I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
Life Stories P18
1. Insights Antics, and Sleep Torture Story
Some reason I had dogs on SBS, they got all the farmers wives in Gunnedah to hurtle abuse at me not really sure what the point was. I’m guessing jealousy, (that is the typical underlying issue that concerns other women when it comes to me); about where I was living, I struck gold. That women who hosts, is quite nice, a female with common sense, but easily manipulated same as everyone else. I do feel there was a most deliberate push to get me kicked out of my home there at Rangari. Dogs brain washing Steve Carter. Stupid fucking dogs, how dare they not even ask me what I wanted. Stupid fucking women, so fucking hopeless I can’t believe it.
There was also some stupid woman on SBS, I think she may have been a doctor, who was telling everyone, that the reason (I personally) could not sleep (it must have been the time I saw Dr Nadia, if you read that in my Dr stories, re stress from police). So, she was telling everyone, the reason I could not sleep was because I had Alzheimer’s. And it was not because I had stupid bitch neighbours waking me up, at all – {literally my neighbours were waking me every night, some IDIOT was paying them to do it, I think it was a form of sleep torture.} It had something to do with EVIL BITCHES who work at channel 7? Egging them on? I am not sure if it was still Heath Barwick, as when I went over there, there were always some girls there? So, those twits on SBS, they too started waking me up every night – get this, incase I needed to go to the loo, because obviously I was a drunk. CAN YOU BELIEVE the revolting stupidity I am surrounded by? They started waking me in 2015 and THEY STILL do it. Just today, as I write this angry pissed off piece of blog, I literally saw stupid bitches drive into my unit at 350am and just sit outside, and when I got up and went outside, they drove off. OMG, fuck off you pathetic COWARDS. That is harassment and bullying 101. And ofcourse when I get waken at a time like 350am, I do not just fall back to sleep, it takes me about 1 ½ hrs to fall back to sleep, (this is typical for me, always has been, not that I have often before being awaken, actually before 2015, pretty much 7rs every night, uninterrupted). But at 530 – 6am, is just the time I ought to be waking up, that’s a good time to get up, I have pre-determined.
So, STUPID FUCKING WOMEN, OMG, could I put it more plainly; I do not have Alzheimer’s, I do not need to go to the loo, and I certainly do need sleep torture. And, I still do not drink. I think those women literally need a smack in the head with a baseball bat so they get this message – FUCK OFF all the time.
So, I think someone is paying them to wake me up, which is why they lie and say I need waking; as they want to still get paid and have a cushy job of doing fuck all, except making a loud noise at 350am. Who they hell can I complain to about this? Police can’t do anything; maybe it is the police doing this wake ups?? Since I called them multiple times back in Gunnedah about the thefts (which they also did not thing about). Maybe I will send this photo story to my local polly, maybe they can do something about it.
I have come to the opinion that it was Jessica White, responsible for that SBS Insight thing, she is friends with some of the girls I saw on that show. Jessica is the one who helped turn my tooth black, along with Gina Burn - trying to convince people I was on drugs – Major bullying going on in Gunnedah. Btw, I did not really know Jessica White, I don’t believe we spoke ever at school? Her sister was in my year, and I do not believe we were enemies?
2. Whenever I make phone call to determine price, I get ripped off
Advertised in Mackay Council tourist brochure for $200, but when I called;
“5-minute helicopter trip off the coast of Queensland from Mackay to Keswick Island quoted price at $2840” return with no waiting. However, if I were to have a day trip, it would be the same price, only an additional $606 per hour of waiting time, would be applied!! Can you believe that? Some cocky pilot wants me to pay them $606/hr to wait on a beautiful tropical island for a few hrs! I assume there are a whole bunch of billionaire helicopter pilots roaming Queensland, or no one actually takes a helicopter anywhere, aside from politicians who love to wrought travel expenses.
(Auriga Aviation – although they change their name all the time, and advertise themselves in slightly different locations up here – but it is all the same 1 local Mackay company).
I’m pretty sure we are in need of some competition when it comes to helicopter trips off the coast of Queensland - to the islands. Am I the only person that gets seasick?
By the way, a seaplane cost $1200 for 3 people, provided none of them are overweight. $99/hr wait time. (Horizon Planes Mackay)
All the people I spoke to inquiry about these quotes were female.
I can’t remember the last time I made a phone call and spoke to someone who was genuine.
3. Hooning Farmers on Range Rd
This is what happens on a road just out of town, one that has hooning farming driving in and out of town; careless and thoughtless farmers. There has also been dead cats and birds. Plus, they are thieves.
This is directly related to me, as I have “hoons” who harass me in particular, they follow me around. Metaphysical world related (that has nothing to do with me). And those people, not only steal from me if they see an opportunity, but they kill 100’s if not 1000’s of wildlife in the process of their “wannabe in control” hooning, over all these years. They are a menace to me and to mother-nature. WATCH OUT, what goes around comes around.
Being unable to walk, or do much of anything I find myself watching many autobiographies and movies about people in their lives, and I noted that all the really good movies that I enjoy - there’s NO CAR HOONS in them. So, I'm wondering if those people do not have car hoons in their life? Are they not familiar with what I'm talking about here, or are they just ignoring all the car hoons? Omitting the ugliness of society from the story of their life? Pretending they don't exist?
Maybe ridiculous car hoons are just an Australian thing, I mean I'm certainly sure you wouldn't catch the Norwegian young adults acting in such a manner. Australians are primitive, unsophisticated and uncivilized.
Car hoons: Constant incessant problem for me, for years and years. (One day I heard a father admit, he has a daughter, who is a “bitch on wheels”, so what out!).
Do they have something preventing them of thinking of something to do with their lives instead of driving around town aimlessly? Perhaps no one has told them it’s up to them to think of something to do, to occupy their time, something to entertain themselves with, or to amuse themselves….. so they don’t drive around, aimlessly, annoying people and being a total nuisance, {plus polluting the air}. No one is going to stop you and put you ‘on track’ – it’s up to you bimbo car hoons to do it. Stop expecting someone to SAVE you.
I recall Radio National talking one day, - oh no, actually, it was an ad I saw on telly; and 2 girls were making fun of a car hoon as it revved by, - they were using their little pinkie finger to do so (!) well I’m sure I don’t have to spell it out, but they were implying ‘no virility’. This was the first time I have ever seen anyone say anything derogatory about the wretched nuisance car hoons. At least someone was trying to combat the nuisance and absurd polluting mongrels. All other Australians seem to be fine with them! (Oh, except for someone who called the police when the nuisance motorbikers were tearing around near the beach, and on the beach. Hooray)
Today, nearing age 50, I think I need to do a special blurb about car hoons and how awful they are. How much of a blight they are on society, how much pollution they expel from their cars, how much noise pollution they create, how annoying that car hoon sound is, and what pesty behaviour they are. Car revving, OMG, rack off. Car beeping, rack off. Car stalking, RACK OFF. They are a real problem. It is them who destroys the atmosphere, not just the air, but the vibes of the whole community. They add dirty, loud, obnoxious, juvenile rebellious, and create boisterous vibes. THE OPPOSITE OF CIVILISED LIVING. They are total villains, I am amazed nobody does anything about them, nobody meaning, mainly the police, but also there must be people in Council’s for instance, who know who the hoons are, and can do something about it on a community level. But they do NOTHING. Just because they are not yelling, swearing or urinating in public, does not mean that they are not a public nuisance. This applies to motor bikers too. Especially kids on dirt tracks near national parks, or bush of any sort. If I had it my way, I would be lining up an assassinator on their arses.
This is not the 80s and 90s any more. There’s no excuse for car hoons, so bugger off and grow up.
Also, I do believe this is kind of issue is related to back in the 80s when men didn’t want women working alongside them in factories, because they were so scared, that they would have to act ‘proper’, if there were women around. It’s exactly the same thing. Although I believe there are female car hoons, who suffer from the same issue. I guess that those ones must be extra stupid, as they haven’t worked out the root of their motives.
Female Car Hoons more stupid than male car hoons, they are the villains in their own personal fairytale.
Oh, also I think this issue is related to female school teachers. I know back in my day a lot of the female teachers have issues with loud boisterous behaviour, and want everyone to be quiet and conservative, so I think these car hoons are rebelling against that, because after all, it is not normal to be quiet and conservative all the time, especially for certain personality types. So yet, another issue that can be blamed on hopeless school teachers. So many issues go back to hopeless school teachers, it is strange how so many people send their kids to schools that have hopeless school teachers. If I had kids, there's not a chance in hell, I would be sending them off to school.
BTW, my next-door neighbour on Range rd has started copying the car hoons beeping - she has worked out that if she scrapes her wooden chair on the floor just so, it sounds like a car horn; so, she has started beeping at me at pertinent moments. Stupidity. Rack off. And btw, the first 3mnths of living at the new location, nothing was stolen, but after my neighbors left, and she moved in (Danielle Wilson – total fake name), that’s when the thieving started. Females thieves are the worst. She also pushed my tile collage that was in between our units over, broke it, plus stole a mango from the plant table right next to it, pretty sure it was her, but did not see it happen, although the old man from further down pushed the ladder onto my car – same manner – whoever was responsible (or in a manner, not responsible) is going to burn in hell. They need a baseball bat to their head - be prepared for the judgement day. THINK YOU STUPID BITCHES.
