was just arseholes wanting to catch me in an unguarded moment, to try to humiliate me on camera. Someone else said it was Centrelink staff, or people who think anyone receiving any Centrelink payment, ought not be allowed to go anywhere. {Such stupid people; as if they have a say in where I go; so arrogant - anyone else who thinks that they have the right to tell me what to do in life, or where to go/ where not to go, is beyond stupid.} I have always thought it was the ‘dog network’. Anyway, who knows really what their motives, I have no idea why they would follow me around. But I hate it. It’s not like I’m famous or anything, maybe you would expect a famous actress or singer to be followed around. But even then, that behaviour is really quite absurd and certainly, I’m sure, it would be unwanted. It’s total uninvited, unsought, unasked for, uncalled for, unrequested, undemanded, not required, unprompted, unwelcome, condescending, antagonistic behaviour.
Also, I’ve noticed a pattern that goes on, on such occasions; there seems to be a series of 3 processes; first, maybe just one or two, on the quiet people appear, maybe they hang around doing God know what, then they disappear. Then just after they disappear, (maybe mid-morning by that point) there’s a big commotion, like a plane will go over, and cars hoon past. Last time, it was a boat and a plane and a helicopter, plus car revving. Then there’s more people arrive, more noise, maybe like car hooning, motorbikes hooning, sometimes verbal harassment, or theft especially if I go to a shop, in this 3rd process. It’s like those ‘next process’ people have a kind of deliberate bad vibe; it’s like if I don’t do what they require when the 1 or 2 on the quite people are there, then they ‘send in the dogs’. Only, they never told me what they required, so they have only themselves to blame if the day did not go the way they wanted! And such absurdity, and childish tantrums. It seems to me; some idiot has got some major control issues; why would you want to control me? We do not know each other, we’re not married, we have NO RELATIONSHIP at all – and as a result, you do not get a say in my life. (Just by the by, I would never tolerate such imbecile of childish nature in my life, – only a sucker would).
Anyway, so after the 3 processes are over, (after the GOOD PEOPLE, then is the BAD PEOPLE, and then after the BAD PEOPLE, finally there’s NO PEOPLE), and so after, well, that is the best part of my day, but usually it’s the time where I arrive home, and get mostly peace and quiet anyway. It’s like I have to remember in the future to NOT start my day until 3PM, if I want to go out somewhere, in peace and quiet.
When I was at cairns for my brother’s wedding, I went to a national park spot which was a creek with rapids and clear water – but it was so unbearable, because there were so many people, 100’s IF NOT 1000’S, in this beautiful pristine spot – RUINING IT. (I don’t believe related to me, just tourists, except for the dog there that yelled out at me as I walked past). There are too many people in this world already.
Also, if there is no prospect of ever owing your own home (read below HOPE), or no prospect of travelling, then, what exactly is the point of working for some rich dick with a bunch of stupid bully bitches in the work place? Come on, tell me? {Since I put this in, they increased rents, so a home loan is now cheaper than the cheapest rent option, but TOO LATE.}
As I am updating this today, I can hear my neighbour (tall blonde) laughing – I am going to include her photo, she is one of the dogs. Bugger off. She looks like Sally Bingle, with all her hair chopped off? - an older sister, of a girl in my year, that girl, Lucy, I had to spend the whole 6yrs, politely telling her to “go away”, she was guilty about something, and wanted to be friends. I saw her younger sister in Sydney too, I suspect that whole family can hear me, however unlike the stupid little blonde bimbo who stalks me and harasses me, they are very cool and savvy about the whole situation. But I suspect those older girls are stalking me, she, Wainberg girl, Shauna??? What the hell? Talk about an unhealthy obsession, such irony. And, it’s not like I feed them! You know, like stray cats. I think there were others too, but I really did not concern myself with the older years, so most remail nameless. Maybe they are trying to play God, like the Bunnings Bimbos? This reminds me of this little story; I noticed when I think about myself, and conjure up an image in my mind, I often imagine myself as I once looked when I was 18, that is, in a slim trim and ‘the beauty of youth’ way, I no longer look like this at all, (approaching 50), but yet I still imagine that tight little butt, with hardly any fat!! Quite different to the reality of what my butt looks like now! J - It’s just a harmless, positive wishful thinking way of thinking, I guess! But I notice with women, like the above mentioned, this is what they do when they think of themselves, and their personality and their nature, they think they are someone really good and just, without any flaws, dysfunction or biases. They don’t know, they can’t see, their own dysfunction. Like these girls following me around trying to play God - this is a major dysfunction. WAKE UP.
I am also fairly sure, those girls, not only steal from me literally, but they steal buying ‘opportunities’, like, things that I see advertised, like specials, at the supermarket, or eBay bids, they swoop in and buy before I get a chance, if there’s something I want I never win, there’s always some rich person who wants to beat me? {This was before when I was living at Rangari and not banned from ebay at that point}. But I think they still do it; aswell if I note some product is really good, or on sale, and has been for several months, as soon as I see it, suddenly it goes, again before I get a chance to purchase. ANNOYING
Oh, I just remembered, I also drove over to Coffs Harbour in 2005, it’s only 4 hours from Gunnedah. I stayed in a shack holiday house in the forest. I took my four cats. I visited a Butterfly sanctuary and I went snorkelling, it wasn’t that good, but it was still tremendous fun - it was the middle of winter and the water was freezing, but I didn’t get sick (this was pre-initial virus). It was a memorable weekend. I think the dogs tried, but failed. {and there is some retard who beeps when they drive past my units, if the girl leaves – you idiot, you cannot see}.
Also, when I worked briefly as a live-in nanny, we all travelled to Port Douglas, no dogs there then (oh wait, there was, at the hotel restaurant, a girl stole my buffet dinner plate full of food while I was in the bathroom). Thieving dogs. And not funny you stupid blonde bimbo. {I find it extraordinary how pretty much All other people, think it's perfectly fine for thieving stupid skanky bimbos, to steal from me. Well, it's not, and you thinking it's okay, makes you guilty, just like the thief, and like that stupid thief; you’re going to have to pay eventually too.}
Before 30 years, after I finished my Associate Diploma, I went to a friend’s house for a holiday who lived in Hongkong. Ofcourse there was no internet back then, and so travelling when so young is kind of wasted. But I do feel Travel in general is way overrated, (a lot of desperate people in the industry trying to push it), you’re better off spending money on some good house features. Actually, I don’t really recommend travel for anyone under the age of 40 either, particularly girls. Even if you’re not on your own and with a friend or a group you’re still going to have people steal from you, the absolute professionals out there now who steal from tourists is a whole industry, and I have enough problems with people stealing from me in my own home town, so travelling would be a huge problem, especially with me. I saw on YouTube, some Chinese guy travelling in Italy, he had a body cam on whilst travelling through the subway, and he caught a whole family working together to steal from him and his family, and he managed to break one of the thieving girls finger! So hooray for him!
13. Typical neighbourhood scenario, 2 girls eavesdropping on family and friends
No one tells you at school that there’s going to be girls who follow you around and try to eavesdrop on your conversations, with your friends and family. They are desperate for ideas, they want to know everything that young people are into, what their interests are, what they want to talk about. In fact, I would say it’s more about those two things, than even what they’re spending habits are. Which is why I think it’s radio related - people from the radio industry are desperate for ideas to talk about. Anything that comes out of your mouth, they grab hold off, like parasites. So, not only do you have to be mindful of people “purvin” on what you say, but you can actually be quite influential, so you have to be careful about that too. You have people watching you all the time, well, I did. I remember specifically on the train home from Fashion school, at Tafe, at Hornsby, all along the North Shore, against peak time, so there were not many people in the carriages, I frequently had youngish girls follow me, and if I were travelling with someone, like a friend from Tafe, then those girls would sit right next to us, in the empty carriage for the sole point of eavesdropping on our conversation – I mean they were totally obsessed with me. Very odd, you know, I am a normal healthy thinking person, surely, we are not that unique? I mean I know I have met my fair-share of bimbos in my life, but it can’t be that rare, that you would follow a seemingly interesting person and hang on every word they said?
Then they copy everything, they copy everything, they have no common sense.
They also don’t tell you at school, if the dogs steal from you, then later, after they have stolen from you, there are packs of people, (women) who work together, to come up with a plan to try and disrespect you, inorder to protect themselves against any accusations that you might make; so, you lose credibility. A plot against your credibility. (What do you think metal health units are for? – I can asure you, it is this sole point, of dicrediblity.)
I am adding to this story; After my neighbour left today (April 2022) on his blue Superbike, a huge retrofitted Harley Davidson. When another neighbour down a bit, had someone turn up at her place, with a purple superbike Harley Davidson; it was like they were copping my neighbour – they wanted to show off their bike too!!
Also, the blonde daughter in a show I am watching this easter (Start Up) looks like that “short blonde bimbo” I am always raving about who follows me around and steals from me. Just a feeling. (Excellent show)
14. Hope (actually this story pretty much sums up my life here in Australia)
When I was 18, I moved to Sydney to start my study then working career in the fashion industry. As a young single girl on minimum wage there was not much hope in actually being able to afford to buy a house. Housing was very expensive then, and still is. Banks are reluctant to give young single ladies any kind of loan, (I recall at 25yrs, CBA even rejected my small car loan, – but Nissan Finance saved me, but at twice the bank rate). So, after another 5 years, I realized buying a house was out of the question, and thus the whole point of working became a moot point. {This would have only been overcome by getting a home loan as soon as you got your first job.} So, with no hope of obtaining my own home, I packed up and moved to the country, where I was happy enough with not much money and renting a cheap old farmhouse. Which was easy to do back then, - there were plenty of farmhouses to choose from. Unfortunatly, due to all those farmers I knew growing up who had multiple quadruple quintuple kids, suddenly in 2018 there were no more farmhouses (not only farmhouses) but no houses left at all to rent in Gunnedah, NONE.
Now, as I had worked out, as long as I took a cheap rental at no more than $150/week, then this would be a good alternative to buying a house, affordability wise, it would be cheaper to rent (mainly due to greedy over-priced council rates, who want all the money to spend on unnecessary road works, to keep young hopeless men employed, - never ending dog cycle). Unfortunately, life is different when you get older, you actually need a house for security, and freedom from stupid twit landlords. Times have slightly changed, (but banks still won't give single ladies a home loan) But, the gov will, under the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, plus there is a Grant, (rules apply, but if you work full time, you’re in luck – you should do this if you have just started working at age 20 or so, no point wasting your money on rent. NONE; rent is for naive suckers, NO, rent is for VICTIMS). Personally, I am really not sure what my parents were thinking, when they sent me down to Sydney to start paying those high rents (perhaps not thinking at all).But. no hard feelings.
As we have internet now with real estate sites like www.realestate.com.au, people can search and see housing prices across all of Australia. I was inspired to write this story because now even young people without any money or any hope can look at this app, especially when they are young to determine what kind of lifestyle they want, how much money will they need to buy a house, what’s the minimum amount they will need. (a lot of kids have parents who will put down a deposit for them (some buy them a house on their 18th) – you should pressure your parents, as they should not have had kids if they can’t afford at least a deposit for you, they have to provide hope, in my opinion. Too late for me at age 48, (too late gov, even though rental prices are more expensive than mortgage repayments). But not too late if you’re just starting out in the work place at 20.
I encourage all young girls to get this app and start looking! It will give them hope and a goal. (You do have to be careful of outsource parties, who have application process onsite: if you’ve ever had a dispute with a landlord, then the application won’t go through on ANY other listings that you apply for - which is completely unfair, and basically discriminatory. This is why you need your own home, because you get discriminated against as a renter. IT’S THE MAIN REASON ACTUALLY. And Rental real estate girls are young, and the worst. Landlords are greedy arsholes, you will inevitably have problems with them if you’re a single lady – they can’t but help OVERSTEP the boundary.
Having said all that, especially if you do not have a deposit for a home loan, you really have to live at home with your parents in order to save for at least that. And, I have heard about parents charging their young kids rent – OMG, only a total tight-fisted, stingy, selfish cretin would charge their kids rent. If your parents are charging you rent, you should probably move out anyway, as you would be better off without such anti-love in your life {fair enough if you all want to work out food bills, but rent, no way, those parents ought to be hung. The family home is meant to be a safe place, and as a parent if you have not given your child enough skills to be independent, you will have to endure them at home. Not to mention any money for other accommodations.}
Oh, and you can’t study at uni/Tafe if your home life isn’t happy, you need somewhere safe and comfortable, so you can concentrate on studying, and not have to worry about thieving flatmates, or high rents, and all the other problems associated with being a young single person with no money, I mean you really have to eliminate all other problems from your life, so you can take studying, and a career seriously. I know I did this when I started my first job, but really you have to start at college too! Parties are way over-rated, not that I was a party person, but study is not just ‘something to do’. And you certainly can’t be going through any medical situations either.
Btw, a young 20-year-old girl just out of college on her own has got no chance of succeeding, you are way too much of an open book and you’ll be taken advantage of at every turn, and there are forces at play trying to stop you, they hate women in power. Apparently its ‘political’ and there are old men, in power, who drive around and try to muck things up for unmarried women, or women who are banded together, as there is a strength in women uniting, certain men can’t stand it – they can’t stand that strength. (All other issues about retarded (retarded as in socially inadequate) men who follow single ladies around too). Maybe I would suggest to find someone at college you can trust, team up and go into business together, but having said that, really the whole marketplace is organised already, it’s like one great big crime network, and the big players destroy the small players, so they can make more and more, and more…. the whole workplace is dominated by the biggest bullies on the block. So new starters really don’t have much of a chance, well, not unless you’re really savvy, and have a lot of savvy older help. So, if you are on your own, without friends and allies, you will not succeed.
