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Life Stories P13
The Scent of a Pine.jpg
Bottlebrush’s under powerlines; don’t be afraid chop chop chop!.jpg
Hand-made silver ring stolen.jpg
Design and Print and Sell your Design companies – REVIEW.jpg
St Leonards Nature Care College FOULPLAY Drop Face  AND HIVES  from Homeopath.jpg
Rainbow Bee-eater.jpg

1. The Scent of a Pine

Just out the front of my house at Rangari, was a Pine forest. The driveway used to come right up  the centre of the forest, and when you reach the top of the slight hill, and look out through the clearing – there, you saw the house, it was really quite pretty, and good thinking of whoever put the driveway there. Unfortunately, I had to move the driveway because it developed some big potholes and I didn’t have a tractor to make it all nice. I can see now from Google Maps that the driveway hasn’t been put back and is still along the edge of the pine forest. Oh, that’s a shame!  Anyway, this forest of Pines consisted mostly of skinny trunked pines, as shown in the photo, and apparently the skinny pines are very old, like 500+ years, they don’t get bigger because of competition, they’re so close together. But in one area, there was a clearing, and in the centre of the clearing was one big Pine, it had grown huge, as no competition. The Pine species by the way is Callitris glaucophylla - White Cypress Pine. This big Pine was so spectacular, I decided on one side of the forest, to do some trimming. I carefully selected a few big ones, and then cut down the smaller ones around it. I mean, it was a long-term plan, but that’s how I think, long term. And it would have been worth it (worth the arm pain) had I still been there to enjoy it. Such is bitch life. I mean I can’t get up and do it again, arthritis says so.

So, one day, there was a storm, (btw, this story is another one that has been removed from my PC, not sure why, so I’m rewriting with more details) so during this storm, there was an almighty bang - like you have never heard such a noise before. I mean it really shook up everything,  unbelievably loud. As the storm eased, I walked down the paddock to see what the bang was, and suddenly I saw it; lightning had struck that huge big Pine tree that was in the clearing. It was still smouldering, and the scent that was emanating from this huge split pine trunk was the most incredible smell, I had ever smelt. I mean it was truly divine. Not only was it divine then, but for the following weeks, the wind would often carry the scent up to my house, and when I was out working in the garden or paddocks, sooo yummy. The air was filled with fragrance for weeks, so amazing.

I realised all my other carefully spaced trees maybe struck by lightning in the future. I thought, because I did at least 15 big pines, that the lightning would most likely get confused, not knowing which tree to strike, and be tricked into not striking any!! But then again, maybe I could have 15 super fragrance experiences ahead for me to enjoy!!

In my previous story I mention that particular species of Pine should be harvested for essential oil distilling, because it is by far superior to any other Pine species of essential oil that I’ve ever smelt. Plus, those trees are a bit of a weed around Gunnedah, if you were serious about doing it, you can make heaps, as farmers will gladly let you on their farm to cut their weedy Pine trees down. So maybe someone did just that, and that’s why the stories stolen (I do not expect money, don’t worry!)

Also, another reason why maybe it was stolen was because, I mentioned about the girl wanting to smell the super fragrance; somebody with lots of money, sent a girl, (I think they won a prize consisting of being taken to my farm, in order to smell this pine) - that’s how good it was. So, I have no proof of that, just what a birdy told me. But I do have proof of either same girl, or a different one, at another time who wanted to smell my apricot tree. My apricot tree, when fully  laden with hundreds of super ripe apricots, was also truly amazing, you’ve never smelt anything like it, so super sweet in the spring morning due. This day, I went into town, I stopped at Gordan Barry farm shop, there was a girl at the farm shop who had this awful perfume on, it was disgusting, kind of smelt a bit like incense. Thought nothing of it, did not speak with the girl, or see her face, but she was size 14, middle height and in her 30’s, with auburn mouse brown hair, and wearing a blue and white hippy dress. When I got home that day, I went into my orchard tunnel, and what did I smell when I entered; that horrible perfume that the girl had been wearing. So, she had obviously been to my place, in my tunnel, while I was in town. Unbelievable!  NOT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION you stupid thieving bimbos.

2. Lying and fainting bad nurses

This is an exert from an article about the mental health industry in Australia. Part of this was cut out, from a recent publication, (deliberately?) and so I wanted to do a separate little story for just this part; of what happens in a mental health ward, for in voluntary patients.

“The reason I was detained for so long before being released is because of the nurses, this is what they do: Nurses write false claims in their evening notes, stating “she was angry and aggressive” (for example) and really, I was not saying anything or doing anything at all. They do this deliberately as then the doctor reads the nurse’s notes every morning, and then says “oh she’s not allowed to leave, she’s angry and aggressive”. The nurses literally lie, it is a cat and mouse game for them, they take pleasure in the power of incarcerating someone against their will for no reason. The nurses who work at these places are truly despicable people. When I actually was released, I asked one of those nurses for a copy of those notes, I told her, by law, I’m allowed to have a copy, and you should have seen her, oh my god, it was her worst nightmare, I thought she was going to faint.

Most people have no idea what these institutes are like, they really should be shut down.”

3. Unwanted Nuisance Callers plus religious story

This movie sends me musicians, who then proceeds, to make sounds outside my house all night, but specifically at 3:30am, but then continuing to make strange sounds if I don’t get up (at Gin Gin). Fuck off fuck off fuck off you little fucking idiot. And why is it up to me to tell you to fuck off  - don’t you have any common sense? Or is this something you do; go around annoying the crap out of single women?

How would you like it if someone woke you up in the middle of the night? Incapable of empathy. I should think this stems from a lack of religion as a child? You know, “do un to others as ye would have do unto you”.

Speaking of religion, I have a few things to say about it, I have already done so on another story, but yet that, was another piece of writing stolen – why do you have to delete my whole story, you know I have all of my stories on Flickr in the public domain, which means you can download and use them for whatever you want SO STOP DELETING MY PHOTOSTORIES, so I have to redo. What I said in my previous story (and it was someone at GinGin who stole it, I bet,  -maybe they inserted it into their sermon and the dog who told a priest to insert it, stole it! ??).

Anyway, I said; a lot of religious people still do unlawful things, as they know, they can ask God for forgiveness, and all will be forgiven.

That is what is taught in the scriptures, the forgiveness bit. So, but, I don’t think they fully got the complete message; as it is also stated, you still have to pay for your sins, it is just done in a Godly perfect way, and you may not even be aware that you are paying for it.

That was what I said, so, today, I also want to add, I feel people get to a certain age, and then write themselves off as not ‘good’ or religious or someone that may have a shot at an afterlife, as they think they fucked up so much when they were younger, that they’re going to hell anyway, so, it doesn’t matter what they do from then on forward, they may aswell carry on in their sinful thieving way. I guess they never got that first message at all!!

There was also something I should’ve added to my “Things I wish I was told when I was 18” list; stay the hell away from musicians, nothing but a bunch of thieves without any common-sense. Not that I’ve actually had anything to do with any musicians in my life, except I used to listen to music, mainly on the radio, 20 yrs ago, but now occasionally on YouTube. {“Brand New Key, pair of roller skates” shear genius}. I did go to several music concerts when I was 19.

So, I recommend, don’t go to music concerts or festivals, or listen to the radio; not only are there “party boy” (and girl) bimbo uneducated types who follow you and steal from you, but the music world is full of Big Players, rich. They look for victims who will spend money on their music, they’re just as bad as the drug dealers, and the mental health care workers; they all want one thing, your money and adoration.

4. Meals on Wheels

When I was young and we had just moved to Gunnedah, from Tamworth, my mother and I went and did Meals on Wheels every month; a charity service involving driving around Gunnedah and delivering pre-cooked meals to old people, in their homes. As I recall, I didn’t much like it, because all the old people‘s homes were stinky and dirty, and the pre-cooked meals weren’t like the meals that you can get in the supermarket or delivered today, they seemed to be, well, as an eight-year-old, I thought kind of undesirable. But looking back, I’m certainly glad I did it with mum. And it was most likely the connections mum made in this time, that helped her later when she started her nursing business.

The reason I’ve done a separate photo story for this is because I’ve written about it before briefly, and it is another story that has just been removed from my computer and from my blog. I seem to be discovering my little stories missing on a weekly basis now, it’s like the thieves can no longer easily access my house to steal, so they are stealing my stories via hacking my PC? It’s a little strange. I have no idea who would be stealing them (and why!!) although there are people who seem to have fun in reminding me of any story that has gone missing. I don’t know how they know? whether they’ve been checking my blog or whether it is indeed them that are stealing my stories, and then telling me about it? (total nutter). So I have to go and re-write it - this would be something a typical stupid dog bimbo would do, one who was trying to control the situation, and get me to redo something and waste my time?? (rack off). Or literally, it could’ve been some bimbo on the media, television or radio, who has taken it upon herself to adopt the story, and make it her own? I have seen this happen two or three times a few years ago, with some of my stories, and it wasn’t just anybody, adopting my stories, it was famous people. So, I guess if there’s some famous person out there that is coming up with a story of some interest, you can be sure that it’s most likely not theirs!

So, they reminded me of this story, Meals on Wheels story, so here it is again.

5. Teach empathy. Clever and Creative ways to raise kids who aren’t bullies.

In point 16, of my “Good parents are parents who - 20 tips for well-adjusted kids”, I state to teach empathy “Teach empathy”. It struck me that probably a lot of parents will not know how to do that, so I thought I would put an example here.

Before I do, I need to point out that the difficulty is telling their kids, and they inturn don’t hear you, because, parents are constantly making demands and requests of their child, so sometimes, they may take everything they hear “as a grain of salt”. Therefore, in some instances, you really need to set up a situation different than normal.

Here is my example; if your child is giving you a hard time one day about something that you want them to do, “I don’t want to do it”, and they’re fighting you, and they’re being mean to you as the parent. Then the parent could turn around and say “I think you’re being too harsh on me; I did not deserve that much retaliation; can you hear yourself being mean?”

But  I feel this may not achieve anything, the message will not sink in, as the child will assume it just your fighting tactic to manipulate them to do the thing they do not wish to do – kids are very smart.

Instead, that comment has to come from somebody else. And usually, somebody else is not always on hand at just the right moment, so, that’s what I mean about you need to set it up a situation, so somebody else can actually say it so the child can hear it, plus, I would say, a total stranger is often better than another member of the family or someone they know. I have to stress, it has to be an observational remark – it cannot be a reprimand or rebuke of any sort, otherwise your child might feel you are “playing sides” against them, and this will create monumental problems.

I know there will be parents struggling maybe with one thing that they constantly want their child to do, and the child’s fights, this gentle technique will help them.

I draw on my own personal experience for this story; as a 7-9yr attending an “elocution” lesson. I knew, as a 9yr old, that I didn’t really need elocution lessons, as far as I was concerned, I could speak perfectly. (Although in retrospect, that 9yr didn’t quite realise how important speech is, how important tone is, and communication in general.) But so, as I felt I didn’t need to attend the elocution lesson, I let my mother know about this fact in no uncertain terms on the first day. I was overheard by the elocution teacher (a lovely old lady) who said to me, a very similar comment as what I have explained above. I felt while she did not teach me any elocution (I did not go back after that day), that old lady changed my whole perspective on how I spoke, from then on. And on a very subtle level, one that I did not have to give to much thought to from then on, its like my mind suddenly learnt empathy.

In my encounters with other people, there have been many many, who do not know how to be empathetic. In fact, I can only think of 2 or 3 other people in my life who have been able to show empathy for anyone, and I have encountered literally thousands of people at this point in my life. This is why I’m writing about it, it’s terrible that people do not know how to be empathetic. It’s kind of important and lacking in Australia. So, if it helped me, it will help many people.

Also, btw, on a slightly different matter, kids who feel like they’re going to ‘pee their pants’ before they go on stage, feel this way due to being chastised and humiliated previously in public, so most likely by their parents in bad toilet training moments. Save your child a whole childhood, and perhaps even adulthood too, of feeling like they going to pee their pants, whenever they’re nervous. Get it right – do your bit.

And people, if this is you, who feels like peeing pants whenever you’re nervous, it’s because of your parent’s bad child raising skills. Blame them and get angry at them. Change does not come about unless there is action. J

Above shown is one of my Ribbon Ring Wind Catchers, for sale on Etsy for $100 – my ribbon supplier is a new website, so I am not sure if they are retailers or wholesalers, they seem to be retailers, given the price of a reel of ribbon ($18), but according to google, they are the cheapest I can find, so must be both retailer and wholesaler. Maybe I am just getting old, things seem to be outrageously priced these days.

