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Life Stories P21 - I will be later editing to fit all on only 20 pages

1. Wannabe Jealous Nazi Idiot Woman Pretending To Be Jealous Husband

I just came by this story today again, as I was doing a search for something else, and I realised that I had deleted it off my blog, it was in my old folder with things I don't use, but have done. But I thought well, this is actually relevant to my life, this describes clearly the “angst” that these thieves and harasses are causing me, so I'm going to put it back. I  just skim re-read it, as I went on and on, but that very thing, as far as I'm concerned, that's exactly the problem of what these thieves and harasses have done; they have caused a whole ‘change mindset’, of being content to now having to concern myself about these stupid things. By the way, this "angst", is what those thieves and harasses are going to have to pay for later, in karma. But they don't realise it, they think they're just stealing something small and trivial, and it doesn't really matter.


Okay today my iPhone has gone missing. FIND MY PHONE, says it is at my current address, but when I play the tune, it doesn’t work, I can’t hear it, telling me that it is not in my unit. Plus, when I called it, it went straight to voice mail, when it should have rung.

Today the fire alarm guy came to my unit to check the fire alarm, I know he didn’t take it as I was watching him the whole time, as at a previous address, when the fire alarms were checked, the girl who did it, - the skinny blonde girl, stole one of my bathroom shower butterfly hooks while she was in the loo; disgusting. This was by the way was arranged by Elders, in Gladstone. I did go out after he left for an hour, it may have been taken then by another neighbour in the unit, which is why FIND MY PHONE, says at this address???? APPLE…….

But I have noticed every time I talk to somebody, it doesn’t matter who, any complete stranger will do, something goes missing, and I believe this is because there is some little idiot trying to play jealous husband. And I believe it is a woman doing it, as I heard her once at Ivan Williamsons spare house across from Dads house, in Henry st – the dogs came and stayed there, to yell out at me while I was at Dads house (fucked if I know what they were doing? who has that much spare time??) but I believe they are from the ABC’s agony aunt team – they are fucking idiots, and are seriously deluded, and need help, and by help, I mean police intervention, and put into jail, not into a mental health unit. The police are too fucking stupid to work out who is stealing from me and so they continue to steal from me, then wonder why I am angry – idiots.

I am a free and single woman, have been for many years, and will be for many years more to come. I am free to talk to whoever I choose, whenever I choose. And in fact, I did actually propose marriage to a foot reflexologist last month, when he relieved my lymph problems, via YouTube. If I get married or have any kind of relationship with anybody, the only person it would be, would be that guy, who lives in Canada, and can massage feet. Nobody else stands any chance at all, by the way his name is Adam Thomas, he is justifiably brilliant.

My phone is iPhone 7, it’s not an expensive new one, it’s a really old one, doesn’t have much value, and I suspect after posting this it might turn up, just the same as when I posted my bandage story below, it miraculously turned up as well. In fact, I’m going to put the bandage story back online and here it is below:


Bandage Stolen by jealousy of my foresight capable independence

Someone has broken into my unit while I slept last night, and have taken a used bandage. I know this sounds very strange, but it is definitely nowhere to be seen in my unit. I took it off before my shower and flung it onto the floor, it was used, but not dirty. It was a really good bandage that I found in my mums nursing kit, it kind of stretches out and you can adjust the tension depending on how much you stretch it, I haven’t seen anything quite like it, it’s a clever product. I believe this is the reason why it was stolen. Aside also from the fact that: I do believe there came a time when I injured myself, and I needed a bandage. So, I got one from my first aid kit, and used it; now, this very simple act, is something that drives a stupid jealous girl NUTS! Because, I didn’t have to go anywhere, I didn’t have to spend any money, I didn’t have to go down to the chemist, I didn’t have to go to the doctor or the hospital, this is exactly the kind of foresight capable independence, that the jealous pervert girl resents, and so she just took my bandage out of jealous spite; - stupid little dog.

It may have been taken while I was in the shower? {if I forgot to deadlock the door?} this may have happened, but I can’t be certain about that, since a couple of other things have disappeared, and I hardly ever go anywhere, I suspect that is the time they can do it with a simple card swipe to delatch the old lock, or use a key, as I have seen the person who has a key, sniffing around, along with one of my neighbours.

So, it was about 50 or 60cm long, as I had it wrapped around my toe, which has a cut on it, over a dressing, and then back around my ankle, so it won’t fall off during the night - worked a treat.

There was a little bit left on the roll for today, that I could use, see photo, {luckily}, but I would like my 50 to 60cm length of bandage back thanks very much, you stupid bimbo thief. It belongs to me it does not belong to you.

Btw, my mother was a nurse. A private nurse, as in she tended patients in their homes and had her own business. She liked her job and cared for her patients. I recommend to all women; do not have kids unless you have a caring nature, so you don’t turn out to be thieving jealous bimbos like the one who stole my bandage. The world would be 50million times better without the bimbos.

A couple of years ago, I felt I should try and do something about the bimbo mothers. I mean, I had so much clarity about why there are bimbo women who steal, and it’s because of bimbo mothers. I thought there just must be so many stupid mothers in Australia, producing these stupid thieving bimbo daughters, that I decided to find a mothers group online and post my story of what I had to say. -It did not go down very well! I was banned again from Flickr, and one of the mothers used her DOG contacts to track me down, and she, along with her son, stole my necklace.

And this situation of jealous dog, reminds me of the time when I needed some new pants, some years ago now, (yesterday when I went out – you could plain as day see, I need some new pants again), anyway, back then I remembered I had ended up with some clothes of mums after she died, and I went through them, and I saw some olive-green pants, I thought I’d try them on - and talk about perfect! They fit me perfectly, they were this lovely thick cotton jersey, and a designer brand. I was thrilled to pieces that something so hard to achieve (finding a good quality pair of fitted pants is really hard, you can’t just walk in to your local Target, and buy a pair), so these fit me perfectly and looked great. I was so thrilled! But I could literally hear a dog whingeing and being pissed off, because of how well it worked out for me; jealous pervert. (Items went missing at that time, can’t quite remember exact time, if something was taken?)

So now there’s two stories with a similar theme, and it reminds me of a third story, also with a jealous pervert theme: if you remember on my About page, on my blog, I talk about the tile that I purchased in Sydney, I was so thrilled about this tile, and this stupid little jealous dog, followed me in to the store, off the street, and started chastising me for being basically, thrilled – she was jealous at me being happy. (Actually, she was tall).

This bandage is exactly the same thing. I suggest the only way to combat this: is if many people, strangers, give me really great things, all the time, to completely incense the girl off her rocker, and then in the hopes that she commits suicide, I will finally be able to feel happy and thrilled, without some stupid dog stealing from me or chastising me in some way.

Leave me the hell alone, you stupid DOG. It is not my fault that you are STUPID.