I wish someone had told me about all the obstacles. I felt it was a case of the blind leading the blind when I was younger.
I attended Fashion School, and learnt the basics, but hands on experience by a competent mentor in the workplace, would have been good too (actually getting a competent person would be hard) BUT I recall one helpful teacher stating, young girls make plenty of common mistakes when they are starting out, and it is better to make those mistakes on someone else’s’ dime, rather than on your own in a new business!! Lol, it’s true, very true, plus it is so nice to get that first ever pay check at the end of the first week. And again, I will state here, they, as in high school and higher education, do not teach about pay/conditions/overtime/super/holiday/your rights/minimum wage/ salaries etc etc (SHAMEFUL). Managing money.
Also btw, that first job I got after graduating from my Associate Diploma Course, was at Bonds. And, that company was the only one, of two employers who actually paid my super in that 10yr period of working in the Fashion Industry. But I was still very much underpaid at this job, as a 20-year-old girl compared to the young 20-year-old boys who worked there (they got an extra $200/week more than my wage, and they did not have a 2yr associate diploma). Also, I was a very conscientious worker, I worked quite hard, I didn’t ever stand around chitchatting like most of the other girls did. I was told I was the only one that actually got any work done in that Sample room! But actually, it was a little bit of a hindrance, being so diligent, because it is expected, in a workplace full of women, to undergo a specific amount of chitchat, it’s like a required social rule. (I have never been big on social norms, ‘norms’ are for coward sheep types) Just sidebar; I recall at school noticing how ‘sheep like’ all the girls were, it used to ‘incense me’,- you don’t all have to wear liberty shirts and do your hair in a big poofs (the ‘tucked pony tail!’) And when I started using Sydney Gregory’s, I noticed so many street names and towns were named after ones in England – it’s like back in the day, they were so fearful of being creative of any sort, like thinking up a new name! Or the Sydney Art Gallery, it was based on the famous Pushkin Museum in Moscow, practically identical front fascard! So, I can see, as I get older, that we’ve actually evolved along the way, compared to how we were back at the dawn of settlement time. But really this area is a total coward area. And if you read my “Designs to match Personalities”, you can see it is something that I also struggle with a bit.
I felt I did everything right in order to make a career and money, but it wasn’t really the work that proved to be hard in the workplace, the impossible thing is dealing with bimbo bully dogs, actually they make it really difficult and impossible for my personality type. And it’s pointless staying in such a situation where bullying and female exclusion games exist (not to mention toilet attacks in the bathroom). In the end I felt for my own health, my mental health, and physical health, I would most definitely have to leave the workplace and I did. And it was the best decision I ever made. As I was able to start up a little business on my own which worked out well enough albeit short in the whole cash area. I’ve heard of stories of women escaping domestic violence situations or abusive situations in one form or the other by entering the workplace and becoming independent; For me it was kind of the opposite, to escape abusive situation, I had to leave the workplace. DOGS. {Someone mentioned to me that this is society’s motto (based on Darwin’s theory) of ‘survival of the fittest’ – she pointed out to me, if we allow this to be the case in society we would end up with a dog bully work place only, with no diversity, creativity or intelligence. So true.
Update in 2022; the cost of rent has soared and it is now cheaper to pay a home loan repayment on a cheap house or unit, than the cheapest rentals on market – by half, which means I would have half my supposed rent left over at the end of the month, if I was paying a home loan instead (which would go towards rates). So, it is absurd to continue to pay rent. I found a cheap unit (seek and ye shall find), and contacted the bank. They said even though I have my own business, since I’m supplemented with a Centrelink payment, they would not give me the loan, they won’t even look at any other factors like my ability to pay rent of twice the price of home loan repayment. She said they think anyone who is on that payment, is irresponsible. Such irony, as the bloody bank call girl put me on hold for an hour and passed me back and forth from bank department to department. CBA.
So, a young girl needs to know, if she has a job secured, she should be able to secure a low home loan, under $150,000, well that’s how it is now, but when I was young it was NOT this way, and who knows what it will be like in the future, but buying even a really crappy house under $100,000, beats renting/moving/renting/moving/renting/moving/renting/moving…….. It is worth securing yourself a job when you’re 18 and securing a home loan, even if you become unemployed later, you will still be able to pay the monthly repayments, but you will not be able to secure a home loan then. It will probably help if you parents go guarantor for you if your only 18. It is worth knowing this and acting on it, renting has HUGE social and physical negative impacts, I believe renting is actually life debilitating, as in, you will have a reduced life, if you're not a homeowner. You might think that's a bit extreme, but I have many examples to proof my point, from mouldy rentals, smoky rentals, asbestos rentals, toxic poison rentals, bad neighbourhood rentals; I have talked on my blog about them all, but I can give you a quick example here; if you've read my blog, you'll know that I suffer from some sort of weird allergy to the cold, the cold really affects me, I flip out physically. Trying to heal this weird problem is a little difficult, while there's no pill you can take, this hot/cold issue with hot and cold remedies, actually is an old known ailment that goes right back in time to Hippocrates; it's been talked about an ancient medicines. So anyway, I wanted to get a sauna, because I felt that in winter this would really help me, like I had a strong desire to get incredibly hot, in order to feel better, and I just couldn't because I was renting; they are big, and need to have construction changes to the property, plus would also have to be easily dismantled and transportable - just not the case with a proper sauna. I mean the best I can do is move to a warmer climate which is what I've done, even though the winter is quite mild here, I still have that urge for a sauna in winter. Medical researchers believe that 4x 20 minute saunas per week, will actually prolong your life by 66%! So that's quite a significant amount.
For me personally, I feel basically there was no hope when I was 18, and still no hope nearing age 50 for proper home. Least at this latest address I find myself at, it is a good one finally – it has a new floor, and plenty of water and privacy, albeit, still there is thieving, and I have to be totally nazi about locking everything all the time.
15. 3 bimbos who shoplifted from me when I worked at Grave Attire in Enmore.
They had; one girl to distract the shopkeeper (which was me) one girl to keep a look out at the door for any oncoming customers, and the other girl would do the actual stealing with a big bag, this is how they worked, all 3 girls in cahoots together, all 3 girls were relatively tall (not petite either), pretty and blonde, and they had their routine down to a tee, specifically targeting young retailers who don’t know about the girls who shoplift together like this, as a pack. Which is another reason why I’m putting it here; all young girls who work in the retail sector should be advised that people will try and steal from you, and this is how they do it (one of the ways, plus you need to discuss a plan with the manager of what do to in such a situation). Although I believe I was specifically targeted in this situation because they were under the impression that a girl from my school was in cahoots with me to shoplift (of course this is completely untrue, but I am of the understanding that the other girl did shoplift on a regular basis and she used me (as well as other girls she befriended), used as a distraction, so she could steal. I just I didn’t know about it and I wasn’t in on her little evil plan. Or, it could just have been a coincidence, but I don’t think so, knowing the way women work – their stupidity; so those 3 tall blonde girls, are a part of a bigger network of petty crime in Australia, acting in ‘return retaliation’ under their bizarre philosophy of what goes around comes around, and want to take matters into their own hands by playing God, and trying to recreate justice and to teach their victims a lesson (power tripping) and that’s why I called them bimbos, especially because anyone who steals is a bimbo. But stealing to teach someone a lesson for stealing, when that person was not the guilty party, (because the perpetrators had jumped to conclusions or listen to bitchy bimbo rumour and gossip) is just stupid. STUPID WOMEN. The older I get, the more unbelievable it is, to see how stupid a typical woman really is.
Btw, I don’t know whether other young girls were as naive as me when it comes to petty theft. I mean I grew up in the country, on a farm, and there was no stealing in our rural life ever, nor in Gunnedah; we never experienced theft, we never talked about it, we never witnessed theft, we never heard about theft in the community, our friends never stole anything when they came round, or at large parties or social gatherings in the neighbourhood/community. We could leave our windows open all night, all day, not lock the doors either. It just wasn’t an issue AT ALL. Can you believe that?
Here I am at age 48, trying to tell people about the biggest bane in my life, and you know what, its theft - petty theft by petty small minded petty (stupid) people, mostly women.
Maybe girls in the city are used to this kind of behaviour. Maybe it’s the norm for girls and their friends to steal from each other, or for everyone who lives in Sydney, when they see an opportunity to steal, DO IT? It’s like they have no morals - no moral compass. I strongly suspect after I moved to Sydney when I was 18, I had women who stole from me then, and who proceeded to follow me around for, so far, the rest of my life, and have stolen from me, on a regular basis - it’s what they do, a full time for a job of petty theft. And I don’t think it’s just me they steal from, they see who I speak to, when they follow me, my family my friends, and they try to steal from them as well. I believe Tomas’s, (little brother), bike may have been stolen by exactly one of those female dogs.
Actually, I recall now, as a child, I noticed this; our family, our friends, all the other young kids I knew, well, we were a certain way, with one another. Our behaviour was respectful, and this attitude was across the board, as in across all of our peers, all the varying socio-economic factors in Gunnedah. But when we got together with my cousin, who went to school in Sydney, - the inner-city suburbs, he had different standard of behaviour and respect. I really noticed it. While we got on very well, he was generally good natured, we spent many hrs together playing, and he was a smart little kid. But he had this kind of streak, kind of a bit like a ‘street tough bitch’, with that bitchyness really coming across, the older we got, the bitchier there was. It was like he had been hanging out with a lot of bitches.
The kids in the country, were, way more ‘laid-back’ and good-natured. Less fight. Which proved to be a HUGE problem when I moved to Pendle Hill in Western Sydney and worked at Bonds when I was 19. Not just Sydney bullies, but Western Suburbs bullies, whole other class unto themselves. I make no apologies for having been respectful and nice.
Just an observation. And you know, if a young girl notices something like this, then you can be sure it’s actually going to be even a bigger issue in Australia. Although I was later advised via telly, that my cousin played water polo, and that’s where he learnt ‘street tough bitch’ – apparently they are quite sneaky and violent under the water, out of the public view.
. I have since moved away from the Gunnedah community, and have lived in a few different places in Queensland. One of them in particular was quite remote, those parents have chosen to raise their kids in a situation that is well out of mainstream society, and after my encounters with them, I really wonder how those parents can expect their kids to leave home at 18 and survive in mainstream society, with so much competition, and better understanding of how the world works, out there? I can understand why there are so many problems and dysfunctions for people in their 20’s, but it is an easy one to prevent, rather than try to fix the dysfunctions afterwards. I guess it comes down to “bumbling parents”. After writing this, I felt I could definitely relate. This is kind of the way my parents raised us all, and I was expected to thrive in Sydney, after such a pleasant easy childhood. But I had a few advantages that kids in those other rural areas don’t have.
You know, it is a little strange that those thieving bimbos, have chosen someone who doesn’t really have much money, or much in value - you would think if you’re going to all the bother of stealing from someone, they would actually choose a wealthy victim, so as to have something worthy to steal. I mean all the crap that they’ve stolen from me - crap crap crap, that’s what it’s been, crap. (That would come down to stupidity). So, the reason why thieves are thieves, is because of their bimbo mother. It is only their mother who is to blame for someone who steals. The way they have been raised, without any morals or ethics. Hopeless Australian Bimbo mothers. Btw, there comes a point in a thief’s life where they can continue to disparage their mothers name by continuing to steal, or they realize they can choose – so if you see someone in their 30’s or even 40’s who is still stealing – well, they should be shot for sure, STUPID.
Btw, I did see Heath Barwick in Gunnedah, when I was 18 steal from one of the Carr boys, then in retaliation one of them tried to steal his plants. But that’s it, no stealing growing up. Heath Barwick belongs in jail. I do not believe he has been convicted of any crime yet.
And, I have to add, when it comes to retailers now, 20 years after I witnessed those 3 blonde bimbos, is it is now the opposite, with retailers stealing from me, not just 1 or 2, like it started off, but ALL - if there is a woman working behind the counter – then they steal, try to, all of them – such untrustworthy nature most women have – they are disgusting, I feel like I am living on an alien planet.
16. The bizarre, dirty phenomena of following other people
I have come to the realisation that a LOT OF PEOPLE think it’s okay to just follow someone without their knowledge. Not only as an adult, but as a child I was followed too, (well once, that I was aware of as a child – Mr Brown – but if I saw one person, who’s to say they weren’t others that I did not see.) And followed often not only all day, but for several days, and no matter where I went; out to friends, up to a different country town, into the supermarket, just wherever I went. A lot were NOT following me as a sexual predator but as a NOSY CONTROL FREAK, wanting to know exactly what was going on in my life, who I spoke with, who were my friends and family. I find it really bizarre how people think that this behaviour is okay, people of all sorts too, not only young people in their 20’s, but I once saw a father of 2, where I nannied, and plenty of young girls in their 20’s – I don’t know what to call them, dogs or sheep? so strange; because it was so prevalent in my young adult hood, and has been so prevalent all my adult life - and still is so prevalent even in middle age, not so much now, but still.
It’s not okay for you to follow me you idiots; mind your own goddam business, you do not need to know everything about me, and who I speak with. Show some restraint. Show some dignity. (Allways bare in mind - I took to very important people!).
I know I would never follow someone around. I have never followed someone around, ever. Not a friend nor a complete stranger. It’s just a ridiculous concept, you may as well be declaring to the world “well I don’t like my life, I have nothing else better to do, I can’t think for myself, I have such low self-esteem and I’m such a weak person, and this person doesn’t know I’m watching so that that makes me feel powerful, special and important; to perve on their life, without their permission."
It is as dirty as a toilet. Could it be toilet related? Read my Life Stories bit, you’ll see what I’m referring to!