Being unable to walk still with my collapsed arch, I don’t do much of anything, and I find myself watching many autobiographies, and movies about people, in their lives, and I noted; that all the really good movies, the ones that I enjoy watching, there’s no car hoons in them. How come those people get to live their lives with no car hoons pestering them? CONSTANT INCESSANT PROBLEM for YEARS AND YEARS. Maybe it’s just an Australian ridiculous problem, car hoons? As most movies are not Australian. You certainly wouldn’t catch the Norwegians acting in such a manner.
I feel I need to write about this some more, to fully explain how awful they are. Such a blight on society they are. How much pollution they expel from their cars. How much noise pollution they create. How annoying that car hoon sound is. What a nuisance.
Car revving, OMG, rack off. Car beeping, rack off. Car stalking, RACK OFF. They are a real problem. It is them who destroys the atmosphere, not just the air, but the vibes of the whole community. They add dirty, loud, obnoxious, boisterous vibes. The opposite of civilised living. They are total villains. I am amazed nobody does anything about them, nobody meaning, mainly the police, but also there must be people in Council’s for instance, who know who the hoons are, and can do something about it on a community level – BUT DON’T.
And this is not the 80s and 90s any more. There’s no excuse for car hoons, so bugger off, and grow up.
{2024, they still hooning outside my new address, I am fairly certain today, at any rate there was someone sitting on the roadside about 200m from my house, just revving their car, waiting for me to go outside, and as soon as I did, they took off.}
4. Brampton Island
This is a Google screenshot of what it said when I looked up Brampton Island, just off the coast of Queensland, near Mackay.
First, I thought, “purchased by United petroleum”, that can’t be good, thinking they probably just wanted to mine it or something, but after thinking about it, I figure they’re just a rich company that wanted to buy an island; who doesn’t want to own an island for holidays? Plus, if you venture out there, there is nothing stopping anyone from hopping ashore and wandering around. It is beautiful, stunning, magnificent….(summertime swimming only with stinger suits). And, worth way more than $5.9milllion I thought at first, – but I guess there is no power or water on these islands, not to mention, and you know, there are going to be a whole heap of problems if you want to build out there, in obtaining materials (read my automated blind story in “Car Jack stolen out of my car whilst it was parked at the mechanics” – an Australian bogan thing? Plus, every now and then, there are cyclones that wipe anything out that is not “cyclone proof” which means one has to spend money on proper construction, something QLD, is not famous for.
So, then I was thinking, I noticed around about 2000 – 2010, there was quite a lot of closures of holiday resorts in QLD. Aside from cyclones, I personally believe this is due to the Internet, because now we can see where we want to go, we can find images of places we want to see, we can totally investigate what we want out of our holidays. Whereas before, we didn’t have any, or limited information, we could only take the word of the travel agency, and the travel agency, together with the hotels, were in the business of making money, so in my inkling feeling, there is a difference in reality, and of what you previously saw in the shiny brochure that tempted you in the first place. Well, as I don’t know, I can only guess!
So, another excellent thing coming about, due to the internet and social interaction online - travel shonks are exposed.
And while I’m at it, I add, there are quite a few (heaps) of islands off the coast of Queensland, and they are all stunning and highly desirable places, and mostly so far uninhabited. (I do find it a little strange, that the most desirable places are uninhabited – what? are you all opposed to living in desirable locations? preferring the overcrowded suburbia?).
There are a few resorts on some of them, but there seems to be in an area of adequacy, and that is transport to the islands, it’s like some of the owners thought, “oh wow what a beautiful spot we could easily open up at little hotel here, many people would come, it’s so gorgeous”, but they hadn’t given any thought to how people are actually going to get there, a lot of them have outsourced the transport, and those companies don’t have any incentives to get a lot of tourists staying at the resort, and are unreliable, so they charge an arm and a leg. Like if you book a week’s stay at an island resort, then you have also then had to look for transport out there. It seems to me, that the resort ought to be arranging transport from the nearest centre, not the tourists! And, factor in seasick people.
Anyway, I would love to live on a secluded island, if anyone needs a caretaker, please let me know, there does not seem to be any adds for one, anywhere!
5. Gardeners have been Dazzling me for Years
I am not a keen traveller, I haven’t really ventured anywhere too scenic, (read my “Travelled Twice in 30 years” photo story on page A.) I did however use to catch the train to and from Sydney for holidays whilst I was studying in Hornsby. And what reminded me of this 1 trip, was, that now I spend a bit of time on Pinterest, and see all these amazing places, “spots”, and also people‘s wonderful ideas they have for their backyards / street fronts, - just a vast array of really wonderful interesting things /ideas that people have come up with, to decorate their lives.
I think back to those times when I caught the 5hr train trip to Sydney, starring out the window into people’s back yards, and I don’t recall seeing really anything of great interest! It seems Australians have sidestepped the whole ‘creating an interesting space’ for themselves, when it comes to gardens and backyards – well the ones that live along the train lines at any rate. However, I do recall a flash of colour once; I was “squared” into my chair after 4hrs, or so, head slumped on my hand, staring out the window, staring at all the sparsely spaced gums go by, with their dull hue, seemingly every roadside verge and new paddock looking the same as the last, and all whizzing past. Then, and I literally only had 2 seconds to take it all in, but in the mist of all of the sparsely spaced dry gums with their ashen mood, suddenly a large luminously red object dazzled by; it was a clearing in the gums, with a house, and the whole thing was covered in that wonderful exotic Parthenocissus - ‘Boston Ivy’! It was an autumnal flash moment, of red brilliance! Quite memorable.
6. The Professional Bikie -Harley Davidson
One time I was driving down to Sydney from Gunnedah, via the back old scenic highway.
I was probably about four hours into my trip and thought I should probably do a bathroom stop should I come upon such a place. Then I came up to what looked like a big restaurant, and there’s a whole heap of bikes, about 50 Harley Davidsons parked outside. So, I thought, well, I’m not busting, so I’ll just pass that one, hold it until the next opportunity. An hour later another rest stop came up, there weren’t many cars parked there, and by then I was kind of busting. So, I stopped, but as I started walking to the rest rooms, I was suddenly inundated by Bikie‘s, they were suddenly everywhere, I am not entirely sure where they came from either! So, to get to the bathroom, I had to kind of weave in and out all these really tall ’geared up’ bikie people! There were dozens of them, and all very tall. I got a close-up look at all of them actually, and they were all basically well-dressed men, middle-aged, it was obvious that they were ‘professionals’ who were out enjoying the weekend, going for a ride. So, I kind of cringe now whenever I hear stories on the news about the ‘bad bikie gangs’. When really, they are good citizens just out to enjoy their weekends on a good bike, in the bright sunshine. Those news people just want to make everyone afraid of Bikies!
And, it works; Bikie below is my neighbour (72-year-old man – retired rodeo horse man, and SS driver). He tells me, if he stops, he sometimes gets verbally attacked by other men; the police told him, it’s because of the bike, people assume he is a BADIE. So silly, news people ought to be ashamed of themselves. And it reminds me of my persecutors “banning me” from all social media’s, because they are trying to make me the bad guy – it’s the same thing. There is a real social problem in regards to this world wide – and it is definatly television story related, with heroes and villains. Superman related.
I should add, that bike does smell when running, it burns up a lot of fuel, and Bikie types may not notice it. Also, my neighbour is still living there after he told me he was moving, so he is a liar. Bad. There is no point in talking to a liar now is there.
I bet bloody obsessed stalker psycho Miss Goldman (house mistress from school), had something to do with going and getting all of those Bikie‘s, to get in my way - what a little bitch.
7. Zam Car Harrassing Me
There’s something deeply disturbing about ordering online from Kmart. I believe they have dogs online there that sabotage my order. They make things unavailable at checkout, but they also seem to not stock online, the same products that they have in store, and or they vary in quality. The dogs are at online Kmart.
So, anyway, I believe this person above, that car owner, as the bimbo dog who was standing by the car, skedaddled as soon as I took my camera out, has something to do with it.
I’ve had this kind of problem with this numberplate before over many years, unfortunately this is only the first time I’ve got a photo of the numberplate. ZAM – easy to remember.
So, I have no idea why I have dogs harassing me, sabotaging me and following me when I go shopping (for years and years), but they do, and this is one of them, the girl standing there was short and skinny. She was standing there staring at me, so to any onlookers, it appeared nothing was happening, and they weren’t actually doing anything; THIS IS EXTREME HARRASMENT going on here. Oblivious police. Certainly, I could not complain to police “oh there is some girl staring at me with the same number plate” – they would not consider this harassment, they would not be able to see it, over all the years, in different locations.