BTW, I AM STILL NOT GAY - this example of women following me around just shows how stupid they are, and cannot figure out how to live their intended life and not concern themselves with someone else’s. Women – so stupid I cannot believe it.

I want to add here, actually, I’m a pretty happy person, this comes from my happy and loving childhood, which I’ve talked about. But I don’t have, like, an overly friendly face, which is why I think I don’t have this issue as a constant, because my inner personal thoughts are usually positive ones and I’m pretty much happy when I am out and about. So, I seem to only have this extreme jealous reaction from female dogs when I’m overly happy about something, it seems just generally being happy, doesn’t really get their attention. Just an observation. Oh, plus I think sometimes, if something works out, like I get all five green lights in a row - just little things like that, that make life easier, I do believe I have the same jealous female dogs (who seem to follow me always) who then try to piss me off by doing something nasty and vindictive - it’s like you don’t have to do anything bad to them, like you know, steal their husband, or steal something from them, to invoke a reaction of vengeance - you just have to be minding your own business and be happy!! THEY ARE INSANE, and truly they should be HUNG. Unfortunatly, they are real.

I am guessing they are also unemployed, and have nothing better to do than follow me, and obsess about me. My single white female next door neighbour, just got a job yesterday, so they signed (actually she does not work, well unless she is being paid to stay in her unit all day long, possibly maybe)). So, whether it was her and she used blackmail to the powers that be to get a good job (read my “harassment for money, from employment provider in Gin Gin, massive Road works, street beautification”, photo story.) or just a coincidence, or, maybe she realized if she had a job, she too could have her own personal supply, of her own bandages. Who knows? Anyway, after being there constantly after I left that morning to heal my cut in the salt water, she disappeared for 2 days NOT A COINCIDENCE

 This is my new neighbour, she says her name is Danielle, but I suspect she is lying, as I have a weird problem of people lying to me about their name and calling themselves Danielle, read my About page.

I have no idea what her story is but I suspect she is working for the dogs. She comes out and does scenes with the handyman who would have the key, THEY THINK STEALING LITTLE ITEMS LIKE THIS IS FUNNY. possibly friends with the landlord? Who knows. She is possibly being paid to be their next door to me? And as a result, was able to buy herself a new car, this is exactly the type of dog behaviour that goes on in my life, and she also talks on the phone to me sometimes in the morning, so, like I’m not actually speaking with her, but she speaks to me, or she speaks to someone that I have talked about on my blog? she’s one of dogs that harasses me from afar. Maybe she is used by the dogs, who harass me from afar, and I think she may have arranged the dogs down at the river that time?? Nip it in the bud. See a falling dog, and put in your pocket, save it for a rainy day….

I think I should mention, the local chemist, that I did not have to go to, to purchase a bandage, steals from people by overcharging items that are on the PBS list. I had been there recently, aswell as seen the nurses on doctors at the local hospital for an infected tick bite So, it may have had something to do with them? Mums bandage, I can assure you, was not stolen in the first place. Nor was it stolen from the hospital when I went there!

Btw, lately I have been unable to sleep well – I can hear my old man neighbour when he turns the tap on in his kitchen, at all hrs of the night. My plantar fasciitis in the (same foot) is very sore, my Jobs provider has been on my back, my lease is ending, the stupid neighbours on the other side of the trees have discovered how to make kookaburra sounds with a  recording device, plus my period is due – so all culminating in RAGE.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

2. Body shape, starved as a baby, cause of slight mental retardation

I have removed the girls name and blurred her identity because this is not personal for me, the message is important. It's just a perfect example of nutrition and how it's fundamentally important from before you were born.

As that girls behaviour was very disrespectful at the time, and for the duration of my tenancy (and just 1 girl in a long line of girls), I feel like I should definitely write a photo story about it. The correlation between her behaviour, (and many) and my nutritionally starved little kitten, is exactly the same, in my opinion.

I write on my blog about the correlation between the kittens I observed, and multiple babies born by women. I noticed with the kittens, the first one to be born was robust, strong and healthy, whereas the last kitten in the litter, was a little runt who looked nutritionally depraved. (And unfortunatly was, as I did not know the mother was pregnant for some time). I feel it's the same with humans, which is why women ought to stop at 1 or 2 (or none). Even with proper nutrition.

I want to further add to that here, there was another thing I noticed; aside from the physical and highly attuned personality, the first-born cat was extremely respectful of me, hard to explain, but I did not need to say anything twice to him {he was just so good natured and gorgeous}, it was like he was a really “loving” and “caring” pussycat - in the very good sense.

But the seventh born cat Violet, who was also a gorgeous and very sweet pussycat, I noticed she did not have the same level of respect, it's like she couldn't comprehend the meaning of others, other than herself, and ‘respect’. Quite different from first born.

I feel as they were siblings, and raised exactly the same way, and treated all the same, it was not her fault if she was not as respectful - it's because she was starved when she was in the womb, and it has affected this ability somehow. I strongly feel it's the same in humans, there have been people I've encountered who are so disrespectful, and they are completely clueless about their behaviour at the time. Such as that rental girl. (Or should I say, aware of their bad behaviour, but lacking the connection in the moment, to think ahead, about repercussions, and who they want to be, as a person.)

Also, after observing sibling kittens, and kittens who were not related, but half starved, I further believe, so many human health problems arise from that time in the womb, particularly problems you have in old age, like dementia; the number one cause in my opinion, would be a lack of nutrients in the womb.

3. Facebook has created a culture of BITCH BANNING people

For some unknown reason, still unknown today, I was ban from a vet in Gunnedah. It was 2106 I think, at the time, I could not work it out, as to why I was ban. When I was at the vet all was fine; my cat was tested and diagnosed, the female vet was nice.  I paid in full, and left with my cat. That was the end of it. However apparently it wasn't the end of it. I was contacted by email, from this vet, saying that I had not paid in full. I told them that I had, and I sent them a screenshot of my credit card statement, where it clearly shows that I had paid the said full amount. Paid what they asked for.

But instead of an apology, I received a bitch email saying I was a terrible person and I had been ban from the vet. There was no other explanation, it was just like a bitchy email.

I wondered what an earth was going on? I contacted them again but did not hear back from them.

Some years later, when I created a Facebook account, I figured it out; on Facebook, there are multiple groups, and there are “monitors” of each group, who consist of bitchy little girls who ban people that they don't like.

So, this is simply what this vet has done, most definatly discrimination.

So basically, I'm writing a story about it, and calling them out on it, saying how disgusting these people are, what bullies they are, and how stupid they are.

Here is a photo below of the owner Mark baker, his clinic is still there, and has been there as long as I can remember; I don't know if the owner was involved, or if it's just the stupid receptionists, or maybe he has stupid daughters? That would be typical.

