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Life Stories P7 - The Stalking Page
typical outing for me another example of constant incessant persecution.jpg
this driver is obsessed with me.jpg
26th July 1130am WHITE SUV following me again - most likely stealing my mail.jpg
The weird and bizarre phenomena on of people leaving their house when I leave my house.jpg
Followed, Stared at, Harassed, Targeted.jpg
My car I purchased in 1996,a new Daewoo.   The obsessed female car.    Another stalker             Neighbours who follow me       MPB stalkers

1. Public Transport in Sydney – biggest area of ‘bad types’

I mentioned on my blog that I kind of went from one world, to bizarro dog world, when I turned 18. Having a somewhat normal childhood, with normal interactions with kids, certainly all the girls at school; I deemed pretty much normal. And I said it was not until I started working that I encountered so many of these stupid thieving dog women. However, after thinking about that some more, it wasn’t really the workplace initially, it was public transport to and in Sydney; it proved to be extremely problematic. Public transport, at least back then in the early 90s was full of really bad types of people. I used to frequently get followed home after I used public transport. It happened pretty much every time I used public transport. Every time.

So, at first when I was studying, catching the train daily, I was frequently followed by girls - girls were the biggest “latches oners”  when I was 18. They were kind of obsessed with woman on their own. It was so bizarre how they would just see me, and then start following me. This is truly weird female behaviour. I say female, but I know this is something I would never do. I would never follow anyone, little let alone a total stranger, and I am fully woman, so I think the people who follow me like that, they deserve a whole other category of their own, and I put them into the category of dogs, because that’s what stray dogs do.

One time I remember 2 girls followed me all the way home after I left the train up a big hill, and in fact, that’s the only reason I saw them directly, because this hill was quite steep, and most people were not used to walking up a hill like that, but I did it every day, and I noticed those girls because they were huffing and puffing, and moaning and whingeing, and when they saw me looking at them, they kind of took off, they were very suspicious, and shortly after that, we were robbed - they took everything. It was no doubt them and their dog men who did. One other place I remember, at Chatswood. I would definitely still have people follow me there too, but that place was not conducive to burglary, as they had a menacing dog, it was a trained killer dog, seriously trained to attack and kill humans (a proper canine dog), so nothing was ever taken when I lived there! {I guess I should have ‘cottoned’ on and taken trained killer dogs in Sydney, as a sign, to the character types one needs protection from in Sydney!!} Infact it is a little strange looking back, but I guess still I am the same; just exactly how ‘unafraid’ I was at being on my own. Most people are afraid. And still after all the horrible people I encounter in my travels, still, prefer to be on my. It’s an obvious ‘right choice’ for me.

Another place I lived was above an awful shop in a busy area, so there was always a lot of people around, and that deterred burglars. (By the by, that shop was run by a Vietnamese family, and the two sons, were taller than me - unusual for Asians. Not that I really noticed back then, but looking back, they were unusually tall, tall and skinny. It’s like I moved to Sydney and lived next door to the tallest Asians ever!)


And of course, just a general following, and stalking by other people who weren’t necessarily burglars, but just wanted to follow a girl, intrigued by a girl on her own, this fact seemingly to them, meaning some sort of interaction is required. Some of them would try interacting with me as well, others would like, do the whole bitchy little girl thing, of pointing to me and whispering to their friend – staring at me and then giggling for the whole trip. It was a constant total nuisance. Male and female alike, but more female.

I recall catching the country train from Gunnedah down to Sydney (6hrs), one time two guys sitting opposite me were harassing me, after an hour when we stopped at Quirindi, or was it Werris Creek? Some girl hopped on, sat down next to me, and when she saw the situation of these two revolting creatures opposite, she got up, and said come on, and she lifted the chair to face the other way! (I would never have dared to do something like that, as it would be perceived as extremely rude! – so naive). SO, thank goodness that girl got on, otherwise I would have been stuck AGAIN for the whole 6rs with antisocial bully young men harassing me, (should I say “no idea how to be social’” men). I still remember that girl, she had blonde hair - thank goodness for that Blondie!

Heaps of other tedious stories on the matter. And I said again, just before, as, I remember now, before that time on the XPT, I was  stuck on the same train for 6rs with 2 young men harassing me, IT WAS AWFUL, such peace disturbers, fear mongers. They were not infront of me, they sat further back out of eye sight. COWARD DOGS. The whole train carriage would have heard them. Birdy told me those 2 stupid boys were from Gunnedah, one was called Gerard, possibly Esther? Not sure if they were the same ones as Blondie shunned, BUT i DON'T THINK SO. Arsholes will be arsholes. {I think one of those tormenting arsholes turned up one day to visit my brother at my place in Pendle Hill – such fuckin arrogance.}

Public transport was a huge problem for me, I would say, particularly being young, but approaching 50 now, I’m pretty sure I’d still have the same problems of people stalking me and following me home if I caught PT. I mean I have a car now, and I still have people follow me in my car!  I’ve chosen to leave the big dent in the back of my car, so people who follow can assume that I’m broke, have no money to fix the dent, so are turned off following me - I think it’s working.

I just say NO to public transport, (unless of course it was the luxury private cabin travel that they do now with ensuite and 24hrs room service! – The Ghan on the ‘Indian Pacific Australia’ or the ‘Shiki Shima Japan’ or ‘Venice Simplon Orient Express France’  or ‘The Blue Train’ Africa!! -  not even in my dreams!). Realistically, I just can’t use public transport in Australia, due to all the stupid Australian dogs. Oh, that’s right; the one time when I travelled overseas, to Hong Kong, I stayed at my friend’s house from fashion school. I caught public transport there quite a bit, and I do recall being harassed by a child once, a little boy on that train, so I guess it’s not conducive to Australia. But it is conducive to STUPID PEOPLE, one thing I have noticed about people who harass me in such a manner – they are all stupid. And not just a little bit, but really  stupid. Like the kind of stupid that ought to not be allowed outside.

{There are also a lot of really stupid ones on the local Gunnedah radio, I would say probably here too, and back at Gin Gin too – but I never listened to the radio, have not since I was 24yrs old.}

One of the biggest things I find so bizarre in life, is that nobody acknowledges this huge problem that I encountered on public transport, like it’s such a burden for me. Such a problem. What? doesn’t this happen to anyone else? I was later informed it does happen, but to only certain types of people, quite, conservative, like why there are a lot of university professors who do “research”, that’s their chosen job, hidden away out of the public, so they don’t get picked on. This would explain why Unis charge an arm and leg, paying for their salary too. (although when I was rmit, their annual fee was approx $500, so I am not entirely sure if it is just other Unis that charge $10000 a year or what?).

Its bad enough having to now live in residential areas and be harassed by my neighbours, (whole dog family), but public transport is way worse, in the whole, harassment factor.


This country has some truly fucked parts about it. Yes, these things really happened, I am not making them up to fear monger. STOP TRYING TO OPPRESS ME.

Image from Council Magazine – there were no free images on google search – google search is now hopeless

2. Typical outing for Me, Another Example of Constant Incessant Persecution

So, for about 15 years of my life, probably more, but you know, I didn’t really pay tooo much attention to anything when I was younger, and I’m getting pretty old these days, but when I ventured out, on an ‘unwork-related’ mission such as visiting a National Park - which by the way is actually work related, I have a nursery business and a keen interest in native plants, anyway, I somehow unbeknownst to me, manage to attract multiple ‘weirdos’. First of all, there was (actually, occasionally still is) a whole lot of women in new cars around me, and especially at petrol stations, (?) followed by young men (trying to be predators, but I just perceive them as nuisance flies) - who start harassing me and following me, because I’m not at work, (I think?) and on my own; they think I might be looking for ‘fun’. I can’t begin to explain my low opinion of these scum clueless creatures that harass; what stupid little boys disguised in grown men‘s bodies. STUPID. (Although at work, even under someone ‘s supervision, I would still be harassed in same manner by hoons outside). Also, btw, I find generally most people who harass me are short! Just a weird thing that short people are vulnerable to, this type of delinquent behaviour, it is a total dysfunction, and in my experience, you can never trust anyone who is short, I would go so far as to say a lot of them are actually mentally retarded, in my opinion, due to a lack of vitamins as a child. They certainly have no social skills to speak of whatsoever. (Thanks for all the short smarties that have since been in contact!!...) when I am actually working, I still get ‘dogged’ by people, but they are usually old men.

There are plenty of girls that follow and harass me, and in fact, mostly it’s girls, but I’m just remembering one specific incident here at a National Park in NSW, because I was really trying to get away from everyone that day in Gunnedah, at Henry st, and find some peace and quiet in this lovely forest, (I was later advised by a little birdy that it was John Peterson and his mates, who were car harassing me in Gunnedah at that time, as he was ‘pissed’ off that we never ‘hooked up’ – well, guess I was right about that rejection. But then later someone else implied it was stupid blonde bimbo, not John. Whatever – all coward pathetic scum.

So, but of course, once again, I had little shitheads just doing the exact opposite of what I want. I think one of them was Heath Barwick. Thieving Idiot, he belongs in prison. (We are not friends, we never have been) Could have been a look-a-like or that flatmate from Melbourne – idiot, I think he stole my copper kettle? (– also stupid blonde bimbo said it was stupid blonde bimbo, not Mat.) Or there was, in 2000, about 5 young men (little boys who were not wearing any shirts) who came out to my farm in the pretence they left something there before and were looking for it – or something, I can’t remember, (read my “Rowan Leigh - Never go to music festivals” photo story on p1), but I naively let them wonder around. And as they were leaving, they went past my room, which happened to be completely empty, it was a big house, and I heard one of them tell the other, “oh look, she does not have anything anyway!!” so those boys were definate thieves, someone would have sent them out to my house, (most likely stupid blonde bimbo), and it is possibly been those boys who have been stealing and harassing me since – burn in hell boys- you deserve a baseball batting, and, as you always seem to need for things to be spelt out FUCK OFF.

Plus, I know there are women behind them, they are just the puppets.

Again, I was reminded by someone, that it all comes down to my car – that’s what they were chasing – a feeling, a ‘flame feeling’. See my car below. (Course, I was followed around by dogs way before I got my car…..) You know it’s not my problem, that most other people have no guts or creativity, and just stick to “plane jane” cars. It ought not to be my problem, that there are so many stupid blonde bimbos either.


Here is a good spot to mention, back in about 2008 or so, my sister who was living with dad, decided we should go on a day outing to visit local sights, so we picked a National Park, and off we went. I can’t recall exactly where we went but I think it was a National Park behind Manilla somewhere, I remember Manilla because, when we drove down the main street in Manilla, there was a pub, and what appeared like about 20 horny men who leered out the windows and doors as we went past, whistling and woohooing! Idiots!

No one else was harassing me, or ‘us’, for the whole trip, unlike if I were on my own at any other time in my adult life. People are so stupid.

When we arrived, there was a “National Parks and Wildlife” sign, talking about the protected area, and explaining some of the species there. Someone had planted a whole heap of Grass trees near the sign too. Very pretty! But right near the car park there was a dried-up creek, and there, munching away, in the National Park, were at least 5 cows. So – “protected” my arse! We could see the fence near the creek, it did not go through the creek, so that’s where they were coming and going as they pleased. And that area is usually dry, this means those cows would usually be there, eating species into extinction. Some anti-green, greedy farmer, cashing in on NSW Parkes and Wildlife. I should point out the difference in land that is not grazed, compared to land that is grazed on, is chalk and cheese. Like ungrazed, is this lush green thick covering, over the earth, even in drought times. But grazed, it’s a sparse yellow brownish ‘desert looking’ ‘drought looking’, dry appearance, pretty much all the time except immediately after rain. So HUGE difference in the land that does not have cows grazing, and especially noticeable in low rainfall areas. This is why trees are so important, in farmers paddocks – plant some Kurrajongs you lazy hics. (p10, no 15 –“My Kurrajong idea for Australian Farm paddocks”. Also note my garden on each header of my Blog; how green is that grass in my yard, with NO WATERING, 7yrs into a 9yr drought). Told you. All I did to my “lawn”, was mow, I had a “mulcher mower”, it was brilliant. Plus, I got rid of any painful weeds like bindy or cathead the first season I was there. None grew back. I did not care about any other weed that grew in the lawn, so long as I could wear bare feet on it, and it could be kept short, fine by me! ‘Perfect lawn’, not a priority.

