I love being single!! - but not persecuted! btw, single and NOT looking (no match ups please, this is not an attempt to get hitched!) I just write here exactly what is going on in my life (and occasionally passing judgement...) I do not make money from this blog.
There is swearing......at times I am verbally aggressive, and you will need to apply common-sense. Do not run away like a little girl at the first swear word. This is Kid safe, I do not believe in censoring words or disguising life. This is a helpful website. I know in combating, bullies, it does take a certain level of bravado, and innuendo. I am not some great writer, I am just a girl writing about her life. Main message - STOP STEALING and stop stalking / harassing me like a dog.
Emily Bieman's Blog - Single Lady Persecution"My Scream"
Life Stories P16
1. Drive Thru's vs Fancy Restaurants
There was one incident; we were in Tamworth for the day, I was doing an upholstery job for my neighbour who was a high school teacher. We were choosing fabric. We were outside a fancy restaurant, where, just before we had been inside, talking to some people I knew. And she deliberately threw something of mine, well scattered it on the ground, so I had to kneel down and pick them all up, when she just stood over me. To all the onlookers there in the restaurant, this act looked rather inappropriate, so basically, she has some control issues that she should work on, and leave me out of it - this type of behaviour is dysfunctional. I have noticed, this behaviour is typical to school teachers, I would go so far as to say 90% of school teachers (public school) have these self-important and major control issues, and want all the kids (other people) to worship them.
I am going to talk about this some more, because I have experienced it a lot; a lot of women don’t seem to be able to handle other women as their equal. They can only handle subordinates, which is why especially your find a lot of these women as teachers because they get to be around children, as in people that they can feel superior over, it is a serious dysfunction. Plus, it is widespread. I remember my grandmother, who wasn’t a school teacher, she was a housewife all her life, with three girls, but she definitely couldn’t handle other women as her equal, and all throughout her children’s adult lives, she still wanted them to remain as children, so she could treat them as subordinates. The very meaning of subordinate is a lower rank, or position, or of lesser importance, inferior, and needs another person to have authority and control over them.
I know that expression “oh, you think your better than me!” this is where it comes from. From dysfunctional women wanting to treat other people as their personal subordinates. So, I guess for Karen Cull, and all other women in fact (my landlord Catie Rogers) that I’ve ever encountered, guess what, I am your equal, you are not better than me, you are not superior in anyway, you have major dysfunction DEAL WITH IT. I know I, would prefer you deal with it, rather than take out your dysfunction on me. So widespread! I definitely wouldn’t be friends with any school teachers. And in fact, in my experience, this is probably the reason why most women don’t like me, because they want to feel superior to me, as I am single, poor and not the best looker either, but I don’t let them, and it pisses them off.
And by the way, this is been such a widespread problem with women, not only older, mostly older, but also younger girls, try to come, and I guess it is “dominate me”! I’ve noticed about these women, is that they are kind of stupid, and don’t realise that this behaviour is not appropriate (Cassandra Dunstan, Sharon Morgan, Cate Rogers (Wainberg girl), Karen Cull, possible Danielle Wheatly and Penny Awgayer - a whole heap more that stay invisibly cowardly) It is not right, it’s like, little girls; you have to go and find a man - there’s plenty of men who are into this kind of thing, and you have to dominate him (if they say they are not into this kind of thing, think again, they are) - You can’t dominate other women, especially ones that you don’t know - it’s completely “bimbo”, that’s really the best word to describe such women. Bimbo dominatrix! Who knew I would have such a problem with such people, they don’t warn you about this in school! I can just imagine Mrs Ford, “Be careful ladies of the bimbo dominatrix”. Lol. The only way I can think to combat this, is writing about it, and bringing this phenomena into consciousness, albeit 30 years too late, but really make these women aware of their disrespectful behaviour, and that their behaviour is stupid, not to mention cowardly.
Infact just a few weeks ago, I was comparing my life to a young woman from the past, Dido Elizabeth Belle (1761 – 1804) who was treated one way by her loving white family, and as she was black, and another disrespectful way by the community where she lived. - I say this because whenever I venture out, I often get harassed, followed, and pickpocketed, plus all the other shenanigans people get up to. Yet, when I am at home sitting on the couch watching my favourite shows, I truly feel like a bit of a princess! I am treated as another viewer, a respected member of the public. So rare! Then I get back to my life and just noticed something else that has been stolen.... - it’s almost like there are two versions of life. (Some shows, as in a lot now, have the dogs on them, who harass me, they have taken over certain sectors of the entertainment industry - since I hardly ever go into town, they must love harassing me so much, they can't get enough of it – they do.)
I feel I need to point out, I’m the sort of person that well, especially back in my 20s or 30s, would be quite happy and comfortable eating from somewhere like Hogs Breath Cafe or Maccas (when I lived in Sydney, I had Maccas at least 3 times a week! Well briefly!) But I was also comfortable, if I wanted to splash out, in a fancy restaurant. I wouldn’t feel out of place, or that I should not be there just because I was on near minimum wage. Although in my old age and experience there are definitely some family type restaurants that I would never venture into, at this juncture in my life. Even though I have less money now than then. My point is, that these days, everyone can choose where they want to eat, if you have a low or minimum wage and a set budget it doesn’t mean that you’re restricted to only certain types of eateries, if you want to splash out on a fancy restaurant, go for it, you’re entitled to it. It is my experience, usually people working in those fancy restaurants, would treat you as a respected paying customer, just as long as you’re not half naked or something like swearing loudly!
But I do believe in splitting the bill if you’re with company. I would never enter a restaurant with people unless it was known clearly beforehand who was paying or if we split, (verbally talked about). This is a must, and something I learnt when I was 19, in a situation where I was dining with my aunt, and her friends, she was telling me beforehand that her friends were really rich, and we were going to a fancy restaurant. But at the end, when the bill came. I realised it hadn’t been discussed as to whom was paying, and I felt like, I should’ve paid for my course, but at 19, still a student, I was used to my parents paying for everything, so I had not even broached the subject beforehand at the table. I was very angry with my aunt, who assumed that her friends were going to pay. In the end they did pay, but I believe it was only because my aunt didn’t offer, and really, I felt my aunt had some nerve to expect them to pay for both of us. Some women are like that, they expect other women to pay for them. It was a valuable lesson for me.
Of course, now, if I wanted to eat out, it would always be drive-through. I would never go to a fancy restaurant or any restaurant of any type actually, in public. In fact, I think it has been over 20 years, since I last dined in a restaurant.
If I was to travel, at a hotel, I would always get room service rather than eat in the restaurant. This is not only from being accosted in restaurants before, but, from the ‘clean’ food issue. I like clean food; my cooking is clean. If I went out to restaurant, I know the food would have been spat in, such is the fighting nature of little bitch’s that surround me. DOGS who copy Fight Club.
BTW, I have looked into having a snorkelling holiday - it’s on my bucket list, and all the hotels and resorts on the Barrier reef in Queensland, specifically have these communal eating areas, smorgasbord, and they always include breakfast, and so it’s a bit of a scam, because I would have to eat in this communal area if I wanted to get my money‘s worth! I have actually contacted one of them and suggested they fix it to include room service, and she got back to me and said they have no intentions of changing it! I can’t believe these fancy resorts don’t have room service! It is an outrage, hickleberry Queenslanders! One of the unknown dogs as informed me I already had a snorkelling holiday when I went on a paid nanny vacation to Port Douglas 20 years ago – so I will not be permitted to have another one - WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AND FUCK OFF.
There was one work colleague I encounted, when I mentioned to her that I ate Maccas 3 times a week (I passed 5 MacDonalds on my way home from work every evening for about 3mnths! 5 ) She was absolutely horrified, and surprised, insinuating that eating McDonald’s is very low class, she said she would never ever step foot inside McDonald’s restaurant or eat their food ever!! Lol She’s obviously never had one of their Double Quarter Pounder’s!! Really and truly, and I went to a private school, I’ve never encountered such snobbery! I’m pretty sure all those girls would’ve had Maccas if on the menu! I do need to mention, I always used to buy the budget mince, (regular mince) from the supermarket. But in my late 40s I developed a ‘rapid and loud’ heartbeat - it was triggered from some homeopathic medicine, but I fully understood the reasons I was having difficulties; it was from a high-fat diet. So, I changed from regular mince to 4star lean mince, and after 12 months, there has been a definite change in my heart - it’s now quite regular, not rapid and not loud. So, while I now, never go to Maccas anyway, I’m thinking Maccas probably don’t buy the 4star lean mince! The thing with 4star lean mince, is, it is twice, literally twice, the price of regular mince. So, it’s a little unfair that people on extreme budgets have to somehow manage to come up with twice the price, if they want to maintain a healthy heart. Upon reflection, I actually think, that regular mince should be ban, it’s so unhealthy.
Btw, I believe Maccas single-handedly changed the Soviet Union, Russia, from a singular cold-war enemy, into an international player!! Plus, I don’t blame fast food for obesity. I feel a ‘change of consciousness’ is to blame, and that is; being aware of being happy, people nowadays want to be happy. They’re not guilted by so many people, including religion, for being happy. For many people, eating makes them happy. And if you can’t find happiness from other factors like a good home, and safe workplace, then people are going to source happiness from where they can, like good food.
2. Bus Blocking Street Signs at Every Street Corner in Bundaberg
I’m sure I mentioned this before, but seems everywhere I go, I have people who want to accompany me, in their cars.
Monumental nuisance people.
On this particular day when I went into Bundaberg, a new city for me, I wasn’t familiar with any of the streets, I had, seemingly the same ‘followers’, wanting to make everything difficult for me, by blocking the street names, so I couldn’t tell what street I was in - such fucking arsehole cunts. And this wanting to make things difficult for me, I have noticed happens a lot. Deliberate sabotage by revolting people, who certainly would NOT be welcome in my life. Ha ha.
And you know what, I have had people mucking up my life in this manner for years, like 20 years, and eventually (I would say especially due to this blog), they reach a point in their life and realize, they have made a mistake. So, then they just kind of ‘exit’ my life, just like that. Like it never happened. Do they seriously think they will be getting away with all that sabotage? Guess again, NOT.
3. Tank Water Pump setup at Kookaburra Park House
I have lived in quite a few farm houses that have tank water. There has been a few problems with pumps and pump maintenance, that’s why I took a photo of this particular pump system, because I’ve been here for 3yrs, and it’s, by far, been the best and most reliable water pump that I have encountered. That company, PressureWave, is still in business. I’ve never seen a set up that requires 2 units like this. If you look closely, those units are connected, I assume the yellow one is to maintain proper pressure. And I do have proper pressure all the time. It is fairly quiet, although I can hear it when it’s on, but it doesn’t go on every time I use the tap, it seems to build up pressure, and once it goes down past a certain point then it comes on for about a minute, and then switches off. I can use, I’m guessing, it’s probably 5L, until it switches on again. So it’s quite a brilliant system in my opinion.
