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Photo Index



In the text photos;

  1. Emily Constance Bieman age 18 at Gunnedah Henry St house, happy (“I have finally left that fucking school”)

  2. Front 604 Bridges RD Rangari near Gunnedah November 2016

  3. View spring 2016 from kitchen window at Rangari

  4. Trees I planted roadside 2009 that were NOT stolen ORANGEGROVE RD KEEPIT DAM with Little birdy told me Queen immigration story

  5. Arabia rustica stoneware dinner plates

  6. Fire trowel dust pan

  7. The Big JellyBaby Scam photo with written story

  8. Emily Bieman at rental farm at Colosseum near Miriam Vale QLD Australia

  9. My homemade elevation bed sling for planter fasciitis, to treat inflammation

  10. List of Items that have been stolen from me since 2013 - 2022

  11. Bims at Fashion Houses in Sydney EMPOWERING stupid stalking leeches to harass young women.

  12. School girl antics at NEGS with 2 theft story and my shiny coin one

  13. Persecution at Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan

  14. Another example of persecution, Botanical Gardens Gladstone

  15. Bully teachers in Australian public primary schools

  16. Everybody needs to read this - harassment

  17. Good parents are parents who - 20 tips for well adjusted kids

  18. Seeking Facebook Help as Dr refused to help - Diagnose a Handicapped Foot

  19. Mothers to BLAME for a Thieving Offspring

  20. Massage chair rip off from harvey norman

  21. Bunnings Bimbos stealing from due to entrapment - realization of their game

  22. Resort in Port Douglas Refusing Service

  23. Flash mobs pre-flash mobs, re signs



About P2

  1. More about info

  2. Parental Dysfunction with Control Freak Mothers

  3. The internet and social media - hand of God re facebook nazi admin problems

  4. The Hello Bimbos with Parental Fines for bad Children political request

  5. 2008 Virus afteraffects, 12yrs later

  6. Deliberate not Deliberate

  7. Correlation between being bullied and getting sick

  8. Monumental Problems with Receptionists

  9. Not absolutely everyone

  10. Cleaning Up the Trash of Society

  11. Am I living in bizarro world

  12. 5kw Solar Panels not contributing to Bill by Essential Energy SOLAR THEFT

  13. More About Stuff

  14. Naming and Shaming Bullies on Face Book (before I was ban)

  15. Crazy Is

  16. Bullies in mental health industry

  17. Bullies Alex McClymont, Roz Watson and Sharon Morgan behaving badly and caught on camera




  1. View this spring 2017 from kitchen window

  2. I love my garden I love my garden

  3. June 1982,Bones & Biemans at Holwood, Piallaway, near Gunnedah, NSW, Australia

  4. Backyard flying trapeze set up to teach kids how to fly through life

  5. A childhood most people would kill for (and photo of Dad’s 1970’s Morris Mini Moke!)

  6. 1982 Holwood, Currabubula, House and Ford Falcon

  7. The Leech Story and in1977 picnic by the river at Limbri

  8. Bieman family 1988 with story to try and tackle quality inhibited parenting

  9. Stolen Garden

  10. 10 Years of gardening in my Garden at Rangari, near Gunnedah, NSW

  11. Emily Bieman horseriding

  12. Travelled twice in 30yrs - Travel sickness

  13. Typical neighbourhood scenario, 2 girls eavesdropping on family and friends

  14. Hope – when your young of finding somewhere to live

  15. 3 bimbos who shoplifted from me when I worked at Grave Attire in Enmore

  16. The bizarre, dirty phenomena of following other people

  17. Me, off to beach xmas 2021

  18. The Robin Hood Game by local retailers at Gin Gin, Bundaberg, Gunnedah, Tamworth, and the ABC

  19. Car Jack stolen out of my car that was parked at the mechanics

  20. Hay bimbo nazihead

  21. You’re not the Boss of Me – combating nazis

  22. Australian Building Practises, its Renters who get stuck with HOME KILLERS

  23. Poor renters

  24. Dream Watchers, I Mean Perverts

  25. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out

  26. Moving to a Big City

  27. The unfairness and BIAS DISCRIMMINATION of university graduates



Life Stories P2


  2. Rangari House before I moved in 2008

  3. Promised Kesby house – the one that I moved half my stuff to, then they “changed their minds” due to revolting Angela Crook

  4. Long Cottage

  5. Back Of Bad House At Builyan

  6. 12 Ute loads of stuff to move by myself - 5 TIMES

  7. This is the rental house in Colosseum near Miriam Vale, Queensland

  8. 7 Village Lane Kookabutrra Park, Sept 2021 garden DRY AS

  9. Present Day Teeny Tiny Unit Near Mackay - Old Hotel


  11. Major Centrelink Problems (I do a further detailed Centrelink Nazi story on Life Stories page


  13. Special spot for Dysfunctional so called 'health professionals’ story

  14. Infact, I will put here List of Doctor experiences in Australia1995-2020

  15. Update on Plantar fasciitis 2023

  16. Observation of the reason for the bane of my life

Really long enough 16 and long enough page!



 Life Stories P3

  1. Family House at 18 Henry St Collage

  2. TRIPLE Twinwall Polycarbonate Roofing skylight FOR perfect roof insulation

  3. Keep Australia Beautiful

  4. Santa

  5. Workplace Teeter Toddlers with Ayurveda story

  6. Small appliances sabotage, and girls who think they are helping who go gets them

  7. Canine Story in Hong Kong

  8. Tomas’s Poisoned Dog Story - Rare Giant Dog Breed, poisoned by imbeciles

  9. Arthritis caused from kneeling at church in school twice a week on hardwood kneelers

  10. Think you won - no you lost

  11. Persecution via animal noises at night and by day when talking to anyone

  12. peacock problems

  13. The “Helpful” Female Will

  14. Eucalyptus Microcorys Tallowwood SEED that was STOLEN

  15. Books and fairy-tale childhoods

  16. Book industry in Australia

  17. Designs to match personalities

  18. English wannabes story with Victorian clothing

  19. Couples using singles they feel inferior to them, to invoke excitement in their marriage.

  20. Is your garden too good for society

  21. Screaming always works

  22. 9 out of 10 kids in Australia are raised with dysfunctional tactics

  23. Cruel Australian farmers and their gung ho kids

  24. What kind of Jerk keeps a Birdie on a Chain

  25. Being cruel to animals automatically puts you in the “worthless” category

  26. Stuff I should have known

  27. Sunrooms full of ferns

  28. Notice To Leave

  29. DOGS – the government big secret in Australia - with photo of My Parents, Fran and Dick Bieman

  30. Don’t be afraid of being accused HERO



Life Stories P4

  1. It all comes down to food jealousy

  2. Family photo with big boobs story

  3. 2009 Emily Bieman with dad‘s lotto story

  4. Change of life to include Gardening

  5. Bulga cottage on paddock with horses on Cull farm

  6. Batman

  7. Another example of persecution of single ladies

  8. North Sydney female crime networks, preying on young country girls

  9. People who are Designed and Built to Work

  10. Look Alikes or Doubles from TV Movie Agents in Australia

  11. De'lish, Farmers fresh Fruit and Veges Gin Gin, Donna MarieTeach me a lesson – mindset

  12. Sleeping women, minimum wage and the reverse of feminism

  13. 5 Kid’s Story { here is photo of I love full and overgrown gardens - My garden at Rangari captures the spirit of nature}