Btw the medical problem at the vet; when I spoke to the lovely young woman, who  did a biopsy, said he had a terrible fatal cancer. My cat died shortly after. The cancer was a direct result of a Spot On Flea and Tick treatment that I had purchased on eBay from the Netherlands. {Later I was advised, they had apparently given it to me deliberately to kill my cat, they thought it would be funny, plus they would make some money too. ARSEHOLES ON EBAY too. } Actually, it is unclear to me whether they wanted to kill my cat in the same manner that they killed my brother Tomas's dog (for “no animal care, only human care” attitude - idiots), or whether they just wanted to make money from their faulty product. But either way, they knew it would give my cat cancer and kill it. Such evil in this world {No animal care, only human care is evil}. And note they deliberatley caused cancer – murder. Don’t think it does not happen amongst humans.

Such evil on Facebook. Stupid little girls. Just like back in the day “The Witches of Salom”

4. Crap Mothers
I have mentioned many times how I get harassed by my neighbours who live next door up the hill at number 108, so not by the neighbours in my unit complex, 13 of them. The child in particular was harassing me, at first after I wrote about it and complained about it to certain authorities, the mother realised what was going on, and so after that, I was harassed by the mother instead. I can’t actually see them they’re up about 20m from where I am down below, and there’s all plants. Although I’ve noticed they have just cut back all of their plants so they could peer down into my unit complex too, which I’m not too impressed about. Some people are just plain stupid, and it was possibly them who killed my plants (?), but I’m off topic because what I wanted to talk about today was the fact that I can hear a baby crying from their place like constantly, it’s always crying; she’s totally fucking up her child. I’m going to mention when a mother is upset, then the child will cry. This is a very common thing amongst children, because children aren’t fully aware and developed like they’re meant to be as adults however I’ve mentioned before my blogs at this happens with adults as well. Trauma related dysfunction (by bimbo mothers). Anyway, so the child is crying because the mother is pissed off, and the mother is pissed off, you know, for various reasons, mainly she can’t control her emotions around a newborn child - this is fully the mother’s fault; she needs to go into ‘mothering mode’ which requires not being pissed off, and anyway, so this child is screaming her head off because the mothers pissed off, so the child is innocent, even though it’s making the most annoying sound ever; and so the father comes along, sees the situation, and smacks the little baby to shut up. Which works, it is stunned into silence. Plus the mother, selfishly feels a little bit of vindication, like someone at least has been punished for all the problems that she has to deal with, for her bad mood, - it's a subconscious thing and she is secretly glad her husband smacked her child - it's very sick.
So this is how parents fuck up their kids, the child was innocent, but chastised quite badly for no reason. And this very situation is why I have such a problem with bimbos who follow me and steal from me, and generally carry on in this pathetic childish manner, because they’ve been fucked up as babies, just like the child next-door. So while this kind of thing is hard to explain to a young naive mother, this is why Australia needs to implement a compulsory parenting program for mothers. I’ve had it up to here with all the ‘saving of stupid bimbos’ who steal from me, particularly in Australia. I mean I’ve never lived overseas so I wouldn’t possibly know what goes on overseas, but I suspect it is a huge problem specific to unaware Australian Bogans.
And you know what, while I am on this subject, there’s another important area, that so many parents neglect. This was brought to my attention when on my blog, I was describing a pervert, a teenager, who was spying on the naked teenage girls in the camp shower, back in 1989 or thereabouts. Someone saw what I was writing and suggested I am now humiliating this guy and possibly ruining his life. Well, I certainly don’t agree with that theory at all. I thought about; was I being too harsh? But after careful thought, I decided I most definitely was not, he is a pervert, so naming and shaming is essential, as far as I’m concerned. (Obviously if it wasn’t true, it would be very heinous and worthy of grave punishment) but I, for one would certainly not make up such a story about anyone, not even a thief.

So, then, this reminded me of another kid pervert when I was 10 or so, and then another one at 9 or so, and I realised this is a problem. Young boys are total pervert‘s, and I don’t think ANY of the parents of those boys, had attempted AT ALL, to teach their kids, not to be a pervert. It seems they have to learn how not to be a pervert. They have some sort of instinct to be one. This means parents have to physically make an effort, to guide your young child in this area. You literally have to talk about sex with your child. You can’t ignore this topic. Otherwise, young girls, such as myself get, victimised by those stupid little boys. STUPID
Stuart Brady, Nicholas Hallam, John Burke and the Carter boys; Matt and or Steve; your parents were crap, hopeless, and naive.

There were others, but I don’t know their names. And there’s also other ways men could be pervert‘s in a non-sexual way, the same as women can be.

And what I’m talking about here “pervert” - this is kind of like the minimum amount of bad behaviour that boys get up to when it comes to little girls and sex. I know from listening to various court podcasts, little boys can do much worse to little girls; all as a result of naïve bimbo parents. I hear them debating what they should do about these kids, and not once ever is, it mentioned that their parents should be held accountable. Well, BINGO! they should be; BIG FINES. Also, I heard from the police, that they’re not going to press charges against anyone caught shoplifting from me, because they don’t want to “ruin their life”, by creating a bad reputation for the thief. Can you believe that? This is why thieves still continue to steal from me today in 2024, and I am forced to write this blog, and in the process, scare off a lot of stupid mothers. Stupid police.

I want to mention about the neighbour next door with the baby, for a while I thought she didn't actually have a baby, (I mean she already could not handle the child she had, so she would have to be stupid to have another), I actually thought she just had app playing baby noises, crying and being a nuisance, like deliberately - some people do this, it's a thing. Many people do it in fact, I think it's a third born thing, wanting to be a nuisance as it reminds them of their childhood, annoying the crap out of their older siblings. Anyway, I thought this also because I saw her two weeks before the baby noises started and she didn't look pregnant, but in retrospect I think she was one of those mothers that didn't have a very big belly, some women are like that, and this as far as I am concerned, is totally related - she didn't have a big belly because she didn't have a big baby, because the baby wasn't getting enough nutrients.

I've spoken about this before, not enough nutrients in the womb, results in physical problems, physical handicaps, brain development problems, immune problems…..

Coasting along, happy with mediocrity. Mediocrity is not ok – you are retarding your children. Think, research and learn.

5 Jobs Providers Deliberately Handing Out Viruses

I have mentioned this before on my blog, but I couldn't find it, goodness knows where it is, so I thought I'll have to do a whole new Photo story about it, and I want to update it as well.

I previously mentioned back in Gunnedah at one point Centrelink or should I say Jobs providers, wanted to put all the unemployed people in one room one day for a few hrs, God knows why, I think they were calling it a ‘workshop’ don't ask me what they were workshopping, but in fact I suspect the reason is for sickness, because there wasn't one single person in that room that day, that wasn't sick (except me until I got home, then I too, sick as a dog). It was the middle of winter.

There was a highly suspect girl who had manoeuvred herself directly behind me, and was coughing all over me. I am very clear and certain that the whole point of that girl and that meeting was to spread sickness.