4. I Love Secondhand Shops Bundaberg Tender Centre VISIT AND PLACE BIDS EVERY WEEKEND
I remember a 2ndhand shop at Armidale, it was near the school, down the paddock a bit. It was a big building on its own, away from the main area, and there were always curious pieces outside whenever I went past it on the bus. I noted none of the girls ever went there or talked about it. But I secretly longed to go there, one day my parents were visiting and we had some time to kill before I was due back to school, so hooray, now was my chance to go to that shop. And OMG, it was fantastic! It was even better than I had imagined. The owners of that shop had taken 2ndhand goods to a whole new level- it was an artform of goods, with little knickknacks, trinkets, crafts, furniture, art…. I loved it, and it had such a good vibe. For all those snobby girls who poo-pooed it – it is they, who were missing out on some treasured vintage and antique collectables.
Any chance I get to visit a 2nd hand shop, I take it. Although I noted in about 2010 or so, there seemed to be a big ‘organized’ network who visited all the country 2ndhand shops and emptied them, so they could resell in Sydney to get 3 times the price. The shop in Tamworth closed down (I have written about this a little before, but I could not find it anywhere, so I will keep going). The one in Armidale is no longer there. I remember always seeing in those shops those big old-fashioned knives with the fake ivory handles, I inherited some, and now I love them, but when I went to get some more, there none anywhere, and I was watching some documentary on telly, they were talking about all the big centres in Sydney now that sell antiques and treasures, and there, on the table in the shop shed, was at least 500 of those knives all laid out!! So that would have been one of the items they emptied out of country areas!! Bloody dogs!
So, in my ‘latest’ location, there are NO 2nd hand shops, well actually there is a liver charity shop, or was it kidney? Something, I did visit, but it has limited opening hrs, so when it is open there are about 50 people squeezed in this tiny stinky space- it is not good, plus they mainly only had clothes. There isn’t even a tip shop here. Boo.
Such snobbery about 2nd hand goods up here.
At my last location, least there was this shop nearby:
Bundaberg Tender Centre - where you can put 2nd hand items in, on consignment. VISIT AND PLACE BIDS EVERY WEEKEND
They charge the seller 25% of the sale price, then they also charge the buyer 13% of winning bid, plus $2 processing fee. (A lot, I think)
So that is way too much, in my opinion, especially since all those items have already had GST paid on them when they were sold brand new.
I felt they were personally stealing from me. I was glad when I removed the last item and I did not have to go back, but I mean, the owners would make a good comfortable living from their business, which is why it is still in operation, and has not closed down like all the others. Family run, the oldest son uses his dad as a weapon to chastise people, and he also refused me to put in my cat stand which would have got a good price – he friends with dogs at Gin Gin, who wanted to steal it from me, at reduced price, and did. Such is the nature of people who have SOLD OUT. Sold their soul.
A lot of items that sold are way under bid, (like $200 worth of stuff sold for $4) so you can get a bargain there. Half my stuff did not sell though, the stuff that did were, you know, $20 for a $500 item. Good for buyer, bad for seller, but is better than getting nothing. The concept is brilliant.
Unlike ebay, there is only 1 chance to make a bid offer on the weekend in person. And you can bid under the reserve, if no one else made a bid, the seller may accept it on Sunday night (actually they have 3 days to decide whether to accept it or not) You can only have your stuff in for 3 consecutive weekends, (then take out for 2 weekends, then put back in if you wish) Monday to Thursday. (Friday, they set up) They do not take stuff that is broken, does not work, or looks shabby. They have an excellent mailing list, and email notification system.
I swear there are some people who deliberately purchase my items that have been undercut, so that I lose, so that’s their main motive, is to get me to lose. So, the fact that they’ve had to spend money to get me to lose, doesn’t really factor into them - it’s like they have no common sense at all, they are just driven by a hatred of women. This was particularly true when I used to sell my second-hand goods on eBay (before the stupid twit Nazis ebay staff banned me), and any items that I had put the incorrect postage amount on, like, too cheap, so I would lose postage money; they would always purchase those items. So, after a while I figured that it’s better to actually put the price of the product up, and the postage price down, so they would perceive me to lose - it worked for a bit but then they cotton’d on.
I should mention here all the shops I went into last trip to Mackay. I have dogs on the radio it’s like the retailer puts the radio on, so the dogs can monitor the situation, as a dog does. Although, at the hobby shop, they actually sent someone in store a guy, rather than put the radio on, maybe that shop can hear the dogs too, and so refuses to put it on? All the other shops (bar the pet shop) had dogs on the radio, including Lifeline, I will not be going back to lifeline; dog off you stupid dog. They do this as there are mentally retarded, and I think, they’re trying to maintain some level of control. “I control you”. I think they started doing to make sure I smile at the sales girl, but it is not really about that, its like they want me to worship the sales girl. I mean what were they expecting me to do? Where they expecting me to start beating the sales girl up? Maybe they thought I specifically went there to yell at the sales girl? And they were trying to protect “the poor sales” girl!
I’m not really sure how those dogs could be so naive; pretty much all the sales girls I’ve ever met have been absolute piranhas, quite revolting, and usually fairly unknowledgeable. But I think I should make something clear. I don’t really care about salesgirls, in any way, certainly not enough to want to start a fight (even the really stupid and nasty ones). So, you can just relax dogs, there’s not going to be any fighting, in any shops, in Mackay. Wakey wakey DOGS.
Oh, and by the way, after not really giving a toss one way or another about any sales girls. If I see or hear the dogs in there, I’ll know that the sales girl is a stupid bitch, who does not warrant my respect, it’s just an automatic thing. Your bed.
And, this Lifeline thing is another example of the “good” one and the “bad” one, so when I go in to Vinnies, no dogs, but Lifeline; dogs. Its like stupid dogs want me to go only to the one they deem I should go. See, dogs with control issues. Let me repeat myself; IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHICH SHOP I GO INTO, stop being so mentally retarded and just kill yourself already. Those are the same dogs who steal from me. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should; wake up dogs.
And who is the IDIOT who put dogs on the radio? Talk about stupid.
I just found this https://www.garagesalefinder.net.au/
Although there were none in my local area.
5. Reference from Cate Rogers
To whom it may concern.
Emily Bieman has been renting my home at Lot 7, 4528 Bundaberg Gin Gin Road Gin Gin since May 2019. Emily has always paid the rent on time, arranging a split payment for me to two accounts.
I recently inspected the home and it was kept in great order. She is clean, neat and organised. There is an acre of land to be cared for and Emily has great knowledge of the native plants and trees. She collects seeds for a small business she runs. The garden, despite sever drought conditions, was it good order and the plants were alive and growing.
Emily also designs fabrics which she sells on-line.
In my experience with Emily, she is a gentle, kind, articulate, responsible woman.
Catherine Rogers
Gin Gin
(This letter is going to drive the dogs at Channel 9 nuts - they went through phase, back in 2016 or so, - maybe they're still going through it - I don't know? You know how dogs are with bones. But if anyone dares tries to help me in anyway, such as a reference; they would punish them, somehow, most likely vilification, humiliation and money theft - so a strong deterrent not to be helpful.)
6. Women at the ABC
I recall a few years ago, there was a whole spate of women who worked at the ABC who got breast cancer. I mean maybe some of them were just trying to get out of work, and wanting a way that they wouldn’t feel guilty about, or be chastised about - I mean there is a stigma about not working. Or maybe they actually did have breast cancer. If they did, I can definitely say the reason would be, because they’re bunch of bloody bitches. And it’s about time I whinged and moaned about them: exclusive uptight hoity-toity thieving twits (bar one or two) You know who you are.
I do not accept your apology you stupid dog.
7. Natural Ocean Pools – I love them
So, I did a little ditty about the above pool because it is fantastic. I couldn’t find it so I thought I’ll just have to do another one and include 2 photos from TripAdvisor, as unfortunately I’ve never been there. I’ve only heard about it. It’s an ocean Lagoon pool, complete with a rock reef and fish for snorkelling. How amazing is that! I would love to have one of these in my backyard. The hotel is the Marriott on the Gold Coast - part of the Sheraton group, I believe. I would like to add, I mentioned in my “Travelled Twice” story, that I have been to Port Douglas twice. And there’s so many tourists who go there, that it was kind of unbearable at every little touristy spot - there were hordes of people. I just don’t think you can enjoy a pristine environment with hordes and hordes of people around. Well, that’s my personal opinion. I have seen beaches in Spain, that were absolutely jam packed, and those several 1000’s of people seemed to be quite happy!
I think the most enjoyable thing about Port Douglas was staying at the Sheraton. It was a very pleasant hotel to stay at – all welcome. No discrimination! A nice change. (plus, all paid by my employer, I don’t think it would have been my choice if I was paying, but I am glad I stayed there, and was shown the comfort of a large corporate hotel). It had a very relaxed atmosphere, without the hustle and bustle of the masses, even though it is a very large hotel. I guess except for the restaurant, that night we ate there, it was jampacked. That was the restaurant that my meal was stolen by some girl, a possible prostitute?
Smorgasbord - it’s a thing in Queensland resorts, so many have that Banquet style communal eating. It’s a little odd for me, I don’t like it all, aside from stolen meals, it’s just an unpleasant way to eat. Maybe it reminds me of the school dining hall.
Oh, And I guess the snorkelling part, just off Port Douglas was good, I do enjoy a good snorkel! Plus, the boat transfer was a huge ship, which is better for seasickness – but still bad.
8. Knowledge is Power – know this about Tetanus
I’m pretty sure I mentioned, in my “Doctor Experiences”, Life Stories, the dangers of tetanus shots. I think a whole photo story needs to be written about that experience, because after I had this shot, I could not raise my arm up above my waist for eight months - it took eight months to heal!
It was a very targeted pain. In this photo I actually circled where the pain was, and it was specifically where the needle went in and around that area, so there’s been some speculation by certain people, as to why I would have such a sore arm after a tetanus shot, someone came up with the idea that a blood clot must’ve formed, but I am more inclined to think the person delivering the needle stabbed my muscle rather than the bloodstream, and it got bruised or infected even? I now am of the belief, that I have an allergy to needles, and I will not be allowing any more needles, I certainly won’t be going through eight months of not being able to move my arm again.
And what makes this even doubly bad, is, because Tetanus, is completely, 100%, totally unnecessary - it is a moneymaking scam for drug companies – it would come down to one family receiving royalties from each shot delivered – pure greed.
The doctors, who would also make money, but, aswell, they get to inflict pain on whomever they victimise - it’s a two for one for them. I can’t believe they’ve been allowed to get away for it for so long, because we have antibiotics, which replaced tetanus shot a long time ago, there is absolutely no need for tetanus shots ever. And I know, not only that doctor, (Dr Scanlan), but that whole clinic at Agnes Water, including the receptionist, plus the girl who gave me the needle, will be getting their comeuppance. R Woods
9. ABC iView app Harassment in the Form of Tooting Every 5minutes
Movie credits says Sound Editor Lyn Butler
ABC iView app harassment in the form of tooting every 5minutes
Can someone please go and stand outside Lyn Butlers house and car toot every 5 minutes all evening, see how she likes it.
