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Some of the items stolen from me, while I am living at Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin, QLD

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- These pages have not be re-edited, as for some reasons the images are still here, even though I have deleted them from the wix storage. Maybe one day I will get around to re-editing them and reducing the size.


This is the local community here:

The local newsagent woman refused to let me put up a for sale add in her noticeboard.

The woman who runs the dollar discount shop screams at me to get a job.

The post office has banned me.

And there’s always dogs about on phones.

One day because I beeped at this campervan, who, I thought, was asleep at the wheel, so then I had like 50 cars from GinGin, come and beep me – 50 flaming idiots -  flame off and get a life, you local irresponsible trash – who gave you a car, who let you drive? - everybody wants to play judge and jury. Someone made the comment once being around me, it is like being a jury. And hey do you know 300,000 children today are involved in the American children’s sex trade; why don’t you go and do something about that you wannabe beeping vigilantes.

Btw, the staff at Gin Gin post office told me via the Gin Gin Police, that if I go to the post office, police will be called and I will be arrested for trespassing- due to the fact that I wear a BODYCAM - they are disgusting - the house on the cnr had a big party after this, they think they won, as they are the ones stealing everyone’s mail, everyone now has a padlock on their mail box (that house is vacant now). BTW, you can take photos of everything and anything you see, and upload it to social media or the Internet, providing it’s not of a private nature like sex/bathroom. ANYTHING


I write what goes on here at Gin Gin and in my neighbourhood at kookaburra Eco Park - there are no lies or exaggerations. I stick to the truth. It will be hard for guilty parties to digest. You can’t believe the amount of flack I have received about this website, and everything I have to say. I can assure you people‘s tolerance of the truth and reality is very limited. The landlord did warn me when I moved in, that most of the people who live in kookaburra Park where “toxic”, and it was main part of the reason why she moved out, aside from the fact that this house is too small for her now. But I think really what she meant, is not toxic,  but just “plain stupid”. Some of the antics that people here get up to, that I have talked about, like stalking me at the mail lockers and removing my for-sale posters, and stalking me at the rubbish area, aswell as shouting out reflections of noises they can hear, and making noises when I walk outside, as they can hear me  - that’s what non-thinking stupid people do. Of course, not to mention the stealing, that’s definitely what stupid people do. In the end I think it was the landlord who had the biggest problem.

(In Jan 2022, a Wix hacker deleted all my stolen items photos, plus, put a whole heap of outdated ones that I had deleted over 12mnths ago, on instead. I contacted Wix, they have advised me they don’t have a hacker (so it must be them trying to make it look like nothing was stolen, and that I’ve lost everything, as if!). Not sure why they would be doing this, I think they’re doing it for someone in the television industry?? as I can see reflections onscreen. After I contacted Wix support, they were all visible again. These sabotage attacks goes hand in hand with the 'flack' I mentioned above for writing my Blog.


physio red rubber fulcrum STOLEN, kookab

Once again, I am being harassed when I go into Gin Gin, just like when I was in Gunnedah there’s a whole series of people that stand right in front of my car on the phone, they present themselves to me and pretend they’re talking to me on the phone, only I’m not talking to them. I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU wake up.

Also there’s a girl, whenever they steal from me, there’s a girl with a brand-new car, she always drives in front of me, and usually she toots a horn, only since I have my camera now, she stopped doing that (coward - or it could be they are attracting too much attention, as they have a secret mission to say I am crazy and people are not following or tormenting me, when in actual fact they are, this is the more likely reason) )