Bidet from eBay
(I had a photo of my charming ‘loo’ with wooden seat and Bidet, but I will refrain from putting here, especially as I am trying to reduce file size! It was $30 – so clean! Go Australia, get one!! -and no tree cut downs NO toilet paper (can also
use a handheld bidet on a Compost Loo, saving water).
Quick Bidet Review! Should I choose handheld or should I choose underseat bidet?
Well at first I opted for the underseat bidet, and for five years, I used that quite happily. I wanted to put another one on, at my next address, but was unable to, because it was a compost loo. So I opted for a handheld. Only a little bit of plumbing skills required for connection to under sink coldwater pipe.
When I have to relocate again, I wouldn’t go back to the underseat, because the handheld has a lot more pressure, and control. Plus the underseat one is a little more complicated to clean, taking a little bit more time and effort.
And that’s my expert opinion!
First photo; 17. Me, off to beach xmas 2021 - I love the beach, Moore Park Beach, whilst living at Gin Gin
Next photo is of the Gin Gin Bakery, along the lines of NAME AND SHAME; 18. The “RobinHood Game”
This has happened to me a few times; (as in 100’s) other customers in the shop getting free food or items -they don’t have to pay, and when I check my receipts, I can see my bill has been overcharged, they do it deliberately to give their friends free food. So, it’s not exactly the traditional RobinHood story, it’s a warped female interpretation of that story {actually turning out to be the opposite of the RobinHood story} -it’s a little girl retailer game, ABC radio encourages it – as it amuses them. I feel those stupid girls need to be told what would happen if it were up to me.
Now I’m just going to tell you what happened, I don’t know any of the names at bakery, so I’m not going to name names. I believe if I did name names, I would have to also add “this is my suspicion, it’s not a conviction” just making my statement legal and not slander. I have looked into it, because I have received 6 complaints via my landlord; for some reason she says she is getting complaints against me, (turns out she was a liar), rather than myself receiving any - I certainly haven’t received any complaints. I’m not sure what’s wrong with my landlord and why she doesn’t tell those possibly imaginary people to bugger off, or take it up with me - but that’s her business.
{So, it is pointless taking me to court to try and get me to remove this, because I will not be removing it, it’s essential to doing something about it - if you didn’t want me to write this up you shouldn’t have stolen from me. (It has been deleted several times, then I reupload it – other people tell me if it’s been stolen J)}
So, in the above photo, the sales girl in pink gave that girl with the tawny long hair/blue jeans a free coffee, and the sales girl in black overcharged me. I was forced to purchase from here due to a new credit card - bank needs atm or eftpos first transaction, otherwise I would purchase these at supermarket, as basically all retailer boutique shops do it, well, a lot. I try to avoid them – they all need a whipping. BTW, that girl in blue jeans is really rich. Bimbo thieves. It is a ‘opposite interpretation’ of the RobinHood fairy tale. (In the fairy tale, the blue jeans would be poor, not the other way around).
The old man butcher at Gunnedah Butcher did it too, (no conviction), the girls at mitre 10 Bundaberg did it, (no conviction), Bundaberg Northsides Produce Agricultural service, tried to do it - heaps of other shops have done it, including medical business – they steal my appointments from my care plan, then charge me, when it should be free - Bundaberg Physio (Crofton St - Cody Amos) Bundaberg Podiatry – Taylor Tatarelli, Gin Gin Chiro, Sarina family clinic……. Anyway, there is not too much I can do regarding the medical ones, and I’ve never really paid too much attention instore, only note later, I have been over charged. But since I now wear a camera, I can see what goes on, -see the DOG NETWORK in action, plus I am low income, I do not have spare money for fake bimbo charity cases. Goddamn thieves; I recommend buying everything from the supermarkets. (Since I starting wearing a body came to shops, I have caught 2 people stealing from and I have caught 2 people behaving oddly, and that was only in the first 2 mnths of me wearing a camera). Such a big problem, is retailers stealing from customers.
I’m happy to sacrifice not ever going to this bakery again, even though it’s the only bakery within a 50km radius - in order to expose the little thief network. And by the way, before I was banned from Facebook, I was on a public forum, and I was blowing the whistle on certain companies who do dodgy things, can’t remember exactly what I was talking about now, maybe it was the so-called volunteer scheme, where they ask volunteers to work for them - it’s a scam - you shouldn’t volunteer for anyone, your time is more valuable than nothing, and those employers know that you’re a sucker with a good nature. Anyway, basically the conversations that proceeded that was about me implying, “that girl is never going to get a job in Bundaberg ever”, implying that most businesses in Bundaberg are dodgy and do dodgy things just like that business I was referring to. So, it seems to me that most people are too cowardly to name and shame these injustices, for fear of being unemployed, such is the bully nature of Australia. So, it is important for people who can stand up to those bullies to do so, as they are numbered. My duty.
By the way that girl in the photo, totally looks like my cousin Stephanie Bone. Although I am pretty sure it is not, as Stephanie has shorter hair; {“we can see what those retailer bitchy girl thieves do, and we’ll help show you” – there are some women who do this.} But I have noticed if I’m ever out and about in the quiet, of about 6 o’clock in the morning, I often see someone from my past or someone who is the current ‘flavour of the month’, or someone I have been wanting to call, or just someone I have been thinking about lately. It’s like someone goes and gets them from their life, in whatever state or town, picks them up and drops them down to ‘present’ them in front of me in this kind of manner, ‘people smuggling’ - so I might recognise them or I might not! They NEVER speak to me. And usually, I am bad at recognizing anyone, my facial recognition skills are near non-existant, but in retrospect, later I might see them, as I think about the day and my encounters. I have a bodycam now!
So, I suspect whoever is going and getting those people, on such a regular basis, and over many years now; this is a paid job for her, it is her livelihood. So, whoever is sabotaging and stealing from me, I suspect, is most likely this person, because they can make money from it. And who’s paying for this transport? why would they be paying and wasting money in travel?
I feel like this is an intrusion of my life, of my privacy. And I feel the people they go and get, just want to play judge and jury. I suspect those people have been transported by plane, as I’ve stated before I have planes harassing me quite regularly, especially at Rangari, but now a little again up here in QLD.
I have a message for that people smuggler, if I wanted to see someone, I would contact them and ask them to come up here. If I don’t do that, then it means that I pretty much don’t want to see anyone. And since I’ve previously stated I find most people disrespectful, rude and threatened by me, this means that I don’t want to see anyone, at all times (even the good ones). Comprehende (stop getting famous people too; what exactly do they want?). You know, not everybody wants to meet and greet their favourite celebrities! And btw, just because we don’t want to, does not mean we secretly hate you – it’s not personal J!
And btw, I haven’t spoken to any of my family in over 20 years, except my uncle, and Stephanie / Gwenda. I sometimes call and email Chris, because I need a reference for rentals, and he’s a retired magistrate with common-sense (very smart), he should be a good ref (you would think) {Btw, I really find the whole reference thing completely pointless, you can never possibly get an understanding of someone from someone else’s bias reference. I’m a little outraged by rental girls demanding up to 5 references, for low-income housing, who the hell do they think they are?}. I suggest to them if they want to know anything about me, they should speak to me directly (or read my blog!).
Actually, I have a wild theory about why they wanted 5, I think that one rental girl demanded 5, specifically so someone could go and ‘people smuggle’ 5 people?? The Real Estate was Nutrien Harcourts McCathies Ayr real-estate. She wanted to give a free holiday to 5 people, she wanted to be some sort of ‘free hero holiday giver’. I certainly never spoke to those 5 people, and infact only 1 of them bothered to reply to me. They are all busy people, too busy to bother about young rental girls and references. I can’t believe how disrespectful rental real estate girls are. Possibly Telstra putting my calls through to other people again? The reason I have come up with this wild theory, is I spoke to that rental girl Louise Aguirre, twice, both times I was told it was the same person, Louise Aguirre, but I can assure you, it was not. I spoke to 2 different people, with 2 very different voices. So really, I can only speculate what’s going on. The first girl I spoke to was REVOLTING, I suspect she was from Telstra? See, evil plot to make me appear nuts. I assure you I am not.
Btw, my sister Penny, who I have had no contact with since Dad died, (when the cats away the mice will play” thing (she went to a catholic school), did email me out of the blue a few years ago, because someone from Facebook had contacted her and tried to manipulate her, stating “your sister needs serious help”, that person was a bully from Agnes Water, and most likely the guilty person who was stealing from me and sabotaging me (Der, how can she be so easily manipulated? So easily fooled by the dogs?) And so, I did email her back and tell her she was a manipulated fool. That’s it with my family, little contact. Quite typical for adult families, so I have been told.
The last image above, is not uploaded yet.
I did have a photo of my jack, but again, not neccessary; 19. Car Jack stolen out of my car that was parked at the mechanics - stolen by a jackass JACKASS JACKASS
This Jack was stolen after I had just visited Tamworth and been to Decorama. I was trying to get an electric blind motor- and it was the most extraordinary experience; these two people working in the shop basically refused to serve me, and they did it in this most peculiar way, the guy was standing in the doorway out the back and he was talking to himself and doing these strange hand gestures, then the girl at the counter, after I asked how much for a motor, and I’d like to pay for it, and I was basically shoving money at her - she just continued talking like a zombie and didn’t make any sense, and refused to take my money! Suffice to say I couldn’t purchase my item from them and I had to purchase it online, it was very strange, I was thinking on the way home, actually it was when I got home and pulled into my garage “what a bloody jackass that guy was, not to mention the airhead salesgirl”. Then the next thing you know this jack was stolen from my car, so if it wasn’t the jackass, it was the airhead who heard me.
Also, I believe someone else, heard about what happened, and they created a show called Jackass. Because they believed this Jack was stolen after I accused one of them of being a jackass, even though I accused them in my mind, didn’t actually say it to anyone, it was way after I left the shop and had driven home all the way back to Gunnedah, which was an hour away, it was just a thought “what a fucking jackass”! So, someone in the entertainment industry, believed whoever heard me say Jackass to myself, stole my jack, because they were so offended by such a strong swearword!
Can you believe that stupid thieving dog? And as you can see, it’s gotta be female, only a stupid fucking mother would be so offended and brainwashed at a swearword, which isn’t even that bad anyway, it’s just a way of expressing how you feel about someone - they have no common sense at all. NONE. If you behave like a fucking idiot, then I’m going to THINK that you’re a fucking idiot, there’s no escaping this, it’s a fact of nature, it’s part of being a savvy woman who thinks, forms opinions and makes decisions.
I think I should point out the difficulties I have in obtaining something that was off-the-shelf, like that automated roller blind. Imagine if I wanted to build my own home, I mean that was just one purchase, homebuilders have zillions of items that need to be bought, just like that. I mean talk about impossible. And I am going to take this a little further; this kind of behaviour that I experienced in store at Decorama, is something I’ve experienced my whole adult life in business as well, - perhaps not as extreme as those 2 people, but I did experience some similar problems when I was buying fabrics and materials for my business in Sydney/Central Coast. It pretty much makes a lot of things I do absolutely impossible, and I mean when you run a business, it’s hard enough doing the work and maintaining your customers base, whilst balancing the books - but when you have to deal with business people, who refuse to do business with you, even refuse to communicate with you - your business will suffer somewhat. Sometimes there are work arounds, and sometimes there’s not - I mean, maybe I should have written a letter to the government; Dear Government, why are my fellow Australians such a bunch of fucking idiots? but I’m pretty sure my letter would have got tossed out. So, for my current situation now, I make no apologies, except, as I mentioned, I’ve been handicapped in my foot, and I know it was done deliberately, possible, because I said the word fucking idiot – to myself about some fucking idiot.
So, I expect to be compensated for it! I still have not been, still can’t walk for longer than 20 minutes, and have been refused Disability 3 times.
My next little story has been deleted numerous times, and I have had to rewrite it again, and again!;
20. Hay bimbo Nazi heads
This is also along the lines of “saying it like it is”, in the hopes that it will stop (seems to work for some unknown reason)
Okay so this is sometimes what happens, it’s been happening for some years in retrospect. I have these girls that follow me around when I am out and about. And when I stop at someone’s place (probably happens everywhere I go, but I only started to noticed it when I’m at somewhere remote like on a farm, - and as I leave there’s always some girls waiting in a car just down the road, with engine running, and I suspect what they do is go in and see the person after I’ve left. (in fact sometimes, they come in before and interrupt me -that’s happened a few times, come to think of it) and they kind of like ‘play sides’ I call them “the dogs that play sides”, so that the next time I speak to the farmer/person, they suddenly are really rude and disrespectful in some way, like for instance, I went to collect some Hay from Scott Warren, the guy was nice and friendly, we had a chat, the neighbour was burning his cane, we were looking at it -quite spectacular, he gave me an extra bale of Hay; 4 for the price of 3. And that was it, I left. – I saw as I was leaving, just parked down the road from his farm, on the dirt road, guess what, a car with girls in it, just sitting there, engine running. So, the following year I was looking for his Hay sign that he puts out, finally I saw the sign, so I drove down there, he’s about 10k’s out of Gin Gin, and I get there and there’s no Hay at all - he wasted my time, and my petrol. And it would have been because of those dogs in that white car that previous time. BTW, I have no idea who those dogs are, I don’t know them, I don’t recognise any, they never speak to me, I have absolutely no association with them, they’re not friends they’re not enemies, they’re just nobodies (I guess they would be enemies now, to be behaving like stupid stalking harassing dogs - they could be NEGS girls, or most likely prostitutes?? - anyway, they have no business following me around, it’s a disgraceful form of bullying). So yeah, this is what happens to me frequently, it’s like deliberate sabotage, just because I’m ‘me’. Oh, I have mentioned before problems with an obsessed house mistress from school, harassing and stalking me, this is just the same thing, isn’t it, so it could be her Cathy Goldman – I have reported her to the police. And, BTW, last time I drove to Bundaberg I had some bimbo following me around in a ute with hay piled in it. This happened every so often in Gunnedah too, only it was a big truck piled high then. A hey sign.
