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Another craft items stolen; craft glue.jpg

                                             Another craft items stolen; craft glue

The stupid mother bitches stole not just 1, but all my glues

Actually, later I discovered they stole all 3, and did another photostory for that. But for some strange annoying reason, WIX, has decided to limit my Blog, so I am unable to upload it, or edit my previous ones – I was advised that is because there are now blonde bimbo dogs who work at Wix.

This is what I said:


So above was I wrote when I  found out just 1 was missing – I will leave it to your imaginations to figure out what I said when I discovered they stole all 3 of my glues.




Notice to leave.jpg

Notice to leave

This notice to leave photo was stolen off this website - I had to re add it - There seems to be some computer nerd idiot who is removing my life story photos on a daily basis - I have to constantly re upload many photo stories. Also, by the way, I have a majorly collapsed arch, sometimes known as plantar fasciitis. It happened in 2017, it was not diagnosed until late 2019, and as a result, I was making it continuously worse that whole time, walking on the offending boot that had a slight hole in it, and as a result, majorly damaging my foot. I am still unable to walk on it today five years later. I put in for disability pension, I was rejected, whether I did not provide the right documents is still in question, I have resubmitted. But my landlord (similar age to me) receives a pension, and she doesn’t have anything wrong with her at all. But she has a 13-year-old son, and so they gave it to her for that reason, technically they’re not allowed to do that, and I wouldn’t really care, except the fact that they rejected me and I can’t walk. It seems you have to be blonde and pretty to get a pension in this country. BTW, she went through with Qcat, and the judge told her very politely – BUGGER OFF YOU NUISANCE LANDLORD. So, I get to stay till lease ends with bitch landlord, how lucky I am…. My landlord still refuses to fix the bathroom.

I have a video of the Qcat hearing, I have not put it here, as it was over in 30 seconds, but the reason I have kept this video of this day in court, is because there were alarm bells, the first one being that the judge was female, and looked like my landlord – same hair, same height, same weight, same complexion, same age too. Plus, it’s unusual, still, in today’s Australian climate for a female judge - maybe in the future there will be female judges, but still today, very much a male dominated area. Also, it was 6th Jan. I do not believe court was back in session so soon after New Year? Also, I’m fairly certain, 99% certain, I saw that woman who said she was the judge (judge McGarvey, so I was advised) working at the Courier depot in Bundaberg who took my large parcel and overcharged me by $30, in affect stealing from me by $30. I saw her elsewhere too in Bundaberg. Following me? Possible old NEGS girl? Also, my landlord didn’t stand a chance of winning. Her reasons were bogus, she had no chance of winning at all. And lastly, I suspect the girls who work at Bundaberg court, had something to do with it - they were ‘egging’ my landlord into opening a Qcat dispute to waste my time, and make money for them; as they get paid, even if the case is thrown out, such as this one. So, I had to take all that time to prepare anyway, in case it was not thrown out. DOGS, I will not forgive you, so you better start praying. Btw, no wonder the court system is still male dominated, with this kind of shenanigans. So dodgy, so dishonest. That’s what makes the whole of the female species look pathetic. Blonde’s will be blondes.

You know, this is a common thing about rich cocky women, like that of one who works in a courthouse, or a landlord….; is that they love feeling superior, they like to think that the person standing next to them has less money than them, and therefore is inferior  to them, and thus they feel they can treat them disrespectfully. I kid you not, this is the thought process that goes through their stupid heads. Newsflash, this is how stupid  women think. Anyone with a brain, would not only be academically intelligent, but they would be ‘emotionally’ and ‘intuitive’ intelligent, and thus have compassion and empathy, and not fall prey to such unsophisticated attitude. I do speak to a lot of smart people, and this is how they  think – it has naught to do with money.