Btw, horses are just as bad as cows. Saw recently a documentary on the current war about the Brumbies in The Snowy Mountains near Mount Kosciuszko – sorry to say, and I love horses, but they have to go! National parks need protection against cattle, sheep, pigs and horses (sometimes rats too). Of course, they cannot be aerial culled - come on, what's wrong with you. How would you like a nuisance member of your family ‘culled’ (shot)??  Reign them in, build a fence, pay a bounty, do what you have to do, then sell them to whoever wants them, for next to nothing, free? Horses are expensive, so I know they will sell at a good price. There are many private properties with horses, living in ‘environmental harmony’. Fine. So keep National Parks protected.

3. This driver is obsessed with me

This car, I’m not sure what its number plates were back then, but it’s exactly the same as this car (which is now parked at my neighbours across the road. Just sits there never moves has been there for a month’s now) I’ve had a huge problem with whoever was driving this car; they would follow me around whenever I went into town in Gunnedah and Tamworth - basically harassing me. And whoever it was, they would always put P plates on, and there would be some decorative

feature in pink. I think the number plates were pink as well, so the windows were dark, so I could never see who was driving, but once I saw a short tubby blonde girl (I am pretty sure it wasn’t R Wainberg, but looked like her) And I strongly suspect the driver was not a P plater, as the car constantly had P plates on (for about 10 years in fact) so that’s just weird. I’ll bet they have very sore legs and a big ass, from driving around so much. (I think that same short blonde girl was harassing me one year at the Christmas Street lights, about an ebay bid I cancelled?? - DOG)

This car is also one of the cars that leaves when I leave and then returns when I return plus I saw the son of that couple who owns that house follow me over to the beach one day. Maybe they have borders in that house? there seems to be at least five different cars there, one driver I saw is tall and skinny.

You know, if you’re thinking about me, then you’re not thinking about what you’re supposed to be thinking about – and that’s good food, btw. So, stop occupying your time with me, and think about food.

4.   26th July 1130am WHITE SUV following me again - most likely stealing my mail

Every time I leave my home and go down through Kookaburra Park, there’s always a white SUV either parked by the side of the road in various spots, or goes past me.

This girl is obsessed with me and appears to have mental problems - if anyone sees her, please Bom Wake her,  - she steals, poisons my food and tampers/breaks my car, not to mention, harass’s.


This has now stopped, since I did this blog, thankyou thankyou.

5. Well, you can try to keep up

I am frequently remined of some guy rebuking me when I suggested I was followed around and harassed. He implied it was all in my head (arshole), so I have started writing about many of the times in my past when I have had such problems, I can’t write about all of them, as there are too many. But looking back, I have realized, that ‘followed’ and ‘harass’ is really an understatement, and the word ‘persecution’ is more realistic. Since I started writing about it, it has been GREATLY reduced, but am still followed by cowards in cars, where ever I go. (Bugger off btw, are they simpletons? Why does someone want to follow someone else down the street? Do they have heaps of petrol money to spend? do they have heaps of time to waste? I can truly only imagine that these people are so retarded, they can’t think of anything to do, so that they have to follow somebody else around - this is the epitome of stupidity, get a brain you idiots, and stop being a nuisance.)

Because I have a Collapsed Arch, I have not been able to walk or do exercise for nearly 5yrs now (Doctor could not diagnose it till 3rd year) so that, in conjunction with COVID19 gov cash grants, (how nice not to worry about food for a change) I have put on a little weight. I figure a bike might help as I can push the pedal into the arch. So, I have started riding down to check the mail every day. As of two days ago, they have now started to wait down there for me - yesterday there was a blue car waiting for me (honestly could be coincidence, but today there was a child harassing me (often if I hear a Childs voice yelling out, but I can tell it’s a woman pretending to be a child, somewhere along the lines of Bart Simpson), from one of the houses at the big dam when I rode past, and then a white van going to that house. I am going to have to take my camera now when I go riding. DOGS -persecution. (Nothing has been stolen over the last 2 weeks, except 1 batch of frozen roo mince) Honestly, I think their main evil plan is to try and make me sound crazy, because I can see what is going. Its like they know how to make someone appear crazy  by simple ‘people placement’ and theft. It seems to be a ’thing’, a cultural thing amongst bogan Australians who are ultimately in juvenile REBEL MODE; “let’s have some fun with person and try and make this person seem crazy”. And I can assure the police in Gin Gin fall for it hook line and sinker, its like they have absolutely NO IDEA what goes on.

Btw, I only had my bike for a couple of months when I realized, I could no longer ride it due to knee arthritis in both my knees. Dam!

And I will put this Melbourne bike riding story in - When I was in Melbourne I was accosted by this bicycle guy, he kept a look out for newcomers (hall monitor type) and whenever he saw someone new in the area, he would stalk them, and then just as you’re about to get out of your car, he would zoom past, he would like wait and time it, so you get a bit of a fright - in order to make the newcomer, aware that there are bicyclists in that area, so you can’t just open your car door because you might knock one flat. He was like a full on territorial dog guarding his streets and fellow cyclists! I bet he only targeted women on their own.

(My brand-new $470 bike, sold for $110 at the Bundaberg Tender Centre last month – what a waste – story of my financial life.) why can’t I  find these good things secondhand?

Also, here is a good a spot as any, I mentioned above covid19; I’m hoping after the whole, extreme (almost 2 years) of COVID-19 virus saga, that we are now more aware of the contagiousness of viruses, people  are now more willing to cover a mouth when coughing and sneezing, and will stay out of the community if you’re sick. {I remember before, people had no problems going to work or school, or generally interacting with people, when they were sick. Ridiculous!

If you’re sick you have to stay home; make the most of it, a couple weeks in bed watching Netflix – hooray!

I think we should take it even further, and that is, instead of kissing one another hello, as some people do, particularly amongst family members at holiday time; instead of kissing, it should be just cheek to cheek transaction. Take a moment. Much more pleasant and meaningful.

6. Stalking Dogs in Melbourne

I want to write about the girls in Melbourne. I moved to Melbourne and went to RMIT for a very brief time, I say brief, as it was so unbearable down there, I soon had to leave. I was surrounded by these girls, really I say girls, but the only words to describe them are stupid little leach bimbos, they would be constantly around me on a daily basis, especially in the mornings, but I remember specifically one time, I needed to get a ruler for my course, a special grading ruler, and it’s kind of hard to explain but those stupid bimbos would try to control how I got to the place of purchase, and which particular ruler I should choose - without going into the details, I just wanted to express here, how fucking humiliating those stupid girls are (they still would be, stupid bimbos like that can’t be helped. Get a fucking brain you stupid little dogs). I think Cathy Goldman has something to do with it.

I still have people who hang around and do the same, they were at Bundaberg on the 17th dec, different ones, but organized following, condescending. Since I have cameras now, it’s not so easy for them, because they’re cowards and they don’t want to be seen as a Nazi bully, they especially don’t want to be yelled at or made a public spectacle of. Btw I can’t help but see some of them, they usually try and hide in the general public on the street, and I don’t waste time seeking dogs out. Most of them that I’ve seen had blonde hair, not always, just an observation. I can still clearly see one, she was a blonde with fair skin, kind of a big (in my mind she looked dumb and zombie like, as if she was under control by another force (so important to be of sound mind all the time), but I also saw her somewhere else in a different state at Centrelink behind the counter, she is one of those dogs that literally follows me around. If I had my way, she would be getting the electric chair, the world would’ve been a better place without. Fuck off.

When I was in Melbourne also some of my family was there for a brief period. I know my brother’s wife Sherry, saw one of the guys that was harassing me one morning, which is very unusual as they don’t usually let themselves be seen in front of people like family or friends  (Secret plot to make me sound crazy), and I say a guy, but usually it’s always girls harassing me, just occasionally there are young men or fully grown men. Sherry did not know what was going on or why that guy was there, she just thought he was talking to us from across the street, and was like “what the?”. {Oh, by the by, one time in Sydney, I was staying with my aunt, she noticed that where ever we went, there were people in brand-new cars, she said look, they are everywhere! I’m not sure whether she made the connection that wherever I go, I’m followed around by people in brand-new cars, or did she just think everyone in Sydney suddenly had a brand-new car! BTW, they do this (this is my theory) to show off their brand-new car, and also car manufacture people do it to show off any new things they have done, like a cool new blinker design, or a new hub cap design, etc etc. They show off in an obvious and overt way like stopping right in front of me for no reason, for about 30 seconds, with the new blinker on!

And my sister was also there, I was trying to tell her about the ruler situation, she implied it served me right because I was trying to buy the wrong ruler, (what the fuck?) like maybe I should’ve prodded her to find out exactly what she was talking about, but as far as I’m concerned, this comment, makes her one of the stupid dogs too. 3rd borns, if only mothers new how handicapped they are compared to 1st borns, if they knew, no one would have more than 2.

I think special attention needs to be brought to the “Secret plot to make me sound crazy” part, that I mentioned above – I am not sure whether that person on the street where Sherry was, would deny he was talking to me if I confronted him??  But I do believe the girls involved in persecuting me do so with the intent to make me sound paranoid -little blonde ‘goodytwoshoe’ types, as they want to discredit me, (because I have all the dirt on many stupid girls, especially from school) And when someone is diagnosed as being paranoid, often that diagnosis is mis associated with ‘potheads’. Hence why they are stealing small invaluable items from me on a weekly basis over 10yrs, in the hopes to drive me nuts and paranoid, so then they can discredit me and call me paranoid pot head. And hence why they tried to label me as someone with mental health problems – read my mental health story on my about page - STUPID LITTLE WOMEN-  truly stupid. They are evil. I am not, and was not ever a ‘pot head’ (I have tried it though, when I was 18, I did not like it – apparently in some circles, I specifically had a reputation for being a drunk and on drugs? Neither of which is true – I still do not drink, not even a little bit! {the dog network, spreading rumours, could have been spurred by my little sister Penny Bieman?}). I am not paranoid, even after their attempts to try and drive me nuts with constant theft and verbal harassment. Of course, every action there is a reaction, but I am a very cool, calm and collected person. Still. Just somewhat more cynical and cautious after my experience with MOST people. I should further point out, those  ‘goodytwoshoe’ types wanted to use me as an example; because so many people thought that I was on drugs and a pothead, then they could say- “look what happened to her now, she’s crazy, and has no house, and it’s from drugs, so don’t use drugs” They literally think they are doing good. NOT ON DRUGS. So, in the in the process of their “helpful” tirade, they are ruining my reputation and causing a whole heap of problems for me, plus other people too. And by the way, I have actually met a couple of hard-core long-term potheads, and they are by no means paranoid at all, not in any way, shape or form. So, I know it’s not a general rule, those ‘goodytwoshoe’ types are wrong, as usual. I would say being paranoid would more likely come more from being chastised at school by nazi teachers, or from being wrong in class and in turn being reprimanded or humiliated. Sets their future up as being fearful of doing the wrong thing. (Teachers are hopeless) and NEWSFLASH, smoking pot, does not lead to a sudden interest in trees – you stupid little short blonde from Gunnedah, as in people who garden, plant trees, or have an interest in horticulture, are not POTHEADS. Btw, it is still illegal to use, supply and possess cannabis in Australia – all states, except for; medicinal purposes; and that requires a doctor’s prescription – and then you can buy it at the chemist! Just looked it up on google. 2022 {the chemist did this, as they were sick of missing out on all the sales of pot - $50 a little bag if I remember from when I was 18} WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY, talk about retail suckers!! One of my neighbours smokes it, I can smell it – I am pretty sure I know who it is. And I have noticed the type of person that would succumb and fall victim to marijuana use, are the type of people who have a natural born Nuisance personality  trait, that is someone who really needs supervision, as they can’t think of anything better to do, so they resort to drugs - to occupy themselves. Having said that, I do feel in today’s modern times, at 18 or thereabouts, when everyone else  is ‘experimenting’ and pretty much going through a ‘rite of passage”, those kids that don’t try pot; in my experience, it is those kids who have a cowardly personality trait, they have no guts, as it does take a bit of courage to try something you know nothing about; they live in fear, but then this personality type, goes on in society to do damage under the pretence of superiority. I think someone needs to point out, that a recreational drug was created for an experience, so you can learn something about yourself- like maybe how to laugh at silly stuff… so that is what you get from it. So, there is no point repeatedly doing it, you will gain nothing from the experience anymore, nothing. I am not sure it would relieve pain either, I am not experienced in this matter, but I would think not. Possibly the people in terminal pain, no one really cares if you’re on drugs or not, so do whatever….