I’ve come up with a way to deal with these dogs and that’s by taking photos of them, they will run and scream if there’s a chance, they’ll be caught on camera it’s quite amazing how it works (that’s the dog’s gift – an uncanny sense of the moment before being caught in the act of harassment or bullying) btw, I have stated before if I catch a dog on camera behaving as a bully, I will instantly upload it to YouTube. I uploaded a phone conversation, where the girl was harassing me with multiple calls, and she sounded totally sly, a week later I listened to it on you Tube, and it had been edited, so she just sounded normal – that girl was anything but normal. (They change all the good movies too) there are editing geeks who want to save the ‘fair’ bimbo. I’m sure now that I’m fully conscious of what these dogs do, I‘ll remember many more incidents. I carry my camera with me at all times, but it is actually quite hard taking photos when your out and about (and busy) so often I use my phone to video what is going on, I wear it around my neck.
One of my favourite plants is the Pig Face above in my garden at Rangari;
21. You’re not the Boss of Me – combating nazis
So, I’ve just discovered another piece of writing that has been stolen, and that’s where I describe what condescending cocky people (bored twits) do when I go downtown. This problem I describe below is HUGE, a monumental issue for me that has an incredibly large impact on my life – reducing the quality of it significantly.
Before I start with this bizarre little story; I’ve heard counsellors winge of the same phenomenon. They frequently get men in to see them, because their main anger/issue in life, is that they don’t have a girl/partner/wife, somebody, that they can boss around – So the fact of not having a girlfriend or wife, is NOT the issue, the issue is that they don’t have somebody that they can boss around AND CONTROL. (!!) (btw, I expect that’s the reason a lot of mothers have kids too, WRONG REASON) Plus, this particular female councillor said, they will actually try to ‘boss’ her around during the session, as like in, wishfully thinking she was a bimbo wife, or dogsbody. I might say to such person, hey start gardening, you can control that plus reward yourself with a good garden and food!! Or get a dog! – but I have seen those woman who put their ‘trained dogs’ on show, you know, have them jumping through hoops and the like -MAN THOSE WOMEN ARE SICK – fully dysfunctional, but they and anyone paying money to see such a show, would have NO IDEA exactly how mentally retarded they are. Having said that, I have encounted a lot of bimbo women in my life, I have talked about it - the dogs go and get them deliberatley, so they can use them to manipulate while they ‘sleepy’, they show off. Like how I mentioned the Wainberg girl (dog), manipulated her sister that day in the park, same thing. I don’t know if they are getting these bims for her, so she can use them to have a go at me, or perhaps there is a whole spate of dogs in rotation? But I have encounted a lot of really clueless women in my time as a result of their trying to impress (impress someone?) with their manipulation tactics. So those men who are so adamant in trying to control a woman – go and find one of those bim types, they will need help in everything they do, if only for just keeping the dogs away who want to use them to manipulate other people. SAVE ME!! Lol you can save me in this manner by marrying all the bims! Lol! Lol (I see Casey Chambers is married now, thank goodness).
Anyway, so, I have people in the street, total strangers to me – perhaps they are neighbours? Perhaps they are bored council workers? Perhaps they are old school girls? Perhaps they are all the sister/brothers of my friends?; who try to control me, as I am single. STUPID MORONS. And I say stupid morons, because that’s what it comes down to; an absolute total lack of respect for anyone else, thinking they are superior and can make the best decisions for somebody else. AS IF, AND SO OFFENSIVE, so condescending. And thinking that they know better than everyone, and therefore are entitled to boss around other people. The whole thing is vile and disgusting. Bimbo related; only someone who is stupid would do this to someone else. No compassion, no empathy, no morals - stupid.
This is exactly where the whole nazi problem in Australia stems from, this exact phenomena, and it’s not just single men who do it, there are plenty of women to, married ones especially - honestly most women have no idea how stupid they are. Plus, I believe it is even an issue that kids too, they suffer from this phenomenon, due to their own nazi parents, they too, look for someone to try and control. So, a lot of people looking for someone to control, rather than looking for someone to love. So mixed up and dysfunctional, it is BIZARRE. BTW, wanting to have control is not a bad thing, but trying to control someone else, is the issue, especially a complete stranger, someone that does not ask you to interfere in their life at all – or gives you permission. NOT WITHOUT MY PERMSISSION.
So, this is how they ‘passively aggressively’ try to control me. I’ve mentioned before I have people on phones doing signs (read my story about flash mobs pre flash mobs just below).
So, if I go into a shop where they don’t think I should go, then they verbally shout out at me from across the street (out of sight) - harass me, or do something like start banging something really loudly, as in, like what a child would do throwing a tantrum. But if I go into a shop where they think it’s okay, like if I go into Vinnies, then that would be okay - going into Vinnies is ok, because I’m really poor, so I belong in Vinnies, and they don’t harass me. (Vinnies - it’s got to be a woman doing it) But if I try to go in a hardware shop, forget about it. And you wouldn’t believe what happens if I go to a doctor for some sort of medical problem (I did describe what happened one time when I was at Gin Gin medical Centre - stupid dogs, read my “Red Rubber fulcrum for physio” photo story) and I have written about it before when I walk past a restaurant or coffee shop – I always get verbally shouted at by unknown people if I venture to near the food place. Apparently, I am NOT allowed to eat out. ? {That would go back to when I was living in Hornsby; I felt like having some Chinese beef and onion stir fry one night. I went down to the Chinese take-out, and there was a family, husband, wife and a little boy sitting in the cafe. And they started talking about me and how I shouldn’t be there ordering food, it was quite strange. They all three were total strangers, I’ve never seen them before. I do not know them, I do not believe they knew me, why they were questioning where I was eating, I can only imagine it was because I was on my own. When most people when you see them out at a restaurant they’re not usually on their own - so this whole family couldn’t handle the fact that I was there ordering (not even eating) on my own. STUPID PEOPLE STUPID FAMILY. Really and truly, this is the kind of bullshit that I have to live with every day, it has been this way ever since I can remember in my adult life. Btw, when I was younger, say in my 20’s - it didn’t start off like this, they were more like ‘accompanying’ me, so if I wanted to go somewhere then they would do signs to like ‘clear the path’ so to speak, actually traffic light people were involved, I’m not going to get into that though (all green lights – yah!). At those particular times, I was just amused at such antics that people, total strangers, get up to, and was not concerned about these people at all. I didn’t consider them a nuisance or intolerable. But over the years instead of like ‘accompanying’ me or ‘helping’, they have evolved into being ‘nazi dictators’ under the pretence of “helping and guiding”. They are unbearable.
It’s like they have grown to have big egos and be selfish, in the same manner bullies become bullies, because nobody stands up to them, and thieves continue to steal because they never get caught. It’s kind of an odd concept for me, acting in such a way towards total strangers, I really thought about what motivates people to do bad over-controlling behaviour like this, and I think it all just comes down to stupidity. Like my peacock, who discovered he could herd my geese around the backyard - it’s exactly the same thing. That peacock was peabrain! Dim-witted vanity of the peacock! So, I would be way smarter than people who are trying to “help” me, which makes it so ridiculous, ludicrous and ironic.
I don’t need someone to tell me what shop I should go into, and what street I should go down to get there. NEVER HAVE. I do believe it reached a point where they would set traps, so if I didn’t go down the street, then they would send their council friends to block the street off with fake roadworks. So, then they could say ha ha, you should’ve listened to us, and done what we said, as in, played our ‘Simon Says’ game. (There most definitely has been quite a few fake roadworks that I’ve passed by, although Council has more money now, and even the fake ones put out their expensive machinery to make it look like they’re actually doing something.)
And you know what, I have never seen this kind of manipulative behaviour in a movie – and I have seen 1000’s of people’s life stories in the form of movies. But once when I was watching the news, they were doing a segment on Whitney Houston, in her later older years, it was a live ‘unprepared’ interview on the street. And I could see she had the dogs, plain as day, you could hear them from afar, on the camera. Anyone watching would have thought it was just the Press hounding her like that, but I am not so sure – just reminded me so much of the dogs that hound me – and I certainly do not have Press that follow me around.) By the way in the past, usually it’s always women (little girls) who have done this “trying to control me” behaviour, some people have coined an expression for it – “Ride her like a horse”, (people on channel 7), but I think the boys are copying the girls, as now I hear male voices yelling out, verbally harassing me from across the street, in the past it’s always been female voice that shouts/yells verbal harassment. {Actually, at the moment its either some girl or a toll truck driver following me, and I’ve noticed often, over the past few years, lately, that they have been trying to manipulate the situation in order that I will ‘lose’. If you read my photo story called “bank staff trying to unempower customers”, that’s a pretty good example of what I mean here. It’s like they’re trying to change destiny, and the way that things are meant to unfold, and they know that’s what they’re doing, and that’s what they’re getting off on, ‘playing God’, this again goes back to the girls I went to school with, in church, who later work at Bunnings and Mitre 10 - all girls trying to play God, there’s a big cult of them, the dog network, as I call it. Those girls are really stupid, they don’t know that they’re going to get their comeuppance.}
Like I said, I’ve encountered many bimbos in my life, so those dysfunctional control freaks should go and find one of the stupid ones - leave me the fuck alone you stupid dogs. I have a right to be single and go from A to B without being harassed. Do you see how fucked this country is STILL, I recommend not having kids. I know I would never have kids in such an ugly world. BTW I find most women don’t like being around people they can’t control. And by other people I mean other women. They actually get pissed off, if they can’t control the situation and then cause conflicts. They even have the audacity to take it further- in my situation at least they do; because they can’t control me, they then blame me for the conflict that they’ve created - because they’re so pissed off that they can’t control the situation. I find most people quite absurd. I’ve had a lot of experience with women like this my grandmother was particularly like this, but also her daughter my aunt and my sister all want to try and control the situation and none of them realised that none of them were smart enough to control the situation anyway. My Grandmother especially used to get very upset if her perception of reality was contradicted, like she always thought men to be smarter than women, but when I came along and proved otherwise, she was so angry, she smashed her glass into the kitchen sink! J However, my grandmother seemed to have major passive dysfunctional problems, the biggest one, in fact, was to try and create ‘the common enemy’, so she and whoever she was talking to, could have something to talk about. She couldn’t ever talk to someone without bitching and ‘playing sides’ like that, for her, that was the only way she knew how to communicate with her friends or family, she did not know how to be ‘equals’, she subconsciously thought there should be a ‘hierarchy’, and bitching about someone made her feel important and superior, actually very sad, and it’s too bad that nobody pointed out this to her, when she was alive. Although she did start having a go at my little brother, when we were talking one-day, and I pretty much stopped her in her tracks, I didn’t have any more problems with her regarding my brother, but I don’t think she fully understood what she did; her personal dysfunction. And you know, this is why I have such happy memories of going over to the beach, because grandma usually never accompanied us, it was so nice not to have to listen to anyone bitch about another member of the family or friends (or neighbours).
And, someone told me, a guy named Billy Baxter was doing Simon Says, he worked on the radio, apparently. He was from Gunnedah too, I never met him, but I think I saw him in Melbourne when I was there, he was surrounded by about 10 young girls (I would say 10 young bimbos, possibly thieves?). Maybe he wants to be “Billy the Kid”. RACK off.
You know, if you feel you need to “help me” when you see me, perhaps you could send donations to my PayPal account; farmplantsandseeds@gmail.com - that would actually be helpful!! Or buy some of my seeds or fabrics. {Or, am looking for a castle rental, if you have one for me, list it on www.realestate.com.au - so I see it.}
Or my bathroom needs cleaning, toilet could be due for a scrub! GET REAL!!!
I know just writing about nazi behaviour has reduced it.
22. Australian building practises, its renters who get stuck with HOME KILLERS
This is how I am dressed atm inside my rental (2021). At night, I can literally feel my head shrinking because of the cold, and the lackadaisical building techniques that Australia allows. Really every single residential home needs to be brick, preferably double brick, in Australia brick has insulating properties that protects people from heat and cold illnesses, and those illnesses are silent killers. Living in a well-insulated house is how to protect yourself against many diseases. (Not to mention the flu virus)
The photo showing me all 'rugged' up was taken at Gin Gin in winter, surprisingly, they actually get an occasion mild frost there. But you ought to have seen what I looked like in winter at Gunnedah - literally 7 jumpers, I looked like a sheep ready to be shorn! (lucky I am a knitter). This cold weather allergy is all Centrelink’s fault with forced work at the Nursing home {still affecting me 15yrs later - do you think I am entitled to workers comp HA AS IF}. It is also part caused by substandard housing with little insulation. As this story has had such an impact on my life, I want to repeat myself; about the total scam CENTERLINK Work for The Dole- this is slave labour, there are no ifs and buts about it. If you think it’s your place to tell somebody else what to do with their life, you’re delusional - DELUSIONAL - it is not up to you to decide what somebody else does with their life, get a grip you stupid little girl control freak bimbos. (THEY FORCED ME TO SIGN A FORM STATING IF I GOT SICK I WOULD NOT SUE – -guilty as all hell - I did get sick, big time, (first time in my life due to a burnt throat the season before) and I believe it was a virus given to me deliberately by the dogs (those women at Centrelink ought to be SHOT) at that workplace, a nursing home (age 34), I got sick, and I have been a changed sickly person ever since, whole upper body and memory weakened especially with the onset of cold weather (I’m talking total flip out when I get cold, i.e. before virus; 1 doona, after virus; 4 doonas). I noticed in the first week a change in my memory, my memory had gone out the window within one week of getting sick from glandular fever. 3YRS of mild fever too.