I should mention part of my landlords bogus claims to try and end my lease was this Blog, she wanted the court to force me to delete it (take it down), she tried to somehow relate it to my lease, which ofcourse she does not get a say in my Blog. (Do you see her big ego, her arrogance? - I sure as hell do.) Especially as the main reason she wanted it down was because she was EXPOSED in all her thieving blonde bimbo glory, as was the whole Kookaburra park here, and the people in it who steal from me. EXPOSE! – READ ALL ABOUT IT! THE REAL NEWS! Least the judge told her where to go.

landlord + landlords minions unlawfully breaks into my rental house


I should think this video could be the beginning of a campaign to not allow landlords or realtors into a tenants house whenever they wish AT ALL, at the moment the current standard lease states that they are entitled to come into the house every 3 months and take photos (that’s 4 times a year); this is disgraceful, and total invasion of privacy, at least get it down to once per year.
My life and how I live it, is none of your business. Btw, it was the stupid twits at RTA – (Residential Tenancies Authority), who apparently,  encouraged her to break the law to gain access. That’s what she said anyway, it may have been a case of “yeah, do that, see what she does” wanting to see a fight. “fight” “fight” “fight” “fight”. Stupid RTA girls. Stupid twit landlord – women – use your goddam brains.

Later that day, and ALL night until about 6am the following morning, her boyfriend and son went next door and harassed me – by harass I mean, they try to be "bimbo dominatrix" read my story p9. - AT 6AM, THEY JUST UP AND LEFT??

Typical that people do this, they go next door. They did it in Gunnedah too. The neighbour was Sharon Millet the local librarian and David Hooker, unemployed, plus their 2 adult kids lived there. Why the fuck did they allow, (or invite?) people to go to their house and harass me from it? Are they somehow making money from this activity?? Why the hell would anyone do that? What is wrong with people?

I have a video of the qcat hearing, I have not put it hear, as it was over in 30 seonds, but the reason I have kept this video of this day in court, is because there were alarmbells, the first one being that the judge was female, it’s unusual still, in today’s climate - maybe in the future there will be female judges, but still today, very much a male dominated area. I will put a photo up of the judge, see below

Also, it was 6th Jan. I do not believe court was back in session so soon after New Year.

Also, I’m fairly certain, 99% certain, I saw that woman who said she was the judge (judge Mcgarvey, so I was advised) working at the Courier depot in Bundaberg who took my large parcel and overcharged me by $30, in affect stealing from me by $30. I saw her elsewhere too in Bundaberg. Following me?

Also, my landlord didn’t stand a chance of winning. Her reasons were bogus, she had no chance of winning at all.

And lastly, I suspect the girls who work at Bundaberg court, had something to do with it - they were ‘egging’ my landlord into opening a qcat dispute to waste my time, and make money for them. As they get paid, even if the case is thrown out, such as this one.

My Set of knitting Stich Holders was STOLEN at Gin Gin, Kookaburra Park

Not much else to say, except a little strange they were taken, as I noted no yarn or fibre was stolen at that address, so I assumed my landlord or neighbours did not knit. Possibly stolen by bimbo for other purposes aside from holding stitches. And maybe only 3 were stolen at that address, and the other 3 previously. But all 6 were stolen – so odd, since they are so cheap, 6 for $2.50, yet they still stole mine.

STOLEN ITEMS FROM GIN GIN AND new address 700km away

Last Minute Desperate Theft Raid On My Stuff Before I Moved

  • My cats skinny roll of carpet used on top of a ramp,

  • Full glass jar of smallish screws

  • Mosquito bits

  • 2 Metal whisks

  • Rio rod 4m long one

  • Wifi Camera

  • I had Chime listed too, but actually today as I reupload my Blog, I can’t remember about a Chime? I still have 2 chimes today. 1 was stolen at Colosseum, but I cannot remember another one?


kookaburra Park was my old address at 7/4528 Bundaberg Gin Gin Road Gin Gin, QLD.