And then it happened again at Sarina jobs providers when I was forced to attend an appointment when it should've been a phone appointment, (so I wouldn't get sick) it was around COVID time, she insisted I attend face to face. I did get sick with a sore throat. So, it has happened about 4 times, and then again it happened in 2024, when I didn't even have an appointment, but Centrelink said a couple of weeks before, that if I want, I can contact the local jobs providers for an appointment! -which I didn't, but I think they were stalking me when I went down to Sarina Beach daily to post my seed letters and go for a swim, there are suspect girls and the same car with signage on it, “Selectability”. It’s like they are waiting for me down there. When I got home I got sick with sore throat. So, I'm thinking they somehow contaminated the car (?). But I always thought it was a virus related, I am thinking now that it's actually bacteria, because it's the same symptoms I get when exposed to bacteria in Aircon filters if they're not cleaned, and also if I smell septic, I get a sore throat. I also get a sore throat if I'm exposed to smoke, and wind, or if I am cold, particularly my feet or neck (because I have a damaged throat, it was damaged with hydrochloric acid back in 2006 from cleaning someone’s else’s bathroom in exchange for a month’s free rent. Big mistake. HUGE.

And because I have seen Dodgy girls at the jobs providers office when I get sick I'm thinking they know that it's bacteria, and they're spreading bacteria around, I touch any contaminated surface (like a steering wheel or a door handle), then don't wash my hands constantly all day long, (just in case), inevitably I'm going to touch my face and maybe my nose my mouth my eyes, and so it's easy to contact bacteria in this manner. {Before I damaged my throat, I never got sick. Cough all you want – you can’t get me! Not anymore}. Mainly, I only get sore throat if I venture out, my home is safe (and clean).

I still feel jobs providers are in on this sickness factor, maybe Centrelink are naïve or maybe they are in cahoots with science medical girls who want to spread sickness, an in attempt to try and build up peoples immune (and their experimenting with unemployed?) it seems to me that that's what's happening. I don't think I'm being paranoid about this. So, who am I meant to put in a complaint to about this? I've done so with Centrelink and they've done nothing about it. And pretty much anyone else will say “don't be stupid, you're crazy, of course they're not doing that”.

Well wake up they are doing it.


6  The disrespectful cunts are back at Centrelink

This is exactly the nazi behaviour I'm talking about; they have just stopped my payments, and for no reason, nothing that I did, but they have arranged an appointment for me, personally, and have not contacted me about it, instead, they've just cut my payment, so that I see onscreen, that I have to call the number to arrange the appointment.  What fucking nazi cunts. I have a telephone, they have my number, why didn't they call me and leave a message rather than stopping my payments? Are they fucking incompetent morons - oh, yes they are. This lack of respect from them is exactly why when your phone Centrelink they have to put on a little special automated message saying “we expect everyone to act courtesy and calmly and we won't tolerate bad behaviour”.  YOU CENTERLINK are the ones who are disrespectful, you encourage people to swear at you because you piss them off with your lack of respect. You are truly evil and disgusting, and I can see there's an imbalance there; totally run by women, as this is such bitch behaviour.

Note, couple weeks back I was complaining about being sick and stalked by girls down at the mail box – this is them, jobsproviders still handing out sickness.

Btw, I checked centerlink website a few days ago – there was no message to call anyone.

7. Shining the Light on Narcissistic Families for End Goal of Peace and Quiet

Well, in all this time of writing my blog, explaining about the nuisances in my life, I’ve realised today, I have not written about the “fake family phenomenon”. This situation simply involves families harassing me in the morning. There seems to be a specific time where I get harassed by families, seemingly from 830 to 930 in the morning. Not every morning, just sometimes. And usually this involves me going out in a public area, and a family presenting themselves, like crossing my path but not actually coming up to me or approaching me directly or talking to me, but putting themselves in my path, and often they talk to the person I’m going to see, like shop staff, and then as soon as I do, they leave kind of in a condescending “handover gesture” way - it’s incredibly strange, and I can’t believe how narcissistic some families are. But the most annoying thing they do, is beep at me when leaving, like we are friends. This has been going on for many many years. I remember they used to do it frequently when I went over to Tamworth, but again today, when I went down to post my seed sales and go for a swim. It is always different families, never the same twice, different cars, so I cannot report them to the police. They are truly evil and they know perfectly well how evil they are and how to escape retribution. So, you know, here is the light shining on fucked people, so fuck off you STUPID FAMILIES. They all need a bullet to the ear.

Someone suggested to me that with these particular problems, I should tell Oprah, as Oprah understands situations like this, whereas the police would not, and Oprah has the means to do something about it. Which I thought was kind of funny, and probably true, but I definitely don’t want to pester Oprah!

8. Old Man Games

It seems old man are a problem, and so I have to write about it. There's nothing like shining the light on an arsehole {yuk, the fact that I have to write about this proves how totally disgusting they are.}

I have found over the years that there's several things they do repeatedly: mail hoarding. This was especially prevalent when I was living at the units at Sarina, when the mailman delivered my mail, an old man neighbour would break into my letterbox (showing off his break and enter skills), take my mail, not throw it out, but they would just keep it (goodness knows where they put it, maybe they left it on their kitchen table?) but they kept it until they deemed, that it is was time to deliver it, days, weeks, months later. FULLY SICK.  I'm guessing this control issue is a trait of the narcissistic mental health disorder? Somewhere along those lines at any rate. Actually, sometimes I even thought, as the postman was an old man, maybe he was delivering my mail to his old man mate? Deliberatley?

I have found there's a network of old men, just like there is a network of dogs, a network of women in the workplace, a network of healthcare workers…. And so, there is a network of old men, and they're in cahoots with Council, and all the council male staff. This was definitely a problem at Sarina but also when I lived at Builyan,  particularly with poisoning any trees that I plant out, but they also do weird rubbish things, like do the rubbish extra early if I forget to put it out the night before, so instead of the usual 730 pick-up, they would do it at 6am so I would miss it.

I'm pretty sure all the problems I have with planes flying over my head and following me around, that's possibly old man related. I mean there could be female bimbo dogs up there flying around, like they do down the street, but I suspect it's more of an old man thing, and it's old man who have money to waste on petrol, flying planes.

So, I've written about my problems with the old man who lives next door at Sarina and his abilities at determining full female bladders. I suspect, he is not the only one, and  this is a typical old man thing, because I've had problems with it at Gin Gin, and now it's Sarina, oh and plus a little bit towards the end of living at Rangari (who knows who was living in that house at that time).

And actually, all the food theft at Sarina, I'm pretty sure that that was old man related; can't be too certain because there are so many thieving bloody women, but some of the old man, like, they're pretty useless at looking after themselves, and feeding themselves, and think they're entitled to steal from a woman who's capable – in kind of a jealous manner. A capabilities jealous theft.