Also, in regards, to the ABC, ABC News Regional, in the App – are you fucked in the head? Check your personal emotions at the door you bitchy spiteful women.
10. More Courier Truck Driver Stalkers
What is with courier trucks who follow me around, and beep at me? Do or courier drivers suffer from mental illness? This one lay in wait, stalking me at the shopping complex, after yesterday driving into my unit complex and beeping then leaving again. Get a life your stupid stalker.
Do I literally need to tell you this: piss off, stop harassing me. Btw, attention all dogs, I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU.
Tnt plates 814REC
TNT are now Fedex
At my last place, and previous places, I had Toll truck drivers following me around and beeping at me.
Now what, am I going to have TNT trucks following me around here?
piss off piss off piss off
(I put in a complaint with FedEx website, but I don’t believe that person took me seriously, the local depot has no contact number or email)
And, this was when I first moved here, since then, I think Australia post or someone in a white van, has started lurking around the units, and Toll have made a reappearance, aswell as idiots who do signs with personalized number plates. RACK OFF
After writing this, eventually they have stopped stalking me, but there are "unbranded" trucks still harassing me.
11. Ladies Secret Weapon against the Monthly Curse
Nobody tells you these things:
Ladies when you get your period, and you get stomach cramps, take ibuprofen – ibuprofen is available under different names aswell, like Naprogesic, but the main ingredient is ibuprofen. So just get some home brand ibuprofen and take that when you need to, which most likely will be every month. No need to take anything else like aspirin or Panadol - these do NOT WORK on period pain! Aspirin thins the blood -if you are having a heart attack or stroke, it could help, but it will not help for painrelief. Honestly, certain movies in the 80s pushing aspirin by Hollywood superstars has confused everybody!!
Also, while I recommend all young ladies to abstain, until ‘real love!’, one concerned lady suggested to me that, there maybe irresistible moments for some women. And, as I think the main aim of a young lady is not to get pregnant, (I am sure proper protection is always used) but, I have learnt at age 47, by thiss concerned lady, that if you use a douche with brandy, pretty much straight away or as soon as possible afterwards, - this will rinse and kill any possible escapees (proper douche from the chemist). I have personally have not tried this, so I could not say for sure if it is 100%, but concerned lady assures it works.
12. It's Taken them 30yrs, but they Caught on in the End
Its taken them 30yrs to offer Turkish bread to Australians, 30yrs after the food fad hit Sydney. Good on ya Coles and Woolies!
Now, where are my sesame rolls?
13. Old Age Health Essentials
I’ve been prompted to write this and put it online, because I remember when I was younger, I would get the newspaper delivered every weekend (Sydney Morning Herald), and there was a section about natural health. I remember writing everything it said down, and keeping it in my health folder; and later looking it up and realising that everything that they had written in that newspaper was pretty much a load of rubbish, and obviously written by some little bimbo who had gotten the job via her friendly nature and good looks. {Actually, I notice this happens quite a lot in life, I remember seeing a documentary once where a group of so-called university people were paid to go down to Antarctic for a scientific research, which involved the study of seals, and those young girls, about 6 of them, were catching these animals and tagging them, in a most revolting cruel manner. One of the cruellest animal activity I had seen at that point caught on camera {until I later saw the Japanese killing of the dolphins, and then the Shark de-finning, I will put that here; Fishermen catch sharks and while they’re still alive in the water, they use a knife and chop off their dorsal fin (that’s the main one that sticks up out of the water, as in Jaws), and then they let the shark go, so it’s in agony, and it writhing around in pain as it tries to swims off, then it’s a slow process of death for it, as sharks can’t survive without their Dorsal fin. It’s truly the most disgusting animal cruelty I’d ever seen, people, Australian fishermen doing that in 2016. So unevolved, those fishermen should be shot. And, by the way, they are in for some extreme bad karma.} So, it was along the same lines of animal disrespect, the disrespect for those animals by those girls in Antarctica, showed they obviously didn’t give a shit about what they were doing, they were there for a free holiday in Antarctica. Wrong people chosen. Misapropiations!
Anyway, so the below information, is basically, you know, 48 years, of experience.
There are a few tricks I have up my sleeve, that I use to combat some of the painful elements of old age.
I guess the biggest complaint for me atm, are stiff joints, often induced by cold weather, but I have been diagnosed with olecranon bursa in my elbow and arthritis in my knees, so I am guessing other joint problems may be related to arthritis. (Although I believe my knee arthritis to be brought on by kneeling on hardwood kneelers, in church, twice a week at a nazi private boarding school.)
I did have some sore stiff hand problems (from extreme overuse of a chainsaw in cold weather in my 30’s), but this was quickly overcome with the addition of a couple of drops of ginger essential oil to my hand moisturiser lotion, which I now keep in a ceramic pump container, by the bed. I was using it nightly, but since I have slowed down my activities, I probably only apply it weekly. Now I don’t have any problems from my hands (excellent! especially since, hey, I still need my hands!)
Emily’s Arthritic Hand Moisturizer – fill a bathroom ceramic hand pump bottle with;
Unscented moisturizer base, I like to use ½ Redwin sorbolene, ½ vitamin e cream. As Ginger oil kind of has a pungent fragrance, I also add; 5 drops each of pure essential oil (not fragrance oil, be careful of cheap Chinese imitators); Geranium, Cedar leaf, and 10 drops Ginger essential oil.
(You can slightly melt the moisturizer for 20-30 seconds in the microwave so it can be easily poured into bottle with a funnel, but wait till it cools before adding oils) shake well, lasts for ages if airtight.
The next one, I use usually when it rains, then I get sore aching joints. But it also happens if I do too much of any 1 activity, I get sore arms in particular. (Spent arms) This works so well I can’t believe it. I wouldn’t be able to do anything, if there was no such thing as pepper essential oil. Not only does it help the problem at the time, but I found it helps to stop any more aches and pains for a few weeks at least.
Emily’s Stiff joint / Cold induced / Arthritic moans, Rapid Healing oil
100ml carrier oil (almond or olive, or mineral, or castor, Wheatgerm, Sunflower, Jojoba, Apricot, Safflower, Grapeseed……)
25 drops pure Pepper essential oil. Keep in dark glass or ceramic bottle
One time when my knees were quite sore, more so than usual, from too much activity, I made up a blend of
- 5 drops Ginger pure essential oil, 5 drops Coriander pure essential oil, 5 drops Cinnamon pure essential oil, in 100ml Castor oil {could use any of the above carrier oils listed}
I definitely felt this helped, although it’s help is limited because I think there is unchangeable damage that has occurred in my knees. So, this does stop the pain, but it doesn’t help me do activities, which require the full use of my knee, so still no bike riding or stairs. I found a trick for the 3 steps at my front door, and that is to walk down them sideways, for some reason this reduces the strain at the time, and when sitting in my office chair, I found if I press on top of my knee, in that area just before the kneecap, and squeeze down hard as I push up from the chair, this definitely helps with that pain. Also, I think the pepper mix above would have the same results, but I think it’s good to not use too much of 1 thing. You have to remember these oils are “warming” and while your joints might want to be warmed, maybe other body parts don’t want to be – you have to pay full attention to your body.
14. Home Medicine Cupboard essentials
Scar healing cream; it came about as I was trying to heal a scar that had formed from a giant planter wart that had been removed with salicylic acid, and then homoeopathy medicine. Unfortunately, the salicylic acid probably is not a good option to treat a planter wart, as not only did it not work, but it left a big scar and indentation on top of another planter wart! But when the homeopathic medicine had treated the planter wart and was gone, it was probably 12mnths later, when I decided I should try to heal the indentation and scar, so I made up this cream, after using it for two months or so, it was completely healed (unfortunatly it did not heal my plantar fasciitis)
1. Emily’s Rapid Healing Moisturizing Skin Cream Recipe
Heel Care Cream (90g) from Dermal Therapy (Heel magic)
Sage essential oil x 30 drops
Borage essential oil x 30 drops – mix in glass jar with air tight lid
2. Bites and Scratches, I use a mix of Lavender, Bergamot, Borage, and Sage, in castor oil. Always pure essential oil.
3. Inflamed Wounds, I use - Niaouli (Melaleuca) in Almond oil
4. Pinched Nerve on back spine – Angelica in Almond Oil (just magic)
5. Bangs, Knocks, Thumps or Hits, apply Arnica in Almond oil, immediately – no bruise at all if you do straight way, I have a blend of Arnica, Lavender and Sage in Olive oil, ready to go if I ever badly bump into anything, or drop one of my planters on my face…
6. Toothaches; apply Clove essential oil direct. Clove is extremely potent, use caution.
7. Tick bites: these require 2 steps. First; if you see a tick, STOP, don’t do anything, because if you just grab it and pull it off -you’ll leave the head in the body, which is bad. So, what you do, is go and get some tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is really potent, if you just dab a little bit on the tick, with a cotton tip, the tick gets a bit shocked, and stunned, then at that moment, you just grab it and pull it out, use tweezers. 2nd: the skin still may get infected, a little bit of tick may remain inside, or maybe its last meal was still stuck around its mouth and infects you, (on a cat it should be fine) but on a human, treat the area with citronella oil or clove oil. Dilute oil with a carrier oil, make up a mix, then rub it in with your finger, do it every 4hrs for 48hs. It still may get infected (it will get painful if its infected), and you still may need to see a Dr for antibiotics. I was told if a head was stuck in, it would work its own way out, but would still get infected and you would need antibiotics. So worth treating yourself over that 48hrs period with essential oil, then see – if still painful, especially when you rub the surrounding area, go to Dr for antibiotics. There are several others you could use too, like; Oregano, Thyme, Myrrh, Garlic, Cinnamon, Cumin – all proven to work against ticks, but I would think there are others too, untested, like Cypress, Tagetes, Borage, citriodora, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Calendula, Lemon myrtle, probably others too. The magic of essential oils.
(evil knievil; if you steal any of my oils you will be going to hell, but getting cancer first)
I don’t know what I would do without my essential oils…. indeed, I do find them essential J
I’m going to include a couple of recipes below, because I know how important good nutrition is particularly in children – it sets them up for the rest of their life with good health, if you feed them right.
Healthy food also can cure sickness.
I had a lymph scare under my arm, I made up the following juice, and it cleared up the three lumps that were there, completely by the next day.