Just by the by, did you know that single ladies (who drive charcoal cars that look like a mouse), are not permitted to attend Melbourne Aquarium. There is no such written rule, but I can assure you, this is law amongst the people of Melbourne. And if you do have the audacity, as a single lady, to attend Melbourne Aquarium, then the local council will give you some sort of fine.

I have mentioned before, since I have written this blog with all these kinds of details, the stealing has been reduced – but they still are stealing from me, including some of my writings, like the bit I said about ebay staff was deleted, lucky I saw it the following day and re wrote it – it was the bit about how if I create a new account, they deleted it within ½ hr (they track me constantly, turned me into a cat and mouse game, they did it, do it on Facebook too). Bunnings Bimbos still steal from me; my Petunia was stolen by their delivery driver a few months ago, looked like the same girl who stole my trees on the Keepit Dam Rd near Gunnedah, who also looked like the territorial dog who worked at Bonds in 1994 when I worked there too. Women – so fucking stupid.

7. Postage dogs who deliver my mail to my neighbours – their friends instead of me.

There is this weird game the dogs play; they try to manipulate you by taking advantage of the situation, like an ‘opportunist’; so, for example (they do it in many numerous ways, but I’ll try and give you an example of where it’s really obvious what they do, sometimes it is not so obvious). So, maybe you’re expecting a parcel, (COVID TIME) you keep a watch out for the mailman or the courier.  And delivery trucks keep turning up at the neighbours, like, ‘they do signs’, to try and inflict concern, so all parcels (including yours) are being delivered to all your neighbours, and you don’t get your parcel.  That’s their game, initially to try and trick you. Seriously a horde of delivery trucks on standby, or ready to drop everything and play games.
So, if you just ignore these mentally retarded antagonistic dogs, and wait, usually the parcel turns up - in the past this has been the case, although here at kookaburra Park, it actually doesn’t turn up,  they do steal my mail by delivering it to my neighbours, I’ve had literally dozens of items in the 2 years I’ve been here, stolen this way, through the post, as well as FastWay couriers (whose real name is SlowWay Couriers – such rude nasty cunts). My parcels gets delivered to my neighbours - friends of the mail contractor and Courier, I personally believe, they are friends.  I kicked up a big stink about this, (as in, made several complaints) because it’s an easy problem to solve; just find out who the contractor was, but instead of doing that, they have actually ban me from the post office, and from eBay. I truly think I’m surrounded by complete morons. Thank goodness there are many many other online websites who will quite happily send items to me with proper tracking number (StarTrack always deliver, as does TNT, DHL, FedEx and Sendle).
So, in the past when I’ve ignored the mentally retarded antagonistic dogs, the dogs feel like they have lost because they didn’t “get to me” as in, I wasn’t concerned, stressed or worried because I knew it would turn up. They really feel like they LOST – just so weirdly bizarrely wrong and stupid.
So, if I had of been concerned about it, and even phoned the courier up, and demanded to know where is it, then, according to mentally retarded antagonistic dogs, I would’ve “lost” because it means that I was paying attention to the stupid people who are having fun playing this game. I’m not sure where the logic is? I mean do they want people to be complete zombies and not pay attention to what’s going on around them?
Another one of the courier games was refusing to deliver my mail unless one of the neighbours were home, as in implying; child minder required. Just nasty bitch behaviour. They also did that at Sarina occasionally. Infact, that courier behaviour may have come to full fruition at Sarina, as I wrote about it on my Blog (and I had given my blog address to all my neighbours there!), I talked about all the bloody toll mega semitrailers stalking me every time I went to mail my letters. So, I have not had this problem at my new address so far, I think.
It seems the main aim is to try and manipulate the ‘girl’, without being seen and caught so to speak, like a rebellious child-like activity.  I’m pretty sure they target single ladies, I mean I’m usually always on my own, so I don’t really have any experience in this area, but I suspect this is the case.  As when other people are around me, I don’t usually have this kind of problem, occasionally they will do signs, which can be kind of annoying if you’re trying to have a conversation with someone and they keep flashing up particular signs, like billboards on a truck that drive past, or flashing lights, banging drums, beeping horns, trucks that have metal bits attached so it is designed to be ‘overly noisy’ when going past, commentating - they have all sorts of means and ways of how they do it, they especially use these tactics to give you ‘confidence’ or take your confidence away, to make you sound foolish in front of the person you’re talking to, or make you sound good, empower and unempower, they can be very manipulative. This is why it’s important to know how to, first recognise them and then secondly how to ignore them, truly.  
And usually if you talk about these things to other people when they’re not happening, so you can’t point out to them exactly what’s happening, they will often assume that you’re crazy, like there’s such a lack of understanding about mentally retarded antagonistic dogs , I find it really weird. I heard once that this is deliberate amongst the ‘powers that be’, so as not to ‘reward’  bad behaviour with attention of trying to catch them. Because they feel, those mentally retarded antagonistic dogs, all they want is attention, because of their hopeless parents, who starved them of love when they were growing up. So now they act out, in the form of attention seeking behaviour. This makes sense enough, although, really, in my experience, you can’t do anything about a problem, until it’s acknowledged. It needs to be acknowledged and then addressed. I mean you could acknowledge it with a gunshot, which would be fine by me, but there obviously needs to be tactics thought of in dealing with these morons, I know the police do absolutely nothing about those menacing truck drivers who so disturb the peace here at Gin Gin. I mentioned in one of my stories my brother‘s wife, saw one of these people who was harassing me outside our place of stay in Melbourne - it’s really unusual that they make themselves seen, they have some secret plot to literally make you sound crazy. I think that’s part of the excitement for them, they want to be unseen and sneaky for some reason. (They want to be a fly!) At one point I suspected that they target poorer people, because there seemed to be a lot of mentally retarded antagonistic dogs who do this, who have money and time to waste, but after living on a property that was owned by a lawyer, I no longer think this is the case, because I saw them trying to have a go at him as well. So not just single ladies either.
I can assure you these mentally retarded stupid antagonistic people are very real, there is something wrong with them in their head, only, because of their sneaky ways, they think they’re really clever. Someone told me they think its “Art”, as in, a creative way to communicate (deranged, disturbed, and unhinged.) It is an absurd pastime, they remind me of that slightly mentally challenged boy ‘Lennie’  from Of Mice and Men, how he first accidentally killed a puppy, then manhandled Curly’s wife, and choked her to death without really knowing what he was doing.
Or other such behaviour that socially challenged country delinquents get up to. I am from the country, and I can assure you – there are plenty of socially challenged country delinquents, I have met some mothers of these creatures – they are hopeless. I don’t know why the powers that be have got away for so long the activity of encouraging so many women to breed “populate or perish’ – just so wrong, children are NOT for everyone. PARENTING CLASSES PLEASE!
SO, as far as I am concerned, those mentally retarded stupid antagonistic dogs, are not worthy of living on planet Earth. STOP USING ME TO TRY AND FEEL INCONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.  I’ll have to add, these people, I’m guessing were raised with extreme alcoholism problems within their parents/teachers/grandparents…. So, for these big issues, to be addressed, I don’t see how there’s any way to address them, without addressing family values for the future. Alcoholism! Geeze, even a three-year-old could see the problem of drinking these days. You know, it is my experience, that everybody wants to be ‘in control’, everyone. But if you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you relinquish that control, so it just doesn’t make any sense at all - And anyway, drug and alcohol abuse is done by people who want one thing; and that is, they want to be saved, they want someone to literally save them and put their life on track, they are waiting around for someone to save them. I suggest to those people; turn to God because no one is going to save you. wakey wakey Australians.




8. The weird and bizarre phenomena on of people leaving their house when I leave my house

So yesterday I complained to the police anonymously about the trucks waking me, and everyone in the park up, at aprox 3:30am every morning, and guess what, last night there was no trucks. I’m not sure if this is going to be a whole thing now, or maybe it was just for one night?

But yesterday, again they switched the water off, so again I have no water!

And the other thing is I went to MpB yesterday, before I left, I was putting my rubbish out and 4 cars appeared (unusual in quite kookapark). One of them appeared just as I was leaving my house, a car from down the road that left too - this is not a coincidence, this happens every time I leave, it used to be obvious my neighbours were following me when I went to the post office, but since I no longer go to the post office, they still seem to be following me. - that first car at my gate was at Helen Dobles house, so maybe it’s Helen who is following me around today? I managed to get a close up photo when that car followed me to the rubbish area, looks like Helens grandson? They seem to take it inturns, and they leave just ahead of me, in the attempts to disguise the fact that they are following me. Before it was a car from the house next to Helens, at David Hookers. I put a YouTube up showing that car.

I’m pretty sure I had people who follow me when I went to MpB that day. But the thing happened yesterday at MpB was a whole spate of mothers and daughters placed in front of my car. I did catch them all on camera, but I don’t feel it worth going through the whole process of editing my bodycam and car camera video recordings. No one wants to see a whole spate of mothers and daughters. Oh there was quite a few people doing bike signs, to remind me that I could put up my “for sale” poster at MPB. I would have more of a chance selling it there than at Gin Gin, I want to sell my bike, as I have for arthritis and can’t ride it (damm it) and MPB is an excellent place to ride a bike, all flat. And while it was good to be reminded of this, as is sometimes the case, unfortunately more times, many more times, it is NOT good. I deeply resent people who do ‘signs’. So condescending, it’s unbelievable, you have no right to infringe yourself, to encroach yourself, on my life; who the fuck do you think you are? we are not in a relationship. Such widespread surveillance, infringes, my personal liberties. Get your own life and don’t be so disrespectful towards me.

STOP DOING LOOKALIKES, and stop following ahead of me!! Stop wasting someone’s moneytime. Oh, after I complained to the police about the trucks, the trucks disappeared, so now there’s a motorbike, a noisy one at around 3am. The reason why I think they’re waking me up is because this particular person can’t handle image transfer and dreams (see my Dream Watchers photo story), so they just wake me up, and keep me awake. It is unbearable for me to be woken up - I need my sleep. Scientist doctors and academics, will agree with me here, people need their sleep, and interrupted sleep has dire consequences on performance function and memory throughout the day. And if you’re having problems with me and my god given ability, then you need to go and see a psychiatrist or even your local chemist ladies, they can give you an anti-psychotics. I believe that’s what the intended use of those drugs IS FOR. I can’t tell you if they work or not, I don’t have this problem. Although, I would suggest you learn to deal with it; we are never given anything we can’t personally handle, so figure it out MATE. It is totally unfair that I, my neighbors and the local animals are kept awake at night because of your problem. YOU WAKE UP and take control of your own life, and leave everyone else alone.

By the way, the fact that you’re not getting good dreams, like you used to when I was young, and people would crowd around, is the result of the whole society of Australia, who have fucked up my life, and the irony of the situation is actually quite comical - and it bloody serves you right; be nice to the girl or pay the price.

9. Followed, stared at, Harassed, Targeted

Another example of a place I go out to, where I get followed by multiple people, whose main aim seems to be to stare at me. Sometimes they steal from me. Sometimes they actually come up to me and talk to me- although not usually.

Since I’ve written about this at MPB, and other places too, there have been changes,

with less harassment, although I suspect there are some people who come along

and read my blog and then go and copy what I’ve been writing about, in true

delinquent style.

So that day at MPB, instead of the typical empty beach, that I love. I was followed there by about 20 people. There main aim, seemingly to be just to stare at me. But one person made a hissing noise, and one person pretended to steal something out of my bag, which I think was later stolen at Errol Zunker’s house, although I’m not entirely sure about that because there were people following me when I went to drop off a Gumtree item at Errol Zunker house too. But the person who pretended to steal something about of my bag on the beach was a kid, whose mother was standing nearby watching, seemingly to be orchestrating her son and keeping a watch out on me in the ocean – and she looked like Beyoncé. I was not aware Beyoncé had any little boy children, but who knows, and who knows who the mother actually was. Thieving mothers. That is not the only one. This reminds me of my brothers wife, one Christmas, she ‘stole’ my paint brush set, or was it just 1 out of the set? It was a while back. Do you see, this is what ALL women who cross my path do, they steal something of mine. They must think, “oh, well she has a whole set, she can spare one”, and so just takes one. Or, “oh well, those brushes are for crafts, which are for kids, so she does not need one”. Or, well, fuck knows, what they are thinking, but that is how they often steal from me, thinking nothing of it – its no big deal. Most people, most women, are incapable of respecting anyone else but themselves.