There is another weird thing, that I think is old man related, and that's some sort of weird antics that happened from 11pm to 3am nightly, when I'm asleep. As I'm asleep I'm not actually entirely aware of what's going on! So it's a little hard to explain but it's some sort of weird metaphysical world stuff where single ladies are taken advantage of by wandering LOOSER arseholes who nobody wants, and often pretends to be a child, a little boy who latches on like a leach to single ladies. And, it's not good for single ladies. They have no respect a lot of the times. I have vaguely mentioned it before on my blog about the fact that I would frequently get woken up at 3am at various times in my life. Last night was another one of these times, as I'm writing this story about old men. I believe it's related to the reason why single ladies ought not be allowed to teach in schools. There is such naivety in this area people (women) are still questioning me about this and think that I'm old-fashioned and backwards, and 'wake up sweeties' this is not the case at all. It's also related to that story I wrote about when I figured out that it was cheaper to rent rather than purchase a house, back in 2006; and channel 7 put the story on the news the following morning. Thieves, do you see, they are thieves, they steal EVERYTHING. I have so many examples of this, you could not believe it. They never pay.

Not sure if this is related, but lately I've been contacted by people pretending not to be local people, to purchase or acquire Facebook marketplace items. 2 days in a row! They seem to be doing a weird council rate thing – fuck off and leave me out of your stupid marketing aims.

The image above is relevant; this happens all the time in movie / TV world. As I've mentioned, I no longer watch live television, I just can't, as they are to disrespectful. So I have a YouTube subscription now, so they've started to get onto YouTube too. They have changed this movie, it's called “A life lived” and the opening scene was a girl with a yellow convertible. She was showing off her car. The scene has been removed now. Go and check; no yellow convertible. I written extensively about how girls come up to me with their new cars and show off their car to me - it's really annoying. I have to constantly explain that: you're not going to make me jealous with a new car. I like my car. Thanks very much. So they are doing it on movie and tv shows instead. It happens all the time. Just weird. So I'm shining the light on the arsehole who keeps putting girls in my path with new cars: fuck off you stupid degenerate. Infact, it reminds me of Ellen Degenerets, who offers to give free things to her audience, it's up that alley. I am not a fan, I don’t watch.

And also yesterday Microsoft refused to send me my emails; so it's all of these things are related, they all happen at the same time, just fuck off and leave me alone you stupid little monkeys. And take a hike, Tom Hanks.


9. The Weird Phenon of People behaving as Territorial Rabies Infected Dogs on FB

Before I was ban from Facebook in 2020, I joined the Gladstone police group for reporting crimes, this was 2018-19 (I stupidly thought the police may be able to do something about all the 100’s of items that were being taken from me at that time.) I started to list all the items that had been stolen from me. But then I was suddenly messaged by what appeared to be some sort of territorial rabies infected dog, suspected female, group member, but I guess you never know when it’s anonymous. She was antagonistic, threatening; threatening to come down to my place and beat me up, just been totally vulgar-trashy. She was an idiot, obviously trying to fearmonger, and scare, and victimise. I don’t know if these tactics work on some people, but it certainly wasn’t working on me, I just ignored her.

Sometimes, and infact often in life, one can only stand back and look at the disaster unfurl, such as this girl.

Not entirely sure what she wanted anyway? I suspect nothing, she was literally being a territorial dog and was simply scared she had no control over her group anymore, as I was posting all these weird thefts? She did not understand them (not alone there I guess). But her reaction was pure retarded behaviour. I mean maybe my standards in human behaviour are set too high, but since we are meant to be human now, most of us have evolved, I don’t think so. Even a child could behave more appropriately than that person. And what’s even more odd, I got the feeling her attitude was like “at last, hooray, finally, I get to behave in this rude disrespectful way – like it was blessed thing for her (!) Talk about stupidity.

But because this person then deleted all my posts, this person was possibly FB admin, but even worse, maybe she was a police officer from Miriam Vale?? Maybe it was her who ban me from FB later? Aswell as Ebay, spnflwr, flickr and Wikipedia?

{What idiot would give that retarded person a position of authority??} Australia, wake up.

I guess maybe I should’ve literally said to her “fuck off - I don’t have territorial stupid dogs in my life”. So, talk frankly! lol Perhaps I should’ve said “you need to go and find an arsehole, because arseholes love territorial stupid dogs,  they can easily have their way with them and fight constantly - and that’s what arseholes love to do. Many marriages are based around this dance.

Anyway, people are very strange, especially on Facebook. I have noted today still, there are heaps of ‘stupids’, aswell as heaps of  ‘smarts’. But FB is still highly controlled and edited, possibly even more. And there are still dogs playing sides, all the time. And there are still female dogs stalking me; fuck off irresponsible mother Cassandra, don’t use your child as an excuse to dog attack me.