6. Bottlebrush’s under powerlines; don’t be afraid chop chop chop!

Actually, you can see from this photo, of a street in Millicent, South Australia, that those Callistemon’s are a little too tall (will be) to go under the powerlines. But, do not fret, because I know probably at least one and every four house in suburbia has one of these trees planted outside it - the councils of the time when berserk planting this particular tree! The root system of Callistemon is very tough and hardy, so instead of letting Council chop them down, (they tend to do a strange skew job anyway), they can handle a severe chop back, so chop it in half, maybe a metre off the ground, and after a while, once they put on some leaves and branches, it’ll just look really cute and dwarfy ball, before it spreads out with its new canopy, to fit fully under the powerlines. So, don’t be afraid to just chop chop chop!



7. Canine dog story

From 2000 until 2018 I rented on 4 different farms. 2 of them had dogs, 2 of them did not.

I do mean the canine variety of dogs. (!) Farmers who  supposedly have work dogs, as well as pets, (actually over my whole life, living and visiting many farmers, I don’t think I have encounted one farmer whose work dog was actually a work dog, or did any good workdog related activities!  mmm maybe one…). I have to mention, those 2 farms that didn’t have any dogs, were so much more pleasant. There were kangaroos that would pop by, big monitors, heaps of birds…., no dogs barking. No humans trying to control the dog by harsh reprimands, none of that yelling “get down”. David and Brenda at Rangari farm had no dogs, thankgoodness. It is strange that so many other famers do.

Just a better way of life, with no dogs.

But I am a fan of the Dalmation – such a pretty coat…..

8. Unnecessary “Squelchy Mess” due to Bored Factory Food Workers

I also noticed, and now make a comment, about the fact that they ‘pummel’ pork and chicken, with needles filled with liquid, and it’s meant to tenderise. It does change the taste and texture of the meat in a negative way. I feel these people who are in these industries, are absolutely bored out of their brains, and so they try to come up with things to give their life meaning, and this is what they have come up with. In the process, they have ruined something that was simply perfect as is. 

I can no longer purchase a leg of ham, chicken schnitzel or chicken nuggets from the supermarket that hasn’t been pummelled into “squelchy mess”. I noticed the large whole chickens have been pummelled as well, but not the smaller ones.


9.Hand-made Silver Ring Stolen

I am reminded of this next story by the group of people (women) who “recreate” situations from my past. They are kind of like a self-declared secret society who do this in the hopes it will change the way I remember it. They think they are doing me a favour. Along the lines of a councilor / psychiatrist. When actually they are nothing but meddling control freak perverts trying to play “big brother”, and this is a perfect example of people who cannot see their own dysfunction. I have mentioned them before (photo story: “Re-creations” and “The dedicated lifestyle of copying me”). But most people would have no idea what I am talking about when I refer to these people, but I can assure you they are out there and they are real.

The situation (and btw, I remember all these stories fine, without having to be reminded. But it’s like, they do a “timing” thing – still what that  is about, I am not sure.) After they did it at Colosseum with the ants, I got to thinking, why would they do this; maybe it’s because I am unmarried, and so they can’t do stories about my marriage, or about anyone in my life. You know how so many women just like to sit around all day and gossip about other women, it’s one of their favourite things to do. So, they can’t do that with me. I think they are a little ‘chuffed’ about not being able to do that, so even as some form of protest they do “recreations” I mean if you could hear me, it must get a little bit tedious if there is only me, - it would be far more interesting for them if there were multiples of people in my life, and preferably a succession of different multiples. As it is, their “recreations” are a passive aggressive punch. “We want a slut!”

I want further add, I think the fact that I am single has benefited the whole of Australia because aside from stupid recreations, they have to come up with other things as well things that don’t concern me, and concern everyone, and benefit everyone. I think being single, has actually benefitted the whole of mankind. I hope that’s not too narcissistic thinking, but it’s true.

This time, the situation was when a young man incahoots with my flat mate, stole my special handmade silver and opal ring. It was made specially for me, for my 18th birthday present by my grandfather, the ‘opal’ is my October birth stone. I cannot remember the young guy’s name; I only remember his face. I do not recall how he penetrated our circle of female friends; it was just after we had left school and had moved to Sydney, 1993. He and I did not have any connection at all, so he befriended my flat mate. One day they went out together, and I believe she was pissed off at me, and so bitched to this guy, and this guy in retaliation, stole my ring. She was pissed off with me, as that day I had stood up to her and told her I was not going to do the washing up every day, -she had to do it occasionally. (She was a bit of a lazy bully – flat mate situations – such an undesirable way of living).

Anyway, some years later I think in about 2010 or there abouts, I was watching an Australian opera performance on the ABC, and mid-way through, the whole show seemed to slightly side track, and there was that young guy who stole my ring, not quite as young looking anymore, doing a weird scene, being an arshole again on stage, it was like he had not changed at all, and wanted me to know he was still a thieving arshole who was manipulated by stupid bitches!

Anyway, later the producers of that opera apologized, they had no idea that guy and dog cohorts in the art world, had inserted their own personal mission of bitch into their show. But I want to say also, he is not the only one who does that on national TV, there are quite a few self-declared important people who play this game, it happens a lot. Male and female alike, putting their message across in passive “ARTISTC” ways. Unbeknownst to the producers or directors. And those other “bitch message people” would probably just have been manipulated by some stupid bitch  like my 3rd born flat mate bully. I notice they do it in many good documentaries too, with valuable information being passed on, but then all of a sudden, they go ‘off track’ with someone maybe blurting out a big furphy – yet still talking really seriously, so unless you know what they’re talking about, you may not necessarily catch the fact that they are lying through their teeth, deliberatley, inorder to ‘trick’ the viewer. I saw it happen again only yesterday 2024, on a YouTube video, with 2 middle age women (Summer Rayne Oakes). It’s really annoying how they do this; they think they’re being funny and clever, but they’re just self-aggrandizing people spreading evil. I think there is some girl by the name of Amy who does it – cross media? She uses actresses and hosts to carry out her bitch message. No idea who she is – but a dog, possible thief too. I think she is the person responsible for getting news readers to be mischievous too. I haven't written about this before; but there was a period or a phase where I was watching a news reader on a channel doing the news, and then I would switch channels shortly after, and there on the other channel was the same girl reading the news on different network!! I am wondering how an earth they did that, obviously prerecorded, but timing specific! It happened a few other times since, and on the radio as well! I figured it out; it is girls having their little girl bimbo fun; thinking they're trying to trick everybody and flip them out!! (I think they think everyone in Australia watching them is on drugs – so they are looking for “flippy dude” reaction! Or whatever stoner slang  they have! Lol.

I think that girl, 2023, had finally realized I am not on drugs and she has possibly made a big mistake with her life – little birdy told me. Such is the stupid bimbo nature of most women. They all monumentally fuck up.

I haven't watched the news in years, so that hasn't happened in years, but recently with my new YouTube subscription, and the extreme weather, I often watch the little segments they do on YouTube. And again, I noticed there is one woman doing the same thing; she appeared on channel 9 news, and then suddenly she was on, I think it was Lithuanian news stream (!) - it's the same woman. I also put it down to the fact that she is an attention seeker – TV people, the biggest attention seekers of them all – total peacocks. And I have seen news readers totally doing ‘personal product placement’, like with shares and stocks! I wouldn't really care about such antics that little girls get up to, but I suspect it is those women, those newsreaders and their cohorts, who are possibly the ones causing nuisances in my life by doing “Car organizing” hoons; that is, they put stalkers, people who follow me, toot at me, and steal from me, in cars - they give them cars to drive around, different cars, plus pay them to do it? {different cars so I won't catch them and report them to the police – they are a police matter}.

So, curse those News bimbos, because this behaviour is just as bad as walking into a shop, and shoplifting yourself, or walking up to someone and smacking them in the head – that nuisance behavior involving stalking, is a crime as far as I'm concerned. Aid and abet criminals.

Going back to my ring story, that young man, because of his nature, that I noticed, at the time, I thought he was gay – but no, I suspect he’s just the mouse.

This is why whenever my paths cross with young people, young men, I always explain to them how unresponsible, clueless and evil women are, in the hopes that they can stand up to them and be the responsible one. That thieving guy, never had anyone explain this to him.

The ring shown is similar, but mine was slightly wider with more silver, this was the closest I could find (from Austral Stones). The stone was paler too. My grandfather’s name was Bill Flood (William Flood) he worked for the government, admin, but was a silversmith in his spare time. He was really a silversmith, but had 4 girls to support.

When he retired from silversmithing, he donated all his tools and equipment to NEGS school. We got to make some jewelry in year 12, because of him. I swear our family is the only honest family I know.


10. List of Strange Things that Happen, Weird Things, Dodgy Things, Someone in my House

These things happens if I leave the house or overnight when I sleep, I suspect some little unwanted spoilt shit is somehow getting in via me when I am asleep??? Otherwise I have no idea how they are getting in. I recall when I was living at Petersham, I had a front door that I never used, so I rigged up a velvet curtain over it. One morning I awoke feeling very strange, I walked out and saw that the curtain I had rigged up was moved, as if the door had been opened, and that door had a bolt, so it could only be opened from the inside, and I do not recall getting up in the night and opening the door – it was never opened or used. So something odd happened that night that I have no recollection of? I suspect foul play by little boys in the neighbourhood?? I am not known as a sleep walker, but once dad told me when I was 7 or so, I got up late one night around midnight, and walked out to the living room where dad was watching telly, he said I hopped on his knee, as I sometimes did and just sat there, dad asked me if I wanted anything I said no, then went back to bed! So that was a little weird.

  • Half a tub of vitamin E cream suddenly disappeared.

  • One morning, there was only one biscuit left in the jar and there was meant to be three. 5/12/2022

  • A metal hook appeared in my toilet, – like one used for abortion in the old days.

  • Half a bottle of essential oil suddenly disappeared.

  • 1 Mylanta tab of the two tabs, of my ibuprofen suddenly disappeared. 2022

  • There were two eggs left on one side of a carton, and next morning there were none. 12/12/2022

  • Upon returning from a 2hr outing, the large sponge on bottom shelf, of my tool shelf was lying on the floor. This was the day when Australia post wanted me to pay them $2 for a redelivery, when they should have delivered the day before. As if. I later was advised it was spam texts, and not Aus post. Just coincidence they contact me when I leave the unit. 5/1/2023

  • Chip in my good cup after I wrote about the dogs swapping my chip free crockery over for their bimbo chipped crockery 22/01/2023 (this is such a typical dishonest female thing for them to do).

  • 22/01/2023 large toe nail tear, no pain in the middle of the night, was just there the next morning

  • One of the cat pouches was off, only 1? I suspect as they wanted me to empty my outside compost as it was starting to smell, so they put in or swapped, a bad pouch.

  • The yellow seed envelope that I had just written on and chucked in to the seed room (where it landed in an undesirable spot) was taken – never to be seen again. 28th Feb 2023

  • My black lycra was swapped over for navy blue, and I suspect my jersey stretch needles were swapped over for blunts, I had to order more, and lycra needles are in high demand atm22th Feb 2023

  • 2 dents appeared on my fridge overnight, on 2 different nights. On both occasions when it happened, someone left stupid comments on my fridge vid, on youtube.

  • Bluetooth that I specifically switched off on ipad pink, after I came home was switched on. Also, the powerpoint for the hair dryer socket was switched off, when I had left it on, and my pkt of Quells was found on the floor. May 2023


Rack off you stupid retards.

11. Female Thinking re “I want to beat you so badly and since I can’t, I will just kill you”

On my life blog, I frequently talk about the stupid bimbo nature of most women. I have another example here for you. I used to sell my designs on Sflr, but I was banned - my account – Emily Bieman, was deleted. And the reason, despite what they will tell you, the real reason is quite different and most bimbo. You see, I have a lot of girls that try to ‘beat me’, and compete with me, this is normal, it has always been the case, ever since school, I believe they try to beat all their peers, (especially popular amongst 3rd borns – stupid 3rd borns). I have termed them “Competitive Bitches”. Some people may know them as Basketball players too. But so, they see something I’m doing, and want to do it too, but plus want to do it better than me. They want to show off and want to gain my praise. Which is fine, I am guessing it has been this way since the dawn of time amongst women. I mean, you could categorize this as inspiration, I myself see ‘shiny’ photos in media’s, and let my imagination go with such a design, maybe use it somehow, be inspired somehow...

But these girls on Sflr took their “I want to beat you” attitude to the next level, by banning me!! ”You can’t win now, we deleted you! ha ha!”

So, the competition on Sflr actually got pretty fierce, they have Design Challenges for designers, and I was kind of in my element, because one of my favourite things to do, aside from designing fabrics, is looking at other people‘s wonderful designs - and some of them were getting really good, like the standard had jumped considerably from when I started on there, to what, six years later. I felt it was a privilege being able to view those designs, I never felt intimidated or deterred by them, even though by comparisons, some of them were out of this world good.

