I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
Life Stories P3
The first photo above is of our; 1. Family House at 18 Henry St, Gunnedah, NSW, Australia - Collage
When I was in 4th class, our family moved into town, from the Holwood farm 30minutes out of Gunnedah, to this house, 18 Henry St - it was my mother’s dream house, she absolutely loved it. There is a little story; About a year or so before they found this house, our whole family was at the Currabubula Art Show, all 6 of us, and my mother asked us all to go around and find which was our favourite painting. Now, of all the hundreds of paintings that were in that exhibition, (maybe 1000’s, they were all crammed in – very popular Art show), believe it or not, my dad and I chose exactly the same picture, it was a painting of a large federation house – and turned out, that the Henry Street house, was based on that one, it was a famous Homestead near Gunnedah, much bigger than our Henry Street home, but similar style/colours. Unfortunately, I never got to see it, it was privately owned. But, so, not only did Dad and I choose the same picture as our favourite, but as a family, we managed to find this house for our family home! How about that!!
Mum’s friend, James White painted this picture of our house, he captures the green ivy out the front, the green pencil pine trees, and the green roof just wonderfully. The monstrosity above that is my photoshop addition! -this is what I would have done if I had inherited it! (4 of us, we had to sell -sold to a lawyer from Tamworth for a good price, and that is what his wife did to it! Shame about the lovely Ivy/matching roof, and all the trees down the side, ruined that wonderful ‘feel’ in my opinion - but the inside was not too bad, she ripped all the old carpets and did the floorboards, which came up lovely. Although I really liked the pink hallway. My sister, for some reason, some years before, painted the beautiful dark green window shutters, light green, and the new owner removed them completely. But she did put a lot of work into the place, as Dad had slightly neglected the maintenance side of things over the 30yrs he owned it.
The family home is a special place, and spending money/time in this area is well worth it. (For me my heart still was out at Holwood on the farm – such freedoms – don’t get me started on the neighbours at Henry st, it seemed our family was the centre of attention… (although they were nothing compared to my ones at the moment).
When we were selling this house, all the siblings took the realtors advice and put it to auction. They said that would be the fastest way to sell. It went to auction one Saturday, and hardly anyone even turned up, so it was put on the market, it took six months to sell, which wasn’t too bad considering some houses stay on the market for much longer. But in Gunnedah, I feel like we were kind of persuaded by the Real Estate to put it on auction, and in retrospect I can see why, they actually make a fair bit of money from organising an auction, even if there’s no sale, they still make money. I would say they make a lot of money this way by persuading homeowners to go to auction, and maybe in Sydney, in popular areas, this would be a good idea, but in rural Gunnedah, where most people are quite conservative and definitely not showy or outspoken, an auction is just not a good idea.
I personally would never buy a house at auction, - way too much of an open book, there are experts out there can read your every move, and will have done background research into your finances as soon as you’ve registered - they will push you way above the value of the house just because they know your budget (if you have a good budget!). I have seen people being ripped off on more than 1 occasion this way. Fakers are real. Plus, I personally have dogs who follow me and know EVERYTHING about me, so, it's just out of the question - they would also know about the rest of my family, so you will get burned too if you go to auction.
2. TRIPLE Twinwall Polycarbonate Roofing skylight FOR perfect roof insulation
I have found over years I have had an interest in houses, buildings, and architectural features. I guess it stems from being a ‘nester’ - a women’s instinct that they have to nest? And, I’ve always craved for more lighting, in any house I lived in {as I’ve lived in quite a few as a renter now}, they are all lacking light. So, I frequently imagine (secretly fantasize) about how to put in light – without the heat of the hot Australian sun. In Australia, the sun is so hot, you can’t even sit by a window if the sun is coming in. So, in 2020, I came up with a solution for letting in the light, but not the heat;
Stack 3 layers of the ‘twin wall polycarbonate’ (which you can easily buy in the hardware shop) then you leave a 30-40cm gap between each layer, this traps the hot air while still letting in the lighting. Note, the building will need to have high ceilings, but that also contributes to cooler rooms by a lot anyway – everyone knows heat rises! I have done a little diagram above in the hopes people will ‘cotton on’ to the fact that we need light, and this is how you can do it, without bringing in the heat. I’m not sure if my little plan will really influence people too much, because you have to actually look at my diagram and read it to understand it, and not many people have time and patience, or would even see the image above – except, I know about the dog network!
3. The last photo across was on a photo story I named; Keep Australia Beautiful
I remember very clearly that whole ad campaign in the 80’s, ”Keep Australia Beautiful” some genius had come up with, I guess councils were coming to the realisation of just what a grotty and dirty nation Australia was. And indeed, I remember going with my large extended family to an event in Hyde Park in Sydney, and at the end of it, everyone just got up and left (except our family), leaving behind this ugly disgusting mess of rubbish, it was so revolting and shocking I couldn’t believe it. I mean, coming from a ‘clean family’ who would never litter, it just struck me as absolutely horrendous that so many people, the whole general public of Sydney, seemingly, didn’t give a toss about littering, they had no problems leaving their rubbish, and expecting SOMEBODY else to clean up THEIR mess. Absolute pigs. How bloody arrogant are you Sydney? Plus, what’s more, mainly it is families that attended- so PIG FAMILIES. Who ought to be ashamed of themselves, I would say - fake families, as in families pretending to be families only, because they do not have any real family values, and are not doing responsible family things.
And, I don’t remember my parents been particularly ‘anal’ or ‘Nazi’ about rubbish and littering either, it’s just something none of us would do in public, or leave on the street (unless it was biodegradable and an appropriate spot, like an apple core in the bushes). Maybe being raised in the country was different to being raised in Sydney, country folk have better morals?
So, I guess ”Keep Australia Beautiful” was definitely inspired by that, although I’m not really sure it had a much effect on the people from Sydney, as I recall every year on the news, with the same event (now I remember, it was a Christmas event, Carols in the Domain) but there would be a little section on the news showing all the rubbish, year after year, that the disgusting Sydneysiders leave behind. Every year.
I also remember part of their campaign was cleaning up the beaches in Sydney. My aunt, (who took the whole ”Keep Australia Beautiful” very seriously) (sidebar; even though my mum was adopted, she and her sister (Di, my aunt) were not that different, as I remember mum taking a similar serious interest in the campaign “Life Be in It”!! J, whole other story.} So, my aunt, my cousin and I, ventured off one Saturday morning near King Georges Park in Balmain, with our Council given rubbish bags, and we went on a cleaning spree. I do recall there were a lot of syringes, it was just at that time when AIDS was coming to light too. Dirty little city folk!
Given the fact that it’s so hard for most Australians to actually put their rubbish in the rubbish, this is why I think Councils should not charge people to take their rubbish out to the tip.
Later, I recall my landlord in Gunnedah, who owned the farm where I lived, {where there was no rubbish collection, and farmers around me DID and still DO burn their rubbish, plastics and all - DISGUSTING}, said that she paid $70 a year to have the rubbish collected (or maybe it was the rubbish disposed of) I’m not sure, but there was definitely zero rubbish collection out there, and I had to take it either into dads Zulu, or to the tip myself, where I would have to pay $2 for a small supermarket sized bag of rubbish. Gunnedah Council are greedy female fuckers.
And I guess, don’t get me started on recycling, there needs to be way more of it, with huge big sheds constructed, where items can be stored, and people can sieve through to purchase items for a few dollars. And, including construction materials – there seems to be a monumental amount, new and old, that just gets taken to the tip, and chucked out – by lazy tradies and home renovators. Such a waste.
Oh, and someone told me (it was one of the rich hoity toity mothers in fact, of when I went through my temp nanny period), she said that all of the recycling centres across New South Wales were based on the cheapest model that was put forward to Council, so they are only recycling a tiny fraction of things, when in fact, they could be recycling everything, including SOFT PLASTICS.
It’s so bizarre to see people in positions of power who don’t take this kind of thing seriously and think it’s just a passing phase. It is not, as time now, as shown you.
The Google Maps screenshot above, shows Charlotte Street in Lilyfield (although back then it was actually Leichhardt, I think, although it would not surprise me if my aunt just said she lived in Leichhardt, because, she had this weird thing about Italians – she loved them, she wanted to marry one, and one who had a little pony tail! – Leichhardt, a then big Italian suburb, it may still be?). The house belonged to my aunt courtesy of (her ex, my uncle) she lived there with her only son Sebastian, my Smarty-pants cousin. I frequently stayed there at holiday time, we got on great. If I recall, someone gave my cousin that book “The Guinness Book of Records” for Christmas one year, and he loved this book, he read it cover to cover, and then whenever the whole family played trivial pursuit each Christmas, he, as a young 10-year-old, also, would always win, because he could remember every single fact that he had read in that Guinness Book of Records! Amazing memory! He later on, went to a selective school for “smarty-pants”.
I love Google Maps, it’s been very nice to look it up, and especially see the streets around that area, now with green trees, (there were none 30 years ago) it’s good to see some pride. No litter and green trees! Woohoo.
Actually, a little birdy told me, {it may have been me and my observation}; it was the Romans (Italians, way back when, in strong Catholic times, who was responsible for veering people away from nature. I don’t call it Vatican City, I call it Cement City – still today there are no trees growing in Rome. But it was the beginning of the separation between man and nature – possibly due to the ‘female connection’ that woman have with nature. So, also the beginning of the patriarch. But basically all littering and river polluting problems can be blamed on the Romans who set the bar back in the day.
Btw, at Charlotte Street, there were beeping neighbour dogs across the road there too; I used to visit Di and Seb once I started living in Sydney. The neighbors (or really, who knows? – maybe stalkers from my neighbourhood?) would sit outside in their cars across the road, I think they had a game, to try to manipulate my aunt, they did it, and then so would beep their car horns. We win we win! Talk about annoying, and the scum of society. It’s like I have badly behaving dregs following me around to prove how scummy and manipulative they are, like they are trying to impress someone. Idiots with no thoughts or ideas of their own, so they have to latch on to someone else. See, EVERYWHERE I GO, FOR YEARS AND YEARS, I HAVE THOSE REVOLTING DOGS, why does not someone take a gun and shoot their heads off? {Least I have toned down my rubbish message, before it was “anyone who litters should be shot”, and “any council who charges for rubbish also should be shot”}. I’m not a Nazi! Just the Queen from Alice In Wonderland! “ooff with their heads” lol
4. Santa
Happy to be childless in my young and beautiful days! – still happy today approaching 50. It was confirmed, after I did a bit of Nanny and babysitting work, that my desire not to have kids would always remain so. I even talked to a doctor about a hysterectomy (I was 22), but the Dr said I would not find any Dr, who would give me the go ahead to get one, at that age. So, all these years I have had to endure the monthly curse all to no avail! Although possibly not having those female deeds, I may have had other problematic side affects anyway……?
By the way, if I did have kids, there’s no way I would tell them, that there’s this jolly big fat man in a red suit with a long white moustache that brings you Christmas presents every year! This concept is ridiculous and I can’t believe parents lie to their kids in this strange manner. Have you any idea how secretly betrayed those kids are when they find out the truth, they been lied to all their life? This betrayal causes problems in their adult life, and they do the same thing to people in their life that they care about, by lying - about areas in their life, which are important, like money or friends, things they absolutely need not to be lied about, especially in a family situation (who are you trying to protect? don’t kid yourself – it’s you!). I personally believe it also is a cause for mass deception in society by people deliberately yet subconsciously trying to recreate their childhoods. But I guess that is a bit ‘deep and heavy’ for this little blurb.
Any parent who teaches their kids that Santa is real is stupid. Stupid.
By the way I take pride in the fact that I never lie. I find it pointless; It will not put you on the pathway to happiness. Although unfortunately, there have been one or two “life or death” situations where I’ve had to, I have to stretch the truth. Unfortunately, the society we live in can do that to a woman.
As I’ve dealt with quite a few people now who lie to me, I find it really bizarre actually, how many people do lie. And they mostly lie about things that don’t really matter, but aswell as things that ABSOLUTLY do matter. Sometimes I see straight away the lie, but mostly it is not straight away (something to do with trustworthy parents and friends growing up) but later I can always tell when someone has lied, maybe overnight, it comes to me, or sometimes I don’t realize for several weeks, months, or even years later, that I’ve been lied to, but eventually I always find out, it seems to be the nature of things, nature itself is truth, and so it’s always revealed, eventually.
I think the main reason people lie to me is out of disrespect, they not only DO not want to show me respect, but they want to show disrespect by lying (since they can’t physically attack me). An act of rebellion, stemming from nazi school teachers and parental disciplinarians -and also laziness. I do find it a little strange how people put me in this ‘authoritarian’ category in the first place, especially since I’m not a teacher and I don’t have any kids. And actually, since I was raised with ‘free reign’ so to speak, I usually do the same. (If you don’t count my disgraceful secondary education!) I find a lot of peoples first instinct is to lie, by a lot of people, I mean most women I encounter. An unnatural instinct.
One theory is, it’s the opposite of what you would do if you were in a relationship with someone, if you were friends with them or more, partners. The ideal situation in a relationship, is to speak frankly, honestly and authentically. So, these people I encounter, so much, don’t want to have anything to do with me, so start lying, as that would show themselves, and everybody else, that “we’re not friends, we’re not having any kind of relationship at all” - it’s kind of a form of snobbery and disrespect, and I believe actually, this is more the reason out of any, as to why people lie to
5. Workplace Teeter Toddlers with Ayurveda story
It was brought to my attention that my “workboot sabotage” and Collapsed Arch, that I have written about (“Seeking Facebook help as Dr refused to help - diagnose a handicapped foot” on p ABOUT P1), may have been deliberately caused by a bunch of dog bimbos who wear high heels, because she/they overheard someone tell a joke about a nickname they’ve given women who wear high heels in the workplace, specifically in the Morning Show television industry, and that’s “Teeter Toddlers”, because they just kind of teeter around like a toddler and can’t bloody do anything much! I thought that was hysterical!! I was laughing my head off for days about it! And it was that laughing which, I guess one of those silly dog women heard me, took it personally like a typical stupid dog, and so then sabotaged my shoe, as an act of revenge for supposedly laughing at her (at that point those so-called Teeter Toddlers were not actually real to me, just someones concocted joke in their workplace – but from her supposed response – it must be true!!!! Lol!).
So, I’m not entirely sure if there was a vindictive stupid blonde, it could be someone else that sabotaged my shoe (but it was most definatly sabotaged. I heard them tell me they were going to handicap me, and they did). I still am unable to walk or do any exercise or gardening 6yrs later – and no I cannot get Disability payment. So, if it was some stupid high heel wearing bimbo, (I know it could be true, this is how some of them think, their brain is not fully all there) - how do I now feel about those women? bimbos - and yes, “stiletto shoes” throw them out, get some common sense, honestly.