And, have those ‘followers’ any idea how unbearable they are? Oh yeah, I just love having 20 people follow me around to a nice quiet area, where I wanted to get a nice quiet swim, instead, finding multiple people just hanging about seemingly doing fuck all but mainly basically, are a total nuisance. Maybe they think it’s a good thing to accompany me? I can assure you it is not. I like being on my own. I do not like to have uninvited dogs hanging about. This has been a constant problem in my adult life. FUCK OFF.

Toll truck wanting  people to pay them a Toll, they work incahoots with retialers who over
neighbour stalkers.jpg
Bikini Bitches - More hater dogs trying to fight me.jpg
Stalking neighbours online too.jpg
Coward car and truck drivers playing road games in order to TEACH ME A LESSON.jpg
Bitch Wind.jpg
Toll Stalkers                Neighbour stalkers       Bikini Bitches         Tip stalker at Sarina                                    Rangari garden 3mnths before I left

10. Toll truck wanting people to pay them a Toll, they work incahoots with retailers who overcharge

I WAS BEING STALKED AND HARRASSED BY A Toll Truck Driver, have not seen or heard

one for a few weeks. But every time I go to Bundaberg, I have one stalking me. I noticed every time I went to a shop who overcharged me, or stole from me, (which heaps of them do),  I really try to avoid shopping anywhere except online or the supermarket, but anyway, after such an incident, there would always be a toll truck, that just pulls around the corner, and presents itself to me  (EVERY SINGLE TIME) -  and I think they’ve been doing it for years and years, but for years and years, I haven’t really paid any attention! But eventually, I have worked this out, they actually do “signs”, and this will be one of them – “they’ve overcharged you because they want you to pay a toll”, so who knows what the toll is for, they come up with all sorts of cockanninnie reasons, and it is nothing but theft.

Guess what you little delinquents - I do NOT have to pay a toll when I go to Bundaberg. Infact, I do not have to spend any money at all - should I choose not to. Deal with it you scum.

Toll should be closedown, because its owners have no control over its delinquent employers

who carry on and behave like they are rebellious teenagers, when in fact they are grown?

adults in their 20s 30s 40s and even 50s. Toll truck drivers have been a problem for years.

11. Neighbour Stalkers

This is my neighbour’s car, there is someone that drives this car – she/he waits every morning for me to go outside whether that be 7am or 10am and then she revs the car and leaves, only to return about an hour or 2 later. She’s/he’s been doing this whole time I’ve lived at my new address for the past seven months, every day, practically. She or he is obsessed with me, and I suspect, most likely, the person who is stealing from me, and the person who makes loud noises at all hrs of the morning to wake the whole neighbourhood??

Also, just after they leave, someone drives down the HWY that runs alongside Kookaburra Park, and makes a loud banging noise, this happened every time, until I wrote this.

I also saw David Hooker’s son, actually, I believe it is Sharon Millet’s son, from a previous marriage, at the post office when I went there, as well as all the way over at MPB, he was hiding in the bushes. So, I would say it is probably that person, the son who is stalking me and who drives that car. (Maybe he was one of the neighbours who take it in turns to follow me whenever I leave Kooka Park?)

No one ever complains, except me, for OBVIOUS REASONS. The police do nothing. So, could that  stalker please piss off out of my life.


Since I wrote this, that has stopped happening, they seem to now just leave every morning same time. – they must have got a job (hopefully they are saving for a new car, so they can buy one that is not from prehistoric times, and is relatively quiet) In fact, I have mentioned this somewhere on my blog I’m pretty sure, about the women who present themselves to me in new cars, and beep their horn -  particularly if someone/shopgirl, steals from me, afterwards they drive-by in a flashy car, and beep their horn. It’s a manipulation tactic to piss me off.

Anyway, putting that aside, why don’t those girls who go and get the new cars (there have been HEAPS) - they must be car industry people, why don’t you give this person a new car!! They  badly need one. It’ll save the whole neighbourhood from hearing loud revvi old car noise!

12. Hay Bimbo Naziheads -Hay and Dog Following Me Story, Dogs That Play Sides and Follow Me Around in Cars

This is also along the lines of “saying it like it is”, in the hopes that it will stop (seems to work for some unknown reason)

Okay so this is sometimes what happens, it’s been happening for some years in retrospect. I have these girls that follow me around when I am out and about. And when I stop at someone’s place (probably happens everywhere I go, but I only started to noticed it when I’m at somewhere remote like on a farm, - and as I leave there’s always some girls waiting in a car just down the road, with engine running, and I suspect what they do is go in and see the person after I’ve left. (in fact sometimes, they come in before and interrupt me -that’s happened a few times, come to think of it) and they kind of like ‘play sides’ I call them “the dogs that play sides”, so that the next time I speak to the farmer/person, they suddenly are really rude and disrespectful in some way, like for instance, I went to collect some Hay from Scott Warren, the guy was nice and friendly, we had a chat, the neighbour was burning his cane, we were looking at it -quite spectacular, he gave me an extra bale of Hay; 4 for the price of 3. And that was it, I left. – I saw as I was leaving, just parked down the road from his farm, on the dirt road, guess what, a car with girls in it, just sitting there, engine running. So, the following year I was looking for his Hay sign that he puts out, finally I saw the sign, so I drove down there, he’s about 10k’s out of Gin Gin, and I get there and there’s no Hay at all - he wasted my time, and my petrol. And it would have been because of those dogs in that white car that previous time. BTW, I have no idea who those dogs are, I don’t know them, I don’t recognise any, they never speak to me, I have absolutely no association with them, they’re not friends they’re not enemies, they’re just nobodies (I guess they would be enemies now, to be behaving like stupid stalking harassing dogs - they could be NEGS girls, or most likely prostitutes?? - anyway, they have no business following me around, it’s a disgraceful form of bullying). So yeah, this is what happens to me frequently, it’s like deliberate sabotage, just because I’m ‘me’. Oh, I have mentioned before problems with an obsessed house mistress from school, harassing and stalking me, this is just the same thing, isn’t it, so it could be her Cathy Goldman – I have reported her to the police. And, BTW, last time I drove to Bundaberg I had some bimbo following me around in a ute with hay piled in it. This happened every so often in  Gunnedah too, only it was a big truck piled high then. A hey sign.

I’ve come up with a way to deal with these dogs and that’s by taking photos of them, they will run and scream if there’s a chance, they’ll be caught on camera it’s quite amazing how it works (that’s the dog’s gift – an uncanny sense of the moment before being caught in the act of harassment or bullying) btw, I have stated before if I catch a dog on camera behaving as a bully, I will instantly upload it to YouTube. I uploaded a phone conversation, where the girl was harassing me with multiple calls, and she sounded totally sly, a week later I listened to it on you Tube, and it had been edited, so she just sounded normal – that girl was anything but normal. (They change all the good movies too) there are editing geeks who want to save the ‘fair’ bimbo. I’m sure now that I’m fully conscious of what these dogs do, I‘ll remember many more incidents. I carry my camera with me at all times, but it is actually quite hard taking photos when your out and about (and busy) so often I use my phone to video what is going on, I wear it around my neck.

13. Bikini Bitches - More hater dogs trying to fight me

 These 2 bikini bitches wanted to have a go at me at that parking sign - little do those two bimbo bikini girls know; I was Miss Paraguay 2004 kickboxing champion!

Really and truly, I don’t know why I have this problem with dog bimbos coming up to me, trying to fight with me, always, where ever I go, same thing, they come up with ways to try and have a go at me; powertrip. Rack off you stupid pair of silly boob meat. (of course, I did not stop, I was not born yesterday)


Look what I got now!! Mirrorcam! thank you thank you thank you!

I’ve had monumental problems when driving around with dogs following me; in front of me, behind me. They do all sorts of things. They started to be a problem when I went to Melbourne; there are dogs down there, mostly male dogs, whose full-time job is, to do signs with numberplates - they have a whole array of personalised number plates down there and they do lewd conversations - they are disgraceful. The things I could’ve captured if I had my camera back then! Although I suspect once people know there’s cameras on board, bad behaviour will suddenly stop. And btw, I seem to be harassed more in the mornings, there seems to be some sort of change during the day, and in the afternoons, it’s quite different. I make a point now of not travelling anywhere in the mornings, because the dogs are so bad. If I wait till late then it’s much better, I have relatively more peace and quiet out and about. Except those bikini bitches did not care if it was AM or PM. And no one informed these bully bikini bitches I have cameras now. Stupid women.

The amount of stupid women there are, is embarrassing. Thank goodness I know that there are actually smart ones with common-sense out there, somewhere.

You know, why should I have to give something of myself to get these stupid women off my back? I don’t owe them anything. Fuck off you stupid dogs, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off.

Btw, these women are the reason why there is inequality against women, these women are the reason why certain men are disrespectful towards women, these women are the reason why women don’t get paid as much as men (in some areas), these women are the reason Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton.  Wake up bitches.

Oh, in case you didn’t work out, they are the ones to put the sign there in the first place, their premeditated plan they concocted. (As I have described on my blog, I have a dedicated team of dogs who harass me and steal from me, but I suspect those 2, just saw their own opportunity, and went for it!; territorial bulldogs; “this is our beach, you have to pay the toll”


And while I am talking about signs, I want to mention something that has been happening for at least 5yrs – well it has increasingly got so frequent (there are some really stupid people that work in the entertainment industry making movies and shows); but there are also some very smarty-pants, some with a helpful nature, (a lot actually) some even genius, but those people want to warn viewers about the upcoming bad program – they can see what’s going on – the ‘intangible’, and they want to do it in a way that, they can’t be found out, that’s pretty much instant, and is kind of secretive, otherwise they may be fired. - What happens is, at the beginning of a movie or show, if there is some mode of transport flashing past the screen that beeps, so, either a car, train, or even ferry, this means that the show is mediocre bullshit and you probably shouldn’t watch it (or has stealing dogs in it, or is offensive and propagandist, or has predator evil rapist men in it…) Well, there have been a lot of programs that I have continued to watch after I’ve heard warning beeps, and they have been truly bad, often I’ve switched them off. BUT I do find this warning actually more annoying than the bad show - it’s up to me to decide what I watch, it’s not up to somebody else. Some times the beeps are so out of place, I even wonder if Netflix can do ‘over-sounds’ in the app?

14. Beige car woman trying to control what I see GET A LIFE YOU STUPID BITCH

Okay, there seems to be some stupid bitch who is trying to control what I see; so, when I go to MPB, for the past five times there’s been someone in a beigey car at the turn off, always different times (I doubt that they will be there next time since I’m writing this) five times not a coincidence.

This car had something to do with Bikini Bitches, if you read that story.

Then when I go around the other side to get some water, there is always some car drive past and beep at me (different car always) there was also a family there showering, and I’m pretty sure the mother was someone from triple j/tv, I’ve seen her a few times, actress, (not that I am any good at recognizing people, quite hopeless infact unless they have the same haircut and have not put on any weight.) Perhaps it was her yelling out and harassing me from the house near the dam when I went for a bike the day before? Who knows, maybe I should’ve told her to fuck off, but  she seemed to be just there swimming with her family. Next time I’ll get a photo. Also, btw, 3 people pulled up at my neighbours Helen Elders, the whole time I was gone, (CCTV) they left when I arrived back, again not a coincidence. I mean not that I care what my neighbours are doing, I really don’t have a nosy, meddling nature at all, but those people seem to be obsessed with me, it’s like the sole point of what they’re doing there; they just stare at me from my neighbours. I’m just wondering why are my neighbours wanting to entertain people who were obsessed with me  -it doesn’t make any sense. But I strongly feel it has something to do with all the thefts that have happened to me since I have been here. And it’s along the same lines of that other girl who was parked there, as soon as I go down there, particularly with a camera, they take off at 100 miles an hour  -they don’t want to be seen by me up close, or actually talk to me,  it’s very odd.

Hay! It’s none of your business what I am doing right now YOU STUPID DOG WITH NO BRAIN OF YOUR OWN.

 I do not believe anything was stolen that day when I was gone.

Later I saw my landlord drive a car that looks just like that beige one, apparently it is her inlaws car, that she borrows. I am not stating it was her, organising "boob meat" - allthough it probably was, as I later discovered who she really was, wainberg older sister from NEGS. But, I do have imitators, who harass me with same cars as people, in my life (you would have read about it on P4 "look alikes or doubles from TV Movie Agents in Australia"). Whichever dog it was, I hope they burn in hell.

15. Persecution at Woolworths and Coles instore, trailing off to other areas of Tantrum Throwing by Arrogant Stalking Monkeys on my Back

Due to someone in 2020 (a young naive male doctor) accusing me of it “all being in my head” - the fact that I am followed around and harassed, it got me thinking of all the times when I have been harassed over the course of my life; and well, there have been numerous occasions, and really, ‘follow and harass’ is kind of an understatement, and the word more appropriate is persecution.