And so, every time I would upload a design onto Sflr; I’d get shown, by the Sflr dogs, at least 10 more designs of similar category, (they went out of their way, and to considerable lengths, in various media’s, to show me bigger and better designs) and some of them were truly spectacular, there’s no doubt about it. I certainly do not claim to be a super skilled illustrator (read my School Art Story..). So, I feel even though Sflr girls went out of their way to show me their designs, YET, still I kept persisting with mine; and this is what drove them NUTS, “but we beat you, we beat you”. So, since I did not give up, they just banned me!! This is how cockanninnie stupid women think! Stupid.

BTW, I sold quite a few of my designs, I used to let the money bank up, then when it was great enough, I would not withdraw it, but spend it on their fabrics, it was a great way of still being able make my own clothes whilst being on a low income. So those Sflr dogs not only screwed me, but they screwed my family, because after I die, my fabrics would have continued to sell on that website, bringing in royalties, which would’ve gone to my family - now no longer will, they lose -  royalty screwed. (After I wrote this, I noted there was a stranger than usual vibe in getting my blog in public view.. who knows maybe computer nerds are scared of my family, and so have made sure none of them will see my Blog?).

I ought to mention, there are other people, male and female alike who, like to turn their work, - their day job, into a game, to make the day go faster. So, the game then becomes a competition, and a competition over every little bloody thing. And I would like to say, those people are highly retarded and really annoying. Especially for those people who struggle to get through the day, and want to take it easy – they do not want some gung-ho lunatic trying to beat them, then calling them a loser if they indeed did  pack the box slower than you! {or whatever the task at hand was.} I have also encounted many people, (usually 3rd borns), who can’t think of anything to do, until they see me doing something, then they get all excited and want to do it too, and try to do it better. There is also some stupid blonde 3rd born who thinks it is perfectly fine to sabotage some other girls life /business, as she thinks life is a competition, and destroying other girls life is the point. Seriously that is how some 3rds borns think. Beyond comprehension for me, of how stupid her mentality is; STUPID BITCH. MOTHERS STOP BREEDING MULTIPLES. Please!

And, I hope all Sflr girls, get cancer and DIES -burn in hell bitches



12. Correct  PH soap for ladies

 It astounds me how most soap manufacturers (not mentioning any names, Palmolive) there are, that aren’t aware of the correct pH for a lady.

This one knows about it, plus it has the most beautiful sent ever.

BTW, I believe certain supermarket ladies know about the importance of a balanced PH and also, they know how to change the PH with certain processed foods, and, I am saying, manipulation goes on in order upset the balance in women they don’t like. (yuk)

Also, Palmolive/Colgate do not use recyclable plastics in any of their packaging - how irresponsible and greedy. Do they have any idea about the worldwide pollution problems?

13. Bundaberg court employs unsavvy judges

What a scam the judges are who work at Bundaberg courthouse!

They can’t even tell when a police officer is lying! pathetic!

Police lie all the time to get a conviction, they are a disgrace.

What’s more in order to win and get a conviction, a police officer will lie to themselves, in a wishful thinking way, so they can easily convince the judge (many of them have dysfunctional issues – major ones, it’s a whole industry that attracts certain ‘dsyfuncts’.)

I’ve had two court experiences in my life, one car rego related, and one rental bond related,  and I witnessed total organised corruption by the courts, they are designed for people who have the most money, and the most friends, plain and simple. They are a sham!!

14. Fancy Appliances, Remote Access And Rival Appliance Companies

I have mentioned this before and that’s the ‘fancy appliances’ syndrome. These days, fancy appliances have ‘remote access’ by their makers. I had a problem with a LG washing machine, a Fisher and Paykel dishwasher, and a Panasonic vacuum, in the past. I will spare you the details, but I reckon, they can access those electronic appliances remotely if they wish (once my car was tampered too, and they switched off the engine by remote access – they were playing silly buggers, and showing off, because there was no need to turn my car off), but suffice to say, that is how they helped steal my Fisher and Paykel dishwasher, by locking the door. Definite theft. And there was a ‘rival appliances’ thing, I won’t bother explaining that, too silly.

And also last week when I went to check the date for my appointment with Carol, that I had previously made a month before, that I simply can’t miss, I had written it in my digital Outlook calendar, and when I checked it, the date said the 23rd, and so I turned up on the 23rd, she said I do not have an appointment on the 23rd - it’s the 30th. Then I thought back and recalled, yes, it was the 30th, and I had written it in my calendar as the 30th. But I have computer bitch nerds that hack my computer (quite common, they do all sorts of nuisance things) and changed that date – they also deleted my money reminder (fuck off and get a life you retards).

You have to ask why they would do this so; it’s because they want Carol to think that I am confused. In other words, they don’t want her to believe me, if I mention to her that my neighbours and retailers are stealing from me. They are in effect playing sides – little bimbo girls playing sides; who do not know, that one day, they will get their comeuppance because of it. Btw, I do not know who is sabotaging me – thus they are the ultimate of cowards.



15. Recurring Dream

I seem to have this strange recurring dream, (2021) about a person, maybe a big old man, who is this extremely depressed, oppressed, oppressive person. Who wants to oppress everyone around him, and not allow any free thought or fun- it is most peculiar, and I’m a little annoyed about it? (I feel like this person could be from movies that I watch) I maybe feel like he has an ulterior motive to inspire fairytale behavior in other people “never fear, I will rescue you from that tyrant young maiden” Although one night, I awoke, after I had come up with a joke in protest, in my dream – which is most peculiar for me, (being a first born, jokes aren’t a priority, and especially in a dream when I am sleeping and all common-sense thought processes are sleeping too.)

So, instead of a message in a bottle, this is message on paper, and I’m throwing it out and hopefully magically, stops the oppressor in his tracks (which is often the case when I write things down).

Or it could have just been a dream about this guy that crossed my path in Bundaberg, (his name was Moses), he was a non-thinking idiot who takes home a monthly salary in exchange for not thinking, not taking responsibilities for his actions. He is someone responsible for incarcerating innocent women – literally in the physical world – oppressing them. He is ALL that is wrong with the world.


In regards, to the above where I mention I am firstborn, so making up jokes is not a priority. So, the other day, I came up with a joke!! It concerns the expression “now you better be nice to people in life, otherwise, you’ll have to come back as a donkey”

Its quite a common expression, must’ve originated from India, where they believe in reincarnation.

And, there’s a hoon that hoons past my house frequently, they’re a total nuisance, they constantly revving up and down the hwy, disturbing the peace and tranquility here at Kookaburra Park, and polluting the air. Someone told me that they are “mules”, as in people who supply weed to local drongo‘s between here, Bundaberg and Gin Gin. So I feel like telling that bloody little hoon; he’s got the worst job in the world, as he’s come back from a past life, as the worst thing possible, a mule! (mule/donkey, same thing! lol!)

16. Bitches at Big W who pretended to have lost my Bike

This are the two bimbos who were serving me at big W because bloody hopeless online Big W couldn’t arrange for a bike build – so I had to go instore and put up with these dogs who are pissing about pretending that my bike was stolen when really it was there. Not only did I have problems with these two staff, but people at the counter waiting to be served, also chimed in. Bimbos Bimbos Bimbos (not to mention the over speaker dog bimbo as I walked through the Sugarland Plaza in Bundaberg - FUCK OFF DOGS.

Online Big W IT people; get your arse into gear, so I don’t have to put up

with the stupid dogs, who discriminate against me, and harass me in this passive aggressive manner.

BTW, I ended up spending about $800 on a bike, after about a month of riding it, I determined that my arthritis in my knees was bad enough to prevent me from bike riding, so I had to get rid of it any way. I sold it at Bundaberg Tender centre for $100 – what a total waste of money – I could have purchased an electric scooter. Which is what I need now (still with my Collapsed Arch). Btw, in Mackay they have an electric scooter company who supply public parts of Mackay with scooters, I thought I will try one there to see if they actually work (my experience in life when it comes to electric battery-operated goods is not such a positive one so far). The first time I went up to Mackay, the app was not working, so I could not try it. Then I fixed the app (turned out it does not display if you have bigger sized text on your phone (young non-thinking selfish app people, and who btw, never replied to customer support request). So, I drive up there a 2nd time to try it, and those same stupid IT people, I bet, took over my scooter and said “sorry this scooter cannot be used due to maintenance” – twice on 2 different scooters. So, talk about HOPELESS. My experience with electric goods is still a negative one – hopeless battery people, hopeless IT nerds. Hopeless woman in Mackay Botanical Garden car park info centre. I need a photo of that bitch woman at the info centre too, she definatly needs naming and shaming -she should not be allowed out in public at all, she is HOPELESS NEGATIVE NANCY. Naming and shaming is the only way to deal with those people who are firmly rooted in the community. Actually, I suspect that stupid woman is part of the ‘dog network’ who go around telling people contrary to the truth; so, as I do have a collapsed arch, and CAN NOT WALK through the Botanical Garden, she implied that I did not have anything wrong with my foot. STUPID

Sometimes it takes an outsider to see a bully and call them up on it; as they have been around for so long in their  community, everyone else has got used to them, and puts up with them.

No need to thank me.

17. Phone Numbers of Girls that Call me and Hang up, or Lie about Who They Are

Since I did this – huge reduction of nuisance callers. If only I had of started keeping a list all those years ago; they were way more of a problem 5-10 years ago, then they are now. You WOULDN’T BELIEVE how many Nuisances Calls I receive!

Not only do these little dogs follow me around the streets, but I get little dogs who call me up, and sometimes they just call and hang up, or sometimes they come up with bogus names of who they are and reasons why they’re calling. Some of them actually have nothing to say they just want to call me (that conversation goes well) and some speak like zombies.

There has been so many of these phone calls, that I now screen all my calls, so they have to leave a voice message and I call them back (if their voice message makes sense plus they leave phone number – (as my phone does not show callers phone number if they leave a voice message – what century am I still living in?)).

So, this has been working for the most part, but occasionally, I have to turn voice message off, and receive calls, because I am expecting someone. So just last week when I switched voice message off, I received no less than 6 Nuisance callers again in that time voice message was off. I manage to get 3 of their numbers to make a list!

0490366018, 03 94524574, 0459135244


So hopefully in the future, any time I get a nuisance caller, I’ll remember to get the number and add them to my list to post online. (I did, see below)

For many years I didn’t have a phone at all, quite happy not to talk to anyone on the phone, plus being low income, I couldn’t really afford a phone anyway, mobile phones with cheap plans were not around, not so long ago, the old Landline was an expense $30 a month plus calls.

However, not having a phone does cause a whole heap of problems! Communication is very important, certainly if you’re dealing with customers or order inquiries…

Oh, they have started nuisance texting me too. So, here is my regularly updated list of nuisance texters and callers;


















03 70356710









02 90709639












03 99402003



02 8378 7951


Matt Howley


0418 246 677

0413 432 010

0432 623 155

0426 119 238


0434 944 361 this person is stalking me. They only send me messages when I leave my unit and they pretend they’re from Australia Post but they are not, so police could you please do something about this person, they are a stalker and should be shot (or in your terms, in jail)

0432492799 – I blocked this caller then I received a call on that Melbourne number below – I think it’s Telstra

03 70436868


02 82069448

02 3820 1103-Paddys River little place out of nowhere call me and hang up

03 92794098



This spam text message came after Kmart texted me saying I could collect my parcel

0462772903 chinese voice message

0461 360 531

0430 397 158 when I call back this number it says “your call can't be connected” so I suspect this is Telstra who does Nuisance calls and whenever I answer the phone they say “do you have any work available?” like what the hell is the point of that w...

0461 353 478 text asking for money. Are they complete morons?

03 40602590 a Chinese UPS company they constantly calling me in mandarin bugger off

02 40123529

0484 986 168 - ↓

0475 839 988 – Aus post? Strange notification of undelivered mail?

0455 617 625 someone pretending to be mygov 4/26/2024

03 99895620 dogs playing washing Nazi games;fuck off you stupid mindless dogs

0498 193 263 Coles group

0474 104 286 Coles group

0475 836 226 Australia Post

0449 690 683

0461 347 115 fake courier

0459221054 fake couriertoll

03 81037094

0438 098 424

02 85525349



02 42031139

0488 838 521

(02) 9101 8660

0437992487 Emily at fake Centrelink

0400 745 789 probably a scammer trying to look for a house deposit

(03) 9969 6482

0485 950832 got to be Telstra, some Asian, same one I think, calling himself joey now

But mainly, the texts involve bogus courier companies, they must think, “oh, if only I could be a courier company”

Also, these callers come in phases, sometimes I can go for a couple of weeks without having any of these nuisance messages/ calls, and then the next week I get two in one day, and a few more the following.

Actually, I think it is related to the thieving, they seem to coincide with thefts?


Plus, often just after I receive a hang up call, someone from gumtree contacts me with one of those automatized questions “Is this still available” – since no one buys any of my stuff on gumtree, I assume they mean they want to steal all the stuff I have on gumtree? The stupid woman across from me up the hill, yells out whenever I post on gumtree, implying no one is going to buy it because she is going to steal it. So, I really am not sure what is going on there, and why a neighbour would think she has control over every single person in the community who goes on gumtree, nevertheless, I do not sell my goods on gumtree, even if I list them for free, still no one contacts me.