While I am on the topic of dressing for someone else, I will add my make up story, as I see it has disappeared from its last location;
When I was 18 and had just left school, moved to Sydney, I had no thoughts at all about the above topic, not that I owned any stilettos, it’s just for young women there was a certain way to look and dress, at school, stilettos weren’t a part of the ‘social uniform’. But make up was, and I blindly just started wearing makeup, not too much just a little bit of foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, rouge. Quite honestly, I found it a little tedious, I was constantly having to check myself in the mirror in case my lipstick smudged, or the mascara ran – which it always had! So embarrassing! One day in Chatswood, I had booked myself in to a beauty clinic who specialise in Ayurveda. I had received a gift voucher somehow for a free facial - oh I recall now, it was just when Ayurveda was starting in Australia, and they were promoting their products, so I got a free facial. After speaking with this woman (who was very nice, and now looking back on her, I felt she was slightly more evolved than the typical beauty therapist). She suggested to me that I don’t wear make up! I can’t recall if I told her I found it a nuisance using makeup, or she detected my tone in the discussion, or whether she just said it out of the blue, but it put things in perspective for me. I don’t have to follow the rules of society all the time, and I thought to myself, I should’ve thought of this before! - much happier not bothering with makeup. Even though I may be some one that would most likely benefit from makeup, the bothersome nature of applying it outweighs any benefits as far as I am concerned.
And by the way, I wasn’t suddenly converted to ayurveda products, because they’re expensive, and I was a student at that time, (and still broke anyway), but their products are by far the best on the market, in my opinion, if I were going to buy an expensive beauty product, I would buy theirs -they use natural products and essential oils. {I have since looked for those products, and they are nowhere to be found, but the word Ayurveda is a term used to describe holistic medicine, so maybe I was thinking it was Jurlique? can’t quite remember except one of the products was a white bottle with navy blue writing and no graphics}.
6. Small appliances sabotage, and girls who think they are helping who go gets them
My Janome Memory Craft sewing machine, was stolen from me in a very sneaky manner. It had some sort of issue going on so I took it to the local seamstress, who said she had a service man come every month or so, he would look at it. 2 months later I received an email from the servicemen saying that he couldn’t fix it, he told me it was irreparable, which at the time I naïvely believed and just threw it out. But in hindsight, that serviceman, I believe, was full of crap, and he only said it was a right off, because that blond bimbo girl who sabotages me (that I have mentioned on numerous occasions on this blog), was there - because I had left negative review for the last small engine mechanic from Bororen, (I think, I mean, how should I know why a stupid blonde girl follows me around and sabotages me), because he messed up my $1000.00 generator and I had to throw it out, and the bloody Department of Queensland fair trade did muck all about it (they are so hopeless it’s unbelievable) so I left a negative review, and so now, no one will fix any of my things in Bundaberg (and Gunnedah, there are dogs everywhere) plus what’s more whoever steals from me leaves items of similar but lesser quality and used, down at kookaburra Park mail place, so when they stole my shampoo they left a bottle of awful shampoo down there, when my vitamin a cream was stolen they left a jar of Vaseline cream down there, and yesterday there was a really older Janome sewing machine left down there too. But it turned out, that really old Janome machine – IS BRILLIANT! (best machine I have ever used, runs rings around my old Berninas). And I’m pretty certain the girl who did it was at the doctors receptionist when I went there yesterday, most definitely dogs doing signs, there was a whole bunch of them, quite passive,- to someone that does not know dogs, all looked normal, and not a big mass bullying attack going on at all -whenever the dogs are there, this usually means I shouldn’t bother being there, I should find a different doctor, because no one there is going to assist me in the reasons I am there in the first place. Not that I shouldn’t be there, but the dogs have sabotaged me making sure no one there will do their job help me or they will act disrespectfully in some way. I’ve mentioned this before in the hello bimbo story) - another case of sabotage, just like that guy didn’t fix my sewing machine, that Dr, is not going to fix any of my health problems.
More about the mass bullying situation that was going on at the doctors, -the girl who was at reception was someone from my past that stole a plate of my food at a fancy restaurant when I was away in Port Douglass on a working holiday - I went to the bathroom, came back and my whole plate of food was gone (smorgasbord) so I had to get some more. And there was a girl I noticed later sitting across from me trying to get my attention, and I’m pretty sure it was her who stole my plate of food, she was a leechdog, who could hear me, thieving dog – most likely a prostitute. I do not know this girl I’ve never seen her before, nor whoever she was there trying to procure (?) but it was her at the doctors reception, -blast if I know what she was doing there, they were doing things so to distract me so that my hands were covering the camera, so I never got a photo of her, BUMMER, photos work big time in getting rid of dogs (see highly organized – this has happened countless times before, just very similar incidents) and she was kind of half hidden behind the desk too, she must be very short – stunted – Maybe it was Katie Carter?
So, you see I have these other dogs, that are obsessed with me and they go and get people from my past, just like that dog, and put her in places where I will see them, like at the reception - One time they put one of the bully thieving dogs in as my ‘jobs provider’ in Gunnedah. I mean how nasty are those women that do that -get a life, your own life! Get your meddling paws out of my life -YOU CAN’T CHANGE THE PAST, stop trying to play God, you’re so offensive it’s unbelievable.
Since writing this, it still has not quite stopped, I saw 2 bitchy girls from Gunnedah at the MPB Dr’s carpark – dogs obsessed with DR’s
7. Canine Story in Hong Kong
I find it really surprising how many people have dogs, considering how much they cost, and what a nuisance they are to constantly wash, take for a walk, clean up after, not to mention the killer problems they cause on the wildlife - and that’s just in Australia. Also, you need to be kind and caring to have a pet, you need to have that personality trait. At now 48yrs, of all the people I’ve met in my life, there are not many that actually fit that bill, yet basically I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have a pet. So, the amount of animal abuse and neglect that must go on, is unthinkable.
When I visited Hong Kong in 1993, staying with a friend from college, and her lovely family; it was considered a really ‘high class yuppie’ thing to keep dogs, and the more dogs you have the richer you appeared. And since practically everyone in Hong Kong lives in a unit, it was typical to see a large family, that was an extended family, -grandmothers, aunts, cousins, all living in smallish unit (smallish compared to an Australian typical house, but some of them are quite large and luxurious) but with up to 7-10 small dogs! And no backyard to be seen anywhere- it was truly ridiculous. I find human nature really quite bizarre a lot of the times. Thankfully my friends family didn’t have any dogs. (stop breeding!)
That dog in the photo was my brothers – he was a special type of large breed, he grew to over a meter tall, very good natured.
I have to mention I was given a Labrador puppy on my very first birthday. We had a fine and dandy time together, especially on the farm, in the country. I believe that dog to be a gift from God.
Also, dad used to take her to the vet every December for a shave – so many dogs and cats die in our summer heat waves. Just shave them off!! Do it!!
8. Tomas’s Poisoned Dog Story - Rare Giant Dog Breed, poisoned by imbeciles
This huge gentle giant of a dog (and total show off!) Belonged to my brother - (no photo shown due to size issues here at Wix)
Anyway, when this dog was in the prime of its life, this dog was poisoned POISONED, and killed - murdered by evil people in Gunnedah, NSW Australia. Now you might just think, well, it was most likely their neighbours, because of the barking (and indeed the dogs (not the canine species) were at their neighbors, I heard them when I was there once.) But in this instance their delusional reason is far more sinister. Those killers think, by killing people‘s pets (apparently a widespread problem in Australia) they’re doing them a favour, because the family will have more money for food for the kids. They are trying to play God. Those imbeciles don’t realise the joy and happiness that a pet brings to the whole family, it’s priceless (it’s not as if my brother was struggling) and it’s not up to anybody else to decide who lives or who dies, or take the life of someone else’s (someone who has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU)’s pet. Shame on those stupid people for trying to play God - they could be related to the thieving girls at work at Bunnings who also try to play God with voice over store microphone, in fact this is a very common problem in Gunnedah, particularly amongst retail shop girls - those people need to be saved for sure because they’ll be going to hell. (believe me this is a real and large problem in Gunnedah, girls wanting to play God – all stemming from having nazi controlling parents and school teachers as a child – wakey wakey)
9. Arthritis caused from kneeling at church in school twice a week on hardwood kneelers
Posttraumatic arthritis is form of arthritis that develops after an injury to the knee.
After remembering a reoccurring nightmare, I have had since school, finally remembered it consciously in my early 40’s;
At my school we had compulsory church every Wednesday and every Sunday. The school principal, Anna Abbott, who started using the prefects to arrange seating in Church, (- actually, this part is a little hazy, it could have been some girl in the year above me named Charlotte Powel, I actually never witnessed her doing it though, I vaguely remember 2 girls doing it, can’t remember what they looked like, but I definatly noticed they were seating me, and in retrospect it was a big thing every church service. But I was later advised, Charlotte Powel was quite evil, so I assume it was her); so, they did this kind of sheep dog trick, to heard people in, (I actually saw a sheep dog do this once, it was a farmer who lived on the Kelvin RD, the dogs game), anyway, they would do it, so as to arrange (control) seating, so that I would be across from the principal on one of the pews, and infront of the Reverend, with the choir girls on the other side. (They thought themselves such clever dogs). The pew had those hardwood kneelers – the aim of putting me there was to watch face pulling whilst I was in a lot of pain in my knees, they did not have any padding, they were extremely uncomfortable and extremely painful at the time. There is no doubt in my mind, that my arthritis has been caused from the injury suffered in the 6 years at that time, to my knobbly knees. (I was skinny, no fat) a most definite form of physical abuse - all involved should be severely fined (that includes girls who saw what was going on and said nothing) and you know, like my peacock, who discovered he could herd my geese around the backyard - it’s exactly the same thing. That peacock was pea brain! Dim-witted vanity of the peacock! Dim-witted vanity of Charlotte Powel or whoever.
I remember the then Reverend: Mr Wearne who kept us kneeling for often 10minutes at a time, but once I recall it was 20minutes – I was always directly infront of him as he spoke, in the centre of the pew – he was a guilty stinky arse. I believe some other kneelers had padding, these ones, where I was, did not. One Sunday evening, Abbott brought her friend in to watch, I had a nightmare memory about it – that’s what set the alarm bells off in my head (finally). At the time in church - “who the hell is that, what is she doing here and why is Abbot and she staring at me”. It only took 20yrs to figure it out. I recall one day, a girl sitting down from me did not kneel, I looked down the pew as Abbott signalled to the girl, then she gestured with her hand to kneel, with a sick kind of hand gesture that could be interpreted as a lude gesture. One sick bitch. Stupid dogs – she used that school for her own personal sick enjoyment. {I cannot belieiev how blind people are; if you could see, you would not be sending your child to any school. I hope they get cancer and die.} And church is a total scam, for naïve people only – hate to tell you, but true, you want faith, find it within you, you will not find it at church. I know of someone, whose sole point of going to church is to suck up to God in order that He’s not too harsh on her, on the judgement day, due to all the bad things that she has done to other people in her time, especially when she was young. And other people think if they do something disrespectful to someone, it will be ok, as long as they ask God to forgive them – as in, a means of justified disrespectful behaviour, even an excuse to behave badly because they know they will be able to get away with it, simply after a prayer. IDIOTS.
Btw, I remembered this nightmare, only because I have started to snore, (weight gain) so I awaken abruptly and then remember any dreams (we process everything that happens to us in dreams at night. Some people’s gift, is to see other people’s dreams, good or bad).
Also, I have to add, I am annoyed with my parents about this because, even though they had nothing to do with it, they weren’t there and didn’t know anything about it, (and I have to add, whenever parents attended the church service, they didn’t do it, I was placed down the back - perhaps there were other parents who were targeted at those times???) But my parents should have taught me by this stage, that if you’re in pain, you have to do something about it, you have to STOP, stand up for yourself. No amount of pain is to be ignored. I attended NEGS, New England Girls School, a private boarding school for girls year 7 to year 12 in Armidale, NSW, Australia. Just because I attended an expensive prestigious school, does not mean that they acted in a ‘righteous and holy’ manner at all times. All institutes are open to vulnerable young people, and wherever you have vulnerable young people, you get predator cats wanting to pounce, any powertripping excuse. My folks were unfortunatly way to trusting of people and generally thought most people of as ‘good’. I believed they have no idea of the true nature of most people and the greed and evil that exists, especially in a ‘high society’. Actually, I believe this to be the reason that both of them died relatively young. UNWILLING TO DEAL WITH THE NEGATIVE.
I contacted a lawyer about suing the school - no response from them. Typical hopeless lawyers in this country. Change only comes about when they pay. I BET THEY ARE STILL DOING IT. I contacted: Finemore Walters & Story and, John Bedford and Associates
At 47 now my knee arthritis is so bad I am unable to ride my bike. I had to sell it, $600 bike, sold for $100. I bet my pervert landlord bought it. (x NEGS girl). There is no cure.
10. Think you won - NO you LOST
I have observed that this goes on, in life, a lot, not only to me, but to others; Say that two people are conversing or working together, or their paths cross with a trade deal or a second-hand exchange, whatever. And the way the conversation goes, one person feels a little hard done by, even if they were not, and they agreed to the deal. And so instead of speaking out and saying something about it or facing the fact that they have to accept the deal they made, they turn around and do something aggressive, like lie to them about something, so it puts the other person out in some way, or steal from them - there are lots of different examples I have witnessed of how other people behave aggressively (passively) to try and “get” the other person, to make them feel bad, and make themselves feel like they “won”. And so, after they have done the evil act of what they wanted to do, they feel like they “won” and they venture off to get on with their life. But because the real victim in the situation didn’t actually do anything wrong in the first place, and sadly now has been made to be a victim – that person who did not speak up initially with his problem has actually lost – they lost big time, but they cannot see it because they were so intent on making that other innocent person feel bad, so they could feel good about themselves (bullying 101). Can you see how they lost? Try and wrap your head around this fact, the person who thinks they won, has actually lost, and they will have to pay at some point in the future - just because of the way nature works, nature can see the big picture. - Actually, I am not sure that last bit is true, I see a lot of guilty rich people seemingly getting away with it, I often feel there is no justice, so, in case, at the very least, write about your experience, and don’t be afraid to name names, put the actual names of all parties involved, – if you can remember them!! And of course, stick to the truth. The truth is often what makes story’s more interesting and complicated anyway.
11. Persecution via animal noises at night and by day when talking to anyone
Little s on bikes with Audio equipment/speakers - playing bird and dog noises
One day when I was waiting for the Woolworths guy to deliver my groceries; the waiting spot was down by the river flats in Gunnedah, because he didn’t drive all the way out to the farm. Plus, I have to shop online because I have too many dogs harassing me in the supermarket, it’s unbearable, although I really like shopping online anyway, it’s much better than instore.
But as the Woollies guy turned up, he got out and started speaking to me; there was what look like a kid on a motorbike who went past us down the river flats, and I saw this kid had an audio Soundsystem over his shoulder it was quite big and hard to miss, he looked like a kid because he was short and skinny, actually he looked poor too as he had no shoes on.
In retrospect it was Heath Barwick, short, skinny, would not care about shoes, does not look after himself properly. I know his friend Shannon Bree also rides a motorbike, and I have seen him at Heaths, so it also could have been him, but I doubt it, he was not skinny like Heath – if I recall from back when I was 18, and met all my brothers friends. As soon as I uploaded this with the part about some guy riding a motorbike round town in bare feet – little birdy told me they knew immediately who it was – they did not do anything about it still.