It’s really not that hard to stay healthy, save yourself a trip into the hospital and expensive hospital bills, by simply including kale every week into your diet {that is if you can get it, I’ve noticed the supermarkets are constantly sold out of kale, but it is easy to grow over winter, give it a try.}
Yummy cancer fighting juice
1 fresh kale leaf, de stemmed (or frozen prechopped is still good)
¼ - ½ cup frozen blueberries or mulberries
¼ tsp flax seed
¼ tsp dried ground seaweed
¼ tsp honey, honey has extreme healing properties
1 new red gala apple, best chilled, then quartered
3 cold navel oranges, peeled and halved
Optional 1 small carrot – I found this juice so sweet, that it can easily handle a carrot and is still sweet as. Carrots for the eyes.
Optional 1 ice cube – this is especially for me and my burnt throat.
Place the berries, flax seed, seaweed, kale and honey (ice cube) in small Nutribullet cup, (one of my small cups was stolen after I wrote this, see the dogs – constantly watching my every move) - and whiz up.
Remove the blade and place that Nutribullet cup under the juicer, and juice apple, carrot and peeled oranges. Put the Nutribullet blade back on, and give it another whiz up. Yum.
Eat with a Choc double dipped Carman Breakfast nut bar! Can’t go wrong!
Emily’s Cure All health soup, 1 portion
250ml Home-made stock (beef bones+ onion, celery, carrot (greens like Kale, cabbage) purslane, Gotu kola. Fat removed.
½ cup minced kale, either fresh or frozen (use food processor for best results, destemmed)
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced.
Rock salt, rosemary pepper (dried rosemary with pepper corns, ground).
Pinch toasted coriander seed
35 soba noodles (broken)
1 tbs fresh or dried minced onion
1 tbs finely shaved chicken breast
1 tsp fresh or frozen in olive oil minced parsley
Reduced stock to half, then add everything except chicken and parsley. After 4 minutes boiling, add chicken and parsley – should cook instantly. Serve.
15. The Socially Retarded Humans I have had to Talk to, Plus another Renters Bane - Asbestos in Bathroom
This hasn’t happened so much recently, but I recall some years ago, it happened a lot, and I used to get so mad about it; often when I was talking to people, interacting with them, suddenly midway through a conversation, their phone would ring, and then the person would simply stop the conversation, often without even excusing themselves, and just start talking on the phone to someone else - so fucking rude. And I can’t believe how many people think this is perfectly fine and acceptable IT IS NOT. It is akin to someone burping and farting in the middle of a conversation, or someone pinching you as you talked, or if they started to take things from you as you were talking, like your glasses or your sandwich if you had one. It is TOTALLY SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE to answer your phone when you are in the middle of a conversation with someone. It is easy enough to switch your phone off or at the very least send the call to messages.
Oh, and the photo above shows a typical house built in the 80’s, where asbestos has been used in a bathroom.
16. Will’d Death
I would say in this country, the number of accidental murders, evil plotted murders, inadvertent murders and revenge murders that happen, and go unaccounted for; written off as “natural causes”, would be huge. With so many bogans in charge, and the amount of hatred within the community, and the willingness to not think about these awful things and the preferred ‘Barbie Bimbo Smile’ attitude. Means that the ‘badies’ get away with it.
I also believe thinking something ‘on mass’ is a form of prayer, and it works in a similar way. And also, if you piss someone off, and then that person is constantly thinking about you, and cursing you, wishing you dead, - it’s kind of same thing as a prayer. So, it’s in your best interest not to piss people off. (namely me!).
Not to mention the train of thought, of the believe it is the mother that ‘will’ their kids to be sick so they can look after them. (Unhealthy mothers, and sometimes nurses).
17. School Bully Story
I remember a bullying incident 30yrs ago in yr 7, involving my friend, another girl, and the young powertrippy house mistress. I clearly remember it, but have never written about, but recently I became aware that the whole thing was actually about me, and my friend might not fully know who was victimizing her. Also, if her life is anything like my life; other people (idiots who get paid by the government) do reflections. So, she will need to know what happened in order to deal with present people who do reflections about the situation (this might only happen to me? {this may have something to do with the fact that my work boots I purchased in 2016 were sabotaged so I would get a collapsed arch? I out shone them all, including Judy Dench’s garden).
So, the initial cause of the problem started when I and a couple of my friends, were walking across to the stables (boarding school with optional horse-riding) on our way we walked past a ‘pre-established’ group of friends, and one of them (Melissa O’Gorman, the queen bee of the group) made some snide comment about my boots. Some people find me irresistible… (I did not have proper riding boots – I have never been big on conforming, instead when I was 10, I found some long knee high leather zipper boots at an op shop, and just loved them and wore them any chance I got (op shops – favourite place for ‘dress ups’!) of course, I just said something back to her in a loud and UNintimidated voice, and I thought that was the end of it (that is how you handle bullies btw) so, it would have been the end of it, except, unbeknownst to me, apparently my friend wanted to come to my rescue, apparently, she thought she should do something in retaliation, and apparently, she wrote a bitchy letter to this girl Melissa, and left it in her locker, she had signed it anonymous. The house mistress, Cathy Goldman, read it out loud in a house meeting, to try and find the culprit. Stupid woman. Plus, she told everyone, she already knew who it was, but wanted them to come forward. I can’t remember what the letter said exactly, it was brief, and I think there was name calling.
(Cathy Goldman was a despicable and truly stupid woman who should be placed in a zoo. The way she handled this situation was disgusting – and she formed an obsession with me and harassed me ever since.)
I had nothing to do with the letter. I did not know about the letter until that house meeting.
Anyway, because my friend wrote that letter, 2 of Melissa’s friends found out who wrote it (somehow?) NOW, I CAN ONLY ASSUME it was my friend who wrote it, we actually never discussed it, but there was another girl who heard Melissa’s comment, Belinda (for all I know it could have been her, or her friend Anna, in our dorm?). But, Melissa’s friends found out it was my friend (maybe they assumed too?) and so they bully verbally attacked her when she was in the shower, behind a locked door - so my friend couldn’t see who it was attacking her, (if you want to know who it was, it was Jane McEnroe and Amy Powell, Melissa’s minions (don’t worry about it now, just knowing who it was will be enough) after they finished verbally assaulting her and stole her towel, they came into our dorm down the hall, and tried to play sides, as little girls do, (and still do as adults, stupid women - fuck off and get a life) Of course none of us would have a bar of them and they were politely shoved out the door.
I went into the bathroom to see if I could find out if my friend was okay, and she didn’t talk to me, so I think she must’ve been upset, and she didn’t know who I was, and she later emerged and was fairly upset and unsure of who her friends were. A little later her mother came and got her and removed her from the school permanently.
So, this is quite an unfortunate situation that happened to her, but it was NOT unfortunate that she was taken out of that school. Boarding school is no place for a young lady. (Little birdy told me she is now a chef?).
Btw, that house mistress followed me from house to house. And in year 9, she put me in a dorm with Amy Powell. In yr 10 she used to pretend she was a paedophile. And since I left school, she has stalked me all across the country, I have seen her in every new place I visit, and she is accompanied by young girls who steal from me. She kidnapped my cat in Melbourne. I’ve reported her to the police, she’s a fucking stalking idiot dog.
Those workboots photo’d above: these are the ones that were sabotaged with a slight hole in the sole, to deliberately handicap me (unable to walk/exercise properly for 6yrs now- you should se the size of my butt now). I do not know who exactly was behind it (coward), so it may be related or may not. I would say it is. Stupid dogs who play sides. Also, I don’t know if this is related or not, but if you read my Photo story “STOLEN - my single tall dish drawer from Fisher and Paykel, stolen by Tamworth repair at Northapp”, I talk about how my dish drawer was stolen in a very sneaky and devious way. I was dealing with someone by the name of Amy from Fisher and Paykel. So, after looking back and realising the whole incident about the Pat Pirelli horsemanship workshop, if you read my photo story “Australian Building Practises, its Renters who get stuck with HOME KILLERS” on p1, - this is exactly right up those bitchy girls alley. Could someone who knows either of those girls, please go and check their kitchens for my dishdrawer?
18. Unhealthy Attitudes by Oppressors
I’m really sick of seeing this attitude; I received an email today with this quote;
“The secret of life is not looking back” Norman Rockwell, artist.
This quote is said by bullies who bully people and then want the victim to ignore what they’ve done so the bullies are not held accountable and reminded of their questionable bully actions.
This certainly is not the secret of life at all.
The secret to life is happiness, and happiness is doing something about the things that piss you off so you can be happy, and if you don’t, those bullies will just keep happening, until you address the problem, the secret is NOT ignoring at all, this is extremely unhealthy attitude, and no change or evolvement will come about from ignoring bullies and sweeping things under the carpet. The ugly truth so to speak.
And I can assure you, not ignoring it, and talking about it, and writing about it online, KICKING UP A BIG STINK, in the public arena, is the only thing that puts a stop to most types of bully in this country.
Having said that, of course, there is the type of bully who wants one thing and one thing only and that’s your attention so if you ignore them, they soon give up and wander off.
19. The Danger of Carpet
I need to do a whole special photo story about the real enemy out there; and that is carpets, and carpet manufacturers.
I tried to write about this before I was ban on Facebook, well I touched on it, well actually I kind of said, you’d have to have a screw loose to put carpet in a rental! - I guess there’s a lot of non-thinking greedy property investors who inadvertently have carpet in their rentals, who don’t wish to be told that they have a screw loose, when in actual fact they do - Non thinking is a form of craziness! And because I did that particular story, I believe it partly contributed to also banning me from Facebook!
A lot of people don’t know exactly how bad carpets are. Carpets are made from synthetic fibres (most of them) which give off a toxic volatile compounds, in affect, carpets poison you. This is not a made-up thing; I’m NOT trying to scare you with information. This is a real fact, they know about it, it happens.
The reason why they still make these carpets, is because they are considerably cheaper, and most people can’t afford to buy all natural carpets. So, they try and shut down people who are opposed to them, like me. (I mean if there was total awareness of this issue, it would most likely mean the total closure of a huge industry, a million-dollar industry.)
BTW, you do have to look at the whole carpet, not just the pile, because the underlay and the Warp, is often synthetic. So, you really have to look and research very hard before you buy, if you do not want to purchase toxic volatile compounds.
I would say don’t bother putting carpets in at all; there’s far better options which are far more hygienic and considerably easier to clean (in case liquid items are spilt; which invariably happens) do yourself a favour say NO to carpets. By the way if you’ve never seen a toxic volatile compound, there is a way you can see them, so you can have proof for yourself. As in fact, I have seen toxic volatile compounds; I had a room in Gunnedah with a big huge window, it was very small room and thus hot, Gunnedah is a hot little town in summer, and the sun was pouring in through this window one day, middle of summer, very hot, the sun was hitting my shelf which had a row of tool boxes lined up, so there was a router case, a drill case, jigsaw cutter case, plus a few others. As the sun was hitting these cases, I could clearly see an almost transparent chemical clouds emitting from those cases, and then dissolving in the air. I felt I should leave the room. – I later through the cases out. Whether it is just the sun/ heat that sets off those fumes?