Lately I have received Nuisance texts from Centrelink numbers 0458 893 988 and 0419 473 600 and 0418 809 224 – maybe it is them pretending to be fake courier companies? Well, if so, it is up to me how I spend my money, not ANYONE ELSE, you wannabe husbands.

18. All  Centerlink Jobs Providers - Employment Services forcing people to be slaves in  2021

(The one called Best Australia with Casandra Dunstan, in Gunnedah, has been the worst)


Could somebody please go and bomwake them. It’s not up to you to tell somebody else what to do with their life.


I would like to make a complaint against ‘jobs providers’ forcing welfare recipients to work for NO money, it’s called work for the dole, this is a form of slave labour, it’s disgusting, I can’t believe you even do it, still, in 2021.

I have witnessed people’s paid jobs been replaced with so-called volunteers.  And those volunteers have not been volunteers at all, they have been literally forced, like as if they’ve had a gun to their head, being told they will not receive any payments, they won’t be able to pay their rent or eat if they don’t work for so and so. It is truly revolting. The type of employer who take on so called ‘work for the dole’ people are greedy thieves who want people to work for them for no money- it is outrageous, and I can’t believe it’s allowed to go on in Australia. Australia truly is a backwards country.

I also should mention, the certain types of employers who take on these slave labourers are connected people who have friends in jobs provider networks, and meanwhile, responsible ethical employers, have to pay proper wages - so why shouldn’t all employers.

You may not be aware of this but in prisons, they used to have the same kind of thing - prisoners were made to work as ‘out sourcing’ for companies. It was a slow realisation that exactly the same thing would happen, people will take advantage of the prisoners who worked for nothing -  the prison guards started taking kickbacks for prison workers, the police started taking kickbacks, to put in innocent people in jail – for work purposes. And because of this inevitable human greed, it is now against the law in Australia and America to use prisoners as outsource workers. So, Centrelink’s (or actually I should say Dep of education – apparently this is their cockanninnie idea) do exactly the same thing with these unemployed, infact, someone unemployed as less rights than a criminal in Australia. Anybody involved in work for the dole should be severely fined.

I was advised the jobs providers has nothing to do with Centrelink, and work for the dole is arranged by the Department of education, - that’s what centerlink advised me multiple times. So it is the dep of education I wish to complain about. Given my recollections of the public primary school I attended; which consisted of mediocre, psychologically abusive teachers, with sub service curriculums - it’s no wonder they came up with such a tyrannical autocratic cockanninnie scheme.

Btw at least 2 of the Jobs providers I have had to attend, wanted to take advantage of my sewing skills for their personal friends and family, and not pay me properly. They are a total female scam.

It is not some complete strangers job, to tell somebody else what to do with their life. Everyone knows how much the government spends on welfare for unemployed, and it is very minimal compared to all other sectors - in fact every single other sector gets more money than unemployed people, unemployment in this country is low. So the reasons those Department of education women (little girls) have concocted slave labour is for themselves, it is not for money - it is out of sheer dictatorship - it’s foul. I can't believe I have to even put in a complaint. Wakey Wakey.

Btw, 2 yrs later after this Jos Provider, a new one told me as I have my seed business, I do not have to jump through their hoops anymore. So this would have been the same rule with Bundaberg and Gunnedah Jobs providers, but they did not say anything, they wanted to continue to try to get me to jump through their nazi hoops. I hope all those people get cancer and die, then burn in hell.

19. Centrelink’s job providers playing teacher and Casandra Dunstan at Best Australia

Centrelink’s Jobs Providers, antics

Remember when you were kids and you used to play ‘teacher’ – someone, usually the eldest would sit their siblings down and say, right, I’m going to be the teacher now, and I’m going to teach you what to write down…. they would just mimic the teachers that they’ve seen at school!! And usually after a while one of the ‘students’ would say, hey this is not fair! I want to be the teacher! Then of course it all falls apart, and all go off and do something that’s actually fun.

This is what those bloody jobs providers do, they play ‘teacher’ they are stupidly ridiculous. I can only assume it’s because of their negative teaching experience they had as a child, they intern have the subconscious feelings of, “now it’s my turn, my turn, my turn, I want to do it.”

I’ve written about it before how hopeless (particularly public primary school) education is in Australia and this is just further proof of the negative results that occur due to the way kids are taught in primary school, in this kind of oppressive superiority way (I would go so far as to say ‘nazi’ way)

This one, Carol Watson from Coact Jobs Gin Gin QLD is just as bad as the others – total liars “well Centrelink said we have to enforce” – liars. So far, they have all been guilty of playing ‘teacher’, this is the 2nd one I photographed, but now I get their full names and photos for the record (this makes a difference) – I definatly should have started doing that before, because some of them are total ‘fakers’ and btw, this is the third ‘Carol’ I have had, so maybe not a coincidence, it would not surprise me if they did not use real names, it has happened amongst women in my past, often they use their maiden name too, and not their current married name, in an attempt to avoid future repercussions of their bad behaviour.

And I wanted to do a whole special other photo for the Jobs provider in Gunnedah Best Employment Services, but it was before I started wearing bodycam. I was contacted by Casandra Dunstan, (I have previously written about her, but it was deleted, so this is rewrite, after I think I had an encounter with her dysfunctional daughter. This particular person is the epitome of a stupid bulldog, bulldozing her way over people, the epitome of a Nazi bully bimbo bitch. If anyone deserves to be put down, it is this woman, she is a disgrace and would be an absolute horrendous mother, as I believe I have had an encounter with her daughter, I can’t say for certain if it was her but it looks like her – and what a bundle of incompetent, unequipped, and pointless waste of space she is. This person Casandra Dunstan was incahoots with that stupid little blonde girl that I have previously mentioned on numerous occasions, who steals from me. Once I went there – they force you, threatening to cut payments if you don’t (and they do stop payments). She had got literally, a retard girl in - a ‘mentally challenged’ girl from the Gunnedah community who did not have caring parents, and was herself a little bitch, and asked the retarded girl to follow me around and ‘ride me like a horse’ so to speak. Can you believe that?  Am I surrounded by morons? Yes I am.

Another time she put a camera on me when I was using their computers, as we can; she was doing it in a very strange way  -it was at the time when I just discovered the effectiveness of cameras and I was starting to use them - like when I went to Bunnings. That blonde girl that steals from me was there then too – I must be hitting the nail on the head with cameras (I know I am – OMG thankyou thankyou). If only I had of worn one whilst attending Cassandras appointments. She most definitely needs to be named and shamed, and her picture needs to be posted up for stoning. This woman relished in fear mongering, she turned my payments off, on a regular basis for no reason, or made-up reasons, she didn’t allocate me any of the allotted money for unemployed, like for shoes and petrol - she gave it to her friends, I think she might have been friends with Debbie Croft. I was forced to do a significant amount of paperwork for absolutely no point, and she knew it, but she just relished in being a Nazi and wanting to ‘boss’ people about, even if there was no valid reason at all, like she couldn’t see the stupidity of it, and the stupidity of her behaviour - which was just so obvious to someone like me. I can plainly see her retarded mental thinking abilities. I know in the workplace I have heard stories of employees often having to put up with bosses who are completely stupid, but this woman really takes it to a whole new level and I don’t know how Centrelink could possibly employ someone like this - with such a little common sense. She also has 3 female bully friends who came and attacked me at Gordon Barry’s - talk about backwards hillbilly behaviour. I most certainly hope she will get cancer and die (this being, again the least of what I would like to happen to that particular stupid woman and her stupid minions) I would be surprised if this hasn’t happened already, the meek really do inherit the world. I complained to Centrelink and the Department of education – they did nothing. (after that, was when Cassandras 3 friends attacked me at the local farm shop) I was later advised by a little birdy, that she and that jobs provider was a ‘class’ issue, you can interpret that however you want. But clearly to me, this means she is scum. They also did signs to me before I went there – clearly saying ‘wrong one’. (I had no choice) why is Best Employment still in operation? Usually they close these scum ones down??

Centrelink’s job providers name and shame, most are missing.jpg

Centrelink’s job providers name and shame, most are missing, after I started photographing them, no more appoin

Unfortunately, I did not get a photo of Casandra Dunstan because that’s the main one that needs to be shown here, along with Graham Kent and Courtney Lange.  I did, however get a photo of these 2 jobs providers. The blonde looks like Heath Barwick‘s mother (not that I have ever seen Heath Barwick‘s mother (!), but she has the same mannerisms as Heath). I have mentioned that I have people from my past – bullies, that the dogs place in the jobs provider office, as “Fake jobs providers”, who just want to play Nazi. So, this could be the case with her - I’m not entirely sure. It’s happened before as I mentioned on this blog. They are CUNTS.

The other woman, I definitely have not ever encountered her before, she is an Islander. There are no Islanders in New South Wales, they’re all in Queensland. {I have seen a few documentaries about this; around Australia there are quite a few islands, the Solomon Islands for instance, and their life on the island, is so good that women breed up like rabbits, and so then of course there’s no jobs for them, so they immigrate to Australia, or just obtain work permits and work here. There are a notable lot here, probably in comparison to my story where I describe if you’re from Gunnedah and your move down to Sydney you get ‘culture shock’ because of all the Asians. Well, in Queensland, it’s not the Asians, it’s the Islanders! Lol. Anyway, I did not take her photo because she’s an Islander. I took it because she is a Cunt who refused to do a phone appointment, and insisted I do a face-to-face appointment (oh the rules), and as a result I hurt my foot some more, and got sick due to a virus that was handed out deliberately by her cohort friends. (I do not discriminate).

Since I have started putting up photos of those women that my play Nazi, I haven’t had any more appointments with any jobs providers. But this might have something to do with the last one who advised me that because I have my seed business, I no longer have to attend their appointments, and have “marked” it so with Centrelink. So, it would’ve been nice if all the other jobs providers for the last 10 years, had of also advised me of this, instead of just wanting to play Nazi with me. They are CUNTS. And they have caused considerable stress and annoyance. I WANT COMPENSATION (in the form of my own home).

20. Mothers paying for their sons mistakes in the form of Cancer.

It is worth being a good mother. Read up about it, don’t just bumble along.

This was one of my fake Jobs providers at Gin Gin, she says her name was Alice King from Gin Gin Employment Services,

I am prompted to rewrite an update on this Photostory, because for a moment there, I couldn’t remember this woman’s name. I recall it was probably a fake name, but, so,  I went to find our email communication transactions, and I discovered my whole job providers folder from Outlook, was gone. Vanished!  (also, my Gumtree folder was deleted too). ALARM BELLS. Anyway, I did manage to find most of our email communications on the server, as well as emails from Graham Kent and Courtney Lang, from Joblink Plus in Gunnedah.

The reason I think she gave me a fake name, was because every time I went there, she reminded me of Heath Barwick, like she had the same mannerisms as him, and I thought either Heath Barwick has been in to see her before me, and she’s picked up on his queues, {which often happens a lot I find}, or she knows him, most likely a mother? I’ve mentioned I get fake Job‘s providers before on my Blog, so she is probably just another.

I’m not saying she couldn’t find me a job, if I specifically told her where I wanted to work, (it could happen!)! But I believe the whole Centrelink system is “wrought”, by women; friends giving money to friends.

Plus, I think she was possibly in cahoots with my landlord, Cate Rogers (who I believe is my sister‘s friend Weinberg from NEGS - she’s a total dog) I think there’s quite a few older NEGS girls involved in this “wroughting”. Plus, they follow me around, wherever I go, it’s completely weird. {unless there are a whole series of copycat look a likes}. They steal from me and are afraid of me (and are cowards). But they specifically got that woman, because Heath Barwick as caused so many problems for me, HUGE PROBLEMS (little idiot bully). And she would be to blame, ultimately.

All his arshole behaviour is a direct result of her bimbo mother skills. (I was advised she was a hippie from the 80’s on drugs – whether this is true, who knows. People are always accusing me of being on drugs, and NOT TRUE.)

The Jobs Provider before at Gunnedah, Joblink plus, were so bad, I believe they made  a movie based on it, although with great exaggeration for the point of emphasis, and a changed subject of maltreatment/abuse. Graham Kent and Courteny Lang. (hopefully).

I have made numerous complaints to Centrelink re disgusting Jobs Providers; threatening emails, absurd double/triple booked appointments, payment cuts for no reason, general power tripping, slave labour concerns, abuse of power, (I am not sure if I have complained about the whole fake providers thing yet! But not being 100% sure, about that, I am hesitant). But, many complaints – Centrelink do nothing about complaints. Well certainly before COVID19, they did nothing.

It is really important documenting everything, so you have a record for complaints. You need to complain about any grievances, otherwise those people will do it again, only more severe.