Anyway, he drove past us, and down to the river flats in all the gumtrees, out of sight, and then the next thing you know you hear this really loud cockatoo bird noise. I just know it was him playing that bird noise on the Soundsystem, it sounded very real because it was really loud, and it was echoing through the whole bush - so no one, aside from me would know that I was being harassed by this person, by fake bird noises - to everyone else it would just sound like a bird, and this happens ALL THE TIME, PERSECUTION. Heath had a bimbo mother from the seventies. I mentioned at Rangari on the farm there were noises of all sorts at all hrs of the night, so not only bird noises, but he would use dogs, car horns, and a lot of kookaburra sounds, I mentioned before he got one of those African horns, zuzuvalis. (Rack off you little idiots)
I would like to add in Gunnedah there are no kookaburras - it’s flat Breeza plain area; kookaburras are found in forest areas, in trees, there’s no trees in Gunnedah, because Gunnedah is made up of greedy non-thinking hillbilly farmer bogans who don’t look after the planet and have chopped down all the trees. All my life that I have lived in Gunnedah, NO kookaburras. But in about 2016, suddenly there were kookaburra bird sounds coming directly from the farm up the rd, Heaths, (Heaths Dads) So, I would assume Heath is responsible, or whoever lived there, as actually the postman told me that Heath moved out, to down the road past Rangari. However, I strongly suspect that postman was lying, because when I went round there, I saw Shannon Bree, Heaths friend, and a girl Danielle (I would say not her real name? as one time Emma Finlayson said her name was Danielle too (?), maybe Daniel Salom was involved too, or Daniel my brother, Ashley Horwood, – all friends from high school.) Danielle, is possible Shannon’s girlfriend. Emma Finlayson who is friends with Heath, possible lovers, partner in crime at any rate? I really do not know them well at all, any of them. If Heath moved out, then, his friends moved in, so it was either Heath or his friends - but they’re all guilty little shitheads, who know me through my little brother who went to school with them, and was friends with them all. I’ve explained on my ‘about page’, exactly what I thought about Heath Barwick, about how I think he is a retarded thief,- and that would go with any of his associations. I’m not friends with any of those people. I don’t want to be friends with them, and if any of them have formed some sort of weird obsession with me, maybe I haven’t made it clear in the past, so FUCK OFF.
They were also manipulated, as I’ve mentioned before by channel 7 morning show bimbos who encouraged him to get the African horn, I probably should mention there were other people on channel 7 that told me about the car horns that play the bird noises too - it was kind of a helpful observation.
Maybe my neighbour Heath can hear the birds at my place – as I had a HUGE garden, and I got a lot of different birds, (12 apostles – very loud birds) sometimes they would behave a bit oddly; So, Heath thinks, the birds are pretending to be me, so he thought, well I can pretend to be the birds. He has a 3rd born warped way of thinking, that would have amused other people, that’s why he does it, to make them laugh, (another starved of love, child who craves attention) and they are happy to go along with him, just as long as they are not the person at the butt of Heaths jokes. They are all weaklings. The police too – clueless. Also, anyone that knows Heath would write this behaviour off as possibly drunken or on drugs behaviour, which no doubt would be true from my experience with Heath. But I suspect, his constant behaviour is NOT related to substance abuse, because this is his natural personality, he was always a little shit head, ever since the time I first met him when he was stealing off Sam Carr, no conviction. (Which was one out of three times that I have ever met him in person) -this ‘shithead‘ personality BTW, is 100% his parents fault.
So, these recorded noises still happen at my current new house in Gin Gin, QLD, they have all sorts of bird noises at all hours of the night - anyone with any common sense would know that these birds would not be out and making such noises in the middle of the night. I did actually put some comments on my website about this and the possibility that it could be musicians doing it now, musicians have a strange way of thinking and they only think about sounds and so this activity for them would be fun, and right up their alley, the fact that they’re annoying the crap out of everyone doesn’t even enter into their LITTLE heads. But since writing about the possibility that it’s musician related - because it would be famous musicians - it has kind of stopped, I think.
Actually, an update; atm, I seem to have several idiots hooning about on dirt bikes, they followed me over to Sarina Beach area – I did not recognise any of them. You know the road to the part I went to, a small out-of-the-way beach, had pretty much unaccessible road, unless you have four-wheel-drive, but there certainly were a lot of people visiting this beach this Wednesday morning. When the boys turned up on motorbikes, after lunch, it became a little noisy and unpleasant. However, there was also dirt bikers who turned up at Sarina beach and Grasstree Beach when I visited there too. I’m not sure if all the locals in this area have dirt bikes and go down to the beach and ride their bikes during business hours or whether I seem to have idiots on motorbikes who follow me - as they used to appear in Gunnedah as well. Either way it doesn’t make for a very peaceful or pleasant experience. I find if I write about something in a public forum, the problem may cease. So here is the writing, and the proof via Photos. This is a warning. If I see any more dirt bikers following me around, I’ll be calling the police, who then has the power and authority to take you to court and press charges - you are a nuisance.
The world is a large place, why would you only go dirt biking around me? Why don’t you use your brain, and go dirt biking where there are no people, there are heaps of areas in Northern Territory and South Australia, and remote QLD too, where there is NOTHING, no one to disturb - the world is your oyster, go for it you little cowards.
12. Peacock Problems
When I was living on Culls farm on the Bulga Road, (NSW near Gunnedah, Australia) I had chooks, ducks and several peacocks - it was all very lovely out on the farm at my place.
Until some fucking arsehole realised, he could drive past my house with a really noisy truck and he could ‘set’ my peacocks off; because peacocks respond to noise, so then at 3 in the morning, right in the tree outside my bedroom, they would shriek - incredibly loud, like most Australians have no idea how very loud peacocks are. So, because of that stupid truck driver, I had to get rid of my lovely peacocks. Burn in hell truck driver. I’m sure those peacocks would not be half as happy at their new place. I need to specially mention, that truck driver was there purely to do just that, he (or she) was not just a passing truck, this was a quite country rd with no, to very little traffic, they did it repeatedly on several nights.
I would say this would be jealousy related “who does that girl think she is with all those fancy peacocks? I was watching Australian Idol at that time. Musicians; evil. Like I have said, I have not met one single woman who wasn’t jealous of me, and it’s because I do not have kids (and am not married,- I think secretly jealous of that too).
And I have no idea who was driving that truck. I would like to know; I’d like to say what a coward! I mean to have nothing else better to do then to drive all the way out to my house at 3 in the morning (30km out of town) and not only waking me and my peacocks, but also my neighbours, my landlord the Culls. Coward Coward Coward Selfish Selfish Selfish.
I had similar problems when I lived intown briefly with trucks driving past my house – sometimes they would decorate their trucks with coloured lights – they had turned ‘driving past my house in a truck’ into some sort of weird game (stupid country hicks). Infact this business of waking me up at 3am in the morning started then, when I lived in town, briefly at dads – it was about 2005. It was 3am every night without fail, and it continued on the Cull farm. It’s some sort of weird game. Not entirely sure who’s involved, but it seems to me that a lot of people, as in a network of people, a network of bad people are involved – like Fight Club network – Fight Club copycats. It’s like they see single woman – POUNCE, “she doesn’t have a husband, she doesn’t have a husband - lets annoy the crap out of her, no one’s going to stop us. We have carte blanche.” I personally think it’s also because those dogs have no thoughts of their own, they cannot amuse themselves, so they have to latch on to somebody else, like me, someone who applies thought to everything that I encounter throughout the day. They are nothing but empty, stupid fucking shells, and the only thing they can do is drive an automatic. The whole point of their existence is in question. ( my current nextdoor neighbour fits this ‘latcher’ too).
I wrote about it on Facebook, before I was banned, about how there was 1 truck driver who would drive through Gunnedah at 3 in the morning and ‘compression brake’ down the whole main street – so unnecessary and so loud, I am fairly certain the whole town would have awoken. He did it for weeks, starting when the coal mines opened up there. No one did anything about it, probably still does it. When I moved to Melbourne after Bulga, I was in a street where trucks really could not venture, it was very suburban, so instead, one night there was a jet that did a low flyover my house – unbelievable roar, several thousands of people would have been awoken then. For anyone out there who has a disposition of a dirty mind, this is not related to what you think it might be related to. And while I am on that subject, I’m not one, for talking about sex on my blog, (unless it’s to deter pregnancy), although it’s definitely not a taboo subject for me. I’m not a prudish conservative in this manner, like a lot of people are (a lot – its quite surprising the reaction I got, if I even only a little ventured onto the subject ,in a public forum – like a lot of people should think, it is worse than an unlawful sin, if one talks about sex). They have problem – just keep scrolling you dysfuncts. I personally think sex is a private affair. However, I have to make some comments about certain American television shows who imply that prostitution is illegal. I don’t know what planet they’re living in, but prostitution is certainly not illegal in America or Australia or anywhere. Obviously, those are the (dysfuncts) produces, who are putting their own personal opinions out, across to the masses, trying to dissuade women from being prostitutes. My theory as to why they want to do this, is because men who use the services of those women, have to do so, because they’re not very nice men - if they don’t treat women properly the get zero in the bedroom. So therefore, if you take away the prostitution, then they would have to treat women in a far more friendly, respectful and courteous way. Lol (having said that, in my experience, woman are far more disrespectful than men, and possibly on FB, at any rate, before I was ban, there were bimbo drunk housewives, who do not want to teach their kids about sex, therefore she does not want anyone talking about it on FB! – stupid women).
So even at my address in Gin Gin Queensland, I unfortunatly am near the HWY, I still have problems with trucks waking me up at all hours of the night, albeit not at exactly 3am anymore – deliberate ‘wake up trucks’ – not just the everyday delivery/courier trucks on a mission, I am talking about truck drivers whose mission is to wake and annoy people with their truck. - I complain to the police, and councils - they don’t do anything (well, actually I am pretty sure I have, now that I think about it, maybe I have not, I just complained about the stealing?... I will have to make some complaints, I’m sure local Member Ken O'DOWD will be able to sort them out!) I really don’t know how these truckdrivers can get away with what they do. I mean surely other people around me can see what’s going on? Surely, I can’t be the only one that can see them deliberately harassing members of the community? (not to mention polluting) Why are they allowed to get away with this? Yet when I beeped at a caravan, at the lights at Gin Gin once, I was suddenly bombarded by 50 buffoons beeping me the following time I went into Gin Gin at those lights. What’s wrong with you idiots? How come that truck driver can get away with beeping and annoying the crap out of people constantly, yet when I only did it once, I was pounced on in a horrific way; why doesn’t anyone pounce on that truck driver? STOP PICKING ON ME YOU BULLIES.
If you have something to say to me, then say it to my face and don’t be such a nuisance coward. The fact that you don’t say it to my face, is a pretty clear indication that you actually don’t have anything relevant to say, or whatever you had to say, may warrant a punch in the face. So go home and get a life.
Perhaps that idiot truck driver or some of them, I’m sure there is more than 1, thinks they are doing a service, by ‘waking‘ up sleeping beauties, as in; why aren’t you angry? Look at how those Centrelink nazis treat you, so disrespectfully. Why don’t you get angry at them? I think those truck drivers think the reason I don’t angry at all, at those stupid bitches I encounter whenever I go into town is the reason, they think I am ‘asleep’ and thus need awakening. They can’t see, that NOT taking their bait is a strength, so not fighting is the strength, and fighting is the weakness. Its like on the play ground “fight” “fight” “fight”.
Well, the truck setting off those peacocks, had no such motive – he was just an arshole.
Btw, I am fully awake, have been for long time. Just now, after observing what goes on, I write about it.
This next paragraph is not related to my Peacock problems, but when I was searching “ducks” on my PC; this story opened. The reason I was searching for ducks is because I remember writing about mums obsession with ducks, and now could not find the story. Back when I was about 16 or 17, I went around the house one day, and I counted all the ducks! I’m not talking about real ducks, I’m talking about crafty ducks, like duck ornaments, duck pictures, duck napkin holders, duck paper weights, duck sofa pillows…. Just so many. So, there were 47 ducks and duck related items in our house!! Not sure where mum’s obsession with ducks came from, I only noticed that she had one, and she didn’t seem to be too perturbed about it, like everything was normal, like, there’s no mention ever about the obsession of ducks. And actually, if you entered the house as a guest, one wouldn’t really notice the obsession with ducks, one would just notice that it was an arty and crafty house, with artwork and craft all over, it’s not until you really look closely, then you could start to see this theme of ducks? Little bit of Bieman family trivia!
Someone whispered in my ear, “Peacock Problems! – that’s got to be related to people in the entertainment industry!”
13. The “Helpful” Female Will
I know I have witnessed circumstances, where a woman’s mere ‘will’ has decided on the outcome of a situation, and she hasn’t actually done or said anything, she has just thought something, it’s just like she has thought about what she wants to happen in a situation, - put the thought into the universe, and as a result it has come true. And then the reverse is very true, not wanting something to happen so badly, that it does. (If you behave like a mouse, then you will get cats chasing you, somewhere along those lines)
But if someone is seemingly having a lot of bad luck, and then someone turns around and says; you ‘willed’ it. I know that can be absolute garbage - there are many many things way out of one person‘s will or power. And one has to combat other peoples will on a daily basis. Sometimes the wind blows one way, sometimes the wind blows the other way. I can’t begin to tell you how my life has changed since I started writing this blog, just merely writing about what happens in my life has put a stop to a lot of the torment from other people, but my behaviour hasn’t changed in anyway, I’m still typical me, I deal with people the same way. I’m just simply writing about what happens.
An example of typical female ‘will’; in my 20s there was a girl who saw herself as my friend, and I was leaving one day, and I had nearly forgotten something, when she reminded me, before I had a chance to get it, -and she was so pleased that she had reminded me, pleased that I should forget, so then she could remind me and feel important - it was like a power trip for that young girl. She was very pleased and satisfied that she could help even though I didn’t actually forget and I didn’t require any help. Such is women’s nature to feel important from that sense of being helpful. This very aspect of the female personality, their satisfaction from this powertrip, is so powerful that it turns into Will - in my opinion, this is what has gone out into the greater subconscious of the world, and has brought about dementia, a young pretty woman’s will, determining the outcome for the so-called weak, and old. (Get your young 18yr old daughter interested in the stock exchange!)
I know if this happened all the time, then people would be just talking and thinking about winning money constantly, so obviously, it’s a mysterious topic which is really unknown and undocumented. Of course there’s the people who do the opposite of being helpful, go out of their way not to be helpful, when there is a chance they can clearly see, that they could be, for exactly the same reason, for a power trip. Those people walk on a different planet than I do, I believe they are truly evil, and quite frankly, I don’t know how they manage to function at all, and get through the day with that attitude, those are the ones that end up miserable. I have encounted a few woman like this in my life.
If you think about this, it changes your perception of the sweet young innocent 18-year-old girl, as someone who is slightly evil, which in my experience is often the truth, even though they do not really realize what they are doing. This phenomenon of the evil woman, is something really ignored in society. Like in movies, we are shown women to be weak and vulnerable, when it has been my experience that women are especially evil and very cunning, far more so than men. (Except the show I watched last night - the leading lady killed the guy and won the money. Ah, glad to see we are slowly evolving from the stereotype. I felt like it was based on a true story about pyramid schemes in the 80’s, let’s hope she actually did not kill the old man….)