{Stupid Doctor}

So here is another example. (There are heaps of examples, but before Home Delivery, I used to get harassed at the supermarket, every time – MONUMENTAL problem at the supermarket, my whole adult life. HUGE).

So, I have always been a ‘Quality Fresh Food Woolworths’, fan, for ever, even when there have been cheaper options. (Much to the annoyance of certain powers that be – if you have read this blog, there is a short blonde dog, who is obsessed with me, and wanting to put me in “low class”, – she would really hate the fact, that I shop at Woolworths, I mean, it would drive her nuts, and I am REALLY surprised that Woollies still delivers to me! I mean maybe they can’t be manipulated by stupid blonde dogs, unlike basically everyone else in Australia!

Anyway, when I used to physically go to Woollies, this was the time I moved back to Gunnedah from 1998; there was a speckly staff girl that would obsess about me, and there’s also someone in a black car that was there, whenever I was there, at 7am. No idea who that person was (at Gunnedah). - actually, I think those two were in cahoots, and they put items that were on my list, on yellow ticket special!! (a little birdy later told me they did that because I was so thin, they thought me to be starving, and so wanted to help!). But when this became apparent to other people who work there, that this is what they did, then, another girl used to put items through twice at check out, to try and rip me off, infact they would try to steal anyway they could, if they thought no one was watching. This was the same mousy girl that worked at the reject shop and used to steal from me  -stole my reading glasses, dozens of reading glasses (and she would have stolen them for someone else, as she was young and did not wear glasses). She is a STUPID jealous thief – I really wish I had her photo, HONESTLY THE WORLD WOULD BE 50MILLION TIMES BETTER WITHOUT HER AND HER ACCOMPLICES IN IT. I still get overcharged/stolen from, by this bimbo today, I saw her at the local Sarina Mitre 10, I think? So, she would also stalk me online too? Prob works with Telstra? (No bodycam back them).

Well, I guess that story was a kind of, a little bit off track, as it wasn’t really a ‘followed and harassed’ story, but there’s plenty of those stories on my blog, so I’ll just follow this chain of line……

When Coles opened its doors, I stopped faithfully going to Woollies, and started going to Coles (brand new store opened in Gunnedah, I wanted to give them a shot, as practically everyone shopped at Woollies in Gunnedah. So, I turned up on the first day! And was given a sample bag with Chocolates and Roses!! – they can’t go wrong with that can they! lol).  I always shop at 7am when the store opens, as like, I have previously mentioned many times now, I get harassed where ever I go, including the supermarkets. So, 7 is best, usually no one there. Honestly if I go later, say around 10 or 11, OMG, it is so bad, little bloody stupid dogs following me around the store – total sleeping beauties!

But the staff there, eventually, I found unbearable - their main game aim  was to try to manipulate what I buy, it was a game for them, so if I put an item into my trolley that they didn’t like or think I should have, they threw a tantrum -kind of hard to explain, but making loud noises, banging and carrying on, was part of it, aswell as removing such items out of my trolley when I was not looking (they created distractions – such audacity, such arrogance). Also, whenever I went into the bathroom isle, one of the staff would go ahead of me and remove any of the items that were on my list, so I could never buy toothbrush/toothpaste at Coles (which set off a whole chain of torturous events at the dentist – all evil in life can be traced back to a bimbo girl). Their harassing behaviour was so bad, when I told Tamworth Woolworths what was going on at the Coles store, Woolworths arranged for home deliveries from their store at Tamworth, which by the way was 70km away - so three cheers for Woolworths. Back to Woollies!. Of course, now they both do online shopping, so I can shop in peace, thankgoodness. (There have been still issues with both, of food items disappearing out of my online cart, and items not being delivered or substituted – especially meat cuts, rotten fruits picked out for me, (can no longer buy stone fruit), refrigerated goods being left out over night before delivery, and still, bad meat/fish, bimbo problems if I choose click n collect as apposed to delivery – but all in all, still way better than shopping instore), and really, thank goodness for online shopping – it has been a godsend.

I say in the title of this story ‘trailing off’, as this awful situation of someone else throwing a tantrum if I do something that they do not agree with, happens at other times too, like today for instance, 30th Jan 2024 (rental inspection tomorrow). Well, actually, I have noted it happens often whenever I have got something specific to do or to go to, and need to organize myself in advance for the event. I think they want to try to “help” me to be organized for it. And if I don’t get ready when they think I ought to get ready, again they throw tantrums in this strange “stranger” way, like again the loud banging, but also, multiple cars and trucks suddenly driving by my unit, occasionally beeping, loud neighbour voices (harassment voices, often reflections), also yelling, lately aerosol bug spraying over my partition wall, and cigarette smoke by my new neighbours, {I mentioned before sometimes back in Gunnedah or Tamworth I would have girls come up to me holding cigarettes, but not actually smoking them, they would just position themselves around me hold a stinky cigarette). Although I think that neighbour smokes still, even at the great expense that they are! (idiot).

I can't believe how arrogant they are; that they would think I would need their help; go fuck yourselves you stupid fucking neighbours and stupid fucking trucks - fucking little idiots. Do you think we are married? Do you think you should have some say in my life? Well NOT and NOT you little stupid little dogs. I have name for those antagonistic wanna-be control freak, married to me’s; “Tantrum Throwing, Arrogant Idiot Stalking Bimbo Monkeys on my Back” FUCK OFF you cowards. Stop using me to power trip, go and USE yourself.








16. Bitches driving infront of me, OR WAITING FOR ME AT MY DESTINATION, as a way of stalking, harassing and stealing from me – DOGS

This one is going to sound odd, and a lot of you will ask how can they be following you, if they’re in front of you? Yes, people do ask me that, if they have not got the general gist of my life after reading my blog to this point. It’s true. They know my routine they know where I’m going, so that’s how they can drive in front of me, they may have other reasons as well, but you’ll have to ask them about that.

This has been a problem for at least 15 years, this is what they do when I drive anywhere, mostly and especially in the beginning it was no big deal, and not a nuisance, who cares if there’s someone following you or is in front of you, however sometimes, there are just instances where they totally piss me off, due to the nuisance nature, and this particular day at the Hay was one of those times; Could the thieving condescending bitch who was at the Hay at MPB, fuck off -you stupid fucking dog, get a fucking life, and stop fucking harassing me and stalking me. (BTW it was a white SUV and the person was wearing fluorescence, (I did seam to have a spate of multiple white SUV’s following me around MPB then and the next time I went there?)

You know maybe it’s jobs provider related? Carol Watson was my jobs provider at the time, but maybe it’s landlord related? Cate Rogers was my landlord at the time - who knows.

All I know is it has been a problem for a long time, before those two women were around.

Persecution  (I want compensation - $500,000)


17. Car Herding and Number Plating

I want to mention something about the ‘car herding’ that goes on in Sydney (and Gladstone){by dogs ofcourse} to cause crashes, mainly causing a controlled hit to the rear end. Commonly done in traffic jams where there is bumper to bumper cars. Street Mafias.

They also do it at lights where there’s cameras to try and get people to speed over the orange light. Thus, getting a ticket. They work like a pack of dogs to do it. Light people could be involved – everyone wants to play God. I should put that story, when I lived in Sydney I had 3 jobs at one point, in the evenings I would temp babysitting. This one family, about 30minutes away from my unit, was fairly typical, 2 young boys (actually I have mentioned this story elsewhere before, but could not find it, so here it is again, one of the boys was misbehaving, and the other, older boy was trying to get his younger brother to “cooperate” with me, so as not to be difficult, he was kind of trying to be the hero, as boys sometimes do. It was fine by me!  At the end of the night, I took my $70 and headed off home. So, on the way home, on the freeway, there was a large truck blocking me from seeing the lights at an intersection; so, as we were sitting there at a stopped red light, when they changed, so I thought, we both started going, there was only the 2 of us at the intersection. However, the light changed back to red before I had crossed the line, so the truck would have been sitting there even after the lights changed to green, in order to trick me, as I could not see. I felt that truck driver did it deliberate so I would get a $70 fine, which I did, making the night a total waste. I believe it was related to that little boy who wanted to play the hero. And some stupid psych jealous truck driver. I do not know anyone who drives trucks, plus I was single at the time, as always. Fuck off you stupid moron. You belong in jail. Someone later told me that person was Prince, who later changed his name to Sign. I personally do not, did not know Prince, I did go to his concert when I was 18 though, we did not meet, I do not believe he would have seen me in the audience, I was in the very back row at the entertainment centre. Why he would be following me around Sydney in a truck is beyond comprehension, and I am glad he is dead. When the dogs told me it was him, I did not believe them, as I thought Prince’s legs would not be long enough to reach the peddles of the truck!

When I briefly moved to Melbourne OMG, the number plating! So, lude! I’m just merrily driving along the Melbourne city streets, inadvertently glancing at each car in front of me, beside me, and one’s going opposite me, and vaguely catching the number plate. When all of a sudden, the numberplates change from the typical alpha numerical code, into words, personalised number plates, a whole spate of them in a stretch, and whole conversation start appearing before me! It is extraordinary what these dogs get up to out on the roads! Some of the conversations are in its self, enough to drive you nuts, and thank goodness I don’t live in Melbourne any more. And I describe what they do in one little paragraph here, but, this does not really reiterate as to just a big ‘thing’ this numberplating scene is. It’s a huge car driving dog thing with many rev heads involved. All wanting to come up with short lude ‘chats’.

18. Beeping Bimbo in New Car Phenomenon

This has been a real problem in the past, where women are coming up to my gate, and beeping, then driving off straight away. And, always in new cars. Plus, not only coming up to my gate, but if I was down the street, they drive up to me, beep, then turn around and drive off. And they now, also do it in the movies. Lately they have been using a red Mo-ped.

I can only guess why they do this, because who knows really why some little unknown nuisance person would do such a thing. My latest theory is; it’s when I go shopping, and I have been overcharged at the checkout. {And not overcharged with the price tag stating one price, and they charging me more, but they change the price tag, and over charge in a legal way.}  So then after that happens, a little bimbo beeps her new car – stating, by doing so, “we (or they) just stole from you so we could buy a new car”. And it is 2 in 1, as also they get to product place new cars – or should I say brain wash people into buying expensive new cars. Those marketing people have NO MORALS and are scum little girls.

So yesterday I went shopping at the supermarket, online, and when I sat down afterwards to watch a movie, here is another beeping blonde bimbo. Like clockwork now.

So, by writing about what happens, basically I’m saying, in case you can’t realise it;  fuck off! I don’t need any beeping bimbos to tell me that people are stealing from me, I can see it plain as day, that I’m being overcharged.

If you want to actually do something about it, like call up the people who overcharged me and say we can see that you’re stealing from this girl, -by all means go ahead. This will be a far greater option, rather than annoying the crap out of me with beeping bimbos.

19. Same Name Phenomenon

Photo shows 2 middle age hiding in the bushes just up from my house one Saturday morning (no longer on my blog due to size issues). I would frequently have people lurking outside my house at Kookaburra Park. My landlord reckons it is because of her – the body corporate there wants to sticky beak at her new veranda… And, on an unrelated matter:

This frequently happens: “Same Name Phenomenon”, like an ebay seller contacts me by the

name of Linda, and then the same day someone from the government contacts me with a name

 Linda, and then again, same day, I need to call Telstra and the call centre girl is named Linda.

What the hell – am I speaking to the same call centre on all 3 occasions?

Annoying little nuisance dogs.

And, on another unrelated matter: “To Kill a Mockingbird”. I always thought that movie was famous for its story, turns out the story has nothing to do with the price of eggs in China. It is about the title. The point of it, is, if you’re being harassed by people, or even birds for that matter, then by sitting down and watching a movie, suddenly they will stop! It is quite remarkable how this works. It happens so much in my life, I find it hard to know why this issue has not been frequently discussed, and on numerous occasions! So, someone’s just made up this movie to explain to people in a kind of non-existent roundabout way, about what happens, and still no one really talks about the fact that people get harassed frequently by other people….or birds. Like how I get harassed by the person who lives across the road at 9 Village Lane, (David Hooker, Sharon Millet her son and daughter from previous marriage) the latest thing they do (or one of them does) is a continuation of banging when I walk outside. I find though, all harassment stops, as soon as I sit down and watch a movie. Those ones did stop doing this briefly banging after I walked outside, after I named and shamed them, but when I removed the address from my posting, they started again. They belong in jail.