21. Centrelink Nazis

This is partly a repeat of the Centrelink Nazi story on P2, but Centrelink have caused so much unforgivable anger from their disrespect, that I am putting it in again.

I can’t begin to explain the monumental problems I’ve had when going to Centrelink. The girls that work there are the most revolting creatures I’ve ever encountered, worse than the electric companies and worse than the female staff at Melbourne hospital, so pretty bad. I’m sure I have enough dirt on Centrelink that I could close the whole thing down! I mean that bad. From stalking me, following me home, to excessive wait times (5hrs once, all day). One time I received a letter from Centrelink which was so revolting in his bullish, condescending and powertripping gestapo nazi way, that I was determined to go there the next day and demand to know who wrote it. It was on my desk ready, only when I went get it - it was gone. Someone had actually broken into my house and taken this incriminating evidence that was sent to me (the girl later at Centrelink told me it was an automated letter). As if CUNT.

One time I went there, parked in their carpark out front, while I was in there someone tampered with my car, so when I returned, it does not start, and those nasty bitches at the counter, refused to allow me to use their phone to call the mechanic. FUCK I HATE THEM; they seriously need to be shot. Where are all the bad men – this is who needs to be picked on, not the young single women; it is Centrelink staff you need to be targeting, especially the ones from Gunnedah in the early 2000’s, {but I have had Australia wide problems at different Centrelink locations since the 90’s. They are all cunts.

The people that work at Centrelink need to be castrated. They have no idea how to behave socially how to be respectful and how to do their job. Now, I always have my camera recording, this has made a HUGE difference, my life is somewhat bearable now. Infact one of the biggest area where body cams, and taking photos of people, naming and shaming them online, has been the most helpful and effective, has been dealing with Centrelink. Centrelink are such dodgy lying power tripping female cunts. It is beyond comprehension how they can live with themselves. They must be feeling soo guilty by now. But getting their photo and their names and preferably recording all interactions, is really an absolute necessity - they are absolute cunts and honestly, they need to be held accountable, because they have gotten away with basically murder. Also, that day when I was at Parramatta, my passport was stolen, and at around that same time, my birth certificate was stolen out of my flat. So that was 1994, first items that were stolen. (Reported to police, they can’t do anything).

I suspect those thefts were related to the types of people I was forcefully encounted with, at Parramatta Centrelink, due to having to wait there for 5 hours. Back then (1995) Centrelink offices were packed, for some reason the staff liked to keep all the unemployed together waiting in lines – total time wasters, infact that seemed to be their main aim, to waste low incomes people’s time. CONDASCENDING CUNTS {I am not excluding the staff from the passport/birth certificate theft, infact more likely to be them. DOG NETWORK}.

And I want to quickly mention here the total scam Work for The Dole- this is slave labour, there are no ifs and buts about it. If you think it’s your place to tell somebody else what to do with their life, you’re delusional - it is not up to you to decide what somebody else does with their life, get a grip you stupid little girl control freak bimbos. (THEY FORCED ME TO SIGN A FORM STATING IF I GOT SICK I WOULD NOT SUE – -guilty as all hell - I did get sick, big time, and I believe it was a virus given to me deliberately by the dogs (those women at Centrelink ought to be extinguished, seriously, total nazis) At the same nursing home (age 34), I got sick, and I have been a changed sickly person ever since, whole upper body and memory weakened especially with the onset of cold weather (I’m talking total flip out when I get cold, i.e. before virus; 1 doona, after virus; 4 doonas). I noticed in the first week a change in my memory, my memory had gone out the window within one week of getting sick from glandular fever I think it was that, it may have also been Epstein virus at same time? Why is there no correlation between dementia and viruses? – Btw, the virus does not survive in high temperature climates (In India, it is not the turmeric)– move to Darwin if you have never caught a virus and Dementia or Alzheimer’s runs in your family. I am pretty sure in winter here I can literally feel my head shrinking, and certainly my thinking is slowed in cold temperatures. Oh, one person who had MS, also believes like me, it is triggered from a virus. And Asma/allergies in kids is caused by virus.

BTW, I have just discovered that if you’re on unemployment benefits and that if you have a baby- they will put you on a pension for 7 years, this is an automatic thing, which means that you won’t have to do any reporting. This is why there are so many bastards and stupid bitches that steal from me, because what woman wouldn’t want to put an end to the bullying stalking and harassment that goes on at Centrelink? -  and they can do it just by having a baby. So aside from primary school teachers it is Centrelink who perpetuates evil in this world.


The Australian Government did not pay my Aus study when I was 18 and entitled, yes, entitled, that’s what we do in this country, to encourage thinkers, because they had heard (there’s that Dog Network again), that I had gone to private school, so assumed that I must be rich, pathetic, how naïve are those stupid bimbo girls that work there. 3/4 of the parents that send their kids to private school, are battlers - the main reason they are sending their kids there is ‘education’ Education is a priority - they pinch and string together their weekly budget so they can send their kids to good schools (everyone’s heard the tales of what goes on in the classrooms of public schools). But those parents are from the same community, work in the same sectors, as those who have kids in public schools, the only difference is ‘education’ is the priority. Obviously, there are some very wealthy kids aswell (this is a democratic country after all, well, meant to be) Anyway when someone is of age – 18, they are entitled to Aus study, regardless of what their parents income is. I hate to say it, but this is discrimination; prejudice and bias against those, who people think have money  -and not necessarily do. A case of rumour has it. Stupid female Centrelink staff.

Because, my parents DID NOT have a huge income anyway, Dad worked for the dep of Ag, and mum did not work – I would have been eligible to receive Austudy, but the stupid dog at the counter even refused (she was such a bitch) to give me a form to fill out and apply. Now, at that time, I told my flatmate that Centrelink refused to give it to me, and she would have told her friend (the call girl/David Jones make up girl, plus those 3 guys who hung around – so I believe, all those people suddenly thought I was super rich, as I could not get Austudy, and were involved in the burglary we had at that time, and possibly all the thefts from me – SUCH FUCKING STUPIDIDTY, FROM NOT ONLY CENTELRINK BUT my supposed friends – not that I classify those people as my friends (they are obvious scum thieves), but they were in my life back when I was 19, for a brief 6mnths or so. These thefts have ruined my life. I cannot do anything because of it – such irony, it is centerlink who has prevented me from working. SURROUNDED BY MORONS. They need to be sued over this - but do you think any Australian lawyer will step forward - as if; those hopeless whipped cowards.


And by the way, and this next part was deleted, I have had to rewrite it here again; my friend at Tafe, in the 2-year Associate Diploma fashion course, was from Hong Kong, her parents owned a prominent jewellery business in Hong Kong city. Her father and brother lived there still and worked it. Her mother and she had moved to Australia for the point of study, and were living in their own home in Ryde. She received Oz study. And I  was not allowed Austudy, even though her family were quite wealthy, certainly wealthier than mine. Obviously that same stupid Centrelink staff who said no to me, saw my friend was Chinese and said ‘yes, you must be poor’ – you can get it. Stupid.

The Australian government and Centrelink are an abomination. Burn in hell female bimbo Centrelink dogs.


You can see from the very beginning of my adult life, nothing ever just worked out. And if you read all my blog, you will clearly see it gets much worse. I really hope by ranting and raving about this, it’s made a difference and that some girl who’s just like me with working class parents, who turns up Centrelink at 18, doesn’t get refused, so from the very beginning, she can have a good start to her adult working life. (Btw – they are still paying for their mistake).

Maybe it’s just been my life where nothing ever works out, I’m not sure. It worked out for my parents, except they both died young (I personally believe they died young because they liked to think of everyone in society as “good”, they refused to believe about evil wicked ways of people – they just wanted to be ‘positive’ all the time). I’m writing about it in the hopes to make people aware of the problems vulnerable people go through.

BTW, I want to mention, the fact I went to private school also stopped me from getting a job in the local community at the Coop, they gave preference to candidates from the local High School - that business went broke a few years later. Private / Public, it’s a definite ‘thing’.

I just thought of something that worked out - when I moved to Rangari, that first year I planted dozens of trees / shrubs / fruit trees/veges,  and that year and the following year, we had massive floods all throughout Australia and basically, I didn’t have to water any of my plants for that couple of years, which was absolutely brilliant, and a total godsend - it was like I was meant to be there, and I was finally on track in life. Unfortunately, and once again in my life, an interfering bully ruins my life - the property sold, and straight away I was asked to leave. Life snatched away. Money snatched away. Good health and food snatched away. My hometown snap snatched away. I was ‘Cast out’ of my life. This country is run by bullies and is just full of bullies.

I’ve done a lot of complaining about certain situations to Centrelink, occasionally I feel my complaints are addressed, they did change the reporting format  -instead of going to Centrelink now, jobseekers are made to go to jobs providers, but still the whole process is a power tripping exercise for employees of Centrelink, it is run by women who know how to wrought the system, on one occasion I had my $800 bonus stolen by them. It is my experience that unemployed people are not the threat to this country by any means, it is the well-connected, well-paid bully staff there that have no respect for any of the people on welfare and treat them in most cases worse than criminals, it is them that are a threat to the democracy of this country, it is them who enforce oppression, which, by the way, is still huge today- it’s not just something that happened in the last century. Why they employ ‘dog personalities’ is beyond my comprehension -a dog will chase its pray until it is dead, they are not people that are fit to work anywhere, let alone at Centrelink where there are many vulnerable people. Also, Centrelink and government staff would have NO IDEA about the kind of issues I personally have to deal with – they are clueless of reality. CLUELESS.

One thing I’ve noticed that Centrelink staff (or jobs providers) do, and actually this is not restricted to Centrelink department; I find a lot of government departments do this, but well I will stick to my personal experience with Centrelink here; in the past I have had to do various activities or workshops or meetings, something for Centrelink, always with the nazi threat “if you do not attend your payments will be cut”. (And they have cut it numerous times, without reason, I have had to FIGHT them, to get want I am entitled to. CUNTS). So, with those situations that I have to attend, or spend time doing, I never get paid - Major strong feelings of their wasting vast amounts of my time, getting me to run through ridiculous hoops. But what mainly annoys me, and is the motivation of these people, all of them involved are getting paid a big salary. Yet I don’t get paid at all - like these dogs are using me for money, and I have no choice in the matter. It’s like they want unemployed victims, so they can be used to make money, and power trip over, it’s really a very sick cat and mouse game they play. They are sickoes.

BTW, treating unemployed people with such disrespect, is not confined to Centrelink staff. I find the whole of general community of Australia treat unemployed people with such contempt and such hatred, as if the unemployed were serial axe murderers with a deadly contagious skin condition that they might catch if they show any respect towards them. The cluelessness and such willingness to jump on a hateful bandwagon is done with such a clear intention, it’s like they enjoy hating so much, and the desire to have a common enemy is so overwhelming for them, that they totally ignore common sense, it is shameful, I am embarrassed for them. I believe this attitude is mostly perpetuated because there are so many multiple child families in this country, and it's a 3rd born, 4th born etc thing. 3rd borns, especially female ones who have difficulties applying commonsense, always think that somebody else has it better than and they are missing out. So for them, they feel if they didn't have to work, their life would be better, so then seeing an unemployed person, its automatic envy. -  they're completely stupid, and we should start NOT having more than 2 kids. Honestly, it couldn't be any more clearer in my mind, that any more than 2 is absurd.

Btw, on the pie chart, the amount of money the gov spends on unemployment is a teeny tiny fraction compared to ALL other sectors.

I noticed there are certain individuals who work in Centrelink that do not want people on unemployment benefits to work part time, one day or two days a week. Because that money is allowed by Centrelink rules, there’s a certain amount of money you can earn before your deductions get cut off or reduced. And so, there’s people who work at Centrelink, who don’t want people working to receive any extra income, at all – like, their personal opinion, they don’t care about the gov rules. Those particular staff members want unemployed people to be working without pay only, their attitude is disgusting and some of them go to great lengths to get recipients fired, or they sabotage them in some way, so that they don’t receive any additional income other than the Centrelink benefit. I’ve had female staff members from Centrelink follow me across town, and stalk me online and sabotage any work I do  -they are disgusting, not to mention stupid. They want people on unemployment benefit (which btw is $150 less than the Pension, and $300 less than the Disability Pension /fortnight), to only receive THAT amount, and no more) I believe these bimbos who follow me around and have sabotaged my eBay account so I cannot work my part time business there. They are absolutely tyrannical.

I want to quickly mention the Jobs providers, in my case at least, on one occasion, they put in people from my past, not real acquaintances, but bullies from my past in one way or another. (Fakers, not helpful people who will be able to find jobs for others. Unkind people).