Having said that I know that there are women out there who saw me when I was a young teenager, as someone who was very wilful, and therefore could not be trusted at all, and whose attitude towards me was one of extreme fear, due to that element of the evil unknown. They have caused a lot of problems for me basically, since I was 15yrs old, and have made my life extremely restrictive, those people WILL get their comeuppance, I can assure you of that, and indeed they should be very afraid, - just not of me.
Imagine if you take that same wilful girl, and empower her to not only think about what she wants, but speaks and takes action – you have a mighty force on your hands. In my experience if you empower a little bitch, you will get a BIG bitch, if you empower a smart, kind honest young woman – you will get Wonderwoman!
I need to mention, I’ve observed women who will bend to a man’s will, not because she particularly wants to, but because women have the “helpful nature”. And so, if a man is behaving badly, (behaving like a pathetic little boy, that hasn’t grown up) and wants to humiliate a girl (little boys who had hopeless parents, teenage boys especially), and make them want to feel foolish, by doing something stupid, his ‘will’ of wanting her to do that, is enough for the woman to actually do it, because of her “helpful nature” - she wants to help him fulfil his ‘will’. The thought, that he’s acting like a misogynistic arsehole, doesn’t even enter into her mind, because her instinct is; helpfulness, unless of course, she’s old and experienced in the nature of men. The secret nature of man. Young girls are particularly vulnerable of this kind of teenage boy attitude, I was bullied quite despicably when I was 16 at pony camp, by a girl who was acting purely on behalf of a prick. Stupid girls are, in particular, their prey, as they can be easily manipulated, like that girl at pony camp. These stupid girls are also rife in the Music and Movie industry, and I have had major problems with my very own ‘personal blonde bimbo stalkers’- famous ones from poor neighbourhoods, who have big chips on their shoulders, and prick fathers - naming and shaming definatly helps in these cases, since I did, not as bad.
14. Eucalyptus Microcorys Tallowwood SEED that was STOLEN
This huge tree grows in the paddock just down from my farm house that I rent. There are quite a few of them all along the water course that runs through the farm. At certain times of the year, especially when it puts on a new flush of foliage, and when the sun hits it just right, it is a stunning tree. The leaves are a particular shade of bright green, they are a little unusual infact, then that together with its brown trunk, it’s just a really pretty mature Gumtree. So, I decided that I should definitely collect some seeds and give people the option of growing this tree if they want. One day I took my rope and managed to lasso a big branch that I could see, had ready, seed capsules on it, it was way up high, in that tree pictured (standing on the back of my Ute – it was a challenge!) I collected a whole heap, and obtained a massive number of seed, that I then started selling online with all my other varieties (at localseeds.com). Anyway, someone later broke into my house when I was out mowing, and stole the whole lot - millions of trees worth. I hate people. It could have been the property owner David Heywood, but I doubt it, he and Brenda really had no interest in the farm, aside from their Angus cows, nor did they have any interest in me or what I did. So, possibly even more likely, his daughters? Who I never met. But David and Brenda, now, get this, I am fairly certain, later in retrospect, those two used to steal for me in order to improve their marriage, if you know what I mean, in the kinky sense. I mean how disgusting. (No conviction). But I also suspect people from the horticulture industry are stealing my seeds, and specifically people related to the television industry, as they can see that I have these fresh beautiful tree seeds. And I should mention here, these people, who have been stealing from me, from that industry, sometimes do signs blaming someone by the name of Daniel Salem, they literally do signs, some people won’t understand what I’m talking about here, and just think crazy, but I know that there are plenty who can also see. So, they state it’s Daniel Salem who steals from me, and he’s the stalker harassing me. As you can see from this story, it is quite plainly NOT Daniel Salem, he was a friend of my little brothers from 30 years ago at school. I don’t know this person well, we only met probably twice, we don’t have any kind of relationship at all, and never did. As far as I know he has not interest in seeds or horticulture, unlike a lot of greedy women that I know of, who have such little respect for me, that they steal from me. Women in that area also stole my wool for knitting, plus my Eucalyptus melanophloia seed that I collected from Barwick‘s property was stolen. I also think they are stealing Pima cotton from my Egyptian cotton plants. Goddamn jealous cockanninnie dogs, get off your arse and create your own garden, you non-thinking nitwits. If it was Daniel Salem – he belongs in jail. I would have no time for anyone who has stolen anything from me. Not ever, there is not going to be any “Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter” moment. You will have to ask God to forgive you, because I will not be.
15. Books and fairy-tale childhoods
When I was a child in primary school, I was an avid reader I practically read the whole library except for the Dr Seuss books – I thought those one silly and probably meant to be for the kindies! But come on Roald Dahl – GENIUS, James and the Giant Peach – who thinks of something like that! Just brilliant, all of his books. (I still think about “The Witches” every time I see a silly woman squashed in to a pair of pointy toe shoes lol)
My parents had come up with a plan to get some peace and quiet, and that was to send the kids off to bed at 6:30pm, which for a growing active girl is quite early for bed. Unfortunately, this is a common problem amongst a lot of mothers, they just like raising little babies they don’t want to see their babies grow into a woman, they only want babies - I have named the girls of this common problem Doll Babies, there’s a whole heap of other problems that can happen with mothers like that, like pageants. But for me it was just this early bedtime issue, and I know those early years that I had to go to bed I came up with a way to produce melatonin (which is how dreams are made, I was a very avid dreamer, still am) And after a bit, I came up with another solution and that was, a reading plan, as I could read in bed and mum didn’t seem to mind if the light was still on. I want to mention, while I did read all those books, and I absolutely loved, for instance, Anne of Green Gables – the whole series, fantastic! But about the books I read, there weren’t any that really touched on some of life‘s important issues, I mean, I read so many children’s books, yet when I reached adulthood, I found it really odd how things surprised me, like why didn’t I read about what happens in life as a child? I felt I could’ve been better prepared for the future if those childhood writers could have been braver about their content and not ‘talked down’ so much.
Perhaps include a crappy job or 2! Maybe you could talk about ‘dog type’ personalities that will hound you in life, how to deal with bullies, stuff like that (and not revenge stuff, like they do in woman’s magazines, disgraceful). You know children are very smart, especially in the way that they learn and consume knowledge. So, I’m putting it out there, you need to treat children as young adults, who are capable of handling the more negative aspects about life - so don’t just gloss over them and do fairy-tale stuff. (And guess what, they can handle swear words too).
Someone suggested to get your child to watch the news for real life stuff! Good in theory but I am not sure I would have understood the news as a child, it would be like I just landed in the middle of things, missed the beginning, so can’t really understand what is going on… I would say I would need someone to explain what each segment was about. But yes, I would definatly give that a go if I was responsible for kids. That reminds me of BTN, behind the news! Great show!
In 2022 there was a fabulous Netflix show called Chefs Table, it talked honestly about successful chefs and their whole life story and career. How they got to be successful at what they do, the good, the bad, the tough. It was most fascinating, and I think for a child growing up especially, this show would be beneficial – a real insight into life and what can be achieved. I would like to see them do different industry sectors too.
As my eyesight is now not what it used to be, I no longer read. But, infact I pretty much stopped reading ‘on mass’ after I went to boarding school, there were no lights on, permitted after “lights out”, so no more reading – just another little area where it was NAZI school. {I should add, I left home where it was 630pm lights out, to school with 9pm lights out, but, from 6 to 8, we, the whole school, had to go back over to the school classrooms, where we would do our “prep”, Prep was what they called homework}. Later in life, I read a little more when I was working, but after a few bad book shop and library dog experiences, I will never be setting foot in either again. It is much easier to watch Netflix now anyway.
Here is a good spot, to say (as this little didi was removed from elsewhere). My mother used to read to us (I recall my brother and I seated around her on the couch), most afternoons, and she used to get us to read a paragraph from the story, and so we each read in our, jilted slow motion difficult childish way, but doing that really helped with my reading, so when I was at school later and had to read aloud, I was somewhat proficient at it, not like some of the girls, who were still ‘jilted’.
16. Book Industry in Australia
As I was writing my the “Helpful” Female Will story, I thought, I could write a book about this issue and call it “The Secret Nature of Mankind”, infact I looked up the title, as I wondered why no one has written about it already. But then I thought, by the time I was finished writing it, the dogs would’ve stolen it.
I have found the whole writing industry and book world in Australia is run by women, women who are greedy thieving bitches. I’m not sure what the issue is with me and the writing industry, as far as I know I’ve had nothing to do with any book companies or writers or authors. All I know is I have read a lot of books in my youth, and now love watching good stories on Netflix. I can only assume that they are threatened by me, because they’re stealing ideas, as dogs do. Female dominated industry.
One time when I was in working in Enmore, in my early 20’s, I decided I should start reading again, as I had not read anything for years, and I used to be an avid reader. I phoned up this company trying to get a particular book, can’t remember what book it was now, I think it must have been one recommend by Helen Razor – a radio talk show feminist on JJJ. The book shop was called Borders Book company, and the woman on the phone told me where to go to their store - it was right out Western Sydney way. I set off one Saturday. Turned out to be a total wild goose chase, no store at that address at all, 50km later. Then 50km back. So, I’m not sure who I was talking too, maybe Telstra put me through to just some stupid dog, but whoever I was speaking to, sent me on that wild goose chase. So, dam and blast that woman, and I hope she’s dead by now, she definitely needs a baseball bat to her head. You know doing something so despicable and evil like this, to a young girl; I really wonder what her motive was, I mean, did she want to take revenge out on me for something I did? does she actually know me? Were we acquainted with one another? Or does she just not like young girls? I mean imagine what she would do to someone who actually did her harm in some way like stole from her or stole her husband, or something. This woman is clearly deranged and she is 2 straws short of being a psychopath - she doesn’t deserve to live on planet Earth, in my opinion.
There have been many other numerous things the female dogs do in this book world, like any audiobooks that I’ve ever read, has been totally changed and manipulated from the original. I don’t think I’ve ever read one audiobook that hasn’t been changed with the exception possibly of an autobiography -it was read by the writer. Some of them get changed quite despicably with personal hate messages (common in the movie/tv industry by bitches), and then there are the books where whole scene gets changed, and whole chapters are omitted like Of Mice and Men (I will not mention what scene got changed). And several others, I’m pretty sure Pride and Prejudice was changed, I recently downloaded that one from Audible, I didn’t bother finishing it, because I was so sure I could hear the dogs in it. I find this a real tragedy, because not only is it COMPLETELY disrespectful to the author, but I love books and reading (listening now – my eyes are not what they once were) and so for these stupid women to change them for their own personal PowerTrip, by inserting hateful messages, it is just disgraceful, so wrong – can’t they tell right from wrong?? All those women should be severely fined!
I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of thievery that goes on with old books being re-written, with then book companies, taking money from somebody else’s story. Not sure if this is wrong, as in legally, but I think not stating this new book is a rewrite, is the problem.
I also get outraged by writers coming up with stories based on “true stories” but then have been changed so they wouldn’t get into trouble by the person whose life they talking about - or omit facts as the ‘hero’ of the story would not be painted in a good light.
Then there are writers who write stories as if they were true and turns out to be 100% made up. There is no declaration of “Fiction” or “True Story” mentioned in the Synopsis – there should be. You know I was a library prefect in primary school!
One time I went through a whole phase of John Grisham, I just loved his books, the way he writes without any female bitchiness. Plus, he kind of writes in a secret male fantasy style. So, after I read a few, I came across one and I’m pretty sure if I recall it was called “The Painted House”, no, actually, I can’t remember what it was called. But as I was reading it, he just seemed to be going on about this house that he was painting. I’m reading and reading and waiting and waiting for the story to begin - because his stories are always typically about young male law graduates who turn into the hero and save the day by making the greedy corporate people pay, and saving the girl! But this book just kept going on and on about house painting. Now, at the time, I was actually painting my house, so it was quite bizarre, it was like this book was not even written by John Grisham because it was just not his style at all - but some girl posing as John Grisham!! Or maybe John Grisham had decided that he needed a break from his ‘real’ writing, and so just wanted to write about my life in a strange unconnective way!? But it would not surprise me in the least if there was some girl trying to fake John Grisham. I did so enjoy the book I read later after that about the cats!! (I had 4 cats at the time)
The writing world gets up to all sorts of disgraceful antics, and it should be brought into light, because I’ve never heard anybody talk about these issues ever.
17. Designs to match Personalities
I am creative, my thought process is slightly different to the typical. (But most people do think similarly). My sense of humour is different, although I have found in my old age, it has changed and mellowed somewhat. For example, when I was younger, if I saw some gung-ho teen crash through a window, I would not have found that funny. However, now I do! lol (Please don’t start a whole series of teens crashing through windows).
I can remember sitting in movie cinemas years ago and there were certain scenes which I found absolutely hysterical, and laugh my head off, only, no one else in the cinema was laughing at all! (Somewhat a little disturbing) and then the other scenes where the whole cinema was laughing, and I didn’t find funny at all. So, I’m definitely slightly different in that respect. I always felt I have ‘old man’ humour! as in, things I laugh at, so would an old man, even at age 18!
I certainly would and never have categorise myself as anyone with any mental health issue. I’ve never been depressed in my life. I’m actually very healthy due to the way my parents raised me. I was advised, around about 2011(?) as I am observant and notice things, that those types of people often in their later adult life, have some difficulties dealing with all the data – so at 50 now, I know exactly what they were talking about back then! Its seems that expression “ignorant bliss” has a lot of truth! J But I do like to stay of sound of mind all the time, and am aware of my ‘possible ability’ to be so angry at all the injustices that I can see, and that so many others can’t.
As I have mentioned, and unfortunatly still need to. (I am not a drunk – just angry – mainly due from all the THEFTS – I have a right to be angry about it – it is unfair, manipulative, evil and prejudiced, not to mention costly). But I can pretty much deal with any situation, as they come up, even if I would prefer to be elsewhere, and I can interpret them as they are, albeit sometimes adding a few little creative twists if I’m unsure of the plot, which as is the case when I’m dealing with thieves that hound me - how should I know the mind of a thief. – That sentence was not an admittance of guilt to lying! I do not lie and certainly not about the thefts. Occasionally I might have misplaced something, and said it was stolen – but this is not a lie!! In general, I do not lie, contrary to most woman who cross my path. It is very unusual that I would lie in any situation, I find it unnecessary, time wasting and disrespectful to myself. Since I am honest and don’t steal, I personally have no reason to lie about anything – unlike most other people that I have encounted. You are all thieves - and bugger off.