20. Stalking neighbours online too

I wrote this in 2020, and 12 months later, again having same problems with this person who drives this car (Hooker and Millet who live across the rd) (or perhaps it is the passenger?) they seemed to have stopped putting families, and or different members of the community in there who then harass me, thank goodness, (they could have been prostitutes, but actually I think they were from facebook?) much quieter now, no yelling out, banging and tapping, carrying on like that. Actually, it’s been very quiet there in the meantime, and I do think the police spoke to them about the problems as well, and that’s probably why it’s been all quiet over there since.

But I think they have something to do with banning me from all social media and eBay. Today when I created another ebay account under AustralianSeed, instead of farmplantsandseeds2015, it was going well, but then at 1107am today, April 2021, they deleted my account and that car revved up and left – I am 100% sure they are complaining to ebay and all online websites and having me banned. DOGS. The QLD Small Business Tio is hopeless. This country is horrid, that person driving that car should be castrated. I mention when I upload stuff, occasionally I am not stalked online, maybe my online stalkers have gone home to get some sleep? Maybe they have left to go to the pub? But sooner or later BANNED

I’ll give you an example of what my neighbours typically do in the form of harassment; so, this morning I was busy, remembering, to water all my ferns (I had to burn back one) and in my haste I left the back door on back veranda unlocked, but as I was went out onto the front veranda, watering those ferns, suddenly the neighbour down there went “woohoo” and in the past whenever I hear “woohoo” from a girl, it means the girl has just stolen something from me. (Not sure if the “woohoo” came from Bob and Helens, or from the Sharon Millets house, who seems to sit there all day and concern herself with whatever I am doing, maybe it’s her daughter?) or even, the rental house behind them on Elseardway?  Also, I want to say, I came to the conclusion that the girl “woohooing” means this, because it always happens – a pattern. It’s not just a hidden make-believe meaning that I have concocted, there’s literally a type of person who steals from me, and then, have some sort of cohort, who goes “woohoo” or sometimes they beep a car horn, as I’ve mentioned numerous times.

It would’ve been someone light footed like a child, because I didn’t hear them, and all this week, and I think it was last week too, I’ve been hearing a little boy staying in the empty house across from me through the trees, in Beeke Smiths place. Can’t actually see their house from here, they have a dog or they’re doing dog sounds on audio equipment, because dogs aren’t actually allowed here. So, I strongly suspect that little shit, came onto my Veranda. By the way, that voice of the little boy that I heard coming from the empty house I mistakenly thought that voice was coming from Mat and Naomi place and it turns out that it wasn’t them it was someone in Beeke Smith‘s place, so, I would’ve falsely accused Mat and Naomi for all of that harassment that I’ve encountered over the past two years. I however have not heard any complaints from them, but I believe the recent theft may have been an act of revenge from Mat and the Naomi, or their friends - which makes them guilty anyway. Actually, I’ve had a lot of retribution, from, in particular, my landlord Catie Rogers, who insists that Mat and Naomi are innocent, and she has stressed this many times, so much so, that I now suspect, the reason she hasn’t done this with anyone else here, is because she knows they are all guilty, Beeke Smith is friends with Win, Winfred O’hoer, who is friends with my landlord, so I suspect my landlord is protecting that group of people - who have been harassing me and stealing from me all this time??. As you can imagine, this is just a disgraceful situation, and I am looking for somewhere else to live. I don’t have thieves in my life, if you steal, we are not friends, we never will be, there will be no forgiveness.

Anyway, back to my woohoo story, while I was back out on the back veranda, I realised what had been taken, secateurs and they removed the plug from the bottom of my large inflatable tub so it was leaking everywhere. That’s exactly the kind of thing they do, when I had my black plastic out front, they put a whole in it, sabotage - persecution by thieves.

Or they could’ve just been woohooing because my ferns had to be burnt back - that’s the kind of thing a girl would woo hoo about, as in woo hoo, you lost, I won, as my ferns don’t need to be burnt back!

See how much they waste my time. I am really busy atm.

Btw, one of the neighbours who I met just before I moved in, has done a couple of manual jobs for me up here, which was very nice, and certainly makes a nice change from my usually complaints about neighbours.


So, I have written this whole blurb, and not mentioned my other neighbours Bob and Helen Elder, when infact OMG, why do I have neighbours who obsess about me and what I am doing? They have serious mental health issues, if they cannot mind their own business in every single minute. They are really old and cocky, and do the most devious things of them all – very passive aggressive. At this point looking back, I really can’t be bothered to go into to everything they got up to, and all their antics, I suspect they were also in cahoots with the couple at ACE hardware? I must have mentioned them before on a few other stories, but they were, well, say on a scale from 1 to 10, so far as neighbours go, they were at most, a, 4.

21. P plate-ing 40yr old women

I haven’t noticed this so much up here in QLD, but in Gunnedah, {after quite a few years, I noticed} and finally put together the fact that women were distracting me with P plate cars (due to a good looking p plater I ran into when I was younger, much younger in Sydney!) But these P platers in Gunnedah would hoon around me like they were young silly things. And frequently, like, every time I went into town, over 18yrs from 2000-2018. But when I looked closer at who was driving, I noticed that it wasn’t a young p plater, it was women in their 40s (my age) different ones all the time. I definitely noticed that their main aim was to distract me. (God only knows why?) And often they would follow me on longer trips, like on my daytrip to Warrenbungles/State Forest.

(I told you, constant doggedness) what the hell is wrong with those stupid women?

I sensed those girls were zombie and had no idea what they were doing, and maybe were under orders from some rich people that have nothing better to do than harass single ladies. (Powertrip – “I want someone to boss around and manipulate and I want to do it in a car!).” – so Unhealthy, so absurd.

I thought this is worth mentioning because I want to say to those women; bugger off you stupid little hoons and get a real life, stop polluting our air.

22. DOGS, at work, not at work, on the street, in shops, at home  - it makes no difference where (I did do a nice illustator image showing a house, kids and Mary Poppins me! but to big to include!)

At one point in my 20s I worked alongside a temp nanny agency, doing temp nanny work, which meant I went out to various houses, all along the North Shore in Sydney, and babysat their kids when Mum and Dad were out in the evening. It was usually Friday and Saturday nights, but not always. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I had people, mostly young women, out on the street trying to peer in and watch me, watching the kids - it was ridiculous. I have previously mentioned I am frequently followed by young women (dogs), but while I was babysitting, they would stay outside the house, and make themselves known by trying to peer in, or try to join in the conversation, or carry on with other antics - while it was mostly females, occasionally it was men.

I’ve done this little cartoon clipart, because I just find it so ridiculous that people would do this; they must not have any life of their own, to want to follow some complete stranger around and try and peer in on them. I mean don’t they have any self-respect, or values of any sort. What kind of hopeless parents did they have? And this was the North Shore, quite a hoity toity area. So, I can only make comments here, about how hopeless a lot of mothers are, to make their kids think that this kind of behaviour is normal and acceptable. Truly, what was their motivation? There was no money in it for them?

I really feel there has to be some sort of education in schools about this behaviour, it’s not acceptable, and it has to be SPELT OUT, as it seems a lot of society is too stupid to put it together. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

I think I’ve written about this too, but I can’t find it, so I will just quickly put it here again; the girl who used to follow me when I went to work every day at Enmore, on Enmore Road, it’s like if I couldn’t find a carpark outside my work, and had to park a block or two away, this girl, blonde hair, would get really anxious, because I was there, when I should’ve  been down where I work, she was, literally part dog and was being territorial. She would follow me until I reached my shop, if I stopped on the way, so would she. I thought about what an earth makes someone, a human, turn out this way - it’s completely unnatural. I figured it’s from one of her parents, or both, lording over her while she was growing up, saying this is my house, nothing in it is yours, and basically treating her with no respect, so that she developed this ridiculous canine personality. I just wanted to yell at her one day YOU KNOW THIS IS NOT YOUR STREET; anyone has the right to walk here, or walk where ever they want in any public street all across Sydney.

That stupid little blonde just couldn’t understand this concept of PUBLIC STREET.

I remember one time I had this little dog follow me when I was going over to visit family friends  who lived at Collaroy (they have since moved) but Collaroy is on the other side of town from where I lived, and that girl obviously didn’t have any money, yet still she was trying to follow me, - I think, she was actually hitchhiking, or she had friends? But when I hopped on the final bus (it’s a bit complicated to get there from western Sydney), she tried to sneak on the back without paying, the bus driver saw what she was doing, and shut the door before she got on, shut the door in her face. I feel like that bus driver was the only person in Sydney that would stop one of those dogs in their tracks - everybody else is amused by the dogs and so would help them follow me - such is the stupid nature of not only the dogs but most people in general. Occasionally you  come across good ones like that good bus driver, only occasionally.

Oh, I just remembered another time when a woman saw a dog following me and told her off, the woman owned the shop, that I had walked into, Lisa Fry that was, I later worked for her designing clothes for Gothic people - romantic goths!! I think destiny had me working there because I looked dam fine in a Mortisha skirt!!

So, I ended up at my destination, with an evening free of the DOGS.

So, you can see, followed around by dogs all my adult life, DOGS, at work, not at work, on the street, in shops, in supermarkets while choosing the veges…at home,  - it makes no difference just constant doggedness. I am surrounded by morons. Btw, the main motivation of those dogs IS TO STEAL, looking for an opportunity to steal. They are fucking little thieving cunts who all should be shot – no exceptions.


The clip of the girls outside the house, is by Suburban Tot Super Street Gang, and I thought it was appropriate, because while those girls were adults, they were really basically still children on the inside. And some people are offended by my reference to girls as dogs – but they are, I like calling a spade a spade, if you can’t handle THE TRUTH about what happens to people like me, TOUGH TITTIES, time to toughen up and get rid of the dogs, so I don’t have to reference them when I write about my life. I’m not going to omit them just because all the stupid drunk rich housewives are offended at the dog reference. Unfortunatly they are a big unwanted part of my life. And this is how I am exposing them, and getting rid off them.  WAKE UP

23. A common obsession tactic is to try to distract me inorder to muck up the intended goal

This one is really annoying – and they still do it today, as I update this in 2024

Could the occupants at NO 9 Village Lane kookaburra Park Gin Gin please find something else to preoccupy themselves with, aside from me, and what I’m doing. Stop trying to come up with plans to distract me. You must have absolutely no ability to think of something to do which doesn’t involve annoying the crap out of other people and being a nuisance. Bloody third BORN, I bet.

They also car rev and leaves, when I go to eat. They do not really rev loudly, but they have multiple cars at that address, and the other one is a really old big car that is loud, I term it a hoon car, it would be a major petrol guzzler, they really should focus not on me, but on coming up with money to buy a new car. Some people just don’t know how to live. Sharon Millets son, I think, could be her husband, but I heard he claimed no part to her 2 kids – they are from a previous marriage!

Wake up bimbo mothers.

I could only see that person‘s legs they were skinny and long and I couldn’t tell whether they were male or female. Looked like David Hooker to me?

Oh, there’s that song again, it goes; fuck of fuck off fuck off.

I have the next paragraph on 4 other stories, as it has come to realization, in 2024, that this particular issue is the main issue with most of the problems I have with ‘monkees on my back’; those people are, infact single narcissists, who are latching on to me, as a single woman, trying to play out their stupid narcissists ways (they still may be in a relationship with someone else, but that other someone else, does not let them play their games, so they look elsewhere, it is a form of betrayal too. But I mean, just get a divorce, its no good being married to a narcissists. No point.)

You know I guess it just goes to show the key to popularity is pretty much NOT being a narcissist.

And I find most people probably will refuse to understand the word narcissist, I mean let's face it, sounds ‘nasty’ and possibly ‘nazi’.

A narcissist is someone who tries to control the situation all the time, and undermines your opinion, and tries to put you down (in direct, or passive aggressive ways). The dictionary meaning of the word is:

“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.” (As soon as I read this, I immediately thought of several politicians who fit this bill to a tea. And also, a lot of ‘snobs’ like from private schools. And Telstra call centre staff).

So, if you're ever feeling lonely ask yourself do you do those things because I can assure you heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of people do, there's major dysfunction going on in this country. I personally believe it is such an issue, because of the scary word factor, ‘nasty’ and ‘nazi’! seriously I was ban from spnfl for using the word nazi in an email I sent to another member. People are stupid. Scared of the word narcissism, without understanding what it really means.

24. Coward car and truck drivers playing road games in order to TEACH ME A LESSON

This is the car that was at the tip, then left just after me, then was seen just behind me ½ later in a different town. Not a coincidence. STALKER!