Also, it is pensioners that take up the largest piece of the pie when it comes to tax payers money. Unemployment is relatively low in the scheme of things. Plus, there are many government departments who have workers receiving salaries, and they do absolutely ‘muckall’, all day long. I’ve had some people tell me that their whole entire department has been bogus, they all just turn up, then take home pay-packets for doing nothing. And because those people have families/kids, and are in need of an income coming in, no one really does anything about it. Apparently, it has been going on since the 50’s. So, if anyone should complain about someone who is unemployed and receiving the very lowest of low incomes, just remember all those people on salaries that do muck all, all day long, and take home upwards of $70,000/yr. I just saw a story on ABC news; Jeff Hunt suspended with pay for 2 years while he was investigated for recruitment misconduct, at a Sydney College. He was found guilty and resigned. So, he was paid for 2 years on a higher education salary, for doing nothing, paid for 2 years for doing nothing. Nothing! Excuse me government, but I would like to be paid a high salary for doing nothing too, fairs fair. I think a quick mention here, for unseen work that I do. I do visibly sell my seeds/designs and plod along with the work I do. But there are people who work for the government who use me and my knowledge, my observations, and my skills. I can see my contributions reaching far across Australia, and nobody at the government pays me for those attributes. The greedy blonde dogs –  steal everything.

I have a 2022 update on the Centrelink nazis;

Once again Centrelink are totally screwing me. They have advised me yesterday that I can get a medical certificate which means that I don’t have to run through hoops for a jobs providers, meaning I don’t have to do their appointments and whatever else they want. So, they have done this, so that they don’t have to give me Disability Payment which is $330 more than my current income, so even though they have acknowledged my medical conditions (albeit asking me and my Dr to fill out incorrect form first (see – and pay an additional $150 at podiatrists)) According to their own rules I would be entitled to it. But they have come up with this loop hole, or changed rules, to get out of paying me that additional $330 more. So, I cannot work, but have only the minimum income coming in so I cannot live, but only just exist, still unable to pay medical treatments. Again, they are totally stealing from me and once again I’m being screwed. This is just another area in my life where I’m being victimised, and another area that I’m going to be pissed off about. They are true thieving cunts and I hope they burn in hell; my jobs provider is also to blame, who it was prob her that manipulated that Dr into lying about a fake breast tumour. – they try to blame Centrelink, who then tries to blame the department of education. They are ALL TO BLAME. I am entitled to that additional $330, and have been since 2020, they are just refusing to pay it. Cunts. I repeatedly complain about this, they do nothing.

I just realised I’ve written all of this, and have not mentioned the phone calls. Monumental problems extend to phone calls; if I have ever needed to phone Centrelink over the years, OMG, pure vileness in their disgusting rude Nazi behaviour.



22. These posts work

Originally I had a photo showing a screen shot of a text message I received from Centerlink, stating I had 2 days to address a problem, or they would cut my payments. CUT CUT CUT


See, now, they give me 2 days, whereas before they would just cut it, without finding out the issue – which IS ALWAYS THEIR ISSUE anyway. Except in Casandra Dunstan case, she would just cut my money for no reason, other than the fact she is a stupid tryannical dog bitch WHO JUST WANTED TO CREATE STRESS FOR ME.

Ofcourse, this text could be a nazi text from Telstra. There’s no knowing as to whom actually sent it.

Get off my back you STUPID LITTLE dogs.



23. Dysfunctional Doctors and Centrelink staff

This next paragraph was deleted off my blog so I have separated this paragraph and done a whole new photo story for it.

I just found out, as I’ve had chronic pain for 6 years now from this infliction, and I am unable to walk properly or do exercise, I am entitled to disability payment, that’s what it says on the disability Centrelink website. And disability payment is $300/fortnight more than my income now. So, it will be well worth my effort to apply for disability. So, I did, but because of the ways that it was diagnosed; A chiropractor diagnosed it, Dr Mohammed - just at the end of a back session, I just said to him would you please take a look at my foot, it’s so sore. He took one look at it and said straightaway, you have got collapsed arch. So finally!! I had some sort of answer, I looked it up, read about it, I looked at my foot properly, and indeed, I could see indeed the arch had fully collapsed, it was all floppy. So, Centrelink refused my disability, because it hadn’t been diagnosed ‘properly’. Apparently, a chiropractor who diagnoses it, isn’t good enough, they don’t believe him, although that chiropractor Dr Mohammed from Bundaberg / Gin Gin, did refuse to put it in writing! So, then I had to go to all the problems of obtaining all my medical records back to 2018 when I went to the doctor about it initially. Which did not help anyway. Plus, I obtained a letter from Cody Amos who I knew could see the planta fasciitis, as proof for Centrelink, but in the letter, he mentions I had first presented to him with a back problem. And I most definatly had not, I only went to him as part of my care plan for planta fasciitis, I never once mentioned to him my back, he never once treated this indicates to me, he’s a big fat liar. They charged me too, when they should not have. Thieves. Dogs there, blonde dogs.

So, it was Dr Abass who gave me a care plan for the plantar fasciitis (even though he never even once had looked at my foot), but he insisted I get an ultrasound and an Xray – EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN’T ACTUALLY SEE A COLLAPSED ARCH on either! STUPID. It’s so happened as a part of my care plan, I went and saw a podiatrist, Paul Wang because due to all the limping I had to do on my bad foot, my other foot had some pain, pins and needles, and he diagnose that as “toe impingement”, from walking with a limp due to planta fasciitis on my left foot – he could see the fasciitis easy. But for some reason Paul Wang won’t put that in writing for me either, apparently, he has left the clinic. Although his name is still listed at the podiatrist place in Bundaberg and because I later went to that place “advance foot care” (as Centrelink requested at a cost of $150) and saw a different podiatrist, a young woman Taylor Tatarelli, who couldn’t see the planta fasciitis at all, and said the reason I was experiencing pain was because I was walking funny! And she wanted me to pay $600 for an orthopaedic! STUPID! Plus, Paul Wang didn’t charge me at all, as per the Plan, and I shouldn’t have been charged by Taylor, but she charged $100, and I got $50 back from Medicare, so not only are they stealing from me, but possible wrong fully diagnosing my foot! Also, I suspect Paul Wang actually does still work there, but he didn’t want to see me because he knows that I have Collapsed Arch, and they didn’t want to put it in writing (all the dogs were there).

Later that day I went to the Dr, Dr Enzo from the Moore Park Beach clinic - he could see that my left leg was in dire straits, from walking that day when I was forced to go to the podiatrist again, but instead of letting Centrelink know that I plainly cannot walk on my foot, or my leg swells up and is EXTREMELY painful, he did nothing – he is a young idiot. The woman at the pathology lab says he works incahoots with Dr Abass – so both of them are fucking sadists arsholes. (Dr Abass, when I went to him for proof that I had a Collapsed Arch, he said he couldn’t give it to me.) Yet another clueless GP. I will keep persisting with an appeal. Still denied – Centrelink CUNTS, July 2022 – still cannot walk for longer than 10 minutes and have foot pain. So cannot work and have not enough money to live on.

So, I want to further add to that appointment, because that swelling in my left leg and pain particularly around my knee lasted for a couple of days, but what I noticed that the pain extended right up my left side and into my left boob. So, the podiatrist who, just before was poking, prodding, and rubbing the ball of my foot, for what seems like at least 20 minutes in painful manner, also had me traipsing around on her walking electronic measuring pad - she did something to my foot which set something off on my left side.

I TOLD YOU I CAN’T WALK ON MY FOOT. Or this is what happens. Dr Enzo had no idea what was wrong with it - NONE

So, several months later, I’m still getting pain in my left boob plus it’s red. Maybe the podiatrist set off a pre-existing injury, as I was kicked in that boob several years ago which caused a big huge inflammation of the cysts, (which were removed), and that boob to, was also squashed brutally by a bitchy bimbo female lab technician at the Melbourne hospital during a scan. So possibly those two past injuries maybe the root of this new aggravation, or it could be something else like mould in my new unit? I am not sure; I’m going to have to make another doctor’s appointment to try and determine what the problem is. So, both that MPB Dr and the podiatrist, had no idea what either was doing. (Yet Centrelink you are relying on their confirmation? Stupid)

I did go to another Dr in my new location, I could not get in to see the local Dr, as there were bimbo receptionists there. The first app with Dr Armstrong went well, but then I could see the dogs had gotten to her, and she totally fucked up, I write about that on my first Life Stories Dr experiences. But I deduce it is the mould setting off my lymph nodes – possible a bacteria I picked up in my inflatable spa last year as I had my arms over the top, where the lid was, so that yucky environment, where there was no actual water that had the acid added to treat it. Maybe I will mention it to a new Dr if I decide to go again, but really – they are so bloody hopeless.

So back to after I just visited Dr Enzo with my swollen knee (by now I feel everyone is trying to rip me off or steal from me or do ‘badly’ by me in one form or another): As I have fluid and swelling in my whole left leg now, that extends into my left breast, and lymph nodes. And so, I went to Friendlies Hospital in Bundaberg in January, Sarah the lymphoedema physio, and omg TOTAL FAKER. I know for a fact, that she has no idea where the lymph nodes are located around the ankle and calf, in fact she pretty much ‘stroked’ the opposite of where they are located. She is a fake doctor. If this does not demonstrate her incompetence, then it demonstrates her total lack of respect for me, and desire to do the opposite of what she should be doing. She also tried to talk me into spending $80 on a stocking, and said she would bulk bill me, but then DID not, charging my cc $80 she is a thief aswell.

So, if you read my Telstra Antics re lymph problems, there is a whole other problem going on here to. It turns out I have had a lymph problem since my early 30’s.

So, back to Disability payment. I know 2 women my age, who are on it, and have no disability at all, 1 has a 14yr old son, and who incidentally, has never worked a day in her life, unlike me, which is why I have these problems in the first place - from being overworked. And the other also works at a service station part time – she is rich! So, it is not what is wrong with you, but who you know, determines whether or not you get the money. The only people who think they know me are people who are jealous of me, as you can see if you read my blog. Side bar, my car has a big dent in the back from reversing into an Ironbark – birdies suggest I never get it fixed, so people can see I have no money to fix it, and not assume I am rich and thus steal from me. I think it’s working.

And, also, I burnt my throat badly with hydrochloric acid a while back, since then, I have a compromised immune, and get sick at the drop of a hat, like if I sit in a room with an aircon, or come into contact  with anyone who is sick, I will get sick. I also have arthritis in both knees but fluid on the right. And I have constant aching joints. No doctor will acknowledge these things, except Dr Armstrong in the first visit.

I find it really strange when I’m dealing with Centrelink, and have to fill out their forms, they asked me 50 million questions about money, and the money I have, the assets I have, and anything that I’ve sold below to depreciation value. Do they expect me to list all the second-hand items I’ve sold on gumtree? I mean do you think I would be talking to Centrelink if I had any money? Are they completely stupid?  I can tell you, they are, plus completely greedy, wanting welfare recipients to pay them  - fucked.

Also, the first time I put in a claim, the website wasn’t working properly, so I had to phone them (done deliberate I suspect). I spoke to this man who had quite a distinctive voice, it was kind of like he was obviously gay, and in the meantime I’m pretty sure I thought there was a man who served me at Mitre 10 who spoke exactly in the same manner, I suspect it was him. He wanted me to go back to the shop repeatedly, because he kept on giving me the wrong product, so I would have to go back to the shop 3 times, and he knows that I have a sore foot - he is a sadistic arshole. And Centrelink are disgusting for allowing their call centre staff to stalk people, let alone ones who aren’t even receiving disability payments. I wear a body camera at all times but this particular guy had a mask on, and he was kind of off screen, so I didn’t get a good shot of him, I suspect this was deliberate, he doesn’t want to be caught and put up on social media, which by the way, if I catch anyone else doing it, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing - disgusting behaviour. That guy btw is really stupid. I put in a complaint about this to Centrelink at 1042am sat 23rd July, but apparently it was “too late”, I am not sure why it would be too late, the complaint is just as valid now as it was before when it was not too late – whenever that was? So, I am putting my complaint on this photo story. Centrelink never actually address any complaints anyway. Only politicians can make positive changes.

24. Stupid little blonde bimbo brainwashing people so I would have to move

Brainwashing people like Steve Carter and heaps of others. I touched on this subject in “The Big Jelly Baby Scam” story, but I didn’t list specific things. And as I still remember all of the little bimbo antics  to get me out of my home at Rangari, I figure I should write them down. So, this week, this is what I have recalled, and I shall be updating this no doubt, because it was a plot done over a few years.

A list of ways and means she did it;

  • Telling everyone that plants I planted, all died and I was a hopeless gardener.

  • Implying I was still asleep at 830am as I was a drunk – when infact she had played recorded noises all night keeping me awake, so I would be sleepy at 830 the following morning when she knew company as expected.

  • Telling everyone I was really old, as in retirement age, thus should move to QLD to retire.


Someone suggested that the little bimbo was actually Heath Barwick, as he didn’t want me living next door to him anymore, because he can hear me. They also said it was Steve Carter, as he said he could aerial spray my fruit trees for fruit fly -  and he wanted to steal all my fruit in my orchid for the next potential farm hand, an enticement so to speak.