BUT I know that is not the truth of what was going on in this situation. This person is guilty as hell OF HARRASMENT, possibly theft, and should be in jail. So I know now it is ‘shopping related’, possibly some chain store owner owns a chain of cars with the zam number plates, and is trying to steal from me by overcharging??
8. Thefts to state “I’m watching you” – a predator DOG statement
For some reason, there seems to be an element of people, like a network of people. Maybe a gang or cult of people, {at first, it was only a select group of people in the television world, but now I have my neighbours who copy them, and all the other stupid little dogs in the television world who copy them}. They try to make me feel like I’m being watched all the time, like constantly for every second. Or to try to make me sound paranoid. I strongly suspect, NEGS old girls are responsible for this misconduct.
For instance, if I’m in in the middle of doing something creative, creative especially, and not thinking about anybody or anything else, I’m just in my own element, ‘in the zone’, then they like to interject usually verbally, at those times, especially, to tell me that they’re still watching.
This has been something that has been going on for at least 20 years in my life. I am not paranoid. Actually, quite the opposite, considering. But having to describe what happens in my life, the very act of describing what they do; makes me sound paranoid. 100% passive aggressive bitches.
I have mentioned people constantly follow me too, even though I have talked about this on my blog, they still persist. Like last month I treated myself to a day trip, snorkelling, and guess who was on the boat watching me, the dogs, there was this one girl, she looked like an old NEGS girl, who specifically, at one point was standing in front of me, doing signs. I’m not going to get into what she was saying?- something about her stealing all the seasick tablets? Also, I don’t know if it was her, or the hosts on the boat, but I brought a tab of ibuprofen just in case, and it happened to be a brand-new tab, but when I got home and unpacked my BIG bag, there were 3 tablets missing from that brand-new tab. Now this is really typical of dogs, it is a part of still saying “I am still perving on you”. There was certainly no one on that boat that I knew. I have found whenever there are dogs around, something of mine is stolen - it doesn’t matter what it is, valuable or not, just as long as they can tell me that they’re watching me, and they’re stealing from me – and trying to powertrip over me. It sounds like older school-girl bullies doesn’t it? The thing is, when I was at school I don’t recall any older bullies, maybe 1 or 2, but nothing along the lines of what I now experience – nearing 50 years old. Plus at the end of the trip, that girl and her man were suddenly standing behind me, so there was some weird thing about taking the skinsuits back to the shop – they did not. They wanted me to see them, in their old Mackay Air Con van. FUCK OFF. Also, I noticed after such occurances, there seem to be others or the same (?) who want me to “smile”, as in “forget” about the great injustice that has just happened, and be “positive” - OMG opression101.
I would like to know why these women have nothing else better to do than obsess with what I’m doing? How could someone be so empty inside, that all they can do is obsess about a complete stranger? -or at any rate, possible someone that they went to school with, someone younger?? Why would they think I cared what they were doing? Guess what you big ego heads I DON’T, but bugger off out of my life – stop harassing me you utter COWARDS, (WHO KEEP YOURSELVES UNKNOWN). I would like to tell you BIMBOS, from now on, for every second of every minute of every hour of every day, I’ll be telling you to fuck off.
You know, I think this goes back to school days when the school teacher is telling them to pay attention, so for a certain personality type, it gets jammed into their head, and now these people want to prove to the world, about how much they pay attention - sickos, raising sickos.
9. A Sydney Street taking ‘Public Gardening’ On - Well Done to Them
I couldn’t believe this street when I turned into it on google maps. A whole huge section of this long Street has been planted with these very well manicured trees, that have been clipped and pruned into tight rather largeish cone shapes! Extraordinary, and I do wonder who planted them and who maintains them? This street has got to get the monthly $50 award for one of the best streets in Sydney. J
Btw, I came across a garden on Google Maps, that I classified as the worst garden in Australia! I took a screenshot and uploaded it to my “Street Stuff” Pins on Pinterest, but somebody deleted it! I will not bother finding it again to reupload, as all it showed, was a front yard full of white pebbles, and that was it – not a blade of plant of any kind! But I want to say, my personal theory as to why some people do not garden, is because they don’t receive credit for it. I mean sometimes it takes 50 years before a garden reaches maturity. So, it’s not because they don’t have enough money or ambition in life - it’s because they have big vain egos and want to be ‘pat’ on the head like a 3rd grader!! J - which ofcourse no one is going to do unless your garden is somehow extra spectacular, but even then, probably not. Lol
Researching plants;
So, it’s Temperate, Tropical, Subtropical, Cool climate and Cold climate.
Don’t know why those Americans make it so complicated with all their zones and numbers!
Got to apply the KISS Principal whenever you can!
10. ‘Skipping Along’ Car
Some people just know how to live! Pink Porsche! what a dream car...however, I could not own or drive one of these cars, as this situation, is what I would term as a 'skipping' car. By 'skipping' car, I mean, there is a phenomena, that if a certain type of person sees someone who is happily and merrily skipping along, (particularly a woman on her own), then they automatically go out of their way, to put something on their path, to trip the happy person up. And this car, exactly falls into the category of skipping along. So, if I were to own such a car, something bad would no doubt ensue.
And shame on those skippy killers, for this reason, I don’t think anyone (not just me) could own one of these cars in Australia – Australian Bogans do it. Jealousy – so big in this country due to bimbo mothers breeding multiple kids – so stupid, wakey wakey.
Photo from daikiridelimon. Tumblr
11. Nuisance Dysfunctional People Who Hang Around Me, Beep At Me, And Follow Me
I put a video on YouTube of how to do a bias binding, as I was writing the description, I realized there was an issue I have not yet written about on my blog, and that is the issue of fucking arseholes or stupid bitches (I’m not entirely sure who – cowards at any rate) who seem to want to judge everything I do, especially sewing and any sewing related things I do, like patternmaking. And if my technique is not perfect, then those cowards, outside my home, spend a lot of energy telling me what a loser I am. This phenomenon sounds very strange, and a lot of you won’t know what I’m talking about, but I know a lot of you will. They do it, you can hear them easily.
I can assure you that this ugly phenomena are true, and I am not suffering from any mental illness. It has been going on for many, many, many, years. And I suspect old NEGS girls has something to do with it, little people, little women. At first this was the case, now every stupid dog wants to copy them.
So, I made it clear in my video, that this sewing project is just for me, and my personal use, it is not to be sold in an haute couture boutique, in fact, it’s not to be sold at all, since I pretty much have been banned from any social media outlet. Sabotage. It is unclear why I have these stupid human beings, on my back about these little details. Who do they think they are? I can tell you what they have, and that is a major mental health dysfunction themselves; “Mind your own goddamn business.” I suspect jealousy is the ultimate motivation, the jealousy dysfunction is so big in Australia, they are embarrassing. And if I do my project better than whoever, possibly my neighbour, she feels she loses. So, she throws a tantrum, and gets all the cars in the neighbourhood to beep, and therefore be a nuisance for me - a sore loser is the epitome of someone who is stupid, of low character, bad breeding and morally inept. Oh, and before I think one of my neighbours, was going around to my other neighbours (what looks like a shed of some sort, out of sight from my unit, up the hill a bit) and just sit there, for hours, and does this exact thing I am talking about, by beeping her car horn. Fucking nuts, but mainly she is a nuisance, and this falls under the police’s “harassment” law (I bet she’s a 3rd born, or 4th). – Why don’t you lock her up in a mental health unit? That stopped after I posted this, the other things have not.
I mentioned this has happened a lot, over many years, not only in my home, but it happened when I was in the work place too, they have obsessive means and ways.
This story also reminds me about; these stupid women I have who follow me around and want to ‘beat me’ at whatever I’m doing, so if I’m taking photos, they want to take better photos with a bigger and better camera. Or obviously any sewing projects, or cooking, or cleaning or gardening (lately I’m pretty sure it’s making YouTube videos), just whatever I am doing, they, want to do, whatever I’m doing too, but they try to ‘beat me’ by doing it better, they like to turn every situation into a win or lose situation, even over trivial things that aren’t traditionally, competitive. It’s a bit hard to explain what they do, but they do it, and they’re stupid, this is their stupid game that they play to amuse themselves. I don’t know how else I could possibly combat such stupid women, other than writing about it, as again, they are cowards, and like to remain anonymous.
Then on top of that, there are other women out there who see what’s going on, and see some dog do something better (occasionally it happens!), then they think, “oh poor Emily, she must’ve lost, and therefore I will need to send help in the future for her”, and so do send in women to help. It’s just this incredible stupid cycle that goes around and around in circles! Dogs. Extreme harassment. Add to following a woman is a dysfunction, beeping incessantly is a dysfunction. And, a little tip for you, healthy women aren’t into dysfunction.
Fuck off all Bimbo women; you know the day to day, things that I do, is not a competition. Unless there’s a start gun at the beginning, and a finish line at the end, it’s not a competition. And I certainly, do not need your help, if I missed a spot, I don’t give a flying fuck, comprehend. (Note, of all the hordes of dogs that they send to so call ‘help me, NONE of them have ever helped where it counts, like cleaning the house or putting cash into my account. Plus, a lot of those so called ‘helpers’ are the ones who steal from me, not only my things, but my ideas, skills and techniques.)