I have mentioned before that I’ve come across quite a few people now in my old-age life time, and I’m one of the sanest people you’ll ever know. And considering my sedentary lifestyle atm, after losing everything (well, near everything that mere little me had ‘willed’)- all that I wanted in life, I still am an upbeat person. I think, once you know how to be happy, there’s no going back, you don’t suddenly forget - it’s like riding a bike!😁
But there is something I have struggled with all my life, (I hope you can hear my tone here, I have not reeeally suffered tooo much!), and that is clothing and colours, because I love bright colours, I love colours that stand out, and are stimulating. I think it’s that stimulating factor which triggers my visual side of my mind, and I just love them. Looking at particular colour schemes is truly interesting for me, and satisfying too, I spend hrs pouring over designs, art and images. I have found over the years certain colours have more fascination than others, but then these change with each decade. So, the struggle part, is when I wear these bright clothes (I am a sewer, I sew my own clothes, so choosing bright fabrics is natural) but, they attract attention, they are eye-catching, and this is what I don’t like. I don’t like being at the centre of attention at all, in fact. I always cringe away from it, and feel there are far more outspoken types (Peacocks!), who can take the spotlight. And possibly this also has encouraged me to sew my own clothes, so I look presentable, as I really notice when people stare at me, which they do out on the street, in the shops, women especially notice what other women are wearing, so I feel I should look nice at least! Give them something to actually look at! And perhaps a little unique, ‘unsheep’ like, as my personality is not ‘sheep like’. I like sewing my own clothes, I am not really a fan of ‘designer clothing’ – I feel fashion designers design clothes for human sheep, or the ones I like are too expensive for my budget. Although since being ban from Spflr and they DELETED my whole design studio space, and all my 100’s of designs, (and who btw, I think try and save themselves every year by sending me an email, as in ”we did not delete your studio or ban you, see we emailed you now” – for the cameras). I no longer can purchase fabrics- so I am guessing from now on – it will be holy old clothes! So, I really had to learn how to dress in ways that was far more suited to my Personality, and keep my brights for indoors only – you should see my pyjamas!!
18. English wannabes story with Victorian clothing in 1986
I have to talk about the old fashioned ‘wannabe English’ attitude of not only my mother, but a lot of country mothers, and especially Jan Milbourne, the NEGS principal, who btw, was from history, it was like she was living in the past, by at least 200 years. The way she dressed, the way she thought women should speak and behave, her attitude was literally from about the 1800’s in England. It’s like she’s been picked out of this time frame and dropped in to 1980. I believe her role at that school was to produce women ready for marriage (not sure that worked! – rebellion nature and all….) at any rate – raised to be passive, not to be controversial, ask questions, or ‘rock the boat’. (Btw, all they do in the work place is fight, if you can’t fight and stand up for yourself, you are not going to last).
I’ve noticed there are a lot of country mothers who were exactly the same, and want to adopt this kind of English old-fashioned life and attitude. You should have seen what my mother dressed me in for my interview at the school, it was literally a garment from the 1840s. I heard her say the principal will love it. I found a picture online, here it is, -but my dress was blue with same big white collar, and I was a little older, 11yrs. From https://fashion-history.lovetoknow.com/ titled “Victorian Children”
Also at school, part of our uniform was a long-hooded cape – can you believe that, a cape (also originally from the 18th century! The one pictured was just like it)
I was not really sure what the obsession with the last century in England was, with Australian country mothers. But I have since discovered, they have been manipulated by various films that came out in the 70s and 80’s, and they all depicted these “I want to be English women from the last century” but living in Australia (if we must…). And a lot of the girls at school, they all had the same names as was in these old-fashioned women from these movies! So, I am guessing there were a lot of mothers similar to mine. Also, the fact that Australia still has a monarch, and follows the then present monarch, Elizabeth II, closely, has helped this “we wish we were English” attitude!! – my siblings are all named after ‘royals’ with Charles and William featuring as middle names!! My sister was named after Penelope Keith from mums favourite show, The Good Life!! (Still one of my favourite shows too!!) One of the traditions, of these “we wish we were English types” is “Christmas in July” !! – as if to celebrate xmas in the cold, just as an English woman can!! Lol
Plus, the irony of it is, if you look at the history of the Brits, and their relationship with other countries, you can really start to see that Britain is actually a mean ‘bully’ country. There are several islands around Britain which are now governed by England, and purely because they bullied their way into those countries, fought the natives, and simply took over. And why when do you think they appear so regularly on the news in Africa? – I have always thought, well, you know, somebody’s gotta do it, got to be a good talking point for the masses - people like having something to feel proud about. But, they’re always over in Africa, and the reason why they’re in Africa is because they own the oil wells in Africa; they own all the profits from it. So, on one hand you see poor Africans, then think oh, good on those Brits helping those poor Africans, but really, their interest is in the profits from the oil wells, and not in helping starving Africans. It was the Brits and the US, who got together back in the day, and basically bullied their way over into ownership of those oil wells. And when it comes to business, if they don’t get their own way, then they declare war on whoever is standing in their way; like China when there were Opium and Tea wars going on - how do you think Britain came in ‘ownership’ of Hong Kong till 1999! China was so taken aback by the Brits despicable warring tactics, that they ‘shut’ their door on the whole world – this whole time there has been no trade with China, is because of the bully brits. Its only just now, basically at the beginning of 2000, that China has seen an opportunity in manufacturing as a sure-fire way to “win” – and they will.
I hate to tell you English wannabes, but they have a lot, not to be proud of. (And carried on pretty much like a bunch of spoilt little brats, and talk about self-declared important people!). Btw, apparently some of America, also suffered from this ‘wannabe English’ attitude, especially amongst the Yachting community!
I feel these old-fashioned English type of women were often kind of snotty, snobby, and hoity-toity, and I feel like that’s what the aim of these mothers in the country Gunnedah was to be, they wanted to be this ‘superior sophisticated old-fashioned values, respectable women types’, and I feel the main reason why I’m writing about it in such a light, is because I would say, this attitude has persuaded that little blonde girl, that I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions, (read my “The Big Jelly Baby Scam photo”), who has been hounding me in Gunnedah over some years, and playing her game, which I’m now going to call “the not worthy game”, as in, you can’t have that good item because you don’t deserve it, because you don’t have XX amount of money and you’re not married to some rich farmer. (She makes my life hell – she will have some bad karma; I suspect she may have cancer by now – this is actually a real girl, unfortunatly, and not a figment of my imagination. It is a game for her, she finds it fun to torment. So, I’m not sure if that blonde girl is a former NEGS girl, I mean, I guess it stands to reason from what I’ve just said about their mothers, although look at my mother, and I do not share her attitude at all. My grandmother made the comment one day after we got back from a day shopping, that I talk to everyone, there are no discriminations!! (My grandmother too would have been a bit of a snob!) -but I also feel that there are girls who didn’t go to private schools, who feel ‘inferior’ to those girls who did, and so this may be that kind of rebellion (I don’t care what school you went to, although now that I am older, I have noticed a general distinction.) But I actually am quite concerned about that silly blonde girl attitude, and she is not alone, there are a few of them that work incahoots together. It’s beyond mentally unhealthy, the attitude of thinking someone is not worthy because of their income or marital status is so ridiculous and so far, removed from common sense, any girl who would have this idea, would literally fall into the category of sociopath, I don’t think I’m being too severe in recognizing this judgement. Why that girl and those mothers have not evolved into being more practical and accepting of the fact that pretty much everyone is working class these days, the only thing that differentiates people is their expectations and respectfulness towards other people. I unfortunatly have come across many women who fall into this category – little women. I have more to say about this issue infact - This problem is so big and large in society, that by the time women reach old age, and are put into nursing homes, where often sound minds are scarce to be found, yet amongst those women, the elderly biddys still wish to push this kind of class distinction. Money/ no money, it was really rife amongst the ladies, I witnessed while I briefly worked at Alkira nursing home, and a subject of subtle passive innuendos. In fact, it was really the number one issue underneath every conversation and every activity. It is this much of a big deal, and a big problem in my opinion. I say problem easily, because I’ve known many hoity-toity women in my time, in fact way more hoitytoits than low income mops, and I can assure you those hoity-toits have a lot of issues, and a lot of them come from a place of complete trashiness, where stealing theft, lying, and greed is huge and normal. Those issues are not restricted to low income people. As far as I am concerned if you go out of you way to be rude or steal from someone, then you indeed are not worthy. But being not worthy does not mean I would then ‘hound’ the person and steal from them. As such is the case of what certain female dogs do, I witnessed them do this, just cause they ‘think’ I may not like them. Stupid. You know, if someone does not like you – don’t worry about it, you can’t please everyone, the notion of following someone, harassing them or stealing from them just because they do not like you IS COMPLETY RIDUIUCULOUS – I know I certainly don’t give a dam if someone does not like me. Their loss.
Oh, the red and black woollen cape above, was part of our school uniform too. This cape did very little in keeping one warm, especially in Armidale NSW where it often snowed in winter. But the school was completely strict and anal about our school uniform, we had about 6 or 7 different uniforms for various situations, and everything had to be just so, including all hems, 8 inches below the knee. They were really expensive too.
I remember when I was in year 10, my brother who went to Tas, the boys school in Armidale (which, btw, is now Co-ed), as part of their school uniform they adopted a proper navy woollen coat, and when mum was purchasing one for him, for some reason, (unknown to me still) she decided that she would get one for me too! - I really don’t know how she came about to have this thought process because like I said, they were really anal about school uniform, and mum would’ve been happy to go along with whatever they said, whatever rules they come up with - she’s not the kind of person to rock the boat in this kind of area. So when I turned up at school with my Tas coat on - a complete violation of the school uniform policy, much to my surprise everyone was okay with it, it’s like they all stood back and said oh yeah that’s much better than those silly capes, I was permitted to wear it, and the following season NEGS put out a Navy woollen coat which was very nice, so after my going on about mum‘s old fashion tendencies here, I personally believe it was her that brought about the change in fashion from the cape to the coat!!
Photo of cape is from Target – part of their costumes!!
19. Couples using singles they feel inferior to them, to invoke excitement in their marriage.
Something has come to my consciousness, well actually it’s something I’ve been aware of for quite some time but it’s getting to the point now where I have to write about it because it is so weird and dysfunctional.
What happens is; some, and by some, I mean most, married couples of a certain age, seem to fall into this strange peculiar pattern of doing something devious, so that the other can find them out, and chastise them.
Now quite frankly, what couples do is none of my concern, and I don’t care what you get up to at all. However, the part where I mentioned ‘they do something devious’ - or ‘bad’ or ‘naughty’ -which ever word tickles your fancy, is where I come into it. I’m really at the point where I am sick and tired of dealing with people who behave badly and disrespectfully towards me, so that they can be chastised later by their husband and/or wife. I could give you heaps of examples, but I will refrain, plus I have mentioned such instances in other photo stories. This is not just restricted to one or two couples that have crossed my path, this is basically been a thing with every couple that I’ve encountered. I mean maybe it’s just a middle-aged phase that they all go through, but to me, from the outside looking in, it’s just a total moronic retardation dysfunction, and I can’t believe this is acceptable behaviour in adult society. And usually it’s not a one-way street, it’s both parties, take it in turns “you chastise me and then I’ll chastise you” - but this is often a subconscious thing - some of them aren’t even aware that they do it!! So sick. Hence why I’m writing about it. (I have even seen one person take the blame for something he did not do, in order, to get chastised for it, such is the enjoyment he takes in seeing his partner so angry, worked up and domineering)
Another and even more sinister thing couples do, is one of them will try to dominate a third party, usually the same sex, and usually involuntary - they will seek a victim whilst the other one is watching, in an attempt to impress their partner with their ‘domination’ skills, and the hopes to turn them on for later that night in the bedroom. Siiiiiick.
I often feel like I am surrounded on a planet by really sick people. Just because I’m single doesn’t make me your personal couples therapy victim. Piss off you stupid little twits. Take your dysfunctional moronic behaviour OUT. Stand back have a look at yourself, ask yourself, do you do this? And then make sure it doesn’t happen in the future - for your own mental health evolvement.
Stick to something healthy – like gardening.
Here is also a good time to mention another bizarre thing I’ve encountered, and that is; couples forming this relationship of one person bossing about another person. And this is the main basis of their relationship. That is what it revolves around. Up here in Queensland it’s usually always the man bossing the woman about. It’s really odd for me to witness this because I know what men are really like, so to see these women being bossed about -- it’s very strange. (My parents weren’t like this at all; each was left to do what they wanted; each had their own interests; mum wouldn’t encroach on dad‘s work/play life and dad did not encroach on mums running of the family household - it was just a symbiosis that totally worked (for the most part). When I see this phenomena of men bossing women about, I think to myself how unhealthy, I mean after all the bimbos and retard women I have encounted in my life (and there has been a lot, like what I have already mentioned on this blog) it’s got to still be totally unhealthy relationship. Those women will deeply resent their husbands, it will only be a matter of time, and as I am pretty sure also, I’ve mentioned before, those women take out their rage against their husband, when they see a younger woman, then they get an opportunity to then ‘boss’ them about. I have experience this on numerous occasions, and I can tell pretty much within five minutes of talking to a woman if she’s happily married or not - they give themselves away really easily. Most often the relationship didn’t start off that way, but over time, the couples develop a pattern of fighting for control and power, and it’s usually the man who relishes ‘the fight’, women don’t have that fight by nature instinct, and thus I suspect, this is why I often see men trying to boss around their wives, because the wife is sick of fighting, and so she’ll just say “yes dear”. But I have witnessed it the other way around, the woman starts off dominating the relationship and does so for many years, but then there’s a change, as women tire (or sometimes come to the realization that they are not as smart as they once thought, and can see their husbands have a clearer understanding on reality, sometimes) and her husband slowly takes over the relationship. But actually I secretly believe most men only want one thing out of marriage, and that’s to wrestle. More so than any other desire, (eventually) and if they can’t have it in their marriage - which often is the case, what woman would put up with a constantly fighting husband? So then the husband will find it elsewhere, and find other victims who he does not have to be respectful towards, because he is not married to them. That’s his mentality, “we are not married, so I do not have to treat this woman with any respect”. I’ve witnessed this numerous times. Gunnedah Council boys.
So in essence, a marriage is just a process of one will taking over the other, and I’ve never really thought badly about marriage but when I look at it like this, I just am really glad that I’m not married.
You know my mother was a marriage counsellor, and I used to eavesdrop on the sessions she had when the church was unavailable, she would have them at our place, I was only quite young, but I did find it fascinating.
1st image shows my garden at Rangari with my 4 varieties of Orange trees, and 16 Stone fruit tree strip;
20. Is your garden too good for society?
My garden at Rangari near Gunnedah, NSW, Australia was shaping up to be amazing, and it would’ve been amazing, if I had had another 10 years. It would’ve been a ‘notable’ garden, people would literally want to drive out and see it. And this was the main reason, I feel, I was cast out of it, and Gunnedah, because this would’ve been this big society thing, and someone like me (unmarried, childless and no full-time employment) was considered ‘not worthy’ of having a notable garden, or being credited for something notable. (Even though I did ALL of it myself “no bragging allowed” weird societal dog rules)
I find this attitude is perpetuated by bimbo women who are married to rich husbands, aswell as famous celebrity types who have inferior gardens (like Judy Dench, Olivia Newton-John or Tom Cruise, especially when it comes to food gardens.) And you know what, if I was living out there, and had not done any gardening, so the place just looked bare, I would put money on the fact that I would have been able to remain there. Seriously. “oh, if only I was a pathetic drunk loser that just sat around and did nothing, like everybody else out there.” Really and truly, if you listen to what society dictates, you would end up doing nothing, accomplishing nothing, and not living or evolving in any way! I find in life, one has to ‘shove society back up its arse.’