This no doubt has an element of truth about it, but I know for a fact that there is a little female blonde bimbo trying to sabotage me.

It was also suggested that it was David and Brenda, as when they sold the farm, they wanted me to leave, because they had a secret desire to kick me out, where as before, when they were my landlords, they didn’t want to kick me out because they wanted the rent money, and they wanted me as a tenant because they knew I was a good tenant, and most tenants are crap. And they were secretly jealous of my garden - I know they were jealous, because David specifically told me he was jealous. He wanted a big fruit and veggie patch and good native area too! So this was Brenda’s passive aggressive plan, to insinuate to the new buyer, Steve Carter, why I should be kicked out. There maybe an element of truth to this as well, but again, I know about the blonde bimbo who tries to sabotage me.

Someone else told me it was an arrogant powertrip plan by some Dr, as they could see how badly the cold affected my health, that with my foot injury, although moving made my foot a whole heap worse.

Why don’t you just kill me.

Here is a good as spot as any to mention again (another didi missing), I know that many people die before retirement age in their 50s or 60s, so they miss out on retirement. It is not ever talked about, and that persons whole work life has been in vain.





25. Design and Print and Sell your Design companies – REVIEW

After working in the fashion industry in Sydney Australia, for 10 years and being an avant sewer, I found the limited fabric choice a little frustrating. Occasionally I found a nice fabric at Lincraft, the quality there at least, is better than spotlight - spotlight is cheap and they have cheap quality fabrics. Even the fabric shops in the fashion sector down at Surrey Hills, have limited fabrics available, and they really only like you if you’re a big customer ordering whole rolls, but still, in my opinion, those designs are limited, and the industry is very controlled. So about 10 years ago when I discovered a company was allowing you to upload your own design, and not only will they print it for you, but they will sell it for you online, I was thrilled to bits! This is a huge leap forward in the design and fashion industry, in my opinion. Because now, the choice of fabrics available is extensive, and there are some absolute beauties out there, from people who don’t design full time, but they might have one or two creative good ideas up their sleeve, and they can sell them! it’s brilliant!! BRILIANT.

I am based in Australia, there are quite a few online companies that offer this service. Some are somewhat reasonably priced (they all could work on their price). But the majority of them are far too expensive to use, and you would have to be a lunatic to pay upwards of $75/m for a cheap lightweight cotton. (In my experience, the typical price a fashion company will pay for its fabrics is $11, sometimes they will splurge on a $17/m fabric for specific boutique dep instore retailer like David Jones). Unfortunatly there is poor quality and dishonesty in the printing industry. So, this is my review for the 5 companies I found who were the cheapest, I have ordered from all;,,, and A relatively new company, and I have used them 3 times now. Pricewise they’re the best, but, in my first order there seemed to be some errors with their prints, like the edges are blurred or missing. They did however reprint one flawed one, and sent it to me. However, on my last order, the fabric width was 29“ x 70“, which is very odd,  - a kind of long rectangular shape of a yard, plus, my first order they provided metres, and this one, they provided yards, so basically, I felt there was 20cm missing of each order, I felt like they did this deliberately to save themselves money, they’re a little unprofessional and trying to cut costs. Also, I ordered the same print in two different orders, and the colour was completely different in each order - and not just a slightly different shade, one was dark and horrid and one was light and beautiful as I had intended it – I feel this was done deliberate, my order being sabotaged by the printers first time, and they felt that should get it right the 2nd time round? There was another print error with a dark patch stripe  across the design, and when I asked them about this, they never got back to me - this for me means I won’t be ordering from them again, however before I received the order, they mentioned they would give me a2m credit on my next order, maybe it was for that? Who knows – their communication is “little girl”? I mean maybe that’s how they try to entice you to order from them again instead of refunding or re-printing they’ve given me a credit on my account? This is really unacceptable, they come across as a dodgy Chinese company when they do things like this.

There seems to be one man in charge of orders, Jerry, however he gets a girl in (Amy) when dealing with English speaking women, and she possibly doesn’t work their full time, so communicating has really come to a standstill.  So, there are 2 good things about this company, and 2 bad, the good being, cheapest yet, and all my designs have a different psi, and the only way that they would know which is what, is if I sent a screenshot of what each yard or meter is meant to look like, with the amount of repeats in it - which I did, and low and behold, they got all of them (10 designs) completely right - which was quite savvy of them in my opinion. But their print quality / colour matching needs work, as does their “pride” factor, inorder not to muck up peoples designs. All in all, thumbs down. Another strangely named fabric printer. UK based; all fabrics printed in the UK. I asked them beforehand, if they made any mistakes, will they agree to replace or refund, and they did agree, (see later) they speak English, and response time is 1-2 days. First order thrilled, colours a good match with my design. However, on my second order there was an obvious sizing mistake and they denied any responsibility. I am not 100% sure that it is their fault because I have computer hackers who regularly hack my PC and mess things up for me (they are sad people) So, that maybe what happened here, as I set a DPI200 yet they sent me a design with a DPI150. I take screenshots of each order, and it clearly shows DPI200, so I know, it was changed by either them or a sad girl hacker. And now I am stuck with an incorrect design. So NOT impressed. Also, 6m of Cotton Canvas had a big running flaw across the whole width – they did not offer to refund or replace- I always give people a chance to try and save themselves I find 10 out of 10 never actually do. They always think they’ll be able to get away with it because no one important is looking. Also, a 1m length is actually only 98cm worth of design, so on a 10m length of fabric instead of getting 10m of design you get 9.8m, then you have to factor in 10% shrinkage on top of that. It’s up to you to know about the shrinkage, but they definitely shouldn’t be cutting the design short by 2cm per metre in my opinion – they had no comment about this. Their range of fabrics is limited, plus half the fabrics are out of stock. My latest design I received from them on cotton canvas was exquisite. I feel with this company you have to contact them after you place the order, to politely remind them you are a real human, and they should to do a good job, perhaps double check DPI and qty. (I find this little annoying, but is a part of dealing with people who perhaps are not trained to be overly conscientious, Edward Morton.)

Custom This is a Chinese based company. They do NOT offer to resell your designs on their website, they are printers only. But still good if you create your own website to sell your designs. Their English is not very good, communicating with them is hard and too slow, it is like they have a bad third-party translation. But this company offers good prices, with fabrics being a third of the price than 3 of the others – A THIRD. Starting from $7US/meter and all fabrics at 150cm wide!! (brilliant) Their fabric choice is pretty good, as well. I tend not to ever purchase synthetics, but their cotton range is pretty good and they also have others like rayon, silk and bamboo - excellent. Their Stretch Cotton and Cotton Muslin are particularly good. Although on my last order, I was dubious about one of the stretch cottons, and the fibre content, it felt a bit ‘poly’ to me, maybe there was a reduced percentage of cotton? They are very light fast in cold water. However they tend to do mistakes, and they’re bad mistakes, like repeats not matching, blurred edges, inks too dark, or incorrect quantity - and they refuse to replace or refund with their excuse being “we don’t want to lose any money” the fact that they actually made the mistakes in the first place is not something that they factor in,  - they do not have a concept of ‘Fair Trading’ like we do in Australia or America, which is why I do not use this company anymore – plus I returned the faulty fabrics back to them, but I later received the package back with NO SUCH ADDRESS, so maybe their company is a fake for another? Who knows. But their quality is not good enough at present, maybe in 5yrs, in 2026 they will have improved? Maybe they will develop some Gov Fair Trade departments with clear consumer rules? Also, I should mention their postage is ridiculously expensive, they only use Courier, TNT. But they charge an average $50-$100 for an order less than 10m. It also takes between 4 to 6 weeks. Also, their printing tends to be a shade or 2 darker than my design  -very frustrating. All in all, thumbs down for now. This company has the best print quality in my opinion, as in, the dyes don’t fade too dramatically. Also, their fabric quality is excellent, it states on their website they “print AND make all fabrics in America, with second to none quality” so I would believe this. However, I did have issues with the print placement being crooked and part of the print missing off the edge of the fabric on my first order with them - they did refund for that. The prices are the most expensive out of the 4, I try to avoid using this company as my last costing there, including postage, it turned out to be $70/y, which is TOO extreme, and only 42” wide. Plus, I feel their customer base is American, they don’t really cater to Australians. Their website is way too slow, some sort of problem there, and postage is expensive too. If I had a ‘hoity toity’ customer who purchased one of my designs on my website, I would consider using them.

Spoonflower; This strangely named company has cleverly (or greedily depending on how you look at it) automatically made a profit for themselves by not allowing anyone to sell their fabrics on their website unless they pay $5 per design (you receive a 20cm swatch for this too). But they don’t actually hold up their end of the agreement and can delete your account without refunding any $5’s. ($365 worth of $5) They are dishonest company, I will not purchase from them ever again. But I did purchase quite a few fabrics from this company before, and had a lot of orders for my fabrics from the public; quality varies, some have been quite good, some have been ridiculously bad. The plain cheapest cotton, prints Ok, its length/width are all correct there was never any printing flaws other than sometimes, there would be colour variations, like my design would have pink petals, yet the print would come back as purple petals, occasionally there were ink blotches. This did not happen all the time, just sometimes! The light fastness was not really good, but it was OK. Their printing also tended to be a shade lighter than my design. The flannel (minky) is ghastly unless your design is pale, otherwise the white background shows through. Their sticky wallpaper isn’t light resistant so it fades badly, however a paler print on a poster has much better lightfastness. Fabrics are all by the yard, not by the meter, and usually only 42” wide (106cm) which is not really good compared to the companies who offer  a meter and 150cm/60” widths. Fabrics did start from $17/y AU, but I believe they are more like $36/y AU now, with the advent of COVID19. Their postage is very reasonable, however, Australia post tended to open my parcels and take a peek before they delivered them, plus one went missing. The customer service people speak/email, in English (based in America) which is a plus, at first, they were satisfactory, but NOT in the end (Kelly M). I will no longer purchase from them, and my designs are NOT available there anymore, they have no morals despite what their website policy states (.com scam). Plus, they still use my name in google search results to sell their fabrics. (I don’t think they realized how I contributed to their growth, and why they were receiving so many sales from Australia. After they deleted my account – their sales must have taken a dive from Australia - they clueless stupid bitches.



So, only part happy with these printers after all. I am waiting until some better Australian company starts up (there is at least one I saw in Sydney, but way too expensive to even mention)

26. Vital life stuff that needs to be added to the Curriculum

Teachers you need to tell this to your class of kids: {I have to rewrite this bit because this was another piece of writing that was stolen! I’m not sure why this would be stolen, I mean maybe they don’t agree with it, or maybe they want it to be a secret and don’t want kids to know how smart they are, or maybe they don’t want adults to know that everything that they have experienced as a child - they can actually remember everything, it’s just a matter of tapping into that part of their minds storage??}

So, this is what I said: kids are not really taught that the way their minds work, is extraordinary and genius, in fact each and every one of them are very smart - and everything a young person sees, hears, and smells, is recorded by their minds eye, which gets processed and boxed away in a compartment in their mind, for later. EVERYTHING

Also, (and this bit was not stolen); I would say teachers need to tell grade 6, 7 and grade 8 girls –(they’re the worst in my experience because they’re at their most naïveté.) So, say this;  I know a lady who has her own website, and on it she talks about all the bullies from when she was at school. She is now a grown lady, and on her website, she puts photos up of bullies, she names the bullies, with their full name, and she describes the incident exactly as it happened.

So that’s why you need to be careful who you pick on, because you might be thinking that they’re an easy target when they’re young and vulnerable, but all little girls and little boys grow up and some of them turn into Mighty Forces to be reckoned with. You should think twice before picking on that little scrawny kid, because before too long, they will have put on 50kg and will be wanting revenge.

As an old and wise mature adult, I recommend you not pick on anyone at all, and you try and resolve the problem in a civil fashion, if you need help from an adult on how to handle a problem or a bully, don’t be afraid to ask (it is only a rumour that you’ll get picked on even more if you ask an adult for help). J

And, teachers; teach the value of a dollar in the classroom, some parents fail to do this. And the whole point of school, is preparing them for the future. It is not time-wasting babysitting. Plus, teach what it means to be an adult, and how people go to work every day or part time, or shift work, and often spent hours, slaving away for someone else. Adults are often miserable and unhappy, and have not much money. Put some reality into these kids, then they’ll have more respect for other people’s money, and won’t steal things off people. Basic fundamental things.

There are heaps of other things that also needed to be included like Communication Class in every year. Wage/salary/super information – a whole class on this in year 10, each week, with career information too, aswell as money ‘smarts’ / homeloans / savings etc



27. St Leonards Nature Care College FOULPLAY Drop Face  AND HIVES  from Homeopath

 Dropface /Palsy, major heart palpitations, hives and a planter wart from deliberate

wrong homeopathic remedy given by quack physician and his bimbo sidekick at st Leonards nature care college.