KISS - keep it simple stupid – animal, leaf and leak proof rooves.jpg

11. An Anti Religious Shopping Experience: Tessuti Fabrics (formerly Fantasy Fabrics)
When I shopped there, back when it was Fantasy Fabrics, 30 odd years ago, there were some major dog problems with the female staff. One of them accusing me of chopping up their instore fabrics with scissors! Stupid (I later saw that woman on Australia ABC telly – who the ABC, for some reason was either protecting or rewarding? Who knows what they were doing with her.
But, do they, or do they not, shoot dogs that bite people?? Because that was just what it was like, a stray dog biting me in that shop. AH GO AWAY – again, this problem of total bimbos following me around and climbing on my back, and tormenting me; FUCK OFF -  do I need to purchase a hat, maybe a T shirt with these words????? Does this happen in other countries or is it just an Australian bimbo thing? You would think as a young single woman, that my biggest problem would be stray horny men following me around -  but NO, this is not the case (I put this down to my other secret weapon of being gifted with a somewhat undesirable face and body). But so instead I get these bloody stupid women following me around. Just weird!
You know I think this very thing, this situation involving these stupid women, and they’re non thinking ‘blind as bats’ behaviour, (such irony), is the main reason why I have been banned - it's like the powers that be (whoever they are, I suspect, not  the government), does not want to make it public that this is what women are like; nobody wants to make it public that some women are completely stupid and non-thinkers. Nobody wants to acknowledge this stupid human factor - WELL shame on you, because you can't fix something that you're not aware of – AND THIS BEHAVIOR CAN BE FIXED, ITS JUST A MATTER OF AWARENENSS.
SO, anyone trying to oppress me by banning me, (and there's been a lot) you are completely WRONG.
So, one day I was wondering why sometimes I go to places and there's no problems; everything gets sorted out the way it should, everyone's pleasant, I was able to do what I intended to do there. And then other places I go to; it's a disaster, like the above, like the staff are horrible, they can't do anything, they're completely rude and disrespectful, there are problems. So, someone suggested that it's a religious thing; so, people who are not religious, are places where I experience problems stemming from stupidity, the ones who are horrible and ‘dog attack’ me, the sinners so to speak.
And it's the ones who have faith, and a believe in God, are the ones who can do it right, and I have no problems, everyone is NORMAL -  the saints so to speak.
Not 100% sure if this is true, but I suspect definite possibility.
Now I do a pretty good job of keeping tally of my life on my blog, so I'm not sure, but it FEELS LIKE most of the places I go to are places who do not have faith {unfortunately}. I'm guessing this is due to church not being the Sunday norm anymore. (I would say due to problems in church with bad ministers and priests, not to mention other bad members of the congregation, like in my experience.)? And so, when I go somewhere and that is NORMAL, I find it extraordinary and amazing, and nothing short of a miracle!
And, this theory, changes everything - should I be putting in the word “Christian” when I do a Google search for a business like a dentist? Dr Deane – you ought to be sued.
After I wrote this, I went out and did some gardening, as it had finally started to rain (hooray). As I was gardening, planting out my flower seedlings (mental note: l can't do this anymore, my back is way too shot), anyway, I thought about something else and I believe it's related, so here is the next part of the story;
At one point in my life, I had moved in to the bottom flat of my grandmother's house at Pretty Beach. I used to listen to triple j all the time back then, I was also reading a book by Carl Yung, it belonged to my aunt, she stored her books in the flat. So, Carl Yung was a psychologist from the 50s maybe? He's kind of a famous one. He would've covered many different topics in this book, I read it from cover to cover, but you know the only thing really that I got from it, or remember about it, was his theory of the collective consciousness, which I talk about on my blog sometimes. It interested me.
However, I suspect there was another topic that I read, but didn't really pay much attention to, and this was the collective psychosis, of a mass of people. So, a group of people doing things that are stupid, and non-thinking. {I personally believe spurred on by rebellion from stupid bimbo parents power tripping over their kids. “we don’t have to be good, we don’t have to be perfect”.}
I think he talked about it, as it did not interest me, as I wouldn’t have thought it was relevant (this is something that certainly I would not be affected from (I have way too much personal awareness), but I believe there was someone on triple j at that time who was being a pervert, and basically this theory resonated with her -  she has set herself about to try and bring on public psychosis through manipulations (I call this ‘dogs playing sides’ - so I've had problems with her trying to manipulate a lot of people on mass, in public, for her amusement. And it's like the only thing she could think to do with mass amount of people, was to torment somebody else, with somebody else being me - so this may explain why I have so many stupid bimbo Dr receptionists on my back, and it also could explain why I was poisoned at Mitre 10 - because I could hear radio dogs in the background. There were also radio dogs at the fruit shop when they were stealing potatoes from me with the wrong label. MANY other instances.
So, all of these things are not a coincidence, they're all being organised by some stupid bitch who's trying to stroke her own ego with being able to manipulate mass amount of people into doing these revolting bitchy things. I bet she has blonde hair.

By the way ‘psychosis’ is fancy talk for being stupid.
Now I'm not entirely sure about this next bit, and I know there is a lot of truth behind the events of COVID-19, because viruses are a problem today way more than they have been at any other point in history, so any attempts to do something about viruses is GOOD. But I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with these radio dogs trying to manipulate the public on mass. They are competing amongst themselves in the industry.


12. More about Acceptable Areas where it’s OK to be Nazi Personality
As I seem to be constantly complaining about the “nazis” in my life; ones that go on anal power tripping lord-over missions, and seemingly making up rules for the sake of it, and not because they are valid, needed or better rules (it’s called ‘power tripping’, and women are notorious for doing this; look at the health sector rules).
I wrote on, I think it was my About page, or Life Stories (?), that there's one area where I think it's okay to be completely nazi and that is in the area of Food Labelling. And I suspect the only way to combat incorrect  or misleading labels is to start making money with hefty fines. Along the same lines of how police make money from speeding tickets. Money making revenue – a whole new industry could be established to watch/regulate and cash in on people’s labelling fraud. Who says I don’t know how to “job create!”
I would like to add further to food labels, and that, any labelling, like textile labelling, content labelling, ingredient labelling. I'd even take it further, and state anyone suffering from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) this is a perfect area for you! Or become a chef! Just be involved with food, because it's an area where hygiene is extremely important. And possibly somewhat lacking; Of course I'm a firm believer of cleanliness in the kitchen; making sure the workspace is clean before you begin. Washing hands before handling food (including nails). Washing fruits, vegetables and anything that's been manhandled thoroughly. Cleaning up as you go along, and making sure you don't scratch yourself, your arms or your face around the food area. And of course, no sneezing or coughing around the food (quick mad dash exit of the room should you need to sneeze!). And if you've read my blog, you'll see that people do signs, they've done this for quite some years, (even though I find it really annoying) they still do it, (even if I scream about how I hate it), still do it. One of the signs that they do, is if I go to some food area, that has been prepared or run by someone who is not clean, then they tell me, as you often cannot see unhygienic practices in a shop front. And it's really disgusting. So, if you think no-one is watching, think again. Always make sure you wash your hands.
There are other areas in life where it is perfectly acceptable to be nazi; the rubbish and recycling industry! There is a major lacking in this area with lackadaisical staff stemming all the way down from Council who just don’t really give a shit about rubbish (or the planet). Following the statistics of rubbish over the future years; this area is going to be so big, all the little council people that wanted to turn a blind eye will be forced to have to deal with it. Another perfect opportunity for the OCD’S! you will need to sort out many types of materials, and see the difference between plastics. I can’t even imagine that they would even bother doing what is fully required at the moment, in any of the sorting centres, because there are at least six different types of plastics, and you can’t possibly tell, unless you look at the fine print on the bottom of the bottle, or on the packaging, which might’ve even fallen off or be faded. And that is, even if plastic grading had been done in the first place when manufactured. A total lacking in this area. And do they expect rubbish sorters ono those conveyers to have a magnifying glass for the fine print?

Animal practices.
So, while I have a vague interest in psychology, and due to encountering a whole heap of dysfunctionals, have learnt a lot about different peoples personality types. I am not 100% sure of the root cause of OCD. I mean I'm guessing it's probably people who had narcissistic parents. (You would have to have some pretty bad karma to be born into a family with narcissistic parents, because they are truly the worst, horrible kind of people, in fact probably the cause of all psychological problems, narcissistic parents.) But it seems to me that there needs to be a redirection for all of those OCD’s, because I know there's a lot of them, I encounter many of them, all the time.
Instead of redirecting your unhealthy nazi behaviour towards other people (like me), redirect into the fine print - like labels, redirect it into your work. As far as I can see, this would be a really simple solution to a huge problem. When in doubt, work.
You know I've heard of people following the theory, that partaking in arts and crafts, as a good cathartic outlet. Many house wives do this. But, as I have had many different experiences in life, I get the strong sense that some of those women painting that I have encounted, did it with such restraint and tightness, that it was obvious that they were the nazi type of women, and those women probably ought not to be painting, instead those women ought to be working in food labelling departments! Total areas that need strict rules and regulations. Painting is probably an area that you especially don’t want to be nazi personality.