The ‘not worthy’ torment by girls in Gunnedah has been the biggest theme in Gunnedah, the whole time I was there, Gunnedah is made up of some stupid unevolved little girls. However, it is not ‘across the board’ attitude, there are a few people with common sense out there, - just those ones don’t seem to have a lot of power in society.
I find jealousy in gardening is extreme. It is more of a problem in the gardening world, than of the fashion world, and that is truly saying something. I mean if you have the best garden on the block, you will be without doubt, the most resented person on the block. And if you have the energy to put a water feature in your garden, like a pond, OMG this is considered very lavish, and you will be hated beyond comprehension. I have written about this before, but it was stolen, so I am hitting the nail on the head with this story. (I recall when I was talking to the manager of the Alkira Nursing home one day, about the lovely water fountain they have out the front – often it is switched off, I asked him why, and straight away he said – “its political!” As in, we could run it, no problems, but too many people think we are wasting water, so we can’t – out of jealousy, as a lot of ‘out of towners’ have no water, especially when the dams run dry in summer, and they have no bore for some reason.
Now, I’m not sure if this is a worldwide phenomenon, or it’s just an Australian lazy thing - “I can’t be bothered to get off the couch” and plus ‘there’s not enough water’ thing. (There are plenty of people that have plenty of water in Australia, but on the other hand there are other people who don’t have any water, and this has caused a big riffraff in my opinion, with the people who don’t have water, pouncing on people who do - it’s out of pure jealousy. Btw, I’m not overly familiar with my Bible Scriptures, but someone told me that jealousy is a sin - so stop being so bloody sinful, and start gardening! Put in some big 70,000L cement tanks! Come on! Get with it - it’s not going to suddenly start raining frequently. If you want to garden, you got to make plans for it, don’t just wait for the government to fix it – the government is not going to fix the water problem.
BTW, I have observed a thing with some couples who want to have a nice garden, but don’t want to feel like they’re doing all the work, while their partner sits on the couch, so because of that attitude, no garden gets done! Of course, I’ve seen other couples boasting about how the lady of the house designs the garden, and does odd little things, whilst happily instigating to her husband about any of the heavier lifting/ wheelbarrow pushing/rock formation etc etc jobs that need to be done. And of course, he happily and lovingly accepts these little jobs to make his garden look fantastic! (The way it ought to be of course!!)
See my orange trees above, those are the ones specially chosen by me, to be ripe at different times, so I can harvest for 6mnths of the year – BRILLIANT (and I did, the last 2 or 3 years I was there). Special thanks to Robert and Amanda White down the road, who gave me their hay remains for mulch – I was expected to give them some oranges over the coming seasons, but as I was Cast out, I cannot. Although no help available from them; locals who knew everyone in the area, re a new farmhouse rental. Although, that may be probably, from the Whites, having so many kids - the Whites are big breeders, 4 brothers, each married with 4 kids, who now would each have kids in turn – NO WONDER THERE WAS NO WHERE TO LIVE IN GUNNEDAH – btw, this was the ‘norm’ amongst people in Gunnedah, to have these ridiculously large families. I mean how non-thinking were those bimbo mothers? Not sure if it is still that way, but TOO LATE. (My mum wanted 5 kids, settled on 4 – ridiculous.)
21. Screaming Always Works
So titled because I have found this to be true, whenever I have been in difficulties or in trouble of some form – which invariably happens in life - if I scream, it fixes the problem. I can give you quite a lot of examples;
Once I was horse-riding, and I had big long lunging rein, doing some circle work with Batman, and he was getting a bit annoyed because he was an older horse, he didn’t need circle work as far as he was concerned, and indeed, he didn’t need the circle work, I was just practising my horse techniques (young women, so silly sometimes). The lunging rein was a super long one, for some reason I bought the 20 meter long one. At one point I looked down, and the rein was all tangled around my leg, and this was right at the point where Batman threw a little hissy fit, and was about to storm off, and in fact he had started his ‘flight’ response, so I could immediately see what was about to happen; I was about to be dragged across the whole paddock by my leg that was tangled up in this 20 meter long rein, DISASTER, and I thought what am I going do to get out of this; you can’t really stop a horse in his ‘flight’ response, and so the only thing that came to me was SCREAM, so I did, as loud as I could, I was watching Batman, and it totally worked, he stopped completely and looked at me in shock “what was that”, once he saw that I was still standing there holding the rein, he kind of got ready to take off again, angry walking trot, and so I immediately dropped to the ground, and I knew I had about 5 seconds to untangle the rein and free my foot, I did it as fast as I could, - it was just like in a movie, and just as he was taking off, I got the last bit untangled, and it slithered out of my hands and along the grass and up the whole paddock, 1 second away from total disaster! Thank God for my scream!
I remember as kids when we were playing, if there was any situation where the boys were being too rowdy, or I was losing in someway, can’t really remember specific details of child’s play, but I remembered, if I screamed they stopped whatever they were doing immediately, it got to the point where, are all I had to say was “if you do it, I’ll scream” and they would give up straight away! “oh ok, you win” in that subservient tone! ha ha ha ha ha ha
There was another time with my cat, he was missing, he had run away due to a dog attack from the bad next-door neighbours, and he was blind, so it had been two weeks, and I figured he was probably lost, he probably wanted to come home, as he would’ve got over the fear by that point, but perhaps he couldn’t find the way, so I went outside and screamed, and he turned up later that day! Although I didn’t scream too loudly, as actually, I have got an almighty scream, you wouldn’t believe it, I could probably set a record! And one time at school, I screamed, it was year seven, after my arm broke, and it was so loud that it woke the dead literally! That expression is really true, later on that night when I was in so much pain, I saw a ghost! No joke. The ghost was a little girl, she was brushing her hair. Like a white shadow. I experienced fear that night.
And often I see movies where the girl is in trouble - if only she had of screamed! she would’ve been saved! I highly recommend learning how to scream.
I want to point out, as a young child I never screamed, or threw tantrums, or barely even cried, my mother said I was a perfect little angel who never cried. And this makes sense to me, I was always very accepting of the situation when I was young, I never questioned anyone or anything, which actually I think is a little unhealthy, because people tend to take advantage of you when you’re young, and you have to learn how to question authority, but it wasn’t necessary I guess with my parents. And, happy mum, happy baby. I do believe when I was a temp nanny I learned that there comes a point in a late toddlers time when he/she clearly needs to learn the word no, so you do have to say no to them about something, and so let the child scream, so he/she learns from an early age he/she can’t always have what he/she wants. I believe if parents don’t do this you get total spoiled little brats on your hands such as the ones I have witnessed and who steal from me; it’s because their parents never set that boundary when they were a toddler. Often, the so called ‘spoilt’ ones, are people from poorer families. Total challenge of the perceived spoilt brat here.
This was the house my parents purchased briefly, before they moved to Gunnedah. Before, they were both from Sydney, but they both wanted to move to the country, to raise their kids in the clean fresh air of the country, and this is where they ended, Limbri, near Tamworth. I have fond memories of swimming around that log, the one you can see poking up in the river.
22. 9 out of 10 kids in Australia are raised with dysfunctional tactics
Observation of the reason for the bane of my life:
In my 47 years of experience, I’ve come to the opinion that a lot of parents cannot discipline
their kids at all, they’re clueless about how to raise a child, most of them would like to be
‘friends’ with their kids instead of reprimanding them when they misbehave, so those kids
grow up to be adults who continue to be misbehave and think it’s really cute and funny still,
just because they never learnt as a child what’s wrong / right / acceptable / not acceptable.
And there is an element of mothers out there who encourage this naughty behaviour
especially in their sons, because they are subconsciously attracted to the ‘bad boy’ type - it’s
actually, really sick. And don’t get me started on the problems of single mothers.
Then there’s the opposite of that problem, with over controlling, over bearing, overyelling
mothers, who encourage their kids to be stupid, by not allowing them to think and act for
themselves, they dare not for fear of being reprimanded, those kids turn out to be ‘dog’
personalities – unbearable people. You know, a little bit of free reign goes a long way -
actually, it is the easiest way of how to get what you want and manipulate someone anyway, because you earn their trust pretty quickly, most parents really should think about this, instead of
bumbling along; you actually have to put work into a kid, you can’t just feed, clothe and make
sure, they get off to school, there is way more to parenting, stuff that requires clever and creative thinking.
One teacher I know had a parent who used physical violence to teach, in the hopes that the shock of a blow to the head/cane to the hand, will cause the person to remember and wake up. I know you’re aghast now, however, this person, who obviously now has a greater understanding about physical abuse, and what is acceptable/not acceptable, decided to still employ the ‘shock’ tactic to wake a child (I’m not talking about literally waking them up from sleep here, if you think I’m talking about that and there’s no hope for you and you shouldn’t have kids) So, what he did was, went outside grabbed a branch of gum leaves brought them back inside. He started talking to the kids, teaching in his normal manner and then he referred to the gum branch on his desk, started telling the kids about the beauty of Australian native plants, he picks it up showing them the colour and the shape of the leaves, and as he was talking, all of a sudden, he quickly put it up above his head, and then slammed it down onto his desk as hard as he could. Then gently said “just wanted to wake you up kids!” Then he started his lesson, so at that moment, all those kids were fully wide-awake, excited and paying attention. And see, no one was harmed in the whole process - clever and creative thinking. (you could also occasionally call them “clever little sausages”, that would get them thinking!).
I’m the kind of person that gives free reign to people, so artists love me! But I found it quite
extraordinary, when I was a temp nanny, at one point in my earlier life; some kids, when they
encounter someone like me, someone who gives them ‘free reign’, they just absolutely go
berserk, their dysfunction is so apparent, well I should say, their parent’s dysfunction, in the
way they raise their child, on such a short leash. I saw kids ‘act out’ and rebel, they get up to
all sorts of naughty things, and “quick before their parents come home! “it’s really obvious
that keeping a child (or an adult) on a short leash is dysfunctional, it’s not right, and parents
who do, encourage stupidity and crime, not to mention create dogs who do the exact opposite of what you want, as an act of rebellion, like when I go to the loo, I think, “don’t disturb me, I am going to the loo”, so these stupid people, women, always, try and break the cubicle door down to get in (serious, has happened repeatedly). And rebellion leading to jumping on the first band wagon that comes along, and in Australia, that is petty theft and stalking) In fact I’d like to talk more about this ‘free reign’ some more. When it comes to adults, I haven’t actually met anyone who, if you give enough rope, they won’t hang themselves, as in, if you don’t stand up for yourself and fight for yourself, (become slightly nazi), and reign them in, they will treat you disrespectfully, they will steal from you, they will bully you. This comes back to having been on a short tight leash and, suddenly not being on a leash - they are unable to think responsibly for themselves. I really have had it up to here with adults who haven’t grown up and learnt how to be mature. Some guy told me, that if he hears somebody tell him that he can’t do it, then he immediately will do it. No matter how stupid it is, or how dangerous it is. He’ll just do it. That’s his nature he said. He said he knows heaps of other people who do it to. I just want to say to that guy – you are a moron, raised by moron parents. And normally I do not attack people just for being morons. I only write about them if they steal from me, or are absolutely disrespectful, and are harassing me - but I suspect possibly maybe he was insinuating that because my blog’s main theme is ‘do not steal from me’, he was implying, they even more so will now. Well, I know copycatting is a big thing, especially amongst morons, but overall I have noticed a reduction in the thefts since I started my blog – most thieves are cowards, and cowards do not want to be named and shamed – that would be their worst nightmare. Btw, that guy was English, so this moronic nature is not just an Australian thing, it’s also shared by the English! But, also there comes a time in an adults life when they choose if they still act rebellious, regardless of how bad their parents screwed up – a man in his 40’s still behaving like a rebel is just plain pathetic.
This is why other people, mostly mother’s dysfunction, is my bane, why I have to take these stupid dog women personalities to battle on a regular basis. Do you know, it’s not up to me to reign you in - it’s up to you to take responsibility for your own thoughts, words and actions. I am not your mother or your father. So that’s why they need to put values, ethics and communication in the classroom, in Schools, Universities / Colleges. Throw religion out, and bring in ethics.
I really recommend not having kids at all, I have not met one single mother who wasn’t jealous of me, and it’s because I do not have kids (and am not married, - I think secretly jealous of that too) Honestly a young woman bumbles through life not actually thinking about what will make them happy, they just do as what is expected, and follow the crowd, I have met heaps of woman that would be far happier not having kids, particularly the creative types, control freaks, and especially anyone on low income. Do yourself a favour.
23. Cruel Australian Farmers and their gung-ho kids
Often in my life I have seen stock kept in a bare ‘treeless’ paddocks/yards on 50°C+ summer days without any shade or at least shade trees. Talk about stress. (Also come market day, often stock are left for days in open pens in the stinking heat).
I have seen farmers often using painful electric zappers to prod stock when they’re sorting them out in the yards - just totally unnecessary, it doesn’t take much to be able to drive/herd a cow in the direction you want. Only a truly hopeless non thinking bogan would have to use an electric prong.
Don’t get me started on the cruelty that goes on with the pig shooters - injuring and wounding animals so they are left screaming ALL night long. It’s disgusting. And mainly its farmers kids that take their dad’s licenced gun out shooting with their friends. A lot of farmers let their kids do as they please on the farm, and they have no idea what they get up. Farming boys in particular have no empathy or respect for animals, they’re very cruel, actually girls too. (NEGS girls) this phenomenon should be recognised and dealt with in schools since parents are so hopeless.
Come on TAKE RESPONSBILITY FOR AUSTRALIAN BOGAN BEHAVIOUR, don’t just sweep it under the carpet.
The teenages I knew when I was 18 were my brother and his friends (16yrs olds) they were rogues, they used to walk along the streets at night and find cars that didn’t have locking petrol caps, and siphoned the petrol out so that they could take it onto one of their farms and go bike riding.
Someone told me, a boy once poured petrol on a cow, then set it alight – I bet it was Heath Barwick. Bimbo mother.
Also, one day my neighbour discovered a dead cow near the roadside on her farm - it had been shot, she noted that they had been shooters out there the evening before. She reckons that they didn’t find anything to shoot (they would’ve been looking for roos) and so they just shot her cow from their car. Evil country Bogan delinquent behaviour, that gets swept under the carpet.
24. What kind of Jerk keeps a Birdie on a Chain (image shows a Galah on a stand, attached by a chain around its ankle
Don’t get me started on birdcages too, only a sadistic little bird bitch would keep a bird in a cage! Really and truly I can’t believe how stupid some people are; birds have wings, they’re meant to fly, APPLY COMMON SENSE! They’re not meant to be locked up in a small cage, non-thinking idiots.
25. Being cruel to animals automatically puts you in the “worthless” category
I know about these fighting fish, I had one at one point. He would just hang out by the filter at the top of this huge aquarium, sometimes venturing out. In retrospect it was too big for him, he would not have felt comfortable, and thus safe. I see them on youtube now, very happy in smallish tanks, like 30cm high with 25cm of water, full of plants and logs; happy as Larry, and they venture around the tank, quite active.