Here is a good spot to mention; a few years earlier before this incident, I saw an ad for a Pat Parelli Horsemanship workshop, out past Coolah. (Do you see the dogs). At the time, I thought well that sounds fun, I love horses, so I went, drove down there, but little did I know, out past Coolah (can’t quite remember where it was now (some girls farm)), it was much colder there than in Gunnedah, and from the moment I got out of the car, I was basically freezing - the whole day, freezing. FREEZING. I wanted to stay on though, and hear what they had to say. Because I had a great interest in horses, eventually I left, went home, and had a hot bath. I didn’t get sick, not the flue, nor a cold, nor even a sniffly nose, after enduring 4hrs or so of FREEZING. This tells me, I mean, I knew it already, but this is proof, it’s not the cold that gives you the flu or pneumonia, it’s literally a contagious virus that is the problem. (That horsemanship day was scam, I bet it was Charlotte Powell’s property, Amy Powell was from Coolah – I tell you, obsessed with me) And, in retrospect, the seven games of natural horsemanship is a great philosophy, and there are elements of people out there who really have no idea how to behave around animals, and in fact they’re quite cruel, and they don’t have a caring nature, but they still want to go horse-riding; Pat Parelli’s seven games of natural horsemanship is for them. It is for people who need to learn how to be caring. It would be for Charlotte Powell. I can definitely say, I needed not have bothered to go, this is not something I needed to learn, I already had those attributes.
Anyway, why is there no correlation between dementia and viruses? – apparently the virus does not survive in high temperature climates (In India, it is not the turmeric)– move to Darwin if you have never caught a virus and Alzheimer’s runs in your family. I am pretty sure in winter here I can literally feel my head shrinking, and certainly my thinking is slowed in cold temperatures. Oh, one person who had MS, also believes like me, it is triggered from a virus. And Asma/allergies in kids is caused by virus.
Actually, as soon as it drops below 20°C, I can feel a change in my head, I become slightly lethargic, that feeling you get when you’re an immune is fighting, it may be confused with feeling hungry/slightly dizzy. So, some people reckon that it’s just an automatic immune response that doesn’t actually mean anything, that your body has been tricked into reacting in a certain way, it’s the same reason why they believe asthmatic people have asthma attacks, it’s just an immune response. I am not sure about this? maybe virus has somehow got in, found your weakness and somehow has made a permanent place for itself in your immune? and when feeling giddy, it is a serious attack on the body and your immune is fighting it. That’s why you can feel it. So, the experts don’t know what exactly your immune is fighting, and why cold weather triggers some sort of bad reaction (try sitting in a waiting room under the air con – what a disaster! - of course my burnt damaged throat allows the ‘badies’ in)
Although, at least I’m not in Gunnedah still, it’s much colder in Gunnedah - at night, at times it got so cold I could literally hear my brain slowing right down, my thought process was in ‘slow motion’, it was quite bizarre. Later I was told that this happens in Antarctica; a couple of researchers were down there, and they experienced the same thing when they were outside doing their checks. It’s a known phenomenon that happens in cold weather – although obviously the Gunnedah temperature would be considerably warmer than Antarctica, which tells me, there’s definite weird problem going on, as far as I’m concerned. It was triggered by a virus (100% sure about this), plus, I believe it was given to me deliberately (that last deliberate part, may be debatable, some people in high places said they would know about it if that was happening, but I am not so sure….) - signed the form so I would not sue them. They knew at least if you work there, you will get sick. Not sure what they were so worried about, no lawyer in Australia would sue Centrelink anyway, lawyers in Australia are all way too whipped. Did Centrelink think I was going to win the lottery, so I could afford a fancy $50,000 lawyer to sue them? “That girl has definitely got a chance of winning the lottery…..“ lol, well, you know what there’s hope then, if the government, thinks that I might have a chance of winning the lottery, there’s hope!!
I have to update this in 2025 because I found a place further north my head no longer gets giddy in winter although I do still have to sleep with a beanie on in winter but it is a fantastic spot and I can't believe my luck and fortune. So in Gunnedah and all other rentals since, (since it is cheap rentals that have the worst insulation ), those homes did not have sufficient heating, and this probably perpetuated my 'cold allergy'.
Plus I also realise that food and diet has a lot to do with coping with illness, the better you eat the better, the better your body can deal with sickness. And from looking at my little pussycat; the better you eat, the longer you will live, regardless of what's wrong with you. I do suspect my mother who was adopted at age 2, was nutritionally starved before she was adopted, and this played a role in her illness. And in fact anyone who has dementia I suspect it can be traced right back to from when they were in the womb and pour nutrition, particularly people who went through the war, and went through periods of starvation. Just a feeling and somewhere along the lines of Socrates.
23. Poor Renters in Australia🎻Monday, 7 August 2023
As I watched my current landlord farmer one Saturday (2019) drive by my cottage in his cattle truck, down the hill then back around past my house again, REPEATEDLY – ALLDAY, (what a nutter), I decided, as a lifelong 45yr old female renter, I would compose a list of hardships that renters have to endure. Aside from that kind of obvious car nuisance harassment.
1. Landlords coming around when it pleases them to go on personal power trips about irrelevant issues, male landlords especially. (Darcy Ward, Steve Carter – not even my landlord). Female ones wanting me and everyone to be like her child, so she can boss them – weird, GO AWAY.
2. Once I had a female landlord (not mentioning any names, Julie Knapman) that kicked me out because she only wanted cash (she was screwing the government), and the other main reason (as I was paying cash, I just did not want to and asked to do it by bank transfer – same as how EVERYBODY else does it), was because I was happy. It really ticked her off every time we spoke, so she kicked me out, jealous! As I was moving from their house, she was in a car and she kind of chased me down the driveway and pushed me off the road into the paddock, what a total dog nutter. LITTLE GIRL Plus, I’m 100% sure she and her daughter used to go to the house when I wasn’t there and have a nosy around, she used to freak my cat out, and they killed the unusual spider who lived at the front door. I have cameras now so my landlord can’t do that, but I wish I had one installed when I was there - I would put it up on the Internet to show everyone what she was really like, and the kind of things that I have to put up with as a renter. And, now, I try not to personally attack anyone on my blog unless they’re a thief, or if I am returning the favour – RIGHT BACK AT YOU. But I had turned one bedroom into a walk-in closet, (btw, see how to do this in my Renters walk-in closet story – no structural change ofcourse), I turned the huge living room into a craft room and the other huge living room into my bedroom, it was a good-sized house (read my Tulcumbah photo story). I just turned it into my kind of ‘lifestyle’ house, rather than a family house for kids, GUESSS WHAT people who do not have kids, can do this). Plus, also I don’t drink or spend any money on any other vices, (as a mature Australian adult I’m well familiar with the Australian culture, but imagine if one day as a grown adult a little fairy godmother came along and gave you all the money in your life that you have spent on booze, you’d have heaps, wouldn’t you? well that’s me all the time!!). She’s another woman who can’t understand the fact that I don’t have , and I’m not married, she can’t stand the fact that I’m happy because of it, that is a concept she just doesn’t like, but she subconsciously realizes the benefits of both those things and resents it, she’s jealous. Typical Australian woman - jealous bitch. I am, quite frankly, fed up with being blamed for situations just like this not working out, when I am not to blame, I had to leave because of her dysfunction, NOT MINE. Infact at least 6 places I have rented, this has been the case, their problems, not mine. (Stop breeding WAKE UP! Any more than 2 creates health problems anyway; women, start showing signs of intelligence, please!).
3. Then there is the issue of using grey water on the garden, landlords expect tenants to pay for pipes and plumbing to do that, I have spent $100’s on other people’s grey water systems, and then they ask me to leave when lease expires – it is unfair.
4. One house had all its grey water empty onto the side passageway causing major drainage problems and grass issues, then they withheld bond as the grass was so long there (unbelievable theft, Elders Gladstone, Tamara Smitz and Lacey Bimrose))
5. Same house, the water in the kitchen was so bad I could not drink it, I had to use laundry water that had town water connected - the landlord simply refused to fix rusty old leaky tank.
6. Maintenance is another huge issue; I have not had one landlord who has been prepared to fix rusty leaky gutters (Except Ernie!). On rain water reliant houses, this is vital maintenance. (One house had 1 tank that leaked badly, it is really unacceptable to offer a house with no drinking water) and I might mention, unacceptable to offer a house with dam water for a garden, then not actually connect it. (Alistair Darcy Ward) infact another weird thing that at least 3 of my landlords have done is told me there’s plenty of water available for gardening, only when I moved in, I discovered that in 2 of those, not only has there NOT been plenty of water, but there hasn’t actually been ANY water at all. And the 3rd one, the last five months straight there has been none either. I know real estate agents do this when they’re trying to sell land – make it look all lush, when in reality it only looks like that after drought breaking rain every 7yrs or so. So, my landlord has decided that they too will lie to tenants! Either there’s water or there isn’t; you can’t say there’s water when there’s not - don’t be so dishonest.
7. One landlord used to go through my stuff when I was not there and steal, once he not only stole my pliers, but he angled them under my car tyre, so when I reversed, it punctured the tyre. (Peter Long, and I think he was incahoots with my jobs provider, Graham Kent and Courtney Lang? - both no conviction) Common problem of landlords snooping around (break and enter with their own copy of the key). Actually, I think I have only had 1 landlord that did not do that (lovely Italian couple down at Pendle Hill) (change locks when you move in, no copy to landlord, course, change back when leave).
8. Adult kids of landlords coming round and stealing – HUGE PROBLEM, Long/Ferguson/Ward, all infact. No conviction. Neighbourhood stealing too, copycats; general disrespect.
9. One house in Petersham, Sydney had a house next door that had an open pipe in it that the people in that house could see directly into my window, which would’ve been a bedroom but I turned it into a sewing room. I could hear them, I think it was two young teenage boys that were gagging and carrying on, being able to see this young woman without her knowing. So disgusting! Another neighbour, or those 2 boys stole my handbag from my house one night. I remember seeing this short blonde girl walk by one day, she yelled out some sort of abuse at me – she was nuts, and I think this is the same girl I saw in Melbourne who was apparently my flatmates girlfriend. Major dog stalker, I am thinking some famous persons daughter? She seems to be protected. This is the reason why you ought not have kids unless you can afford to buy them a house when they turn 18, just not worth it, otherwise. The world is full of scum.
10. Renters are often forced to be transient, this creates all sorts of social ‘displaced’ problems, for instance in one suburb I moved to, I could not open the windows, as not only did the neighbors kids climb in and steal things, but the teenage boys jump up to peer in and spy on me (disgusting) - Neighbours hate newcomers, they automatically hate them before they even know you. They hate people they don’t know; they hate single women who do not have a husband, and they especially hate unemployed ones. In each neighbourhood I have had to live in, it’s always the same, maybe one in 100 people may treat you with an ounce of respect, but not usually. I have many instances, stories, names I could name, but today I am just going to name 2 neighbors at Colosseum who would be known in the community to be nice, respected upright law-abiding citizens, however I know them to be disgusting, unaccepting, disrespectful hateful people: Bev and Bevan Ross, and Glen Blackburn.
11. Another issue is backyards, when the tenant is renting, they should be able to do as they wish with the backyard, i.e., plant a vege patch, maybe some fruit trees if there is room and a long lease. While they pay for the property, it is up to them what they do with it, if they do not wish to mow lawns, then that is their prerogative, unless there are special inclusions that are SPOKEN prior to signing lease (Verbally stated - I keep writing this “verbally spoken”, as in stated out loud and discussed with the future tenant, so that the tenant fully understands a major condition of living there. – this part keeps being deleted, so I’m going to write it 3 times “verbally stated”, “verbally stated”, “verbally stated”) In fact, it’s my experience that half the rules in the lease, the actual landlord doesn’t give a toss about - it’s the rental girl who’s got a b in her bonnet about all of those rules. Which is why it’s really important that all of them are discussed. Most renters do not bother reading fine print. Plus, I would say, all of the landlords I have encountered, if they were given an ultimatum before I moved in; I’m not going live here if you want me to mow your lawns - then the landlord would’ve said (pretty sure, it would have been 10 out of 10) “oh okay that’s fine you don’t have to”. It’s really only the Real Estate rental girl, at the end, when they leave, who has the issue, and will say to the landlord, oh well you should withhold the bond because they didn’t mow the lawns, and even though the landlord wasn’t really too concerned about it in the first place, but when they see there’s an option to get several hundred dollars of the bond - they go “oh okay” - it’s plain theft, and I’m having a crackdown on dodgy rental girls they are young, manipulative and stupid. If you rent a house for the sole purpose of wanting the lawns mowed, then the landlord ought to be paying the tenant to do so, the going rate for lawn mowing is $60/hr. Landlords should not have powers to ‘use’ tenants like this.
12. And, common problem for me is gardening, but then being harassed by neighbours who are friends with the landlord, common dog problem. General disrespect from the local community.
13. It is none of a landlord’s business how much furniture a tenant has – NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
14. Tenants do not wish to have the landlord’s crappy furniture in their home. REMOVE IT, all of it.
15. If the landlord only wants to rent the house for short periods, like 6 months, this needs to be disclosed to tenant, as it is a monumental task to move house, apparently it is one of the most stressful times for a person (and as having to move for the 5th time in more or less 12 months due to reasons OUT of my control - I assure you it is beyond stressful, and physically straining for mature adults). So, lying landlords about lease is common. (Elders and Ward)
16. I have to mention carpet in rentals, only a landlord that lacks monumental amounts of common-sense would put carpet in a rental.