There are ‘popular’ people trying to apply pressure to me to remove this. Those people do not have items stolen from them on a weekly basis, (over 20yrs) nor have female dogs harassing them verbally from the street. PLUS, I find a lot of ‘pops’ try and save the stupid bimbos that steal from me, this happens a lot.  A LOT. I am pretty sure once I heard the then PM, Julia Gilliard trying to save that bloody short blonde at the Reject Shop in Gunnedah who steals my reading glasses (and heaps of other things) Other people may find this amusing. I do not. And, I am pretty sure this was the reason I was banned from Facebook, because I name names, and some of those stupid bimbos have got themselves now married, and there is a network out there in play to save their stupid wives. If you have read my life story, the thing you’ll see, that I’ve been having major harassment issues with, especially in Gunnedah, was this little short blonde girl, who whenever I went into town, she follows me around, and tries to steal from me (and does steal) She is really passive aggressive, and sometimes do signs, kind of like in a ’flash mob’ style - infact these are the people that started off that whole trend on YouTube. Only the ones you see on YouTube are kind of fun and entertaining, whereas the girls that follow me around her absolute bitch dogs, and they do bitchy signs telling me where I can or can’t go shopping, as in “you’re not worthy you don’t have enough money to go to that shop”  - this stupid little dog tries to control wherever I go, and who I speak with.  (she is fully sick with mental health problems). If you read my "Big Jelly Baby Scam story", you’ll get more of an idea of what I’m talking about, it’s worth reading because this is a real phenomenon that has plagued me for many years now - those bimbo girls make my life a living hell whenever I leave my home, and simply because I’m not married. Stupid Little Girls. Anyway, at GinGin, the last few times I’ve been into town, the same thing has been going on, like if I go to Vinny’s, well that’s okay, you’re allowed to go to Vinny’s, because you’re poor. But if I go to the hardware shop forget about it – DOGS THERE HARRASS FROM THE STREET. (owners  - so naive) That stupid little dog is not worthy of me - so go to hell GET YOUR OWN LIFE

Since I wrote this, it has stopped. Do ya see? I have to write about it. Explicitly.

I would’ve liked to have done a whole collage of 'dogs on phones' to show you what I’m talking about in that vid (honestly, dozens and dozens of them harassing me, but after I took the first photo of this one, I haven’t had any more problems with dogs on phones standing by me, by my car, in front of my car, or when I leave the Dr's, like I usually do. So, I’m just putting 1 on here, and hope that that’s the end of that.

And I will mention this again here, as I looked into this, and contacted a lawyer about it; because I was having such a difficult time in society when I went down the street and into shops, I now wear cameras,- - wearing cameras changes everything, my life has changed for the better, as a result of wearing cameras, most of the usual dogs I have who harass me, now don’t act disrespectfully in such overt ways. I had an outcry, of course guilty parties who didn’t want to be exposed on social media, so back when I was on facebook, I have had all sorts of comments, most disbelief, and people behaving badly as a result of posting online photos, but by law, we have the right to upload any video recording of anything we see during the course of our day onto the Internet and social media -  anything at all, except if it was a personal act like sex or bathroom stuff, or children’s change rooms. So, if you record someone and post it on line, it is not considered by the courts as an invasion of privacy. If you are out in public, it is expected you behave in a socially acceptable way, treating other people with respect and decorum. Typically, when you’re out and about, and you encounter people, people are pretty normal, no one does anything untoward to you do they? I mean that’s how it’s meant to go, but like I said, as I’ve mentioned numerous times on this blog, I have problems with people who don’t behave in normal ways around me, they start verbally abusing me and or stealing from me, or breaking the toilet door down  - strange problems that a lot of people would have no concept of- there’s other problems to that arise out of opportunities, opportunities that suddenly present, and people take advantage of. Which is why I wear cameras now whenever I go out. I also have cameras on at my home, always. Since I started doing that (and I’ve only been into town a few times since I started), but so far, I have caught two people stealing from me on camera (Mitre 10 and NorthSide Produce), two people behaving badly (bikini bitches), and two people behaving oddly (Ace hardware, at least that hardware does not steal).

So, whilst the dogs seem to know if I’ve got a camera on, and they don’t act out a lot of the times with verbal harassment, there are many people who don’t know that I have a camera, and they have been caught, and as far as I’m concerned this is too bloody bad. I should not have to wear cameras in order for people to be fully awake and treat me with an ounce of respect.

So, not only do I have my phone camera which is quite overt, people can see it if they look at me, but I also have hidden cameras on my body which are on all the time and I won’t be afraid to post anyone or anything online if they harass me or steal from me. I am not interested in any other kind of stupid things people do, it is not my intention to humiliate people, my intention is to stop people harassing me and stealing from me, by what ever means possible.

And by the way it is also NOT illegal or against the law to upload videos of children either, in a normal public setting.

I am pretty sure ones of the dogs on phone placed infront of my, gin gin podiatrist at Cur

I need an ELECTRIFIED Anti climb fence all around my backyard!!

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Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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