13. Rude Nosy Neighbours in The Name of Fake Neighbourhood Watch Out
Every time I collect seed from a house at Armstrong Beach, (with the owner’s permission of course, who were never home as they work during the day),  I have absurd neighbours across the road staring at me and making strange noises, trying to catch my attention making themselves heard. Last time, they were out front in their driveway, the whole time I was there, which was about half an hour as I was picking all the pods -  just staring at me and pissing about, like they were just totally being rude disrespectful nosy neighbours. I mean if you were concerned about a stranger in at your neighbours place, like why wouldn’t you just go up and ask them what they were doing, rather than just sit there and stare and be rude. Maybe their crap parents never taught them ITS RUDE TO STARE.
Some people have no common sense or no manners at all.
So, I took that photo and put it here online. If you’re one of these ridiculous nosy neighbours you should bugger, off mind your own business, and get a life.


14. 2022 Monthly Brilliance Award
This is an award, that I give to people are just plain outstanding at making their bit of the world a better place - and ought to be recognised for it. No discrimination between the ‘alive now’, or the dead! And a (so far) ‘spiritually’ given award! I am trying to ‘will’  a lotto win to make it a $50 monthly award 

December 2022
Adrian from Hervey Bay for being a focused honest tradie, and personable, in a nondiscriminative way; unusual for typical Australians.

November 2022
Ellen Mary Stack who saved all the injured cyclone victims in Darwin back in the day, plus became Mayor so as to introduce mandatory ‘strong and sturdy’ building codes!

October 2022
Veena Sahajwalla - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT in Australian recycling; above and beyond. Albeit she is fully recognized and awarded already.

September 2022
2 Bridge engineers: Li Chun, who built a stone Bridge 1400 years ago, still standing today good as new. Caius Julius Lacer, designed the Trajan's Bridge at Alcantara, Spain; 2500yrs old, good as new! There are 3 unknown engineers; aquaduct bridge in Provence, France, 2500yrs old, good as new! And 2 in Italy 2000+yrs old, good as new. Plus 1 in Turkey that is 3000yrs old in same original working condition!

August 2022
Charles Wilber, for his 28 foot sky high (8.5m) tomato plants!

July 2022
Macquarie Island management for reducing the devastating pesty rabbit population, to, 0! Well done to them, if only the rest of the country could be as motivated as the Macquarie Island team.

June 2022
Kerrie Ellison for her bravery in ‘setting the bar’ when it comes to sexual harassment and hostile environments in the workplace, in the 80’s, to push lawsuits to stop it.

May 2022
Was going to award Henry Flagler for ‘inventing’ Miami (with his transport system), BUT he also ‘invented’ the well copied law where a husband can have his wife declared “insane” and committed to an asylum, thus ending in divorce. So, he gets the ‘anti-brilliance’ award; this law has negatively affected many women, and STILL does. Instead, this month’s award goes to Queensland Health for at least attempting to make changes to the mental health act in 2016 for the better. (Although the whole thing is a scam, with money making being the number 1 goal, led by pharmaceutical companies).

April 2022
The person who came up with the reusable half twist airtight screw bottle lids – you are sheer genius!

March 2022
Anthony Robles state champion wrestle (with more challenges than most, only 1 leg)

February 2022
Garry, Sam and Kelly Bencheghib for their clean up strategy in Touristy Indonesia

January 2022
People responsible for 2015 tall building of the year; Milan's Vertical Forest Building, especially people responsible for plant health. Truly amazing, fantastic & brilliant.


15. Naming and shaming thieves was one of the main reasons I created my FB group, (Amongst other reasons like being able to whinge /moan, and express personal grievances about community issues, or personal injustices. Big fish little fish stuff.
When I named and shamed this particular thief below, on a different community group, I was ban from the group by coward admin. Most unfairly, especially since I was not the criminal/ the thief - they were. Don't shoot the Messenger. So as much as you would prefer I be silent on this issue I AM NOT. Find some other small frame person to steal from or suffer my talking consequences!

Car industry thieves in SARINA: Master Mechanical
When I went there, the owner muttered under his breath to me, that he was going to steal from me, and then he did, $72.50 plus he wanted me to bring my car back for $700+ “looking” for problem. But I had told him what the problem was – the dashcam. I just wanted him to fix it – but did he – NO. He and his receptionists (woman with child under knee), infact the whole crew down there are thieves. How is this business still in business? Car thieves. {I am new in town, perhaps he thought he could get away with it with a new person?} The CBA did try to recoup my money with a dispute, but they failed. Although later, several months later, I suddenly get a bank message saying that they were able to recoup the money and it has been refunded. So that was a little weird.
Now, I left a review for this business on Google Maps, because as far as I'm concerned it's unacceptable behaviour, and this business, as they are thieves, they should be closed down. They should no longer be in operation. Now, the thing is, as far as I know, I'm the only one that can actually see my Google reviews when I'm logged in. Because if I'm not logged in, I can't see them, so I'm pretty sure no one else can see my reviews (?). But one day on Facebook, I had problems from some girl who was stalking me on Facebook, and out of the blue, on a different subject, she started talking about my review for this Car shop, which was very weird. She seemed to have the major shits that I left a bad review, even though they are thieves. This girl must've been a bimbo because she thinks stealing is ok, and you're not allowed to talk about it! {Not addressing problems:bimbo behaviour}.
So this got me thinking, as I'd been having problems with someone putting sugar in my fuel tank when I park at the IGA carpark, so I'm thinking it was this girl who seemed to be so irate about my honest review. Maybe she worked for master mechanical? maybe she was his wife? or the blonde receptionist? or his daughter? She obviously decided to seek spite-revenge by putting sugar in my fuel tank. Happened  every time I went to IGA car park, about five times in a row. {The side affect of sugar in your fuel tank is ‘put put’ as soon as I start my engine, then for the next several km’s, plus along with terrible smoke coming out of exhaust.}
So then I mentioned the sugar on Facebook too, and it suddenly stopped. It was the owner plus in public forum that I had mentioned it to, so I suspect it WAS someone who worked for him? Yet another reason that business ought to be closed down.
So I certainly standby my review and my words. I am not going to be intimidated by some silly sugar yielding bimbo. I believe that business should be closed down I know I might be asking a lot to close down businesses who steal from people, there might not be any businesses left (in Gunnedah and half of Sarina this would be definitely be true). I believe there is some serious retardation going on in Sarina; when I went into the pet shop and said hello to the woman behind the counter, she just stared at me and then got back to doing what she was doing. Such eeeexcellent retail manners from Shopgirls.
Actually I think I remember a place in Tamworth doing that same thing, only she didn’t go back to her work. She just stared at me the whole time I was in the shop without saying anything. Guess what, she had blonde hair too! Starting to see a pattern in my life. Just an observation.
You know what, now I remember, when I went to the Pet Shop that day, I was wearing my black shirt that was later that day stolen - you know a woman who obviously is so rude and disrespectful to a new customer, is certainly not beyond stealing my good top in my opinion.
I included a screenshot of the bank letter with the dispute information.
POLITICIANS, if you need examples of personality types to see which ones should be breeding, and which ones should not be; I have heaps of bimbo names I can give you. Start off with the woman at this mechanics, Rebecca, she said her name was.
And, you may wonder why I bring up the Pet Shop and my stolen black silk shirt incident, into this story. I believe it's related; it goes back to Hong Kong; when I was 20, I saved up for 2 years at my first job on minimum wage, and went to Hong Kong with my friend whose parents lived there, I stayed there for 2 weeks. In Hong Kong, you're not allowed to keep a car that's older than three years, so everywhere you go, on all the streets, there are brand-new cars - it's like a total ‘revhead-heaven’ world in Hong Kong. I don't know if it's still the same today, I'm talking about 30 years ago now. But I mean the people who really are into cars, are young men mainly. So it is like a young man's world in Hong Kong. And the other thing that's big in Hong Kong was aquariums/ fishtanks, and again this is another industry that caters to a lot of young men. I was reminded of this when I was trying to sell my fish recently on FB marketplace, and I was unable to, it was like there was a monopoly on Facebook marketplace for aquarium shops only to sell their fish and hobbists, are not allowed to sell online, with the fake pretence that it goes against their policy - biggest load of bull I've ever heard; it's just another way that young boys have monopolised this industry, the same as they have in HongKong and their cars.
So there were a lot of young boys in that Pet Shop when I was there that day, I'm thinking, not a coincidence. And what the? Bugger off you young non big picture thinking imbecils (and give me my shirt back. Plus probably all the usb cables that have been stolen from me).