17. Another stressful issue for me as a tenant was living somewhere for 10 years, then being asked to leave. I mean that is my home and where I had my life including my business, and I was just kicked out when landlord sold it, easy as pie for the landlord. My life was snatched away from me. Not sure what they can do about that, but it is a hardship.
18. Another thing is cost for unemployed people. Did you know unemployment is $327 less each fortnight than a pensioner? An unemployed person on Centrelink benefits cannot afford to pay more than $180/week, anymore and they will not be able to eat 3 meals a day or pay car rego / electricity etc. There are very limited free-standing houses at that price, and most of them appear like they are “drug houses” fit for only people who are looser junkies. There are a lot of single unemployed older ladies who are not junkies and require a more ‘hopeful” quality of life.
19. Don’t get me started on the cost of ink and printers for their last century forms. I can’t believe how many Real Estates don’t know about online digital forms, or simply sending pdfs that DO NOT REQUIRE A PASSWORD. Businesses these days who want you to fill in PDF’s, do it digitally, so you can either download a digital form or you can fill it out in their browser, it’s really easy and it saves printing out literally dozens, if not, sometimes hundreds of pieces of paper, especially when only a signature or even an initial is required per page. I mean, there is the application form, 9 pages. The lease, 11 pages, not to mention all the terms and conditions, and other special clauses, and forms for each agent, there are literally dozens of forms, I have to print out because hillbilly Real Estates still haven’t cottoned on to the Digital age. You know it cost $44 to replace the ink on a typical low-income HP printer, 1 rental requires at least ¼ to ½ of that ink, so if I had need to put in multiple applications on different properties - it’s way too expensive not to mention wasteful. Then there’s the $100’s of dollars added on to each move, in the form of hiring a truck ($2500 last time and $1400 the time before….) and as of late, most rentals only want short term anyway, so it is constant moving and wasting my money. $4000 from NSW to QLD, and that was cheap, one quote was $14000.
20. One of the biggest problems is pets. Do you actually know anyone that doesn’t have a pet? It is unacceptable asking for ‘no pets’ on any rental. It’s not a question of allowed /not allowed, it’s none of the landlord’s business what the tenant does /doesn’t do, or how they live their life. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Don’t be so blonde Nazi. (realesate.com, at least 95% of listings state NO PETS, still) I should mention, ages ago, my folks, after dad’s mum died, purchased a rental in Wilga St, Gunnedah, for a very brief time; after the first lot of tenants left, they went in to have a look, I kid you not, as soon as they entered, the whole floor of the living room was gone (hardwood floor) and you could see the dirt! yes, I’m sure the $400 bond would have covered that! NOT. (That would be ‘the powers that be’ in Gunnedah giving my dad bad renters, because he was new in town – they know who the dodgy ones are, gossipying little girls.) That ended dads attempt at being a landlord! Oh, no, wait, that’s right, he sold it and purchased some land in Queensland; he was talked into it by their new friends the Henry’s. I'm not really sure why he would possibly have done that, it was in a remote part with no power or water, he had to pay rates on it every year. Queensland housing and land didn't really start to go up until the 2000's and if he had kept it that whole time he would've paid way excess in rates. As it was, there was major depreciation, it was a total bad investment, he ended selling that too, after still losing 1000’s in yearly rates. I guess, they didn't have my realestate.com back then. So there gone my future house!
21. OMG - bathrooms that slope out to the corridor!! Every bathroom on every rental built before 2020 – so bad! Please, go see The Block, see how it’s done! – floor has to slope towards drain.
22. I have to mention windows and security, if a door or flyscreen can be easily pried off or cut to gain entrance, IT WILL BE, THEY DO IT, every house I have lived in, neighbourhood thieves, not to mention organized petty crime rings, will break in, even sometimes just to snoop around, sometimes they take ‘souvenirs’. Proper security screens on all doors/windows are a must in rentals. From now on I will not look twice at a rental that does not have security.
23. Inspections should not be allowed by owners or realtors; it is a total invasion of privacy and a total power tripping exercise for the estate agent and or the typical middle-class landlord. By law, they can do it every 3mnths, as it is written into a standard form 18a lease. That’s unacceptable – ridiculous. Especially taking photos of all the tenants stuff inside house. Do those rental ‘lease rule makers’, not know about the pervy tyrannical power trippin’ nature of women? OUTRAGEOUS. AND, how come they’re are allowed to do inspections, but why is there no compulsory inspections by building inspectors for basic standards of living. I can assure you if there was, this current building I am in, would have failed and have been bulldozed by now.
24. After having so many landlords now, there’s a major problem with snobbery, most landlords particular ones in Gunnedah think that people who rent are inferior to them. It really is a form of racism - superiority complex! Some landlords I know, and I’m thinking of two in particular here - they’re absolute complete doofusheads, and they would be totally lost if they weren’t married. They would not last 2 seconds without their wives due to their incompetence and general thoughtlessness, yet both those men looked down upon a renter, with passive disrespect, no matter what their capabilities. So, you need to throw out these stupid feelings of superiority thanks very much. And hey, buffoon head, I know you can hear me.
25. DISRESPECTFUL landlords, although, I have found male landlords are far more respectful than females, infact, I find this in general, a weakness of women, they are by nature, disrespectful and selfish – VAIN.
26. I have noticed, of late, selfishness, greed and money are the no 1 priority for most landlords, more so than providing a dwelling for another human. Such a lack of empathy. Really only wanting to provide a “stopover” for someone, rather than a safe place to call home. Majority of landlords lie to facilitate this. Birdy said, the ‘ugly’s’ are forced to be gypsies.
27. Btw, in a standard lease on a rental, there is 1 ‘pro-tenant’ paragraph; “landlord is to provide quiet enjoyment of the premises: The lessor must take reasonable steps to ensure the tenant has quiet enjoyment of the premises. (3) The lessor or the lessor’s agent must not interfere with the reasonable peace, comfort or privacy of the tenant in using the premises.” {If this is not provided, I personally consider landlord in breach of contract, and indept to me, regardless if the case is brought before a court. That means practically ALL my landlords from David and Brenda onwards -in dept to me.}
28. Just remembered something else: by law a neighbour has to advise its neighbour if they are aerial spraying poisons. I have had at least 2 farmer landlords that did not bother advising me, they are so arrogant, they thought, oh, she’s no-one, just a renter, no need to warn her. And on one of those occasions the pilot saw me out the back of the house and deliberately flew over to me, and directly sprayed over me then over the house/roof where my drinking water collects (a 1km deviation from his paddock) this happened at least twice. (Bret Knapman and David Heywood - and because those owners didn’t bother to show me any respect by warning me of such things, their kids, and those young stupid cocky pilots see that behaviour, and this is why they sprayed over me, because the landlord ‘set the bar’. Stupid arsholes. Btw, I’ve also noticed, that’s also true when it comes to my siblings; if my siblings do something disrespectful, like they often do, (little shitheads), then certain people in the community will copy them and do the same thing. I’ve noticed people who rent all their life, by the time they reach 50, they are considerably more pissed off, and don’t feel they are quite so ‘lucky’ to be alive, than people who don’t rent. I really feel the government needs to intervene, otherwise peoples greed for rent money is so overconsuming, that a renters hardships are akin to war time. When infact it is peace time in our country, and has been for many decades. Plus, Australia is an affluent country. So far, the government has not done anything to help renters, infact they have done the opposite, so today it is more difficult, more expensive than EVER before.
29. Before I went and did an inspection, on a potential rental, which was a good two-hour drive away, I wanted to confirm that the person I spoke to was indeed the owner of the home, as I’ve actually been sent on a wild goose chase’s in the past, from someone over the phone. So, I phoned Bundaberg Council and I told them who the owner was, and they confirmed, yes, it’s true. However, I phoned council a couple of years later to see whether I could get someone to deem the house liveable or unliveable (this by the way, is more of the poppycock rubbish renters have to go through, because my landlord wanted me to leave 6 months before the lease expired, so she has come up with a cockanninnie excuse of ‘unliveable’, so I need proof to say to the court, oh but wait, she’s a greedy liar, it is ‘liveable’ – which eventually I did – she lost). Anyway the point of the story is, that Council then told me, that there’s no way they could tell me if there had been a change of ownership in my rental house, and he was actually implying that there had been, but when I asked him about it he said he can’t say anything due to very strict privacy laws, and if I asked him if he could confirm or deny who the owner is, if I told him the owner, he said NO he most certainly could not do that. I suspect that person I spoke to at council, Steve Percell is lying; there’s no reason why as a renter, I can’t know who the owner of the home is. Infact to not advise a tenant of who actually owns the house they are living in – if requested, is morally wrong, it lends itself to enabling extreme control obsessions. Has no one seen the movie “Single White female”?
30. Also the option of Body Corporates is, well, plain bad for a renter, they especially, like to come up with nazi rules, not to mention extreme overcharge annual rates. Any rental with a Body Corporate, ought to be avoided. This applies to any home purchase with a Body Corporate too.
31. Lastly, I want to state something about a landlords intentions, over a tenants – there are some members of the community who will NOT listen to anything a tenant says, they will give them no heed at all, just ignore them, but, imply the landlord, gets to make any decision about the tenant – I can’t believe what a problem this has been. Such stupidity in the community. I have many examples, but I will give 1; my bottle of used Bleach was stolen at my new address near Mackay. I had a mould problem at his new address so sprayed the bathroom with it, but - it didn’t really work; it made no difference to the mould, so I thought it must just be paint stain on the walls and not mould. But a few months later, I decided that there was definitely other areas in the bathroom, that was mould, and I needed some bleach, so after discovering my bleach was stolen, I purchased some more. I used the new bleach on the mould, plus also I sprayed the ‘paint stain’ area too, just for good measure. And well, lo and behold, it kills ALL the mould in a matter of seconds. So, the bleach they gave me before just didn’t work! Faulty bleach? I don’t think so, my theory is, and this is so typical of stupid dogs; what they did was listened to the ‘intentions’ of my previous landlord, as it was a green eco-village there, and my landlord, was opposed to chemicals of any sort, - she had no common sense whatsoever, and was a pothead. Such irony. And now, I am a very ‘green’ person, but when it comes to mould, bleach is the best solution, as it kills it pretty much straight away, and has minimal impact on the environment because you just spray it onto the mould area and leave it, that’s it, simple. So, the supermarket dogs, saw bleach in my trolley at checkout, and must have thought, oh well, her landlord does not want any chemicals at that address, so, we’ll just swap this bleach over for watered bleach that will not work. It was covid19 times when I purchased that other bleach. There was a bleach shortage. But damn those stupid supermarket thieving dogs.
In conclusion, renters get a very poor deal, and I don’t see anybody out there standing up for them, which is why I’ve written this, I did have it on social media a couple of years ago, but I was banned. And it would’ve been because of this piece of writing, and a couple of others; “oh no! someone who has a brain, and who can think, what are we to do? she wasn’t even elected into power, how can we let her put up these thoughts and ideas out there - no no, it’s out of the question, get rid of her”. True.
24. Dream Watchers, I Mean Perverts
I was just going through my list of stolen items to see if I could mark off any items that have been mysteriously returned... and I saw, I mentioned, when I was living at Colosseum, and when a few items were stolen, at that time, there were people lurking about, I heard 2 female voices outside my window, one night in my shade house (they stole some of my plants plus a 40L black storage box – with Gunnedah 18 Henry st, written on the side). I remembered then, also that there was a girl down the paddock too during the day, I heard someone, it might have been Tania Poschalk and Belinda Kristensen, the only people I knew in the area, or it could have been someone from Facebook, as I was selling my plants - they saw and they came and took. {not that I gave out my address, but it was a small community and a lot of people (women) make it their business to know other people’s business NOSY BITCHES.} actually I suspect my landlords wife, Julie Ward – no conviction. So, you might read this, and be kind of concerned, and think there were ghosts around, (I know there are some people that actually think that…) or I was delusional and hearing voices, (I know there are some people who think that aswell – idiots (Sharon Morgan) as my location were quite remote. So, I thought I should say, I wasn’t concerned at all when I heard these girls voices, because this is a really common for me, maybe it sounds weird to you but ever since I was 18, I’ve had people hang around my house at night. It happened in Gunnedah after I came home from school from Armidale, (and in retrospect, in Armidale at boarding school, I would’ve had, -I did have problems with the house mistresses – so there would have been housemistress’s (Cathy Goldman) hanging around at night too, I have some vague memories of part dreams and incidences involving them). And when I moved to Sydney - way more people. I think in Petersham, where I lived briefly, at one point they would’ve been at least 100 people outside on a nightly basis, - I usually just sleep through whatever is going on outside, seriously, I used to pay no attention to what other people were doing, none, not really a ‘people person’. I firmly believe this is one part about me that has kept me sane, -as you get older, I think it’s normal for people to be more observant of what’s going on and more understanding of what’s going on, I’m pretty sure when I was young, I didn’t have much of an understanding of what goes on in life (it’s all bad)).
After that theft at Colosseum, I put a cctv on my shade house. Goddam thieving women.
But on one night at Petersham, I was awoken because there was a loud thump on the door. I got up, opened the door, I was half asleep and squinty, a big bright light shone right in my face, and it was the police, they said; Did you call the police mam, I said, “no I did not call the police, I do not have a phone, I’d just been asleep, only woken now.” (Later on, I thought I might have had a vague memory of having a dream before I was woken up, of me saying “call the police” in my dream, because someone was annoying the crap out of me! -which would’ve been all the voices I heard outside in the garden, the hordes of people (a garden shared by 4 units), but it was a dream, I really didn’t call anyone, I didn’t actually have a phone, I was literally asleep and probably snoring -it was like someone was perving on my dreams, and facetiously called the police on my behalf (without my permission or knowledge). I had a similar dream some yrs later, after I moved back up to Gunnedah and onto a farm – where I did actually get a cat!! My cat had kittens, seven of them, and one night they’re all in my bed, the mother too, so 8 cats! They were purring madlyhappily, and I was asleep, and so I started dreaming that all my kittens were going to go up to heaven! as I knew I would be annoyed if I was awoken. This is kind of a very cheeky dream because obviously I didn’t want to kill my cats or want them dead! but they were annoying me because they were purring so loudly and would soon awaken me. Lol! So, that dream it’s kind of exactly the same thing as dreaming about calling the police, as there is too much noise going on, and I would be soon awoken.