This week I ventured out to the local tip to drop off a dryer and an ironing board. Now, the person I spoke to Sheena, was friendly enough, we had a little chitchat about a tip shop that should be there, we discovered we both like shopping at tip shops! and she said everyone who comes here she considers them her friend and that’s why she likes working there. I then said thanks and bye, I dropped off my stuff, then left. That was the end of it, so I thought.

However, after I left, I noticed that Sheena left as well, (2:45 pm) and then I later saw her half an hour later over in a different town, it is like she followed me over there.

Now, I have had this problem before, of people following me, it has happened countless times, particularly if I go into retail shops, with young women. And here is just another time, but a perfect example to talk about, as in a local situation, a local encounter with someone called Sheena, tall with red hair. I have no idea what she was doing following me, why she would be following me, or what possesses someone to follow someone else on the roads, like that. SHE IS FUCKING NUTS.

Someone told me that, it’s just a low-class thing, that people with not much education or brains do, which I would believe, because it’s such a stupid thing to do - I certainly would not follow anyone. Nor have I ever.

Or maybe because we spoke in a friendly manner, she thinks we’re friends, and she wanted to follow me, in a friendly manner because she knows about my blog and the fact that people are stealing from me, especially in other towns - maybe she felt her duty to make sure nobody stole anything from me that time when I went out - in a protective dog type manner? WHO KNOWS - ITS STILL NUTS.

(I don’t believe anything was taken from me that day? although I did get a quote from the windscreen repair guy, maybe it was excessive? and I did call 5 other windscreen people to get a quote, but all I got through to, were what seemed like ‘the dogs’ – Telstra bitches who pretend to be the intended person I call - at any rate there are no other people in Mackay who can repair a windscreen).

But I discovered my Eucalyptus woodwardii seeds were taken the next day (they would have been taken not when I was at the tip shop, but a week or 2 ago), and, I am not sure, if it is coincidence, but I stopped at a ladies house in Campwin Beach who had a pretty bottlebrush, and I asked her if I could collect some seed from it, she said sure, but she also said, least I asked, because she has had a problem with people stealing from her garden. Can I say coincidence because it’s another common thing I’ve noticed older dogs, older female dogs do, and that’s arrange situations for me to fall into (traps) where they get to “teach me” or “teach somebody a lesson” - it’s done out of pure controlling spite and predatory hateful behaviour. So, the lesson being here, is that you have to ask if you want to take something from the garden, rather than just take it - which of course, I always do, but perhaps there are other people reading my blog, who just help ‘themselves’. Also, Toll truck drivers are somehow involved, and other people who stop in front of me, to slow me down, in order for ‘timing’ purposes - so I get to see the Toll truck as it drives past - they do this, as in sign, as in, “you have to pay the toll”, - which means that they have stolen something from my house, so I believe they may have stolen my Eucalyptus woodwardii seeds before, and that’s how they could plan their road toll truck game. This road car behaviour happens frequently, whenever the dogs are up to their fucked ‘teach you a lesson’ behaviour. It especially happened a lot in Miriam Vale.

I have a car cam now which has helped greatly in combating these fuckwits, and I have the car that stopped in front of me, aswell as the Toll truckdriver from my last trip, ON VIDEO - which I’m going to do a whole collage of, and upload them to YouTube, so you can see I’m not just making this up or inventing ‘signs’, this is a real thing that the idiots out there do - and of course they target me, because I’m single.

So, I think in the last 30 years of my life, I have had a lot of people who like to think I am their “friend”, and well you know that’s fine if you just chat away, joke around, no problems, but putting aside normal friendly people, there is an element out there, particularly in the female world, who maybe act really strange and have peculiar dog like territorial behaviours {my last landlord for instance} (often people who are messed up, mentally speaking, they may have endured childhood abuse, but, not necessarily so, there are a lot of people who act like this, and who are not aware of their dysfunction – like I have said before, once you are aware of unsavvy behaviour about yourself, you can do something about it, easy). If you read my “Don’t be afraid of being accused a hero” story, on page 6, this really describes in detail what people do when they think they’re being friendly and helpful, when really, they’re only ‘helping’ themselves. I find that’s what people who think they’re ‘friends’ with me, adopt this attitude, they think they’re being helpful, when in actual fact they’re just going on a power trip. And I just feel and sense, that there are a lot of people out there claiming to be my friend, when in actual fact they definitely are not, and they are probably someone who has stolen from me. I do not have friends that steal from me, if we were friends and you stole from me, we would instantly be no longer friends. I have a very low opinion of anyone who steals, they are pathetic scum and should be shot.

So, it’s not that I’m opposed to having friends, and I’m all in favour of friendly chitchats, and of course we all know how businesses like having “friends” - so the not real type friends but people who have money.

But when it comes to real friendships, I’m quite proud of clearly stating for the record, I do not have any friends, so if you hear someone claim to be my friend, they are lying and probably a thief! (Except maybe Tammy, who may or may not have found me, my latest rental!) -actually I find people and friends you knew/had as a child growing up, are the people you can most trust, as you know them well and they know you)

So, I guess while I don’t have anyone in particular to say this too, I have been dying to say it for many years now, and it has come about because of ‘false friendship people’ and those people know who they are, so I guess it’s for them; (possible Cathy Goldman)

For anyone who thinks that they’re my friend, and who are pretending to be my friend; fuck off you stupid dog. I’m never going to like you, and that’s why; you are stupid, you are a dog, and you are a major bitch the three worst personality traits one could possess, and you possess all 3, so fuck off. And while I am at it, I also having fake family people stating they are my family, when, they are NOT family. Family consists or people related by birth or marriage. Family does not mean anyone I went to school with, or my neighbours, or previous farming communities. Really and truly.

My neighbour told me because of the excess swearing people, will think I’m a drunk. I told him everybody knows I don’t drink.


25. Bonds Bullies, toilet stalkers again

So, at the moment there’s stupid female dogs with babies hanging around my units, and they’re kind of like yelling out and making baby noises, - harassing me. It’s not usually like that here, there’s no one with babies or kids (woohoo).  – really so much better living in a vicinity without kids. But, I know what the dogs are doing, they are doing scenes, something to remind me of different things that I have experienced. They do it as they think they’re helping, when actually, there just stupid bitches playing the cat and mouse game, it’s fucking annoying, its evil, they have been doing it for years, and they should be shot.

As soon as I realized what they wanted me to write down, they left. SEE

So, this time, they wanted to remind me (in the hopes I write about it) about the bullies at Bonds, when I worked there.

And indeed, there were female bully bitches there – I was definitely bullied by the female bully bitch stupid dogs; in the first few weeks I started there, some woman accused me of stealing her lunch! AS IF. There was also a female bully toilet incident. {So strange how some women will follow another girl into the loo in order to bully her, thinking that nobody else will be able to see them behaving badly - such cowards.} -that was the pattern makers, 2 of them. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid and non-thinking women can be.

The main problem with them (and basically all women actually), in any situation with women, what they do is jump to conclusions and assume that I’m angry or pissed off just because I don’t sit down and chitchat with them, and sometimes, it’s because I am not the best looker and don’t wear makeup, I am different from them, particularly the ones who were in the fashion industry, (mainly though, the issue is the fact that I am single, you can’t work there unless your married or have a boyfriend, it is socially UNACCEPTABLE to be single, according to those bitches). The thought that I don’t really care about them, does not even enter into their heads. And so, then they start a whole war campaign against me, it’s one of their favourite things to do, ‘play sides’ and try and get as many people in the community to be as mean and bitchy as possible. And not just at the time, I STILL HAVE the dogs go and get the bully dogs, and they do horrible things, like steal from me (again, they think they are helping). They are also jealous of me, especially when I lived at Rangari, infact it would be those girls specifically who would have been in involved in the brain washing to get me cast out I bet. The girl I replaced there was Katie Carter, and Katie Carter was Steve Carters sister, who lives at Rangari and purchased the farm where I was living. See now, small world.

This is an ongoing thing that women do, time and time again, there’s just no stopping them as they are so unhealthy, and will only respond to NAZI tactics, and as I am not a NAZI, they still continue to harass, torment and steal. They don’t seem to be able to evolve into common sense at all, still little girls. I can’t remember all their names, but 2 in particular were problematic, and especially stupid, one was Franka, an Italian girl, they used to talk about her on the news she was so mean. The other I can’t remember her name, but her dad used to work for Tip Top bread. They used to hang out together, and they would come down to the marker room and torment me. Oh, there was so a 3rd one, a mignon, Nellies spy mignon, who was a bully, and completely stupid. But she left to get married, thankgoodness. You know I was told that I was the only one in that whole Sample room that actually worked, whenever that person saw anyone else, they were just standing around chitchatting - which I can tell you was pretty much the situation 90% of the time. So, whenever I hear someone say “if you work hard, you will get rewarded”, I always cringe a little, because I know that that is absolutely not true. Especially I hear that in successful peoples biographies, I wonder if they are just trying to win people over to their “wealth”.  Infact when I remember back to my mother telling me the value of working hard and “starting at the bottom and working your way up”, when I was 17; what a load of crap! You know so many people in many workplaces, once they establish you as a ”low paid worker” – that’s it, you get no respect from them ever, only disrespect from them, no matter what happens, this is true not just of other low paid people, but also of stupid management. I always think now what a waste, those first 10 years of my life were; working so hard, sometimes up to 60 hours a week, practically for minimum wage and all for somebody else, who you barely knew, and who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you, and certainly won’t be ‘looking out” for you in anyway in the future. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, no matter how hard you work.

Also, I want to add, after someone has been a bitch in the workplace, with some snide comment, often passive aggressive, indicating complete lack of respect for me. Then the next day or the next week, whenever, they just expect me to put on the Barbie bimbo smile and play nice. This used to really irritate me, even though I know that is a part of life and the work place, having to work alongside people you don’t like. But that girl had proved herself to be a complete stupid bitch, and she is not someone who I would want in my life, ever, no matter what she did from that point on. What is done is done and cannot be changed. Having said that, I always conducted myself in a professional manner at work, unlike those stupid bitches. You would not hear me making snide bitchy comments. Your worst fear Franca and Kelly “I am better than you” – it’s really true, and you will have to deal with it, like a grown up. They also discriminated against a Chinese woman who was new there in the sample room, my friend. All 3 pattern makers did that. No wonder Bonds shut down.

Btw, it wasn’t because I ‘stank’; I often hear rumours about those 3, telling people it was because I stank; this is not true, this is something bullies say to try and justify their bad bully behaviour, to play sides. {Even after I was sent down to the warehouse on a weekly basis, with all the western suburbs local boys in their stinky sweaty bonds singlets, and who had porn stuck up on their office wall. Still clean enough}.

So, that sort of behaviour from stupid bitchy women, just repeats, in any situation, where there are a lot of females, and no males. You should see what happens when I go to a shopping mall – so STUPID, and again, the dogs set up those situations, as a part of their playing sides. How did women get the vote?

And, when I moved across to a different department – again, more retarded bullies, this time both male and female, plus they were old, people who should know better, but DON’T – still children on a playground. Talk about backwards. Infact that whole company is run by bullies, and it was like a game; a desirable thing to do, who can be the ‘biggest bully’ on the playground, with their secret desire of finding a victim, someone to pick on, the most imperative thing for them -the most important thing for them, more important than the work. There mentality was so fucked up. The backgrounds of most of those western suburbs old people- their family backgrounds, must’ve have been just filled with abuse and dysfunction.

There were 2 people in particular, quite old, in the marker making room, who would both be dead by now (30yrs ago), so hoorray, hoorray - the world is just a little bit better because they’re both DEAD. I will not name and shame them, because then the DOGS, will go and get their arshole families, who will harass / follow and or steal from me. This seems to be the pattern that happens now. Fuck them, fuck their families, I curse you. (I broke out into song when I wrote that last part hooray hooray the witches dead!)

You have to be nice to the girl – or bad things will happen to you – fact of nature. HA HA

Btw, as I think back on these Bonds incidents, the new department floor manager looked exactly the same as the real estate guy at Pendle Hill – I am not sure about this, but I am thinking they were playing games, alike how the dogs follow me around with phones? It just would not surprise me if he was giving me problems, as looking back it seems like ALL my landlords have. What an idiot – and hey, fuck off. Maybe I should have got his wife’s name, looked her up in the phone book; “excuse me, your husband is following me around like a dog – could you please come and get him and put him on his leash”. {Actually over the years, there have been multiple wives I could have called and stated as such}.