  14. Ridiculous - Australian Tax Office – they really are thieves, they have hopped on the thieving dog bandwagon

  15. Emily the Greeny

  16. Take photos and videos of everything

  17. If you don’t know your ancestors, no one else will

  18. I would hate to be born in Ethiopia

  19. Reference from Anna Abbott

  20. Gardeners Discriminated Against

  21. Things I wish I was told when I was 18

  22. Oh, how much “natural charm” does a street have, without powerlines

  23. Lord Of The Flies admin

  24. Why privacy is important

  25. Product Placement

  26. Sun Dried Apricots (this one is elsewhere too, but not indexed)

  27. Quote that resonated with me, about corrupt police and government in Iraq, using fear tactics to control

  28. Dyeing Story and the “female misodge”Collage of Naturally Died Wool with plants from my garden

  29. Stolen - Nat Killer, along with Popular Culture Teaching Young People how to Live - TV brain washing

  30. Why is it some People Think Certain Men are Gay when they're Not



Life Stories P5

  1. All my hard work of Boulder collecting stolen and wasted

  2. Back rockery

  3. A few of my fabric designs – {When you see what you want ask for it you just never know}

  4. English class in high school

  5. Criminal vigilantes picking on gardeners who grow exotic plants

  6. Culmination of thought story

  7. NEGS, house mistress obsession with the young girls

  8. Short blonde girl who steals from me

  9. Army Of One Short Blonde Girl

  10. Girl getting families to harrass me and steal via the neighbours places

  11. Gunnedah squash courts the real reason

  12. School Art Story

  13. Revolting craft workshop woman in Western Suburbs, and fake job story, both stolen

  14. Fruit and Vege Thief, shooting story

  15. I bet they don’t even have a sore foot, and re, Renters are POVERTY people

  16. When you see what you want ask for it you just never know

  17. My Pusscat is Never Going to get Stuck up a Tree

  18. Every plant specie I sell, has a story, this is woodwardii’s

  19. Major Socket Shortage in Australian Homes

  20. Blinded By Money Syndrome and Money Thinkers = Greedy Thinkers

  21. pot belly theory

  22. You know what they Say, Good Fences Make for Good Neighbours

  23. how did you spend your childhood

  24. Is the Australian Government ripping you off

  25. Self-declared important people - Special Little Buttercup

  26. Statue of Liberty story

  27. Excrucian; intolerable, unbearable, agonizingly annoying

  28. Neighbour shaming, to wake them up to the beauty of nature

  29. Mulberry Syrup story

  30. Siren Dogs - Ambulance Kids Joyriders



Life Stories P6

  1. My Pool Sold

  2. Important Back info you should know - Slipped Disc story

  3. My 25m Lap Pool story with winning race story

  4. Running Tally of all Above Ground Pool Costs with Sabotage story

  5. So as a child I was this unbelievable fussy eater

  6. The cunning plans of Mother Nature; Sneaky yet brilliant little camelian weeds and my Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s Cats the musical plant story

  7. Am I the type of person that is a victim, and Tricia Chook Show Story

  8. Water Cooler AND BOTTLE STOLEN from Gunnedah Art Gallery

  9. Strange and Unexplained Netflix Phenomenon

  10. The Secret - Rhode Island Red Evil Chook Story

  11. Ebay Nazis now, after 5 yrs, and ebay POWER SELLER - 1300 positive feedbacks - BUT THEY STILL ban ME – NAZIBIMBOS

  12. Typical Day for me

  13. Re-creations

  14. Art Ban on Australian website Redbubble

  15. My Experience with the Gunnedah Creative Art Gallery in Chandos St

  16. Photo Showing 2 Planes in Sky above my House

  17. Stain Sabotage Happens All The Time on my Good clothes not to mention Quality item

  18. Tyre Sabotage, 3 times in my Life now

  19. Bitch Wind

  20. Beauty Advice for Ladies

  21. My Fiery Horse Story

  22. Horse Hay Bale story – and ‘Stop and Deal’. Don’t be a slow reactor

  23. My Stolen Black Beauty horse story

  24. Cornfields Stolen Horse Story

  25. Horse Stories Continued; Fast Riding, School Girl Bullies, and Women in The Race Industry

  26. What, No Horse at Rangari!

  27. Who put that Trotter in there!

  28. Horse Story no 8, re Slow Motion

  29. Horses on Holidays

  30. Zig Zagging through an Acacia lined little country rd



Life Stories P7 The Stalking Page

  1. Public Transport in Sydney – biggest area of ‘bad types’

  2. Typical Outing for me Another Example of Constant Incessant Persecution

  3. This driver is obsessed with me

  4. 26th July 1130am WHITE SUV following me again - most likely stealing my mail

  5. Well you can try to keep up

  6. Stalking Dogs in Melbourne

  7. Postage dogs who deliver my mail to my neighbours

  8. The weird and bizarre phenomena on of people leaving their house when I leave my house

  9. Followed, Stared at, Harassed, Targeted

  10. Toll truck wanting people to pay them a toll

  11. Neighbour Stalkers

  12. Hay Bimbo Naziheads -Hay and Dog Following Me Story, Dogs That Play Sides and Follow Me Around in Cars

  13. Bikini Bitches - More hater dogs trying to fight me

  14. Beige car woman trying to control what I see GET A LIFE YOU STUPID BITCH

  15. Persecution at Woolworths and Coles instore, trailing off to other areas of Tantrum Throwing by Arrogant Stalking Monkeys on my Back

  16. Bitches driving infront of me, OR WAITING FOR ME AT MY DESTINATION, as a way of stalking, harassing and stealing from me – DOGS

  17. Car herding and Number plating

  18. Beeping Bimbo in New Car Phenomenon

  19. Same name phenomenon

  20. Stalking neighbours online too

  21. P plate-ing 40yr old women

  22. DOGS, at work, not at work, on the street, in shops, at home- it makes no difference where

  23. A common obsession tactic is to try to distract me inorder to fuck up the intended object

  24. Coward car and truck drivers playing road games in order to TEACH ME A LESSON

  25. Bonds Bullies

  26. Screaming gecko, loud lizard, high-pitched tapping sounds from gecko in QLD, tuck tick tick

  27. Daewoo Car looks like a mouse

  28. Flickr admin account thieves - Don MacAskill, Chris MacAskill

  29. Now look here special whole new photo for so-called do-gooders were trying to save

  30. Toot Toot Crazy Movie Industry



Life Stories P8 The Banging and Tapping page

  1. Winnifred O’Hare and the Witches of Salem

  2. Sleep stealing and female doctor manipulations

  3. Old man in trailers driving in circles

  4. Sound Harassment when I Exit my House

  5. Finally, some normality when I walk outside into the garden (View from Front door looking out over veranda at Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin)

  6. My kitchen at rangari

  7. Internet and telstra plus prime video working together

  8. Pellaea ovata - ovate-leaved Cliff Brake Fern (9) - my beaded hanging basket with Pellaea

  9. Some Councils know how to do it

  10. Scenic Rail Route from Perth, to Broome, to Darwin, then across to Lockhart via the new Underwater Scenic rail route, and ending up at Cooktown.

  11. Trusty Ute on Rangari farm, with much needed window tint

  12. Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig planted 1916 at Miriam Vale; along Station St, near Gladstone, QLD

  13. Why are there televisions blaring in every single waiting room in Australia

  14. Another dog following me, is this one of yours Prime TV (now Channel 7)?

  15. Sibling Friend Jealousy

  16. Banging on Metal - People who do signs are DISRESPECTFUL

  17. Plane Noise Harassment, Photo Showing 2 Planes in Sky above my House

  18. 2 planes flying over house and paddock, and yellow one aerial spraying poison on me