Oh, and also, I heard they do this to other people, other artists who have talent, they think they are helping them, by pushing them with critique to be better, it is a known ’thing’ that dogs do. It is a power trip cat and mouse thing, NOT a helpful thing.
12. This is What your Teenage Son Does – wake up BIMBO MOTHERS
This bloody little shit next door neighbour teenager, used to get into my house at night when I slept, he would take things, upset my cat, and God know what else. This is how he did it;
They use a knife to make a small inconspicuous slit in the flyscreen door just above the inside bolt. (Most homes have a flyscreen door in summer, as Australia is too hot to keep the main door shut.) Then they use the knife to insert through the slit, and pull the bolt across, so it becomes unlocked, then can be opened. So, but if a padlock is on the inside bolt (not even locked) then they can’t do it, as the top of the padlock stops the knife from flicking the bolt across. It is a monumental nuisance to make sure there is a padlock on the door all the time. And if you are not aware that this is what they do, then chances are you will not even have a padlock on the inside.
Rental houses have NO security, not one I have lived in, has been properly secure. Its like they pretend this type of thing just doesn’t happen. All teenage sons are sneaky.
This kid also followed me to 2 new address’s after I moved (some 100km away), and did the same thing. Like I said, it is a monumental nuisance to make sure there is a padlock on the door all the time. Especially when they steal the padlocks too.
Also, what they do, they sometimes sneak in when I check mail or do something outside, so I am only out of the house for a minute, they sneak in, quick as flash, and take the padlock off or take the rod out of a window, they do it quick, in 23seconds or so, while I am not looking; so, they can later return while I sleep, as I don’t notice the missing rod or lock). Monumental nuisance.
So, they still get in and steal, since I put the padlocks on the inside, items have still been stolen, I suspect some thieves have the key, and help themselves when I am out too. Where there’s a will…...
Does anyone have any idea about how revolting these little shithead teenagers are? Most people are bloody clueless, I seem to be the only one who knows about these stupid thieving dogs. The local police did nothing, but later made sure I paid a $600 fine for car related ‘police set up’ situation – they are corrupt and have a soft spot for teenage sons. You know, I hope one day I see a bank robbery or something, see the person who did it, by chance know their name and address, then when the police ask me, who did it? I am going to say “well well well! I am not going to tell you, unless you pay me for damages caused to me by the police, in the past” - It would be sooo satisfying!! J
13. No COOL CAR ORNAMENTS due to Single Mothers
When I was a fashion student at TAFE, I met another student who was this older woman, with a teenage son. Her son was bad.
She confessed to me one day, that he used to steal those car logo ornaments from front bonnets, around the Chatswood area in Sydney.
She was a single mother.
(They no longer make those cool ornaments, due to this very fact.)
Did you hear that - no more car logo ornaments, due to single mothers, raising disrespectful, sons.
Could it be any more obvious? or hasn’t anybody made any correlations between single mother sons, and criminal behaviour?
I’m sorry to tell you, but single mothers just can’t hack it, when it comes to looking after teenage boys.
Bimble bimble mothers, just want a ‘baebee’ - they don’t think about the fact that they will grow into individual other people, separate from them, and perhaps most of them don’t really know what men are really like before they get knocked up. They must have this fairytale idea about what men are like. Maybe they think their son will be the exception, because “I shall raise him the way I want, the good way”. Stupid women.
(I was going to say Naive women just there, but you know it’s more than naivete, its like, not wanting to understand reality. I would go so far as to say a mental illness issue.)
The above car ornament is a photograph of a scene from a movie “The Highwayman” and this movie has dogs in it. In fact, I want to talk about this more, because I’ve noticed a recurring theme whenever there’s dogs in movies; there’s often car associations. Dogs in cars, dogs in brand-new cars, cars with fancy features. (I’ve talked about that before the people who show off new car details to me.) Always accompanied by multiple car beeping. You know, I don’t actually know anybody that works in the car industry. I’m not sure whether the whole industry is comprised of dogs who have socially retarded behaviours, or if it’s just the pushy rude car sales people who have infiltrated the television and movie world’s and think this kind of behaviour is acceptable – I think, they think, they are product placing via creating ‘jealousy competition’. Quite frankly, I don’t know who’s worse; single bimbo mothers, or pushy car sales people, I’m thinking possibility the 2 have combined, to create this revolting 21st-century monster. And all encouraged by the dog network.
14. My Good Flyscreen Door.
This fly screen door, I couldn’t resist putting a photo of it on my blog, because I absolutely loved it. I purchased it for $5 at the Gunnedah tip, then restored it, painted it and put some fancy prints on it, plus a catflap. I had it on the Rangari house for the whole 10 years that I lived there. I had it on the next 3 rentals after Rangari.
At my last rental, it wouldn’t fit on the door, so it had to stay outside, and in the process got warped and mostly ruined in the Queensland humidity, plus by this stage, I’m getting a little bit too old to be carting things like doors around to every place I have to live, I already have enough little additions that most rentals don’t have, like my induction cooker, benchtop dishwasher, fridge, shade house, multiple storage units, wardrobes, spice rack, proper lights….
For every rental house that I live in, they all require certain additions to be functional; same with furniture. Some furniture pieces’ just don’t fit from one place to the next, and have to be thrown out or stored, plus replaced with one that does fit. It’s a monumental effort and COST to constantly keep having to relocate your home.
So, I had to throw this door out and I’m annoyed about it. I need a door like this that has a catflap on it, no rentals have cat flaps, even if cats are allowed. And a lot of rentals don’t even have proper fly screen doors that can be locked.
My latest place, there’s no catflap and it’s a nuisance to have to open the door for my cat every time he wants to come in and out. I tried to find a second-hand door that would fit, but of course up here near Mackay, there are no second-hand places to get anything like a second-hand door. This area is really lacking behind in this area. I don’t believe anyone recycles anything? Or maybe Queensland is just too young yet, and all the homes here are mostly new, and there’s been no renovations yet or changes made, inorder for people to discard old features. Because you just can’t get any products second-hand up here, aside from clothing. Also, when I found this photo, it reminded me that I had already talked about it, and used this very photo, but I could not find it, so it was either taken, or it was done for Facebook before I started my blog, and before I was ban, or microsoft PC search is misbehaving.
Sidebar; my sewing machine is set up on my kitchen table, that does not fit in my kitchen, so it is in bedroom. It’s one of those wooden picnic tables that has a barrier or a foot rest below it. Therefore, my sewing machine foot doesn’t quite fit, and sewing is a little awkward. My original sewing table that I started off with when I was 20, (I think it was grandmas hand-me-down kitchen table), after the 5th relocation, it fell apart. Typical of a lot of furniture. So it is furniture, my cats, and myself that loath and cannot handle having to constantly relocate, yet that is what I am forced to do by DOGS. THIS IS OUT OF MY CONTROL. Curses
15. Things That Pricks Do:
Throw objects on my roof at night to wake me up before I fall asleep. Fuck off you stupid dog. {Heath Barwick and friends, used to do that at Rangari, in the last 3 years there, too. Plus aswell as at Kookaburra Park, GinGin}
Park outside, and sit outside your home, at night, and sometimes then steal something before leaving early in the morning. (what the?)
Drive past and or park, then beep outside my home repeatedly, constantly, daily.
Do signs. Including number plate signs (Melbourne sign dogs).
Set up certain, multiple, people, to cross my path, and or just stare at me, repeatedly.
Rev their car repeatedly.
Drive up to you, then turn around and drive off, repeatedly. (and beep)
Follow me into town and beep at me. Follow me to the post Office.
Follow me wherever I go, and steal something.
Follow me into shops to eaves-drop (or, used to be public transport).
Overcharge me at the counter, - sales girls do this, repeatedly.
Steal out of my locked car when I leave it to go into a shop. All towns.
Tamper with my car in car park, so when I return, it does not start, (, btw, those nasty bitches refused to allow me to use their phone to call the mechanic. FUCK I HATE THEM; they seriously need to be shot).
Key my car.
Try to manipulate me via distractions (this is huge - plus they have done it for many years)
Kill my plants.
THERE ARE HEAPS MORE, I can’t think of them all this morning, but I will update this list as I remember them all; there are heaps more passive aggressive ones that COWARDS DO. Non confrontational cowards with “imagined” problems with me, instead of real ones – that’s why they are passive aggressive; non real issues, of mentally retarded delusional idiots.
As you can see there is a lot of ‘car’ related prick activity. I suggest they do a whole special paragraph in the “learn to drive, L plate P plate, handbook”, about how to conduct oneself, it you are annoyed about having NO CONTROL.
You have no control over me; we do not know each other, we are not friends, we are not married, we are not lovers. You have no influence whatsoever on me – (as you failed to do the ‘hard yards’); DEAL WITH IT. Deal with having no control, do not take your frustrations out on me, a single lady.