So, this see-through transparent small vase type situation shown above with only water, is not really ideal. How would you like it.
There seems to be some major animal cruelty going on in Australia, particularly amongst kids, I’ve seen some awful things, but first, I want to talk about little things that they do, like if they come across something icky like a spider or a snake, they go on the attack, and kill the poor little innocent creature, when really all they have to do is let the merry little creature be on it’s merry little way. So, shame on all the adults and teachers who don’t explain this to children. It is their planet too. They have just as much of a right to be here as we do. The same right as we have to be here, so do they. They are thinking, feeling and social creatures, just like us. Some are reflective, some are at the top of their game – just like humans.
Also, if there is a snake and you want it gone, all you have to do is jump up and land on the ground hard – the snake feels those hard shocking vibrations (they are deaf) and will immediately want out of the situation, will leave and take cover. No need to try to kill it; and watch that glorious creature as it slithers in its sultry way off.
Animals are meant to be here, this is their planet – and they are the underdog, I personally believe anyone acting cruel to animals will later have to pay for it, nature will seek revenge. So be respectful to animals. (Read my Leech story).
Living in the country surrounded by animals, I have witnessed a few terrible things, from farmers not knowing how to handle cattle properly; using stress and painful electric prods. To their kids being allowed to take their dad‘s gun and going pig hunting, and injuring the pig only, not killing it, so it was left screaming for hrs and hrs all night - it was the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard, I don’t know about that pig but I know I will never forgive those boys responsible for doing it, shame on those ignorant country delinquents.
I often talk about how I am frequently followed and harassed by people, this might have something to do with our neighbours at 18 Henry Street, Gunnedah, dad knew who they were, I have no idea who they were, except I met a relative of theirs in the horticulture course, nice girl. I never saw them really, sometimes I heard them but only usually when they were outside eavesdropping on our noisy family, the dad was a Miner, he was big and had big boofy hair, he was divorced, and if I recall he had some little brats, one of them stuck his hand out the window and lost his arm with a passing car, and another one I heard when I was in the garage one day, he was behaving a little oddly, so it could be him? No idea who, but it sounded like a child back then, I remember now, he was barking and making yelping cruel noises, NO, he had a little puppy, that’s right, they had a thing for dogs, and he was being really nasty, teasing and hurting the dog, the dog was making yelping noises it was quite disgusting, I felt sick, I had to leave, that was 35 years ago or more, sicko -no wonder they follow me around; might be nice and refreshing to be around someone who is not a sicko, and who’s healthy. BUGGER OFF - You are way beneath me (never thought I’d say that to anyone) but it’s plain as day - being cruel to animals automatically puts you in the worthless category. (akin to stealing).
This is the kind of issue that those so-called mental health workers can sink their teeth into, instead of pissing about trying to call people crazy. They need to get into schools and deal with these kinds of issues. Those kids (not just 1 or 2) only learn this cruelty from their parents and teachers / older siblings. The only way it will be stopped, is if you get into the schools and deal with it, they need to be taught to recognize cruelty/power games, it’s no good trying to get through to their parents, their parents have big egos, they’re not going to listen to anyone.
(And, snakes aren’t pets, you morons). Also I don’t recommend leaving children around animals, unattended (no matter what age) - some of them have very warped ideas of what they can do to an animal, kids still haven’t learnt a lot of things about life, particularly how to be gentle and caring, which is what is required when you’re dealing with animals. I would never leave a child under the age of 18 alone with an animal, unless they have specifically been taught about that animal and how to handle it and how to care for it, any animal. And it is something that needs to be taught, it’s not an instinct for a lot of people. Why they market pet animals to kids, is odd.
So the same people who follow me around and sabotage me – these are the types of people who would also be cruel to animals – it’s the same thing, stemming from the same problem. If they have kids, it would be passed on to them too – this cruelty.
26. Stuff I should have Known
I watched this fantastic enlightening program this week. They had done a real documentary, but they put it in a movie form, so it was entertaining, infotainment!. It was an interesting story about the rise of the women’s movement in the 60s and 70s. And also interestingly enough, the rise of the anti-feminist movement. It was actually the ‘smarts’ of one woman, who opposed the feminist movement, in order to help swing the Republicans, and Ronald Reagan, into power. This popular and manipulative women managed to get 40,000 other women to oppose: women in the workplace, equal rights, equal pay and abortion! The power of pretty and popularity! And also intern, favour a strong patriarch, which involves obeying and asking husband for permission to do anything, and includes putting up with beatings, and or rape.
It was extraordinary watching, I tell you.
A tactic they used to gain housewives and women to join the anti-feminist movement was scaring those women into thinking they may be forced to give up their family life and have to find a job, or be drafted into the army - which of course no one was trying to do anyway. Lying fear mongering tactics that pollies STILL use today – (they will be getting cancer, due to a lack of morals).
But, as soon as Regan got into power (he won) he denounced the leader of the anti-feminist group, in favour for a feminist! Quite ironic, because the woman leading the anti-feminist group didn’t really care about the platform she was on anyway, she just used it to get the Republicans to win, (she and her husband were obviously Republicans, and wanted them to win) So, 50–50 she could’ve jumped on the either bandwagon for the women’s movement or against, and who knows where the feminist movement would be right now if it were the other.
While the women’s movement were campaigning for these kinds of equal opportunities, it wasn’t until 30 years later in 1990, that women could join the army - it’s like basically the women’s feminist movement was single-handedly halted, due to one woman, who didn’t really even care about the platform anyway.
The movie did also touch on the fact that women who get listened to, by other women, are women of stature and beauty, it’s like she who is the most eloquent and pretty, wins. I’m afraid times haven’t changed at all in that respect. I strongly suspect, this is why she thought nothing wrong with being opposed to the women’s movement, because she herself could do anything she wished, people listened to her, she was married to wealthy husband, she was tall and pretty, and was smart, she could read the situation. It is not like that, for a lot of other women, especially when they are older. I felt watching her, she didn’t realise what it is like for a lot of other women, particularly ones that aren’t married to wealthy husbands, and not the best lookers.
Having said that, with my experience in the workplace, well I think you all know where I stand, and my feelings about women if you read my blog. But I will describe one incident which further shows you what I’m talking about.
When I first started employment, it was a room full of women, also with a female boss. It was definitely a bitchy experience. Bitchiness from colleagues, as well as from the boss, with pack like mentalities working to manipulate, bully and cast out. I only lasted 2 yrs there because of it.
Several years later I worked elsewhere with a room full of women, however the manager at that place was male. I can assure you it makes a HUGE difference when there’s a man around. Women tend to behave, and don’t act all bitchy, well as much, they still got up to female antics if the boss was not looking. (But from my perspective, the difference is EXTRAORDINARY, I also found this outside of the workplace, whenever there was a man around, my friends would behave completely differently, they tended to be all sweet and nice. I always thought those men that get drawn in by those sweet women, when they get married, they would soon discover what they’re wives are really like! There’s not many women I have encountered, that I would actually describe as “Sweet” more like the opposite of that (well, except for me!) As some very famous musician said “they are absolute piranhas”).
I need to mention, all the women in my first employment were, or were, trying to be ‘ladies from the “higher echelons of society”!! so they had motivation to behave. Whereas my second employment, I felt there certainly was no sort of motivation like that, most of them were on minimum wage, no airs or graces! And so, the difference between those women, was obvious and significant - the willingness to fight, argue, and be totally bitchy, was normal and big - they most definitely had to have a man there to keep them all in line. If there wasn’t a man there, it would’ve been absolute hell for me in my brief time there.
I’ve heard of stories of women escaping domestic violence situations or abusive situations in one form or the other by entering the workplace and becoming independent; For me it was kind of the opposite, to escape abusive situation, I had to leave the workplace and start my own business. I feel people who are righteous and have morals, tend not to make it in the workplace, and they don’t tell you at school, when they are supposedly meant to be preparing you for life as an adult; that you need to check your values at the door, as soon as you enter to the workplace. I noted this many years ago, and I think about it over the years, (still unwilling to compromise mine), and in the meantime, someone has taken it upon themselves to makes sure they put unemployed people across my path – just so I could see, there are far worse bimbo evil entities, not working!
I would like to add to the above “no airs or graces! “ Actually, this is a definite thing amongst a large sector of women in Gunnedah. They were raised specifically to shun new fashion trends, or wanting to have nice things in life, a nice house, designer brands, these women specifically had this attitude because they didn’t have these things in the first place, or their mothers did not, and it was a way to make themselves feel better about it – a “righteous” attitude to so speak. I remember turning up to a fellow 9yr old’s birthday party in a brand-new pretty pink dress, and oh my gosh, was I chastised by all the mothers, big time. Not just the mother of the girl whose birthday it was, but all the mothers had a go at me, because of my new pretty dress. I had told her daughter, the birthday girl, the day before that I had a new dress for the party and I could not wait for the party, and I believe she told her mother, who then told her daughter that she was to wear school uniforms, as it was an after school party, and to tell all her friends to wear school uniform only - all because she didn’t want to have to buy a new party dress for her daughter.
I tell you what, some people just don’t know how to live, and if you can’t wear a pretty dress at a girls birthday party, when can you wear one? stupid women, stupid mother‘s in Gunnedah. (I think I need to add, the birthday girl lived in a more ‘fancy’ part of town. Not poor. I mean maybe if she lived in a slum, possibly in India (back in the day), I would expect school uniforms normal for a little girls birthday party…..).
Do you see how, a child’s mother, or father/carer… has to accompany a child at all times…. to keep the dogs at bay. They are everywhere. Or at any rate; prepare your child for DOGS.
I wanted to put a photo of my silver bow here at the front as a reminder to little short blonde bimbo who steals from me, this is mine you jealous little fool
27. Sunrooms full of ferns
When I was about 5yrs old, living at Limbri, my parents put on a house addition, off the existing living room. It was a big sunroom addition, huge, with a cork floor (it was the 70s). Mum filled it with ferns. I used to roller skate around the room, I loved it, I loved that room! (And what a cool mum I had, ok with me roller-skating in her new room!). Unfortunately, I can’t have a cork floor as a renter, but I do have a Veranda that I have filled with ferns, my love of ferns most definitely stems from mum’s room and roller skating around it. Such happy memories.
But alas, yet another landlord who has just given me notice to leave. As I’m getting more experienced now with bloody landlords, unlike any plants I’ve planted in the garden, at least I can take all my potted ferns with me. J
Let’s all hope and pray, that I can find a place that has a suitable spot for all my ferns. I’m thinking a place by the beach north of Bundy sounds perfect!! Just putting it out there.
I wrote about this story before, and it’s completely missing, completely gone out of all my folders outlook and backups. FERNS ROLLERSKATING CORK FLOORS
II then also had here, screenshots of 3 emails from my landlord, they were emails showing our conversation; how the situation went from, not very nice landlord, to revolting landlord. As she (Cate Rogers, possibly Miss Wainberg from South Australia, then Gunnedah, then QLD?). Cate was coming around to my place to do work on the house, frequently, actually, she was a total nuisance, leaving a mess, telling me wrong days and times, demanding I help her, and move my furniture to accommodate her wishes and whims of what she wanted to do around the place. She was and is completely disrespectful. The next thing she wanted to do was paint the house. I got back to her and said I do not wish for her to paint the house, because it would involve me moving my furniture and ferns, - a huge job, I was not up for it (sore arms), and this was something she would expect me to do by myself. Plus, I know, she would not have cleaned up herself either, and left a huge mess - she’s a very selfish person. Plus, I felt it didn’t need to be done, it was only 6yrs old. And then she emailed me back, asking me to leave, with bullshit accusations of tenancy breach, (there were still eight months on the lease). STUPID. She later got back to me and said she has a buyer for the house (AS IF). Do you see the kind of bullshit I have to put up with as a renter; fuck landlords, they are so greedy and dishonest – ALL OF THEM. {a little birdy told me it was Helen Elder next door, who found out my rent price (medalling manipulative bitch), and got back to Cate and said, ‘you should be charging more rent’, and so then Cate has got all ‘bimbodog psyched’ up about it, and decide to kick me out as she could not put the rent up for another 8mnths.
Anyway, then on my blog before, I had, initially, just a photo of my ferns, without the images of the emails, to say - I want to show the difference of what my blog would be like, if I didn’t have the problems of not owning my own home; Nice picture of ferns, vs, picture accompanied by many many swearing negative arshole situations that I am in.
And I believe all the theft‘s and harassment also exist, because I am not a home owner. I mean I can’t say for certain, but I’m fairly sure at Rangari, if that had been my land, my farm. I wouldn’t have had people coming on it, and stealing from me. (?) Ofcourse when I wrote this, I failed to see how that incident when I was 18, and refused Austudy, by stupid cunts at Centrelink, would affect my social standing in Sydney “she’s so rich she cannot get Austudy”. As if.
This is main reason, I believe, why I have not yet got sick – teach those stupid cunts a lesson.
And this is why I state on my blog; I insist that parents, if they can’t afford to buy their kids a home when they turn 18, then don’t have kids, because it’s actually not worth it - it’s the difference between living life to its fullest with joy and passion, and enjoying all what planet earth has to offer, or having a fucked life, consisting of being victimized continuously in the form of harassment, stealing and being forced to constantly move on.
28. Notice to leave, 2nd image above
This notice to leave photo was stolen off this website - I had to re add it - There seems to be some computer nerd idiot who is removing my life story photos on a daily basis - I have to constantly re upload many photo stories. Also, by the way, I have a majorly collapsed arch, sometimes known as plantar fasciitis. It happened in 2017, it was not diagnosed until late 2019, and as a result, I was making it continuously worse that whole time, walking on the offending boot that had a slight hole in it, and as a result, majorly damaging my foot. I am still unable to walk on it today five years later. I put in for disability pension, I was rejected, whether I did not provide the right documents is still in question, I have resubmitted. But my landlord (similar age to me) receives a pension, and she doesn’t have anything wrong with her at all. But she has a 13-year-old son, and so they gave it to her for that reason, technically they’re not allowed to do that, and I wouldn’t really care, except the fact that they rejected me and I can’t walk. It seems you have to be blonde and pretty to get a pension in this country. BTW, she went through with Qcat, and the judge told her very politely – BUGGER OFF YOU NUISANCE LANDLORD. So, I get to stay till lease ends with bitch landlord, how lucky I am…. My landlord still refuses to fix the bathroom.
I have a video of the Qcat hearing, I have not put it here, as it was over in 30 seconds, but the reason I have kept this video of this day in court, is because there were alarm bells, the first one being that the judge was female, and looked like my landlord – same hair, same height, same weight, same complexion, same age too. Plus, it’s unusual, still, in today’s Australian climate for a female judge - maybe in the future there will be female judges, but still today, very much a male dominated area. Also, it was 6th Jan. I do not believe court was back in session so soon after New Year? Also, I’m fairly certain, 99% certain, I saw that woman who said she was the judge (judge McGarvey, so I was advised) working at the Courier depot in Bundaberg who took my large parcel and overcharged me by $30, in affect stealing from me by $30. I saw her elsewhere too in Bundaberg. Following me? Possible old NEGS girl? Also, my landlord didn’t stand a chance of winning. Her reasons were bogus, she had no chance of winning at all. And lastly, I suspect the girls who work at Bundaberg court, had something to do with it - they were ‘egging’ my landlord into opening a Qcat dispute to waste my time, and make money for them; as they get paid, even if the case is thrown out, such as this one. So, I had to take all that time to prepare anyway, in case it was not thrown out. DOGS, I will not forgive you, so you better start praying. Btw, no wonder the court system is still male dominated, with this kind of shenanigans. So dodgy, so dishonest. That’s what makes the whole of the female species look pathetic. Blonde’s will be blondes.