  19. Video from youtube

  20. hickleberry IRRISPONSIBLE farmers

  21. Wilderness story and the real problem of kerbing population

  22. Old Man Problems

  23. Spotlight thieving girls on meterage, again featuring Cathy Goldman getting the dogs

  24. Dorm Snoring Story

  25. Daily Glistening Rain Drop Spectacle

  26. You do not need to be partnered, to find joy, happiness and satisfaction in life

  27. Reference from Robert Cull

  28. Small Responsibilities

  29. Dim women don't know that you have to do right by people

  30. Lisa Sutherland, not Witches of Salem, but Witches of Doctor Receptionists



Life Stories P9 The Houses Page

  1. Can't sit still 2017 at Rangari House Garden

  2. Dead frog, bird and rats in my drinking water on rental house

  3. Another Awesome “Grand Designs” Piece of Perfection

  4. Tulcumbah House and Mandy story

  5. Cookie Cutter Housing

  6. Australian Architecture

  7. Sure, I could have built my own home

  8. Dream House, single story, hay bale and double glass window walls, raised roof light-well, open plan

  9. Houses need to be S-P-A-C-E-DPrivacy related architecture and landscaping

  10. Mandatory - under every new house build in Australia

  11. Last weekend and privacy, security, and a total escape from the Rat Race

  12. You know what they say, good fences make for good neighbours

  13. Builders with Brains

  14. Quadrangle House Ideas to Combat Privacy and COOKIECUTTER HOUSES

  15. Housing Concerns in Australia

  16. Australian Houses Need Sloped Roofs

  17. Nuisance Neighbours (Plus a list of every single place I rented since I left home at age 18)

  18. Landlord Providing Air Pollution Houses

  19. Australian streets are starting to look much better, finally

  20. Some councils are getting it right, some still are not

  21. Septic Solutions - Typical cement septic tank with the drip overflow diverted into a dug-out

  22. Worm Toilet and Compost Septic System

  23. DIY worm waste aerobic compost septic system - turning all household waste into liquid gold

  24. Odd Request - Cooktown letter to their council

  25. Bruises from Moving on my OWN

  26. Inadvertent Government Granted Permissions for Real Estates to obtain Private Information

  27. Warning about Body Corporates -Powertripper Take Overs

  28. You Really Need to get this Right re Roof Insulation

  29. Way too many Design Companies and Hardly any Construction Companies - Due to a Lack of Organisation

  30. Look at what this person at Mackay is doing, to CASH IN on the QLD rental crisis



Life Stories P10

  1. More Ocean Rock Pools in QLD please Gov

  2. Seaforth Beach Net, no crocs, no stingers, no sharks, - way to go Seaforth Council, photo from Google - Lozza Paterno

  3. Odd Little Cow / Colour Association Story. Colour Therapy

  4. Lying Tafe Teachers

  5. Fire Trowel, Dust Pan, Stolen on first day of living in New Rental at Rangari

  6. You know I am fed up with stupid women judging ugly people

  7. Unmarked Undercover Police Car in QLD, and Shame on Gladstone Council for Stealing via Unnecessary Multiple Speed Signs

  8. Fish Story At Pretty Beach

  9. Forget about the entire cleaning isle at the supermarket - cleaning aisle

  10. Nursing home concerns blurb

  11. Faux charities Faux people

  12. Gunnedah 'the peoples attitude' at Dorothea Mackellar Memorial Statue

  13. Stolen garden hat, Melbourne open Garden Scheme 2006

  14. Future Business Mission

  15. My Kurrajong idea for Australian Farm paddocks

  16. Real Estate Tactic’s to Steal Tenants Bond

  17. I found some photos of when I was living at Tulcumbah and Tulip on the edge

  18. Tulcumbah Back Garden

  19. Water Rushing into the Namoi Dec 07 upstream shot at Tulcumbah

  20. Work Desk At Tulcumbah

  21. My desk with PC at Rangari

  22. My chook yards

  23. Just look at my Strawberry Patch Above!

  24. Parental Dysfunction with Control Freak Mothers

  25. Sweep Pervert Issues under the Carpet why Don't you

  26. Old Lady Thieves

  27. People would prefer to go on personal power trips rather than look after their house

  28. The Robin Hood game


  30. I love my sweet treats



Life Stories P11

  1. She who Spoils her Cat the most, Wins

  2. Spot on Flea Tick Treament causes Mast Cell Tumors - Cancer

  3. We all need the right nutrition from the womb

  4. Cat Stories - To bath or not to bath. You will find this tedious if you are not a Rampant Cat Fan

  5. Country Feral non-thinking Tight Arse’s

  6. Cat scratch with anti-tetanus story

  7. Tulip, his Whiskers give me Whiskers

  8. Bank staff trying to unempower customers

  9. Often people are described as died peacefully in their sleep

  10. Morning Tea with the Old Lady Neighbours

  11. Sterling Silver Double Open Infinity Lobster Claw clasp for necklace STOLEN

  12. Covid cash grant money Spa experience 2020 / 2021

  13. Character Reference from Lizzie Blake

  14. Thoughtful Sign in Bundaberg

  15. The rentals with “little girl landlord problems”

  16. Bad Wikipedia Admin (photo of arshole boy from wikipedia who ban me for no reason)

  17. My arms used to look like this, and now they’re spent

  18. Councils Hogging all the Men

  19. Non thinking people from the past wasting space - Waverley cemetery

  20. More detailed list of the things I wish I was told when I was 18

  21. Exactly just WHO am, I talking too

  22. Example of people who should mind their own business (and rack off) Fighting medalling Mary nazi bimbo types

  23. Bundaberg / Gin Gin Truck driver stealing petrol money from Taxpayers

  24. Mail sign people

  25. Roof going on Back Deck November 2020 Cate Rogers, Winfried Hoerr and Andrew Kelly

  26. These are the Kinds of People that Email me, contact me – ‘yuk’ people

  27. If there were no 3rd borns the whole of the entertainment industry would probably close down

  28. Public movie scenario creators

  29. Companies Which Never Paid Me My Super

  30. The Brutal World of Money



Life Stories P12

  1. Girl Communication Issues

  2. The Scatterbrain Saves everyone from Dying

  3. Neighbourhood problem specific to me today at Stella‘s house

  4. I have two biblical food stories

  5. For Every Action, There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction re Coward of the County

  6. Vitamin and Mineral pre-I told You So

  7. Food Bullying Through Obesity Encouragements

  8. Unwanted ‘Infringement’, Big and Small perceptions

  9. Cocky Real Estates Stoop to a New Arrogant Low Re Pete Long

  10. Squeaky Wind Story

  11. Good Vibes in Roof Space Conversion

  12. Moving plants, relocating to Sarina

  13. Veranda/work room

  14. Harassment for Money from Employment Provider in Gin Gin for Road Works and Street Beautification SH SH it’s a secret

  15. Cockatoo Story

  16. 4 people that are, or, look like Karen Cull (high school biology teacher from Gunnedah, NSW, Australia)