16. Ways to Get Rid of Pricks
I write this, because, I have problems, not so much from men ‘hitting’ on a woman, but literally from people, (woman too) who just hang round, wanting something. Either close or outside in the street. (weird)
Yawn when they talk.
Listen to classical music.
Do hose spraying; they perceive it as a sign.
Do housework, clean the toilet.
Talk about thieves who steal from me.
Talk about health problems – but not as effective as talking about thieves.
Laugh at them. (This works 100% of the time, something about remembering the playground in primary school).
Talk about your feelings.
Be the Cat, not the Mouse. This works 100% of the time.
Get over-weight. (I am thinking, chopping off all your hair would work too).
Call them at work.
Write about their bimbo mothers who created such an arsehole (although I literally have had men hang around and be a nuisance, for the sole point of wanting me to write about their horrible naive mothers.) It’s always the mothers fault.
Explain to them all about bimbo women, and they ought to find one of those types.
Psychoanalyse them constantly.
Wear your all-white terry towelling outfit, or your ivory silk velvet tracksuit with ribbons!!
Surround yourself in strong floral scents, like, tip some in a wash load, burn essential oils.
Let them know what they really want, make it clear, (they are stupid, they will believe you), and you don’t have any for them. Don’t give them anything. Don’t take any bait, don’t be sucked in. (It’s really control they want).
And ofcourse photograph them, along with naming and shaming (also 100% affective, although this may drive them 100% nuts too!). Laugh at them again.
17. Under the Carpet Stuff
Google search: “he was a seedy character”
“If you describe a person or place as seedy, you disapprove of them, because they look dirty and untidy, or they have a bad reputation.”
“seedy” definition and meaning; Collins English dictionary.
The real meaning of the word ‘seedy’, is the word used to describe perverts who steal women seeds.
One of my landlords, David Heywood, used to come round to smell me, yuck. I just looooove having landlords.
Now normally, I wouldn’t complain if a business sent me a wrong size, because I could just return it and get the right size, or they would issue me a refund, but this seller didn’t want to do that, for some strange reason. Therefore, they are dodgy seller.
Their name is Undercover Hosiery & Lingerie AU, The Undercover Customer team Michelle and Safel.
The problem is being that they have waist and hip measurements on their webpage listing, and so I measured myself accordingly and chose the size. Only their sizing was off, because it was too small, and as I had specifically measured myself, it should’ve been a perfect fit. Why they didn’t just send me a larger size or refund is beyond me, in this situation, as it wasn’t a change of mind situation, they were in the wrong. (I can only assume this company is run by little girls).
So, I returned the item, at my expense, when infact they should’ve paid for return shipping because it was their fault, and in our conversations, they were not very nice, and still refused to refund me, or send me a larger size. So, when I explained to Amazon customer care what happened, they gave me a refund straightaway. I don’t know whether amazon charges the company the refund amount, or pays for it through profits, I just don’t know. But as I am on a personal mission to stop thieving, and, retailers, at present, are coming in at the NUMBER 1, for biggest thieves in Australia, I am going to the effort of writing my grievance down. {All retailers try to steal, they push faulty products on to me, they short change me, and they overcharge. Plus, a lot of them are selling clothes that are 1 or 2 sizes too small, and if I manage to find one in the right size, instore, then they swap it over, after checkout, (sneakily) for smaller size! Why the hell would I want clothes that are too small for me you little girl idiots? ARE you trying to dress all women as little girls? Grow the hell up.}
By the way, they did claim that they never received the item, which is a possibility, maybe somebody stole it at Australia Post (It has happened before), but due to the way that they talked to me, and treated me, I am more inclined to think they are the guilty ones, who just said they didn’t receive it when in fact, they did. BUT, as well, somebody computer savvy, hacked my computer, and stole the photograph that I had taken of the stamped parcel with the senders address. So, somebody went to a lot of effort to try to cover their arses, and get out of refunding me; all to no avail, because I have been refunded, although this does suggest that the person who stole it actually got away with stealing it, and as well, as I got the refund. But the person who stole it, is a bloody idiot, because retailers and Australia Post are a huge network, and they will know exactly who stole it, if it was stolen via Australia Post; you’ve got to be a total bimbo to steal in this manner. Mind you, I find a lot of times when I report stolen items, they go ahead and investigate, and they discover who stole it, (this includes the police as well as retailers and Australia Post ), but after discovering who stole it, they still don’t do anything about it. They just know who stole it, and seem to be quite content about the situation so long as they know who stole it, and give me a refund anyway. In fact, this has happened quite a few times, it’s like they personally know the person who stole it, and know she is a pretty bimbo, and young, so they give them a chance, and forget about it. It’s ridiculous, even pretty bimbos need to be held accountable, otherwise they just continue to do it.
By the way I couldn’t find my bike shorts in the correct size anywhere in Australia so I had to purchase a man’s pair of black bikies, which, for some strange reason actually fit quite well, up the top part, although the thigh part was a little small. As I’m getting older and bigger, I’m finding it impossible to buy large size clothes. In fact, and as I know, the whole clothing industry in Australia is run by little girls. I suspect that they, are on their own personal mission of ‘punishing’ women (the bimbo dominatrix) who are overweight, or just plain big, by not stocking any size over size large (L) (size 16 or 18). And if retailers do stock them, then they only stock 2 items in larger size, when in fact they’ve got probably a market base of several hundred thousand women who fall into that larger size category. FAT SHAMING plus useless buyers in the retail clothing sector.
19. Women Throwing Tantrums If Someone Speaks to Them IN A RAISED VOICE.
Obviously, these women I’m talking about, are not Greek or Italian. The Greeks and Italians are infamous for yelling at each other. Dealing with their problems, and emotions, especially within family units, through loud verbal communication. It is a part of normal healthy life. In fact, this is a page from a book, that a typical Australian could learn from.
Now there’s probably been a few people in my life who have taken revenge on me somehow without me knowing it, but since I don’t know about it, I can’t write about it or therefore have any idea of any offence that I have may have caused.
But these two instances here, of irrational overreaction behaviour, (possibly hysterical), have had a long-term lasting effect on my life. And it is much to their misfortune, as well as mine, unbeknownst to them.
One of them was a retired schoolteacher, and the other one was a policewoman. Shirly Urquhart and Sharon Morgan.
This absurd behaviour, I feel would come about from the women being spoiled little brats. But I mean possibly after ‘lauding’ over, so many people, such as a teacher and a policewoman would do, this intern could build up their ego, and so they have fancy tickets on themselves and therefore would be overly offended if somebody yelled at them.
You know when most people get yelled at, the person just yells right back at them. You have a yelling conversation, then it ends. You get on with your life, or rectifying the yelling situation. Which does not involve seeking spiteful vindictive revenge. But these two women were so offended by my raised voice, one of them incarcerated me for seven days to see if I was “crazy”, and the other stole an item of mine; an expensive cooler and water bottle.
Now, considering how many items of mine have been stolen; I can’t remember having any raised conversations with anyone else, but given the above ridiculous scenario, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was something just as trivial, that has triggered other Bimbo women to steal from me?? Yes, that is correct, this behaviour is bimbo.
I am not really sure how I can possibly deal with this kind of dysfunction, other than writing about it, so those big ego heads, can hear about their bizarre nature, of their very own personal dysfunction, in the “collective consciousness”. And maybe, they can step back from their power tripping ways, possibly humble themselves, just a little, so they can keep a grasp on reality, and not turn into monstrous, bully bitches. WAKE UP.
And by the way, the reason why I was yelling at the Gin Gin Chief Constable in the first place, was because I was advised previously; when dealing with the Gunnedah Police, at a previous address, if I wanted the police to do anything, I literally have to yell at them, so to get them off their arse to do something about, which, by the way did work to a certain extent, I had a few items returned in a very strange mysterious manner, after yelling at the local police! (But can’t you just imagine some older wiser cheekyars, whispering to me “go on yell at them, yell at the police” – and I’m like OK I will!) – how was I to know they are anally retarded about yelling? BTW, the cops in Gunnedah have to be on rotation, like they can’t have the same police working in Gunnedah for too long, as there’s too much comradery and mateship, then crimes are overlooked, and there is corruption. I feel this policy ought to be applied to Gladstone and Bundaberg police.
And the reason why I was yelling at Shirly Urquhart, was because the admin at Gunnedah council, specifically the arts council Admin; were stealing from me via my cards, only giving me 40% of the agreed profit margin. And Shirly Urquhart, not an admin person, but very much involved in the gallery, would have known about it, everyone knew about (even my jobs provider knew about it, who later paid for card replacements! J). And she was the person there at the time, when I called about my cards. So, it was her I yelled at her for stealing my card money. Actions=Consequences.
I need to add a special paragraph about “knowing about something and not doing anything about it” I see this a lot, especially when it comes to petty theft. Its like, other trivial matters, like “well she said such such about you and called you this name” – they have NO problems telling. But when it comes to lawful matters, like theft, arial poising, deliberate nighttime noise makers, and domestic man/wife matters, they suddenly go quiet, fearful. SUCH COWARDS most people are.