They were stolen by my neighbours who were watching me pack them, and who wanted to steal them, and so did, those neighbours also followed me up here and waited till I discovered that they were stolen, and then they drove past my house and beeped. Plus they had a little boy from across the road yell out, and a little girl from across the other side, yell out - this happens every time they steal something; it is there stupid game, they have no FUEL OR MOTIVATION, IT’S JUST what they do; they are fucking retarded. Stop involving me in your stupid lives. It was stolen while I was relocating – it would have been stolen by my landlord and her neighbour friends there, Catie Rogers, and Sharon Millet and Win Hoerr, and Teagan Goodall. None of these people have been convicted of a theft by the hopeless Gin Gin police, Sharon Morgan. I hope the people responsible for stealing it, get cancer and die. The person who stole it is friends with Catie Rogers my old landlord, and my neighbours at kookaburra Park. They are all thieving little dogs, and they think it’s a game.

And whenever they steal something (literally hundreds of items stolen from me over many years), someone buys my seeds; I’ve just received two orders for $50. Is the person who’s buying my seeds, trying to compensate in someway? Is it some thieving dogs husband who’s knows that his wife is a little thief, and so he’s trying to make up for it? Someone told me the majority of women that get married are the stupid ones, because they literally can’t function without a husband. I’m not just talking about money, I’m talking about how to think, and get through the day - they just can’t do it on their own. So if they’re that bloody hopeless, then stealing from someone like me, who is single and an obvious target, is the least of what they would do. It is extraordinary, I have found, if there’s a man hanging around, they won’t come near me; women, you’re such fucking little cowards. The sad thing is, its bimbos getting married and having kids, which perpetuates the whole cycle of bimbos - it’s very disturbing, and I think the government should intervene, “no more bimbos breeding”

Anyway, do they think the seeds just magically appeared in my seed supply cupboard? Did they not think about all the years and hours of backbreaking work it took me, to plant, grow, and collect the seed, from all of those plants? You are not making up for it.  You and your family are responsible for stealing my property, and you will be held accountable. (obviously you’re not concerned about being held accountable by fierce and scary little me,)  But you do have to be concerned, because you will have to answer, just not to me. HA

Oh, I suspect my landlord‘s friend Winfried Hoerr, because: when I first moved in, it was him who showed me around the house and Park, turns out he helped my landlord Cate Rogers and the builder David Hooker, build it. So, he was showing me the car port which was scaffolding with chicken wire on it, and he made a comment that I could put up my shade cloth over the carport, but I had not mentioned to him that I had shade cloth, so how did he know that I had shade cloth? And also later on, Cate Rogers threw a little hissy fit about my pool, and said that I was meant to put in my pool. So, I’m thinking these two people (in their 50’s) are good friends from school, and knew my situation and all the stuff that I owned from my previous farm house at Rangari, and my inheritance, and that’s why they wanted me to live there, so that I would use all my farm equipment that I had from a previous house on their house (!) And this further confirms my suspicions that Cate Rogers is not her real name (I mean it might be) but she looks very much like this girl Wainberg, a sister of my friend Rachael, and I had a few problems with this girl, in Sydney, she has certain feminine gifts about her that enables her to use people and manipulate, other women in particular (sleeping beauties), I saw her manipulate her sister, my friend. Unfortunately I can’t remember her name. But I had definite problems with controlling women following me around in North Sydney at the time, they were chastising me (from afar, as always, cowards) about the clothes I was wearing, and just a few other things that were going on at that particular time in my life, I believe they delude themselves that they’re “helping”. Wainberg girl may have had something to do with that?

And I have written before in my blog that when I was in Tamworth once at the Art Gallery, and was being victimised in a bad bullying situation, that guy Winfried Hoerr, I’m pretty sure, it was him, that I saw with a group of women who were all involved, (involving hiding all the toilet paper, and getting women in the art gallery to verbally abuse me).

Also, I mentioned before in my blog that Winfried Hoerr, I suspect was the guy, who used to hang out in the new NEGS library, to chat up all the girls. He would’ve been in his 20s then.