  17. Food and Flower jealousy

  18. Tool Work Room at Rangari, I am a fan of Art – Glover

  19. Night Sweats - Direct result from a Lack of Privacy

  20. Bending the truth photos from realtors

  21. Naughty Kangaroo Solutions

  22. The Bimbo Dominatrix along with The Sand Man Story

  23. Australian women are way too jealous by nature due to multiple kids

  24. Massage Please for all hard-working Australians

  25. It’s a Renters life – Putrid Drinking Water

  26. Supermarket female rebel frenzy

  27. Mothers showing girls good housekeeping

  28. The Lush Green Water Myth in Queensland Wrongfully Perpetuated by Realtors

  29. INTENTION to INSURE me without the physical Punch - This is PHYSICAL ABUSE in a most SINISTER Way

  30. Secret fantasies these days



Life Stories P13

  1. The scent of a pine

  2. Lying and fainting bad nurses

  3. Unwanted Nuisance Callers plus religious story

  4. Meals on Wheels

  5. Teach empathy - Clever and Creative ways to raise kids who aren’t bullies

  6. Bottlebrush’s under powerlines; don’t be afraid chop chop chop!

  7. Canine dog story

  8. Unnecessary “squelchy mess” due bored factory food workers

  9. Hand-made Silver Ring Stolen

  10. List of Strange Things that Happen, Weird Things, Dodgy Things, Someone in my House

  11. Female Thinking re “I want to beat you so badly and since I can’t, I will just kill you”

  12. Correct ph soap for ladies

  13. Bundaberg Court employs unsavvy judges

  14. Fancy Appliances Remote Access And Rival Appliance Companies

  15. Recurring Dream

  16. Bitches at big W who pretended to have lost my bike

  17. Phone Numbers of Girls that Call me and Hang up, or Lie about Who They Are

  18. Centrelink Jobs Providers - Employment Services, forcing people to be slaves in  2021

  19. Centrelink’s job providers playing teacher and Casandra Dunstan at Best Australia

  20. Mothers paying for their sons mistakes in the form of Cancer

  21. Centrelink Nazis

  22. These posts work

  23. Dysfunctional Doctors and Centrelink staff

  24. Stupid little blonde bimbo brainwashing people so I would have to move

  25. Design and Print and Sell your Design companies – REVIEW

  26. Vital life stuff that needs to be added to the curriculum

  27. St Leonards Nature Care College FOULPLAY Drop FaceAND HIVESfrom Homeopath

  28. Chinese Elastic dictating Fashion Trends in the 90's

  29. Not Sweet Smelling at Garden Express

  30. Almond Tree and King Parrots



Life Stories P14

  1. This is the kind of thing that I Dream about – Double Saunas

  2. Belle of the Ball

  3. We can see your garden on Google Maps

  4. Followed Around by Mongrel Dirt Bikers all over Australia - PISS OFF you coward

  5. My first lot of carob powder – yum

  6. Earliest Memory

  7. Deliberate windscreen chip attack of war

  8. Some Little Bitch Harassing me Re-Fake Speeding Ticket

  9. Rainbow Bee-eater

  10. Halloween 2020

  11. Why do I have long Hair

  12. The Calling of Nature

  13. Housing concerns in Australia

  14. Councils - COME ON

  15. List of Real Estates who need Naming and Shaming

  16. Rental Bitches from Melbourne Harassing me

  17. My rental farmhouse - 10yrs here at Rangari, near Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia

  18. My address is none of your business

  19. Acacia tree Massacre

  20. Oppression that leads to War

  21. Printscreen of my new Seed Shop on LocalSeeds

  22. Jewish Mowing Story

  23. Is This The Woman

  24. Plastic Peg Graveyard in Every Backyard

  25. Come on Australia, you have to use your brain and creativity a little bit

  26. Bug and Insect Cruelty

  27. Renters Walk-in Closet, hanging clothes wardrobe

  28. Opposite re rebellious people doing the opposite of what I want OR what they should be doing at work

  29. This is a huge problem I EXPERIENCE, as of 2015, Simon Says

  30. Can’t stand movie directors using animals in their movies especially like this one - cruel idiots



Life Stories P15

  1. Double-barred Finch - Taeniopygia bichenovii (my CHANEL Birds) next to Screenshot of my Wix Fabric Website

  2. The Dedicated Lifestyle of Copying me. Some People are so Weird in their Dysfunction

  3. The Power Games People Play – typical dysfunction and abuse, in families and workplaces

  4. Renters Tips - byo Induction Cooker – Piggyback the Electrics

  5. Money Saver for Electricity re Hot Water

  6. Thieving perverts around 43 Audley St, Petersham NSW 2049

  7. Australian Medicare

  8. My Life Contributions, accomplishments, or I should call it aid and inspire

  9. Movies Dividing People Passively and Silently Encouraging Class

  10. The Good Door Story with Mouse Story

  11. Bad Actors who do Not take their Job Seriously And as a Result Disrespects the Central Character’s Life

  12. Meddling Mary’s, Modern in Victorian st-none of your business

  13. Do you have the right TONE to argue your point?

  14. Struck by lightning

  15. Telstra guarantee

  16. Telstra fighting tactics if they’re not worshipped together with CBA thieves

  17. Phone call sabotage by Telstra bimbos who think it will be funny

  18. School woodworking projects

  19. Mothers Teaching their Kids how to Shoplift

  20. If you can’t get within 10m of girl in waking hrs, SAME APPLIES IF SHE’S ASLEEP

  21. Mall Dogs and blondes who baby discriminate

  22. Kindy Pinterest - Can’t say pussy on Pinterest - Words you can’t use on the internet without being Flagged and Banned

  23. We want 100% Biodegradable thanks

  24. Grandmothers relegated to childcare

  25. I am a creative artistic person

  26. Every 4th Day re Truck Drivers Concerning Themselves with my Hair

  27. Bike stealing in Boganville Australia

  28. Carpal Boss lump

  29. Inflammation from collapsed Arch What to do if you have a Collapsed Arch – Plantar fasciitis

  30. Stealing From Me (female – what a surprise)



Life Stories P16

  1. Drive Thru's vs Fancy Restaurants

  2. Bus Blocking Street Signs at Every Street Corner in Bundaberg

  3. Tank Water Pump setup at Kookaburra Park House

  4. I Love Secondhand Shops

  5. Reference

  6. Women at the ABC

  7. Natural Ocean Pools – I love them

  8. Knowledge is power, know this about tetanus

  9. ABC iView app harassment in the form of tooting every 5minutes and ABC tv doing beeping bullshit stories

  10. More Courier Truck Driver Stalkers

  11. Ladies Secret Weapon against the Monthly Curse

  12. It’s Taken Them 30 years but they Caught on in the End

  13. Old Age Health Essentials

  14. Home Medicine Cupboard essentials

  15. The Socially Retarded Humans I have had to Talk to, Plus another Renters Bane - Asbestos in Bathroom

  16. Will’d death

  17. School Bully Story

  18. Unhealthy Attitudes by Oppressors

  19. The Danger of Carpet and Carpet Cleaning Chemicals in OTHER People’s Homes - Rentals

  20. Virus's Causing other Diseases

  21. Australia Warns its Tourists, about the Thieving Nature of the Locals

  22. The Beach

  23. Family Photos and Memories

  24. Mitsubishi Triton 2009 Petrol Consumption on a 75litre tank

  25. Tamworth Zombie Art Bullies

  26. Sum-up about my Dentist Story

  27. Toothbrush kit stolen with NEGS girl tortured teeth story at dentist

  28. The art of brushing your teeth

  29. Radio dogs from Triple J using Police Contacts to Harass and Victimize

  30. Deal with Negative Issues you Silly Twits



Life Stories P17

  1. After Contacting Businesses in Australia, they Proceed to Follow me

  2. Pro a Purring Nation

  3. North Queensland, first week Impression

  4. BBQ Chicken and used Oil story

  5. How to quit smoking; I’ve done it so many times I know how to do it

  6. Demure and Respectful Not Winning

  7. Vamoose Penny Awgayer and Danniel Wheatley

  8. New location at Sarina – LOCATION review, April 2022

  9. New location at Sarina – UNIT review, April 2022

  10. The Seed Saving Industry

  11. Rental Crisis in Queensland

  12. Choose Friends Wisely, but Don’t be a Rude Snob

  13. Fake Farmers Markets, Troubles with selling my Produce, Cooking, and School Food

  14. This is My Hair Planter

  15. Don’t be Afraid to Toot Your Own Horn

  16. Dog Directors and Dog Writers

  17. How to be sane when surrounded by evil, with SERENITY ROSE MUGS 415CC (415ml), Fine bone china, Fine Rim, The England Collection