I know image transfer is common, and I’m a visual person, some people can see, some people can’t. Some people can see, but don’t know it, (actually I think probably everyone can see, but they don’t know it, as it is often a subconscious thing – and most people are “sleeping beauties”. The irony of the whole mental asylums is bordering on the point of ridiculousness at this juncture. So, some of those people give me problems in life, I call them dogs, they attack like dogs, they are non-thinking and stupid. Some see very well, and ‘play’. I recall at school, once, we were on an excursion in a commercial kitchen, we were having a tour. And we went past the chocolate sauce area, the guy stopped and explained in great detail about how the chocolate sauce is distributed, then we moved onto the next thing. But I was so mad, because we were standing around looking at chocolate sauce for what seemed an eternity, and we weren’t allowed to have any!! I was mad mad mad, so mad, that in my mind I picked up the whole kitchen bench and threw it at the guy who was doing the tour, and, I kid you not, the guy looked at me with a cheeky grin and then he ducked!! Like he could tell the difference between reality and a projected image! One stupid woman attacked me, when she could see me with scissors chopping up all her fabrics. I actually wasn’t doing it, I was just imagining it, - {I amuse myself constantly!}, But she literally couldn’t tell the difference between reality and a projected image from someone else (some people can’t tell the difference between their own inner voice, and someone else’s inner voice too, some dangerous territory – they think its God). A lot of people are like this. Those people should watch out, because attacking like that stupid woman, one day someone’s going to bite you back. And I deeply resented her attack, I wish she was dead then, and still do – note, all this time I wished her dead, but I haven’t killed her, not even seeked revenge. I later saw that one on the ABC- bimbo nazihead. I think the ABC do rewards for bad behaviour.
Anyway, this night after the police asked me if I called, I looked around in my squinty vision, and there’s dozens of people literally staring at me, they were all in my garden, and all out on the street, (it was a divided {1} house complex, there were four other units in 1 house (ridiculous real-estate greed)). I was in my nighty – they were staring at me in my nighty, squinting. It was humiliating. I had no idea what was going on out there, except I thought it was some sort of party, or more like social gathering, as there was no music or booze. And I am not a party girl type of person at all, like I have mention, I don’t drink, or do drugs or go out to pubs and clubs, or really socialize at all, except for at work with work colleagues. So, seeing all those people was actually quite disturbing. It’s like they were doing the ‘opposite’ of what makes me happy and comfortable, it was a form of unbearable torture.
I did not really understand about images back then, AS NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT. I suspect that’s why they hung around at night rather than day, to see dreams. And this why no one is held accountable, and can be sued. It’s like a deliberate form of bullying that they can easily get away with. The radio, JJJ, was involved. Not really not sure what the attraction was, because it’s not like I was living this perfect life, and having these idyllic dreams, infact I recall having quite a few nightmares at that time! Sweaty. I was designing clothes at Grave Attire – gothic shop. I did have a happy childhood; I suspect this has a lot to do with it.
So, you know, this is typical that people hang outside my house, (it happened at Hornsby and Pendle Hill too. I have people who follow me when I drive too – they think someone is going to see an image and crash, the people that follow me around, harass me, torment me, are facetious, controlling, manipulative, dishonest and liars. How dare they follow me around). Have they no idea what that would be like; if you were being followed around everywhere you went, and not overtly, but secretly on the sly? Like Co-conspiring behind my back, is a form of bullying. I can’t begin to explain the problems that would arise from this kind of situation - truly I am surrounded by stupid greedy moron bimbo bitches. I want compensation.
Back then we didn’t have camera phones, but I would’ve liked to get a shot of all these people just hanging outside my house, as some sort of proof in case anyone here doesn’t believe me, although I think you can plainly see I have no reason to lie, and photos too, of all the other times when there was only one or two, or when the salesgirl from Harvey Norman was hiding behind the bushes, so I could post to you now, so you can see this strange and secretive phenomenon, -and it has been going on over many years, and so there would be quite a few people that have hung outside my house now, like as in I would say, 1000’s of people. All those people involved have given me permission to tell the rest of the world – to go fuck yourselves.
That too would have intrigued the police if they were driving by “what are all those people doing there?” And that was one of the huge reasons and bonuses of why I moved on to a remote farm, in the country, it was only lucky that my parents lived in the country, and we had friends and acquaintances in a rural area, otherwise I would be truly stuck, because slipping into country life is not something that is easily done, rural people are very sceptical of outsiders. But after I moved out there, it was bliss, finally I could have some peace and quiet at night - which I more or less did (aside from those grievances that have been discussed on this website.) Once at Bulga Farm, I woke up to see my peacock running around the garden with something in its mouth, on closer inspection, I was to discover it was a used condom! Yuk. I suspect it was Robert Cull’s son!) After about 18 years I was forced to move out of Gunnedah, I was ‘cast out’ – due to this very issue, people cannot handle a single lady. I am now 1500km away in QLD. (I’m really old now, 49 – I suspect age has a lot to do with it, a woman on her own in her 20’s is a spectacle for some people – retarded people, people who work as radio DJS are stupid, this is their nature, and to entertain other likeminded stupid people.)
Aside from my neighbours, I’ve only heard a few people hanging about in QLD, and one of those times it could’ve just been someone walking down the Fire trail. (Although I did suspect at one point someone put a phone somewhere under the house, so I could hear them on speaker occasionally? People are really fucked. – BTW it is NOT ok for you to lurk outside my house while I sleep and perv on my dreams, nor to just sit outside across from my house staring in for hours, nor is it ok to walk up and down past my house all night. Are you stupid? (I feel like John Malkovich from the movie “Being John Malkovich”) Although I know they can see things that happened in my past this way, things that I can’t remember, as I was too young, or things I may not have put together or noticed back then. This is how they discovered what happen re the NEGS kneeling thing and the evil terrorist Mr Cone, the school principal at Limbri school, and plenty of other things. They have looked back at every birthday party I had as a child too…. See someone is always watching you idiot thieves. By the way, when I was living at Gin Gin, someone told me that the reason why I can't "see", is because my father used to drink, like even before I was born, too much, it affected his DNA. At the time, well I thought, it was actually pretty healthy and normal not to have "visions" so to speak, in your head! But I realise now, it was just those stupid bitchy dogs trying to save themselves, and the real reason why I can't "see", is because I apply common sense, and choose not to live in somebody else's dreamworld. I'm the sane one! And I like it that way. I believe those people who follow me around to perv inside my head, have a dysfunction, it's kind of like the same as if they were addicted to drugs; wanting to live in somebody else's dreamworld - they have huge problems, (stemming from stupidity.)
So, to those stupid QLD police who thought I was delusional, nuts, and hearing voices, you have absolutely no idea, you are completely clueless, you should just quit and go home. And get the fuck away from me. You too, naive (well, a spade is a spade, STUPID) mental health workers. Get the fuck away. You can’t control everyone.
25. FOMO - I know this may seem greatly offensive, but I feel it really needs to be said, it is my duty, since I am pretty sure no one else is going to have the audacity.
If you’re a single woman with a child, I’m sorry, but you fall into the “completely stupid” category. First of all, you would’ve had a child out of fear - fear of being alone, fear of not having anyone to talk to, fear for not having anyone to look after you when you’re old, fear of not being the same as other women, fear of missing out. Not to mention, the ‘husband substitute’. There is also the reason of ‘playing sides’; the mother wants someone to be on her side, so she can gang up on husband or even other child, or extended family members, with her own child. Finally, she can have someone on her side. And ofcourse, the number one nazi reason, needing to have someone to ‘boss’ about and control – a subordinate.
ALL ridiculous reasons for having a child, TRULY – this is not why you ought to have kids. (Oh, and the woman who brings foetus to birth, because it just happened; something started to grow, suddenly she had a big belly, and they could not be bothered to think about it, or think about doing something about it before it was too late – OMG – too bimbo to talk about any more).
GUESS WHAT, no need to feel alone ever - you may not have noticed, but your never alone, ever, it is all a state of mind.
And so, after becoming a single mother, then you wonder why it’s a struggle, and you don’t have enough to eat, and why are you getting ostracised from the community.
You made a stupid decision, and now you have to live with it. IT TAKES Ying and Yang, to raise a child - male and female influence. Put your ego aside ladies and stop breeding like rabbits, you silly twits.
Please note: I would never ostracise a stupid women for having a child if I saw one. She has made her decision, now she has to live with it. Btw, I believe all those above reason why a woman has kids, also applies to married ones. And, someone told me, it is common within a marriage also, for the husband to pressure the wife into having multiple kids so his ego can be passed on.
Stand strong against your spouse’s egotistical pressures!! (In my family, it was my mum who pressured dad into having multiples!)
(Take up gardening – far more enjoyable, less expensive!)
I recall a high school teacher telling me that some of the year 10, 11, and 12 girls, were deliberately getting pregnant, so they could get the then Baby Bonus from the government, which was $5000 cash when baby was born! Stupid libs, they don’t know how naive young women are, how they are incapable of thinking and planning ahead due to their inexperience. And no one tells them, that unless they have a clear set path of 3 meals a day for the next 20 years, then they should not even contemplate having kids. How about that for REAL disgrace. I believe the Baby Bonus has been scrapped (thanks to Julia Gillard, hooray), the previous politicians seemed to be under the impression that Australia needs to populate, well WRONG, this is not the 50s any more. Australia needs to curb its population; we have run out of water, or at any rate, send people up to the far North, like Cook Town, hardly anyone up there. {And stop wanting your investment housing prices to skyrocket – plain greed.}
I know there’s women out there who start off with a husband, then have kids, but things go awry, they get divorced, or he dies, and she’s left on her own with the kids. The thing is, if she had of known she would end up on her own, she probably would not have the kids in the first place. I mean, what’s the point, on your own. The husband is designed to bring home the bacon, so then the mother can get on with the feeding and raising, it’s a common-sense situation. So, I’m thinking there should be insurance against “husband loss”, and actually I can’t believe that there isn’t already insurance for it. There seems to be insurance for everything else, so why not this tragedy.
(I know some things are hard to hear, but there is still more; I personally believe husbands in long term marriages, who run off with younger women, do so, because that is the nature of a paedophile; wanting to be around naive young women, who don’t know how bad/evil/difficult life is.)
Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for having that stunning Acacia in my garden - part of the much-desired cognata hybrids
26. Moving to a Big City
When I was in year 10, my mother suggested I go and speak to the school careers counsellor, to get some advice on what I should do after I left school. (Kind of the WHOLE point of school). So, I went and spoke with her, her name was Dr Scarf, and well, what happened, was strange - she basically refused to help me, her exact words “I can’t help you”, she insisted I leave her office. She was such a bitch. I’m not sure what her issue with me was, I certainly wasn’t rude to her in any way, maybe she just didn’t like me, but she would have nothing to do with me. I mean, I could cry blatant discrimination, but I’m not entirely sure what she was discriminating against? She should certainly not have worked at that school; she certainly should have not been a careers counsellor. BTW, that was the same woman who used to eavesdrop on the girls conversations, and try to will ‘swearing’, so she could pocket a $5 fine. She is just another typical evil women, I have encounted quite a few of them in my life. Perhaps the fact that she could not ‘will’ me, was the issue as to why she did not like me?
Anyway, so since, later after that encounter with her, I won various awards at school and in Gunnedah for fashion related projects, it was expected that I would work in the fashion industry. {Although I suspect there may have been some manipulations going on, as in year 10, I was contemplating leaving at the end of that year and attending the famous Ryde Cookery school, as I did love to cook, even went down there and checked it out, enrolled. But after I started Textiles and Design in 3rd term of year 10, and did so well at it, I decided I would stay on - I suspect this may have been a bit of a sinister plot on behalf of the school, who wanted paying customers to stick around. Possibly in retrospect it would’ve been better for me if I left at the end of year 10 - but really who knows.
When school finished (1991), I would have been quite happy just to stay at home, in the family home in Gunnedah and see you what panned out, (probably would have just remained unemployed…{I did have a woodworking project going on, consisting of building a large dolls house – not really sure why, possibly the only thing really on my mind – I want a house!, and yes, I should have been an architect…Do you know, if someone had of told me back when I was seven years old or something, that the only possible way you’re ever going to be able to build your own dream home when you’re older, is if you become an architect - I’m pretty sure I would’ve set about becoming one. But anyway, back then, and when I was 18, the concept of being an architect was not conceivable.
But my mother would not hear of me staying in her house, she packed me up and basically dragged me down Sydney, enrolled me in the fashion production course at Hornsby, and set me up in a flat in the wannabe hoity-toity suburb of Chatswood. Little did she know that the couple she selected me to live with were hard and fast potheads, and were totally addicted to their lifestyle consisting of coming home from work and sitting down to consume 30 hits of the bong! - then doing it all over again the next day, and every! It was quite an introduction for me into the Sydney adult world. The couple were very lovely, and seemingly very normal, and they happily answered my many curious questions I had. I quietly deduced; boredom and laziness, but above all, rebellion were their motivation (this would stem from nazi parents, nazi school teachers 100%). I did ask them why, and he said, “so he could feel normal”. I wondered well, if you feel normal, then what’s the whole point - kind of seems like a big waste of money- paying some exploiter all that money, just to feel the same as you always did and do!! – you know, one has to step back and apply common-sense in every situation you find yourself in! Btw those people who sell drugs, are predators, looking for victims. You would have to be a sucker to indulge them. They are just as bad as mental health care workers or musicians - looking for victims – they all want the same thing – YOUR MONEY.