{Mary Lung, you belong in jail – this reference was from a docu I watched – can’t even remember what it was about now, or who Mary Lung is, but I made a note about it at the time!! J }
Note all those vector images above; I could not find any free female ones, which is worth commenting about, because I suspect those 2 above mentioned women, in particular, do not except things that are different from the social norm; the social norm being women should act like ladies at all times, and being a lady doesn’t involve yelling! This is a ridiculous concept. We have a wide and varied vocal ability. It’s there to be used when we see fit, it’s not there to be oppressed.
20. Cure for Seasickness on Great Barrier Reef Snorkelling Day Trips
In November I did something to my back, as I was lifting a box skewiff. It was quite painful and after a 2 weeks, had only partly heeled, so I knew I would have to drive up to Mackay and see a Chiro. Now, as I still had my sore foot – Collapsed Arch, and had extreme general moping feelings, about not being able to walk anywhere or do anything for the last 5 years; so, I thought I should treat myself to a snorkelling day trip just off Mackay coast, hoping the swimming would help with my back pain too, aswell as uplifting my spirits. Plus, as I have recently only moved here, I wanted to discover a bit more about the oceans in the area, (locals are tight lipped about things like stingers and crocs – actually I suspect the majority of people who live in QLD, are ‘new’! as in everyone has moved here from NSW over the last 20 years).
So, at a total cost for the day incl chiro and petrol, of $300, I set off, the drive there was very painful. But the chiro was wonderful, and helped straight away.
The boat trip out to the island reef was horrendous, 10minutes in, I was suddenly dazed, stupefied, nauseated, then sick, for the rest of the 40minute trip – it was awful.
We got there, then we all snorkelled. In the water I slowly recouped. I love snorkelling. 2 hrs after, when we were meant to be on the boat eating lunch, I just stayed in the water for that hour, where I was happy and ‘sickfree’, I did get fairly cold, it was only November. My whole body was kind of stiff with the cold, but I figured it would be better to be a bit cold, than to be seasick. As it turned out, that cold helped tremendously with my back, and my foot. I awoke the following day to no pain at all – TOTAL CURE for my back, plus my foot seemed not to be hurting as usual. So that cure was not only from the Chiro, but it would be from that cold water – I was in there for 3 hours. So, worth it then.
But the seasick does ruin the overall memory of the day.
The host of the day, said he had never seen a croc on any beach at Mackay, and there were none on the beautiful Scawfell Island we stopped at. One of the others, said apparently there was 1 croc spotted in the Mackay marina since it was built. I have since read about the stingers, and there is a chance you will be stung in the ocean over summer, especially after big rains. So, I feel a stinger suit is necessary if you want to swim in the ocean. I have already purchased one, it is on its way from the UK, (none available in Australia), just in case I get the chance to swim again, maybe wishfully thinking….
BUT I have come up with a solution for seasickness on the ‘Wildcat’. The Wildcat crew, could easily rig up a (I think they’re called a parasail), with multiple hang-seats. I’m thinking you could get at least 16 across the back of a Wildcat, possibly 2 rows, so 32! I’m not sure whether anyone else would want to sit up there for the whole journey, 40 minutes or so, but I for one, would be delighted to, not only would I love the view of the ocean, and the sea breeze, but it would be a totally seasickness free stretch, saving a whole heap of nausea, vomiting and generally feeling like you are going to die. So, worth doing this crew? I did send this image to Wildcat, suggesting their Mackay team do it, but I didn’t hear back from them; such hesitancy to try something new….
Quick mention also, seems a lot of dangers about QLD ocean waters are ignored by tourist brochures (especially those brochures), and operators. Not saying that Wildcat fit this bill, as we were all given ‘Stinger Suits’, but a lot of operators are really quite irresponsible when it comes to describing anything NEGATIVE, they only want to encourage ‘bimbo happiness’, and don’t want anyone to know that there are DEADLY encounters up here; in the hopes of not deterring any paying customers. It pays to watch those documentaries on sea creatures.
21. Cruel Farming Tradition – Barbed Wire
That artwork above; as it was evolving in illustrator, I liked it because of the little curls on the striped outlines that emerged, it slightly reminded me of Barbed Wire and my childhood freedom wandering down the back paddocks...
Living on farms, pretty much most of my life. There’s always been a lot of Barbed Wire lying around, most of the fences were done with Barbed Wire. I’m sure most people are familiar with Barbed Wire; it is a long wire with wire knots every 20cm or so, ‘barbs’, they are very sharp, so if you get too close to a Barbed Wire fence, it will catch you, cut you, rip you, and you will start bleeding for sure. They are very sharp and painful. The original point of the Barbed Wire, was to deter animals from crossing the fence, but I can assure you, it doesn’t have that affect it all, instead what it does, if an animal gets too close, or wants to go next door for some odd reason, they feel the pricks, then panic and struggle, and keep pushing, sometimes they get completely torn up and develop a major injuries, possibly resulting in infection, then death. And of course, there’s so much Barbed Wire lying around on most well-established farms, and often their fences are falling apart, so there are loops and tangles, and giant balls of Barbed Wire lying around all over pretty much every farm I’ve ever encountered, especially down the fence lines, so stock like horses and cattle get cuts regularly and sometimes it’s very bad, as I have witnessed it. Some farmers, most, tend to be a little lazy when it comes to fencing. It’s a total hazard.
You know, maybe in the past when people weren’t quite as savvy or evolved as they are now, it would be acceptable, but by today’s standards, it is not acceptable to be cruel to stock or wild animals, and use Barbed Wire, there are by far, better fencing options available today, it appears some farmers are very slow to give up their old bad ways. And in my experience with daughters of farmers at school, this streak of cruelty has been inherited, and it really shows and shines through. And actually, I find it a little strange how farmers in Australia are pretty much highly revered, and they get a lot of political privileges, well, in Gunnedah, they did. But it is an industry that is wrought with dysfunction; social dysfunctions, family dysfunctions, sadistic dysfunctions and class/ ’airs and graces’ snobbery dysfunctions, particularly with the women/wives, who tend to turn a blind eye to their husbands and sons ways. I believe it is up to those wives to do something about their lazy husbands.
22. Umbrella stolen from my car by bimbo
I had 5 umbrellas, I am now down to one bad one, see blue/white one below – with the other 4 all STOLEN.
Actually, that green checked umbrella was given to me by a friend back in 1993, (Rachael) and she had got it from the shop where she worked in North Sydney because, she said, dozens and dozens of umbrellas got left there constantly, and they were forever having to throw umbrellas out. She basically had an unlimited supply to umbrellas. So, she gave me this green one, actually I’m not even sure why she gave me an umbrella, it’s not like I asked her for an umbrella, she just handed it to me and said here you go.
And when this green checked one was stolen, at that particular time, back in about 2016(?), (I think I used it once in that whole time), but, who did I see presenting themselves to me on the street (in the typical fashion that I have seen girls present themselves usually from afar), but Rachael’s little sister, Sarah Wainberg. So, I’m thinking someone thought it would be funny upon hearing that my umbrella stollen, to suggest that it was probably Rachels little sister who stole it, as she thought Rachel should’ve given it to her, (!) or it actually was Rachels little sister who stole it (?) no convictions, or, it was Rachael’s older sister who stole it, wanting to blame her younger sister, thinking it would be funny (?) {family of 4 girls}. Who really knows about what these silly blonde women get up to - that whole family is German, dad was a Doctor in Gunnedah (I think they moved?), I bet Rachels older sister (not the very eldest one – as if she would have done anything like this), but the 2nd born one, I bet she had something to do with it (the one that I can’t remember her name for some strange reason, who looks like my current landlord, who btw, has a completely different name, Cate Rogers). I did actually check before I moved into this house with Council, if the person who told me owned this house, actually was the person who owned it, (been on a wild goose chase before by stupid bitchy women), and Council confirmed that it was true. So, either my landlord is who she says she is (from SA), or my landlord is completely a different person, who has changed her name!! who knows! But I think she had something to do with the theft of my big black golf umbrella at kookaburra Park; this umbrella had been painted with a very dark green paint in order to hide the advertisement that was on the umbrella, as at the time, when I was purchasing this, (it was a gift for my golfing father), there were no golf umbrellas that didn’t have any ads on them - it was very disappointing. Anyway, after my dad died, I inherited this umbrella, and so I painted it. It was in fairly good condition and it is now recognisable, if you see someone with a slightly dark green umbrella, if you look closely, you’ll be able to see the ads still on 4 of the sides. I want you to go and rip it off them, and hit them over the head with it, and tell them shame on them for stealing an umbrella from an old lady. They will be going to hell. And so, if it was not my landlord or her sister possibly Sarah Wainberg who took this, it was my neighbour there; Every time my neighbours come up here to stay (because that was not their permanent house; anyway, whenever they come, something gets stolen when they leave, and this time it was that umbrella, it was stolen off the back Veranda which is where I put it, has earlier it had rained (drought breaking rain) and I had been wandering around the garden with that big umbrella, especially over the side, of that neighbours, where they could peer down at me from their Kitchen window. Actually, I kept it on that back veranda always, it had been there for the last 3 years. The neighbour who owned that house is named Stella, (looks like Niki Barret), and her son, it was her son who had been there doing chain sawing, and sometimes he has a girl around, I think she may be a prostitute? Short blonde girl. 3 times over the last 3 years I have seen her, sometimes she acts weirdly, and talks to me on a pretend phone (I am not talking to her – she is nuts). That’s all the information I have on them, I don’t know anything else about them. Aside from the fact that the son is in his 30’s, who possibly steals from single women, and his mum is slightly zombie, as she told me she was selling her house, when infact she was not and did not. Liars and stupidity go hand in hand. See major problems with my neighbours wherever I go – they are all like that. Stupid and Nuts.