  18. Nurses Force Feeding Patients

  19. Gunnedah Landcare and Brandan Story

  20. Pervert Dogs Trying to make Women who they think inferior to them, Feel Guilty

  21. Widow Pension

  22. More Bloody Beepers

  23. Saying Something about the Antagonistic Moral-Less TV Industry Advertising People who Hound Me

  24. Finally, I see, Someone Else can See, how Wrong that Industry is

  25. Hollywood Movie Copycats re Milk story

  26. Basic Consumer laws being Flaunted by Chinese seller

  27. Scam Podcasts

  28. Raised Toilet for Adults, with Bidet and Dry Cloths, October 2022

  29. Sneaky Distraction Tactics to Win at Sports

  30. Bush Turkey at Sarina



Life Stories P18

  1. Insights Antics, and Sleep Torture Story

  2. Whenever I Make Phone Call to Determine Price, I get Ripped Off

  3. Hooning Farmers

  4. Brampton Island

  5. Gardeners have been Dazzling me for Years

  6. The Professional Bikie -Harley Davidson

  7. Zam Car Harrassing me

  8. Thefts to state “I’m watching you” – a predator dog statement

  9. A Sydney Street taking ‘Public Gardening’ On - Well Done to Them

  10. Skipping Along Car

  11. Nuisance Dysfunctional People Who Hang Around Me, Beep At Me, And Follow Me

  12. This is what your Teenage Son Does – Wake up BIMBO MOTHERS

  13. No COOL CAR ORNAMENTS due to Single Mothers

  14. My Good Flyscreen Door

  15. Things That Pricks Do

  16. Ways to Get Rid of Pricks

  17. Under the Carpet Stuff

  18. Fat Shaming

  19. Women Throwing Tantrums If Someone Speaks to Them IN A RAISED VOICE

  20. Cure for seasickness on Great Barrier Reef Snorkelling day trips

  21. Cruel Farming Tradition

  22. Umbrella Stolen from my Car by Bimbo

  23. This is a Warning

  24. Texting Dog Nuisance Beeping Network

  25. Telstra Antics re Lymph Problems

  26. Neighbourhood Washing Machine, Full Load Monitoring - by Child

  27. To Confront or To Not Confront, Your Criminal Perpetrator

  28. People Change Over the Years

  29. Dogs on Phones

  30. Highway construction at its best



Life Stories P19

  1. More Apricot Grievances

  2. Satsuma, Mariposa, KingBilly and Angelina - my 4 Plum trees that were Seasonally Stolen

  3. No Real Lawyers in Australia

  4. Some People cannot Handle my Phone Call, and Inquiry

  5. Dogs Who Play Sides

  6. Pet Peeve re Fashion Trends and Others

  7. Outdated Snobby Rules from the Banks - who do reward and punishment – sickoes

  8. Warning about Fake Lycra being Sold as Lycra

  9. Since Retailers are now Coming in AT no 1 in Thievery

  10. Have you Tried a Vege Burger

  11. Whole Bad Farming Families

  12. Patronizing Pricks playing the Game of Trying to make me Feel Guilty

  13. Another trip into town, another bunch of nonthinking sign people MONUMENTAL NUISANCE

  14. Snobby Television Produces who Create Exclusion Shows

  15. I can see I am going to have to make my own Vichy Shower

  16. Lycra Swimwear Design for Lycra Surf Pant

  17. The Real Facts - This is not 1901 anymore, it’s 2023

  18. Supermarket Food Brands I personally am not keen on or are just plain disgusting – WIP

  19. The Cruel Martingale

  20. Bimbos on TV Who Do Reflections

  21. Animals Gambling at Anothers Expense, by Form of Animal

  22. So Many Movies Over Covid19

  23. Rowing Story Re Finding Your Voice, And Are You A Natural Chess Player

  24. Anyone who does NOT have a Spectacular Garden in their Backyard, is a Fool

  25. Average Weekly Australian Paypacket

  26. Big Picture insights

  27. Dads Redback Spider Story

  28. Aus Study Theft by Centrelink Bimbos

  29. Whip Bird Story, Eastern Whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus)

  30. My Teaching Experience re Knitting



Life Stories P20

  1. The Scent of a Garden

  2. Witch Hunt(and Bush Turkey having fun with himself, smashing my mirror with its reflection attacks)

  3. Oprah’s Little Bimbo Bully Bitches (Blog Exert) plus Just an Observation about Real Estates - Calvert Avenue Killara

  4. Mouldy Shoes, Mouldy Belt, Mouldy Table Tops, Mouldy Drawers, Mouldy Ceilings, Mouldy Cat Biscuits

  5. Re-occurring Dreams

  6. Ridiculous Rent Prices 2022

  7. Natural Swim Pond Goal

  8. Outdated Snobby Rules from the Banks - who do reward and punishment – sickoes

  9. Just some of my fruit trees – out of 60

  10. Rent to Own Scheme who DISCRIMINATES plus natural feelings of “I Want”

  11. It’s official - the population doubled between 1970 and 2010

  12. You Know, Kids who Play like this- Are Deeply Disturbed

  13. Ant Nest story with Recreation Story

  14. Polite Ways to Turn a Man Down

  15. Spotlight Thieving Girls on Meterage, again, featuring Cathy Goldman getting the Dogs

  16. Television shows and Movies that Change People’s Consciousness for the Bad

  17. Ebay Cunts

  18. The Beeping Loser on Range Road

  19. ​

  20. Sleepers – See how big the Cat and Mouse game is in society

  21. Issues and Agendas for Politicians in Australia

  22. The Ghost Story

  23. 2023 Monthly Brilliance Award

  24. Fake Female Health Professionals

  25. The Looking Game, The Sign Game, And the Winning and Losing Game

  26. The Cult Phenomenon

  27. A Third of my Childhood in the Water

  28. Conditioned Women Deliberately trying to be Bimbo to get “ADORED”, People Trying to Feel Important by Making Jokes, Showing Off to Colleagues

  29. 8 Inch Air Stone Stolen and Karmic Dept Story Centerlink Complaint about Age Pension for Women

  30. Cheese and Tomato Bread Roll Story



Life Stories P21 - I will be later editing later to fit all on only 20 pages

​1.    Wannabe Jealous Nazi Idiot Woman Pretending To Be Jealous Husband
2.    Body shape, starved as a baby, cause of slight mental retardation
3.    Facebook has created a culture of BITCH BANNING people
4.    Crap Mothers
5.    Jobs Providers Deliberately Handing Out Viruses
6.    The disrespectful cunts are back at Centrelink
7.    Shining the Light on Narcissistic Families for End Goal of Peace and Quiet
8.    Old Man Games
9.    The Weird Phenon of People behaving as Territorial Rabies Infected Dogs on FB
10.    Kiss – Keep It Simple Stupid
11.    An Anti Religious Shopping Experience: Tessuti Fabrics (formerly Fantasy Fabrics)
12.     More about Acceptable Areas where it’s OK to be Nazi Personality




Items stolen at Rangari, Gunnedah

Page 1

  1. 17 x Arabia Rustica stoneware dinner plates STOLEN, one at a time from pantry at Rangari,