Story related to Carpet too:
Carpet Cleaning Chemicals in OTHER People’s Homes - Rentals
I recently enquired to a Real estate about a rental; if there was any possibility that the owner would replace the carpet. I could see from the photo that the carpet was well lived in, over quite some time - just the thought of that, (even if it was only lived in by one person), I personally find kind of disgusting.
(One rental I lived in, I refused to take off my shoes at any moment when I was inside the house, because the carpet was so disgusting - that was at "Rowan Leigh").
I did not mention to her, the fact that, well, I personally think anyone who puts carpet in a rental, must be completely stupid. It's just so much more difficult to look after, even if you're the owner of the home it's a nuisance, but being a renter, particularly if it's not an expensive carpet and you don't have any motivation like ownership, well I know some people would be totally uncaring as a renter with carpet. Plus, most people have pets, so I mean carpet in any house, I think it's just an absurd notion. Absurd even and only, in the bedroom too. I mean what cat owner doesn't have a cat who waltzes in and sleeps on the bed; you never know what can go wrong when you've got a cat.
I can't believe people still are so determined to use carpet. I suspect the carpet industry has some very sneaky marketing people in it.
Oh, plus, here in Queensland, where it's so humid and hot, you'd have to be absolutely nuts to put carpet in a house up here. Mould!
Anyway, the real estate woman did get back to me, and said No, it would not be removed, but however, the carpet would be "carpet cleaned professionally", before the new tenant arrived. I did not reply back, I thought I couldn't possibly put my response to her, because she would consider it too rude - she would not be able to handle it, and take it personally - even though it's probably an area that she hasn't given enough thought to, herself and possibly she should take it personally..... but as I may need somewhere to live in the future, I thought it best not to give her my response. Instead, I shall write it down here! I am going to write my response in this little photo story because I MEAN THATS PRACTICALLY EVEN WORSE! -why don't you just fill up my house, full of toxic chemicals, just before I move in. (Reminds me of the time when my aunt went away on holidays, and I was to stay at her place for a week, but I was going to arrive a couple of days before she returned, and so she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to set off a bug killer bom. I'm not sure if they still make them - I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be allowed to use them, it's like an aerosol bomb fills the room with toxic chemicals, and kills anything inside the room! So, as I was going to arrive a couple of days before her, she wouldn't have to open the house to all those residual chemicals , - I would have to air the house out; she gave me directions on how to air the house out properly, by opening all the windows etc!! The nerve of cocky uncaring and selfish women! And you can see how most people actually do know about the dangers of toxic chemicals, but they just think that it doesn't concern them - same situation with these real estates and carpet cleaning; "Well we don't have to have toxic chemicals in our house, you have to have it in your house, because you're a mere renter".
Take some responsibility you nonthinking real estates.
A professional carpet clean is just as stupid as putting in carpet on a rental. I can't believe so many people are so stupid, when this is really a common-sense thing - it could not be any clearer with today's availability of information, and about what we know about healthy living.
Just keep those Australian bogan carpet cleaners away from me.
20. Virus's causing other diseases
Pay Attention, be aware: There are highly contagious viruses at Nursing Homes, Hospitals and Child Day Care Centres, -Including occupational ‘asthma’ and the very serious Glandular Fever or some such virus (? walking pneumonia?), which I personally believe leads to inflammation of the brain - memory loss – Dementia/Alzheimer’s.
Talking about pneumonia – this virus is a silent killer, once you get it, that’s it, you have it for life, and your body’s immune has a constant fight on its hand – weakening you. I also believe this is why there is so many dementia cases now, - so called health professionals encouraging pneumonia amongst the population (80% apparently carry the virus) in order to build up an immune, BUT different DNA reacts differently to it.
I have previously written about this, so I will stop, but, instead, write about a theory I was told about;
A virus (the virus) was given to me deliberately, like it has been given to other certain people deliberately, due to one reason, and one reason only, and that is SMOKERS! Virus given to smokers. So, they are saying, pneumonia is given to targeted individuals to in order to build up an immune, in the population, and they may aswell target smokers, because smoking in its self is really offensive, it smells offensive. And we all know how people, women, mostly, do not like bad smells. If you don’t smoke, but are standing around someone who does, it’s bloody disgusting. Smells putrid. So, the powers that be have decided, that they’re going to play God and are going to give them a virus because they are stinky. This suggests, that lung cancer is not even caused from smoking. Because it is stated in medical journals that those who smoke have a higher chance of getting pneumonia (so, higher chance not because smoking causes a weakness, but high because the dogs think you stinky and seek you out to victimize with the virus). But fact, if a healthy person gets really cold from the weather, they will not get pneumonia, they may get a cold, but not a virus. I personally am targeted by certain women who want to humiliate me via odour. I have nothing more to say about that, except they were big on doing it at Miriamvale, and they wanted me to be humiliated around farmers – not really sure why, but that was there game.
I know what people are like when it comes to bad smells, I would not tell anyone to quit smoking because it might kill you. I would tell them to quit because it is offensive. And indeed at my new place at Sarina, every one smokes, its like I have stepped back in time by 20yrs, and when anyone in my unit lights up, I have to race to the front door and close it, otherwise the smoke blows in. Disgusting, I can’t stand it, it is as bad as the stinky unleaded fumes that come in when the residents with unleaded cars leave or enter.
Btw, when I did smoke, I was not a heavy smoker, but I believe I was ‘chosen’ not only because of the stupid short blond girl who is out to get me, (same stupid blonde short girl who stole all dads roses as she thought he was being greedy – STUPID BIMBO) but, in Sydney after I left work for the day I would have a cigarette on the way home, it was a long drive, all the way out to Pendle Hill on the Parramatta Road. So that’s when I had a cigarette, in full public view – (remember all the dogs that accompany me) but that’s the only one I had, like I didn’t smoke during the day at work, and maybe had one after dinner too, but not regularly, so not really a smoker. But later on in my life, I had more, but this was not for a long-extended time. I quit fully in my 30’s. Read my photo story “How to quit smoking; I’ve done it so many times I know how to do it.” On page 4 of My Life Stories in my Blog.
I would like to say, the type of person who would deliberately give a virus to someone is truly evil, not to mention delusional, because they probably think it’s for the greater good. I bet those bloody dogs that do that, are Anal Pearl Wearing Nazi types! I have to say, my mother had a pearl necklace - the sweetest little pearl necklace ever, they were unusual gold pearls, and miniature ones, quite special, gorgeous! And she was nowhere near a Nazi type who wanted to play God. Although she did send us kids down to Sydney whenever my cousin got, the Measles, Mumps or Chicken Pox, so we would all get them as kids, and thus be immune – YOU HAVE TO BE A KID FOR THIS TO WORK. A child’s immune is much stronger than an adults. (My little sister got pneumonia when she was young, and she was a sickly child ever since. I don’t know if she outgrew those symptoms.)
21. Australia Warns its Tourists, about the Thieving Nature of the Locals
Here shows a photo of a touristy spot in QLD.
Look what I just stumbled upon, on Google Maps: a public sign stating “secure all valuables”. This is how bad the stealing is in Australia. They literally have to make signs alerting poor unsuspecting tourist’s to be aware of the hick bogan problems of Australian Petty thieves. Perhaps I should have had such a warning given to me before I moved to Sydney. But ofcourse, the government was the biggest thief ever when I was 18.
22. The Beach
I have a major love of the ocean. I guess it developed at school holidays when we could stay with our grandmother who lived 550km away, by the ocean; instead of the Gunnedah pool, which I ‘lived’ in, at Gunnedah (our whole family had season tickets!), I now had an ocean! I remember fondly our family walking up and down the beach, and my 7yr old cousin and I running excitedly through the waves, shouting “Beer and Gold, Beer and Gold!” as the frothy bubbles of each wave receded, and the sand shimmered through!
40yrs later, I live only 65km away from the beach. I can’t afford to drive over their willy nilly, but sacrificing certain things, so I can drive over there, to go for a quick swim - is well worth it, such joy and happiness, still, I should never tire of it. One of those rare things that makes life. I do think it a little odd how many locals who live by the beach, who I’ve talked to, don’t actually go to the beach (I mean what’s the point of living so close when you don’t go for a swim??). From a functional perspective it seems a bit ludicrous, 65km over/back again, adds up to a lot of fuel money, for only 15 minutes of healthy healing fun (least with my health problems in my foot, knee and leg, I can still go to the beach, I am lucky). I did attempt to do a mobile seamstress business in this area, but somebody removed all my adverts, and sabotaged one of my clients. So, whether I get any more work over there, is dubious.
Because I’ve been ban from my local post office, I have to collect mail elsewhere, so by the beach is a good a spot as ever!
Plus, I can visit the beach doctor if I need too. So, I feel like I’ve got a valid reason to drive all the way over there!! I’m constantly looking for somewhere to live over there, in a nice secluded spot, and even though compared to the rest of Australia, this particular spot is not too pricy, it’s still seemingly out of my budget. I do find it a little bit peculiar in Australia, still, how the highest house prices are found in city areas, whereas the best locations to live are well away from cities, all along the coast. For instance, as I’m nearing the beach on my trip, 2 blocks short of the actual beach, I drive past a horse paddock, a huge horse paddock! 2 blocks back! - so as you can see housing prices are still affordable there. (I did see that land listed later on Realesate.com for $3million, 76acres, subdivision only) I guess it stems from a lack of fresh water. I remember my grandparents, when they retired, they bought a holiday shack right on the waterfront on the Central Coast. They lived in it until they self-built their big house, which was about a kilometre back from the water on the mountain (escarpment). So, while the house today is much bigger, and I guess relatively nicer, than the little holiday shack - the shack is probably about worth 4 times the price!! Too bad they sold it! “waterfront” wasn’t a big thing back then, it wasn’t really until the mid-90s, I would say that waterfront properties really took off, especially on the Central Coast and in Sydney. (What were they thinking before?) Glad I am not a child today – possibility of owning your home in Sydney, still zero.
I have a surf story, back then ‘girls’ did not learn to surf, I can see thankfully times have changed somewhat. But I used to love bobbing up and down in the waves, weaving in and out, avoiding getting ‘dumped’. Boogie boarding!! The beach that we visited was long, calm at one end, and rough at the other (Killcare, a known surfer beach) I loved going down to the rough end to dance around in the waves - it was just the ultimate for me. I do recall probably age 10, of being dumped quite badly with a giant wave. I was literally tossed around as if I was in a washing machine, and the moment where you want to come up for air, you just can’t, because you’re too busy being tossed upside down and sideways, and every which way, water goes up your nose! So, then the panic sets in, and then the adrenaline sets in, and you become more aware of everything that’s going on, trying to find an opportunity where you can get a footing, or at least figure out which way is up/down. Eventually you get taken in, close enough to shore where you can find the sand and push up, grasp for some air. Albeit, left exhausted, and in a little bit of shock- I remember crawling back up to the beach to where mum was sitting “you got dumped”, “yeah”
Little birdie told me it was spirit of the Surfy; dumping me just so I got to know what it was like being dumped by a surfer! Lol
I want to add, that Beach was perfect because at one and it was very calm and the other end was quite rough, and the long in-between bit was graduation from one extreme to the other and so you could pick where you want to go on the beach according to whatever mood you’re in for the level of surf you wanted! There were these little kind of tracks leading off from the main road (dirt) they were kind of secret actually, it wasn’t even a popular beach back then, not sure about now. So, I often had my whole area to myself – perfect!