So, their ‘seeing’ me or my landlords history with possible stolen umbrella and identity issue, I am not sure which one stole it.
I do know there are certain characteristics which make people look the same, and it can be confusing for me, not being too good at recognising faces. I always thought, if I was a school teacher, who had year after year, a new group of kids, I would kind of flip out; because there are certain characters, who look the same (on first glance), and develop similar personality traits, because of their appearance. I’m not sure if I am explaining this correctly, but in a class full of kids, you’ll see different personalities emerge, and your mind will match the personality to their faces, to help recognize them. But when the next year comes along, with all new kids, you actually will observe similar personality traits, as the previous class, and what’s more these personality traits, will actually match in appearance too (on first glance) it is a little weird - but I’ve noticed and observed that this is a real phenomenon. I believe this comes about, because; peoples personalities are shaped by their appearance, because people react to someone’s appearance in a certain same way. An obvious example is if someone is pretty or not pretty, they get different reactions from others, but I think it is even more complicated than just that (like height, weight, neck shape/voice….weighing in to shape peoples reactions to a person). So, after people react to someone, continuously the same way, that person develops a certain response, and thus a personality trait, the same as another similar looking other person.
mmm, basically, there are too many people! (Slow down the breeding!) Someone told me that a girl stole my above theory and used it for her university thesis!! (Whatever a thesis is, I did not go to uni, and have an opinion about some universities and uni graduates, that is not good – certainly not smart.) But I have no problems with people using any of my ideas, facts or opinions on my blog, and talking about them; that’s what raises peoples consciousness. (Although if you could actually leave the photostory were I put it, and not delete it off my blog or PC, that would be great.) I looked it up; thesis: a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. – hey guess what, my Blog is full of them!
So, of my 5 umbrellas, that I hardly ever used, living in Gunnedah, where it hardly ever rained, that blue/white golf umbrella below, is my last remaining one. The others were taken from my locked car, mostly when I was parked in town, in Gunnedah and Tamworth, one was taken when parked at Gin Gin or Bundaberg. As you can see below, it has had better days, but I am reluctant to replace it, as not only has most of my budget been taken by others before I have even receive it, but being in such a bad state, all my neighbours who see me walking around the garden when it rains – which is a lot now, being in the subtropics, they will NOT to be tempted to steal it, like my last neighbours.
It’s like I have to be poor, or else my neighbours will steal everything. The older I get, the more I realize who this whole country is; Stupid repressive thieving Australians – all of them, no exceptions so far.
23. This is a Warning
I have a water-skiing story, and as there are a few dogs in my unit complex who could do with a warning. I’m going to do a Photostory for it; Our family used to regularly go on picnics with other families in Gunnedah, out to Keepit Dam, every summer. We were often there every weekend. One time we were there, a family had a speedboat, and they were doing water-skiing trips around. So, I got to try water-skiing! Fun! I think I might of been 10 or 11?
Water-skiing is a little difficult when you first try it. Most people usually can’t just stand up and go, they fall over; there’s a knack to it, I think maybe after a couple of tries I got it, and it was great fun albeit probably better suited to someone who does not have ‘Chicken Arms’. I think also it depends on your driver, there’s also a knack to driving at just the right speed to get up, for that person? Anyway, a couple of years later, on a school excursion, we were given the opportunity to go water-skiing. So, all the girls were divided up, when it was our turn, I was ready, but again on the first go I fell over. And one of the other girls, was just, bitchy about it “as if Emily will be able to do it”. You know this kind of thing was quite typical at that school, I was constantly underestimated by all of them. I usually just ignore such comments, and never have the desire to stand up for myself, but in this particular instance, I had a very clear memory of the previous time I went water-skiing, and I turned her sharply and said “no, thank you very much, I can do this, I’ve done it before”. And, on the next go, I did get up and had more fun.
So, after me, was that particular b girl, and this girl crashed badly into a tree on her exit, and I believe, it’s because she had a go at me, AND, I had bothered to turn around and contradict her.
So, bearing this in mind, I always wonder why girls try to have a go at me like that, (still), it’s like I can turn around and say one sharp sentence to them, and their whole life would come crashing down. Yet still, they try. Looking at it like this, you know, I have saved probably thousands of b girls now, from crashing.
I have other stories I can tell you, but I think you might get a little bit too scared if I go ahead with them all. I know there are a lot of people who are aware of this ‘plain fact’ of life, and are scared of me, and hence part of the problem of, why I have nasty dogs who follow me around wherever I go.
And also, see how it’s important to do activities like this in childhood. Not to mention the importance of family fun and love.
24. Texting Dog Nuisance Beeping Network
My neighbours in communication with other neighbours via texts. I think she maybe texting them to beep their car horn - she likes to time it at key times – halfwit in the head.
For the sake of keeping the peace, could someone please go and put a bullet in her ear. Little girls who bully on the playground, go on, to live in their own places, but still carry on the tradition of female bullying, but often with new and creative passive aggressive techniques. Like this.
At the moment she has discovered she can scrape the back of her chair on the floor, to sound just like a car horn. So she’s being beeping all week long. And most likely scratching the wooden floor too!
Bloody Beepers. Those beepers are thieves. Car thieves.
Btw, what she does is actually unlawful. And considered a crime - being a total nuisance is a crime, there have been laws written about it. But I was advised it’s up to me to sweet talk police into doing something about it, because if they choose not to, they don’t have to. {omg lol}
Also, I mentioned in one of my sewing YouTube videos that the dogs do signs if say, make a mistake in my sewing (completely annoying and also harassment) but I have noticed they mostly do it if I do something better than the stupid bitch next door or whoever, (fucked if I know who those stupid bitches are), so if according to their little game, I ‘beat’ them. So, she throws a tantrum and gets the neighbouring cars to beep, and therefore be a nuisance for me. Like a sore looser. Spoilt brat.
This behaviour, especially when I was not trying to ‘beat’ or not ‘beat’ anyone, is absurd. You now, a sore loser is the epitome of someone who is of low character, has had bad breeding with incompetent parents, are love depraved, who are unconfident due to their inferiority, (not imagined inferiority), and are morally inept. So, I suggest if you don’t want to give away these characteristics about yourself, you may wish to stop throwing tantrums whenever you think I have done something better than you.
You may not be aware, but life is actually NOT a competition, underneath it all.
Also, since I wrote and posted this, the chair beeping has not stopped. I do not care what you have to say, or what you are trying to say in such a disrespectful manner, so fuck off fuck off fuck off.
25. Telstra Antics re Lymph Problems
A woman called me on Saturday 10am, stating she was from Centrelink’s National Customer Service Centre (as I had the day before put in a complaint about their website and jobs provider creating 2 initial appointments for me – 2 – no common sense), anyway, the woman I spoke with was unhelpful. However, she pretended to be helpful in a long and tedious way. I realized some hrs later that the woman was the same person I had spoken to 2 years prior about a lymphatic drainage massage – I wanted to know whether it would help my plantar fasciitis, we spoke for some time, in the end I opted to see a physio. Although recently I have discovered it was the lymphatic drainage I should have had too, as I have lymph problems, and have had long term now. I believe that woman had been stalking me, trying to explain about lymph ever since? – as Dr’s are CLUELESS about lymph, all 4 of them failed to see the lymph build up. FAILED.
So, while it is great to understand finally, I have lymph problems, I do not appreciate being stalked and lied to by crazy lymph knowledgeable person. By doing so, she appears to me, as a stupid dog. I guess no one thought my initial complaint to Centrelink was important. (Although the face-to-face appointment did result in sickness, a contagion spread by medical people lurking down at the office- I guess no one believes me that this really happened.)
Btw, ofcourse I can NOT afford lymphatic drainage therapy, and the government does not recognize this as a valid health problem on Medicare, but I discovered on you tube; Adam Thomas from Canada, who is a reflexologist, and did a series of videos about his trade during covid19. And what a GODSEND he was, he showed me how to remove all the lymph build up, which resulted in pretty much immediate relief from the pain that had accumulated in my left breast, aswell as removed all the swelling on the top of my foot, so much so in fact that I could see the fluid still in the other foot, and had to apply the same technique to my other hand (he shows reflexology on hands too, apparently they have the same affect as reflexology on the foot!)