  2. Bunnings Hardware Network of Female Thieves - Story before I realized about their Evil Entrapment Plan

  3. White Seedless Grape vine Stolen by Bimbo Ideas Girl

  4. Car Jack stolen out of my car that was parked at the mechanics

  5. Ariat brush stolen Rangari 2017

  6. Swimming Goggles - Stolen from Car whilst Parked at Gunnedah Pool

  7. Fire Trowel, Dust Pan, Stolen on first day of living in New Rental at Rangari

  8. N.E.G.S. related Theft - plank of hardwood stolen off veranda at Rangari, NSW near Gunnedah

  9. Eucalyptus microcorys - Tallowwood SEED that was STOLEN

  10. 4 Wheels AND 4 Tyres, stolen, off my Daewoo car near Gunnedah

  11. Rowan Leigh - Never go to music festivals

  12. Engine oil for the mower stolen 2 L and the

  13. STOLEN - My SINGLE TALL Dish Drawer from Fisher and Paykel, value $1200incl del

  14. Gunnedah Council Roads and Traffic Department

  15. Landlord Antics at Rangari

  16. Fur ‘stole’ stolen 2016 from Gunnedah, NSW, Australia

  17. Chopped Dried Chilli Stolen

  18. Tennis ball stolen out of my locked car, parked outside Irrigation Shop in Gunnedah, NSW,Australia

  19. Brown Sunglasses Stolen and Shooting Trespassing people

  20. Calculator from the 90's STOLEN from off Desk in house on farm

  21. Stolen fruit off Nectarine Tree - whole tree full of fruit, gone THE WHOLE TREE- like 100’S

  22. Bird Photo Stolen

  23. Secateurs Stolen out of my Car at Gunnedah Dentist

  24. Postage stamps booklet stolen

  25. Nut from Stihl Chainsaw stolen off verander

  26. Purina Seafood Biscuits making my Cat Sick

  27. Large Dust Brush and Blue Dust Pan from Bunnings, Stolen

  28. DOZENS, if not 100’S of Reading Glasses Stolen over the Years

  29. Nail Scissors, Sewing Clippers and Good Quality Glass Pins, stolen at Gunnedah, Rangari, 2014 and 2016

  30. Good Quality, Garden Rake STOLEN from shed at Bridges RD, Rangari, NSW, 2380, in 2016 - stolen by bimbo



Page 2

  1. Garden Grow Bags, 100L,40cm high x 39cm wide. with handles STOLEN

  2. I briefly visited Melbourne 2006, while I was there, these items were STOLEN

  3. Old Fashioned Long Handled Weeding Tool, with painted white handle, Stolen

  4. Lilly's, Saffron and Tulip ‘Negrita’ – Tulipa BULBS STOLEN off veranda at Rangari

  5. CCTV camera Vandalised and Destroyed by neighbours trying to EMPOWER their kids

  6. My Seed Measuring Spoons Stolen

  7. Alpaca fibres STOLEN, many, a lot, small portions like this

  8. Evil Sneaky Female Camera Sabotage Thieves

  9. Plant Ownership, amongst other dodgy things out of Control In Australia Hort Ind

  10. Knitting Needles, Stolen, Returned, Some still Stolen, plus others not shown here Stolen, plus Fibres Stolen, and more Stolen

  11. Gunnedah Council Library Dogs – devious plans to steal through fines

  12. This is how I Have to Lock the Door now, Thieves Stealing My Keys

  13. Thief Access Via Catflaps

  14. The Reject Shop Thieves

  15. Sluen; Stolen and Discarded

  16. Sleepers Stolen by Wealthy Bastard and Bird Stories

  17. 2 Pliers Taken and Angled Under my Car Tyre at Long Cottage, Gunnedah, NSW, Australia 2018

  18. Melaleuca nesophila x 2 tubesSTOLENfrom shade house at Long Cottage Gunnedah, NSW

  19. 10 Of My 500ml Coffee Mugs were Stolen in Gunnedah



Page 3 Collage of stolen items - Stolen from me at Rangari, NSW, Australia

  1. My beautiful HOMEMADE EARRINGS stolen 2018

  2. Metal double pencil sharpener stolen off veranda

  3. Black Round Wide Shallow Plastic Potting Container Missing

  4. Mosaic Tiles Stolen from me while I was Mowing

  5. Electric stud finder stolen from Rangari

  6. Crêpe skillet stolen

  7. 2 Tweezers stolen from house at rangari

  8. Wooden Folk Art Notepad STOLEN from front door

  9. Heaps of Little Cheapy Torches Stolen

  10. UHU Glue Stic STOLEN out of desk draw, only 1. not both

  11. Lendrun Spinning Wheel Chock Stolen

  12. Strawberry guava fruit stolen off tree

  13. Quality cocoa

  14. Stolen Panasonic Hdmi and Auxilliary Cable BRANDNEW

  15. Spare key set, similiar to this STOLEN of book shelf at Rangari

  16. Sesame Seed, Poppy Seed and 2kg Sugar, stolen out of Kitchen Cupboard

  17. Seed Tube Tray Stolen

  18. Sari stolen whilst in transport through Australia Post

  19. Purple Sunnies Stolen by People in the Television Industry

  20. Thermometer stolen from desk at Rangari near Gunnedah in 2015

  21. Pink and green cashmere gloves stolen

  22. Led Bike Light Stolen

  23. Large Leather Hat Box stolen out of Garage

  24. Reading Glasses stolen from Joblink Plus, Gunnedah, NSW, 2380

  25. Pressure washer nozzle stolen from locked shed

  26. Good Hose Spray Stolen And Pink Sprinkler Similar To Photo

  27. Duracell Ultra Rechargable Batteries AAA New & Sealed

  28. Quite a few Screwdrivers Stolen over the Years

  29. Drill chuck and key x 3stolen near Gunnedah NSW 2016 by neighbors

  30. Dowel Rolling Pin Stolen

  31. Bormioli Rocco - Quattro Stagioni Preserving Jar x 2 STOLEN one withTatsoi seeds, and 1 dried apricots

  32. 50g Ball Silk and Alpaca homespun yarn STOLEN from Long Cottage in Gunnedah

  33. 3 lots of fabric STOLEN FROM INSIDE HOUSE AT Rangari, NSW, Australia, Muslin, Cotton Spandex and Poly Crepe

  34. 2 inch rural poly length stolen

  35. 1m length of my hardwood 12mm beading strip stolen

  36. 12mm garden hose endRubber O Rings, pkt, STOLEN

  37. Electrical tape stolen half used

  38. 10 Drill Bits 5mm stolen off desk

  39. 1 metal and 11 silver parfait spoons stolen out of kitchen draw

  40. 16gb Usb stolen by people in the Television Industry

  41. 3 pairs of Reading Glass STOLEN, one side painted pink, possible politician thief

  42. Expensive Glass Bead Fringe, about 150cm long STOLEN 2016

  43. Poor print quality from Spnfler

  44. Police for here today re-cable theft



Items stolen at Colosseum, Miriam Vale and Builyan (Boyne Valley)

Page 1

  1. 19MM Ironbark Timber Stolen from Builyan Boyne Valley by Local Nuisances

  2. New Ladder from Hardware Shop with Broken Bit – Faulty Goods Selling at Full Price

  3. 1 antique gold bumblebee shower hook STOLEN, Builyan, Boyne Valley, QLD, 2018

(moved to Colosseum, Miriam Vale, QLD)

  1. Unwanted Young Men Stealing from Single Women at Rail Crossing

  2. 12 Ute loads to move all my Stuff, because of Non-Thinking Callous Whim of Landlord

  3. Me, Emily Bieman, at Colosseum 2019, age 45yrs on Veranda of House were People Steal from me

  4. Sterling Silver Double Open Infinity Lobster Claw clasp for necklace STOLEN

  5. QLD Rail Workers Stopping Caboose on Farm to Nosy Around, and Toll story

  6. Mums Woven Woollen Cloth Cushions STOLEN from bedroom at Colosseum QLD. April May 2019

  7. Orange tree that was poisoned

  8. Nettles & Aloes in Wool Fat container, my special mix, stolen at Colosseum, QLD, 2019

  9. Life is a Series of Many Years of Been Totally Screwed Over

  10. MY Container, stolen from Colosseum farm by female local dogs (with my plants in it)

  11. FlyScreen Wheel Tool Stolen on farm at Colosseum, Miriam Vale, QLD

  12. Could the Bimbo Obsessed with Placing Catheads under my Foot, please Bugger Off

  13. Ornamental Melaleuca‘s and recycling tub stolen from shade house in Miriam Vale

  14. Credit Card details Stolen by known woman (old lady), but Bank and Flight Centre who know her, do not give up Name to Police