I have to update this story with what happened to me yesterday at the beach, if you’ve been reading this blog, I am constantly whingeing and moaning about leeches that follow me around, and there at the beach yesterday, was 3 of them. But anyway, while they were hovering around me, when I was in the surf, somebody unwound my window on my car. Can’t be opened without opening the door and putting ignition on, so they would have had their own set of keys – this kind of theft has happened to me dozens of times. I didn’t notice that anything had been taken, I suspect they may have been looking for my wallet, as there was cash in it, as I had just been somewhere, where I received cash for sold goods, (see – dogs watch and follow me everywhere), but my wallet was not in my car, as I was not born yesterday. So, I hope whoever did that gets cancer and dies. But, my original Birth certificate was stolen around that time from my house, or maybe was taken that day, as it was in the car, who knows. And that day, there were heaps of ‘leeches’ following me about in Bundaberg too. Plus 2 weeks later when I was at Bundaberg, same thing happened, came back to my car, and the back window was unwound, not sure what they took, actually I suspect they took some leaves of the Gotu Kola plant, I had just previously made a sign for it, stating a leaf a day will keep the doctor away, I am selling it at Bundy Tender Centre……so they stole some leaves - stupid dog bimbos. Plus there were strange people lurking about at that time.
Back to the beach, I’ve noticed swimming in the late evening, recently I have been getting bitten, and it’s actually quite painful, and leaves a red mark, a little bit like a flea bite, but more painful. I looked it up and indeed there is a ‘flee of the ocean’ there’s quite a few different species, they usually come out at dusk to feed on dead animals. This reminded me of an incident when I was quite young, I was swimming down at Killcare Beach, and I was getting bitten, it wasn’t terribly painful, just a little bit annoying, and I was looking around to see what was biting me, and with each wave, the light shone through it, and I could see hundreds of these little tiny fish, and it was these little fish that we are having a little go at me. I wondered what I could do about it, and I had a clear distinct voice enter into my head saying, “what should you like to say to the fish Emily”, it was a little bizarre, and I thought about it, and I thought well, I should tell the fish to go away as I was swimming here! And so after I had that thought, as soon as I had said it to myself, I could see on that next wave all these little fish doing a complete 180° turnabout, and disappear. That was the end of it, I have never been bitten by a fish or a bluebottle since, till now, so I can see I’m going have to try the same tactic next time I’m over there, and see if it works. I like swimming at dusk, there is an extra warm current at this particular spot in the late afternoon – good for aches and pains. Also, I want to say, every time I went there, when I was in the water, there would be a butterfly fly past me, all the way out over the ocean it was. I thought it odd, what was it doing so far away from plants. And every time.
I have since moved 700km north from that wonderful beach, and while the climate is fantastic (almost rain every day since I have been here, YAH, but alas, alack, there is no beach with waves. There is a flat shallow one with nice sand nearby, but it is cloudy, I think it is muddy? – could be pollution, as QLD is fairly relaxed about what goes into the local creeks, and, it has Stingers plus crocs…so no swimming L) Btw, the sign at the beach said “there may be stingers here”. Definitely not clearly signed! Are there or are there not? And at what time of year? In fact, I’ve had quite some difficulty finding out if it is safe to swim or not. Google information is very conflicting, and most of the tourism websites show beautiful beaches but they never mention anything about stingers ever. Quite frankly I’m not surprised there aren’t more deaths caused by stingers. And what about crocodiles or Alligators – according to google maps there is a creek 1/2 hr away from me called Alligator creek!
23. Family Photos and Memories
This is a family photo (just above far right), of me (left), 2 of my siblings, Daniel holding the guinea pig, and Penny holding her cousin Robyn’s hand, and Robyn’s sister Stephanie on the right, in the 1980’s. I actually can’t remember this situation when the photo was taken. I was young and I put it down to the fact that this photo, that was taken by my aunt Gwenda, and has only been recently given to me. Whereas all the photos we have of our family (extensive amounts of photos we had) I remember all those photos / situations / times quite vividly, I put this down to the fact, that whenever we got the photos back from the developer in the mail, mum and I would get so excited and sit down and go through them all. Plus, I used to look at the photo albums often as a child, it was my favourite Sunday afternoon bored thing to do, we had at least 12 big fat albums. I loved looking at them, and every single photo that I looked at, I can still clearly remember that time in my life. Whereas the photos from Gwenda, that I haven’t seen until well into my adult hood, I did not really remember them so vividly, like I do not remember holding a guinea pig, although I do recall we had guinea pigs, and I recall that time when our cousins came. But the other memories along with the photo of that time – I remember ALL the details.
I just thought that was interesting how memory and images work.
24. Mitsubishi Triton 2009 Petrol Consumption on a 75 litre tank
Says you should get 850km per tank, but I fill up after 500km, to be safe. (pretty much empty vehicle, no extra weight).
I have got to 550km easy, with still 15l left in tank, so apparently that is 45km before red light. So I would say this Triton gets 600km max, and NOT 850km.
25. Tamworth Zombie Art Bullies
OMG, I can’t believe the amount of bullying that goes on in the Tamworth Art Gallery sector, even worse than Gunnedah Art Gallery. Whenever I used to drive over there, I have these little friggin dogs who follow me around in a car, often I don’t see people who harass me from cars, but these ones were so prevalent, I tried looking in to see who they were, on one of their ‘turn arounds’, (they turn around and drive back again, down the main street in Tamworth (mainies)) the car was full of people, at least five, and I think maybe two of them were kids and the others all female. I mean just disgusting stupid people that are attracted to me and follow me around town, BUGGER OFF YOU COMPLETE MORONS.
So, what they do is hurl abuse from car windows as they drive past me, I remember them very clearly outside the Tamworth regional Art Gallery. I lost them, after I went in, so that’s just what happens outside the Art Gallery. But, every time I went there, that is what would happen.
This day, I had been busting to go to the loo, so I stopped by the loos, that were just round the corridor, to the Gallery, when I went in, the girls had seen me coming, and went and hid the toilet paper, all of the toilet paper in all cubicles - a whole bunch of them, about 15 girls, giggling, next door, thought it was really funny -bully bimbos. I did see 1 man amongst all those bimbos, I did not recognize him, but in retrospect, he looked like my landlord Cate’s friend, Win, at Kookaburra Park. (?) In fact I’ve noticed this a few times, like about 10 women surrounding one man walking along the street, or at some kind of gathering - very strange phenomena! It was also written about on one of those television shows, let me think back to which one it was, bout a lawyer… maybe Ali McBeal? they did an episode where this lawyer guy, where ever he went he had a gaggle of 10 tall blondes accompanying him. That’s just like that what I have seen!! I think that was a case of Art imitating life. (Turned out all the girls were standing on boxes to make themselves look tall!!)
Then, when I actually went inside that gallery, OMG just stupid dogs, I can’t tell you, it’s too stupid. ZOMBIES, its like talking to a brick wall. Not to mention the nazi staff there who decided to chastise me in the gallery for taking a photo – which by the way you are BY LAW ALLOWED TO DO. Stupid woman. (I told you – Moth to a flame, constantly getting attacked by these fucking stupid little dogs; fuck off you stupid little women.) Someone told me that those women who chastise me like that, complete strangers, do so because of sexual reasons. And so I’m wondering, are they just sexually frustrated? Or are they going to think back on the incident later that night and have a bit of a good time?? Or are they planning on telling their spouse about it, so that together they can have a good time? Who knows? But I can tell you, if there’s any kind of ‘advances’ made in this chastisement, it is certainly not welcome. BE REAL.
Btw, I had artwork in there, in the “young artist exhibition”, and it sold.
After I left the Gallery, I stopped at one of the photography places; A common bullying tactic by staff (in A LOT of shops) is, when I go in there, they say after five minutes of talking to them about what I want; “we can’t help you, go away and come back in 15 minutes”, so they refused to serve me, Gunnedah council used to do it as well, probably others too that I can’t think of at the moment. (When I was talking to them at first, explaining what I wanted, why I was there, it was like they were zombies, coming across as totally retarded – AND in fact, it is like every shop I purchase from, they put a stupid dog in it to serve me for 5 minutes, then when they can’t, they leave. So ion this day, I did leave, and then went back, and when I go back, someone else replaced them, someone who isn’t a retard. But why did they put a retard in their shop in the first place?) it happened in Tamworth a lot (Decorama) Why are they bombarding me with retail retard zombies? (Not literally retarded, this is an expression for a stupid non-thinking person) (I have problems with actual retards, too, another story, that I will not be repeating).
If you’ve been reading all my posts, you can start to see exactly why I have such a low opinion of women, and why I think most of them are completely stupid. I feel in an attempt to make up for what they did, the next time I was at the Tamworth Art Gallery, they sent in Yoko Ono! Can’t be sure, I am not good at recognizing people, but in retrospect, it was her!! Definitely a fan!
But you won’t ever catch me setting foot in that place ever again. (At least no one stole the toilet paper at the Gunnedah Gallery!)
26. Sum-up about my Dentist Story
I can’t believe how stupid the Bimbos at Gunnedah really are:
After writing about the WHOLE experience, read my; “Toothbrush kit stolen with NEGS girl tortured teeth story at dentist” just below - but I would like to quickly add a little sum-up before I begin.
The dentist at that Marquis St clinic, was an old gentleman, he had a blonde assistant, she made some comment about how my teeth must be all awful and rotten because I was most likely a drug addict because I was there on a dental voucher (she was a TYPICAL stupid bimbo) but instead of the USUAL RESPONSE from a man, this dentist actually stood up to her and said “no she has a fine set of teeth”, so I’m thinking because her comment wasn’t validated and she may have
been a little bit embarrassed, SHE might be responsible for organising the whole tortured teeth situation, with Dr Sadiks (same clinic, different Dentist) - it would be typical stupid bimbo thing to do – apparently ‘women’s magazines’ encourage women to seek revenge if they have been ‘so called’ treated badly. Obviously, a bimbo’s interpretation of ‘treated badly’ is way out of whack: if she’s just annoyed and not sure why, she can’t apply common sense and see the big picture – I mean she’s got it all wrong, blaming me for HER bitchiness. This happens a lot to me with bimbos. Those same stupid supposedly ‘offended’ women, still steal from me, when it is not even my faulty, it’s their fault for their stupid assumptions, yet still they persist in their revenge torment. Those women’s magazines are written by money, don’t buy them you silly twits.