Australians have to turn to Canadians for youtube health, as all the money and knowhow in the health sector, in this country, is devoured by greedy thieving woman.
You know, everything I do, is in an attempt to save myself.
Stop and Help
26. Neighbourhood Washing Machine, Full Load Monitoring - by Child
The child next door at number 108 is monitoring my washing, to make sure I have a full load each time, and I don’t waste any water.
Could his mother, please go and take care of her “little mess of nazi dysfunction”.
Actually, I realise after all my little diti’s, is on this blog, I haven’t actually mentioned the “washing nazi” before. This whole “washing nazi” situation is not something new to me. It started when I was living at Rangari, on the farm 17 years ago. Even though I lived out there on my own, as a lucky, single lady, there seemed to be people in the area, who not only got “antsy” if I forgot a load of washing in the machine, or I hadn’t taken it off the line as yet; But they managed to come up with ways to show their annoyance. Mainly it was, with aeroplanes; They would fly back-and-forth over my house in a really annoying manner, with that really annoying sound that those little planes have. It took some years before I cottoned onto the fact, that it was about the washing! As soon as I got the washing off the line, no more planes! I definitely found this strange. I mean, who cares whether I get the washing in at 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock, or even the following day! It really didn’t matter to me, as long as I eventually got round to doing it, which I always did.
I mean, the washing cycle in the machine must finish; I hear that it finishes because my washing machine has a little loud annoying tune that it plays, and if I’m in the middle of doing something I’ll just not worry about it, until I finished doing what I’m doing. But that whole time that I’m not worrying about it, it’s like there’s somebody else out there, who is greatly disturbed by the fact that there are damp clean clothes just sitting in MY washing machine, Tik Tik Tik time is going by, and the whole time that I’m simply not concerned about it, someone else is! And they are getting more and more antsy, as each minute goes by. Lol! And well I have to say, HOW ABSURD and; mind your own business and get your own life. I’ll do my washing when I dam well please.
And by the way, these people showing their annoyance in the form of planes, (don’t ask me who they are, or how pilots are connected to me in this strange house-chore way, because I don’t know any pilots or anyone that can fly a plane for that matter). And, as far as I know, it wouldn’t be children flying the planes, concerning themselves about my washing routines, like at this address here; it is most definite a child who seems to be taking upon himself to be annoyed if I don’t have a full load. (Birdy told me, it is his mother, using her child as a puppet, to scold me! – talk about a fucked-up mother – what right does she have, having kids?).
So, again, I need to say; mind your own business you stupid little dog.
But, my washing habit problems, does not end with the dog family and child across the way; my 72-year-old next-door neighbour in the units here, has also developed an unhealthy obsession with my washing ritual. He also ropes in another older woman down the way too, an old lady, both of them now seemingly have an obsession with when I do laundry.
It seems there are so many people who want to play “washing nazi”. You know, being an obsessed “washing nazis”, is a definite dysfunction. A mentally flawed person. Unhealthy. Inferior.
You know, I think it must go back to ‘pot’ or marihuana? It must be a side-effect of pot use. I’m not entirely sure, as I’m not an expert in this area, but I have already on my Blog, debunked the whole myth that smoking ‘weed’ causes paranoia. {Read my photostory re dogs stealing from me over years, in an attempt to make me paranoid, so they can accuse me of being on drugs}. So, I think this whole “washing nazi” thing, is a REAL side-effect of pot smokers. It’s like; a general agitation at things, is a side effect of smoking pot? SUCH IRONY. Cool man……
Hey little idiots, don’t put your dysfunction on me thanks very much. I don’t get hung up on trivial things like being ‘lapse’ about my washing.
BTW when I went to get an image of a full washing machine, there were absolutely no free images. What is going on with all the images on Google? There seems to be a big thing on online images atm, with powers that be wanted to control ALL the images. And removing any free images that people upload (or hiding them from searches), so there are only images available that you have to pay a Royality for – SUCH GREED.
AND, hey you big ego heads, if you offer your image for free, but then say you want attrition - this is just ridiculous! I mean, some images, I can see why you would want credit, but for a lot of images, such as a full load of washing, only someone with a big ego would want attrition for it. Now I have to wait for my next load, to get a photo....
27. To Confront or To Not Confront, Your Criminal Perpetrator - Restorative Justice
Just been hearing about “restorative justice”, as in perpetrators being held face to face to their victim, so the victim can tell them exactly what they think of them (bare in mind, this is done in a public situation!).
Maybe this will work.
I don’t have any experience in criminal convictions, I have mentioned before if you point out to a bully what they have done, they will just laugh at you, but if you add, if I had a baseball bat, I would smash your head in, they may start to understand the impact they have had. I suspect if you further start talking about your feelings, this would also drive them a bit insanely guilty.
BUT, from my experience being chased by bullies, especially when I was young, it was always the attention they wanted from me, that was ultimately what they were looking for. {Obviously not knowing how to go about to get what they ultimately want; stupid}. And so, if I ignored them, and did not give them what they desired, the bully takes a hike, not even fully realizing why they are feeling lost, but feel like there’s no point in chasing me. Sometimes they may even think they won because they were ‘bully’ – clueless as to what they are really after.
I suspect there will be many criminals just like this too, in which case there’s no such thing as “restorative justice” - it’ll just be an opportunity for the criminal to feel like he won, because he was able to victimise you and then rub it in your face, with him/her getting all that extra attention.
And, as I was physically assaulted twice as a child, by other children, actually make that 3 times, now, I just remembered a third encounter down at Perisher (Stupid other bimbo mothers) (And this does not include other horrendous non physical assaults either); I don’t believe that people can change, like if you encounter a young adult teenager, who is violent and a bully, they still will be so when they’re older, they just might have learnt to curb themselves for social purposes, but fundamentally that’s who they are. That ‘fight’ has been instilled in them, when they were a child, and it will always remain with them. Hate to tell you…..
28. People Change Over the Years
On my previous story before this on my Blog, I mentioned how people fundamentally don’t change, they are who they are, as soon as they are born. But I have found an exception, well, physically, at any rate;
When I moved back up to Gunnedah, from Sydney (working the previous 10 years in this fashion industry), I really noticed how more relaxed and slower people in the country were, compared to the pace of the fashion industry, at least. The most notable thing being, the way people spoke; they spoke way more slowly, as in people really took their time to say whatever they had to say. Now you would think this would be a good thing when it comes to communicating, that is, speaking slowly and clearly, but definitely do not mistake what I’m saying here, as people in the country are by no means, good communicators, they’re not, they’re bloody hopeless, in general.
Anyway, after 15 years living back in Gunnedah, one day I was checking my security cameras, as I wanted to check something in the garden (I had eight security cameras, and three of them were in the garden). I noticed as I worked in the garden, moving around from garden bed to garden bed, apart from the fact that I had a little cat who also followed me around from garden bed to garden bed! but when I did move, I moved really slowly. And then I thought about my conversations, and I noted that I too, are now one of those slow and relaxed country persons! I was quite surprised, because in general I know the women in our family always were fast paced walkers, especially when it came to walking around the streets shopping. And I was also a very fast talker; when I went to Hong Kong with my friend Iris from fashion school, it created problems with people trying to translate, because I was too fast.
If YOU look at people walking in the city, you’ll see it too, they do look ‘brisk’ when they all move around in mass hordes. People in Gunnedah just kind of waddle down the street! Just a slower paced walk!
29. Dogs on Phones
This is a terrible shot, but I had to put it up, as I have had problems for many years, with women standing infront of me, presenting themselves to me in such a manner out in public, talking on a phone – sometimes they don’t even have a phone, they just pretend they are talking on a phone. When you are faced with literally 1000’s of these bizarre girls, at some point they become a nuisance, a monumental harassment nuisance, so now I just call them “Dogs on Phones”. And after I took a shot of one, at my last address, and uploaded it; that was it, I had no more problems with “Dogs on Phones” at GinGin.
So, at my new address, after just 6mnths, suddenly there was one in the car park infront of my car. So, I got her, and am uploading today, as after I saw this one that day, there were 2 more over at Armstrong Beach a little later, so, I know now, that I ought to have uploaded it straight away, to deter other Dogs on Phones. I was planning on doing a collage, as there have been so many Dogs on Phones, but it is a bit of a nuisance to try and capture them on camera. I should add, it was suggested I have Dogs on Phones, to deter arshole seedy men from following me. A case of the good and the bad is both bad. I am sure there is an expression for that, but could not think of it….it’s probably German.
30. Highway Construction at its Best
I had to include photo of ‘government works’ architecture, which is of course, a Highway in America; this one surpasses all other highways worldwide. With all the native wildlife being left in peace to romp around without any danger of being hit by a car. Not to mention the ease of getting from A to B in a straight line, by simply going over all obstacles. BRILLIANT.
(I have since seen YouTube videos of China’s new roads, and they too especially have a vast amount of amazing raised, extended bridges).