16. 2024 Monthly Brilliance Award
This is an award, that I give to people are just plain outstanding at making their bit of the world a better place - and ought to be recognised for it. No discrimination between the ‘alive now’, or the dead! And a (so far) ‘spiritually’ given award! I am trying to ‘will’  a lotto win to make it a $50 monthly award 

December 2024
Colin Gladstone from Mayday Hills, Beechworth, Victoria. A gardener who planted out a significant amount of trees, one growing to be a sport of the beautiful Red River Gum, (Eucalyptus camaldulensis),  featuring a weeping habit. Named "Blue Veil".

November 2024
Garmin for reinventing the watch strap, with the end on the inside.

October 2024
Omar Vazquez for his innovative idea of turning waste seaweed into bricks for homes, PLUS for his generosity of nature by donating and building houses for low income people in his community, PLUS employing 6 fulltime staff to make his bricks too.

September 2024
The fearless captain Paul Watson and teams, for saving the whales

August 2024
Pinterest; realised of all the Internet platforms, Pinterest is the only one that hasn't ban me or deleted any of my uploads! And Pinterest has had ALL my uploads, they've had every swearword, and every accusation, and still, I have not been ban - I can only assume it is because the people who run Pinterest, are superior in every way, than all other Internet companies (and of course they are not Nazis).

July 2024
Lina Khan who took the cunts at Google to court over their monopoly and won

June 2024
Curtis Shuck, due to his personal self financed mission, of capping leaking gas wells in Texas

May 2024
Steve Brady my landlord for saving me housewise

April 2024
James Gatlin for his enthusiasm in sharing his knowledge about the speed square!

March 2024
Bruce from drain cleaning Australia who opportunistically drains clogged public gutters for free

February 2024
Tom Corrigan, inventor of new honeycomb paper packaging, to replace plastic packaging.

January 2024
The Iceland government for making thermal energy capture commercial in the 1970's. (Indonesia, who sits on the 'ring of fire', are still dependent on Coal! 😔)


Life Stories P20

About P1,      About P2,         Life Stories P!
LSP2,    LSP3,    LSP4,    LSP5,    LSP6,    LSP7,    LSP8,    LSP9,    LSP10,     LSP11,    LSP12,    LSP13,    LSP14,    LSP15,   LSP16,    LSP17,   LSP18,    LSP19,    LSP20(this),     LSP21,      LSP22,

7. Natural Swim Pond Goal

I have to include an image of this on my blog, because it has been a long term dream of mine to have a swim pond. I do realise I definitely cannot have one of these unless I am a homeowner. It would be a solid structure that cannot be moved. So, unfortunately, I don’t believe it will ever come to fruition, no matter how much conjuring I can manage. If the bank says no, it’s no - they have managed to be the masters of ‘Simon Says’. (For all those nazi people who want to play ‘Simon Says’, why don’t you get a job at the bank).

I do find it a little strange in Australia of how many people have the traditional chlorine or salt pools, and have not put in a natural swim pond. I guess they think it would be too high maintenance, but I mean, that’s the fun of it, as well as being able to swim, fun work, so to speak. And, someone told me it is the opposite, low maintenance if you have a wetland or bog filter.

Apparently, you need 2/3 of the pool as planted area, and 1/3 as an open swimming area, so a lot of plants would be needed. There are some really beautiful aquatic plants.  Having a really deep substrate, would help immensely with filtration.

 I know I’ve lived at many addresses in Australia, where one of these would be perfectly suitable and doable, but it would have to be hidden from the road, so jealous neighbours can’t go on the attack or sneak in for a fling dip.

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because they are not innocent.

I would like to formally complain about all the product placement cigarettes that go on in televisions and movies, disgraceful and unethical.

I am all in favour of strict labelling practices - food hygiene, the one area where you can be 'type A' /over controlling, authoritarian, Nazi, as much as you want. This includes Textile labels, and many other areas.


And apparently, Slim Dusty is to blame for all the alcohol abuse that went on in Australia, amongst men, in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I love to have a beer with Duncan……

Any links not working, contact me - I am by no means a web/code person.

This country is not what it seems, I truly recommend not having kids


You Tube Logo s.jpg

I DID love YouTube!

UNTIL THEY DELETED MY ACCOUNT - MORE FUCKING IDIOTS. so this footer was a pro internet blurb, until they fucked up. I found out google has taken over youtube, and thats why; some stupid bitch at google has marked my email address, as evil, and has deleted anything I am logged in with that email -

TRASH google bitch. That email is my email address, you don't like it; TOUGH TITTIES

I love Google Maps too - we want to see everything! and I love how people just upload photos of places they visits - it's fantastic. Makes for such good planning options.


its any wonder they have not deleted their own app from my device? But I note, they have deleted all my google map reviews, so that I am the only one that can see them, when logged in.

See, gov, you have to do something about them.

For any broken links - please let me

Emily Constance Bieman                 

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