I want to add, as it is now sometime later, but as I’m going through my whole blog and editing any spelling mistakes. There have been some reflective bitches, doing this particular story, implying that I must have done something to that blonde bimbo, or the doctor, or the other dental assistant, Tasha Burns little sister Gina, and as a retaliation they tortured my teeth. So, I am saying point blankly a no big fat NO, this is not the case. I’ve never seen or talked to any of those people involved ever before. Except seen Gina Burn at school, many yrs before, she was in a younger year; never spoke to her ever, but I believe she is copying the bully Charlotte Powell who did the kneeling thing. This was a pure bullying sadistic incident, targeting an innocent (me), as a result of attending that bloody school (I tried to sue them, but no lawyer would touch it; you can’t do anything about the DOGS.
Here is a good spot to put this story
The mental weakness of not being able to think about consequences in each life moment
For this example, I'm going to write about my experience with most of the dentists I have visited in Sydney and Gunnedah, instead of the usual typical cliche of the 'blonde bimbo' that I encounter regularly.
I've had at least 2 but possibly 4 fillings in my mouth that did not need to be done, there was no cavity there, no Xray, no sensitivity test. I was simply experiencing sensitivity pain from eating extreme hot and cold foods, but did not know about this phenomenon at the time, I just assumed I needed a filling, I was young - 18 or so. In retrospect, I could clearly see this one Dentist at Chatswood, he felt like he could get away with putting a filling in when he didn't need to, it's like he thought, jackpot!; a young girl who doesn't really pay attention and is still yet naive about how the world works.' I'll be able to make some money from this girl, go home and have a steak. (There are many dentists in Sydney who sit around and twiddle their thumbs, they're not busy and jampacked like the dentists elsewhere, where there's a 3-month waiting list. There is an oversupply of dentists in Sydney actually.)
Now, what I can see, is simply another human, who does not have the ability to think about the consequences of their behaviour. And you may not think a dentist is stupid - but I can assure you, this kind of behaviour, of not thinking about consequences for bad, selfish, disrespectful, greedy behaviour - IS stupidity. The inability to think about the whole picture in every moment, is a weakness, a mental weakness.
As a sidebar, I'd like to point out there are many other people in general, who won't steal from me, because they know (possibly have had drummed into them ), that stealing is wrong. But they too haven't made the connection that being disrespectful, as in verbally rude to my face; discriminatory or offensive, is still a mental weakness. WEAK. Weeeaklings.
Update: that tooth that was greedily done all those years ago at Chatswood, has now 30 years later, due to the gung-ho ho young pretty dental hygienist who dislodged it with her gung-ho plague removal machine, has since been replaced 4 times, it has caused ongoing problems, and is STILL causing problems, (seems every time I floss I have pain, which obviously is a lot). And all from something that didn’t need to be done 30 years ago - just because of that stupid greedy dentist. So, make sure you take charge of your teeth, don’t leave it up to a dentist because some of them are revolting crooks. Only go to a dentists if you’re in a lot of pain.
Actually in 2024 I discovered Dr Ellie Phillips on YouTube, she is a dentist from the UK, who in my opinion, is revolutionising the way people look after their teeth. Like I have mentioned in my dental stories, if you look after them properly you don't have to go to a dentist, and she pretty much says the same thing, but she has further helpful advice, and really explains what's going on in your mouth and what exactly a cavity is, and many other dental procedures - completely different from a dentist if you ever go to a dentist in fact they hardly talk at all. She includes advice on diet as well, and how that relates to your gut, and bacteria, and the correct PH.
As far as I'm concerned if I had kids I would make sure that they watched all her YouTube videos, because she really empowers you to look after your own teeth properly. So, you know, when her kids (grandkids) turn 18, they're not going to be naive if they have to go to a dentist, they're going to know exactly what's going on. (Not that they will need to go!). She does make money from selling her little kit, so you have to always take things like that into consideration, but she seems like a very genuine person. Actually, I have managed to find pretty much everything in her kit in Australia, just under different names and brands, and actually I want to mention, I am an advocate for Sensodyne because it is a ‘cavity protector’ toothpaste, and she pointed out that you should use crest brand which only cost $2, and it turns out that's the same brand as Colgate, and Colgate are now selling ‘cavity protector’ toothpaste. I don't know whether they've always been selling it, or it's a new thing because of YouTube, so Colgate in my opinion has been selling a lot of different toothpastes, maybe to people who don't know that the only toothpaste you should be using is the ‘cavity protector’ toothpaste, and Colgate have been pretty much teasing people passively aggressively, taking out vengeance on the public by selling them the wrong toothpaste (revenge torture) - they are an evil company, so if you can afford Sensodyne, you should (maybe that girl from the supermarket dental isle, stalking me and removing all my products is from Colgate? Would not surprise me!).
27. Toothbrush kit stolen with NEGS girl tortured teeth story at dentist
This kit was stolen by someone stalking me at the Gunnedah Hospital and saw me with it! It was then stolen after I left the Hospital, taken from my pink bag (most likely while it was left in my locked car). So it was the two nurses at the hospital who I spoke with at the time, then called this particular person (thief, male) to come down to the hospital and stalk me: so it was the girls at the hospital intangible plan. (that would be related to free health care – NOT ACTUALLY FREE, The same thing that has happened to me quite frequently when I visited the doctors. Since I wrote about it here on my Blog in Gin Gin, 2020, this type of theft has stopped (I think) although there are still a lot of thieving bitches that work in the health sector I’m pretty sure one of them tampered with my Imed scan results?)
The reason I was at the hospital, was because when I tried to make an appointment at the local Doctors, the reception dogs allways say - no, there are no appointments left today, (they allways say this) and as they do NOT take appointments in advance, for some STUPID reason, I had to go to the emergency section at the Gunnedah Hospital (I know the Doctors had appointments available too that day- could you please tell me in writing why those dimwits reception bimbos refuse to give me any doctor’s appointments?) girls, do they have a brain at all? (I did not right this blog until YEARS LATER – incase you’re wondering this is why. I am a respectful, honest and polite person)
Maybe the thief wanted me to tell my little story about the stupid bitches who work for the doctors? Who knows?
CCTV Cameras on at the Dentist - hanging from the ceiling, thanks.
Okay, so my teeth were perfectly fine, except an old filling fell out so I had to go get it replaced, let me emphasize this, my teeth were all perfectly 100% fine. 100% fine.
So I travelled over all the way over to Tamworth for the appointment, and I took my travel toothbrush so I could have clean teeth before I saw the dentist, now I mention this because, like so many big problems in life, actually the root of all my dental problems that I write about here can be traced back to a stupid little blonde from Gunnedah Coles supermarket (same one who stole from me at Harvey Norman, same one at darylee, same one at Currajong clinic, same one at Bundaberg Mental Health Unit – a total evil stalking dog): so, I couldn’t get any soft bristled toothbrush at the supermarket, there was some sort of weird blonde girl who followed me around the supermarket and when I got up to the toothbrush isle she went ahead and took all the soft bristled toothbrush, and she did this every single time I went shopping over a several month period, (supermarket dogs; I have to get home delivery now due to all the stupid dogs…) so I had to purchase a hard bristled one. As a result of this hard bristled toothbrush that I used just before the dentist in Tamworth, my gums were all red and inflamed, and I should have just realized it was the toothbrush he was reacting to, but the dentist, he insisted that I go and make an appointment and have my teeth professionally cleaned, he said one is meant to do it every 12 months anyway. So I went back to Gunnedah and saw the dental assistant, who is the person who does the cleaning, not a dentist. Actually, there was two dental assistance who were doing it, 2. Now, my teeth have never been professionally cleaned, ever, as I didn’t believe they needed it - they were perfectly fine, I always brush my teeth, as well as floss. But because I haven’t ever had them cleaned, there was definitely some tartar buildup. But, I believe something very fishy was going on in that appointment with 2 dental assistants, she gave me anesthetic in the whole mouth so I could not feel a thing, but what I was aware of was the noise, the huge electric tool that the other girl was doing something with, was so loud I really needed ear muffs, Really, ear muffs like I use when I use the chainsaw. I mean it was deafening, that’s how noisy it was - vibrating through my teeth and into my ears, but because my whole mouth was under anesthetic I couldn’t feel anything. But when the anesthetic wore off, oh boy, I could feel it and I could feel it for another four days, 4 days of pain. And I know because of that pain that girl who did my teeth messed up completely, it should not have hurt that much, and she was so brutal that one of my fillings lifted up, - next part of the story, so, when I went to the Gunnedah dentist to sort this new problem out, for some curious reason (I’m guessing it’s because they really liked the young pretty girl who did the tartar removal and did not want to ‘play sides’ as in, accuse her of messing up the cleaning, which she obviously did, if I wasn’t sure before, I could tell from the response from those dentists afterwards SHE GUILTY ) but he refused to acknowledge the fact that my filling had been dislodged, even though I could actually push it up with my tongue, and it reacted to hot/cold water badly, BADLY, AS IN EXTREME. So that dentist said no, no there’s nothing wrong with it, no need to replace (idiot). So, I go to a different dentist at same Gunnedah clinic, and explain what had happened to him (Dr Jonas) and guess what he said exactly the same thing, no, no problems at all. I found this incredibly peculiar and because I knew there was a problem, I went back again and insisted that something be done, as it was starting to cause a lot of pain, as food was getting under it, and I could feel it, very sensitive. (This is what I call unbelievable dentist stupidity) Now, there’s even more to this awful dental story, it gets much worse. Because Gunnedah is such a small town it doesn’t have a public dental system, and so vouchers are given out to a lot of people who receive Centrelink payments like pensioners, war widows, disabled, unemployed.... so you can take the voucher to attend to the dentist of your choice (initially, I thought this voucher system was good, I later changed my mind, as I really think that there is an element, especially amongst the wealthy, like a dentist, who believes that free public dental care should not be given (the rich and clueless)
Now, I wanted to go to see the local reputable dentist in town, but the silly twit who runs the Voucher place in Gunnedah, knew that, so she, being a stupid dog, like all stupid dogs, they do exactly the opposite, and insisted this other dentists was the only one I could see, she made an appointment with the other dentist - now the other dentist is nonexistent, he closed down his practice for retirement, and it in its place is a ‘travelling’ dentist, his name was Dr Sadik from Sydney, who used the same clinic as I had been to before. As his name suggests, he was a sadistic prick, and he had 2 dental assistants, again another fishy situation with 2 girls. They caused so much pain it was unbearable, the dentist used a blunt drill and he had anaesthetized a different location from where he was actually drilling, and so I could basically feel all the drilling, so using a blunt drill and anaesthetizing wrong location was done deliberately – NOT A MISTAKE, so the two dental assistant and the dentist working together to cause pain - it’s so obvious to me, plus I recognized one of the dental assistance, she’s not really a dental assistant she was from Sydney too, and is Tasha Burns little sister from school 20 years ago, why she wanted to inflict pain on me and what she was doing there in Gunnedah is beyond comprehension STUPID GIRL (I put in a complaint with various people, including NSW Dental Council of NSW, (my scream is way louder than anyone could possible imagine) if anything was done about it, I was not informed (but I believe something was done about it) I would like to quickly add, little side story about the previous dentist, he was an old gentleman and had a blonde assistant, she made some comment about how my teeth must be all awful and rotten because I was most likely a drug addict because I was there on a voucher (she was a typical stupid bimbo) but instead of the usual response from a man, this dentist actually stood up to her and said no she has a fine set of teeth, so I’m thinking because her comment wasn’t validated and she may have been a little bit embarrassed, she might be responsible for organizing the whole painful situation, it would be typical stupid bitch thing.