  15. Thieves who Visited Colosseum on my Last Day There

  16. Ubobo Cat

  17. Panasonic TV vandalization when TV was left on Veranda

  18. Electric Beaters Stolen by company NOT Honouring Warranty – overseas company, London

  19. Windchime stolen off Veranda at farm at ColosseumMarch

  20. Cotton Bamboo Stolen from Colosseum

  21. Box of stuff for sale on ebay with Tyre, Petrol cap and Shoes stolen from Colosseum QLD near Miriam Vale Feb 2019

  22. Blood on Veranda

  23. Mint green beaters stolen out of kitchen

  24. More Timber Stolen and how many Octopus Straps have I had been stolen now

  25. So Many Seeds Stolen From my Seed Chest

  26. NUISANCE theft by NUISANCE people - old hose connector and Invoices stolen 4am 1st Feb 2019

  27. Bells Stolen at Rangari - ShopDoor Bell, School bell x 3, string of doorbells x 2

I managed to fit all stolen items from these 2 addresses, in on 1 page



Items stolen at Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin (still not edited from photos to text)

Page 1

  1. All these items have been stolen out of my house here a kookaburra Park gin gin

  2. The Audacity of some people

  3. Did You Recognize the Handwriting, Tegan Goodall - nuisance liar

  4. Luffas keep getting stolen, break and enter October 2020

  5. No law against filming and posting on social media except for a private act like in the bathroom or sex.

  6. Celosia seed stolen from my house a kookaburra parked in gin by gang mentality

  7. More police harassment re-postoffice been at Gin‘s in police

  8. Some of the items STOLEN by girls at Gin Gin post office 2020 2021

  9. Retailer spray bottle Nazis

  10. Physio papers stolen along with phone number

  11. 2 large plastic caged containers emptied overnight -they have no leaks in them, they were stolen

  12. 2 torches stolen from kookaburra park in Gin via toll Courier or Bunnings staff member, Suspected

  13. Thieving neighbours lay in wait, till I go outside into the garden, break into my house and do STUPID things WATER RELATED

  14. Delicious farmers fresh fruit and veggies

  15. Open padlock stolen from front door, Builyan, QLD, and Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin, QLD

  16. 2 stolen necklaces, one returned

  17. Big gap between the door in the wall

  18. pleated school uniform sabotage

  19. My good broccoli seeds stolen

  20. More mince stolen from my freezer

  21. Waste of money fruit

  22. Mail sign people


  24. double theft by coles, and then a stupid blonde dog - stolen beef fillet

  25. Glue silicone sealant STOLEN from amazon

  26. Food stealing from

  27. Ebay Plumbing Fixtures Bad

  28. KMART refusing to sell to me via instore pick up only

  29. Physio red rubber fulcrum STOLEN, kookaburra Park, Gin Gin QLD, feb 2020

  30. Dogs On Phone story

  31. Cotton seed stolen from kookaburra Park, Gin Gin, as well as Karen Stennets photo

  32. 2 Paint scrapers stolen



Page 2

  1. Another foot stabbing by passive aggressive bimbo

  2. Metal parfait spoons to stolen May 2020

  3. Retailers overcharging me still

  4. Purslane stolen by neighbour or landlord

  5. Photo of all my knitting equipment laid out

  6. Tree guard stolen from front gate

  7. Birth certificate STOLEN in November December 2021 sometime, Gin Gin, QLD, kookaburra Park

  8. Watch and Wait - Little idiots waiting till I go outside

  9. Reading glasses stolen

  10. Seeds stolen Acacia baileyanna - Cootamundra wattle

  11. Russell Patterson seeds of eucalyptus stolen

  12. Ilike seeds rip off

  13. Bloody Chyro

  14. kookaburra park road entrance and lake

  15. Fisher and Paykel stealing again

  16. Company stealing via Google search results

  17. Ebay thieves

  18. Green long horizontal aluminium tube stolen

  19. Legal Courier theft going on by Pack and Send, and Just Freight Bundaberg

  20. PVA woodworking glue STOLEN, from locked house

  21. Stolen because they can

  22. Bramhi tea stolen

  23. Tap valve replacement stolen from inside house kookaburra Park gin gin

  24. Strange world

  25. Items that have been stolen through Australia Post

  26. Hay bimbo naziheads -this was stolen off my pc

  27. Maccas burgers contaminated, trying to copy fight club

  28. commonwealth bank stealing money from me via 13 calls costs 3dollars perminute

  29. Telstra stealing Internet September 2020

  30. Dishonest thieves who do not have correct size management on listings



Page 3

  1. Aquarium plants stolen on the day I received it

  2. I love my sweet treats

  3. SPINTEL internet cutting out again this morning - 13th feb

  4. another coward letter left in my locker, note the hand writing

  5. 2 hakea seedlings stolen gin gin Queensland November 2021

  6. Danger - buyer beware magnetic braclet

  7. Cane farmers polluting my air

  8. More reading glasses stolen Jan 2021

  9. Mother‘s paying for their son‘s mistakes

  10. Telstra charged me for phoning 13 numbers

  11. Scissors stolen, I suspect by ebay staff

  12. Food stealing out of locked car - bimbos do it

  13. Optus, why do they bother

  14. Packet of futon screw bolt stolen from my tool cupboard 2020 2021

  15. Lightbulb people overcharging in the name of Eco

  16. Is this a lookalike car

  17. Irrigation poly stolen by means of sabotage

  18. Data collection via printers

  19. apple call centre staff stealing off my ipad

  20. Two women lurking around my house this morning

  21. Car people stealing at mechanics

  22. Car cam stolen, later returned, and TF card for car camera stolen

  23. Harassment from airport bio security

  24. Medalling Nancy Truck Drivers

  25. Neighbours or TV people poisoning my drinking water bottle

  26. Rich water bottle thief

  27. Online sellers stealing from people

  28. Acetone nail polish stolen



Page 4

  1. Certain retailers in Australia Post making my life difficult

  2. Other businesses using my name to sell its fabrics online

  3. More food stolen out of my freezer

  4. Pen on string has gone missing again

  5. Port Macquaries Your Discount Chemist online thieves, again

  6. Another 2 spatulas stolen in 2020, and 1 in 2019

  7. Suspected visiting neighbours kids stole hose sprayer then returned it week later

  8. WAX PRODUCT THAT DOES NOT WORK - this retailer is stealing from you

  9. Whole heap of beautiful pale pink paint stolen

  10. Manila folder with chronic disease management care plan stolen

  11. knitpro stolen cable

  12. stolen knitting needle reminder

  13. Tank overflow kit BRANDNEW stolen

  14. Budget Truck thieves stole 680 dollars NO CONVICTION

  15. More stealing from ebay

  16. Fake courier or one that just refuses to deliver

  17. OMG these Chinese Australian ebay sellers

  18. Stolen brick

  19. $60 brand-new 500ml bottle of rosemary essential oil haircare stolen

  20. Stolen chocolate‘s

  21. Secateurs stolen

  22. The richest woman in gin gin they are stealing my food from my fridge

  23. Council Men in Beeping Trucks and who do Signs

  24. Microsoft wasting my time with capita not working

  25. champagne sunglasses STOLEN - another pair of sunglasses

  26. Timber screw, brass, 40×20MM stolen in June 2019

  27. Cooking wines stolen

  28. Pepper Essential Oil stolen

  29. stolen - Yoga For A Healthy Back DVD

  30. fake canon website



Page 5

  1. Another craft items stolen; craft glue

  2. the stupid mother bitches stole not just 1, but all my glues

  3. Computer Nerd Drama

  4. Borage and Bergamot Essential Oils STOLEN, ASWELL AS SOME RUMP STEAK

  5. apple bitches stealing from me again

  6. garden and veranda intruders

  7. the worst online order all year

  8. Maybe they sent faulty one, but I think the concept of essential oil on heated pad doesn’t work

  9. Stalking 'after-shopping' car thief, strikes again

  10. 3 cameras, along with SD Cards STOLEN by nazis

  11. 2 pink linen pillow slips STOLEN, stolen from my church pew storage space, inside my rental house at Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin, QLD

  12. These are the arseholes that own ace hardware in Gin Gin, QLD, Australia

  13. Half a caddy of petrol stolen

  14. more harrassment by a dog at kookaburra park

  15. Still removing my notices from the community noticeboard

  16. landlord and landlords minions unlawfully breaks into my rental house - this is how to telly off a BULLY