Such revolting humans I encounted in Sydney, and I bet there is a whole heap worse they did, that I did not even know about out there at Pendle Hill / Wentworthville. Passive aggressive.

Also, I want to mention here, I’ve had some difficulties purchasing supplies for this craft over the years, things like getting my scissors sharpened, getting my machine serviced, getting the correct needle size. I’m often sabotaged, and I’m pretty sure I have mentioned it before on my blog, in regards to hopeless retailer girls seeing me in fear that they will be found out when it comes to their dodgy retailling practices. Anyway, I’m not sure but I suspect those girls at Bonds might have something to do with the sabotage? Just a feeling, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Franka at least 3 times since, over the last 25 years. Another fucking stalking bimbo; piss off you stupid Cunt.


The above image (not shown due to size issues, is my design “Hakea petiolaris cluster on beige cloud” – on Natural Linen, you can see it and purchase it at zazzel

26. Screaming gecko, loud lizard, high-pitched tapping sounds from gecko in QLD, tuck tick tick

This little house Critter (Gin Gin and Builyan QLD) has a vocal sound varying from a quiet tapping/knocking noise, to a fairly high pitch very loud tapping noise, almost scream like. There are a few in my house and they seem to talk to one another via this tapping / knocking method. Tick Tick Tick, short consecutive sounds. I did a video of it. The first sound you hear in the video is kind of loud but they get much louder. I haven’t seen any other YouTube sound videos, showing exactly how loud these little geckos get, it’s enough to wake me at night often. This little gecko has very soft almost albino like pink skin, clearly an indoor gecko only, not hard skins like all the other geckos that I’ve seen in New South Wales, which, by the way, never made any sounds ever! Since I moved to QLD, I have had to get used to them, plus, I feel, people do not believe me when I tell them I am being woken in the middle of the night by a scream. It was really quite hard catching these on camera, they are elusive, and I have not yet managed to catch the lizard when it’s making the very loud sounds in the act. Sometimes instead of a multiple Tick Tick Tick, they just make 1 Tick sound, which sounds like a scream! I captured this sound just from turning my recorder on at night, sooner or later they make their sounds. I wonder if they kind of bark the sounds out…

I looked it up, and it is called the Asian house gecko – an introduced gecko into the warmer parts of QLD. Although I moved further north, towards Mackay, and there are no Asian house geckos. The local gecko here does not make any sounds, is outdoors, and actually wags its tail when it sees me!! It’s like after he sees I am not a threat, he finds a good spot to stop running, and then wags his tail, to say I am here, – I am trying to get that on camera, but near impossible.

27. My Daewoo Car looks like a mouse

One evening driving home in peak bumper to bumper traffic along Parramatta Rd, after work, this Chinese guy suddenly leapt into my lane infront of me, and then stopped suddenly, so I basically had no choice but to crash into him. It wasn’t a big crash; we were able to just get into our cars and pull around to the corner out of the way to sort out insurance details. I am writing about it because that Chinese guy did it DELIBERATELY so he could talk to me. No ifs or buts about it, some arrogant, cocky dick.

Thankgoodness, I got to leave the city and live in the country.

BTW, little birdy told me, the reason I had police, radio powertrippers, and other such ‘Cat’ types stalking / following me around in my 20’s and 30’s (At one point it actually became so notable, even to the police, that I was being followed by them, that they had to cut back), but it was because I had a charcoal Daewoo, and it was kind of shaped like a mouse, and dark like a mouse.

I truly am living on a planet filled with pea-brains.

Oh, and one another time I was on Parramatta Road driving to work, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, a car crashed into my bumper bar, and it wasn’t a big smash or anything, he just hit it, and dented it, and he said that he didn’t have time on his way to work to stop and sort out insurance details, and he wanted to come round to my house after work and sort it out, so I naïvely agreed, but, he did come round, he and his dad, and, get this, they wanted me to say, literally to the insurance company, that I had been driving backwards and crashed into the front of their car!! (So, then I would have to pay hundreds of dollars in insurance) those men must have a screw loose. Can you believe that? I may have been a young naïve 20-year-old, but I wasn’t stupid. I had to laugh at him, and said no, as I saw he was serious. They left pretty much straight away, but I mean how stupid are the women in his life, that he thought he could ask me that? I really feel that there must be an element of women out there who should just go back to school or something, really and truly. (Oh, it seems I need to point out, I wasn’t driving erratically fast and then suddenly stopping, so the person behind me would have no choice but to crash. It was just this guy, was a young 19-year-old Italian hoon, and he wasn’t paying attention - so he crashed into me.

I have to say here, at least I had a car, don’t get me started on the problems I had with female dogs on public transport for the previous 4 years. Public transport, just say no. (I do however feel a young person is not capable of driving and navigating traffic, 18 is too young to be driving in Sydney, you need a little more patience and experience with people.)

I purchased this car brand-new after two years of working at Bonds when I left at age 23, and had to work on the other side of Sydney, it was a bit risky because really you shouldn’t take on a loan unless you’ve got a secure job, and I had just quit mine and started a new one, but because I had dad as guarantor they gave it to me, plus they make a whole heap of money from the sale, (the new job I got, didn’t work out, and it started a series of multiple jobs trying to pay all my bills….never again, it’s a trap.) So, the interest rate was so exorbitant, that it was a win lose situation for me no matter how you look at it; with the finance company (Nissan) and car dealer winning, and me losing. I ended up paying twice the value of the car, in extra fees and rates, not to mention a under 25yr old insurance costs ($1500 ctp insurance per year – they are thieves too). No choice. This car was essential to living, not only to get from A to B where public transport did not go, but for my mental health well-being – life is way more bearable  WITHOUT DOGS harassing me. I had to have a car. I figured I should buy a new one, so I won’t have any car problems, since I didn’t know anything about cars. (I did later enrol in an evening car mechanics course at the local community college – but I think that was to no avail…) I have a whole heap of car stories to tell you but I don’t really want to get into all of that. I did try later getting a loan from CBA to pay for it, as their interest rates were considerably less, but plain rudely said NO (Although the nature of the loan (the sneaky nature, Nissan Finance, get you to pay all the interest in the first 12 mnths of the loan, so if you ever can pay it back in full, you still have probably paid all the interest, as if you had it for the full 5 year duration – do you see what sneaky thieves they are? All legal.)

But actually, I’m glad I bought it, I needed it, it was a good car, surprisingly roomy in the boot. I liked it, the dark colour, and especially the Flame decal down both sides. And it was built with a good sturdy Ford Motor, lasted well, and would’ve continued to last a lot longer if I didn’t hit a big roo just after dad died. It was a bit too ‘low’ for farm life anyway, and I replaced it (after waiting stuck on the farm for 3months until dads house sold, (bloody lucky it sold) I ended up getting a ‘raised’ Ute which was much better not only to cope with driving down the paddock checking trees, but could cope with Gunnedah council bad rocky dirt roads.

I did not get a photo of my car, (not sure how I managed before without camera), unfortunatly,  showing my decals, so I improvised see below;

1995 Daewoo 1.5i Auto (someone said the reason I had so many people following me was because they were all chasing flames! Not only the boys, but this car ‘worked up’ the girls too; when they saw me – it supposedly prompted them to purchase a car for themselves and want to go for a spin!! Infact some would say this car and me, as the buyer, was a deliberate marketing ploy by the car companies for such purposes, and as I personally believed at the time when it came out that this car was targeted for me – this is quite possible true. Thankyou Emily)

28. Flickr admin account thieves - Don MacAskill, Chris MacAskill

Another banned Flickr accounts

An email I received from Flickr admin, re another ‘banned’ account! So, this is what my saboteurs do, {I call them saboteurs, but really, they’re just stupid dogs who are out to get me (because they can’t get me), I’m innocent}. So, they create issues, and complain about me to Admin, and the admin, without giving too much thought, will just ban me, so they don’t have any problems.

This is what is wrong with the Internet atm, it is run by stupid nonthinking twits, who don’t want any problems, and who are scared to find the truth, and are intimidated by stupid dogs threatening legal action (when they have no grounds for legal action anyway). Fear.

So, after I was ban, I created a new email address and a new name, and created a new Flickr account, actually Flickr don’t ban people, they just delete their accounts, without any communication, Nazis - Nazi behaviour. But I have been storing all my photos from my “stolen items” and “my blog”, on the new account, mainly just to keep it there for safe storage, as I’ve mentioned many of my photos are stolen and by the way, including this one at the top, but I do have six other different storage areas, so I can usually always get back any image that has been stolen, and there’s been heaps over the past two years. You can see why the one above was stolen; I name names, I don’t hold back, if you’re going to mess with me, then I’m going to let everybody know about it. I don’t care who you are, or how old you are. If you harass me or steal from me in anyway, I’ll be naming and shaming you. Someone has to do it. {This is the main reason why my accounts have been deleted and why I have been banned from social media. I call people up on their bad behaviour, I call bullies up on their bad behaviour, and they don’t like it one single little bit!! With authorities, even having the audacity to tell me; well, they’re young, and they make mistakes! Well, I tell you, they certainly should be punished for “making mistakes” -making the mistake of harassing someone and stealing from someone, is by no means a “mistake”, these are deliberate actions by spoiled little shit heads who have had no discipline from the hopeless parents, and if they aren’t reprimanded then, they continue on their power tripping bully ways, just getting worse, and worse as they get older and older.}

So, I always put my photo stories in the public domain, (it’s the only way to do something about social bullying), and they can be downloaded if wanted. Although, one day I did a google search for Lagunaria patersonii, but my 5 images I have had listed on flicker in the Public Domain for some years now – was NOT showing. So you can consider all Google image search results INACCURATE, and if you look in the other section, you will find heaps of free images.

I’ve been doing that for the past couple of years. But last week I ran out - you only get 1000 photos. So, I created another account in a different name with also a different email address, to divide them up; “stolen items”  in one account, and “my blog” photos in another, however every single account that I created with my new fake name and fake email address was deleted;  so, Flickr is another one who have me tracked, and delete my accounts. (Perverts).

So, I wonder why my existing one that I’ve been using for the past couple of years, hasn’t been deleted; when I look at the photos, they really haven’t had many views, but I noticed when I created the new accounts, in the first 24 hours before they were deleted, I had many views. So, I’m not really sure what’s going on there, maybe Flickr have decided I can keep an account providing no one else can see it?  Maybe their IT people have arranged this somehow -  without telling me? Or, maybe they just think one account is ample and the “view” thing was a coincidence?

29. Now look here, special whole new photo for so called ‘do gooders’ who are trying to save the ‘stupid bimbo’;

Most people can’t understand about my expression “hope they get cancer and die”. They think, well someone stole your goggles, so what, big deal, they don’t cost that much, it’s not like they stole your life savings! - Those people don’t understand that, I’m having small items stolen (at least at one point, every week. So, every week, something would go missing, and it was often something that I was in the middle of using/working on, (a project). I mean can you imagine if you’re at work, and you’re working on a project, you come in one day to take up where you left off the day before, and the bit that you have done the previous day, was gone! I mean, just that one incident would drive you a bit nuts, wouldn’t it? Now imagine if that happened to you on a weekly basis, over a 15yr period (perhaps even longer)? Can you possibly even imagine that? what that’s like? the torment? Imagine if you’re an expensive lawyer working on a case, and that happened to you, and there is nothing you can do about it, all security implementations fail. Not only that, no one believes you?? So, getting cancer and dying is the least of what I want to happen to this particular person.

This photo is a free image from pn, there are no known associations with theft and this family, it is just an example to show you how that person, if a thief, would not ever be held accountable due to her family and hair colour – she is pretty, AND the fact that she appears just like a normal person. I can assure you the thieving is REAL, and it is done by normal people from families.

30. Toot Toot crazy movie industry

I thoroughly enjoy this old 1970s movie of Jane Eyre on my Prime Video app.

Set in the 1840s, which by the way was 50 years before the first motor car was ever sold in Britain, so there were a few horse and carriage scenes in this movie.

But, I kid you not, halfway through, when they were walking down the garden, there in the background, a car horn beeping!

Toot toot. Is there no escaping them.

Life Stories P7

About P1,      About P2,         Life Stories P!

LSP2,    LSP3,    LSP4,    LSP5,    LSP6,    LSP7(this),    LSP8,    LSP9.    LSP10,    LSP11,    LSP12,    LSP13,    LSP14,    LSP15,    LSP16,    LSP17,    LSP18,    LSP19,    LSP20,     LSP21,      LSP22,

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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