You know, this is a common thing about rich cocky women, like that of one who works in a courthouse, or a landlord….; is that they love feeling superior, they like to think that the person standing next to them has less money than them, and therefore is inferior to them, and thus they feel they can treat them disrespectfully. I kid you not, this is the thought process that goes through their stupid heads. Newsflash, this is how stupid women think. Anyone with a brain, would not only be academically intelligent, but they would be ‘emotionally’ and ‘intuitive’ intelligent, and thus have compassion and empathy, and not fall prey to such unsophisticated attitude. I do speak to a lot of smart people, and this is how they think – it has naught to do with money.
I should mention part of my landlords bogus claims to try and end my lease was this Blog, she wanted the court to force me to delete it (take it down), she tried to somehow relate it to my lease, which ofcourse she does not get a say in my Blog. (Do you see her big ego, her arrogance? - I sure as hell do.) Especially as the main reason she wanted it down was because she was EXPOSED in all her thieving blonde bimbo glory, as was the whole Kookaburra park here, and the people in it who steal from me. EXPOSE! – READ ALL ABOUT IT! THE REAL NEWS! Least the judge told her where to go.
29. DOGS – the government big secret in Australia - with photo above of My Parents, Fran and Dick Bieman (who are NOT dogs)
I am trying to think back to when I was 18 and visited that Centrelink to apply for Austudy, (and was refused due to counter girl being a cunt dog). I have decided, I must have spoken to a ‘dog’ who was pretending to work there, and not actually proper staff. I say this because, I known, in MANY other situations over the years, say, for example, a shop owner, puts a ‘dog’ in to talk to me, and usually, eventually after not getting anywhere with stupid ‘dog’, the owner steps in. Why they do this STUPID ACT, is beyond comprehension.
Back when I was 18, how the fuck was I to know about ‘dogs’, how was I meant to know that Centrelink put ‘dogs’ at their counter? How was I to know they did this incredible STUPID thing???
I remember now, there were dogs at Melbourne Centrelink, and Coffs harbour Centrelink too. So, a woman who does not work for Centrelink, but instead, follows me around, with, it seems the whole point being to sabotage me, in whatever I do.
So, Centrelink staff allows ‘dogs’ to go behind the counter and serve me, when they don’t actually work for Centrelink, and have NO IDEA about anything as they are stupid ‘dogs’.
This country is FUCKED. I mean, am I meant to ask the girl behind the counter at every shop/place, I go to “Are you a stupid dog, or do you actually work here?”
It comes down to the fact that the people who work at Centrelink are cunts for allowing ‘dogs’ to deal with customers, and not proper staff. I hope you get cancer, die, and burn in hell you stupid staff and dogs.
You know this blog is living proof about how stupid the dogs are. Proof they get things wrong and fuck up ALL THE TIME. Proof about how fucked this country is. Proof that people ought not to be talking to stupid dogs, they should be talking to me to obtain all the facts. Stupid dogs, and stupid people.
No wonder I have so many stories that go missing, and get deleted; what’s the matter? - don’t you want anybody to know about the ‘dogs’? Or about how WRONG the dogs are, all the time. {And how they should be shot, or at least how they belong in jail}.
30. Don’t be afraid of being accused HERO Female Hero problems in Australia
I recall saying in my “Things I wish was told when I was 18” photo story, (p1 on https://emilyconstancebieman.wixsite.com/blog), about how when you’re 18 or so, sometimes tragic situations seem so bad, but later when you’re older looking back, you can see how it wasn’t really that bad compared to how bad things can be. So, I just want to add further to that, maybe a young adult may think, well if my problems aren’t that bad, yet I’m feeling so bad right now, perhaps I should just kill myself, because it’ll just get worse; I would like to say; well, no, feeling bad is a phase EVERYONE goes through, you eventually learn how to deal with your emotions, how to deal with deep emotions, and how to handle life. So, wait it out and hang on in there. BUT the reason I mention this, is because they have advised me; young people apparently commit suicide, and that’s part of the reason, so they tell me, why they don’t tell kids at school, what life is really like, because it would be too scary, and they might kill themselves! (Some people are totally warped). And I say apparently, because I’ve never known anyone to commit suicide, and I’ve never known anyone who has known anyone who committed suicide. AND, I do know how people like to jump on a bandwagon, and a personal mission to save all the so-called destitute young people who want to commit suicide. There seems to be a major hero complex going on (particularly amongst women). Actually, I’d go one step further, and say this is way more of a mental health problem, than the problem of people committing suicide - in my experience. In fact, A HUGE PROBLEM. I know other people can see it too, and so they themselves go on personal missions to be ‘antiheroes’, especially towards anyone who may have had help from someone who they perceive as a helpful hero type person (I am not going to give any examples, or name anyone – but I could, heaps) – btw, those antihero people are completely stupid.
Now, I personally feel like it’s normal for a rational young person to have thoughts of “my life has no meaning, what’s the point, maybe I should kill myself” - this is a normal process for a young person to go through, their life probably doesn’t have any meaning at that point, their career hasn’t begun, they may not have met anyone to love or lost their school friends, they may not have developed any passions or interests yet, and most likely, they have everyone trying to control them and tell them what to do, when, they can now see or definatly feel, the inbalance of power that is going on.
When I was at school, I recall this issue of powerplay wasn’t even a topic of concern at all, it’s like everybody has to shut up and do what the teacher says or else they get in trouble. A young person really didn’t have much power at all.
So, aside from maybe committing suicide, this powerplay is probably a fundamental reason of why young people take to drugs {it’s not because their lives are shitty, or their just young and stupid}, they have to somehow deal with over controlling behaviour that has been going on in their life by power tripping people {aggressively so, or passive aggressively so) A lot of parents don’t even know that they’re being overcontrolling (I have termed it Nazi) It’s like they get into a habit when that child is young “go and brush your teeth”, “go and clean your room”, “go and do your homework”, they develop a taste of controlling behaviour, after a few years, they can’t stand back and see the big picture. Same as when a parent smacks a child, they can’t see this behaviour is wrong, they feel it is justified as the child was naughty – but I assure you, if someone else hit their child in the exact same situation, they would then be able to see clearly the injustice of the act. Big picture. In my experience you can’t just say “NO” to a child, you have to take the time to explain why, so they understand that you are not being ‘nazi’.
Btw, this is the same way that people can fall into Negative Nancys category, and not realise it. like whenever the child says something the adult will immediately say, well that’s wrong. When really, they have to tackle each conversation not with a “your wrong and I’m right” situation; creativity has to be applied.
It’s definitely not a sign of mental illness to have suicidal thoughts if you’re a young person, in my opinion, it’s very pragmatic and logical. But I guess it has been up to parents and teachers to imply along the way, before they reach teen years, that these issues will come, so be prepared – its up to them to equip a child with skills to deal with negative issues. (and of course NOT give false hope – only a bimbo would do that – bimbo men do that a lot too, I have noted. If a young person does commit suicide, you can be assured their parents and teachers HAVE FAILED them in their duty of care, in my opinion. So, that’s why I say, hang on in there, just a phase that practical common-sense people experience (and not necessarily when they are young – I believe if you are in a workplace where you work hard, but get ignored by your boss, or treated like crap by co-workers, and boss, general disrespect, and others taking credit for your work, - this would lead to suicide thoughts, especially if you’re not fully self-assured and confident. In fact this would be a perfectly healthy and normal reaction to that toxic environment – if you did not have any negative thoughts about the situation, then that would be the real worry.
Or maybe you can’t see the big picture, and see everybody treating you like crap, so are left despondent, not really sure why. It is only if you have ‘emotionally close’ others in your life, who can point out to you how crap your co-workers are, that you can get about rectifying the situation.
So, you can see how it’s important for everyone to have a strong sense of self, inner self assurance, and confidence. And that only comes from a stable loving environment growing up, and also being encouraged to win at something, so one knows that sense of achievement and self-worth. If you’re lacking in self-confidence, like if you’ve had 9 years of school teachers telling you, you are not good enough, not smart enough. Or you were taught not to fight, and be humble, as a lot of kids are, by misguided parents and over controlling teachers, then I strongly recommend not working in a room full of older women.
But anyway, back to the female hero problem, I definitely noticed this amongst mental health workers; they all wanted to tell people they were crazy, so then they could save them. Big problem. It’s all Cat and Mouse game - the inadvertent cat and mouse game that all unenlightened humans play. Explaining this to a young person is probably the most helpful thing you could do. When you see a young person rebelling against a parent it usually would be “stop treating me like a mouse”, related. More about that actually - my observations about adulthood and friendships in life particularly, for a woman, is quite different from what they were at school. When at school, women have lots of friends, and everyone hangs out together, there’s a lot of chitchat and laughter. However, after you leave school, over those first formative years, the dynamics change. Sooner or later most women become the enemy - this is what I have noticed, not just with me, but other women too. I mean, I don’t feel like I perceive women as the enemy, as in, I very rarely get threatened by someone, even when they’re trying to threaten me, I just have a low opinion of most women because ¼ of them are still ‘sleeping beauties’, and a whole heap more fall into the ‘stupid bitch’ category. Wanting to try to control another women is “sleeping beauty” “little girl” “lack of respect” related (which I personally believe is related to food, and a lack of nutrients in the womb, those women are brain incapable of grasping how to be respectful, they can’t but help, to try, to control others). My encounters of women, most of them, are fairly bitchy, they are threatened by anyone who has more money than them, has a better job than them, who looks better than them, who dresses better than them, has a nicer jewellery, a better man than them, and most importantly, annoyed by me, when they cannot dominate me; a real problem amongst women who cross my path. As you get older and wiser you see that friendships and relationships, a lot of them are based on the ‘cat and mouse’ game, as in, one person inadvertently ending up dominating and controlling the other, and often people are fooled into thinking that it’s love, and or friendship, when really, they’re only happy because they have somebody else to control. Their relationship with that person is a ‘power trip’, and it’s not about love at all, love doesn’t come into it. It’s all selfish ignorant greed, actually. I have really observed this and noted, that it happens a lot.
As an extreme example, imagine if you had a butler, someone at your beck and call, how good would that be, wouldn’t it? Be so fun having that person around. When they leave, what a tragedy, you really liked that Butler, in fact you loved that butler, it’s the same thing, only the “mouse” of the relationship falls into the butler category. And I’m not just talking about a married couple or partners. I’m really talking about a lot of relationships that form through business, boss/employee, landlord/tenant, sports companions, other activities that people do - it’s not restricted to lovers.
Everybody wants to be the “cat” in the end, everybody wants to rule the world, famous song, and I often find unless you’re happy to go along being manipulated and controlled, and play the “mouse” then, actually, it is better to limit your relationships. That’s my experience, anyway, I am far happier not having to constantly fend off people, who want to dominate me, it’s tiring – and highly offensive. A bit of a case of who needs enemies with friends like these.
I think it would be helpful, if this was made clear to a young person, because there is a lot of stigma about having friends and being popular, especially now with Facebook and the whole “friend me” factor, whereas, really, maybe for a more healthy mental mindset, it may be better if you didn’t have so many friends, particularly the typical female bitchy type, and it’s normal actually, as an adult, especially when you’re even older, not to have too many friends, but just family who are close, or people you deem as your family, or none is perfectly normal and okay as well.
But I’ve met plenty of women who have been very helpful, and nice, who I didn’t feel were suffering from a hero complex. So, you know, don’t be afraid to help someone out, don’t be afraid of being accused hero!
Like; police and speeding tickets, an area where there is definatly a hero problem “oh, well, we are going to save your life”, that’s why we had to give you a $500 fine for doing 70 in a 60 zone….
I think that’s also why my aunt accused me of being on drugs – Heroin, like she wanted to save me. FULLY SICK (and of course, NOT, on drugs)
Possibly not restricted to woman, like I mentioned numerous times on my blog, how I have people who follow me around whenever I go, and sometimes I am harassed by trucks, (I never see who drives these trucks, but I assume they are men (although when I went out to the Coal mine, I noted the 2 huge ginormous tip trucks, going up and down the coal pit all day at 50miles an hour, were female drivers). One day when I was over in Tamworth, I was being followed around by a huge semi-trailer truck, and they followed me all the way home from Tamworth -80km (unbeknownst to me). But about 4km before I reached the farm, I got a flat tyre, (about 7pm, dark) so I was stopped by the side of the road, and this truck, who I am positive, had followed me all the way back from Tamworth, out onto this very quiet country road, he or she, just completely drove past me. Like I was out in the middle of nowhere, it was pitch black, he or she would have easily seen that I had a flat, but just kept driving straight past. (After following me all that way, and wasting all their time) I mean, does it get any more arsehole than that? I don’t think so. Whoever that truck driver is, -I have no idea who it is, and I certainly don’t want to know such a person - that truck driver is an idiot and certainly barking up the wrong tree; “we have nothing in common I can assure you”. But he/she should be totally ashamed of themselves, and that dysfunctional need to play the “antihero”. I am not your psychiatrist truck; I don’t want to have to work out your dysfunctional mental problems. Take responsibility, stop expecting young women to be responsible for your mental health. {Once at the tip I spoke to a semitruck driver briefly who just happened to be there, like 2m away from where I pulled into, and once a semi-truck courier delivered a sofa bed all the way out to me at Rangari, from QLD, - usually couriers drop off at the local depot, but this one brought it all the way out to the farm, we spoke a little bit too, maybe one of them interpreted my brief chit chat as an invitation to stalk me and be an arshole? Maybe it was the same semi-truck driver, I can’t remember. Who knows?
Unfortunately, I did later recall, a certain someone‘s dad committed suicide, that guy, said it was financially related. (Talk to your family about budgets.) But that person was from the TV industry. In my opinion, the real reason why anyone would commit suicide, is for one reason, and one reason only, and that’s because the standard of low income housing in Australia is crap. (my current rental atm, is a hotel room – not even a converted hotel to home, A HOTEL ROOM. Actually 2 rooms, and this is very common in touristy QLD and outdated and dilapidated hotel/motels). Don’t worry, I’ll try not to kill myself.
I want to further add to that; next door from me, down a little bit, is a woman and her teenage daughter. I believe some of the units are also even smaller than mine, so possibly theirs too?
This QLD government ought to be totally ashamed of themselves. What ? are you trying to be the antihero? Plus there are heaps of hotels being rented as units in QLD. They’re not designed to be people‘s homes. There needs to be urgent laws brought into place; either. They make them bigger to accommodate permanent, comfortable living, or they put a cap on the rent to $100 a week for permanent living in hotel/motel accommodation RIGHT NOW. The government is letting greedy landlords get away with extreme profits. It is disgusting.