Seeking treatment for a little wart on my hand, I consulted with this clinic. After taking the advised Homoeopathic medicine by the student physician and supervisor. No change. I contacted the clinic and told them I didn’t work at all, I thought I was polite and respectful, but the big egos at this clinic, I guess the supervisor, Dr Ken, instead, said I should take a different remedy: Dulcamara 30., which I did, resulting in severe Hives, Drop Face / Palsy, major Heart palpitations (basically a mini stroke) and later a giant Planter Wart on my left foot {btw, there were 4 major heart palpitations, and they were so loud, that at first I thought someone was on my roof walking around making that loud banging sound- until I realized, no, it was my heart – most bizarre}. I still have the Dropface on my right side today, and experience heart palpitations, but only if I have a fatty roast or something. But this clinic is a total scam and should be shut down, actually they should be sued. BTW, everyone is so busy trying to ‘empower’ women, that no one told that girl who treated me that she is not smart enough to be a doctor. She only remembers the last thing I told her, which was a minor thing,  a last-minute thing I remembered, it wasn’t the main issue which I had previously explained to her in great detail. The girl only remembered the last thing I said to her -she had forgotten everything else. Not smart enough by a LONG shot. She obviously doesn’t record sessions, and think about it. But as a supervisa was in charge, Ken, - he is to blame, for the initial incorrect medication, and ofcourse for the secondary deliberate poisoning.

By the way, I talked to a lawyer about this, to see if I could sue in some sort of legal way because I believe that’s the only way that they will pull their socks up and not do it again (They will do it again) But the lawyer said it is not serious enough, as in, as I was not left a paraplegic or something. And as I am not in full time employment anyway and not a supermodel, they wouldn’t bother with my case. So, this is how these dodgy people get away with doing things like this, because of hopeless, greedy, and lazy coward lawyers in this country. I believe in America any act of medical negligence small or large, they can be sued, and America is still a fairly oppressed country, but Australia is way worse. (The little wart on my hand turned out to be a result of rubbing left over lip balm on my wrist).

Some may say, the way homoeopathic medicine works, that I must’ve had a heart condition in the first place, and the theory is, you keep taking the medication until it doesn’t have any effect on you anymore, however having a mini stroke; I don’t think this warrants taking any more, and besides this may be true, but it doesn’t explain the hives. I certainly don’t have any history of hives or giant planta warts. I am 100% sure that medication was given to me deliberately to cause hives, as they thought it would be funny – stupid little bimbos. I suspect the drop face was a calculated affect, as having a face deformity like that is certainly perceived as a low class thing, with possibly drug use indications. And the mini stroke was just a side-effect. And you know what, if I had of had a full heart attack and died, do you think that clinic would, in any way, be held accountable? – NO, I tell you now, they would not even be made aware of what they had done. So that clinic is the bad clinic. There are 2 teaching clinics in Sydney, the other one was at Redfern (the good one), but it is no longer there, don’t ask me what happened to them, if they moved or closed? But I have found this scenario with 1 good and 1 bad, a lot in life, its like the powers that be, let 2 exists, knowing full well one is good and the other is shonky, so that people they deem “good” can go to the good one, and people they don’t like and deem “bad” can go to the bad one. Bad clinics catering to bad people. Good clinics catering to good people – with ofcourse, ‘class’ and money being a contributing factor as to who is good and who is bad.

10 years later, I still have slight drop face on my left side of my face.

28. Chinese Elastic dictating Fashion Trends in the 90's

Last year I finally threw out my hot pink leggings that I had made myself when I was 20 whilst working at Bonds. I was told I could use their machines to make whatever I wanted and there was a pile of waste fabric I could choose from. Nellie the boss gave me some elastic. I made these leggings for myself on their 5 thread industrial stretch Overlocker, so easy. And I have had them all this time, I’m 47, so that’s 26 years! they’ve lasted 26yrs, and the thing that lasted the most, was the elastic! - it still had, as much stretch last year, as it had back in 1994! This is why I’m writing about it, because I know others have experienced this bad “elastic” phenomenon; on every single other item I have purchased since 1990, I’d be lucky if the elastic lasted 12 months, and this is the reason why those awful baggy pants that fall down the hips, came into trend in America, from people who were wearing pants that the elastic was failing, so their pants kept falling down! So common, that it became a bloody trend! Hipsters too!! Dodgy Chinese ripping the whole world off on elastic!

Unfortunately, I can’t remember where Bonds got their elastic from, whether it was a local supplier like Greenfields, (bloody Greenfields), or did they make their own elastic? I know they made their own fleece, terry towelling, all fabrics actually (they did, they closed down shortly later, sold out to China) But back then, fabrics were way too expensive to purchase elsewhere (from the American supplier), so they milled them. Could’ve been the same with elastic I’m not sure, I’ve been trying to find good elastic ever since, it’s impossible to know if it’s good or not from looking, as far as I know there are no tells. But the only elastic that has held up for a lengthy period has been the cord elastic that I purchased at Spotlight, it’s also readily available on eBay, or was, I’ve been banned from eBay.

So, I’ve had to adapt my leggings to suit cord elastic instead of an elasticated waistband! Works well with toggles. The cord elastic also works as straps on yoga tops / sport bras, although the sewing machine does not care for it too much. Later I again purchased some flat elastic, as I needed it, but again it was dodgy elastic that lasted less than 12mnths, so they are still selling bad elastic. (rosiesonki2095)

Now, we all know how dodgy the Chinese manufacturers are, especially if you purchase items on ebay. BUT it has come to my attention that there are certain areas in my life where I have no power at all, and there are areas I have an extreme amount of power; I’ve noticed, in the shopping marketing world, there are certain people who watch every move I make, listen to every word I say and read everything I write, - in the hopes of obtaining and finding out what I want to spend my money on. I suspect it’s the Chinese doing this, because of all their manufacturing factories are in China, but also because their attitude is quite different from the Australian attitude. Their attitude is “what do you want? we can get it for you”. Whereas, the typical Australian attitude is “you get what you’re given” and “NO, we can’t do that”. The Chinese, aswell as the Americans actually share that attitude, “if we don’t have it, we will try to get it for you” – it is very admirable. Plus, if I can think of some new idea, it somehow then, gets done and you’ll see it appear on the market, sometimes with in a relatively short period.

Australia is completely lagging behind in its attitude, and it all comes back to being raised by hopeless nazi teachers (and parents) who repeatedly say “NO you’re not allowed to do that”, and squash kids ideas for fear they will either embarrass them, outshine them or lose control. Soo primitive Australia – wakey wakey. I am doing something about that with my blog.

Here is a good spot as ever; lately, I have found myself whingeing about the fact that I can’t get any clothes in larger sizes (22), and not just the big chain stores like Kmart, Target, and Big W, but all online retailers. I put this down to the fact that, young women, who are typically size 8, 10, 12, or 14, are the only ones stupid enough to repeatedly buy new fashion trends every year, so those companies buy for them. An older woman, is way more savvy and practical, and knows what a waste of money that is, not to mention submitting yourself as a sales rep victim; fashion victim.

29. Not Sweet Smelling at Garden Express

This is one of those photo stories that I had to reword, as originally, it was a little extreme. A few little problems, like sending me plants out of season on their way out, so it will not grow. I noticed now they don’t sell products that are out of season, probably for the best. But my biggest issue with this company, was when I received some roses from them; they were advertised “fragrant”, but several weeks later, when in flower, it was determined, they were NOT FRAGRANT. These were ordered because of the fragrance. They were for dad, and he specifically wanted the fragrant type. I can’t remember details, whether they sent me the wrong ones or false advertising, at any rate, they did not resolve the problem.

A little birdie told me they didn’t send me fragrant roses because I ordered 10 roses; they were for dad‘s garden, he wanted to put a long row of roses all the way down the side of his house, that’s why I needed 10. And this person, insinuated that we were being greedy by getting 10 roses, and so that’s why they mucked up the order, and gave us non-fragrant roses, a deliberate ‘greed shaming’ theft.

Fuck them.

How dare they. Dad’s always wanted fragrant roses down the side of his house, for like 30years, (he cuts them and puts them in the kitchen, the scent fills the whole kitchen and hallway – quite beautiful) and he finally decided to do it, and some little fucking idiot blonde stupid bitch, doesn’t think that he deserves 10 roses - fuck her. (I suspect that short blonde bimbo, who I have mentioned numerous times on my blog, had something to do with the sabotage – she is a thief; who Garden Express allowed.) And this story just portrays exactly how obsessed that stupid little blonde is with me, and my family – can you see? Deliberate acts of sabotage – not just  “oh well shit happens in life” – I literally have a stupid bimbo twit out to ‘get me’ and my family. I tell you, it’s a good thing I do not have kids, they would be doomed. (As I mentioned before I have cats, one of them was killed deliberatley. And my brothers dog was poisoned deliberatley too. Just plain ‘evil’ blondes obsessed with 'the good'.)

I should further add, the problem of sending straggly plants was common back when nurseries were just starting to go online in Australia, with mail order; it’s like the girl picking the order, didn’t have a customer standing right in front of her, so she picked the worst plant she could see in the bunch, like a straggly one, or too old, too root bound, or had a disease…... one that a ‘live’ customer would NOT choose. Quite a lot of them did it, such typically female thinking (thieving stupidity). They also advertised a flower with certain colour profiles, but then when it flowered for you later, and you can see that the flowers in their magazine had been photoshopped. (The Lakehouse Iris website at Beverley WA, Australia, and Trigg Nursery, Treloar’s and heaps more). They also advertise stunning varieties up for sale, so you purchase, but they do not have enough of the stunning one, and so send a different not as good one, then, so they are not found out, as thieving cheaters, they get minions to kill your growing plant in your garden – I am sure this has happened 3 times. possibly more when I was unaware of their evil antics.

However, this has pretty much changed with the advance of social media, especially Facebook – name and shame! Hooray for the internet and transparency (even though I have been ban).

I also have to say, by far, the best nursery I have ever purchased from was the Muswellbrook State Forest Nursery. I’m not sure whether the owner was really old with a lot of experience, and they then retired; because unfortunately this nursery has closedown, or, maybe they just had God ‘onside’. But all the plants I have purchased from them have been stunning, and not only stunning within the species, but it’s like whoever propagated them, has done so from a species which had desirable traits, so they haven’t just taken the first plant that they have seen, they’ve collected seeds or propagated cuttings from stock which was really worth propagating to pass on those additional good genes, like they have taken the time to sort things out, and they really knew what they’re doing; not just there to make as much money as possible. So, it was very sad when this one closedown several years ago, although I see they still have listings online in the directories – just to confuse everyone.

Also, I often tend to forget about which are the good ones and which are the bad ones, although this blog helps as a good reminder, but I later purchased 3 plants from GE, and so far 2 have been as paid for, still waiting for the 3rd Dahlia to flower. So, I guess, if you only buy 3 and not 10 – it is fine for stupid blondes.

30. Almond Tree and King Parrots

When I had my huge garden at Rangari, I wanted as many fruit and nut trees as possible. I purchased dozens. One of the trees I purchased was an Almond. Now, almonds grow very well in Gunnedah, near Kelvin, actually halfway between Kelvin and Rangari localities. But Kelvin is known, well, there is a sign on the road at this town (which consists of probably four houses), the sign says “welcome to kelvin, home of the king parrots” 😁

King parrots are a gorgeous ornamental red and green bird, but once you know the personality of a king parrot you know why they’re nicknamed king; they truly do think they are the king of everything! My Almond tree had no chance of producing any almonds because the king parrots would eat them all before, they were even anywhere near ripe. So, the following year I decided to net, I got my 10-foot ladder as you can see from the photo, and rigged up some netting, (by the way, I don’t recommend doing it while the tree is in flower, delicate little things). Although as you can see from the size of the ladder and the size of the tree, I’m not entirely sure how I managed to even rig up those polypipes and put the netting over it at all - perhaps even, I recommend purchasing a dwarf Almond for a home gardener! And, I didn’t secure the netting down properly, and a big storm blew it off, and again all the almonds were eaten. There were 2 king parrots, no doubt a couple, I kid you not, after they had eaten all my almonds, they came around to my backdoor where they usually never hung out, when I had just gone outside there, and they started bopping up and down, kind of dancing, as if to say, ha ha, we got all the almonds, even when you netted!!  - they are very cheeky birds I can assure you.

So now that I have left, I bet that Almond tree is still thriving, and every year the king parrots are getting bucketloads of MY almonds!


Life Stories P13

About P1,      About P2,         Life Stories P!
LSP2,    LSP3,    LSP4,    LSP5,    LSP6,    LSP7,    LSP8,    LSP9,    LSP10,     LSP11,    LSP12,    LSP13(this),    LSP14,    LSP15,    LSP16,    LSP17,    LSP18,    LSP19,    LSP20,    LSP21,      LSP22,

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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