Fashion school was ok, I was good at the design side of things, there were quite a few nice ‘originals’ types there, who I befriended. But I didn’t last too long at Chatswood, and later moved in to a flat with a flatmate from school -which also didn’t last very long - actually I want to mention that living with a flatmate will / would never really work out - people just aren’t designed to live that way, amongst friends, or flatmates. People are designed to live within a family unit, where there is an underlying theme of love - which will get you through all the fights, torments and nuisance behaviours, that you experience when living with someone, if you don’t have that underlying theme of love, it’s not going to work out. And this makes things really difficult, because basically accommodation is so expensive you have to share or be prepared to have a considerably reduced lifestyle - which I have decided is the better choice, rather than unhappily try to share with someone. (This part about flatmates and love was deleted, I had to rewrite it. Dogs probably stole it. BECAUSE IT IS SO TRUE). I find it strange why this fact is not acknowledged by governments, and why there is not better accommodation suited to singles (and no not small, we ALL want a proper house thanks very much – not a hotel room either). They still have not done anything about this in 2023, and the situation is getting 50000 times worse.
I want to say, all my life so far, 3 proper meals every day – no exceptions to that. Then suddenly at 18, I was thrown into this world with no job, no money no food, no proper home, only study (no Aus study, just $20 a week cash for all expenses, from mum, then when I winged, at least explaining to her about the weekly train fare of $12.50, she raised it to $30). Very weird, my mother I think was clueless about money. I did spend those 2 years studying, eating tomatoes on toast and near starving, I developed heart burn from all the tomatoes, still have it today. My parents were opposed to welfare – so no Aus study, I would have been eligible to receive it. Such snobs. Such vanity.
Plus, if you do not have stability in your home life, then work life is not going to work out, firstly, you do not have a sense of permanence at your address, then there is no motivation to make an effort to make things work out at work, there is no point, as you will have to move anyway, especially if the money is minimum wage. And secondly, feeling like you do not belong in the community around your home and work place will be the determining factor to leave it too.
When I first moved to Pendle Hill on my own after I left study, and got my first job, I lived in the main street of Pendle Hill, on top of a BBQ chicken shop. Inside the unit was okay, nice and clean with wooden floor boards (but not an ideal location). One day I ventured across the road to the bank, there was an ATM, and the ATM was off the street some, you have to step up a ramp to get to it. So, I was up there waiting, and this girl was walking along with her dog, a big fluffy German Shepard, and she saw me, looked at me directly, changed sides of the pavement, and walked over to me. I felt like she did it deliberately when she saw me on my own,
because of what happened; When one comes across someone with a dog, right next to you, one usually would want to pat it, (well in the past this what I did) and so I attempted to pat this dog, but I was unable to because it tried to bite me - I was able to react quickly enough to not let it really cause any damage, just a minor scratch, my hand was quickly retracted with a slight shriek, but then this girl just left, she didn’t say anything, it was like she literally came up to me as she knew her dog would bite me. Dogs rearing dogs. I had just moved to Pendle Hill, I didn’t know anybody in the area at all, so without having any motivation, this girl, same age as me prob, blonde hair, just simply attacked me in her in her passive aggressive manner. In my experience, this pretty much sums up the personality of all women of the western suburbs of Sydney, they want their dogs to bite me - they are fully sick in a totally dysfunctional way. (note there was a woman in Gunnedah who did this too Mrs Finlayson). Plus, I have noticed over the years, there are many other women who do this with other females, in fact males aswell. So, they use other people as ‘weapons’, just like those two women were using their canine dogs to bite me – it is exactly the same manner. In fact, this is such a common thing and exists everywhere I've lived, I can't believe I'm the only one that has ever talked about this issue, as I've never seen it mentioned anywhere, rarely implied on TV / movies either. My neighbour across the road uses her son or daughter in the same manner. I think the Real Estate uses that family too? Or the landlord -someone who poisons my trees – or some idiot trying to play big brother or big sister – this is a common problem I have in life with dogs trying to play big brother – they are sheer evil and have NO COMMONSENCE. Major 3rd borns. And I've seen movie produces do it, and boast about it, like skyting about what they can get other people to do, some even without their knowledge. Zombies. You know whilst I think those two dog owners deserve a bullet to the ear, I have noted that there can be situations in life where this skill, can be of help. Some people are just really stupid, and other people can see what's going on, and so they can use someone, in the moment, to rectify a situation, solve the problem, or end the conflict - in effect people using their powers for good. HOWEVER, I don't think I ever witnessed this ever, I only see people using other people for cowardice reasons, mainly to chastise somebody else.
I tell you, hardly anybody is going to be going through those pearly white gates after they die. See Ya!
I note there has been a change in that suburb Pendle Hill now, in 2023, if you look it, it is full of immigrants only, mainly Asian, with hodge podge extensions and renovations. Shanty Town. Too many people to quickly – slow down you bloody greedy immigration policy makers.
Actually, I would think any parent who sends their daughter off to a big city when they are 18, foolish; while some parts of Sydney is a fairly good place to live, like where my parents grew up, but if you do not have a familiar community, a place where you belonged, and who are too, familiar with you, then there are many despots who will try to latch on and take advantage of young single women. And, especially when it comes to public transport – a young woman is a walking victim. Unmarried girls really should stay at home in the family nest and not leave until she has fallen in love with someone. You need a strong support network at that vulnerable age. No one warned me about stupid reflective bitches that follow you and torment you. (Why was that, when they are just SO prevalent?? Am I living in bizarro world suddenly? I had 18yrs of normal life, then suddenly after I left the family nest, I get bimbo ‘mirror girls’ plus ones who do twisted mirrors! What the hell?) And the thieves – OMG, desperate greedy selfish bitches, married and singles, rich and poor, does not matter - they are thieving scum, so prevalent all across Sydney. By the way, someone told me the reason why I had never encountered stupid people who do reflections before, was because we hung out a lot, with our neighbour, and this woman, married to a farmer, an extremely good cook, was one of those eccentric types with an overt big jolly loud personality, and she has a tendency to wake the people around her up! Which I definatly think is true. (Akin to Mary Murphy’s excited scream!) Although this doesn’t really explain school and the school environment, I mean you’d think I would’ve noticed people doing reflections, maybe it happened and I just didn’t notice, I mean it wasn’t until I was in my 40s that I really started to understand why I would have these problems, and how often I felt like I was having a conversation with myself when I talked to certain people, with women in particular, as well as talking to a third party, instead of the person in front of me, who may actually not be present - and learnt about ‘empty shells’, I’m pretty sure if I had of known about this before, it would’ve made my life less confusing, more understandable.
You know, in some cultures, some religions, (including Christianity - which is predominantly the religion in Australia), they believe that people who allow themselves to be ‘utilized’ in this manner - have sold out their souls to the devil, in other words, they have done something that is so bad, that the devil now can use them to play with, and have his evil little way with. Now, whilst I did go to church twice a week every day for six years not to mention Sunday school as a child, I’m not an expert with the Christian Scriptures, but in my experience, it is not the devil that does these things, it is real people, who do these things. They are people who like to play the devil, instead of the usual game people play; Playing God - something also evil. But the ones who want to Play Devil are much worse - they are real and disgusting.
I recall asking both my parents why they moved from Sydney, and I was a bit annoyed with them, as they had told me, it was because they had not liked it, and wanted to raise their kids in the clean country air. But I mean, if they didn’t like the city, why would they think, (their very own flesh and blood) would like it?? Gunnedah life for them was really a little like fairy-tale world. It was like a bubble world that they, and our whole family, and friends, were living in. Quite different to what goes on in cities, and in areas where there’s mass population, and people from poor backgrounds. But they were both from Sydney originally, they both grew up there. I guess they didn’t hang out in the inner-city suburbs very often. I am not saying it is only these groups of people who steal, oh, no way! But us growing up, we just did not experience any of those ‘primitive’ problems that I encounted in Sydney, and still do with despots who follow me.
What I also noticed when I moved to Sydney, was not only the fact that there were a lot of Asians in Sydney, which by the way, after you live in Sydney for 10 years or so, you no longer notice Asians at all - but at first, especially if you get off the train at central, it’s a total culture shock, it’s very odd to see all those Asian faces, and in that area, it is predominantly Asian, it is right near China Town. When you are from a country town like Gunnedah, where there’s basically only Western people, and they odd Abo, or the local Chinese restaurant owner! It is quite something. Culture shock.
I also noticed, there were a lot of same age, my age, ethnic people that they used to hang out in gangs, especially at shopping malls, in the inner and outer western suburbs. I did find it a little odd because I never saw any white people hanging out in gangs, it was just an ethnic thing that happened. And if you’re one person, walking past a big group of people, who all stared at you as you went past, sometimes making snide comments at you - it just makes you feel uncomfortable, and leaves a certain impression of that ethnicity. I believe in my opinion; people hang out in gangs because they just want to fight. They want to live in gang world where they don’t have to be respectful to anyone unless they are in their gang. Plus, they get to fight, little boys love to fight, not just the alcoholic’s disease. They don’t have to live in the real world that way, where they would have to show an ounce of decorum and respect to all others; living in the real world so to speak. A case of “Lord of the Flies”. {I have heard it to be the other way around for certain ethnic girls encountering groups of western men, but were I heard that, the source was a known liar and trouble maker.}
Anyway, life does not really begin, until you start gardening!
27. The unfairness and BIAS DISCRIMMINATION of university graduates
Now nearing age 50, so far as I can see about life in Australia, for a working person, is those who go on to graduate from university, usually get the well-paid jobs. They can work their arses off for the next 10 years (or not in some cases), but then have enough to be able to buy a house, at least 1, if not 2, or for some put down a mortgage - by the end of those 10 years.
And it’s expected to be this way, by “the powers that be”; it’s expected that people who do not go to universities, get minimum wage jobs; they work their arse off for this 10 years, and usually don’t end up anywhere near owning their own home, if even been able to save a for a deposit, and will be most likely renting in a crap house.
What makes this so bad, is that the university thing, is often not so much about being highly educated, but it’s about supporting university staff, and especially, cushy research careers at uni (research about life) – which, I grant is important; but the whole way this works is so totally BIAS and DISCRIMMINTRY, I can’t believe they are allowed to do it.
I know with my little brother; it was the same for him on minimum wage in his first job out of school in Sydney. But then his company offered him a wage increase if he went to uni part time in the evening, relevant to his field. Which he did, and he got paid, so far as I can gather, 3 times as much. Plus, he was doing the same work after, as before! (I ought to mention he got married just before the offer was made – I personally suspect this has something to do with it – more discrimination against singles).
In fact, I recall when I was working at Bonds, after I had finished my 2yr Associate Diploma Tafe course; there was a new guy who started working there; we were talking one day, plus another of my colleagues, and he started talking about his salary, and he was telling us, he couldn’t believe how much he was being paid. He was fresh out of uni, first job, a young 21yr old or so, he had no experience. But he implied, he was getting at least 3 times as much as us – we were on minimum wage more less. Extraordinary isn’t it! But, {the kicker is}, now get this; his role, his job, - well, he actually did not appear to have one! Like, we all had our individual set tasks, contributing to the production of the famous Bonds Singlets! But, his ‘job”, it seemed, was simply to make sure everybody else was doing their jobs!! So, he didn’t really even have to work as far as I’m concerned; it’s not like anyone there was naughty or rebellious - everyone did their job as far as I could see – which explains how he could hang about and chat with us about salaries!!
So really, if you happen to be someone who is blessed with common sense, then that situation, just does not make any sense at all, and quite frankly I don’t know how I lasted the whole 2 years there before I finally told them to shove it up their arse (politely ofcourse). But, having more experience now, that company was one of the better ones to work at in Sydney!! And it was really bad – bully nation.
And you know what, I think those “powers that be” expect someone working on minimum wage for 10 years, to totally lose hope, and possibly even drop out of the workplace altogether, or take other negative life choice options. It’s like a standard of normal that is perpetuated by greedy universities. I would even take it further and say that some of those “powers that be”, possibly ones in the education system, pick and choose who those people are, they pick who they want to win, and who they want to lose.
When I look back at those 10 years working in Sydney for near minimum wage, it was just a total waste of my time. The only good thing I can say about it, is, well at least I know what it’s like working a 60-hour week for minimum wage Lol, mmm, maybe I learnt compassion!! yeah, it waasss reeeally good.
If I had of known about the way it works, there’s no way I would’ve worked so hard for those 10 years, if at all. NO WAY. (I have mentioned on my blog how I got a 2nd job in the evenings, and it still was not enough to save for a house deposit after rent and bills). I want to add here, I didn’t drink, nor do drugs, nor ‘party’ and go out. I think even back then, I must have had dogs hanging around, trying to come up with ways to steal my money. The more I think about this, the more I realize how naïve my parents were.
Maybe it’s different for other people, like I was thinking about the brand Palmolive, and how this is a huge brand in Australia, with multiple products. I have purchased them over the years from time to time, until finally I realized exactly how crap all Palmolive products are, there are, by far, better and superior alternatives out there. So, I am thinking well they must have a lot of friends in Australia to have that big a market share, with such crap products. Perhaps it’s the same thing, the more friends you have the more money you get, only it is expected uni-grads to be nerdy and friendless, thus they automatically get the good money; a total bias towards university graduates.
Maybe they don’t expect non-uni graduates to work these things out? SH 🤫 sh