  17. youtube vid; landlord + landlords minions unlawfully breaks into my rental house

  18. purse necklace that was stolen

  19. Ergon guestimating and overcharging on final bill before relocating

  20. Stolen - Nat Killer, Organic, stolen, just before I left Kookaburra Park

  21. 1 small whisk stolen from kookaburra park eco village in gin gin qld

  22. Stolen, 3.5m long Rio Rod, Taken from front Kookaburra Eco village

  23. glass jar with screws stolen

  24. STOLEN ITEMS FROM GIN GIN AND new address 700km away

  25. Extra large Wrought Iron Hanging Basket, STOLENvia distraction

  26. where has all my honey gone

  27. I thought my 10mx10m fruitfly netting had been stolen, but then remembered a gumtree person took it for $35




Items stolen at Sarina

Page 1

  1. Blue Fringed Top STOLEN

  2. Glass Jar with Screws Stolen

  3. Last Minute Desperate Theft Raid On My Stuff Before I Moved -aka STOLEN ITEMS FROM GIN GIN AND new address 700km away

  4. Small nutribullet cup with handle STOLEN, and 102 Range RD, new Bungalow built for the sole purpose of neighbour harassment- built by rich evil dogs

  5. Eucalyptus woodwardii seed stolen, March 2022, from inside my locked house.

  6. NBNCO Antics

  7. More Sewing Project Sabotage - Burn in Ribbon

  8. Petunia in small Pot – seed from ‘Large Cherry’, Etsy Poland, STOLEN

  9. Laundry Powder Stolen Little Bit at a Time over Many Months

  10. Came home today to discover this – smashed rear blinker

  11. This is what Loopydogcrazed Women do - steal Pale Pink Underwear

  12. 1st Sarina phone dog I have seen

  13. The thieving continues at my new address – SD card reader stolen

  14. Tagetes Essential Oil Stolen

  15. Record of fake fire alarms with the photo of fire alarm disablement yellow sticker

  16. Computer Nerds Stealing from Neighbours who Advertise Products to Sell on Social Media or Websites

  17. Water jug x 1 filterSTOLEN

  18. Grey Paper Scissors Stolen (another – this bimbo thief is obsessed with my scissors)

  19. Neighbour Antics at new subtropical spot - Should have started writing this sooner, as my theory of just merely writing about something weird, negative or annoying, soon puts an end to it.

  20. Geranium Punnet Stolen, Oct Nov 2022

  21. Food Theft Again -1 Rolled Frozen Chicken Breast STOLEN

  22. Another trip into town, another bunch of nonthinking sign people MONUMENTAL NUISANCE

  23. Another pair of Reading Glasses Stolen, Magnification 3

  24. 3 year old Hibiscus POISONED

  25. Pink Nylon Netting Stolen from outside my unit last night, Sat 5th Aug 2023, and Marketing Conspiracy Theory

  26. Sarina Signs

  27. Non thinking Sarina Council killing Native Trees for no reason other than SPITE

  28. Dug up and stolen here on Range Rd Sarina, one 2yr old Frangipani ‘Starburst Red’ – Plumeria rubra

  29. Pen Stolen After I Contacted Stationery Shop For Some More Good Ones

  30. Collage: As like on the Rangari Stolen Items Page, I will do a collage here too, of other items stolen from me at this Sarina Address.



Page 2 Items stolen at Sarina

  1. Janome Sewing Foot, J was Stolen off my Sewing Machine, in my locked car in Mackay

  2. Set a Car Trap to Catch and Arrest Thieves TOO EASY and Anger, Violence and Rioting, is a direct result from disrespect

  3. Food Thief Again

  4. More Sarina Food Stealing

  5. Melaleuca trichophylla tubestock STOLEN

  6. Telstra slow internet problems again at Sarina starting from Oct 2022

  7. Again, my neighbours are stupidly stealing from me - male aquarium fish

  8. All the Business’s in Sarina who have stolen from me

  9. Black Outs and Electricity Problems at Sarina

  10. Missing 45 Photo Stories from my Computer and Website, that I’ve had to Re-Upload

  11. The Same People Stealing from Me, Is Purchasing My Seeds Under Somebody Else's Name?

  12. Molly Lookalike on Warrior Women show by Bimbos On Prime Uk Show - Get Off My Back

  13. People Who Drive Around All Day Looking For Single People To Leave Their Homes, So They Can Steal From Them

  14. Kangaroo Mince Stolen from my Locked Car at Sarina Mitre 10 Carpark

  15. Devious Mouse Theft

  16. Shift in Mentality needed re Plant Material Theft

  17. Chip placed in my glass tank after I uploaded my YouTube aquarium vid 17th July 2023

  18. Seed Stealing through the Post- with Australian Government Saving the Thieves

  19. Missing Sticky Tape, similar to this but with yellow label, Dec 2023, Sarina

  20. Dodgy Australian Thief Exposure plus their media REWARDERS



Culinare Garlic Press that does not work AT ALL – so Supermarket Theft

Online Retail Thieves not paying for Return Postage

3.       Concession stamp

Collage blurb: This is blank spot, as I am sure there will be more. Plus the stupid dogs are telling everyone I am moving, when I AM NOT, - they do this deliberatley, to encourage the stupid people around here, to steal from me. Apparently, if they think you are not local, this is an invitation to steal. I AM SURROUNDED BY MORONS.



Banned Google Reviews and Supermarket Antics


  1. Thala Resort in Port Douglas refusing service and calling customers DOGS

Supermarket Antics

  1. Allowrie Butter, the best on the market NO LONGER AVAILABLE

  2. Some Food Brands that have tainted products in order to either cost cut or trick, trick as in swindle, the consumer

  3. No broccoli at woollies

  4. Woolworths butchery contaminating their meat for ‘common enemy’ GANG MENTALITY

  5. Purina salmon biscuits making my cat sick

  6. Exorbitant butter prices from Coles

  7. Coles stealing via dairy products and non-delivery charge on credit card $30

  8. Sabotaged milk from Australian farmers ,Chinese owned, plus Coles and woollies

  9. Contaminated milk from Coles Bundaberg

  10. Why are there no fresh peas available at Coles and woollies

  11. Coles not coming through with all items in online trolley

  12. No moral butchers

  13. Woolworths stealing by double charging for postage

  14. Woolworths liars and the other Woolworths liars who save them

  15. Woolworths not experiencing food shortages, but Woolworths have declared war on certain customers, refusing foods - NO BASMANTI RICE


  17. Food Shortages at the super market

  18. more rotten fruit from Woollies and Coles

  19. no delivery slots left AGAIN at supermarket

  20. This nectarines from Woollies were treated with a fungicide (Bundaberg)

  21. Online order theft

  22. for the past 3yrs - potato shortage in Australia

  23. Coles customers stealing from me in the form of stealing my items from the shelf

  24. Paper towel and Facial Tissue shortages since 2020, still 2023

  25. More coles IT Nerds mucking up my orders - or could be same ones, probably is

  26. Bloody Coles Stealing My Food out of my Trolley at Delivery time - what is my cat going to eat



Garden at Rangari, NSW, Australia

  1. Many photos of my plants

  2. Rangari Garden Map

  3. All the food that I grew in the Rangari garden near Gunnedah – on bore water – the “Great Artesian Basin”



Favourites page

  1. Cat photos

  2. Garden Photos

  3. Garden in flower

  4. My swimming pool shots

  5. Proposed new rail route

  6. Chocolate Tart

  7. Acacia collage

  8. Ocean shots x 3

  9. I love it! Fantastic underwater shot of synchronised swimming in the 2016 Olympics

Go straight to the beginning - About p1

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.


I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.


I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……


Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES


I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.


See, gov, you have to do something about them.​

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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