It’s a bit hard to describe their actions, but I suspect, those 2 Cate and Winfried Hoerr are good friends, and work together to do evil together, as a fun hobby for themselves.

I had a lot of thefts at kookaburra Park, and I suspect Winfried Hoerr, and Cate was protecting him. I think Winfried Hoerr used to go by the name of “the little boy”

(I recall Heath Barwick used to go by that name as well, a self-declared “little boy”; when I went over there initially, he showed me his remote-control toy car. I believe that behaviour in adulthood is due to tight arse parents not buying their kids toys, which most likely would be a direct result of having more than one or two. I believe he has four other siblings: which totally explains it.)

And what do you know at my new address, across the road, what problems I am having?  a little boy harassing me. Sounds like a little boy, of course it could be a woman, there are a lot of women who sound like little boys, you know, along the lines of Bart Simpson, and over my whole life it is mainly women who have been the biggest bane of my life, not little kids. But does anyone have my neighbours phone number? I want to text them and ask if their son is spastic? He seems to be allowed outside in the afternoons, and in his play time, he spends it mostly screaming (like a girl I might add), occasionally I can hear him screaming out my name “Emily” (ofcourse it might be a different Emily, but as it often coincides with me going outside, I wouldn’t think so) Obviously he some issues, I would say, underlying ‘sleeping beauty’ problems. He or is mum or dad or, I think I can hear an older sibling too? Beep their car horn at me when I am outside or have my door open. Do you think this qualifies as a noise complaint for the police to handle? I do, this is harassment. And do you think one of them sits in their car all afternoon long waiting for a chance to beep their horn, or do they race out? Or do they have an app on their phone they can press and it plays beep sounds?? I believe there is also a child who lives directly across the road, he does it too – they both do it. Since I wrote this, and put it online, a bit later – they have pretty much stopped this behaviour.

Anyway, those two, Catie Rogers and Winfried Hoerr, have not been convicted of any thefts. The local police would be completely clueless about those two, and have no idea of their capabilities, and would assume them innocent, and me crazy. Such is the stupidity of the Police. BTW, Cate Rogers implied if I told anyone what she gets up to, she would tell people I am crazy, as she thinks she has ‘credibility’ as she did a counselling course at uni (what a scam btw, that was, I saw the thesis, what a scam those universities are, handing out accreditations to anyone, honestly, whole other story) But for real, she threatened to have me locked up in a mental ward if I exposed her, I still have all the emails from her.

This is what I have to say and I’m saying it. BEEP BEEP Oh, you poor little thing,  did I lose some friends, am I not popular now?  too fucking bad, this is what I have to say and I’m saying it.

27. I thought my 10mx10m fruitfly netting had been stolen, but then remembered a gumtree person took it for $35

After relocating (AGAIN) from kookaburra Park, Gin Gin ( lot 7, 4528 Bundaberg Gin Gin Road to Sarina, I had thought that the fruit fly was missing. It was a very hectic and stressful time, trying to get everything organised for the truck and manage finances (all-time high that week of $2.20 litre for petrol just as I was relocating 700km (so many thieves in Gin Gin and Bundaberg). But then I remembered a gumtree buyer who turned up to purchase some shade cloth, also said he would take the netting – he was dodgy I think, someone else from the park, who had been fooling about with my water, switching it off, when I was entitled to some. All of those gumtree emails were deleted off my Outlook on my PC – so I know all those people on gumtree who contacted me back then are serious thieves.