So after leaving the dentist in complete pain that day, and then spending the next two weeks in complete pain which also happened to be Christmas, so I was unable to eat anything because I couldn’t chew on my tooth, by then it had turned black, so I make an appointment for the different clinic in Gunnedah and Dr Sadik’s work has to be completely redone. COMPLETELY REDONE Now, the next dentist who did it, Dr Jonas, I believe, he didn’t believe me when I said that the other dentist had deliberately inflicted pain and deliberately messed up the job, I know this because he started to tell me a story about when he was young and he made a technical mistake and he implied that it was just a mistake and people make mistakes. I find it really weird how he was so naive about the true nature of that dentist and the assistants in cahoots. In fact I find most people are like that, they have no idea about all the real evil that goes on in the local community, and they just refuse to acknowledge it and don’t want to hear about it. Well you better believe it, and it’s so often every day seemingly normal and usually well paid and popular people who target low income people.
So, this dentist, as he started working, he stabbed me in my nerve with a needle, it was like he was showing me ‘this is what nerve pain is’ because previously, I was telling him I thought that Dr Sadik had drilled into my nerve, and he said no the pain would’ve been caused from the blunt drill bit. And so, this is what nerve pain feels like, - and soon as he did it, my arm automatically reflexed and shot straight up into the air and practically punched him in his face (serves him right!) it was really a rotten thing to do in my opinion, and All because he didn’t believe my story, about deliberately causing that pain. After he fixed the tooth, it sometimes later hurt a bit, every time whenever it hurt, I was reminded of the whole memory, of those revolting people, as the whole situation came back to me, which is very unpleasant. So today, I am compelled to write it down - I’m going to put it up on the Internet for all to read about my woeful tail and the true nature of stupid bullying dogs in Gunnedah – (by dogs, I’m not referring to ugly women or the canine species), I’m referring to women, or more aptly named girls, who harass, ‘dog’, steal, and in my case, inflict pain (often they are zombie bimbos, but not allways). So I’ve arranged another appointment in my new location -I had to move partly due to all the dogs in Gunnedah, they would’ve stolen about $10,000 worth of stuff from me not to mention all the stress that caused from constant harassment in trips to town. I am hoping that there will be no sadistic little coward bitches at the new dentist when I go, but I will be wearing my body cam, actually I wear this whenever I go into town now otherwise, I just have too many dogs all the time, harassing me and trying to steal. Whenever I wear it, there’s no dogs, they are such unbelievable cowards. With a camera, I don’t have to deal with bullies, the camera fights for me, just by recording what’s actually going on. I find it strange how bullies think I would want to interact with them it’s like they’re waiting for me to tell them off and communicate with them in some way. Of course I do not wish to interact at all with that kind of person.
28. The Art of Brushing your Teeth.
Ban anything but SOFT bristled toothbrushes.
And, 2 minutes is 1 minute too long. Otherwise you get receding gums in your 40’s. Painful. Some believe there is a conspiracy within Colgate to sell hard bristled toothbrushes in order to inflict pain on Australians in their 40’s. (But we really know, Coles Gunnedah is to blame {read my dentist story}
Buy carefully - knowledge is power, Australia is a young country.
Don’t go to a dentist unless you’re in serious pain, this applies to children aswell. Dentists
mess up your teeth completely, be much better off leaving them as is, in many instances.
Infact I’m going to take this further, because I have elsewhere a list of things, I wish I was told when I was 18, but I couldn’t fit the “The Art of Brushing your Teeth” story on it. So, I’m going to put it here;
The reason why more than one minute of brushing your teeth is too long, is because if you start off this way, as we did when we were kids - we were instructed in 3rd class by a “dental expert” to brush for 3 minutes after each meal, in fact 3 minutes after every time we eat, she said. I clearly remember it, because my little brother was in the classroom too, and he gave her the correct answer she was looking for, it wasn’t after every meal; “you need to brush after every time you eat” (totally nazi) And this is way too much, because all of that teeth brushing, slowly but surely grinds your teeth away - so a dentist can actually tell you which side of your mouth gets more brushes than the other. And a dentist who is not familiar with your petite mouth, Emily, will mistake a low tooth, for one that has a cavity. This is why it’s particularly important not to grind any of your teeth away. And if you really think about it and concentrate when you’re brushing your teeth, you don’t actually have to do multiple swipes over the teeth in fact usually just one or two is sufficient to remove sugars. And, as a result of over brushing, you will get receding gums in your 40’s, which is extreme sensitivity pain, so no over brushing. Receding gums is also caused by whitening your teeth, so don’t do that either, just cut back on coffee and mango tangos.
There is an art to looking after your teeth; for starters, never ever ever go to the dentist unless you’re in serious pain, there’s no need for you to go to the dentist at all, if you brush every day and look after your teeth. You have extremely good teeth. God gave you perfect teeth, but the dentists fucked them – so do not go to the dentist. And you do (did) brush them regularly and looked after them, there is NO reason why you need to go to the dentist. (Btw, Dad never went to a dentists ever either) So, as I recalled when I was 18, I didn’t have to floss, as food would not get stuck in between my teeth, it wasn’t until dentists tinkered around with my teeth, that gaps were formed and suddenly I had to floss - this is because, Emily, you have a lot of teeth crammed in your little mouth, they’re perfectly formed, but they’re just very close together, which dentists are trained not to like. It’s actually a bit of a bonus not having to floss after every meal, but the dentist messed it up. And when the time comes for a nursing home – this is going to cause MAJOR problems, no one is going to floss your teeth! So, if only you could take my advice and don’t go to the dentist! - then you’re probably still wouldn’t need to floss regularly anyway, no food stuck in your mouth for decay to build up - just pay attention to what’s going on in your mouth after you eat. Oh, sometimes, they can hurt, this is NOT from decay, they just might be a little bit sensitive, because you had something too hot or too cold. Do not go to the dentists for any slight pain, otherwise if you tell a dentist, you were experiencing pain in a certain tooth – they will drill it and fil it, when really there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. (They did this 4 times, and caused extreme pain, so listen to my advice).
I need to add the dentists in Sydney, are not like the dentists in Gunnedah, where there’s a three-month waiting list to get in, and they’re flat out busy all the time. They don’t need any more customers - but there are dentists in Sydney, who are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, with no customers, waiting for someone to come in. And so, if a young woman comes in and tells them she’s got a toothache, they are going see what they can do, to charge the most money -even if there’s nothing wrong but mere sensitivity from the bowl of ice-cream you ate the night before. They do it. It’s theft. It’s a normal part of Sydney life which is not mentioned when you’re at school, so you don’t know about these things - you’re not prepared, school does not actually prepare you for life after school, for the real world.
Use clove essential oil if there is any pain, wait till the next day, it’ll probably be okay. Clove oil will kill any bacteria, it’s very effective, it will stop decay in its tracks. Be careful with it. Potent. I put some on a small area of floss tape, and use it that way. If I get any toothache, I do that, and voilà! the pain is gone by next day.
I also recommend only using Sensodyne toothpaste, that toothpaste adds a protective layer over the teeth, doubly ensuring no decay, use it from the get go as a child. And you need a super slim toothbrush for your petite mouth - I don’t think they even made those kinds of toothbrushes back then, so you have to buy a child’s one, until, I’d say 2020, is when they started making super slim ones!! So that’s 30 years you have to wait till they make a toothbrush specific for your mouth. Also, do not get your teeth ‘professionally’ cleaned by the dental assistant, not necessary.
Most dentists are not familiar with petite mouths, and most dentist are male and old men - who have large hands, they have “man hands”. There’s no way someone with “man hands” can work on your petite mouth. Actually, I do believe someone at the Bundaberg clinic worked this out, and when I needed to have a filling replaced, they gave me a young Indian girl, who was very proficient, despite washing my mouth out with soap (no rinse sink at that place), she must have been from Facebook, I was banned from FB for apparently swearing. STUPID DOGS where ever you go.
Just avoid dentists, unless in extreme pain.
29. Radio dogs from Triple J using Police Contacts to Harass and Victimize
Major problem back in the day – thieving dogs seem to be totally attracted to working in radio stations. I no longer tune in to radio stations, as they knew/know when I’m out travelling around, they have friends in the police, they contact police and police target me, mainly for speeding (but anything they can get away with - it’s about money and having someone to victimize) it has bordered on the side of harassment, mm, no, it has been police harassment. So much so, when I went on a trip to Ballina, I had major stomach cramps and it was due to the fear of being pulled over by the police constant dog-edness. Bugger off police and bugger off stupid dogs on the radio - bimbos. I am not your personal mouse. I think that stupid short blonde girl who steals from me works at a radio station.
So, the medaling dogs at the Gunnedah art gallery is aware of what’s goes on (in my past too) and scheme diabolical arty plans, kind of recreating incidents. Arrogant, condescending, pervy women. They are trying to ‘cure’ me – they are such condescending fucking morons.
30. Deal with Negative Issues you Silly Twits
OMG! I am sick of silly twits in the workplace who can’t handle MINOR workplace problems.
In the workplace you are going to get problems, and negative issues, ALL THE time - that you have to deal with. You’re going to get stressful, people, there’s going to be stressful times. STOP WHINGEING ABOUT MINER NEGATIVE ISSUES AND DEAL WITH IT, stop being so mentally weak, otherwise you might just get a BIG negative issue with REAL NUISANCE problems.
“OMG, someone spoke to you in a raised voice. Oh no, what will you do? How will you cope?
And, oh, no, not an interruption, goodness, how will you remember where you were up to before!
And, the very worst, someone asks you a question, oh dear, the worst annoyance ever!!”
BTW, this concerns all types in the workplace, from courier drivers to lawyers – all guilty of not being able to handle small negative issues.
You have no idea about being bullied, I know.
Btw, I am pretty sure {as in I know for certain}, I have some stupid blonde girl stalking me for the last 30 years, as I called her up on her error (in a slightly annoyed way}, whilst she was attempting to make a DRs appointment. I mentioned it in my Dr experience, but to follow and stalk, harass a patient for this reason – this girl is beyond a stupid bimbo - she would have extreme mental health problems.