At the time I thought it would’ve been taken by my landlord‘s friend Winfried Hoerr, I suspect him because: when I first moved in, it was him who showed me around the house and Park, turns out he helped my landlord Cate Rogers and the builder David Hooker, build it. So, he was showing me the car port which was scaffolding with chicken wire on it, and he made a comment that I could put up my shade cloth over the carport, BUT I had not mentioned to him that I had shade cloth so how did he know that I had shade cloth? And also later on, Cate Rogers threw a little hissy fit about my pool, and said that I was meant to put in my pool. So, I’m thinking these two people (in their 50’s) are good friends from school, and knew my situation and all the stuff that I owned from my previous farm house/ nursery business at Rangari, and that’s why they wanted me to live there, so that I would use all my equipment that I had from a previous house on their house (!) And this further confirms my suspicions that Cate Rogers is not her real name (I mean it might be) but she looks very much like this girl Wainberg, a sister of my friend Rachael, and I had a few problems with this girl, in Sydney, she has a certain feminine gifts about her that enables her to use people and manipulate other women in particular (sleeping beauties), unfortunately I can’t remember her name. But I had definite problems with controlling women following me around in North Sydney at the time, they were chastising me (from afar, as always) about the clothes I was wearing, and just a few other things that were going on at that particular time in my life, I believe they delude themselves that they’re “helping”. As in if you wear that short skirt you may be raped, so they were scolding me for wearing a short skirt.

And I have written before in my blog that when I was in Tamworth once at the Art Gallery, and was being victimised in a bad bullying situation, that guy Winfried Hoerr, I’m pretty sure, it was him, that I saw with a group of women who were all involved, (involving hiding all the toilet paper, and getting women in the art gallery to verbally abuse me).

Also, I mentioned before in my blog that Winfried Hoerr, I suspect was the guy, who used to hang out in the new NEGS library, to chat up all the girls. He would’ve been in his 20s then. Friends with Wainberg girl. Plus, I think it was him I saw twice in Sydney, stalking me.

It’s a bit hard to describe their actions, but I suspect, those 2 Cate and Winfried Hoerr are good friends, and work together to do evil together, as a fun hobby for themselves.

I had a lot of thefts at kookaburra Park, and I suspect Winfried Hoerr, and Cate was protecting him. I think Winfried Hoerr used to go by the name of “the little boy” ?

(I recall Heath Barwick used to go by that name as well, a self-declared “little boy”; when I went over there initially, he showed me his remote-control toy car. I believe that behaviour in adulthood is due to tight arse parents not buying their kids toys, which most likely would be a direct result of having more than one or two kids and not being able to afford to. I believe he has four other siblings: which totally explains it).

And what do you know at my new address, across the road, what problems I am having?  a little boy harassing me. Sounds like a little boy, of course it could be a woman, there are a lot of women who sound like little boys, you know, along the lines of Bart Simpson, and over my whole life it is mainly women who have been the biggest bane of my life, not little kids.

Anyway, those two, Catie Rogers and Winfried Hoerr, have not been convicted of any thefts. The local police would be completely clueless about those two, and have no idea of their capabilities, and would assume them innocent, and me crazy. Such is the stupidity of the Gin Gin Police. BTW, Cate Rogers implied if I told anyone what she gets up to, she would tell people I am crazy, as she thinks she has ‘credibility’ as she did a counselling course at uni (what a scam btw, that is. I saw the thesis, what a total scam those universities are, handing out accreditations to anyone. I mean I know her lifestyle, it involves mainly flirting with men, ‘nesting’, looking after an adopted Indian child and smoking pot. Plus, her thesis was about why westerners go to India! She herself and Win spent a lot of time holidaying over there, as its cheap, both on Centrelink benefits. Her whole life is pot fuelled, petty theft filled, easy happy go lucky nonsense. Yet she's been given this university title (Well she signed her emails with the letters, maybe she just did that without accreditation? She is a known liar afterall.) It's just bizarre that the university peoples would be totally scamming the greater community like that. I certainly know the police were fooled by her; she knows how to be a sweet talker. At any rate after reading it, I thought I would know more on the subject of psychology than this woman!

But for real, she threatened to have me locked up in a mental ward if I exposed her, I still have all the emails from her. She is bimbo wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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350 dollars worth of cooking pots STOLEN from my kitchen.jpg
350 dollars worth of cooking pots STOLEN from my kitchen.jpg

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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